Manca Vinazza | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts (original) (raw)

Papers by Manca Vinazza

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the pottery firing techniques in western Slovenia during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages using FTIR and petrographic analysis

Documenta Praehistorica, 2024

This study focuses on the analysis of pottery firing techniques during the Late Bronze and Early ... more This study focuses on the analysis of pottery firing techniques during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Karst region of Slovenia. Given the absence of archaeological structures, we adopted an alternative research approach, employing FTIR and ceramic thin-section analysis. The archaeological material underwent study using a model derived from archaeological experiments, which encompassed firing techniques in both pits and pottery kilns. Our research successfully identified that various
firing structures were utilized during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Škocjan od 3341±45 BP do 2010. Raziskave Centra za preventivno arheologijo ZVKDS v letih 2009 in 2010

Goriški letnik, 2023

The article presents new archaeological data that provide a starting point for contemplating the ... more The article presents new archaeological data that provide a starting point
for contemplating the archaeological image of the wider Škocjan area and refining it. The Škocjan hillfort was most likely built at the turn of the Middle Bronze Age and prospered until the end of the Bronze Age; afterwards, the population briefly settled elsewhere in the Early Iron Age. In the Late Iron Age, a vast settlement was formed on the prominence around the Okroglica shaft and was inhabited at least until the
first few centuries AD. Post-antique settlement becomes notable from the end of the 12th or the beginning of the 13th century at the latest. The landscape underwent a rapid transformation for agricultural purposes in the modern period, perhaps even as early as in the Late Middle Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Izdelava keramičnih replik

Palafittes News, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Decorare il fuoco: studio e interpretazioni funzionali di concotti dell’età del ferro di Montereale Valcellina

Montereal (C Congresso Società Filologica Friulana-Montereale Valcellina), 2023

Negli anni ’90 del secolo scorso, in diversi siti dell’età del ferro di Montereale si rinvennero ... more Negli anni ’90 del secolo scorso, in diversi siti dell’età del ferro di Montereale si rinvennero numerosi frammenti di manufatti in impasto limoso sabbioso, genericamente definiti “concotti”, caratterizzati da una forma a “mattonella” con due superfici finite contrapposte, leggermente arcuate: la maggior parte venne ricondotta a vasi silos, grandi contenitori in impasto ricco di componente degrassante vegetale, altri, più grandi e con decorazione particolarmente elaborata e dall’aspetto apparentemente piatto, vennero ricondotti invece a decorazioni architettoniche come quelle riconosciute nelle case hallstattiane di Santa Lucia di Tolmino / Most na Soči. Lo sviluppo della ricerca sui materiali in concotto di questo tipo ha permesso di verificare che gran parte di essi va in effetti ricondotta a forni domestici modulari.

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Research paper thumbnail of Študije keramike v Sloveniji

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Research paper thumbnail of Vinazza, M. et al. 2023, Pile dwellers and clay. Replicas of pottery, kilns and fireplaces


The replicas of pottery and other objects from the 3rd millennium BC were made for the reconstruc... more The replicas of pottery and other objects from the 3rd millennium BC were made for the reconstruction of pile dwellings as part of the project Na-kolih (On-Piles) – Interpretation of Biodiversity and Heritage of Pile Dwellings in the Ljubljansko barje. We built a pottery kiln and fireplaces for cooking and metallurgical activities in the houses. For the replicas we used only materials that were accessible at that time. The whole process from clay preparation to pottery firing was recorded, and we obtained a significant amount of data that will help us make comparisons with archaeological ceramics. This kind of approach is not only suitable for data collection for further scientific analysis of the objects, but also allows a better and more detailed presentation to visitors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vinazza, M. 2023, The contribution of experimental archaeology to ceramic studies: a case study of pottery firing in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in western Slovenia


In this paper, the general view of the pottery firing processes in the Bronze and Iron Ages will ... more In this paper, the general view of the pottery firing processes in the Bronze and Iron Ages will be compared with the state of the research with the archaeological material from the archaeological sites of western
Slovenia (Karst region). The latter will be upgraded with the data gathered from the three different archaeological experiments. Petrographic, chemical, and mineralogical analyses (XRD analyses) were used
to recognize pottery kilns as firing structures used for pottery firing at least in Early Iron Age. By integration of different analysis it is possible to better understand and argue well-founded manner past activities
connected with the pottery practices in late prehistory in western Slovenia. The results can also help to upgrade the established methodology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pottery firing in the Early Iron Age in western Slovenia

