Ibnu H Ansori | STAIN KEDIRI (original) (raw)
Papers by Ibnu H Ansori
and has been online since 2016 with the main themes on Humanities and Islamic Studies with the em... more and has been online since 2016 with the main themes on Humanities and Islamic Studies with the emphasis on interdisciplinary and intertextuality approach. This journal are published twice a year, on June and December. The themes related to Islamic Studies are textual studies, scriptural traditions, Islamic law, and theology; and those related to Humanities are language, literature, history, and culture. The journal of Humanities and Islamic Studies will provide the online collection of articles from 1997 up to now. The most updated information can be found on the website.
IAIN Kediri Press, 2019
Buku ini berjudul “HADIS MA’LUL DAN KEHUJJAHANNYA”. Melalui buku ini penulis bermaksud membangun ... more Buku ini berjudul “HADIS MA’LUL DAN KEHUJJAHANNYA”. Melalui buku ini penulis bermaksud membangun kembali sudut pandang positif terhadap Hadis-Hadis Ma’lul. Sudut pandang yang dimaksud adalah terkait bagaimana cara melihat dan menyikapi Hadis ber’illah -yang umumnya dipahami sebagai Hadis daif- secara proporsional. Memandang Hadis Ma’lul sebagai Hadis yang sebenarnya terbuka peluang untuk didiskusikan. Kema’lulan Hadis tidak selalu mengisyaratkan tertolaknya Hadis tersebut. Jika ‘illah yang ditemukan termasuk ghair qa>dih}ah (tidak menciderai) berarti bisa diterima dan jika ‘illah tersebut qa>dih}ah untuk menentukan diterima atau ditolaknya, perlu dilakukan pemilahan. Ada cidera yang ditemukan pada sanad saja tanpa menciderai matan, ada yang ditemukan pada matan tidak menciderai sanad, ada yang menciderai keduanya. Dari cara pandang tersebut, kita akan lebih berhati-hati dalam menentukan keputusan untuk menerima atau menolak Hadis Ma’lul. Karena pada prinsipnya, informasi yang bersumber dari Rasulullah adalah wahyu ghayru matluw, bersifat otoritatif dan bisa dijadikan hujjah. Adapun kajian-kajian yang dilakukan, pada dasarnya untuk menjawab pertanyaan apakah informasi tersebut benar bersumber dari Rasulullah? siapa yang menyampaikan informasi tersebut? apakah lafal dan atau makna informasi tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang disampaikan oleh beliau dan bagaimana cara memahami isyarat pesan yang ada di dalamnya? Secara praktis, kajian difokuskan pada kitab yang masyhur di kalangan akademisi dan santri, yakni Bulu>gh al-Mara>m min Adillat al-Ah}ka>m karya Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani. Selain karena kemasyhurannya, juga karena kitab tersebut telah menjadi rujukan bagi sebagian besar masyarakat muslim sebagai dasar hukum, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan ibadah dan muamalah. Penulis mengutip dua belas Hadis yang dinyatakan ber’illah oleh al-Asqalani sebagai pengarangnya, dilanjutkan kajian kritis terhadap Hadis-Hadis tersebut terkait sebab kema’lulan dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehujjahan.
QOF, 2017
The Qur’an is a holy book that is always interesting to be examined from all sides: from the beau... more The Qur’an is a holy book that is always interesting to be examined from all sides: from the beauty of the language used to the contained meaning; from the form of writing to the variety of readings; including some matters related to the subject matter of the Qur’an. All these aspects if examined in depth, will lead us to the conclusion that the Qur’an is a miracle, as well as prove that the risks of Muhammad Saw is true. One of the main content of the Qur’an is the stories. Judging from the time of occurrence, the stories can be divided into three categories. First, the stories of previous prophets that were so difficult for historians to uncover, as the ‘Ā d and Thamū d and the city of Iram they were proud of; the story of Pharaoh and his destruction and the power of Allā h to immortalize his body; story of Aṣḥāb al-Kahf and so forth. Second, the notice of the Messenger of Allah concerning the state of his people, including the conspiracy of the unbelievers and the munafiq who wer...
Jurnal Adabiyah, 2021
This article examined how the Qur’an talks about the Arabic used in it, its essence, existence, a... more This article examined how the Qur’an talks about the Arabic used in it, its essence, existence, and urgency, departing from the dialectic of the foreign languages existence in the Qur’an. This study was literature research using an interpretive approach with the method maud}u>'i which research objects were verses about the Arabic Quran, and were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the essence of the Arabic language used in the Quran is Arabic which was fluent and clear, which was understood and popular among Arabs when the Qur'an was revealed. The diction used is the word 'arabiy, which is an adjective (s{ifat) connected to words qur'a>n, lisa>n, and hukman repeated eleven times. The existences of Arabic in the Qur’an are Arabic fus}h}ah, Arabic al-Qur'an as Miracle, and Arabic as the language of sharia/law. While the urgencies of Arabic use in the Qur’an is seen from the word 'arabiy followed by the word la'alla (لعل) and li (ل) rep...
