Illés Horváth | Széchenyi István University (original) (raw)
Papers by Illés Horváth
Role of Drones in Terrorist Attacks - The New Dimension of Threat., 2023
The military application of the fundamentals of drone technology spread during World War II (1939... more The military application of the fundamentals of drone technology spread during World War II (1939-1945) and soon became a key intelligence tool in the Korean War (1950-1953). Until the 2000s, the monopoly over the production and marketing of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) was held exclusively by the military industry, but the enormous potential of the technology quickly conquered the civilian sector, and manufacturing developed into an industry in its own right. The explosion of the market revolutionised the technology. It significantly reduced their size, increased their power capacity and, although there was also a significant change in rotor size, their power and range increased exponentially. At the same time, advances have also had a very positive impact on control: the ability to follow a person or object without direct pilot intervention, the ability to program an autonomous flight path on the user interface, the ability to return to the pilot in the event of signal loss, the ability to avoid obstacles in complex environments thanks to advanced optical sensors, and the cameras on some models with facial recognition technology. The use of drone technology by irregular organisations or terrorists dates back to the 1990s, and by 2018 there had been 14 terrorist attacks in which the perpetrators had used a homemade UAV using commercially available parts. The aim of this study is to shed light on the motivation of extremist groups and the potential for the use of drones. In addition, take stock of the possible ways of protection.
The newest aspect of industrial espionage. Cyber threats from UAVs to non-state actors. , 2024
The crime of industrial espionage to obtain trade secrets is as old as the dawn of commerce. With... more The crime of industrial espionage to obtain trade secrets is as old as the dawn of commerce. With the development of modern technology, the techniques for obtaining secrets, or in modern terms, data, have been constantly evolving. With the advent of drones on the market, physical and cyber attacks against critical infrastructure and non-state actors have increased significantly. The relative ease of modification of UAVs has led to the emergence of spy vehicles capable of acquiring sensitive data without the ground controller entering the area. Critical infrastructure is protected at the state level, with military and/or national security at the global level, but non-state actors are vulnerable to attack. The aim of this paper is to show how non-state actors are affected by the threat and what options they have to defend themselves. Whether EEA countries are threatened by this form of espionage.
Modern technology has greatly reduced the personal risk of warfare. With the spread of robotics a... more Modern technology has greatly reduced the personal risk of warfare. With the spread of robotics and drone technology, the soldiers operating them have disappeared from the battlefield. Technological advances have essentially allowed them to serve away from danger zones while remaining vital support units for operations. The integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) into the Western military arsenal has significantly transformed the ideals of the soldier. Since drone pilots are not personally involved in direct combat operations, they are not exposed to direct danger to their lives and are not tested in traditional combat skills such as courage and sacrifice, among others. As a consequence, the acceptance of drone pilots serving in modern armies, especially in NATO allied countries, is rather poor, partly because of their role as such and partly because of the public perception of RPA pilots. It seems that, due to our conservative social ideals of personal warfare, the military reputation of remotely piloted combat drone pilots is the lowest in the militaries of the allied states. This paper aims is to present the traditional ideas that have led to the significant marginalisation of service pilots.
In 1433, Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Hungary founded a new monastery for the Order of St. Pau... more In 1433, Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Hungary founded a new monastery for the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit. The monastery was consecrated to the title of the king’s dynastic saint: St Sigismund, the Burgundian king. The newly founded monastery became filia of the Monastery of St Michael of Toronyalja. After the death of King Sigismund (1437) the church depopulated soon. Although John Hunyadi attempted to populate the monastery with Carmelites, but the monks did not arrive. By the 16th century, the monastery was ruined, the only monument of it was a mill near to Verőce. According to the most recent literature and a so-called diploma of Agaune, the location of the monastery marked in the centres of the settlements of Kisoroszi or Verőce, however the ruin of it have not been identified yet. Thus, the present study aims to analyse the precedes of the foundation, and seeks to answer the following question: what role played the monastery of St Sigismund in the reorganisation process of the churches of Visegrád? At the same time, the paper analyses the sources of the history of the monastery and its accessories as well as to focus on other possible area of location, Hévkúterdeje, which neighbouring the Monasteries of Nosztra and Toronyalja.
Ruscia - Hungaria - Europa. Ünnepi kötet Font Márta professzor asszony 70. születésnapjára. Bagi, Dániel - Barabás, Gábor - Fedeles, Tamás - Kiss, Gergely. Pécs, 2022., 2022
On 13 December 1408, Sigismund and Queen Barbara, as well as the league of the loyal barons of ... more On 13 December 1408, Sigismund and Queen Barbara, as well as the league of the loyal barons of the realm, founded the Order of the Dragon (Societas Draconistarum), its patron saints were St. George and St. Margaret of Antioch. Although there seems to be a European tendency behind the election of patrons of the order, according to the sources, the choice of patron saints by the ruler proved to be a conscious decision in all respects. Behind this awareness his years as a duke, and – especially – his time at the princely residence in Tangermünde were to be found. The purpose of this study is to examine the episodes of the Sigismund's youthful years, which had a huge effect on the foundation of the Order of the Dragon.