Documenta Praehistorica, 2022

The article discusses the possible use of kilns for the firing of pottery in western Slovenia dur... more The article discusses the possible use of kilns for the firing of pottery in western Slovenia during the Early Iron Age. In the absence of archaeologically attested kilns, their use in this area is studied based on indirect factors, i.e. the analysis of the vessel firing technique, and with the help of experiments from the field of experimental archaeology. The article strives to determine the reasons for the poor state of preservation of the kilns in the area in question. Samples from archaeological experiments and archaeological pottery were subjected to AMS measurements, petrographic and mineralogical analyses (X-ray diffraction), which revealed the importance of considering the soaking time as a criterion for observing the firing processes and use of single-chamber kilns for the firing of pottery, even if they have not yet been discovered.

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Research paper thumbnail of Protourbano gradišče Pungrt nad Igom: od 10 hektarjev k 10 mikronom

Arheologija v letu 2021, dediščina za javnost, Zbornik povzetkov, Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva 13. in 14. junija 2022 v Atriju ZRC SAZU v Ljubljani, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Naselbinska keramika starejše železne dobe na Krasu

V prispevku je obravnavano keramično gradivo s treh gradišč starejše železne dobe, kjer so p... more V prispevku je obravnavano keramično gradivo s treh gradišč starejše železne dobe, kjer so potekale raziskave zadnjih trideset let in ki pomenijo izhodišče za vzpostavitev kronološke slike naselbinske keramike na Krasu. Poleg stratigrafskih podatkov predstavljamo ugotovitve makroskopske analize tehnologije keramike in primerjalne študije najdb z drugimi sočasnimi najdišči na prostoru Caput Adriae. Vzpostavljena kronološka slika naselbinske keramike je prvi tovrsten poskus pregleda keramike za obravnavani prostor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Srečanja in vplivi v raziskovanju bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem: Zbornik prispevkov v čast Bibi Teržan

Srecanja in vplivi se zrcalijo skozi delo prof. Bibe Teržan pri proucevanju arheoloskih pojavov v... more Srecanja in vplivi se zrcalijo skozi delo prof. Bibe Teržan pri proucevanju arheoloskih pojavov v lokalnem, regionalnem ali nadregionalnem okolju, pa naj bo na nivoju posameznikov v družbi ali na nivojih sirsih skupnosti. So pomembni, a težko oprijemljivi in razumljivi motorji, ki se nam v svojih materializiranih oblikah kažejo v arheoloskih najdbah, kontekstih, najdiscih in krajinah ter najbolj izrazito, a zagonetno zakodirano, na umetniskih stvaritvah, kakrsne so na primer situlski spomeniki …

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Research paper thumbnail of Na sledi zgodnjebronastodobne poselitve v dolini Rižane: arheološke raziskave na najdišču Ključ

Studia universitatis hereditati, znanstvena revija za raziskave in teorijo kulturne dediščine, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of Early Iron Age pottery from northeastern Slovenia through the prism of ceramic technology and petrography

Documenta Praehistorica, 2019

Pottery technology in the Early Iron Age remains understudied in Slovenian archaeology, especiall... more Pottery technology in the Early Iron Age remains understudied in Slovenian archaeology, especially in the combined use of description on a macroscopic level with the addition of petrographic thin sections analysis. In this study we focused on pottery technology of vessels from two Early Iron Age sites in north-eastern Slovenia, Poštela near Maribor and Novine above Šentilj (NE Slovenia). We analysed the clay pastes, inclusions in the clay, as well as surface treatment, firing properties, vessels shape, and decoration techniques using macroscopic description and ceramic petrography. Within the sites we looked at the different contexts, comparing pottery from settlements, i.e. hillforts, to pottery found within the adjacent cemeteries. The results show that potters from the two contemporaneous sites produced similarly shaped vessels using different pottery recipes from locally available raw materials. The use of grog as a possible chronological marker in the Early Iron Age is also dis...