Jurnal Adabiyah, 2021
This article examined how the Qur’an talks about the Arabic used in it, its essence, existence, ... more This article examined how the Qur’an talks about the Arabic used in it, its essence, existence, and urgency, departing from the dialectic of the foreign languages existence in the Qur’an. This study was library research using an interpretive approach with the method maud}u>'i which research objects were verses about the Arabic Quran, and were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the essence of the Arabic language used in the Quran is Arabic which was fluent and clear, which was understood and popular among Arabs when the Qur'an was revealed. The diction used is the word 'arabiy, which is an adjective (s{ifat) connected to words qur'a>n, lisa>n, and hukman repeated eleven times. The existences of Arabic in the Qur’an are Arabic fus}h}ah, Arabic al-Qur'an as Miracle, and Arabic as the language of sharia/law. While the urgency of Arabic use in the Qur’an is seen from the word 'arabiy followed by the word la'alla (لعل) and li (ل) repeated seven times. The repeating means that the urgency of Arabic is the key to understand the Qur’an, encouraging thinking, and encouraging spirituality. The results of this study were expected to be a common thread for the two groups arguing about the existence of foreign languages in the Qur’an.
Jurnal Dakwah, 2019
Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the impleme... more Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the implementation of loving motherland concept, as well as manifestation of exemplary to Prophet who not only as a religious leader, but also a statesman who leads the fight for peace, justice and prosperity. That role can be seen for example from the notice issued by the kiai in Presidential election 2019. The masyayikh (kiai) appeals the students and the extended family of the pesantren to not abstain and directs them to choose certain president candidate in the 2019 election. For santri, emulate and follow (ittiba> ') or that notice is an inevitability even though it seems contrary with the concept of democracy which adheres to the freedom of speech principle. Through this article, santri tradition in democracy will be analyzed descriptively analytically with the al-Qur'an and hadith approach. The study found that that the observance of santri to Kiai is the actualization of the meaning of QS. al-Kahfi: 66 about the story of the Prophet Khidir and Musa, which illustrates the students obedience to the teacher. Beside, the santri democratic tradition concept can be called taadub democracy which is based on the santri manners or attitudes toward his teacher. Regarding to how the decision made, the kiai opens the opportunity and let the santri to decide, even though it will be responded by the santri with the principle of sami'na> wa at} a'na. If forced to be different, then they must pay attention to the relationship ethics between students and kiai, so it will not become obstacles to the benefit and blessing of knowledge.
Aswaja NU mengembangkan sebuah tradisi penting dalam beragama yang disebut mazhabiyah tradition (... more Aswaja NU mengembangkan sebuah tradisi penting dalam beragama yang disebut mazhabiyah tradition (tradisi kemaz}haban) . Hal itu bisa dibenarkan karena dalam memahami teks Alquran sebagai referensi keberagamaan, baik dalam hal istidla>l (induktif) maupun istinba>t} (deduktif) , bukan hal yang sederhana dan dapat dipahami oleh setiap orang. Adalah hak dan kewajiban bagi kita untuk memahami dengan baik terkait itu untuk kemudian mewariskannya kepada generasi berikutnya sebagai upaya penyelamatan dan peneguhan diri juga keluarga agar tetap mengikuti manhaj ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama>’ah . Tulisan ini berupa untuk melacak bagaimana pendidikan Pesantren, yang tercorakkan dalam kurikulumnya –yang kemudian ditampilkan dalam buku-buku yang dikajinya, mampu menjadi penjaga tradisi tersebut.
Indonesian Islamic community is facing two unprofit concept. First, fundamentalism that has radic... more Indonesian Islamic community is facing two unprofit concept. First, fundamentalism that has radical action. Second, liberalism that grows desakralization of religion. Those conditions have a big role to influence how the sosiety act in religion, social, and politic. As a rahmah li al-‘a>lami>n, Islam had offered a concept that full of solution from Rasulullah s alla Alla h ‘alaih wa sallama utterance. That concept gives someone’s Islamic indicator formula, not only be seen from identity, but also from their speak (lisa>n) and hands (yad). This article will explain the mean from utterance by integration-interconnection paradigm with communication psychology approachment and maudlu’i hadis. From this reseach, there’s an information that oral meaning is related in how to communicate, both of spoken or written. While yad meaning is a mufti’s knowledge, leader’s authorization, wealth of rich people, and prayers of the poor. That concept is related how someone’s speak and act wel...
This article is a study of the Ancak tradition in the Wedoroklurak village community of Candi Dis... more This article is a study of the Ancak tradition in the Wedoroklurak village community of Candi District in Sidoarjo. The study conducted with the theory of Living Hadith. The results of the study concluded that the Ancak Tradition is an activity that arises out of gratitude to God for agricultural products harvested by the community. The thanks were then expressed in the form of alms-giving and sending prayers to the village’s founding figures. The activity was carried out at the grave of Mbah Nursinah Kik Graji Kendil Wesi as the leader of the six figures who opened the village at that time. The series of events began with Khatmil Qur’an, followed by spiritual sparks, prayers, and shared meals. Seeing from the perspective of the Hadith, motivational aspects supported by the Hadith associated with alms from the results of efforts, as narrated by al-Darimi, al- Nasa’i, Muslims, al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and al-Bukhari. From the form of its activities, the Ancak tradition can return to th...
Spiritualita, 2020
This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned... more This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned in several traditions of the Hadith. Through the content analysis method, the writer tries to analyze the meaning of the prayer analytically. From this analysis, information is obtained that there needs to be a shift in the understanding of the Istikharah concept which is generally understood as a form of 'questioning' to God about which is the best from the choices available. The intended shift - without judging the wrong of existing understanding - is towards understanding that Istikharah is the activation process of resignation. Inside is istikhār, istiqdār and istifḍāl. Istikhār is a request to be chosen the best based on Allah's Knowledge, departing from the realization that He is Omniscient while we do not know. Istiqdār is a request to be destined the best based on the power of God because He is the Almighty while we are not powerful. Istifḍāl is a request for great g...