When examining the cult of Saint Ladislaus within the power representations of Sigismund of Luxem... more When examining the cult of Saint Ladislaus within the power representations of Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Hungary and Holy Roman Emperor, the most often reminisced memory is the pious donations that the ruler made in 1406 in favor of the Blessed Mary cathedral of Várad. With these, the king designated the cathedral as his final resting place, alongside the tomb of the king. Yet sources reveal that the restructuring of the dome, the formation of its internal structure, the church services ordered to be made at the future tomb, and the several royal grants together followed the models of Aachen and Prague in laying the foundations for an imperial cathedral to eventually serve as a site for the cult of Sigsmund himself. The present paper examines the way in which Sigismund prepared his future resting place, and how the tradition of the chronicles preserved the circumstances of the emperor’s death and his pompa funebris. It also addresses the question of whether the ostensio corporis, that is, the special exposition of the imperial body could be interpreted as part of Sigismund’s effort at canonization.
Szent László fejereklyetartói, 2018
A szentek tiszteletének már az ókortól kezdve központi alkotóelemét képezte a földi maradványaik,... more A szentek tiszteletének már az ókortól kezdve központi alkotóelemét képezte a földi maradványaik, illetve másodlagos relikviáik (brandeum) megőrzése. 1 Szent László szentté avatását (1192) követően a lovagkirály testét a padlóba süllyesztett sírjából felemelték (elevatio), majd a szertartás alatt a testről leválasztották a fej-és karrelikviáit. Ezután maradványait drága damasztszövetbe csomagolták és ezüst koporsóba fektették, amit később egy márvány szarkofágba helyeztek. 2 Ereklyéi a 13. századtól kerültek tiszteletének középpontjába, és idővel oly nagy szerepet tulajdonítottak nekik, hogy gyakran még az igazságszolgáltatás eszközeiként is felhasználták azokat. 3 1241-ben a tatárok ostrom alá vették Váradot. Miután betörtek a várba, feldúlták a Szűz Mária-székesegyházat, s bűnös lábukkal széttaposták a szentek relikviáit. 4 Szent László ereklyéi azonban csodával határos módon megmenekültek. Koronával ékesített büsztje a 13. század folyamán mindvégig a székesegyházban volt, amelyről a különböző eskütételek és istenítéletek is tanúskodnak. A lovagkirály ereklyéinek kultusza Nagy Lajos király uralkodásának idején kezdett ismét felvirágozni. Lajos donátori tevékenységének köszönhetően készült el Szent László első váradi hermája, amely csakhamar a legendák középpontjába került. 5 Ám a Lajos-kori fejereklyetartó mellett Szent Lászlónak számos más relikviája is volt. A váradi káptalan statútumai szerint a Szűz Mária-dómban őrizték a szent király karrelikviáit (ad utrumque manum sancti regis) és szemfedőjét (orarium), 6 amelyek a fejereklye mellett ugyancsak nyilvános tiszteletnek örvendtek. Csakhogy 1403 körül súlyos tragédia sújtotta az ereklyéket és a díszes ereklyetartókat. A katedrális püspöki sekrestyéjében, ahol a Szent * Jelen kutatás a NTP-NFTÖ-17-B-0073 Nemzeti Tehetség Program keretében és finanszírozásával valósult meg.
Since the antiquity the preservation of the saint’s earthly remains and their brandeums was a key... more Since the antiquity the preservation of the saint’s earthly remains and their brandeums was a key element in their developing cults, likewise in the case of Ladislaus I of Hungary (also Saint Ladislaus), whose body was raised after 1192, and the remains of the head and arms were placed in an ornate relic, which in time became the centre of devotion of the holy king. During the Anjou’s in due to the representation of power St. Ladislaus's first gilded bust was completed, as well as two ornate relics for the arms. However these relics were destroyed around 1403 as a result a fire accident in the cathedral of Várad. Like Louis I of Hungary, Sigismund of Luxembourg himself paid his respects to the Holy King and for this reason he has renewed the cathedral of Várad – which was under construction at that time – while also developed new relics for the remains of Saint Ladislaus. Although the historical sources from Sigismund’s period didn’t mention the relics, it is suspected that the brandeums discussed in inventories dated in the following century could have been made under the reign of Sigismund. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the primary and secondary artifacts of Saint Ladislaus appearing after 1403, and to define what time the busts of Saint Ladislaus were made, as well as to explore the role played by Saint Ladislaus's relics in the monarchic and baronial representation during the Sigismundian age.