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Research paper thumbnail of Forni ad elementi mobili dal Caput Adriae

IpoTESI di Preistoria, 2019

I forni ad elementi mobili sono noti nella protostoria dell’Europa occidentale fin dagli anni &#3... more I forni ad elementi mobili sono noti nella protostoria dell’Europa occidentale fin dagli anni '70 dello scorso secolo (forno di Sevrier). Tracce riconducibili al medesimo ambito produttivo sono state riconosciute in numerosi siti della prima e della piena eta del Ferro del Caput Adriae, dai quali provengono grandi quantita di frammenti di concotto. Presentiamo in questa sede una rassegna dei rinvenimenti e dei tratti tecnologici, morfologici e strutturali utili per la definizione di un possibile modello di forno complesso diffuso nell’area del Caput Adriae.

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Research paper thumbnail of Forni ad elementi mobili dal Caput Adriae

IpoTESI di Preistoria, 2019

I forni ad elementi mobili sono noti nella protostoria dell’Europa occidentale fin dagli anni &#3... more I forni ad elementi mobili sono noti nella protostoria dell’Europa occidentale fin dagli anni '70 dello scorso secolo (forno di Sevrier). Tracce riconducibili al medesimo ambito produttivo sono state riconosciute in numerosi siti della prima e della piena eta del Ferro del Caput Adriae, dai quali provengono grandi quantita di frammenti di concotto. Presentiamo in questa sede una rassegna dei rinvenimenti e dei tratti tecnologici, morfologici e strutturali utili per la definizione di un possibile modello di forno complesso diffuso nell’area del Caput Adriae.

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Research paper thumbnail of Arheologija poskusov v študijah keramike / Experimental Archaeology in Ceramics Research

Arheo, 2021

V prispevku predstavljamo pomen vključevanja arheoloških poskusov v študije keramike, kar se je v... more V prispevku predstavljamo pomen vključevanja arheoloških poskusov v študije keramike, kar se je v tujini že dodobra uveljavilo, pri nas pa pravega odziva še ni bilo. Predstavljena je osnovna metodologija arheološkega poskusa. Na študijskem primeru žganja v kopi skušamo pokazati možnosti vključevanja tovrstnih raziskav, ki lahko ključno pripomorejo tako k razumevanju arheoloških ostankov kot k nadgradnji končne interpretacije/In this paper we present the importance of the integration
of archaeological experiments in ceramics studies, which has
already become well established abroad, but has not yet been really
adopted in Slovenia. The basic methodology of archaeological
experimentation is presented. Using the case study of a bonfire,
we try to show the possibilities of integrating this type of research,
which can make a key contribution both to the understanding
of archaeological remains and to the enhancement of the final

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Research paper thumbnail of Koliko je star prvi taborski zid?

Vrhe nekoč in danes, 2021

Čeprav arheološke raziskave, ki so potekale v neposredni bližini Tabora in na samem Taboru, lahko... more Čeprav arheološke raziskave, ki so potekale v neposredni bližini Tabora
in na samem Taboru, lahko preštejemo na prste ene roke, velja, da smo
že postavili pomemben kamenček v mozaiku. Pred tem smo govorili zgolj o prazgodovinskem gradišču, danes že vemo, da je gradišče nastalo v starejši železni dobi. Poznamo pripomočke, ki so jih uporabljali pri kuhanju oziroma peki hrane in pripravi pijače, ter vemo, da sta se v tem času po Taboru sprehajala tako pes kot tudi gos. Vemo tudi, da so
ta prostor uporabljali že prej, in sicer v pozni bronasti dobi, a takrat obzidja še niso potrebovali. Ali so zidovi ograde zahodno od Tabora sočasni starejši ali mlajši fazi poselitve, še ne moremo z gotovostjo trditi, z nadaljnjimi raziskavami pa bomo skušali odgovoriti tudi na
takšna vprašanja.

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Research paper thumbnail of Naselbinska keramika starejše železne dobe na Krasu / Settlement pottery from the Early Iron Age in Kras

Arheološki vestnik, 2021

The article discusses pottery material from three Early Iron Age hillforts, where excavations hav... more The article discusses pottery material from three Early Iron Age hillforts, where excavations have been carried out in the last 30 years. These present a starting point for the establishment of a chronological picture of settlement pottery in Kras region. In addition to stratigraphic data, macroscopic analysis of the pottery technology and comparative
study of the finds with other contemporary sites in the area of Caput Adriae have been performed. The established chronological picture of the settlement pottery presents the first attempt of this kind to create a pottery overview for the discussed territory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary research of the Early Iron Age iron production centre Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice

Arheološki vestnik, 2020

The prehistoric complex of Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice occupies a strategic position between t... more The prehistoric complex of Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice occupies a strategic position between the regions of Dolenjska and Bela krajina. It has yielded important finds for the understanding of the Late Hallstatt period and holds the largest known iron-smelting area in the region. In recent years, several interdisciplinary research campaigns took place at Cvinger, combining modern remote sensing techniques, such as airborne laser scanning and geophysical surveys, with more established archaeological methods. Importantly, the results have brought new understanding about the whole complex, including the chronological refinement of the iron-smelting area thanks to archaeomagnetic dating.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tridimenzionalni model kot orodje za računanje prostornine posod /  A 3D model as a tool for measuring a vessel’s capacity

ARHEO , 2019

V prispevku predstavljamo način uporabe tridimenzionalnega modela kot orodja za računanje prostor... more V prispevku predstavljamo način uporabe tridimenzionalnega modela kot orodja za računanje prostornine posod. Po zaslugi različnih računalniških programov lahko s pomočjo vektorske risbe notranjosti posode hitro in preprosto izdelamo 3D model, na osnovi katerega izračunamo prostornino. Glede na primerjave z drugimi metodami izračuna prostornine je obravnavan način dovolj hiter in natančen ter kot tak primeren za uporabnika / In this contribution, we are presenting the method of using a 3D model as a tool for measuring a vessel’s capacity.
Thanks to a variety of computer programs, we can form a 3D model based on a vector drawing of the interior of the vessel, and quickly and easily measure its capacity. Compared with other methods, the presented method is quick and precise enough to measure capacity, and as such convenient for the user .

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the pottery firing techniques in western Slovenia during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages using FTIR and petrographic analysis

Documenta Praehistorica, 2024

This study focuses on the analysis of pottery firing techniques during the Late Bronze and Early ... more This study focuses on the analysis of pottery firing techniques during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Karst region of Slovenia. Given the absence of archaeological structures, we adopted an alternative research approach, employing FTIR and ceramic thin-section analysis. The archaeological material underwent study using a model derived from archaeological experiments, which encompassed firing techniques in both pits and pottery kilns. Our research successfully identified that various
firing structures were utilized during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Škocjan od 3341±45 BP do 2010. Raziskave Centra za preventivno arheologijo ZVKDS v letih 2009 in 2010

Goriški letnik, 2023

The article presents new archaeological data that provide a starting point for contemplating the ... more The article presents new archaeological data that provide a starting point
for contemplating the archaeological image of the wider Škocjan area and refining it. The Škocjan hillfort was most likely built at the turn of the Middle Bronze Age and prospered until the end of the Bronze Age; afterwards, the population briefly settled elsewhere in the Early Iron Age. In the Late Iron Age, a vast settlement was formed on the prominence around the Okroglica shaft and was inhabited at least until the
first few centuries AD. Post-antique settlement becomes notable from the end of the 12th or the beginning of the 13th century at the latest. The landscape underwent a rapid transformation for agricultural purposes in the modern period, perhaps even as early as in the Late Middle Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Izdelava keramičnih replik

Palafittes News, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Decorare il fuoco: studio e interpretazioni funzionali di concotti dell’età del ferro di Montereale Valcellina

Montereal (C Congresso Società Filologica Friulana-Montereale Valcellina), 2023

Negli anni ’90 del secolo scorso, in diversi siti dell’età del ferro di Montereale si rinvennero ... more Negli anni ’90 del secolo scorso, in diversi siti dell’età del ferro di Montereale si rinvennero numerosi frammenti di manufatti in impasto limoso sabbioso, genericamente definiti “concotti”, caratterizzati da una forma a “mattonella” con due superfici finite contrapposte, leggermente arcuate: la maggior parte venne ricondotta a vasi silos, grandi contenitori in impasto ricco di componente degrassante vegetale, altri, più grandi e con decorazione particolarmente elaborata e dall’aspetto apparentemente piatto, vennero ricondotti invece a decorazioni architettoniche come quelle riconosciute nelle case hallstattiane di Santa Lucia di Tolmino / Most na Soči. Lo sviluppo della ricerca sui materiali in concotto di questo tipo ha permesso di verificare che gran parte di essi va in effetti ricondotta a forni domestici modulari.