Jurnal Ushuluddin, 2020
As a branch of the Hadith’s discipline, the study of ‘Ilal al-Hadîth must have a historical root ... more As a branch of the Hadith’s discipline, the study of ‘Ilal al-Hadîth must have a historical root gene that cannot separate from the figure’s intellection and ideas. The author will examine the emergence and development of that knowledge through this article, together with the paradigm shift in numbers seen from the practice of ta’lîl. In terms of tracking and analysis, the authors use genealogical theory. The results showed that the science of ‘Ilal al-Hadîth was the formulation of rules extracted from the practice of ta’lîl that existed during the companions of the Prophet. This practice documented in the second and third centuries of Hijriyah, then formulated as a scientific discipline in the fourth century to the new century. From the development of this knowledge, it can be illustrated by a pattern of shifting perspectives towards ‘illah, from defects that are general and evident, to special notes, which are not clear and found in the Hadith that seem authentic
UNIVERSUM, Jan 31, 2019
Hadis merupakan wahyu ghayr matluw yang kebenarannya tidak diragukan. Namun, dalam memahaminya di... more Hadis merupakan wahyu ghayr matluw yang kebenarannya tidak diragukan. Namun, dalam memahaminya diperlukan proses pendekatan yang sesuai dengan isyarat pesan terkandung. Pada jamak teks hadis-untuk tidak disebut semua-diperlukan pendekatan interkonektif agar diperoleh pemahaman yang menyeluruh dan integratif. Tidak jarang, ketika sebuah hadis dipahami secara tekstual saja akan menghasilkan pemahaman yang reduktif terhadap hadis tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pula pendekatan yang berbeda pada Hadis yang kandungan maknanya kontekstual. Untuk membedakan kategori tekstual dan atau kontekstualnya kandungan makna hadis, setidak-tidaknya dapat dilihat dari beberapa hal. Pertama, dari isyarat makna
QOF, 2017
This article is the result of a review of the correlation between Kidung Rumekso Ing Wengi with S... more This article is the result of a review of the correlation between Kidung Rumekso Ing Wengi with Surah Mu'awwidhatain based on its content of meaning and function. It can be concluded that Kidung Rumekso Ing Wengi has a close correlation with the Surah Mu'awwidhatain, which is a manifestation of the meaning of the word Qul which includes the value of Tawheed and the teaching of doing Tirakat in order to maximize the potential for self-protection from night, human, jin and satan and other creatures of God. The Song of Rumekso Ing Wengi is an early part of the song Fiber containing 41 stupas of Dhandhanggula's electric, which illustrates the sweetness of the spiritual teaching. The forty-one verses are divided into four parts of the hymn. The first part is the first statue until the 10th is the Song of Rumekso Ing wengi or Kidung Sarira Ayu. The 11th to 24th Chapters are the Art of Songs. The next verse, which is the 25th to 35th is Kidung Jati Mulya, and the last part of t...
This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned... more This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned in several traditions of the Hadith. Through the content analysis method, the writer tries to analyze the meaning of the prayer analytically. From this analysis, information is obtained that there needs to be a shift in the understanding of the Istikharah concept which is generally understood as a form of 'questioning' to God about which is the best from the choices available. The intended shift - without judging the wrong of existing understanding - is towards understanding that Istikharah is the activation process of resignation. Inside is istikhār, istiqdār and istifḍāl. Istikhār is a request to be chosen the best based on Allah's Knowledge, departing from the realization that He is Omniscient while we do not know. Istiqdār is a request to be destined the best based on the power of God because He is the Almighty while we are not powerful. Istifḍāl is a request for great g...
Artikel ini merupakan kajian tematik ayat-ayat shalat yang digali melalui paradigma integrasi-int... more Artikel ini merupakan kajian tematik ayat-ayat shalat yang digali melalui paradigma integrasi-interkoneksi dengan pendekatan ilmu psikologi perspektif Muhammad Bahnasi. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh sebuah kesimpulan bahwa Shalat merupakan sebuah portofolio kehidupan. Dalam kehidupan tersebut ada proses penghambaan kepada Tuhan Sang Pencipta (al-An’am ayat 102) sebagai jalan menuju kesempurnaan. Didalamnya ada kedisiplinan (an-Nisa 103), pemusatan pikiran, kecerdasan akal, kestabilan emosi, kesehatan fisik (al-Maidah ayat 6) dan jiwa (al-Baqarah ayat 45). Shalat juga memuat pesan kesalehan sosial untuk membangun integritas kehidupan sosial dalam bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Di dalamnya ada pesan kesatuan, kerukunan masyarakat (an-Nisa ayat 102), tanggung jawab kolektif (al-asyr ayat 3), kekuatan masyarakat, serta perubahan sosial (al-‘Ankabut ayat 45) menuju kondisi yang lebih baik. Pesan-pesan yang dimuat dalam shalat tersebut selanjutnya dapat diformulasikan menjadi se...
As part of the ecological system, humans have a dominant role in determining the good and bad of ... more As part of the ecological system, humans have a dominant role in determining the good and bad of the environment. The stability and comfort of the environment depend on the positive behavior around the elements of the ecosystem in it, including humans. The emergence of various environmental problems is also inseparable from human indiscipline in protecting and preserving them. An environment that is maintained properly, will respond positively by providing great benefits to humans. Otherwise, an environment that is treated badly will repay with damage and disaster. The leadership of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Da'wah at IAIN Kediri was fully aware of this, especially the Hadith Science Study Program. This awareness forms a religious construction based on an understanding of religious texts, particularly Hadith. Through qualitative research, this reality will be described descriptively and analytically. The results illustrate that the epitome construction of environmental conse...
Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the impleme... more Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the implementation of loving motherland concept, as well as manifestation of exemplary to Prophet who not only as a religious leader, but also a statesman who leads the fight for peace, justice and prosperity. That role can be seen for example from the notice issued by the kiai in Presidential election 2019. The masyayikh (kiai) appeals the students and the extended family of the pesantren to not abstain and directs them to choose certain president candidate in the 2019 election. For santri, emulate and follow (ittiba>’) or that notice is a inevitability even though it seems contrary with the concept of democracy which adheres to the freedom of speech principle. Through this article, santri tradition in democracy will be analyzed descriptively analytically with the al-Qur'an and hadith approach. From the results of the study, it is found that that the observance of santri to Kiai is the actualization of the meaning of QS. al-Kahfi: 66 about the story of the Prophet Khidir and Musa, which illustrates the students obedience to the teacher. Beside, the santri democratic tradition concept can be called taadub democracy which is based on the santri manners or attitudes toward his teacher. Regarding to how the decision made, the kiai opens the opportunity and let the santri to decide, even though it will be responded by the santri with the principle of sami’na> wa at}a’na. If forced to be different, then they must pay attention to the relationship ethics between students and kiai, so it will not become obstacles to the benefit and blessing of knowledge.
Jurnal Ushuluddin, 2020
As a branch of the Hadith's discipline, the study of 'Ilal al-Hadîth must have a historical root ... more As a branch of the Hadith's discipline, the study of 'Ilal al-Hadîth must have a historical root gene that cannot separate from the figure's intellection and ideas. The author will examine the emergence and development of that knowledge through this article, together with the paradigm shift in numbers seen from the practice of ta'lîl. In terms of tracking and analysis, the authors use genealogical theory. The results showed that the science of 'Ilal al-Hadîth was the formulation of rules extracted from the practice of ta'lîl that existed during the companions of the Prophet. This practice documented in the second and third centuries of Hijriyah, then formulated as a scientific discipline in the fourth century to the new century. From the development of this knowledge, it can be illustrated by a pattern of shifting perspectives towards 'illah, from defects that are general and evident, to special notes, which are not clear and found in the Hadith that seem authentic. Abstrak Sebagai cabang dari disiplin ilmu Hadis, ilmu 'Ilal al-Hadîth tentu memiliki akar sejarah yang tidak terlepas dari pemikiran para tokohnya. Melalui artikel ini, penulis akan mengkaji kemunculan dan perkembangan ilmu tersebut berikut pergeseran paradigma para tokoh dilihat dari praktik ta'lîl yang dilakukan. Dalam hal pelacakan dan analisis, penulis menggunakan teori genealogi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ilmu 'Ilal Ilal al-Hadîth merupakan formulasi dari kaidah-kaidah yang digali dari praktik ta'lîl yang sudah ada pada masa Rasulullah. Praktik tersebut kemudian didokumentasikan pada abad kedua and ketiga Hijriah, selanjutnya dirumuskan sebagai disiplin ilmu pada abad keempat sampai abad modern. Dari perkembangan ilmu tersebut, dapat digambarkan pola pergeseran cara pandang terhadap 'illah, dari kecacatan yang bersifat umum dan nyata, menjadi kecatatan yang bersifat khusus, samar dan ditemukan pada hadis-hadis yang tampak ṣahih.
and has been online since 2016 with the main themes on Humanities and Islamic Studies with the em... more and has been online since 2016 with the main themes on Humanities and Islamic Studies with the emphasis on interdisciplinary and intertextuality approach. This journal are published twice a year, on June and December. The themes related to Islamic Studies are textual studies, scriptural traditions, Islamic law, and theology; and those related to Humanities are language, literature, history, and culture. The journal of Humanities and Islamic Studies will provide the online collection of articles from 1997 up to now. The most updated information can be found on the website.
IAIN Kediri Press, 2019
Buku ini berjudul “HADIS MA’LUL DAN KEHUJJAHANNYA”. Melalui buku ini penulis bermaksud membangun ... more Buku ini berjudul “HADIS MA’LUL DAN KEHUJJAHANNYA”. Melalui buku ini penulis bermaksud membangun kembali sudut pandang positif terhadap Hadis-Hadis Ma’lul. Sudut pandang yang dimaksud adalah terkait bagaimana cara melihat dan menyikapi Hadis ber’illah -yang umumnya dipahami sebagai Hadis daif- secara proporsional. Memandang Hadis Ma’lul sebagai Hadis yang sebenarnya terbuka peluang untuk didiskusikan. Kema’lulan Hadis tidak selalu mengisyaratkan tertolaknya Hadis tersebut. Jika ‘illah yang ditemukan termasuk ghair qa>dih}ah (tidak menciderai) berarti bisa diterima dan jika ‘illah tersebut qa>dih}ah untuk menentukan diterima atau ditolaknya, perlu dilakukan pemilahan. Ada cidera yang ditemukan pada sanad saja tanpa menciderai matan, ada yang ditemukan pada matan tidak menciderai sanad, ada yang menciderai keduanya. Dari cara pandang tersebut, kita akan lebih berhati-hati dalam menentukan keputusan untuk menerima atau menolak Hadis Ma’lul. Karena pada prinsipnya, informasi yang bersumber dari Rasulullah adalah wahyu ghayru matluw, bersifat otoritatif dan bisa dijadikan hujjah. Adapun kajian-kajian yang dilakukan, pada dasarnya untuk menjawab pertanyaan apakah informasi tersebut benar bersumber dari Rasulullah? siapa yang menyampaikan informasi tersebut? apakah lafal dan atau makna informasi tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang disampaikan oleh beliau dan bagaimana cara memahami isyarat pesan yang ada di dalamnya? Secara praktis, kajian difokuskan pada kitab yang masyhur di kalangan akademisi dan santri, yakni Bulu>gh al-Mara>m min Adillat al-Ah}ka>m karya Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani. Selain karena kemasyhurannya, juga karena kitab tersebut telah menjadi rujukan bagi sebagian besar masyarakat muslim sebagai dasar hukum, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan ibadah dan muamalah. Penulis mengutip dua belas Hadis yang dinyatakan ber’illah oleh al-Asqalani sebagai pengarangnya, dilanjutkan kajian kritis terhadap Hadis-Hadis tersebut terkait sebab kema’lulan dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehujjahan.
