yunus Yunus | STMIK Eresha (original) (raw)

Papers by yunus Yunus

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Social Media in the Era of Digital Transformation as a Means of Communication Karang Taruna Community Kampung Parung Serab Ciledug

Social media is where the communication tool is by the user in the social process. At the same ti... more Social media is where the communication tool is by the user in the social process. At the same time, digital transformation uses technology to transform analog processes into digital. We have digitalization in all areas of our lives, from smartwatches to artificial intelligence-enabled household assistants. The role of social media in the era of transformation in the village serab ciledug is still not maximal in social media use, therefore Kewan then the community conducted in the organization of taruna taruna kampung parung serab is to provide education or direction in social media in the current digital transformation era. So that when the organization of taruna taruna kampung parung serab ciledug in the direction of activities in the organization area, can return information which of the community perseverance activities (PKM) this. So by means of the way then the activities of salting this community can stretch the coral taruna kampung parung serab ciledug to be able to increase...

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Research paper thumbnail of Metode Guru PAI Dalam Menerapkan Pembinaan Mental Peserta Didik Di MTs Satu Atap Islam Wathaniyah Cimpu Kecamatan Suli Kabupaten Luwu

At-Tajdid: Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah, 2018

Pendidikan agama diyakini dapat dijadikan sebagai benteng kepribadian dan pembekalan hidup untuk ... more Pendidikan agama diyakini dapat dijadikan sebagai benteng kepribadian dan pembekalan hidup untuk andil dalam persaingan di kancah dunia. Namun sudah maklum bahwa adanya kegagalan pendidikan agama Islam di negara kita bahkan pendidikan formal secara umumnya. Yang menjadi analisis klasik. Konsep pembinaan mental di MTs Satu Atap Islam Wathaniyah Cimpu Kecamatan Suli Kabupaten Luwuyaitu melalui proses internalisasi. Nilai-nilai moral yang diaktualisasikan pada peserta didik. Di sisi yang lain peserta didik diberikan pemahaman betapa pentingnya kecerdasan emosional dan kecerdasan spritual lewat internalisasi dan metode guru PAI di MTs Satu Atap Islam Wathaniyah Cimpu Kecamatan Suli Kabupaten Luwu yaitu beberapa cara: 1. Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang diterapkan oleh guru. 2) Pegawasan yaitu bertujuan untuk mengarahkan akan tetapi tidak mendikte peserta didik, 3) Pengamalan. Terbentuknya kesadaran keagamaan salah satunya adalah lewat islamisasi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Koperasi Dalam Perspekti Maqashid Syariah


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Research paper thumbnail of Dialectics Revelation and Local Culture in The Tradition of Mappanre Temme’


This research aims to illustrate the integration between revelation and the local culture of the ... more This research aims to illustrate the integration between revelation and the local culture of the Sengkang city community. This research uses qualitative research with historical and anthropological approaches. The tradition of Mappanre Temme', also known as Mappanre Lebbe, is a traditional event of Khataman al-Qur'an conducted by the Bugis community as a form of worship because one of the family members has been ready or has finished reading the Holy Qur'an. Mappanre Temme' implemented maccera, which means as a thank you to ustadz (teacher) and hand over foodstuffs, and as a thank you to parents by slaughtering cows, goats, or chickens, depending on the level of community performance. Maccera can be livestock or foodstuffs such as rice, coconut, and bananas. The phenomenon of Mappanre Temme' is always hereditary by the people of Sengkang city, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi is not only a culture that appears just like that. But this tradition arises because it is ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Education in Learning Religious Education in College Education in Palopo City

Journal on Education, 2021

Cultivating awareness of the multicultural dimension in a plural and multicultural society throug... more Cultivating awareness of the multicultural dimension in a plural and multicultural society through education is urgent because education is a potential entry point to instill an appreciation for diversity due to ethnicity, religion, gender, and family economic background and others. college student. This study aims to describe the cultural values ​​of Bugis in Islamic education that develop in universities in Palopo City. In research using qualitative. The culture of siri 'in religious learning from students' attitude of discipline and responsibility. Discipline and student responsibility to maintain self-esteem and dignity of students which are a reflection of the culture of siri 'which functions as the spirit of students in the value education process. The concept of siri learning in education provides respectful values ​​such as Sipakatau (giving information), Sipakalebbi (Mutual Respect), Sipakaingge (Reminding each other), Sipakatou (Sharing). Bugis culture has a se...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pelaksanaan Itsbat Nikah Massal Pasangan Suami Istri Tanpa Akta Nikah DI Kabupaten Luwu Utara