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Research paper thumbnail of Študije keramike v Sloveniji

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Research paper thumbnail of Vinazza, M. et al. 2023, Pile dwellers and clay. Replicas of pottery, kilns and fireplaces


The replicas of pottery and other objects from the 3rd millennium BC were made for the reconstruc... more The replicas of pottery and other objects from the 3rd millennium BC were made for the reconstruction of pile dwellings as part of the project Na-kolih (On-Piles) – Interpretation of Biodiversity and Heritage of Pile Dwellings in the Ljubljansko barje. We built a pottery kiln and fireplaces for cooking and metallurgical activities in the houses. For the replicas we used only materials that were accessible at that time. The whole process from clay preparation to pottery firing was recorded, and we obtained a significant amount of data that will help us make comparisons with archaeological ceramics. This kind of approach is not only suitable for data collection for further scientific analysis of the objects, but also allows a better and more detailed presentation to visitors.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vinazza, M. 2023, The contribution of experimental archaeology to ceramic studies: a case study of pottery firing in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in western Slovenia


In this paper, the general view of the pottery firing processes in the Bronze and Iron Ages will ... more In this paper, the general view of the pottery firing processes in the Bronze and Iron Ages will be compared with the state of the research with the archaeological material from the archaeological sites of western
Slovenia (Karst region). The latter will be upgraded with the data gathered from the three different archaeological experiments. Petrographic, chemical, and mineralogical analyses (XRD analyses) were used
to recognize pottery kilns as firing structures used for pottery firing at least in Early Iron Age. By integration of different analysis it is possible to better understand and argue well-founded manner past activities
connected with the pottery practices in late prehistory in western Slovenia. The results can also help to upgrade the established methodology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pottery firing in the Early Iron Age in western Slovenia

Documenta Praehistorica, 2022

The article discusses the possible use of kilns for the firing of pottery in western Slovenia dur... more The article discusses the possible use of kilns for the firing of pottery in western Slovenia during the Early Iron Age. In the absence of archaeologically attested kilns, their use in this area is studied based on indirect factors, i.e. the analysis of the vessel firing technique, and with the help of experiments from the field of experimental archaeology. The article strives to determine the reasons for the poor state of preservation of the kilns in the area in question. Samples from archaeological experiments and archaeological pottery were subjected to AMS measurements, petrographic and mineralogical analyses (X-ray diffraction), which revealed the importance of considering the soaking time as a criterion for observing the firing processes and use of single-chamber kilns for the firing of pottery, even if they have not yet been discovered.

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Research paper thumbnail of Protourbano gradišče Pungrt nad Igom: od 10 hektarjev k 10 mikronom

Arheologija v letu 2021, dediščina za javnost, Zbornik povzetkov, Strokovno srečanje Slovenskega arheološkega društva 13. in 14. junija 2022 v Atriju ZRC SAZU v Ljubljani, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Naselbinska keramika starejše železne dobe na Krasu

V prispevku je obravnavano keramično gradivo s treh gradišč starejše železne dobe, kjer so p... more V prispevku je obravnavano keramično gradivo s treh gradišč starejše železne dobe, kjer so potekale raziskave zadnjih trideset let in ki pomenijo izhodišče za vzpostavitev kronološke slike naselbinske keramike na Krasu. Poleg stratigrafskih podatkov predstavljamo ugotovitve makroskopske analize tehnologije keramike in primerjalne študije najdb z drugimi sočasnimi najdišči na prostoru Caput Adriae. Vzpostavljena kronološka slika naselbinske keramike je prvi tovrsten poskus pregleda keramike za obravnavani prostor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Srečanja in vplivi v raziskovanju bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem: Zbornik prispevkov v čast Bibi Teržan

Srecanja in vplivi se zrcalijo skozi delo prof. Bibe Teržan pri proucevanju arheoloskih pojavov v... more Srecanja in vplivi se zrcalijo skozi delo prof. Bibe Teržan pri proucevanju arheoloskih pojavov v lokalnem, regionalnem ali nadregionalnem okolju, pa naj bo na nivoju posameznikov v družbi ali na nivojih sirsih skupnosti. So pomembni, a težko oprijemljivi in razumljivi motorji, ki se nam v svojih materializiranih oblikah kažejo v arheoloskih najdbah, kontekstih, najdiscih in krajinah ter najbolj izrazito, a zagonetno zakodirano, na umetniskih stvaritvah, kakrsne so na primer situlski spomeniki …

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Research paper thumbnail of Na sledi zgodnjebronastodobne poselitve v dolini Rižane: arheološke raziskave na najdišču Ključ

Studia universitatis hereditati, znanstvena revija za raziskave in teorijo kulturne dediščine, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of Early Iron Age pottery from northeastern Slovenia through the prism of ceramic technology and petrography

Documenta Praehistorica, 2019

Pottery technology in the Early Iron Age remains understudied in Slovenian archaeology, especiall... more Pottery technology in the Early Iron Age remains understudied in Slovenian archaeology, especially in the combined use of description on a macroscopic level with the addition of petrographic thin sections analysis. In this study we focused on pottery technology of vessels from two Early Iron Age sites in north-eastern Slovenia, Poštela near Maribor and Novine above Šentilj (NE Slovenia). We analysed the clay pastes, inclusions in the clay, as well as surface treatment, firing properties, vessels shape, and decoration techniques using macroscopic description and ceramic petrography. Within the sites we looked at the different contexts, comparing pottery from settlements, i.e. hillforts, to pottery found within the adjacent cemeteries. The results show that potters from the two contemporaneous sites produced similarly shaped vessels using different pottery recipes from locally available raw materials. The use of grog as a possible chronological marker in the Early Iron Age is also dis...

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Research paper thumbnail of Forni ad elementi mobili dal Caput Adriae

IpoTESI di Preistoria, 2019

I forni ad elementi mobili sono noti nella protostoria dell’Europa occidentale fin dagli anni &#3... more I forni ad elementi mobili sono noti nella protostoria dell’Europa occidentale fin dagli anni '70 dello scorso secolo (forno di Sevrier). Tracce riconducibili al medesimo ambito produttivo sono state riconosciute in numerosi siti della prima e della piena eta del Ferro del Caput Adriae, dai quali provengono grandi quantita di frammenti di concotto. Presentiamo in questa sede una rassegna dei rinvenimenti e dei tratti tecnologici, morfologici e strutturali utili per la definizione di un possibile modello di forno complesso diffuso nell’area del Caput Adriae.

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Research paper thumbnail of Forni ad elementi mobili dal Caput Adriae

IpoTESI di Preistoria, 2019

I forni ad elementi mobili sono noti nella protostoria dell’Europa occidentale fin dagli anni &#3... more I forni ad elementi mobili sono noti nella protostoria dell’Europa occidentale fin dagli anni '70 dello scorso secolo (forno di Sevrier). Tracce riconducibili al medesimo ambito produttivo sono state riconosciute in numerosi siti della prima e della piena eta del Ferro del Caput Adriae, dai quali provengono grandi quantita di frammenti di concotto. Presentiamo in questa sede una rassegna dei rinvenimenti e dei tratti tecnologici, morfologici e strutturali utili per la definizione di un possibile modello di forno complesso diffuso nell’area del Caput Adriae.

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Research paper thumbnail of Arheologija poskusov v študijah keramike / Experimental Archaeology in Ceramics Research

Arheo, 2021

V prispevku predstavljamo pomen vključevanja arheoloških poskusov v študije keramike, kar se je v... more V prispevku predstavljamo pomen vključevanja arheoloških poskusov v študije keramike, kar se je v tujini že dodobra uveljavilo, pri nas pa pravega odziva še ni bilo. Predstavljena je osnovna metodologija arheološkega poskusa. Na študijskem primeru žganja v kopi skušamo pokazati možnosti vključevanja tovrstnih raziskav, ki lahko ključno pripomorejo tako k razumevanju arheoloških ostankov kot k nadgradnji končne interpretacije/In this paper we present the importance of the integration
of archaeological experiments in ceramics studies, which has
already become well established abroad, but has not yet been really
adopted in Slovenia. The basic methodology of archaeological
experimentation is presented. Using the case study of a bonfire,
we try to show the possibilities of integrating this type of research,
which can make a key contribution both to the understanding
of archaeological remains and to the enhancement of the final

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Research paper thumbnail of Koliko je star prvi taborski zid?

Vrhe nekoč in danes, 2021

Čeprav arheološke raziskave, ki so potekale v neposredni bližini Tabora in na samem Taboru, lahko... more Čeprav arheološke raziskave, ki so potekale v neposredni bližini Tabora
in na samem Taboru, lahko preštejemo na prste ene roke, velja, da smo
že postavili pomemben kamenček v mozaiku. Pred tem smo govorili zgolj o prazgodovinskem gradišču, danes že vemo, da je gradišče nastalo v starejši železni dobi. Poznamo pripomočke, ki so jih uporabljali pri kuhanju oziroma peki hrane in pripravi pijače, ter vemo, da sta se v tem času po Taboru sprehajala tako pes kot tudi gos. Vemo tudi, da so
ta prostor uporabljali že prej, in sicer v pozni bronasti dobi, a takrat obzidja še niso potrebovali. Ali so zidovi ograde zahodno od Tabora sočasni starejši ali mlajši fazi poselitve, še ne moremo z gotovostjo trditi, z nadaljnjimi raziskavami pa bomo skušali odgovoriti tudi na
takšna vprašanja.

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Research paper thumbnail of Naselbinska keramika starejše železne dobe na Krasu / Settlement pottery from the Early Iron Age in Kras

Arheološki vestnik, 2021

The article discusses pottery material from three Early Iron Age hillforts, where excavations hav... more The article discusses pottery material from three Early Iron Age hillforts, where excavations have been carried out in the last 30 years. These present a starting point for the establishment of a chronological picture of settlement pottery in Kras region. In addition to stratigraphic data, macroscopic analysis of the pottery technology and comparative
study of the finds with other contemporary sites in the area of Caput Adriae have been performed. The established chronological picture of the settlement pottery presents the first attempt of this kind to create a pottery overview for the discussed territory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary research of the Early Iron Age iron production centre Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice

Arheološki vestnik, 2020

The prehistoric complex of Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice occupies a strategic position between t... more The prehistoric complex of Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice occupies a strategic position between the regions of Dolenjska and Bela krajina. It has yielded important finds for the understanding of the Late Hallstatt period and holds the largest known iron-smelting area in the region. In recent years, several interdisciplinary research campaigns took place at Cvinger, combining modern remote sensing techniques, such as airborne laser scanning and geophysical surveys, with more established archaeological methods. Importantly, the results have brought new understanding about the whole complex, including the chronological refinement of the iron-smelting area thanks to archaeomagnetic dating.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tridimenzionalni model kot orodje za računanje prostornine posod /  A 3D model as a tool for measuring a vessel’s capacity

ARHEO , 2019

V prispevku predstavljamo način uporabe tridimenzionalnega modela kot orodja za računanje prostor... more V prispevku predstavljamo način uporabe tridimenzionalnega modela kot orodja za računanje prostornine posod. Po zaslugi različnih računalniških programov lahko s pomočjo vektorske risbe notranjosti posode hitro in preprosto izdelamo 3D model, na osnovi katerega izračunamo prostornino. Glede na primerjave z drugimi metodami izračuna prostornine je obravnavan način dovolj hiter in natančen ter kot tak primeren za uporabnika / In this contribution, we are presenting the method of using a 3D model as a tool for measuring a vessel’s capacity.
Thanks to a variety of computer programs, we can form a 3D model based on a vector drawing of the interior of the vessel, and quickly and easily measure its capacity. Compared with other methods, the presented method is quick and precise enough to measure capacity, and as such convenient for the user .

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Research paper thumbnail of Burial Rites in the Western and Central Slovenia in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age (Bronzo Finale 3 – Primo Ferro 1). A Case Study of Urnfield Necropolises from Tolmin and Ljubljana (Slovenia)

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Research paper thumbnail of Okusi bronaste in železne dobe

About food processing in Bronze and Iron Age in Karst region, Slovenia

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Research paper thumbnail of Plants–Animals–People. Lively archaeological landscapes of Styria and NE Slovenia/Pflanzen–Tiere–Menschen. Lebendige archäologische Landschaften der Steiermark und NO Slowenien/Rastline–živali–ljudje. Žive arheološke krajine avstrijske Štajerske in SV Slovenije

Plants–Animals–People. Lively archaeological landscapes of Styria and Northeastern Slovenia/Pflanzen–Tiere–Menschen. Lebendige archäologische Landschaften der Steiermark und Nordostslowenien Slowenien/Rastline–živali–ljudje. Žive arheološke krajine avstrijske Štajerske in severovzhodne Slovenije, Dec 2019

In the focus of this monographic publication are the cultural landscapes of Austrian Styria and n... more In the focus of this monographic publication are the cultural landscapes of Austrian Styria and north-eastern Slovenia and the changes that occurred since the introduction of farming. It includes archaeologically, archaeobotanically and archaeozoologically analyzed and collected data from numerous archaeological sites, stretching from the Late Neolithic period to the end of the Middle Ages. The selected case studies in this book are some of the most representative sites for individual epochs. Furthermore, the publication is closely connected to the database of the PalaeoDiversiStyria project (, which is containing raw data on plant and animal remains from numerous archaeological sites in this region.
Special attention was given to the changes in the landscape caused by human intervention into the environment, e.g. by the cultivation of new plants and the domestication of animals, by the building of larger settlements or metal production. Part of the research included the discovery and identification of different plant species as well as domesticated and wild animals in archaeological contexts. To reach these results it was necessary that archaeologists, botanists, archaeobotanists as well as archaeozoologists worked hand in hand to create a better understanding of the interaction between nature and humans. With this interdisciplinary cooperation, we built new knowledge of the circumstances that influenced the dietary habits of people in the past.
The publication is one of the results of the interdisciplinary “PalaeoDiversiStyria” project, with the full name “Palaeolandscape of Styria and its Biodiversity from Prehistory to the Discovery of the New World”. It was a partnership between Universalmuseum Joanneum, the Institute for Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, two botanical gardens led by the Universities of Maribor and of Graz, and two Municipalities, Grosklein in Austria and Hoče-Slivnica in Slovenia. The project was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the INTERREG Slovenia-Austria V-A 2014-2020 cooperation programme.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strokovno srečanje Temne plasti v Sloveniji, 21. novembra 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Knjiga povzetkov (Professional meeting Dark Earths in Slovenia, 21st November 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Book of Abstracts)

Book of abstracts from a professional meeting aimed at starting the discussion about the need for... more Book of abstracts from a professional meeting aimed at starting the discussion about the need for more thorough investigations of Dark Earths in Slovenia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Srečanja in vplivi v raziskovanju bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem: Zbornik prispevkov v čast Bibi Teržan

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Research paper thumbnail of Archäologische Biographie einer Landschaft an der steirisch-slowenischen Grenze/Arheološka biografija krajine ob meji med avstrijsko Štajersko in Slovenijo. Schild von Steier, Beiheft 6/2015 (Graz/Ljubljana 2015).

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Research paper thumbnail of Bernhard Hänsel et al. 2015, Monkodonja. Istraživanja protourbanog naselja brončanog doba Istre. Knjiga 1.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of MetArh_04_2016_Book of abstracts

by Ina Miloglav, Ivor Karavanić, Mirna Cvetko, Maja Miše, Selena Vitezović, Manca Vinazza, Branko Mušič, Petra Basar, Frane Mihanovic, Bartul Šiljeg, Ivan Jerković, Katarina Šprem, Silvija Lasić, Sime Ivic, Katarina Pavlek, Igor Medarić, Matej Dolenec, and Mateja Moslavac

Book of abstracts - 4th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, Zagreb, 2016.

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Research paper thumbnail of M-CPA 6: Nova odkritja med Alpami in Črnim morjem Rezultati raziskav rimskodobnih najdišč v obdobju med leti 2005 in 2015

by Center for Preventive Archaeology IPCHS, Susanne Lamm, Patrick Marko, Edisa Lozić, Heinrich Zabehlicky, Martin Auer, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić, Manca Vinazza, Katarina Smid, Eva Butina, Gasper Rutar, and Eleni Schindler

Monografije CPA, 2018

Zbornik je obsežna publikacija o novih dognanjih z različnih področij rimske provincialne arheolo... more Zbornik je obsežna publikacija o novih dognanjih z različnih področij rimske provincialne arheologije in vsebuje prispevke, predstavljene na 1. mednarodnem arheološkem simpoziju z naslovom Nova odkritja med Alpami in Črnim morjem. Rezultati raziskav rimskodobnih najdišč v obdobju med leti 2005 in 2015. In memoriam Iva Mikl Curk. Simpozij je potekal na Ptujskem gradu oktobra 2015. Simpozij sta organizirala Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine, Center za preventivno arheologijo in Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj-Ormož.
Zbornik vsebuje 25 prispevkov avtorjev iz Slovenije, Hrvaške, Avstrije in Italije. Vsebina prispevkov zajema aktualne rezultate raziskav rimskih najdišč na širšem območju rimskega cesarstva ter njihovo vključitev v širši kontekst ekonomskega, socialnega in družbenega dogajanja v rimskem obdobju.

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