QOF, 2017
The Qur’an is a holy book that is always interesting to be examined from all sides: from the beau... more The Qur’an is a holy book that is always interesting to be examined from all sides: from the beauty of the language used to the contained meaning; from the form of writing to the variety of readings; including some matters related to the subject matter of the Qur’an. All these aspects if examined in depth, will lead us to the conclusion that the Qur’an is a miracle, as well as prove that the risks of Muhammad Saw is true. One of the main content of the Qur’an is the stories. Judging from the time of occurrence, the stories can be divided into three categories. First, the stories of previous prophets that were so difficult for historians to uncover, as the ‘Ā d and Thamū d and the city of Iram they were proud of; the story of Pharaoh and his destruction and the power of Allā h to immortalize his body; story of Aṣḥāb al-Kahf and so forth. Second, the notice of the Messenger of Allah concerning the state of his people, including the conspiracy of the unbelievers and the munafiq who wer...
Jurnal Adabiyah, 2021
This article examined how the Qur’an talks about the Arabic used in it, its essence, existence, a... more This article examined how the Qur’an talks about the Arabic used in it, its essence, existence, and urgency, departing from the dialectic of the foreign languages existence in the Qur’an. This study was literature research using an interpretive approach with the method maud}u>'i which research objects were verses about the Arabic Quran, and were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the essence of the Arabic language used in the Quran is Arabic which was fluent and clear, which was understood and popular among Arabs when the Qur'an was revealed. The diction used is the word 'arabiy, which is an adjective (s{ifat) connected to words qur'a>n, lisa>n, and hukman repeated eleven times. The existences of Arabic in the Qur’an are Arabic fus}h}ah, Arabic al-Qur'an as Miracle, and Arabic as the language of sharia/law. While the urgencies of Arabic use in the Qur’an is seen from the word 'arabiy followed by the word la'alla (لعل) and li (ل) rep...
Jurnal Adabiyah, 2021
This article examined how the Qur’an talks about the Arabic used in it, its essence, existence, ... more This article examined how the Qur’an talks about the Arabic used in it, its essence, existence, and urgency, departing from the dialectic of the foreign languages existence in the Qur’an. This study was library research using an interpretive approach with the method maud}u>'i which research objects were verses about the Arabic Quran, and were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the essence of the Arabic language used in the Quran is Arabic which was fluent and clear, which was understood and popular among Arabs when the Qur'an was revealed. The diction used is the word 'arabiy, which is an adjective (s{ifat) connected to words qur'a>n, lisa>n, and hukman repeated eleven times. The existences of Arabic in the Qur’an are Arabic fus}h}ah, Arabic al-Qur'an as Miracle, and Arabic as the language of sharia/law. While the urgency of Arabic use in the Qur’an is seen from the word 'arabiy followed by the word la'alla (لعل) and li (ل) repeated seven times. The repeating means that the urgency of Arabic is the key to understand the Qur’an, encouraging thinking, and encouraging spirituality. The results of this study were expected to be a common thread for the two groups arguing about the existence of foreign languages in the Qur’an.
Jurnal Dakwah, 2019
Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the impleme... more Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the implementation of loving motherland concept, as well as manifestation of exemplary to Prophet who not only as a religious leader, but also a statesman who leads the fight for peace, justice and prosperity. That role can be seen for example from the notice issued by the kiai in Presidential election 2019. The masyayikh (kiai) appeals the students and the extended family of the pesantren to not abstain and directs them to choose certain president candidate in the 2019 election. For santri, emulate and follow (ittiba> ') or that notice is an inevitability even though it seems contrary with the concept of democracy which adheres to the freedom of speech principle. Through this article, santri tradition in democracy will be analyzed descriptively analytically with the al-Qur'an and hadith approach. The study found that that the observance of santri to Kiai is the actualization of the meaning of QS. al-Kahfi: 66 about the story of the Prophet Khidir and Musa, which illustrates the students obedience to the teacher. Beside, the santri democratic tradition concept can be called taadub democracy which is based on the santri manners or attitudes toward his teacher. Regarding to how the decision made, the kiai opens the opportunity and let the santri to decide, even though it will be responded by the santri with the principle of sami'na> wa at} a'na. If forced to be different, then they must pay attention to the relationship ethics between students and kiai, so it will not become obstacles to the benefit and blessing of knowledge.