Tahkim (Jurnal Peradaban dan Hukum Islam), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Sosial-Budaya: Harmonisasi Agama Dan Budaya Dalam Pendidikan Toleransi

Kalam: Jurnal Agama dan Sosial Humaniora

Tana Luwu dihuni oleh komunitas multietnis seperti Bugis, Makassar, Rongkong dan Toraja. Beragam ... more Tana Luwu dihuni oleh komunitas multietnis seperti Bugis, Makassar, Rongkong dan Toraja. Beragam suku, kepercayaan, dan agama yang berbeda. Mereka hidup rukun bersama, mengatasi kerjasama dalam segala aspek kehidupan, baik ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik, hingga kegiatan keagamaan telah membentuk pemahaman tentang toleransi dalam beragama, yaitu saling menghormati dan menghormati pemeluk agama. Kota Palopo memiliki beberapa kearifan lokal antara lain; Sipakatau artinya saling memanusiakan, Sipakalebbi artinya saling menghormati, Sipakaingge 'artinya saling mengingatkan. Hal ini harus dijaga dan disosialisasikan agar menjadi perekat kreasi dan pemeliharaan umat beragama di Kota Palopo. Pembelajaran kearifan lokal budaya Bugis UNANDA dan IAIN Palopo yang menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran menciptakan kesadaran empati (Pesse) terhadap orang lain yang memiliki identitas pribadi dan budaya yang berbeda. Kearifan lokal, pembinaan aspek afektif seperti sikap, minat, konsep diri, pengemban...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Islam: Antara Pembentukan Kepribadian Dan Dorongan Memenuhi Kebutuhan Pasar

Jurnal Kajian Agama Hukum dan Pendidikan Islam (KAHPI), 2019

Pendidikan Islam pada dasarnya adalah upaya normatif untuk membantu seseorang atau sekelompok pel... more Pendidikan Islam pada dasarnya adalah upaya normatif untuk membantu seseorang atau sekelompok pelajar dalam mengembangkan pandangan dunia Islam. Globalisasi selain menghadirkan peluang positif untuk kehidupan mewah, nyaman, murah, indah, dan negatif berkembang juga dapat menghadirkan peluang, yang menyebabkan kecemasan, kesedihan, dan penderitaan. Globalisasi bekerja selama 24 jam dengan menawarkan banyak pilihan dan kebebasan pribadi. Singkatnya hari-hari ini telah ada "banjir pilihan dan peluang", itu tergantung pada kemampuan orang untuk memilikinya. Demikian juga, bahwa pendidikan Islam dalam suasana modernisasi dan globalisasi dituntut untuk dapat memainkan perannya secara dinamis dan produktif. Kehadirannya diharapkan dapat berkontribusi perubahan signifikan dan positif untuk peningkatan dan kemajuan peradaban Islam, baik pada dataran intelektual teoritis dan praktis. Sistem pendidikan di sana tampaknya telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam membentuk manu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Eksistensi Moderasi Islam dalam Kurikulum Pembelajaran PAI di SMA

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019

Students become very vulnerable groups dragged down by the flow of religious radicalism. The age ... more Students become very vulnerable groups dragged down by the flow of religious radicalism. The age is still very young and still unstable with a burning spirit, and longing to practice religion more kāffah (comprehensive) making young groups including Muslim students in high school will be the most vulnerable social groups infiltrated and targeted by radical groups preach religious understanding and attitudes that are rigid and tend to be superficial. On the other hand, religious liberalism at the same time has also begun to infiltrate some young people, including Muslim students in high school. So it is necessary, a strategy to instill moderate Islamic values into students by utilizing the teaching and learning activities of Islamic Education in the classroom. This is because the main actors who are perpetrators of violence, anarchistic actions in religious conflict with religious backgrounds are groups affiliated to Islam. So that inevitably, Islamic Education has moral and social r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Dalam Periode Tomanurung

Mimbar Agama Budaya, 2020

Abstract. This study aims to describe the value of local wisdom contained in the Tomanurung perio... more Abstract. This study aims to describe the value of local wisdom contained in the Tomanurung period. This research uses ethno pedagogical method. The technique of collecting data through interviews, interviewed informants came from several academic circles (lecturers) as many as 6 people. Researchers also interviewed 6 community leaders. This post-chaos period is called the Tomanurung period with a character named Simpurusiang in Bugis language, “Simpurusiang” implies “a strong and unbroken binder”. The condition of society is in a state of chaos and divorce. Because of this, they are looking for figures who can unite societies that have been divided and in chaos. Through a long search, they found the person they needed, namely a Tomanurung (the descendant) and they agreed to make him king through a “collective agreement” that is between Tomanurung and people's representatives. According to the perspective of the Luwu community, Tomanurung means a person who descends from heaven ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Model Tudang Sipulung Dalam Pembelajaran Islam Dan Kearifan Lokal

