Cosimo Marco Scarcelli | Università degli Studi di Padova (original) (raw)
Books by Cosimo Marco Scarcelli
his edited collection brings together original empirical and theoretical insights into the comple... more his edited collection brings together original empirical and theoretical insights into the complex set of relations which exist between age, gender, sexualities and the media in Europe.
This book investigates how engagements with media reflect people’s constructions and understandings of gender in society, as well as articulations of age in relation to gender and sexuality; the ways in which negotiations of gender and sexuality inform people’s practices with media, and not least how mediated representations may reinforce or challenge social hierarchies based in differences of gender, sexual orientation and age. In doing so, it showcases new and innovative research at the forefront of media and communication practice and theory. Including contributions from both established and early career scholars across Europe, it engages with a wide range of hotly debated topics within the context of gender, sexuality and the media, informing academic, public and policy agendas.
This collection will be of interest to students and researchers in gender studies, media studies, film and television, cultural studies, sexuality, ageing, sociology and education.
L'intreccio tra vita quotidiana, emozioni, identità dei giovani e media digitali è articolato e r... more L'intreccio tra vita quotidiana, emozioni, identità dei giovani e media digitali è articolato e ricco di sfumature che spesso tendiamo ad annullare in ragione di visioni che etichettano ragazze e ragazzi come "analfabeti emotivi" o "vittime della rete". Il volume esplora l'universo giovanile attraverso l'analisi sociologica delle parole di chi, ogni giorno, fa esperienze e si emoziona in quegli spazi che sempre più fondono vita quotidiana e tecnologia quali sono i social network. L'indagine, condotta in cinque città italiane - Padova, Torino, Perugia, Cosenza, Palermo - e che ha coinvolto oltre 400 ragazze e ragazzi, si concentra sulle trasformazioni in atto nel mondo giovanile per quel che concerne la costruzione dell'identità, la manifestazione delle emozioni, le diverse forme di socialità che si instaurano sia in pubblico sia in privato e le funzioni svolte dai social network in questi processi.
L e riflessioni che sono al centro di questo volume ruotano attorno a due poli principali: il rad... more L e riflessioni che sono al centro di questo volume ruotano attorno a due poli principali: il radicamento dei media nella quotidianità odierna e il protagonismo delle giovani generazioni, poste al centro di quel mutamento, simbolico e tecnologico, che produce ed è prodotto dalla cultura mediale contemporanea. I capitoli, redatti da giovani ricercatori che da tempo si occupano di queste tematiche e da attenti ed esperti osservatori del mutamento in atto, si pongono come obiettivo quello di indagare cosa significhi essere giovani in un mondo tecnologico in continuo mutamento, in cui le offerte e le occasioni culturali, di consumo mediale, di relazione, di opportunità sono sempre più crescenti. Verranno presentate varie dimensioni della relazione, complessa e multiforme, tra giovani e media: dai new media al cinema, dalle serie tv alla musica e ai videogiochi, fino al più ampio fronte dei consumi culturali outdoor. E ancora: dall'uso dei social network alle implicazioni in termini relazionali ed affettivi e di partecipazione politica, fino agli interrogativi su come sono cambiate le pratiche di lettura/scrittura con l'avvento dei media digitali. Senza dimenticare una riflessione a partire dalla prospettiva adulta (genitori e insegnanti) rispetto a tali dinamiche. Per linguaggio, presentazione dei temi, organizzazione del discorso e contributi offerti, il volume vuole fornire, in maniera innovativa, inquadramenti teorici, discussioni specialistiche e casi di studio con i quali affacciarsi con consapevolezza alla relazione tra giovani e media.
Oggi si discute spesso di ciò che gli adolescenti fanno con internet e di come i digital media po... more Oggi si discute spesso di ciò che gli adolescenti fanno con internet e di come i digital media possano cambiare il loro modo di relazionarsi. Programmi televisivi e giornali non di rado danno spazio alle incursioni di esperti di vario genere che parlano della rete e dei presunti effetti (negativi o positivi) che essa può avere sui più giovani. Spesso però ci si dimentica di partire proprio dalle ragazze e dai ragazzi, da ciò che hanno da dire, dalle loro esperienze, dalla realtà che li circonda e che cambia il modo di muoversi all'interno di piattaforme digitali divenute ormai parte integrante della vita quotidiana.
Questo lavoro si concentra sul modo in cui i ragazzi utilizzano le risorse che il web mette loro a disposizione per avere accesso a informazioni e pratiche connesse alla sessualità e all'affettività. L'analisi proposta cerca di chiarire il ruolo delle tecnologie digitali nei processi di esplorazione dell'intimità e di costruzione dell'esperienza e della realtà sociale per mostrare quella parte della vita dei più giovani spesso banalizzata e ignorata da sguardi inclini a dare soluzioni educative superficiali.
Papers by Cosimo Marco Scarcelli
Young People and the Smartphone
Routledge eBooks, May 10, 2021
L'intersezione di omosessualità e prostituzione, ha prodotto un particolare tipo di attore so... more L'intersezione di omosessualità e prostituzione, ha prodotto un particolare tipo di attore sociale che si trova a convertire le sue risorse sessuali in pecuniarie, dando vita così a nuove forme di maschilità come quella del sexworker. Lo scopo di questo intervento è quello di evidenziare, attraverso una revisione della letteratura in-ternazionale, come il sexwork maschile si sia sviluppato storicamente e socialmen-te dall'inizio del Novecento fino ad arrivare all'era della digitalizzazione.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2020
If we look at the relationship between young people and adults in terms of their usage of digital... more If we look at the relationship between young people and adults in terms of their usage of digital technologies, we can see that the studies conducted to date have paid little attention to adult users. Thanks to interviews and autoethnographic diaries, the present study looks at how young people view their parents’ use of digital media. A ‘mediologic approach’ help us to look at the inter-generational relationships and the role of digital technologies from the young people’s perspective, in an effort to shed light on those spaces in the discourse where expectations, stereotypes and generational boundaries are constructed. Young people’s views are on a continuum with a shared rhetoric that now sees digital media as an established element in our social ecology, but also as a phenomenon capable of modifying human behaviour. Young people’s narratives reveal an interesting picture: they worry about the older generation’s use of these technologies. The study shows how interviewees interior...
Mediekultur, 2021
OnlyFans has enjoyed increasing attention from media and from users and consumers, especially sin... more OnlyFans has enjoyed increasing attention from media and from users and consumers, especially since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, and particularly amongst Internet-savy emerging adults. We used semi-structured interviews to collect testimonies from young Italian women (N = 20) who sell their own sexual(ised) content on OnlyFans and processed them through Th ematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Th rough this process, we sought to explore how diff erent bodies are conceptualised in relation to content production, and how labour takes somatic existence in multiple ways. We looked at 1) how the body is prepared to be presented and mediatised, 2) how its presentation is conceptualised and actualised, and 3) how that work of representation, as a work of networking and therefore where bodily energy is invested and expended. Th rough this, we show how there are multiple, concurrent, and at times contradictory, narratives about corporality, and that potency and healing coexist alongside exhaustion.
Mediascaper Journal, 2021
Sex and sexuality hold considerable social and political importance. With the ever more constant ... more Sex and sexuality hold considerable social and political importance. With the ever more constant presence of digital media in our lives, the relationship between communication technologies, sex and sexuality has become a priority issue for policy makers and institutions, especially in regard to young people. Simultaneously and, in recent years, we have seen an increase in studies in the field of sex media (Attwood 2018), with a certain predominance of works from the psychological and medical fields. Nonetheless, there is a scarce quantity of work that focuses on what it means for researchers to work in this field. Recalling the concept of 'dirty work', this paper serves as a starting point for a broader discussion on what it means to study the relationship between (digital) media, sexuality and young people in sociology and media studies, in Italy. It pays particular attention to the recognition of this field of study within academia, teaching, research, phases of results publication and personal planning. This work also insists on the need for full recognition of the importance and value of studies that concern the perceptions, preferences, assumptions, and social and cultural conditions surrounding practices such as sexting, erotic chat, sharing sexually explicit photos, dating and searching for sexual information, among others. This paper ultimately defines the main road that will allow sociology and media studies to take back territory that has long been the prerogative of medicine and psychology. In turn, this will provide educators, policy makers, health professionals and other stakeholders new tools to support the creation of gazes more inclined to understand than judge, with an eye to the political form of sexuality, the logic of the media and the sexual citizenship of young people.
About Gender, 2021
This paper rearticulates the definition of the manosphere by considering everyday male digital me... more This paper rearticulates the definition of the manosphere by considering everyday male digital media practices as part of a series of peripheral manospheres, connected, often without a clear reference, with the more articulated galaxy that makes up what we now call the manosphere. The article is based on the analysis of 36 in-depth interviews with young people aged 15 to 19 who live in different Italian regions. Through the analysis of boys' narratives, it is possible to explore spaces that are usually difficult to observeprivate WhatsApp groupsto bring out the practices of masculinity that intertwine male homosocial relationships with the characteristics and affordances of digital media. The analysis reveals how the definitions and maintenance of the group, the use of humour, and the digital girl-watching maintain and reproduce specific forms of masculinity that 2 lead young people to dialogue, frequently unconsciously, with the languages, contents and practices of the manosphere.
Information Communication and Society, 2020
From the Trump administration’s attempts to narrow down the de!nition of gender to biologically ... more From the Trump administration’s attempts to narrow down the
de!nition of gender to biologically determined sex at birth to the
everyday life gendered performances in digital platforms, from
increasing representations of LGBTQI+ in TV programmes to the
popularity of PornHub, the relations between gender, sexuality
and media are ubiquitous and deeply embedded in everyday life.
This Special Issue of Information, Communication and Society
draws together cutting-edge contributions on the themes of
Gender and Sexuality and Media. Showcasing the work of
experienced and internationally renowned scholars and some less
experienced but no less relevant voices of emerging scholars. The
research upon which the contributions are based analyse media
both in terms of representation and agency exploring media texts
and the practices of media production and consumption. The
special issue provides an accessible and enjoyable, discussion of
many of the major themes pertinent to di"ering uses of digital
and other media related to the !eld of Gender and Sexuality.
Investigating nuances of contemporary sex and gender scripts as
they are played out in popular media and challenging the
heteronormative and sexist performances often encountered. It
o"ers insights upon both ‘traditional’ and digital media and in
some cases illustrates how those two have morphed making it
sometimes di#cult to clearly de!ne boundaries between the
traditional and the digital.
Società Mutamento Politica, 2020
The concept of intimate citizenship explores the spaces of people’s sexual lives, spaces that in ... more The concept of intimate citizenship explores the spaces of people’s sexual lives, spaces that in the past were considered exclusively private but which today have become a subject of public discussion and social concern. Reflections on intimate citizenship have focused above all on the debate regarding sexual policies and the reconfiguration of citizenship, focusing more recently on participatory practices that take place thanks to digital platforms, which are now also very important in relation to issues related to intimacy, gender and sexuality. The intent of this article is to understand, through the use of specialist literature and specific cases, how intimate citizenship is built and negotiated in adult speech and returned to girls and boys. To this end, a highly debated practice will be considered, namely that of sexting: the exchange of sexually explicit content through messaging apps. The thesis behind this article is that, as adults, we are responding to concerns regarding the well-being of the youngest based on deterministic assumptions concerning adolescent sexuality and digital technologies.
This leads to labelling some practices, such as sexting, as simply dangerous or wrong and to denying the active role of girls and boys by negating their intimate citizenship and consequently the possibility of their participation and recognition
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2020
Journal of Gender Studies, 2020
Considering gender, sexuality and sexual desire are culturally and socially constructed through s... more Considering gender, sexuality and sexual desire are culturally and socially constructed through social learning and interaction and pornography as a cultural practice, this article focuses on how the discourse that young Italian heterosexual couples construct around pornography can illustrate their definition and negotiation of desire, and gender roles. The work is based on 50 e-mail interviews with 21 female and 29 male young Italians aged between 20 and 24 years old. Our interviewees (both male and female) express the idea of heterosexual male desire as implacable, natural and a fundamental expression of masculinity. In the complex plot delineating desire, gender roles and heterosexual scripts in heterosexual couples, we suggest that pornography might be seen as an erotic lover capable of embodying practices and desires that cannot be expressed or shared by the couple. ARTICLE HISTORY
his edited collection brings together original empirical and theoretical insights into the comple... more his edited collection brings together original empirical and theoretical insights into the complex set of relations which exist between age, gender, sexualities and the media in Europe.
This book investigates how engagements with media reflect people’s constructions and understandings of gender in society, as well as articulations of age in relation to gender and sexuality; the ways in which negotiations of gender and sexuality inform people’s practices with media, and not least how mediated representations may reinforce or challenge social hierarchies based in differences of gender, sexual orientation and age. In doing so, it showcases new and innovative research at the forefront of media and communication practice and theory. Including contributions from both established and early career scholars across Europe, it engages with a wide range of hotly debated topics within the context of gender, sexuality and the media, informing academic, public and policy agendas.
This collection will be of interest to students and researchers in gender studies, media studies, film and television, cultural studies, sexuality, ageing, sociology and education.
L'intreccio tra vita quotidiana, emozioni, identità dei giovani e media digitali è articolato e r... more L'intreccio tra vita quotidiana, emozioni, identità dei giovani e media digitali è articolato e ricco di sfumature che spesso tendiamo ad annullare in ragione di visioni che etichettano ragazze e ragazzi come "analfabeti emotivi" o "vittime della rete". Il volume esplora l'universo giovanile attraverso l'analisi sociologica delle parole di chi, ogni giorno, fa esperienze e si emoziona in quegli spazi che sempre più fondono vita quotidiana e tecnologia quali sono i social network. L'indagine, condotta in cinque città italiane - Padova, Torino, Perugia, Cosenza, Palermo - e che ha coinvolto oltre 400 ragazze e ragazzi, si concentra sulle trasformazioni in atto nel mondo giovanile per quel che concerne la costruzione dell'identità, la manifestazione delle emozioni, le diverse forme di socialità che si instaurano sia in pubblico sia in privato e le funzioni svolte dai social network in questi processi.
L e riflessioni che sono al centro di questo volume ruotano attorno a due poli principali: il rad... more L e riflessioni che sono al centro di questo volume ruotano attorno a due poli principali: il radicamento dei media nella quotidianità odierna e il protagonismo delle giovani generazioni, poste al centro di quel mutamento, simbolico e tecnologico, che produce ed è prodotto dalla cultura mediale contemporanea. I capitoli, redatti da giovani ricercatori che da tempo si occupano di queste tematiche e da attenti ed esperti osservatori del mutamento in atto, si pongono come obiettivo quello di indagare cosa significhi essere giovani in un mondo tecnologico in continuo mutamento, in cui le offerte e le occasioni culturali, di consumo mediale, di relazione, di opportunità sono sempre più crescenti. Verranno presentate varie dimensioni della relazione, complessa e multiforme, tra giovani e media: dai new media al cinema, dalle serie tv alla musica e ai videogiochi, fino al più ampio fronte dei consumi culturali outdoor. E ancora: dall'uso dei social network alle implicazioni in termini relazionali ed affettivi e di partecipazione politica, fino agli interrogativi su come sono cambiate le pratiche di lettura/scrittura con l'avvento dei media digitali. Senza dimenticare una riflessione a partire dalla prospettiva adulta (genitori e insegnanti) rispetto a tali dinamiche. Per linguaggio, presentazione dei temi, organizzazione del discorso e contributi offerti, il volume vuole fornire, in maniera innovativa, inquadramenti teorici, discussioni specialistiche e casi di studio con i quali affacciarsi con consapevolezza alla relazione tra giovani e media.
Oggi si discute spesso di ciò che gli adolescenti fanno con internet e di come i digital media po... more Oggi si discute spesso di ciò che gli adolescenti fanno con internet e di come i digital media possano cambiare il loro modo di relazionarsi. Programmi televisivi e giornali non di rado danno spazio alle incursioni di esperti di vario genere che parlano della rete e dei presunti effetti (negativi o positivi) che essa può avere sui più giovani. Spesso però ci si dimentica di partire proprio dalle ragazze e dai ragazzi, da ciò che hanno da dire, dalle loro esperienze, dalla realtà che li circonda e che cambia il modo di muoversi all'interno di piattaforme digitali divenute ormai parte integrante della vita quotidiana.
Questo lavoro si concentra sul modo in cui i ragazzi utilizzano le risorse che il web mette loro a disposizione per avere accesso a informazioni e pratiche connesse alla sessualità e all'affettività. L'analisi proposta cerca di chiarire il ruolo delle tecnologie digitali nei processi di esplorazione dell'intimità e di costruzione dell'esperienza e della realtà sociale per mostrare quella parte della vita dei più giovani spesso banalizzata e ignorata da sguardi inclini a dare soluzioni educative superficiali.
Young People and the Smartphone
Routledge eBooks, May 10, 2021
L'intersezione di omosessualità e prostituzione, ha prodotto un particolare tipo di attore so... more L'intersezione di omosessualità e prostituzione, ha prodotto un particolare tipo di attore sociale che si trova a convertire le sue risorse sessuali in pecuniarie, dando vita così a nuove forme di maschilità come quella del sexworker. Lo scopo di questo intervento è quello di evidenziare, attraverso una revisione della letteratura in-ternazionale, come il sexwork maschile si sia sviluppato storicamente e socialmen-te dall'inizio del Novecento fino ad arrivare all'era della digitalizzazione.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2020
If we look at the relationship between young people and adults in terms of their usage of digital... more If we look at the relationship between young people and adults in terms of their usage of digital technologies, we can see that the studies conducted to date have paid little attention to adult users. Thanks to interviews and autoethnographic diaries, the present study looks at how young people view their parents’ use of digital media. A ‘mediologic approach’ help us to look at the inter-generational relationships and the role of digital technologies from the young people’s perspective, in an effort to shed light on those spaces in the discourse where expectations, stereotypes and generational boundaries are constructed. Young people’s views are on a continuum with a shared rhetoric that now sees digital media as an established element in our social ecology, but also as a phenomenon capable of modifying human behaviour. Young people’s narratives reveal an interesting picture: they worry about the older generation’s use of these technologies. The study shows how interviewees interior...
Mediekultur, 2021
OnlyFans has enjoyed increasing attention from media and from users and consumers, especially sin... more OnlyFans has enjoyed increasing attention from media and from users and consumers, especially since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, and particularly amongst Internet-savy emerging adults. We used semi-structured interviews to collect testimonies from young Italian women (N = 20) who sell their own sexual(ised) content on OnlyFans and processed them through Th ematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Th rough this process, we sought to explore how diff erent bodies are conceptualised in relation to content production, and how labour takes somatic existence in multiple ways. We looked at 1) how the body is prepared to be presented and mediatised, 2) how its presentation is conceptualised and actualised, and 3) how that work of representation, as a work of networking and therefore where bodily energy is invested and expended. Th rough this, we show how there are multiple, concurrent, and at times contradictory, narratives about corporality, and that potency and healing coexist alongside exhaustion.
Mediascaper Journal, 2021
Sex and sexuality hold considerable social and political importance. With the ever more constant ... more Sex and sexuality hold considerable social and political importance. With the ever more constant presence of digital media in our lives, the relationship between communication technologies, sex and sexuality has become a priority issue for policy makers and institutions, especially in regard to young people. Simultaneously and, in recent years, we have seen an increase in studies in the field of sex media (Attwood 2018), with a certain predominance of works from the psychological and medical fields. Nonetheless, there is a scarce quantity of work that focuses on what it means for researchers to work in this field. Recalling the concept of 'dirty work', this paper serves as a starting point for a broader discussion on what it means to study the relationship between (digital) media, sexuality and young people in sociology and media studies, in Italy. It pays particular attention to the recognition of this field of study within academia, teaching, research, phases of results publication and personal planning. This work also insists on the need for full recognition of the importance and value of studies that concern the perceptions, preferences, assumptions, and social and cultural conditions surrounding practices such as sexting, erotic chat, sharing sexually explicit photos, dating and searching for sexual information, among others. This paper ultimately defines the main road that will allow sociology and media studies to take back territory that has long been the prerogative of medicine and psychology. In turn, this will provide educators, policy makers, health professionals and other stakeholders new tools to support the creation of gazes more inclined to understand than judge, with an eye to the political form of sexuality, the logic of the media and the sexual citizenship of young people.
About Gender, 2021
This paper rearticulates the definition of the manosphere by considering everyday male digital me... more This paper rearticulates the definition of the manosphere by considering everyday male digital media practices as part of a series of peripheral manospheres, connected, often without a clear reference, with the more articulated galaxy that makes up what we now call the manosphere. The article is based on the analysis of 36 in-depth interviews with young people aged 15 to 19 who live in different Italian regions. Through the analysis of boys' narratives, it is possible to explore spaces that are usually difficult to observeprivate WhatsApp groupsto bring out the practices of masculinity that intertwine male homosocial relationships with the characteristics and affordances of digital media. The analysis reveals how the definitions and maintenance of the group, the use of humour, and the digital girl-watching maintain and reproduce specific forms of masculinity that 2 lead young people to dialogue, frequently unconsciously, with the languages, contents and practices of the manosphere.
Information Communication and Society, 2020
From the Trump administration’s attempts to narrow down the de!nition of gender to biologically ... more From the Trump administration’s attempts to narrow down the
de!nition of gender to biologically determined sex at birth to the
everyday life gendered performances in digital platforms, from
increasing representations of LGBTQI+ in TV programmes to the
popularity of PornHub, the relations between gender, sexuality
and media are ubiquitous and deeply embedded in everyday life.
This Special Issue of Information, Communication and Society
draws together cutting-edge contributions on the themes of
Gender and Sexuality and Media. Showcasing the work of
experienced and internationally renowned scholars and some less
experienced but no less relevant voices of emerging scholars. The
research upon which the contributions are based analyse media
both in terms of representation and agency exploring media texts
and the practices of media production and consumption. The
special issue provides an accessible and enjoyable, discussion of
many of the major themes pertinent to di"ering uses of digital
and other media related to the !eld of Gender and Sexuality.
Investigating nuances of contemporary sex and gender scripts as
they are played out in popular media and challenging the
heteronormative and sexist performances often encountered. It
o"ers insights upon both ‘traditional’ and digital media and in
some cases illustrates how those two have morphed making it
sometimes di#cult to clearly de!ne boundaries between the
traditional and the digital.
Società Mutamento Politica, 2020
The concept of intimate citizenship explores the spaces of people’s sexual lives, spaces that in ... more The concept of intimate citizenship explores the spaces of people’s sexual lives, spaces that in the past were considered exclusively private but which today have become a subject of public discussion and social concern. Reflections on intimate citizenship have focused above all on the debate regarding sexual policies and the reconfiguration of citizenship, focusing more recently on participatory practices that take place thanks to digital platforms, which are now also very important in relation to issues related to intimacy, gender and sexuality. The intent of this article is to understand, through the use of specialist literature and specific cases, how intimate citizenship is built and negotiated in adult speech and returned to girls and boys. To this end, a highly debated practice will be considered, namely that of sexting: the exchange of sexually explicit content through messaging apps. The thesis behind this article is that, as adults, we are responding to concerns regarding the well-being of the youngest based on deterministic assumptions concerning adolescent sexuality and digital technologies.
This leads to labelling some practices, such as sexting, as simply dangerous or wrong and to denying the active role of girls and boys by negating their intimate citizenship and consequently the possibility of their participation and recognition
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2020
Journal of Gender Studies, 2020
Considering gender, sexuality and sexual desire are culturally and socially constructed through s... more Considering gender, sexuality and sexual desire are culturally and socially constructed through social learning and interaction and pornography as a cultural practice, this article focuses on how the discourse that young Italian heterosexual couples construct around pornography can illustrate their definition and negotiation of desire, and gender roles. The work is based on 50 e-mail interviews with 21 female and 29 male young Italians aged between 20 and 24 years old. Our interviewees (both male and female) express the idea of heterosexual male desire as implacable, natural and a fundamental expression of masculinity. In the complex plot delineating desire, gender roles and heterosexual scripts in heterosexual couples, we suggest that pornography might be seen as an erotic lover capable of embodying practices and desires that cannot be expressed or shared by the couple. ARTICLE HISTORY
Contemporary pornography is an everyday reality for adolescents who live in a more and more conne... more Contemporary pornography is an everyday reality for adolescents who live in a more and more connected world thanks to digital and mobile media. Considering the consumption of pornography as one of many numerous and varied cultural practices, this article focuses on the use of pornography by young men.
The objective is to go beyond the effect paradigm in order to emphasise the meanings that adolescents assign to the use of sexually explicit material. To reach this goal, the research investigated the use of pornographic material in over 60 adolescents between 16 and 18 years old. The article will show that pornography is not only related to physical pleasure, but is useful for youth also to better understand one's sex and sexuality; exercise gender identity and masculinity; interact within a peer group; and test and improve sexual knowledge.
Frequently the relation between young people and the technologies of communication is trivialized... more Frequently the relation between young people and the technologies of communication is trivialized by describing adolescents as naturally predisposed to digital technology or as incautious users. Media education goes beyond this oversimplification in trying to help adolescents to improve their digital and media literacy. Many debates have taken place around media education but only a small number of them take into consideration what adolescents think about their experiences with media education and what they expect from it. In this paper, I will discuss the results of a qualitative study carried out in the Veneto Region (Italy) on upper secondary school students. The article aims to explore media-educational activities through adolescents’ own words. The objective is to bring out what interviewees define as the strengths and weaknesses of media education as they have experienced it. The paper seeks to be a point of reflection about media-educational activities, which frequently in Italy continues to be crystallized around technical aspects and sometimes maintains an old approach that could be incapable of listening to girls and boys or of comprehending their lives and needs.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2017
The aim of this paper is to discuss the output of an empirical research on digital skills in orde... more The aim of this paper is to discuss the output of an empirical research on digital skills in order to develop a typology of skills circulation among young digital users. Relying on research on digital literacy in media studies and on users in STS, in this article we start criticizing the concepts of " digital divide " , " digital inequalities " and " digital competencies ". Then, we present the principal results of a research study involving 50 adolescents in Italy about how they acquired their competences in the use of digital media. This gave us the opportunity to focus on the digital skills of young people and the development of their abilities in using digital media. The research outlines the patterns of circulation in digital competences among young people in relation to family, school and peer group, defining four kinds of " flows " : parental flow (involving fathers and mothers), peer flow (connected to friends and people of the same age), educational flow (referring to formal education) and technological flow (involving technological devices, such as computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.). The aim is to understand the interactions between digital skills and the social, institutional and technological conditions that influence the youth's digital literacy for the everyday use of digital media. Buying the right computer and getting it to work properly is no more complicated than building a nuclear reactor from wristwatch parts in a darkened room using only your teeth.
Digital media are an important part of adolescents' everyday life who use these platforms not onl... more Digital media are an important part of adolescents' everyday life who use these platforms not only to increase their knowledge, but also to enlarge their social network that they construct outside digital spaces. Through the social network sites and the mobile media, the internet becomes the place where to speak about emotions, to play with them, to write about ourselves, to flirt, to define and redefine the seduction practices and the expectatives about the others: a potential partner or a friend. This paper presents and discusses the results of a sociological research. The work involved fifty-eight Italian boys and girls from the age of sixteen to the age of eighteen. Passing through the digital and fiscal spaces with the help of the youth who took part in my research I tried to explore the role of the digital media in the online and offline dynamics connected to affectivity and love.
L'utilizzo delle risorse messe a disposizione da internet è sempre più diffuso tra gli adolescent... more L'utilizzo delle risorse messe a disposizione da internet è sempre più diffuso tra gli adolescenti e i preadolescenti che spesso vengono definiti " nativi digitali " , un'etichetta che semplifica eccessivamente il rapporto tra giovani e nuove tecnologie e relega le capacità di navigare in rete a mere competenze tecniche. La media education è frequentemente chiamata in causa per colmare i vuoti educativi e comunicativi che si creano tra adulti e minori in relazione all'utilizzo delle tecnologie digitali Questo articolo si sviluppa attorno ai risultati di ricerca che ha coinvolto un istituto scolastico secondario di primo grado (circa 300 studenti) in cui è stato svolto un progetto di digital media education rivolto a ragazzi, insegnanti e genitori. Il materiale empirico è composto da 62 ore di osservazione etnografica svolte durante gli incontri con i gli studenti dell'istituto e i questionari di gradimento raccolti al termine del progetto. L'obiettivo della ricerca è quello di comprendere, a partire dalla voce dei ragazzi, cosa questi pensino della media education, quali aspettative abbiano e in che modo rispondano agli stimoli e alle attività che gli vengono proposte. Il fine ultimo è quello di fornire strumenti interpretativi e operativi utili a creare discorsi e pratiche capaci di intersecare le pratiche mediali e le attività quotidiane dei giovani.
Digital media are an important part of the lives of young people, who use these resources to acce... more Digital media are an important part of the lives of young people, who use these resources to access sexual materials such as pornography. This kind of consumption can reveal important aspects of their social lives. Starting from the viewpoint of consumers, this paper is a reflection on girls’ consumption of pornography and on the meanings they give to their practices and choices in the continuum between online and offline experiences. The research involved boys and girls from the ages of 16 to 18 using different techniques: six ‘co-construction groups’, 48 face-to-face interviews, and two online focus groups. The article describes girls’ experiences with internet pornography, underlining the symbolic use of pornographic material as exploration and definition of gender performance. According to girls, using internet pornography means to ‘play’ with gender borders: defining and redefining them, experiencing them, passing through them. These borders are connecting to the meaning of being a girl or a boy, but also to the common idea of ‘normality’ within the peer group.
Quaderni del laboratorio interdisciplinare di ricerca su corpi, diritti, conflitti, 2021
Gender and sexuality in the European media, 2021
Discourses of anxiety about childhood and youth across cultures. Ed. by Liza Tsaliki & Despina Chronaki, 2020
in 'Complexities of Researching with Young People', eds P. Billett, M. Hart, D. Martin; Routledge, 2019
To conduct fruitful research into intimacy, young people and digital media, it is necessary to mo... more To conduct fruitful research into intimacy, young people and digital media, it is necessary to move beyond the reductive question of whether sex in media is ‘good’ or ‘bad’, avoiding a deterministic approach and focusing instead on media practices that are shaped by a drive to make sense of media and sexual cultures.
We regard intimacy as a relational concept that can be redefined in research practice, and seek to problematise what it means to share intimacy during research. In this chapter, we want to translate this approach into instruments which can be used to work on intimacy, young people and digital media in a way that places the participants themselves at the centre of research and recognises their agency in a society where mediatisation and media culture cannot be ignored.
The chapter shows how it is possible to gain access to the new spaces of intimacy opened up by the use of digital media and at the same time respecting young people’s experiences and points of view. The authors recognise digital media as resources in the research process, able to challenge the normative relation between the researcher and the subject involved, opening up new spaces for participant agency.
by Cirus Rinaldi, Vulca Fidolini, Alain Giami, Jeffrey Escoffier, Aurelio Castro, Kevin Walby, Florian Vörös, Mathieu Trachman, Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Lucas Monteil, and James Farrer
All’ interno del capitolo, dopo aver indicato le relazioni assai recenti tra teorizzazione sociol... more All’ interno del capitolo, dopo aver indicato
le relazioni assai recenti tra teorizzazione sociologica contemporanea e sessualità umana, cercheremo di comprendere in che modo le emozioni possano essere considerate prodotti intrinsecamente sociali, riflettendo – per concludere – sul
rapporto tra costruzione delle emozioni e processi di socializzazione di genere e
In questo capitolo gli autori affrontano la tematica della comunicazione digitale in una prospet-... more In questo capitolo gli autori affrontano la tematica della comunicazione digitale in una prospet-tiva inconsueta, perché vengono messi a confronto due periodi diversi in cui essa si è sviluppata. In principio si ripercorrono le tappe fondamentali della nascita di quella che inizialmente fu chia-mata comunicazione mediata dal computer, in acronimo CMC. Per comprendere il panorama odierno dei media digitali non bisogna però dimenticare le caratteristiche dei primi mezzi di comunicazione virtuali né il modo in cui gli individui ne facevano uso. Per questo, vengono messi in evidenza i primi risultati delle ricerche condotte alla fine del secolo scorso che avevano come oggetto di studio gli effetti della comunicazione che avveniva grazie all'ausilio delle prime reti informatiche e alla iniziale diffusione dei computer, prima in ambito professionale, e poi in quello domestico. Si passa poi a descrivere le principali caratteristiche del web cosiddetto par-tecipativo, ovvero quello che conosciamo oggi, che ha visto i suoi esordi a partire dagli inizi degli anni Duemila. Ci si soffermerà in particolare su alcuni elementi particolarmente significativi del passaggio dal web statico alla rete come la conosciamo oggi, facendo anche un excursus sui differenti metodi di ricerca utilizzati. L'ultima parte è dedicata a un confronto tra due ricerche di dottorato svolte a dieci anni di di-stanza l'una dall'altra, in cui vengono messe in evidenza le discontinuità e la persistenza di alcuni elementi della comunicazione digitale nei usi e nei significati dei giovani.
Digitization and its Impact on Society, 2016
Quelli che vengono definiti social media, come ad esempio i social network sites, i blogs, etc., ... more Quelli che vengono definiti social media, come ad esempio i social network sites, i blogs, etc., sono
un’importante parte della vite dei ragazzi (Pujazon-zazik, Park 2010) che utilizzano questi tools
comunicativi per ampliare le reti sociali che costruiscono fuori dagli spazi digitali (Subrahmanyam,
Greenfield, 2008; Livingstone 2010).
Il lavoro proposto (parte della tesi di dottorato dell’autore) ha voluto comprendere come gli
adolescenti utilizzano i siti di Social Network per avere accesso a informazioni e pratiche connesse
L’analisi proposta vuole chiarire il portato dei siti di Social Network nei processi di costruzione
dell’esperienza e della realtà sociale, e nella definizione dei rapporti tra i generi e tra le
generazioni. La ricerca si è posta nello specifico gli obiettivi che seguono: (1) conoscere quali sono i
siti di Social Network ai quali gli adolescenti si rivolgono per accedere a informazioni e discorsi
legati all’intimità e definire che tipo d’informazioni e discorsi cercano o creano; (2) capire quali
sono le dimensioni di senso che spingono ad approcciarsi (o meno) a tali piattaforme; (3) definire
il portato di queste piattaforme nella più grande e composita dimensione esperienziale giovanile
legata all’intimità, all’identità e alla sua costruzione sociale; (4) comprendere la definizione dei tre
punti precedenti per delineare eventuali differenze tra ragazze e ragazzi ed interpretare il modo in
cui le differenze di genere possono essere gestite anche in rete.
Per raggiungere questi obiettivi il lavoro empirico ha coinvolto adolescenti con età compresa tra i
16 e i 18 anni rendendoli partecipi nel processo di costruzione della ricerca attraverso quelli che
abbiamo definito gruppi di co-costruzione. A questa fase ne è seguita una di approfondimento
qualitativo che ha visto ragazze e ragazzi (per un totale di 56 soggetti) prendere parte a interviste
discorsive e focus groups online.
Resistances and redefinitions through performances, productions and consumption
In collaboration with Women's Network and Film Studies Section
University of Padua (Italy) 15th and 16th of November 2019
16th November 2019
Roundtable : "Gender and Knowledge Production in Contemporary Academia. Unpacking challenges and possibilities"
Organized by Women’s Network
With: A. Murgia (University of Milano), J. Mercer (Birmingham City University), K. Ross
(Univesrity of Newcastle), C.Smith (University of Sunderland)
Chair: A. Mainardi (University of Milano Bicocca)