Aswaja NU mengembangkan sebuah tradisi penting dalam beragama yang disebut mazhabiyah tradition (... more Aswaja NU mengembangkan sebuah tradisi penting dalam beragama yang disebut mazhabiyah tradition (tradisi kemaz}haban) . Hal itu bisa dibenarkan karena dalam memahami teks Alquran sebagai referensi keberagamaan, baik dalam hal istidla>l (induktif) maupun istinba>t} (deduktif) , bukan hal yang sederhana dan dapat dipahami oleh setiap orang. Adalah hak dan kewajiban bagi kita untuk memahami dengan baik terkait itu untuk kemudian mewariskannya kepada generasi berikutnya sebagai upaya penyelamatan dan peneguhan diri juga keluarga agar tetap mengikuti manhaj ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama>’ah . Tulisan ini berupa untuk melacak bagaimana pendidikan Pesantren, yang tercorakkan dalam kurikulumnya –yang kemudian ditampilkan dalam buku-buku yang dikajinya, mampu menjadi penjaga tradisi tersebut.
Indonesian Islamic community is facing two unprofit concept. First, fundamentalism that has radic... more Indonesian Islamic community is facing two unprofit concept. First, fundamentalism that has radical action. Second, liberalism that grows desakralization of religion. Those conditions have a big role to influence how the sosiety act in religion, social, and politic. As a rahmah li al-‘a>lami>n, Islam had offered a concept that full of solution from Rasulullah s alla Alla h ‘alaih wa sallama utterance. That concept gives someone’s Islamic indicator formula, not only be seen from identity, but also from their speak (lisa>n) and hands (yad). This article will explain the mean from utterance by integration-interconnection paradigm with communication psychology approachment and maudlu’i hadis. From this reseach, there’s an information that oral meaning is related in how to communicate, both of spoken or written. While yad meaning is a mufti’s knowledge, leader’s authorization, wealth of rich people, and prayers of the poor. That concept is related how someone’s speak and act wel...
This article is a study of the Ancak tradition in the Wedoroklurak village community of Candi Dis... more This article is a study of the Ancak tradition in the Wedoroklurak village community of Candi District in Sidoarjo. The study conducted with the theory of Living Hadith. The results of the study concluded that the Ancak Tradition is an activity that arises out of gratitude to God for agricultural products harvested by the community. The thanks were then expressed in the form of alms-giving and sending prayers to the village’s founding figures. The activity was carried out at the grave of Mbah Nursinah Kik Graji Kendil Wesi as the leader of the six figures who opened the village at that time. The series of events began with Khatmil Qur’an, followed by spiritual sparks, prayers, and shared meals. Seeing from the perspective of the Hadith, motivational aspects supported by the Hadith associated with alms from the results of efforts, as narrated by al-Darimi, al- Nasa’i, Muslims, al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and al-Bukhari. From the form of its activities, the Ancak tradition can return to th...
Spiritualita, 2020
This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned... more This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned in several traditions of the Hadith. Through the content analysis method, the writer tries to analyze the meaning of the prayer analytically. From this analysis, information is obtained that there needs to be a shift in the understanding of the Istikharah concept which is generally understood as a form of 'questioning' to God about which is the best from the choices available. The intended shift - without judging the wrong of existing understanding - is towards understanding that Istikharah is the activation process of resignation. Inside is istikhār, istiqdār and istifḍāl. Istikhār is a request to be chosen the best based on Allah's Knowledge, departing from the realization that He is Omniscient while we do not know. Istiqdār is a request to be destined the best based on the power of God because He is the Almighty while we are not powerful. Istifḍāl is a request for great g...
Jurnal Ushuluddin, 2020
As a branch of the Hadith’s discipline, the study of ‘Ilal al-Hadîth must have a historical root ... more As a branch of the Hadith’s discipline, the study of ‘Ilal al-Hadîth must have a historical root gene that cannot separate from the figure’s intellection and ideas. The author will examine the emergence and development of that knowledge through this article, together with the paradigm shift in numbers seen from the practice of ta’lîl. In terms of tracking and analysis, the authors use genealogical theory. The results showed that the science of ‘Ilal al-Hadîth was the formulation of rules extracted from the practice of ta’lîl that existed during the companions of the Prophet. This practice documented in the second and third centuries of Hijriyah, then formulated as a scientific discipline in the fourth century to the new century. From the development of this knowledge, it can be illustrated by a pattern of shifting perspectives towards ‘illah, from defects that are general and evident, to special notes, which are not clear and found in the Hadith that seem authentic
UNIVERSUM, Jan 31, 2019
Hadis merupakan wahyu ghayr matluw yang kebenarannya tidak diragukan. Namun, dalam memahaminya di... more Hadis merupakan wahyu ghayr matluw yang kebenarannya tidak diragukan. Namun, dalam memahaminya diperlukan proses pendekatan yang sesuai dengan isyarat pesan terkandung. Pada jamak teks hadis-untuk tidak disebut semua-diperlukan pendekatan interkonektif agar diperoleh pemahaman yang menyeluruh dan integratif. Tidak jarang, ketika sebuah hadis dipahami secara tekstual saja akan menghasilkan pemahaman yang reduktif terhadap hadis tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pula pendekatan yang berbeda pada Hadis yang kandungan maknanya kontekstual. Untuk membedakan kategori tekstual dan atau kontekstualnya kandungan makna hadis, setidak-tidaknya dapat dilihat dari beberapa hal. Pertama, dari isyarat makna
QOF, 2017
This article is the result of a review of the correlation between Kidung Rumekso Ing Wengi with S... more This article is the result of a review of the correlation between Kidung Rumekso Ing Wengi with Surah Mu'awwidhatain based on its content of meaning and function. It can be concluded that Kidung Rumekso Ing Wengi has a close correlation with the Surah Mu'awwidhatain, which is a manifestation of the meaning of the word Qul which includes the value of Tawheed and the teaching of doing Tirakat in order to maximize the potential for self-protection from night, human, jin and satan and other creatures of God. The Song of Rumekso Ing Wengi is an early part of the song Fiber containing 41 stupas of Dhandhanggula's electric, which illustrates the sweetness of the spiritual teaching. The forty-one verses are divided into four parts of the hymn. The first part is the first statue until the 10th is the Song of Rumekso Ing wengi or Kidung Sarira Ayu. The 11th to 24th Chapters are the Art of Songs. The next verse, which is the 25th to 35th is Kidung Jati Mulya, and the last part of t...