The person of Lawrence of Brezova (Vavřinec z Březové) is primarily known as the author of the Hu... more The person of Lawrence of Brezova (Vavřinec z Březové) is primarily known as the author of the Hussite Chronicle, however, modern research has increasingly established that the late magister of Karolinum has written several political polemic papers and satires. Those two pamphlets against Sigismund, written in Latin and Czech languages that were published in 1420 after Sigismund of Luxembourg was crowned King of Bohemia under the titles of Satira Regni Boemie in Regem Hungarie Sigismundum and Corona Regni Boemie Satira in Regem Hungarie Sigismundum, were probably written by him. These two works were created with the express purpose of using the concept of royal idoneity and its criteria as arguments, to prove that Sigismund is unfit for ruling, furthermore, he is not worthy of becoming the King of Bohemia. Lawrence of Brezova scrutinized the character of Sigismund based on his sacred nature, fighting skills, the relationship between the king and his people, his character as a nobleman, the defence of the Christian faith and the legitimacy of his crowning. In his pamphlets he contrasted Sigismund with the ideal ruler, Charles IV, the Holy Roman Emperor. Essentially, the satires of Brezova are outstanding works of Hussite propaganda literature. Although the pamphlets attack the Czech royal heir in a very provocative way, basically they provide very important data for the assessment of the image of Sigismund in Europe and for the remembrance of the Luxembourg dynasty by the Czech society. In this study I mainly try to assess what were the historical events that spurred Lawrence of Brezova to write the pamphlets, and what arguments were used by the Czech magister to attack the person of Sigismund.
The paper uncovers the role of trial by poison in the representation of the power of the Luxembou... more The paper uncovers the role of trial by poison in the representation of the power of the Luxembourg dynasty. After the death of Emperor Henry VII, the contemporaneous sources reported poisoning a few days after the Emperor had passed away, with a great outrage. In my study, I intend to explore how the death of Henry VII affected the dynastic memory and
the representation of the family. Furthermore, I also intend to focus on how Holy Roman Emperors Charles IV and Sigismund of Luxembourg reflected on the attempts on their lives and what was the role of trials by poison in their representation of power.
PREFACE The present issue of the Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis wishes to continue ... more PREFACE
The present issue of the Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis wishes to continue the “tradition” of the previous volumes, i.e. to collect and present the studies of the researchers of the Department of the History of Medieval and Early Modern Times, Institute of History, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs. The younger generation is also represented, as another intention of the editors is to give them a possibility to present the results of their researches.
Both main sections are structured in chronological order, although the topics are various: the volume starts with the analysis of a very important diplomatic event of the early eleventh century. It continues with three studies dealing with the papacy in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. They show three different aspects: the fight against heresy in Bosnia, the social network of the first Hungarian cardinal and a summary of the characteristics of the relations of Hungary’s first Angevin ruler, King Charles I and the popes in the first half of the fourteenth century. The section’s last study examines the question of the toll exemption of the citizen of Pozsony (Bratislava, Slovakia) during the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, especially the problem of the validity and confirmation of the privileges.
The section of the contributions starts with a particular topic: the interconnection of the economy and the military activities in the case of Novgorod during the twelfth century. After that, we can learn about the importance of the trial by poison in the representation of the Luxembourg dynasty. Then, leaving the medieval times, we enter into the early modern period. First comes a contribution dealing with the attitude of different German humanists towards converted Jews by means of the so-called Battle of Books. Last but not least a contribution presents the work of a mostly forgotten political writer, Edward Forset dealing with a very popular topic of the early seventeenth century, the sovereignty and the analogy between natural and politic body.
In the section of book reviews researchers and young scholars provide reviews about Hungarian books connected to our Department and also French works considered to be worthy of attention. The present issue also offers a short database with pictures of the publications related to our institution since 1998 (Related Publications) and the table of contents of the previous issues as well.
Pécs, October 2017
The Editors
A családjával együtt vértanúhalált halt Zsigmond burgund király ( †523/524) volt az első olyan ny... more A családjával együtt vértanúhalált halt Zsigmond burgund király ( †523/524) volt az első olyan nyugati uralkodó, akit szent királyként (rex sanctus) tiszteltek, 1 s kultusza mintáját képezte az Európában 8. és 11. század körül hatalomra kerülő uralkodóházak dinasztikus reprezentációjának. Noha Zsigmond annak ellenére, hogy népét az ariánus tanok megtagadására kényszerítette, gyermekeit az ortodoxia melletti helytállásra ösztönözte, törvénykezett, 2 és kolostort alapított Szent Móricz és thébai légió mártírjainak tiszteletére mégsem hitvalló, hanem bűnbánó szent királyként vált ismertté. Miután Zsigmond meggyilkoltatta Sigéric nevű fi át, Illés próféta példáját követve remeteségbe vonult, és szenvedélyesen keresni kezdte az érdekében imádkozó szerzetesek segítségével a bűnbocsánatot és a mártírhalált. 523-ban a frankok háborút indítottak Burgundia ellen. A váratlan támadástól meglepett burgund sereg vereséget szenvedett Lyonnál. Majd miután a frankok elfoglalták és kifosztották az egész országot számos burgund a frankokhoz szegődött. Zsigmond ezt látva egy elhagyatott helyre menekült, hogy kikerülje ellenségeit, ám azok a burgundok, akik alávetették magukat a frankoknak a keresésére indultak, hogy elfogják és átadják őt a frank királynak. Az árulás hírére Zsigmond levágta a haját, és szerzetesi ruhát öltött. Nem sokkal később néhány híve felkereste, hogy elvezessék az általa alapított agaune-i Szent Móric apátság azilumába, ám útközben burgund és frank harcosok családjával együtt elfogták, Orléans-ba vitték, ahol feleségével és két fi ával együtt megölték, testüket pedig kútba dobták. 3 A tragédia után, három évvel később egy éjszaka fény gyulladt a kút fölött, amelybe a burgund királyt és gyermekei tetemét vetették. Az est folyamán Venerandust a Szent Móricz apátság apátját egy angyal látogatta meg álmában, aki értesítette őt a csodáról, ezért az apát tüstént a királyhoz fordult, hogy engedélyezze Zsigmond testének 1 Fedeles Tamás: "Isten nevében utazunk" -Zarándokok, búcsújárás, kegyhelyek a középkorban.
Book Reviews by Illés Horváth
Role of Drones in Terrorist Attacks - The New Dimension of Threat., 2023
The military application of the fundamentals of drone technology spread during World War II (1939... more The military application of the fundamentals of drone technology spread during World War II (1939-1945) and soon became a key intelligence tool in the Korean War (1950-1953). Until the 2000s, the monopoly over the production and marketing of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) was held exclusively by the military industry, but the enormous potential of the technology quickly conquered the civilian sector, and manufacturing developed into an industry in its own right. The explosion of the market revolutionised the technology. It significantly reduced their size, increased their power capacity and, although there was also a significant change in rotor size, their power and range increased exponentially. At the same time, advances have also had a very positive impact on control: the ability to follow a person or object without direct pilot intervention, the ability to program an autonomous flight path on the user interface, the ability to return to the pilot in the event of signal loss, the ability to avoid obstacles in complex environments thanks to advanced optical sensors, and the cameras on some models with facial recognition technology. The use of drone technology by irregular organisations or terrorists dates back to the 1990s, and by 2018 there had been 14 terrorist attacks in which the perpetrators had used a homemade UAV using commercially available parts. The aim of this study is to shed light on the motivation of extremist groups and the potential for the use of drones. In addition, take stock of the possible ways of protection.
The newest aspect of industrial espionage. Cyber threats from UAVs to non-state actors. , 2024
The crime of industrial espionage to obtain trade secrets is as old as the dawn of commerce. With... more The crime of industrial espionage to obtain trade secrets is as old as the dawn of commerce. With the development of modern technology, the techniques for obtaining secrets, or in modern terms, data, have been constantly evolving. With the advent of drones on the market, physical and cyber attacks against critical infrastructure and non-state actors have increased significantly. The relative ease of modification of UAVs has led to the emergence of spy vehicles capable of acquiring sensitive data without the ground controller entering the area. Critical infrastructure is protected at the state level, with military and/or national security at the global level, but non-state actors are vulnerable to attack. The aim of this paper is to show how non-state actors are affected by the threat and what options they have to defend themselves. Whether EEA countries are threatened by this form of espionage.
Modern technology has greatly reduced the personal risk of warfare. With the spread of robotics a... more Modern technology has greatly reduced the personal risk of warfare. With the spread of robotics and drone technology, the soldiers operating them have disappeared from the battlefield. Technological advances have essentially allowed them to serve away from danger zones while remaining vital support units for operations. The integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) into the Western military arsenal has significantly transformed the ideals of the soldier. Since drone pilots are not personally involved in direct combat operations, they are not exposed to direct danger to their lives and are not tested in traditional combat skills such as courage and sacrifice, among others. As a consequence, the acceptance of drone pilots serving in modern armies, especially in NATO allied countries, is rather poor, partly because of their role as such and partly because of the public perception of RPA pilots. It seems that, due to our conservative social ideals of personal warfare, the military reputation of remotely piloted combat drone pilots is the lowest in the militaries of the allied states. This paper aims is to present the traditional ideas that have led to the significant marginalisation of service pilots.
In 1433, Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Hungary founded a new monastery for the Order of St. Pau... more In 1433, Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Hungary founded a new monastery for the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit. The monastery was consecrated to the title of the king’s dynastic saint: St Sigismund, the Burgundian king. The newly founded monastery became filia of the Monastery of St Michael of Toronyalja. After the death of King Sigismund (1437) the church depopulated soon. Although John Hunyadi attempted to populate the monastery with Carmelites, but the monks did not arrive. By the 16th century, the monastery was ruined, the only monument of it was a mill near to Verőce. According to the most recent literature and a so-called diploma of Agaune, the location of the monastery marked in the centres of the settlements of Kisoroszi or Verőce, however the ruin of it have not been identified yet. Thus, the present study aims to analyse the precedes of the foundation, and seeks to answer the following question: what role played the monastery of St Sigismund in the reorganisation process of the churches of Visegrád? At the same time, the paper analyses the sources of the history of the monastery and its accessories as well as to focus on other possible area of location, Hévkúterdeje, which neighbouring the Monasteries of Nosztra and Toronyalja.
Ruscia - Hungaria - Europa. Ünnepi kötet Font Márta professzor asszony 70. születésnapjára. Bagi, Dániel - Barabás, Gábor - Fedeles, Tamás - Kiss, Gergely. Pécs, 2022., 2022
On 13 December 1408, Sigismund and Queen Barbara, as well as the league of the loyal barons of ... more On 13 December 1408, Sigismund and Queen Barbara, as well as the league of the loyal barons of the realm, founded the Order of the Dragon (Societas Draconistarum), its patron saints were St. George and St. Margaret of Antioch. Although there seems to be a European tendency behind the election of patrons of the order, according to the sources, the choice of patron saints by the ruler proved to be a conscious decision in all respects. Behind this awareness his years as a duke, and – especially – his time at the princely residence in Tangermünde were to be found. The purpose of this study is to examine the episodes of the Sigismund's youthful years, which had a huge effect on the foundation of the Order of the Dragon.
When examining the cult of Saint Ladislaus within the power representations of Sigismund of Luxem... more When examining the cult of Saint Ladislaus within the power representations of Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Hungary and Holy Roman Emperor, the most often reminisced memory is the pious donations that the ruler made in 1406 in favor of the Blessed Mary cathedral of Várad. With these, the king designated the cathedral as his final resting place, alongside the tomb of the king. Yet sources reveal that the restructuring of the dome, the formation of its internal structure, the church services ordered to be made at the future tomb, and the several royal grants together followed the models of Aachen and Prague in laying the foundations for an imperial cathedral to eventually serve as a site for the cult of Sigsmund himself. The present paper examines the way in which Sigismund prepared his future resting place, and how the tradition of the chronicles preserved the circumstances of the emperor’s death and his pompa funebris. It also addresses the question of whether the ostensio corporis, that is, the special exposition of the imperial body could be interpreted as part of Sigismund’s effort at canonization.
Szent László fejereklyetartói, 2018
A szentek tiszteletének már az ókortól kezdve központi alkotóelemét képezte a földi maradványaik,... more A szentek tiszteletének már az ókortól kezdve központi alkotóelemét képezte a földi maradványaik, illetve másodlagos relikviáik (brandeum) megőrzése. 1 Szent László szentté avatását (1192) követően a lovagkirály testét a padlóba süllyesztett sírjából felemelték (elevatio), majd a szertartás alatt a testről leválasztották a fej-és karrelikviáit. Ezután maradványait drága damasztszövetbe csomagolták és ezüst koporsóba fektették, amit később egy márvány szarkofágba helyeztek. 2 Ereklyéi a 13. századtól kerültek tiszteletének középpontjába, és idővel oly nagy szerepet tulajdonítottak nekik, hogy gyakran még az igazságszolgáltatás eszközeiként is felhasználták azokat. 3 1241-ben a tatárok ostrom alá vették Váradot. Miután betörtek a várba, feldúlták a Szűz Mária-székesegyházat, s bűnös lábukkal széttaposták a szentek relikviáit. 4 Szent László ereklyéi azonban csodával határos módon megmenekültek. Koronával ékesített büsztje a 13. század folyamán mindvégig a székesegyházban volt, amelyről a különböző eskütételek és istenítéletek is tanúskodnak. A lovagkirály ereklyéinek kultusza Nagy Lajos király uralkodásának idején kezdett ismét felvirágozni. Lajos donátori tevékenységének köszönhetően készült el Szent László első váradi hermája, amely csakhamar a legendák középpontjába került. 5 Ám a Lajos-kori fejereklyetartó mellett Szent Lászlónak számos más relikviája is volt. A váradi káptalan statútumai szerint a Szűz Mária-dómban őrizték a szent király karrelikviáit (ad utrumque manum sancti regis) és szemfedőjét (orarium), 6 amelyek a fejereklye mellett ugyancsak nyilvános tiszteletnek örvendtek. Csakhogy 1403 körül súlyos tragédia sújtotta az ereklyéket és a díszes ereklyetartókat. A katedrális püspöki sekrestyéjében, ahol a Szent * Jelen kutatás a NTP-NFTÖ-17-B-0073 Nemzeti Tehetség Program keretében és finanszírozásával valósult meg.
Since the antiquity the preservation of the saint’s earthly remains and their brandeums was a key... more Since the antiquity the preservation of the saint’s earthly remains and their brandeums was a key element in their developing cults, likewise in the case of Ladislaus I of Hungary (also Saint Ladislaus), whose body was raised after 1192, and the remains of the head and arms were placed in an ornate relic, which in time became the centre of devotion of the holy king. During the Anjou’s in due to the representation of power St. Ladislaus's first gilded bust was completed, as well as two ornate relics for the arms. However these relics were destroyed around 1403 as a result a fire accident in the cathedral of Várad. Like Louis I of Hungary, Sigismund of Luxembourg himself paid his respects to the Holy King and for this reason he has renewed the cathedral of Várad – which was under construction at that time – while also developed new relics for the remains of Saint Ladislaus. Although the historical sources from Sigismund’s period didn’t mention the relics, it is suspected that the brandeums discussed in inventories dated in the following century could have been made under the reign of Sigismund. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the primary and secondary artifacts of Saint Ladislaus appearing after 1403, and to define what time the busts of Saint Ladislaus were made, as well as to explore the role played by Saint Ladislaus's relics in the monarchic and baronial representation during the Sigismundian age.
The person of Lawrence of Brezova (Vavřinec z Březové) is primarily known as the author of the Hu... more The person of Lawrence of Brezova (Vavřinec z Březové) is primarily known as the author of the Hussite Chronicle, however, modern research has increasingly established that the late magister of Karolinum has written several political polemic papers and satires. Those two pamphlets against Sigismund, written in Latin and Czech languages that were published in 1420 after Sigismund of Luxembourg was crowned King of Bohemia under the titles of Satira Regni Boemie in Regem Hungarie Sigismundum and Corona Regni Boemie Satira in Regem Hungarie Sigismundum, were probably written by him. These two works were created with the express purpose of using the concept of royal idoneity and its criteria as arguments, to prove that Sigismund is unfit for ruling, furthermore, he is not worthy of becoming the King of Bohemia. Lawrence of Brezova scrutinized the character of Sigismund based on his sacred nature, fighting skills, the relationship between the king and his people, his character as a nobleman, the defence of the Christian faith and the legitimacy of his crowning. In his pamphlets he contrasted Sigismund with the ideal ruler, Charles IV, the Holy Roman Emperor. Essentially, the satires of Brezova are outstanding works of Hussite propaganda literature. Although the pamphlets attack the Czech royal heir in a very provocative way, basically they provide very important data for the assessment of the image of Sigismund in Europe and for the remembrance of the Luxembourg dynasty by the Czech society. In this study I mainly try to assess what were the historical events that spurred Lawrence of Brezova to write the pamphlets, and what arguments were used by the Czech magister to attack the person of Sigismund.
The paper uncovers the role of trial by poison in the representation of the power of the Luxembou... more The paper uncovers the role of trial by poison in the representation of the power of the Luxembourg dynasty. After the death of Emperor Henry VII, the contemporaneous sources reported poisoning a few days after the Emperor had passed away, with a great outrage. In my study, I intend to explore how the death of Henry VII affected the dynastic memory and
the representation of the family. Furthermore, I also intend to focus on how Holy Roman Emperors Charles IV and Sigismund of Luxembourg reflected on the attempts on their lives and what was the role of trials by poison in their representation of power.
PREFACE The present issue of the Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis wishes to continue ... more PREFACE
The present issue of the Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis wishes to continue the “tradition” of the previous volumes, i.e. to collect and present the studies of the researchers of the Department of the History of Medieval and Early Modern Times, Institute of History, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs. The younger generation is also represented, as another intention of the editors is to give them a possibility to present the results of their researches.
Both main sections are structured in chronological order, although the topics are various: the volume starts with the analysis of a very important diplomatic event of the early eleventh century. It continues with three studies dealing with the papacy in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. They show three different aspects: the fight against heresy in Bosnia, the social network of the first Hungarian cardinal and a summary of the characteristics of the relations of Hungary’s first Angevin ruler, King Charles I and the popes in the first half of the fourteenth century. The section’s last study examines the question of the toll exemption of the citizen of Pozsony (Bratislava, Slovakia) during the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, especially the problem of the validity and confirmation of the privileges.
The section of the contributions starts with a particular topic: the interconnection of the economy and the military activities in the case of Novgorod during the twelfth century. After that, we can learn about the importance of the trial by poison in the representation of the Luxembourg dynasty. Then, leaving the medieval times, we enter into the early modern period. First comes a contribution dealing with the attitude of different German humanists towards converted Jews by means of the so-called Battle of Books. Last but not least a contribution presents the work of a mostly forgotten political writer, Edward Forset dealing with a very popular topic of the early seventeenth century, the sovereignty and the analogy between natural and politic body.
In the section of book reviews researchers and young scholars provide reviews about Hungarian books connected to our Department and also French works considered to be worthy of attention. The present issue also offers a short database with pictures of the publications related to our institution since 1998 (Related Publications) and the table of contents of the previous issues as well.
Pécs, October 2017
The Editors
A családjával együtt vértanúhalált halt Zsigmond burgund király ( †523/524) volt az első olyan ny... more A családjával együtt vértanúhalált halt Zsigmond burgund király ( †523/524) volt az első olyan nyugati uralkodó, akit szent királyként (rex sanctus) tiszteltek, 1 s kultusza mintáját képezte az Európában 8. és 11. század körül hatalomra kerülő uralkodóházak dinasztikus reprezentációjának. Noha Zsigmond annak ellenére, hogy népét az ariánus tanok megtagadására kényszerítette, gyermekeit az ortodoxia melletti helytállásra ösztönözte, törvénykezett, 2 és kolostort alapított Szent Móricz és thébai légió mártírjainak tiszteletére mégsem hitvalló, hanem bűnbánó szent királyként vált ismertté. Miután Zsigmond meggyilkoltatta Sigéric nevű fi át, Illés próféta példáját követve remeteségbe vonult, és szenvedélyesen keresni kezdte az érdekében imádkozó szerzetesek segítségével a bűnbocsánatot és a mártírhalált. 523-ban a frankok háborút indítottak Burgundia ellen. A váratlan támadástól meglepett burgund sereg vereséget szenvedett Lyonnál. Majd miután a frankok elfoglalták és kifosztották az egész országot számos burgund a frankokhoz szegődött. Zsigmond ezt látva egy elhagyatott helyre menekült, hogy kikerülje ellenségeit, ám azok a burgundok, akik alávetették magukat a frankoknak a keresésére indultak, hogy elfogják és átadják őt a frank királynak. Az árulás hírére Zsigmond levágta a haját, és szerzetesi ruhát öltött. Nem sokkal később néhány híve felkereste, hogy elvezessék az általa alapított agaune-i Szent Móric apátság azilumába, ám útközben burgund és frank harcosok családjával együtt elfogták, Orléans-ba vitték, ahol feleségével és két fi ával együtt megölték, testüket pedig kútba dobták. 3 A tragédia után, három évvel később egy éjszaka fény gyulladt a kút fölött, amelybe a burgund királyt és gyermekei tetemét vetették. Az est folyamán Venerandust a Szent Móricz apátság apátját egy angyal látogatta meg álmában, aki értesítette őt a csodáról, ezért az apát tüstént a királyhoz fordult, hogy engedélyezze Zsigmond testének 1 Fedeles Tamás: "Isten nevében utazunk" -Zarándokok, búcsújárás, kegyhelyek a középkorban.
Gyöngyösi Gergely Vita Fratrumában és Inventáriumában található egy meglehetősen rövid és különös... more Gyöngyösi Gergely Vita Fratrumában és Inventáriumában található egy meglehetősen rövid és különös leírás, amely szerint 1399-ben Luxemburgi Zsigmond magyar király éppen Toldon és Kisbátén tartózkodott, ahol személyesen találkozott a Szent László királyról és Szent Zsigmond mártírról elnevezett pálos kolostor remetéivel, akik éppen azt a szántót művelték, amelyet még egyházuk alapítója, Zámbó Miklós tárnokmester adományozott nekik. Azonban a szerzetesek idővel valamely oknál fogva elhagyták egyházukat és a szomszédos Toldra költöztek. A beszámoló szerint néhai egyházukról és kegyes birtokuk adományáról szóló
diplomát a toldi egyház szekrényében őrizték. Kegyelettel őrizve néhai kolostoruk emlékét. A Gyöngyösi által leírt kolostor történetét a későbbi schematizmusok, és történetírói munkák igen széleskörben felhasználták. Többek között Pázmány schematizmusában is megjelent, végül különösebb tekintet nélkül a Documenta Artis Paulinorumban is helyt kapott. A néhai egyház fennállását a történelemtudományok művelői is igyekeztek igazolni, így Guzsik Tamás kutatása nyomán Kisbáté Szent Zsigmond-kolostora szinte megingathatatlan szintézise lett a rendtörténeti munkáknak. Mindazonáltal túl a pálos rendi hagyományokon a fennmaradt források alapján egy merőben más kép tárul elénk, s mint alapító Zsigmond személye került kontextusba, aki Maros és Verőce között az általa alapított monostorban kívánta elhelyezni dinasztikus szentjének, a burgund szent királynak, Zsigmondnak és családjának ereklyéit, ezzel új országos kegyhelyet kialakítva. Előadásomban elsősorban a toronyaljai pálos kolostor fíliájaként alapított Szent Zsigmond-kolostor történetét kívánom bemutatni, mely során arra a
kérdésre is választ próbálok adni, hogy milyen okok motiválták Gyöngyösi Gergelyt, hogy a kolostor alapítását szűkszavúan éppen a toldi egyház alapításának előzményeként tárgyalja.
Representation and Piety: Funeral and Remembrance of Sigismund of Luxembourg., 2019
A vallás régészete -A rítuselméletek szerepe az őskori kultúrák vallásának vizsgálatakor Kálinger... more A vallás régészete -A rítuselméletek szerepe az őskori kultúrák vallásának vizsgálatakor Kálinger Roland Szent Márton a katona
Támogató: programfüzet 77 76 Hózsa Éva -Horváth Futó Hargita -Andrić Edit Újvidéki Egyetem BTK, M... more Támogató: programfüzet 77 76 Hózsa Éva -Horváth Futó Hargita -Andrić Edit Újvidéki Egyetem BTK, Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék Látványdimenziók a "bábeli" térben: egy Nádas-regény átültetései Záró beszélgetés -összegzés IDŐ-, TÉR-ÉS IDENTITÁSREPREZENTÁCIÓK AZ IRODALOMBAN
Jelen dolgozatban az új vallási mozgalmakon belül a neopogány mozgalmak közé sorolt, magyarország... more Jelen dolgozatban az új vallási mozgalmakon belül a neopogány mozgalmak közé sorolt, magyarországi Kelta-Wicca Hagyományőrző Egyházzal foglalkozom. Kutatásom elején azt a kérdést tettem fel, hogy hogyan él ma egy wicca a keresztény kultúrkörű Magyarországon, így célom az volt, hogy az egyház történetét a tagok elmondása alapján rekonstruáljam, hogy pontosabb képet kaphassak a társadalmi többséghez képest alternatív szemléletet valló közösség tagjairól. A dolgozatban öt értelmiségi fiatal félig strukturált interjúját készítettem el és dolgoztam fel, melyben a vallási útjukról, életükről és vallási szokásaikról kérdeztem őket, illetve terepkutatást is végeztem, programokon és ünnepségeken vettem részt. Az interjú elkészítése során nem kívántam az állítások és öndefiníciók igazságtartalmat vizsgálni, a semlegességre és a minél pontosabb leírásra törekedtem. Írásomban először a főbb fogalmakat definiáltam, elhelyeztem a Wiccát a vallási térképen, majd a nemzetközi, és magyarországi történetét vázoltam fel. A főbb jellemzők rövid összefoglalása után kutatásom módszertanát ismertettem, majd a feldolgozott interjúkat mutattam be. Végül összehasonlítottam a kapott adatokat, és értékeltem azokat.
by Kiss Gergely, Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis, Péter Báling, Gábor Barabás, Daniel Bagi, Tamás Bélfenyéri, Ferenc Végh, István Kovács, Judit Csákó, Tamás Péderi, and Illés Horváth
PREFACE After the previous two volumes in the VIIIth issue of the Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sect... more PREFACE
After the previous two volumes in the VIIIth issue of the Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis we go back to the beginnings. As opposed to the volumes based on the materials of different conferences, the present issue consists of the studies of the researchers of the Department of the History of Medieval and Early Modern Times, Institute of History, University of Pécs. It is a pleasure that among the authors there is a PhD student of our department as a sign of promising supply of young historians, and furthermore we can also publish our respected German colleague’s study, who have been to Pécs on research trips and conferences several times in addition to the scientific cooperations.
As compared to the previous issues there is a new feature, namely the workshop section. Here we can read about the ongoing projects of our department besides two short reports given about the researches and their results by our Croatian scientific partner Marko Jerković, a researcher of the Center of Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb.
In the section of the book review researchers and students of our institute and a PhD student from Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania) provide reviews about Hungarian works connected to our department and also German and English works considered interesting. The present issue gives also a short database with pictures of the publications related to our institution since 1998 (Related Publications) and the table of contents of the previous issues as well.
Pécs, December 2015
The Editors
Thousand-faced Transylvania. Politics, Society, Culture., 2019
Ami a szerzõket illeti, bár témáik és módszereik is különböznek, valamennyien az Erdély történeté... more Ami a szerzõket illeti, bár témáik és módszereik is különböznek, valamennyien az Erdély történetét kutató fiatal magyar történésznemzedék tehetséges tagjai. De amíg külön-külön a múlt egyes részterületeinek elmélyült megismerésén munkálkodnak, addig a bevezetõ tanulmányt jegyzõ Dr. Romsics Ignác egyetemi tanár, az MTA rendes tagjának értekezése nagyívû áttekintést ad azokról a folyamatokról és töréspontokról, amelyek meghatározták a tágabb értelemben vett Erdélyben élõ népek 20. századi történetét.