The research aims to explore the concept of local wisdom education with the tudassipung (sitting ... more The research aims to explore the concept of local wisdom education with the tudassipung (sitting together) model. This study uses a qualitative method with an ethnopedagogical approach. The technique of collecting data through interviews, interviewed informants came from several groups, from academics (lecturers) as many as 6 people, students from several ethnic groups, 4 from Toraja, 4 from Rongkong, 9 from Bugis and 8 from students. Researchers also interviewed 6 community leaders. The result of the research is that learning Islam and local wisdom using the tudassipulung model is quite effective. This can be seen from the assessment of 5 (five) aspects, namely attitudes, interests, self-concept, values, and morals with 5 levels, namely: receiving, responding, valuing, organization, characterization

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Sosial Untuk Usaha Mandiri Pada Masa Pandemik Di Yayasan Baitul Karim

PaKMas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Today's technological advances can take advantage of the internet and their mobile devices to... more Today's technological advances can take advantage of the internet and their mobile devices to develop online businesses so that they can drive a wider market. The implementation of this PKM is carried out, with 1) The purpose of training for the Baitul Karim Foundation community. 2) Train the Baitul Karim Foundation community to use this social media by selling online. One of the platforms is the Tokopedia seller, one of the features found in the Tokopedia company that functions as a supporter of business actors to facilitate product marketing throughout the archipelago. As for how to register our account on Tokopedia, Tokopedia has advantages in the components of reviews and complaints (UK), certification and security (SK), product prices (HP), product descriptions (DP), and transportation (TR). This gives enthusiasm to provide workshops to several sellers or sellers by selling online through social media and several platforms such as Facebook, Instagram at the Baitul Karim Fou...

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Research paper thumbnail of Education in Learning Religious Education in College Education in Palopo City

Journal on Education, 2021

Cultivating awareness of the multicultural dimension in a plural and multicultural society throug... more Cultivating awareness of the multicultural dimension in a plural and multicultural society through education is urgent because education is a potential entry point to instill an appreciation for diversity due to ethnicity, religion, gender, and family economic background and others. college student. This study aims to describe the cultural values ​​of Bugis in Islamic education that develop in universities in Palopo City. In research using qualitative. The culture of siri 'in religious learning from students' attitude of discipline and responsibility. Discipline and student responsibility to maintain self-esteem and dignity of students which are a reflection of the culture of siri 'which functions as the spirit of students in the value education process. The concept of siri learning in education provides respectful values ​​such as Sipakatau (giving information), Sipakalebbi (Mutual Respect), Sipakaingge (Reminding each other), Sipakatou (Sharing). Bugis culture has a se...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pelaksanaan Itsbat Nikah Massal Pasangan Suami Istri Tanpa Akta Nikah DI Kabupaten Luwu Utara

Tahkim (Jurnal Peradaban dan Hukum Islam), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Eksistensi Moderasi Islam dalam Kurikulum Pembelajaran PAI di SMA

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019

Students become very vulnerable groups dragged down by the flow of religious radicalism. The age ... more Students become very vulnerable groups dragged down by the flow of religious radicalism. The age is still very young and still unstable with a burning spirit, and longing to practice religion more kāffah (comprehensive) making young groups including Muslim students in high school will be the most vulnerable social groups infiltrated and targeted by radical groups preach religious understanding and attitudes that are rigid and tend to be superficial. On the other hand, religious liberalism at the same time has also begun to infiltrate some young people, including Muslim students in high school. So it is necessary, a strategy to instill moderate Islamic values into students by utilizing the teaching and learning activities of Islamic Education in the classroom. This is because the main actors who are perpetrators of violence, anarchistic actions in religious conflict with religious backgrounds are groups affiliated to Islam. So that inevitably, Islamic Education has moral and social r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrasi Kegiatan Masyarakat Budaya Lokal dan Lembaga dalam Pendidikan Toleransi

Artificial Intelligence, 2021

The research explains the form of local wisdom of Bugis culture as a cultural value that characte... more The research explains the form of local wisdom of Bugis culture as a cultural value that characterizes the Palopo people. The local wisdom developed in Palopo City is in line with the pluralistic Palopo culture developing in Indonesia. Palopo people has local wisdom values such as humanizing. These values are always preserved so that they become the glue of religious harmony in Palopo City. The type of this research is ethnography. The research findings show that knowledge and understanding of the cultural traditions of society that contain pluralism allow students to suspend suspicion or even wholly disappear negative things that students have understood about other religions. The concept of pluralism is seen from implementing the cultural philosophy in Palopo, namely Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakaingge. Two universities, IAIN Palopo and Andi Djemma University practice the local wisdom values. The results shows that personally, students who were actively involved in the impleme...

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Research paper thumbnail of Peran Media Sosial DI Era Transformasi Digital Sebagai Sarana Komunikasi Karang Taruna Masyarakat Kampung Parung Serab Ciledug

Peran media sosial di era transformasi pada kampung serab ciledug masih belum maksimal dalam peng... more Peran media sosial di era transformasi pada kampung serab ciledug masih belum maksimal dalam penggunaan media sosial maka dari itu Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan pada organisasi karang taruna kampung parung serab ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi ataupun arahan dalam memanfaatkan media sosial di era transformasi digital saat ini. Sehingga ketika organisasi karang taruna kampung parung serab ciledug dalam melaksanakan kegiatan di wilayah organisasi tersebut, dapat menyalurkan kembali informasi yang didapat dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyaraat (PKM) ini. Maka dengan diadakannya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat membantu karang taruna kampung parung serab ciledug untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi dalam menggunakan media sosial. Sehingga dengan begitu dapat membantu memaksimalkan kegiatan karang taruna kampung parung serab ciledug.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kedatuan Luwu: Nilai-Nilai To Accana Luwu

Muqoddima Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengambarkan nilai To Ciung Maccae Ri Luwu. Penelitian mengunakan metode... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengambarkan nilai To Ciung Maccae Ri Luwu. Penelitian mengunakan metode library research dengan memahami buku terkait To Ciung Maccae Ri Luwu. Datu Luwu bernama Datu Etenriawe (1581-1611), dikenal seorang negarawan dan cendekiawan yang banyak memberikan perhatian terhadap kondisi kedatuan. Dia bernama Tociung. Tociung banyak memberikan ide-ide atau buah pikiran dan pesan-pesan kepada kedatuan/pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk memelihara kelangsungan kerajaan, sehingga kedatuan terhindar dari kehancuran. Persatuan bulat telur dimaknai, bahwa segala masalah yang ada di dalam negara atau negeri dihadapi bersama-sama, baik dalam hal keburukan maupun dalam hal kebaikan. Kemudian persatuan bagaikan bulat beras, dimaknai sebagai suatu persatuan yang bersifat vertikal adalah persatuan antara raja atau pemimpin dengan rakyatnya, sehingga apa yang menjadi kebesaran dari sang raja, akan menjadi kekuatan bagi sang hamba. Intergrasi kedelapan sifat-sifat antara seorang pe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospek Pengembangan Pondok Pesantren Kecamatan Malangke Kabupaten Luwu

Jurnal Ilmiah Iqra'

AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren a... more AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren adalah cara atau srategi yang digunakan oleh wadah atau tempat guna proses suatu perubahan berencana yang memerlukan dukungan semua pihak, anatara lain Kepala, staff, guru, dan siswa dengan perubahan-perubahan itu diharapkan dapat mengembangkan dan meningkatkan lembaga pendidikan, yang memerlukan usaha jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang guna menghadapi perubahan yang akan terjadi pada masa mendatang. Peluang dan tangan pengembangan Pesantren di Luwu Utara, terdapat Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yang beberapa pasalnya menekankan penyelenggaraan pendidikan keagamaan, seperti, pasal 30 ayat (1) dan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 55 Tahun 2007 tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan pada pasal 1 ayat (2) tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan yang didalamnya secara tegas dikemukakan bahwa pondok pesantren menyelenggarakan pendid...

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Research paper thumbnail of Al-Quran Learning Through Information Processing Model Ala Joyce and Weil MTs Works in The Village Lara Mulya Baebunta District District North Luwu

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies

Research is executed with Actions Observational method braze (PTK). This research is executed at ... more Research is executed with Actions Observational method braze (PTK). This research is executed at MTs Mulya's Opus with the subject of research student brazes VII by a total of 22 students, 1 teacher and Headmaster. Acquired Data source of that student covers, formative student essay in work problem that is given at the early cycle. Observation sheet result to measure the result step-up studies student with implemented a model of Information proceedings. Observation result and field note that gets bearing with student activity's learning on al Qur 'an happens. Observational result and the analysis concludes that deep upgrade in observational learning. 1). Proceedingses implement models models suit to arouse student information point and student studying with information yen proceedings concept has a mission to help the student to concentrate at one particular domain the which they can gain control. Observation / control, helping student develops conceptual grasp about a p...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Social Media in the Era of Digital Transformation as a Means of Communication Karang Taruna Community Kampung Parung Serab Ciledug

Social media is where the communication tool is by the user in the social process. At the same ti... more Social media is where the communication tool is by the user in the social process. At the same time, digital transformation uses technology to transform analog processes into digital. We have digitalization in all areas of our lives, from smartwatches to artificial intelligence-enabled household assistants. The role of social media in the era of transformation in the village serab ciledug is still not maximal in social media use, therefore Kewan then the community conducted in the organization of taruna taruna kampung parung serab is to provide education or direction in social media in the current digital transformation era. So that when the organization of taruna taruna kampung parung serab ciledug in the direction of activities in the organization area, can return information which of the community perseverance activities (PKM) this. So by means of the way then the activities of salting this community can stretch the coral taruna kampung parung serab ciledug to be able to increase...

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Research paper thumbnail of Metode Guru PAI Dalam Menerapkan Pembinaan Mental Peserta Didik Di MTs Satu Atap Islam Wathaniyah Cimpu Kecamatan Suli Kabupaten Luwu

At-Tajdid: Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah, 2018

Pendidikan agama diyakini dapat dijadikan sebagai benteng kepribadian dan pembekalan hidup untuk ... more Pendidikan agama diyakini dapat dijadikan sebagai benteng kepribadian dan pembekalan hidup untuk andil dalam persaingan di kancah dunia. Namun sudah maklum bahwa adanya kegagalan pendidikan agama Islam di negara kita bahkan pendidikan formal secara umumnya. Yang menjadi analisis klasik. Konsep pembinaan mental di MTs Satu Atap Islam Wathaniyah Cimpu Kecamatan Suli Kabupaten Luwuyaitu melalui proses internalisasi. Nilai-nilai moral yang diaktualisasikan pada peserta didik. Di sisi yang lain peserta didik diberikan pemahaman betapa pentingnya kecerdasan emosional dan kecerdasan spritual lewat internalisasi dan metode guru PAI di MTs Satu Atap Islam Wathaniyah Cimpu Kecamatan Suli Kabupaten Luwu yaitu beberapa cara: 1. Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang diterapkan oleh guru. 2) Pegawasan yaitu bertujuan untuk mengarahkan akan tetapi tidak mendikte peserta didik, 3) Pengamalan. Terbentuknya kesadaran keagamaan salah satunya adalah lewat islamisasi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Koperasi Dalam Perspekti Maqashid Syariah


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Research paper thumbnail of Dialectics Revelation and Local Culture in The Tradition of Mappanre Temme’


This research aims to illustrate the integration between revelation and the local culture of the ... more This research aims to illustrate the integration between revelation and the local culture of the Sengkang city community. This research uses qualitative research with historical and anthropological approaches. The tradition of Mappanre Temme', also known as Mappanre Lebbe, is a traditional event of Khataman al-Qur'an conducted by the Bugis community as a form of worship because one of the family members has been ready or has finished reading the Holy Qur'an. Mappanre Temme' implemented maccera, which means as a thank you to ustadz (teacher) and hand over foodstuffs, and as a thank you to parents by slaughtering cows, goats, or chickens, depending on the level of community performance. Maccera can be livestock or foodstuffs such as rice, coconut, and bananas. The phenomenon of Mappanre Temme' is always hereditary by the people of Sengkang city, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi is not only a culture that appears just like that. But this tradition arises because it is ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Education in Learning Religious Education in College Education in Palopo City

Journal on Education, 2021

Cultivating awareness of the multicultural dimension in a plural and multicultural society throug... more Cultivating awareness of the multicultural dimension in a plural and multicultural society through education is urgent because education is a potential entry point to instill an appreciation for diversity due to ethnicity, religion, gender, and family economic background and others. college student. This study aims to describe the cultural values ​​of Bugis in Islamic education that develop in universities in Palopo City. In research using qualitative. The culture of siri 'in religious learning from students' attitude of discipline and responsibility. Discipline and student responsibility to maintain self-esteem and dignity of students which are a reflection of the culture of siri 'which functions as the spirit of students in the value education process. The concept of siri learning in education provides respectful values ​​such as Sipakatau (giving information), Sipakalebbi (Mutual Respect), Sipakaingge (Reminding each other), Sipakatou (Sharing). Bugis culture has a se...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pelaksanaan Itsbat Nikah Massal Pasangan Suami Istri Tanpa Akta Nikah DI Kabupaten Luwu Utara

Tahkim (Jurnal Peradaban dan Hukum Islam), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Sosial-Budaya: Harmonisasi Agama Dan Budaya Dalam Pendidikan Toleransi

Kalam: Jurnal Agama dan Sosial Humaniora

Tana Luwu dihuni oleh komunitas multietnis seperti Bugis, Makassar, Rongkong dan Toraja. Beragam ... more Tana Luwu dihuni oleh komunitas multietnis seperti Bugis, Makassar, Rongkong dan Toraja. Beragam suku, kepercayaan, dan agama yang berbeda. Mereka hidup rukun bersama, mengatasi kerjasama dalam segala aspek kehidupan, baik ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik, hingga kegiatan keagamaan telah membentuk pemahaman tentang toleransi dalam beragama, yaitu saling menghormati dan menghormati pemeluk agama. Kota Palopo memiliki beberapa kearifan lokal antara lain; Sipakatau artinya saling memanusiakan, Sipakalebbi artinya saling menghormati, Sipakaingge 'artinya saling mengingatkan. Hal ini harus dijaga dan disosialisasikan agar menjadi perekat kreasi dan pemeliharaan umat beragama di Kota Palopo. Pembelajaran kearifan lokal budaya Bugis UNANDA dan IAIN Palopo yang menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran menciptakan kesadaran empati (Pesse) terhadap orang lain yang memiliki identitas pribadi dan budaya yang berbeda. Kearifan lokal, pembinaan aspek afektif seperti sikap, minat, konsep diri, pengemban...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Islam: Antara Pembentukan Kepribadian Dan Dorongan Memenuhi Kebutuhan Pasar

Jurnal Kajian Agama Hukum dan Pendidikan Islam (KAHPI), 2019

Pendidikan Islam pada dasarnya adalah upaya normatif untuk membantu seseorang atau sekelompok pel... more Pendidikan Islam pada dasarnya adalah upaya normatif untuk membantu seseorang atau sekelompok pelajar dalam mengembangkan pandangan dunia Islam. Globalisasi selain menghadirkan peluang positif untuk kehidupan mewah, nyaman, murah, indah, dan negatif berkembang juga dapat menghadirkan peluang, yang menyebabkan kecemasan, kesedihan, dan penderitaan. Globalisasi bekerja selama 24 jam dengan menawarkan banyak pilihan dan kebebasan pribadi. Singkatnya hari-hari ini telah ada "banjir pilihan dan peluang", itu tergantung pada kemampuan orang untuk memilikinya. Demikian juga, bahwa pendidikan Islam dalam suasana modernisasi dan globalisasi dituntut untuk dapat memainkan perannya secara dinamis dan produktif. Kehadirannya diharapkan dapat berkontribusi perubahan signifikan dan positif untuk peningkatan dan kemajuan peradaban Islam, baik pada dataran intelektual teoritis dan praktis. Sistem pendidikan di sana tampaknya telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam membentuk manu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Eksistensi Moderasi Islam dalam Kurikulum Pembelajaran PAI di SMA

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019

Students become very vulnerable groups dragged down by the flow of religious radicalism. The age ... more Students become very vulnerable groups dragged down by the flow of religious radicalism. The age is still very young and still unstable with a burning spirit, and longing to practice religion more kāffah (comprehensive) making young groups including Muslim students in high school will be the most vulnerable social groups infiltrated and targeted by radical groups preach religious understanding and attitudes that are rigid and tend to be superficial. On the other hand, religious liberalism at the same time has also begun to infiltrate some young people, including Muslim students in high school. So it is necessary, a strategy to instill moderate Islamic values into students by utilizing the teaching and learning activities of Islamic Education in the classroom. This is because the main actors who are perpetrators of violence, anarchistic actions in religious conflict with religious backgrounds are groups affiliated to Islam. So that inevitably, Islamic Education has moral and social r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Dalam Periode Tomanurung

Mimbar Agama Budaya, 2020

Abstract. This study aims to describe the value of local wisdom contained in the Tomanurung perio... more Abstract. This study aims to describe the value of local wisdom contained in the Tomanurung period. This research uses ethno pedagogical method. The technique of collecting data through interviews, interviewed informants came from several academic circles (lecturers) as many as 6 people. Researchers also interviewed 6 community leaders. This post-chaos period is called the Tomanurung period with a character named Simpurusiang in Bugis language, “Simpurusiang” implies “a strong and unbroken binder”. The condition of society is in a state of chaos and divorce. Because of this, they are looking for figures who can unite societies that have been divided and in chaos. Through a long search, they found the person they needed, namely a Tomanurung (the descendant) and they agreed to make him king through a “collective agreement” that is between Tomanurung and people's representatives. According to the perspective of the Luwu community, Tomanurung means a person who descends from heaven ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Model Tudang Sipulung Dalam Pembelajaran Islam Dan Kearifan Lokal

The research aims to explore the concept of local wisdom education with the tudassipung (sitting ... more The research aims to explore the concept of local wisdom education with the tudassipung (sitting together) model. This study uses a qualitative method with an ethnopedagogical approach. The technique of collecting data through interviews, interviewed informants came from several groups, from academics (lecturers) as many as 6 people, students from several ethnic groups, 4 from Toraja, 4 from Rongkong, 9 from Bugis and 8 from students. Researchers also interviewed 6 community leaders. The result of the research is that learning Islam and local wisdom using the tudassipulung model is quite effective. This can be seen from the assessment of 5 (five) aspects, namely attitudes, interests, self-concept, values, and morals with 5 levels, namely: receiving, responding, valuing, organization, characterization

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Sosial Untuk Usaha Mandiri Pada Masa Pandemik Di Yayasan Baitul Karim

PaKMas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Today's technological advances can take advantage of the internet and their mobile devices to... more Today's technological advances can take advantage of the internet and their mobile devices to develop online businesses so that they can drive a wider market. The implementation of this PKM is carried out, with 1) The purpose of training for the Baitul Karim Foundation community. 2) Train the Baitul Karim Foundation community to use this social media by selling online. One of the platforms is the Tokopedia seller, one of the features found in the Tokopedia company that functions as a supporter of business actors to facilitate product marketing throughout the archipelago. As for how to register our account on Tokopedia, Tokopedia has advantages in the components of reviews and complaints (UK), certification and security (SK), product prices (HP), product descriptions (DP), and transportation (TR). This gives enthusiasm to provide workshops to several sellers or sellers by selling online through social media and several platforms such as Facebook, Instagram at the Baitul Karim Fou...

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Research paper thumbnail of Education in Learning Religious Education in College Education in Palopo City

Journal on Education, 2021

Cultivating awareness of the multicultural dimension in a plural and multicultural society throug... more Cultivating awareness of the multicultural dimension in a plural and multicultural society through education is urgent because education is a potential entry point to instill an appreciation for diversity due to ethnicity, religion, gender, and family economic background and others. college student. This study aims to describe the cultural values ​​of Bugis in Islamic education that develop in universities in Palopo City. In research using qualitative. The culture of siri 'in religious learning from students' attitude of discipline and responsibility. Discipline and student responsibility to maintain self-esteem and dignity of students which are a reflection of the culture of siri 'which functions as the spirit of students in the value education process. The concept of siri learning in education provides respectful values ​​such as Sipakatau (giving information), Sipakalebbi (Mutual Respect), Sipakaingge (Reminding each other), Sipakatou (Sharing). Bugis culture has a se...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pelaksanaan Itsbat Nikah Massal Pasangan Suami Istri Tanpa Akta Nikah DI Kabupaten Luwu Utara

Tahkim (Jurnal Peradaban dan Hukum Islam), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Eksistensi Moderasi Islam dalam Kurikulum Pembelajaran PAI di SMA

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019

Students become very vulnerable groups dragged down by the flow of religious radicalism. The age ... more Students become very vulnerable groups dragged down by the flow of religious radicalism. The age is still very young and still unstable with a burning spirit, and longing to practice religion more kāffah (comprehensive) making young groups including Muslim students in high school will be the most vulnerable social groups infiltrated and targeted by radical groups preach religious understanding and attitudes that are rigid and tend to be superficial. On the other hand, religious liberalism at the same time has also begun to infiltrate some young people, including Muslim students in high school. So it is necessary, a strategy to instill moderate Islamic values into students by utilizing the teaching and learning activities of Islamic Education in the classroom. This is because the main actors who are perpetrators of violence, anarchistic actions in religious conflict with religious backgrounds are groups affiliated to Islam. So that inevitably, Islamic Education has moral and social r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrasi Kegiatan Masyarakat Budaya Lokal dan Lembaga dalam Pendidikan Toleransi

Artificial Intelligence, 2021

The research explains the form of local wisdom of Bugis culture as a cultural value that characte... more The research explains the form of local wisdom of Bugis culture as a cultural value that characterizes the Palopo people. The local wisdom developed in Palopo City is in line with the pluralistic Palopo culture developing in Indonesia. Palopo people has local wisdom values such as humanizing. These values are always preserved so that they become the glue of religious harmony in Palopo City. The type of this research is ethnography. The research findings show that knowledge and understanding of the cultural traditions of society that contain pluralism allow students to suspend suspicion or even wholly disappear negative things that students have understood about other religions. The concept of pluralism is seen from implementing the cultural philosophy in Palopo, namely Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakaingge. Two universities, IAIN Palopo and Andi Djemma University practice the local wisdom values. The results shows that personally, students who were actively involved in the impleme...

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Research paper thumbnail of Peran Media Sosial DI Era Transformasi Digital Sebagai Sarana Komunikasi Karang Taruna Masyarakat Kampung Parung Serab Ciledug

Peran media sosial di era transformasi pada kampung serab ciledug masih belum maksimal dalam peng... more Peran media sosial di era transformasi pada kampung serab ciledug masih belum maksimal dalam penggunaan media sosial maka dari itu Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan pada organisasi karang taruna kampung parung serab ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi ataupun arahan dalam memanfaatkan media sosial di era transformasi digital saat ini. Sehingga ketika organisasi karang taruna kampung parung serab ciledug dalam melaksanakan kegiatan di wilayah organisasi tersebut, dapat menyalurkan kembali informasi yang didapat dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyaraat (PKM) ini. Maka dengan diadakannya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat membantu karang taruna kampung parung serab ciledug untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi dalam menggunakan media sosial. Sehingga dengan begitu dapat membantu memaksimalkan kegiatan karang taruna kampung parung serab ciledug.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kedatuan Luwu: Nilai-Nilai To Accana Luwu

Muqoddima Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengambarkan nilai To Ciung Maccae Ri Luwu. Penelitian mengunakan metode... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengambarkan nilai To Ciung Maccae Ri Luwu. Penelitian mengunakan metode library research dengan memahami buku terkait To Ciung Maccae Ri Luwu. Datu Luwu bernama Datu Etenriawe (1581-1611), dikenal seorang negarawan dan cendekiawan yang banyak memberikan perhatian terhadap kondisi kedatuan. Dia bernama Tociung. Tociung banyak memberikan ide-ide atau buah pikiran dan pesan-pesan kepada kedatuan/pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk memelihara kelangsungan kerajaan, sehingga kedatuan terhindar dari kehancuran. Persatuan bulat telur dimaknai, bahwa segala masalah yang ada di dalam negara atau negeri dihadapi bersama-sama, baik dalam hal keburukan maupun dalam hal kebaikan. Kemudian persatuan bagaikan bulat beras, dimaknai sebagai suatu persatuan yang bersifat vertikal adalah persatuan antara raja atau pemimpin dengan rakyatnya, sehingga apa yang menjadi kebesaran dari sang raja, akan menjadi kekuatan bagi sang hamba. Intergrasi kedelapan sifat-sifat antara seorang pe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Prospek Pengembangan Pondok Pesantren Kecamatan Malangke Kabupaten Luwu

Jurnal Ilmiah Iqra'

AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren a... more AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren adalah cara atau srategi yang digunakan oleh wadah atau tempat guna proses suatu perubahan berencana yang memerlukan dukungan semua pihak, anatara lain Kepala, staff, guru, dan siswa dengan perubahan-perubahan itu diharapkan dapat mengembangkan dan meningkatkan lembaga pendidikan, yang memerlukan usaha jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang guna menghadapi perubahan yang akan terjadi pada masa mendatang. Peluang dan tangan pengembangan Pesantren di Luwu Utara, terdapat Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yang beberapa pasalnya menekankan penyelenggaraan pendidikan keagamaan, seperti, pasal 30 ayat (1) dan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 55 Tahun 2007 tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan pada pasal 1 ayat (2) tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan yang didalamnya secara tegas dikemukakan bahwa pondok pesantren menyelenggarakan pendid...

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Research paper thumbnail of Al-Quran Learning Through Information Processing Model Ala Joyce and Weil MTs Works in The Village Lara Mulya Baebunta District District North Luwu

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies

Research is executed with Actions Observational method braze (PTK). This research is executed at ... more Research is executed with Actions Observational method braze (PTK). This research is executed at MTs Mulya's Opus with the subject of research student brazes VII by a total of 22 students, 1 teacher and Headmaster. Acquired Data source of that student covers, formative student essay in work problem that is given at the early cycle. Observation sheet result to measure the result step-up studies student with implemented a model of Information proceedings. Observation result and field note that gets bearing with student activity's learning on al Qur 'an happens. Observational result and the analysis concludes that deep upgrade in observational learning. 1). Proceedingses implement models models suit to arouse student information point and student studying with information yen proceedings concept has a mission to help the student to concentrate at one particular domain the which they can gain control. Observation / control, helping student develops conceptual grasp about a p...

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