This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned... more This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned in several traditions of the Hadith. Through the content analysis method, the writer tries to analyze the meaning of the prayer analytically. From this analysis, information is obtained that there needs to be a shift in the understanding of the Istikharah concept which is generally understood as a form of 'questioning' to God about which is the best from the choices available. The intended shift - without judging the wrong of existing understanding - is towards understanding that Istikharah is the activation process of resignation. Inside is istikhār, istiqdār and istifḍāl. Istikhār is a request to be chosen the best based on Allah's Knowledge, departing from the realization that He is Omniscient while we do not know. Istiqdār is a request to be destined the best based on the power of God because He is the Almighty while we are not powerful. Istifḍāl is a request for great g...
Artikel ini merupakan kajian tematik ayat-ayat shalat yang digali melalui paradigma integrasi-int... more Artikel ini merupakan kajian tematik ayat-ayat shalat yang digali melalui paradigma integrasi-interkoneksi dengan pendekatan ilmu psikologi perspektif Muhammad Bahnasi. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh sebuah kesimpulan bahwa Shalat merupakan sebuah portofolio kehidupan. Dalam kehidupan tersebut ada proses penghambaan kepada Tuhan Sang Pencipta (al-An’am ayat 102) sebagai jalan menuju kesempurnaan. Didalamnya ada kedisiplinan (an-Nisa 103), pemusatan pikiran, kecerdasan akal, kestabilan emosi, kesehatan fisik (al-Maidah ayat 6) dan jiwa (al-Baqarah ayat 45). Shalat juga memuat pesan kesalehan sosial untuk membangun integritas kehidupan sosial dalam bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Di dalamnya ada pesan kesatuan, kerukunan masyarakat (an-Nisa ayat 102), tanggung jawab kolektif (al-asyr ayat 3), kekuatan masyarakat, serta perubahan sosial (al-‘Ankabut ayat 45) menuju kondisi yang lebih baik. Pesan-pesan yang dimuat dalam shalat tersebut selanjutnya dapat diformulasikan menjadi se...
As part of the ecological system, humans have a dominant role in determining the good and bad of ... more As part of the ecological system, humans have a dominant role in determining the good and bad of the environment. The stability and comfort of the environment depend on the positive behavior around the elements of the ecosystem in it, including humans. The emergence of various environmental problems is also inseparable from human indiscipline in protecting and preserving them. An environment that is maintained properly, will respond positively by providing great benefits to humans. Otherwise, an environment that is treated badly will repay with damage and disaster. The leadership of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Da'wah at IAIN Kediri was fully aware of this, especially the Hadith Science Study Program. This awareness forms a religious construction based on an understanding of religious texts, particularly Hadith. Through qualitative research, this reality will be described descriptively and analytically. The results illustrate that the epitome construction of environmental conse...
Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the impleme... more Kiai is the central figure in Indonesia's political world. The involvement of kiai is the implementation of loving motherland concept, as well as manifestation of exemplary to Prophet who not only as a religious leader, but also a statesman who leads the fight for peace, justice and prosperity. That role can be seen for example from the notice issued by the kiai in Presidential election 2019. The masyayikh (kiai) appeals the students and the extended family of the pesantren to not abstain and directs them to choose certain president candidate in the 2019 election. For santri, emulate and follow (ittiba>’) or that notice is a inevitability even though it seems contrary with the concept of democracy which adheres to the freedom of speech principle. Through this article, santri tradition in democracy will be analyzed descriptively analytically with the al-Qur'an and hadith approach. From the results of the study, it is found that that the observance of santri to Kiai is the actualization of the meaning of QS. al-Kahfi: 66 about the story of the Prophet Khidir and Musa, which illustrates the students obedience to the teacher. Beside, the santri democratic tradition concept can be called taadub democracy which is based on the santri manners or attitudes toward his teacher. Regarding to how the decision made, the kiai opens the opportunity and let the santri to decide, even though it will be responded by the santri with the principle of sami’na> wa at}a’na. If forced to be different, then they must pay attention to the relationship ethics between students and kiai, so it will not become obstacles to the benefit and blessing of knowledge.
