Alex J Novikoff - (original) (raw)

Books by Alex J Novikoff

Research paper thumbnail of The Twelfth-Century Renaissance: A Reader

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Research paper thumbnail of The Medieval Culture of Disputation: Pedagogy, Practice, and Performance

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Research paper thumbnail of Jean-Claude Schmitt, The Conversion of Herman the Jew: Autobiography, History, and Fiction in the Twelfth Century (trans. Alex J. Novikoff)

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Papers by Alex J Novikoff

Research paper thumbnail of Ralph of Coggeshall's Description of Constantinople

Sources for Byzantine Art History, Vol. 3: The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (c. 1081-c.1350) (part 1), 2022

A brief introduction to, translation of, and commentary on Ralph of Coggeshall's description of t... more A brief introduction to, translation of, and commentary on Ralph of Coggeshall's description of the buildings of Constantinople (early 13th century).

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Research paper thumbnail of Jean de Meun's Intellectual Millieu

Approaches to Teaching The Romance of the Rose, 2023

This chapter places Jean de Meun within his scholastic context: the university setting, the confl... more This chapter places Jean de Meun within his scholastic context: the university setting, the conflict between mendicants and secular masters, and his engagement with twelfth-century authors and texts.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Place of Petrus Alfonsi in the Medieval Culture of Disputation

Jewish-Christian Disputations in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, ed. Sébastien Morlet (Leuven: Peeters, 2020), 181-197. , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of 'Plateas Publice Discurrentes': Performance and the Audio-Visual Jew in the Age of Pope Innocent III

Jews and Muslims Under the Fourth Lateran Council, ed. Marie-Thérèse Champagne and Irven M. Resni... more Jews and Muslims Under the Fourth Lateran Council, ed. Marie-Thérèse Champagne and Irven M. Resnick (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), pp. 45-64.

Book Series: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies. Edited by John Tolan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interfaith Dialogue and Disputation in the Medieval Mediterranean

Medieval Encounters, 2018

Editors introduction to the special issue of Medieval Encounters 24 (2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Anselm of Havelberg's controversies with the Greeks: A moment in the scholastic culture of disputation (in Averil Cameron and Niels Gaul, eds. 2017)

Chapter in Dialogues and Debate from Antiquity to Late Byzantium, ed. Avery Cameron and Niels Gau... more Chapter in Dialogues and Debate from Antiquity to Late Byzantium, ed. Avery Cameron and Niels Gaul (London: Routledge, 2017), 105-122.

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Research paper thumbnail of Peter Abelard and Disputation: A Reexamination (Rhetorica, 2014)

Rhetorica, Dec 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a Cultural History of Scholastic Disputation (American Historical Review, 2012)

American Historical Review, Apr 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of In Defense of Scholasticism (The Wilson Quarterly, 2012)

Editorial "In Essence" abstract of my article "Toward a Cultural History of Scholastic Disputatio... more Editorial "In Essence" abstract of my article "Toward a Cultural History of Scholastic Disputation," published in the American Historical Review (2012).

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Research paper thumbnail of Anselm, Dialogue, and the Rise of Scholastic Disputation (Speculum 2011)

Speculum, Apr 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of From Dialogue to Disputation in the Age of Archbishop Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada

Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of "The Middle Ages," in Antisemitism: A History (ed. Lindemann and Levy)

Oxford University Press, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Licit and Illicit in the Rhetoric of the Investiture Conflict, in Law and the Illicit in Medieval Europe (ed. Karras, Kaye, and Matter)

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of "Reason and Natural Law in the Disputational Writings of Peter Alfonsi, Peter Abelard, and Yehuda Halevi," in Christian Attutudes Toward the Jews in the Middle Ages (ed. Frassetto)

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Research paper thumbnail of The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century Before Haskins

Haskins Society Journal, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Between Tolerance and Intolerance in Medieval Spain: An Historiographic Enigma

Medieval Encounters, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Henry VII and the Universal Empire of Engelbert of Admont and Dante Alighieri

Pensiero Politico Medievale, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of The Twelfth-Century Renaissance: A Reader

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Research paper thumbnail of The Medieval Culture of Disputation: Pedagogy, Practice, and Performance

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Research paper thumbnail of Jean-Claude Schmitt, The Conversion of Herman the Jew: Autobiography, History, and Fiction in the Twelfth Century (trans. Alex J. Novikoff)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ralph of Coggeshall's Description of Constantinople

Sources for Byzantine Art History, Vol. 3: The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (c. 1081-c.1350) (part 1), 2022

A brief introduction to, translation of, and commentary on Ralph of Coggeshall's description of t... more A brief introduction to, translation of, and commentary on Ralph of Coggeshall's description of the buildings of Constantinople (early 13th century).

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Research paper thumbnail of Jean de Meun's Intellectual Millieu

Approaches to Teaching The Romance of the Rose, 2023

This chapter places Jean de Meun within his scholastic context: the university setting, the confl... more This chapter places Jean de Meun within his scholastic context: the university setting, the conflict between mendicants and secular masters, and his engagement with twelfth-century authors and texts.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Place of Petrus Alfonsi in the Medieval Culture of Disputation

Jewish-Christian Disputations in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, ed. Sébastien Morlet (Leuven: Peeters, 2020), 181-197. , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of 'Plateas Publice Discurrentes': Performance and the Audio-Visual Jew in the Age of Pope Innocent III

Jews and Muslims Under the Fourth Lateran Council, ed. Marie-Thérèse Champagne and Irven M. Resni... more Jews and Muslims Under the Fourth Lateran Council, ed. Marie-Thérèse Champagne and Irven M. Resnick (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), pp. 45-64.

Book Series: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies. Edited by John Tolan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interfaith Dialogue and Disputation in the Medieval Mediterranean

Medieval Encounters, 2018

Editors introduction to the special issue of Medieval Encounters 24 (2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Anselm of Havelberg's controversies with the Greeks: A moment in the scholastic culture of disputation (in Averil Cameron and Niels Gaul, eds. 2017)

Chapter in Dialogues and Debate from Antiquity to Late Byzantium, ed. Avery Cameron and Niels Gau... more Chapter in Dialogues and Debate from Antiquity to Late Byzantium, ed. Avery Cameron and Niels Gaul (London: Routledge, 2017), 105-122.

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Research paper thumbnail of Peter Abelard and Disputation: A Reexamination (Rhetorica, 2014)

Rhetorica, Dec 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a Cultural History of Scholastic Disputation (American Historical Review, 2012)

American Historical Review, Apr 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of In Defense of Scholasticism (The Wilson Quarterly, 2012)

Editorial "In Essence" abstract of my article "Toward a Cultural History of Scholastic Disputatio... more Editorial "In Essence" abstract of my article "Toward a Cultural History of Scholastic Disputation," published in the American Historical Review (2012).

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Research paper thumbnail of Anselm, Dialogue, and the Rise of Scholastic Disputation (Speculum 2011)

Speculum, Apr 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of From Dialogue to Disputation in the Age of Archbishop Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada

Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of "The Middle Ages," in Antisemitism: A History (ed. Lindemann and Levy)

Oxford University Press, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Licit and Illicit in the Rhetoric of the Investiture Conflict, in Law and the Illicit in Medieval Europe (ed. Karras, Kaye, and Matter)

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of "Reason and Natural Law in the Disputational Writings of Peter Alfonsi, Peter Abelard, and Yehuda Halevi," in Christian Attutudes Toward the Jews in the Middle Ages (ed. Frassetto)

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Research paper thumbnail of The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century Before Haskins

Haskins Society Journal, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Between Tolerance and Intolerance in Medieval Spain: An Historiographic Enigma

Medieval Encounters, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Henry VII and the Universal Empire of Engelbert of Admont and Dante Alighieri

Pensiero Politico Medievale, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Ian Wei, Thinking About Animals in Thirteenth-Century Paris, in AHR (June 2023)

American Historical Review, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Leah Shopkow, The Count and the Saint: A Case Study for Reading Like a Historian

Canadian Journal of History, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Nina Caputo & Liz Clarke, Debating Truth: The Barcelona Disputation of 1263. A Graphic History in CHURCH HISTORY (2018)

Church History, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of John of Salisbury's Metalogicon, ed. and trans. J. B. Hall, in THE JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL LATIN, vol. 28 (2018): 350-353

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Suzanne LaVere, Out of the Cloister: Scholastic Exegesis of the Song of Songs, 1100-1250 (Brill, 2016), in the American Historical Review 123/2 (April 2018): 626-629

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Barbara Newman, Making Love in the Twelfth Century: 'Letters of Two Lovers' in Context (2016), in H-France Review, 18/77 (April 2018): 1-5.

H-France Review, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Olga Weijers, A Scholar's Paradise: Teaching and Debating in Medieval Paris (Brepols, 2015), in Speculum, 93/1 (Jan. 2018)

Speculum, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Seth Kimmel, Parables of Coercion: Conversion and Knowledge at the End of Islamic Spain (Chicago, 2015), in Comparative Literature, 69, 4 (2017)

Comparative Literature, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of R. Szpiech (ed.), Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference, in TMR

The Medieval Review, 2017

Scholars are saying much these days about religious difference and interfaith encounters within t... more Scholars are saying much these days about religious difference and interfaith encounters within the multicultural world of the medieval Mediterranean-the term "premodern" apparently now a synonym for the Middle Ages. As this subfield of scholarship becomes more crowded, and the topics of investigation more fissiparous, it is therefore refreshing to pick up a volume that is at once admirably focused and provocatively original. The thirteen essays that comprise this handsomely edited collection focus on interfaith scriptural exegesis, or on how Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scholars engaged with the sacred texts of their neighboring communities. As the essays amply demonstrate, such a program of study could be both doctrinally conservative and intellectually creative at the same time. Above all, these case studies challenge us to rethink some basic categories and boundaries involved in the study of medieval religious identities. Revisionist historiography (in its most productive sense) is in fact a recurring theme and constitutes one of the more exciting aspects of the collection as a whole.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of E. M. Rose, The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe (AJS Review, 41: 1, 2017: 24-27).

Association for Jewish Studies Review, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of J. Malegam, The Sleep of Behemoth: Disputing Peace and Violence in Medieval Europe, 1000-1200 (Speculum 01/2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of S. Young, Scholarly Community at the Early University of Paris (AHR)

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of David Nirenberg, Neighboring Faiths: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in the Middle Ages and Today  (Marginalia)

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of G. Anderson, The Islamic Villa in Early Medieval Iberia: Architecture and Court Culture in Umayyad Córdoba

International Journal of Islamic Architecture, vol 4. no. 2, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of O. Weijers, In Search of the Truth: A History of Disputation Techniques from Antiquity to Early Modern Times (Ren. Quarterly)

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of J. Safran, Defining Boundaries in Al-Andalus (TMR)

The Medieval Review, Dec 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of W. Courtenay and E. Goddard, eds. Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394 (Medieval Prosopography)

Medieval Prosopography

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Christopher Beckwith, Warriors of the Cloisters: The Central Asian Origins of Science in the Medieval World (The Medieval Review)

The Medieval Review

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Paola Tartakoff, Between Christian and Jew: Conversion and Inquisition in the Crown of Aragon, 1250-1391 (The Medieval Review)

The Medieval Review, Jan 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Ryan Szpiech, Conversion and Narrative: Reading and Religious Authority in Medieval Polemic  (AARHMS website)

American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain, Jan 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Randall J. Pedersen Review of The Medieval Culture of Disputation in CHURCH HISTORY AND RELIGIOUS CULTURE (2018)

Church History and Religious Culture, 2018

In this fresh and ambitious study of the medieval practice of disputation, Alex J. Novikoff seeks... more In this fresh and ambitious study of the medieval practice of disputation, Alex J. Novikoff seeks to shed light on an ancient custom that became entrenched in medieval thought and culture. While there have been books on medieval disputatio before, the present work offers a welcome and more appreciative tone than many earlier and more negative perspectives.

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Research paper thumbnail of James J. Murphy Review The Medieval Culture of Disputation in Rhetoric Society Quarterly (2014)

Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Richard Utz review of The Medieval Culture of Disputation in the American Historical Review (2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Alain Boureau Review of The Medieval Culture of Disputation in Speculum (July 2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthony Minnema Review of the Medieval Culture of Disputation in Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 45 (2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Antonia Fitzpatrick Review of The Medieval Culture of Disputation in MEDIUM AEVUM (2015)

Medium Aevum, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of William C. Jordan Review of The Conversion of Herman the Jew in SHOFAR: A JOURNAL OF JEWISH STUDIES (2011)

Shofar, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Anna Sapir Abulafia Review of The Conversion of Herman the Jew in AHR (2011)

American Historical Review, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Jonathan Elukin Review of The Conversion of Herman the Jew in BIOGRAPHY (2011)

Biography, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Lucy Pick review of The Conversion of Herman the Jew in JOURNAL OF RELIGION (2012)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ryan Szpiech Review of The Conversion of Herman the Jew in The Medieval Review

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Research paper thumbnail of Franklin Harkins Review of The Conversion of Herman in THEOLOGICAL STUDIES (2011)

Theological Studies, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of The Conversion of Herman the Jew in COMITATUS (2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of French & English Audio Recording of Guy de Maupassant's "La Parure"

Chatterbox Audio Theater, Sep 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of The Disputation of Mallorca (1286): A Case Study in the Medieval Culture of Disputation

MedievalJewishStudiesNow!, 2022

Research Spotlight for MedievalJewishStudiesNow!: A Blog for Research and Current Events in Medie... more Research Spotlight for MedievalJewishStudiesNow!: A Blog for Research and Current Events in Medieval Jewish Research Studies Today.

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Research paper thumbnail of CNN Jerusalem Documentary

CNN, 2021

Publicity Flyer for Jerusalem: City of Faith and Fury (2021). Featured in Episode 3 (Holy War).

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Research paper thumbnail of La catastrophe de Notre Dame vue des États Unis : un écho considérable, une résonance politique

TV5 Monde, 2019

Entretien avec TV5 Monde

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Research paper thumbnail of Interview on Deutsche Welle TV (Nov 15. 2016)

Interview on Deutsche Welle Television on the topic of interfaith dialogue in the aftermath of th... more Interview on Deutsche Welle Television on the topic of interfaith dialogue in the aftermath of the 2016 US Presidential Elections.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interview on Deutsche Welle TV (Oct 21, 2016)

Interview on Deutsche Welle Television (Berlin studio) concerning the US Presidential Debates.

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Research paper thumbnail of Entretien avec TV5 sur Joan of Arc (Janv. 2012)

TV5 Monde, Jan 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Interview on WKNO (Memphis channel of NPR): What Were the Crusades?

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Research paper thumbnail of Series Flyer: Knowledge Communities

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Research paper thumbnail of Les Techniques Digitales au Moyen Âge

Ateliers et conférences du Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris (LAMOP) et du Intern... more Ateliers et conférences du Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris (LAMOP) et du International Medieval Society (IMS) au Campus Condorcet. Novembre-Decembre 2017

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[Research paper thumbnail of Interfaith Dialogue and Disputation in the Medieval Mediterranean, ed. Brian Catlos & Alex Novikoff. [Special Issue of Medieval Encounters: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue (2018)]](

Medieval Encounters, vol. 24, no. 5-6, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (c.1081–c.1350), parts 1 & 2.

by Foteini Spingou, Charles Barber, Nathan Leidholm, Thomas Carlson, Ivan Drpić, Alexandros (Alexander) Alexakis, elizabeth jeffreys, Theocharis Tsampouras, Mircea G . Duluș, Nikos Zagklas, Ida Toth, Alexander Riehle, Brad Hostetler, Michael Featherstone, Emmanuel C Bourbouhakis, Shannon Steiner, Efthymios Rizos, Divna Manolova, Robert Romanchuk, Maria Tomadaki, Kirsty Stewart, Baukje van den Berg, Katarzyna Warcaba, Florin Leonte, Vasileios Marinis, Ludovic Bender, Linda Safran, Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Rachele Ricceri, Luisa Andriollo, Alex J Novikoff, Annemarie Carr, Marina Bazzani, Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Renaat Meesters, Daphne (Dafni) / Δάφνη Penna / Πέννα, Annemarie Carr, Alexander Alexakis, Jeremy Johns, Maria Parani, Lisa Mahoney, Irena Spadijer, and Ilias Taxidis

ISBN: 9781108483056 Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3 In this book the beauty and m... more ISBN: 9781108483056
Series: Sources for Byzantine Art History 3

In this book the beauty and meaning of Byzantine art and its aesthetics are for the first time made accessible through the original sources. More than 150 medieval texts are translated from nine medieval languages into English, with commentaries from over seventy leading scholars. These include theories of art, discussions of patronage and understandings of iconography, practical recipes for artistic supplies, expressions of devotion, and descriptions of cities. The volume reveals the cultural plurality and the interconnectivity of medieval Europe and the Mediterranean from the late eleventh to the early fourteenth centuries. The first part uncovers salient aspects of Byzantine artistic production and its aesthetic reception, while the second puts a spotlight on particular ways of expressing admiration and of interpreting of the visual.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Interfaith Dialogue and Disputation in the Medieval Mediterranean" Special Edition,

Medieval Encounters 24(5-6) , 2018

The Mediterranean world in the Middle Ages was a zone of multiple and overlapping identities. In ... more The Mediterranean world in the Middle Ages was a zone of multiple and overlapping identities. In this zone of competing principalities and elites, various groups identified with a particular doctrinal ideology (what we will call "ecu-menian"). However, this was also a zone that was characterized by the interpen-etration of religious and ethnic communities. Muslims, Jews, and Christians of various denominations and orientations lived amongst each other, rubbing and jostling shoulders socially, competing and collaborating economically, serving in each others' administrations and armies, pleading in each others' courts, passing through each others' homes and beds, and occasionally killing or otherwise inflicting oppression or violence on each other. Running beneath the formal differences that circumscribed these various real or imagined communities were powerful commonalities. The peoples of the medieval Mediterranean all acknowledged themselves as Abrahamic monotheists who venerated the prophets and patriarchs of the Hebrew tradition. All were heirs to or appropriators of Perso-Hellenistic culture and of Roman and Byzantine institutions, and they shared many of the same legends, myths, folk traditions and magical beliefs. They were joined by common social values and similar ideas regarding gender, social order, beauty, sophistication, and the family. They spoke common languages and shared the sacred languages of their confessional neighbors; they read each others' scripture and appropriated each others' literary traditions. Together this made the Mediterranean a zone of "mutual intelligibility" wherein shared languages, values and conceptual repertoires lubricated cultural communication and made it possible for multi-ethnic, multi-confessional societies to find common ground and ME_024_05-06_01_CatlosNovikoff.indd 503

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