Jurnal Ushuluddin, 2020
As a branch of the Hadith's discipline, the study of 'Ilal al-Hadîth must have a historical root ... more As a branch of the Hadith's discipline, the study of 'Ilal al-Hadîth must have a historical root gene that cannot separate from the figure's intellection and ideas. The author will examine the emergence and development of that knowledge through this article, together with the paradigm shift in numbers seen from the practice of ta'lîl. In terms of tracking and analysis, the authors use genealogical theory. The results showed that the science of 'Ilal al-Hadîth was the formulation of rules extracted from the practice of ta'lîl that existed during the companions of the Prophet. This practice documented in the second and third centuries of Hijriyah, then formulated as a scientific discipline in the fourth century to the new century. From the development of this knowledge, it can be illustrated by a pattern of shifting perspectives towards 'illah, from defects that are general and evident, to special notes, which are not clear and found in the Hadith that seem authentic. Abstrak Sebagai cabang dari disiplin ilmu Hadis, ilmu 'Ilal al-Hadîth tentu memiliki akar sejarah yang tidak terlepas dari pemikiran para tokohnya. Melalui artikel ini, penulis akan mengkaji kemunculan dan perkembangan ilmu tersebut berikut pergeseran paradigma para tokoh dilihat dari praktik ta'lîl yang dilakukan. Dalam hal pelacakan dan analisis, penulis menggunakan teori genealogi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ilmu 'Ilal Ilal al-Hadîth merupakan formulasi dari kaidah-kaidah yang digali dari praktik ta'lîl yang sudah ada pada masa Rasulullah. Praktik tersebut kemudian didokumentasikan pada abad kedua and ketiga Hijriah, selanjutnya dirumuskan sebagai disiplin ilmu pada abad keempat sampai abad modern. Dari perkembangan ilmu tersebut, dapat digambarkan pola pergeseran cara pandang terhadap 'illah, dari kecacatan yang bersifat umum dan nyata, menjadi kecatatan yang bersifat khusus, samar dan ditemukan pada hadis-hadis yang tampak ṣahih.
Perkumpulan Akademi Pesantren Nusantara, 2022
Perkumpulan Akademi Pesantren Nusantara, 2020
اشتهر هذا الكتاب بالمولد الديبعي نسبة إلى مؤلفه المشهور بابن الديبع. كان مختصرا من كتاب المولد شر... more اشتهر هذا الكتاب بالمولد الديبعي نسبة إلى مؤلفه المشهور بابن الديبع. كان مختصرا من كتاب المولد شرف الأنام للعلامة الشيخ شهاب الدين أحمد بن علي بن قاسم المكي البخاري الأندلسي المرسي المشهور بابن قاسم. تناول المؤلف في هذا الكتاب الأدعيةَ والتوسلات والروايات في سيرة الرسول ﷺ ومناقبه. واعتصرها المؤلف من الآيات القرآنية والأحاديث النبوية، ويقدمها ببلاغة الكلام وفصاحته. فيكون هذا البحث تحقيقا له واستخراجا لتلك الآيات والأحاديث التي اعتصرها الشيخ في تأليف هذا المولد. وأريد أن يكون هذا التحقييق -بإذن الله- مادة دراسية في معرفة مناقبه ﷺ وفهم كنه صفاته العظيمة وأخلاقه الكريمة ودرجته العالية. لأن قراءة ما في هذا المولد فهمَ معانيه ومعرفة مصاديره من القرآن والسنة، تزيد في حب الله تعالى وحب نبيه ﷺ. أقول شكرا لجميع من عنى بكتابة هذا البحث. نسأل الله تعالى أن يجعل هذا خالصا لوجهه الكريم، نافعا لي ولهم وللمؤمين أجمعين، وأن يجعلنا من خيار أمة خير المرسلين ومن أهل شفاعة النبي المبعوث رحمة للعالمين-صلى الله عليه وآله وصحابته وعلينا معهم أجمعين-، آمين.
IAIN Kediri Press, 2019
Buku ini berjudul “HADIS MA’LUL DAN KEHUJJAHANNYA”. Melalui buku ini penulis bermaksud membangun ... more Buku ini berjudul “HADIS MA’LUL DAN KEHUJJAHANNYA”. Melalui buku ini penulis bermaksud membangun kembali sudut pandang positif terhadap Hadis-Hadis Ma’lul. Sudut pandang yang dimaksud adalah terkait bagaimana cara melihat dan menyikapi Hadis ber’illah -yang umumnya dipahami sebagai Hadis daif- secara proporsional. Memandang Hadis Ma’lul sebagai Hadis yang sebenarnya terbuka peluang untuk didiskusikan. Kema’lulan Hadis tidak selalu mengisyaratkan tertolaknya Hadis tersebut. Jika ‘illah yang ditemukan termasuk ghair qa>dih}ah (tidak menciderai) berarti bisa diterima dan jika ‘illah tersebut qa>dih}ah untuk menentukan diterima atau ditolaknya, perlu dilakukan pemilahan. Ada cidera yang ditemukan pada sanad saja tanpa menciderai matan, ada yang ditemukan pada matan tidak menciderai sanad, ada yang menciderai keduanya. Dari cara pandang tersebut, kita akan lebih berhati-hati dalam menentukan keputusan untuk menerima atau menolak Hadis Ma’lul. Karena pada prinsipnya, informasi yang bersumber dari Rasulullah adalah wahyu ghayru matluw, bersifat otoritatif dan bisa dijadikan hujjah. Adapun kajian-kajian yang dilakukan, pada dasarnya untuk menjawab pertanyaan apakah informasi tersebut benar bersumber dari Rasulullah? siapa yang menyampaikan informasi tersebut? apakah lafal dan atau makna informasi tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang disampaikan oleh beliau dan bagaimana cara memahami isyarat pesan yang ada di dalamnya? Secara praktis, kajian difokuskan pada kitab yang masyhur di kalangan akademisi dan santri, yakni Bulu>gh al-Mara>m min Adillat al-Ah}ka>m karya Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani. Selain karena kemasyhurannya, juga karena kitab tersebut telah menjadi rujukan bagi sebagian besar masyarakat muslim sebagai dasar hukum, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan ibadah dan muamalah. Penulis mengutip dua belas Hadis yang dinyatakan ber’illah oleh al-Asqalani sebagai pengarangnya, dilanjutkan kajian kritis terhadap Hadis-Hadis tersebut terkait sebab kema’lulan dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehujjahan.