Development of Integrated Portal (IP) as an E-Tool for the Enhancement of Job Marketability (original) (raw)

A Study of Issues in Job Portals: Research Analysis

IJCRT - International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 2021

Internet today has cropped out as an invention of science and modern technologies. Many people are using the internet for various purposes as per their needs. In the digitalization era, without the use of the internet, life would come to a standstill. The internet has caused a change in the lives of people and the way they work. The Corona Virus outbreak has pushed people even harder towards using the internet and the various services on the internet. One of the majorly used services on the internet by most job-seekers is E-job portals to search for jobs. This paper's main objective is to build a portal by considering the job-seekers' and employers' views, solving the problems, and adding new features to the current systems.

Online Job Portal Management System

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology

In this situation, there is a futile way of life in every single proficient field. It is additionally valid for the job market. A job portal is a site devoted to online data about recruiters as well as job seekers. A job portal helps both the job seekers and recruiters tracking down the right association for the representatives. On account of job seekers, as indicated by their instructive capability, experience, and their inclinations, the job portal shows the rundown of organizations to the job searcher. Furthermore, to the recruiters, gives the reasonable candidates from a pool of needs. The objective of this application is to foster a system to empower connections among employers and candidates. The assurance is to permit correspondence between the closely involved individuals and complete the assignment of enlistment rapidly.

A Review Study on Online Job Portal

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2019

Gaining information and explicit job skills have turned into the fundamental destinations for understudies in the colleges. Learning is important to settle on educated choices, particularly, in a basic circumstance. Learning and information the executives in any organization are pivotal to give it an aggressive edge in the present testing and globalized condition. In this paper we present the plan of different on-line recruitment framework, that enables businesses to post their job advertisements, which job searcher can allude to, when searching for jobs. This job portal can catch job prerequisites dependent on industry needs.

Users' Interest Assessment on Job Portal

International Journal of Web Portals, 2014

Job portal is considerably useful for both job seekers and employers. It enables job seekers to look for an employment, to advance their careers, or to market themselves. As for the employers, they can post vacant positions to be filled with suitable employees. A certain job portal received numerous complaints regarding its features that were unable to fulfill the users' needs. These complaints led to the decrease of the number of users. A study was conducted to determine factors that influenced users' interest by referring to the 7C framework. Questionnaires were distributed to numerous job seekers and employers. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression technique. Chi-square analysis was also performed to further analyze which elements of the 7C framework were essential for the users. The results showed that only four out of seven elements from the framework affected the users' choice towards job portal, namely the context, the content, the community, and the commerce.

A Framework of the Integrated Graduate Portal for Student Marketability

Most of the fresh graduates generally have difficulties to secure their first job in a short space of time after they have finished their study. One of the reasons was the lack of proper graduates' information available to potential employers. This has led to the use of electronic portfolio to facilitate graduates' marketability. The electronic portfolio is a new way of showcasing graduates' successes and achievements to potential employers. It is a means of language educational instruction and communication system to enable students tap opportunities and also project their worth to employers. Although the electronic portfolio have been shown to help showcasing graduates' work, there is still a problem of accessibility to the potential employers. Therefore, in this paper, a framework for an Integrated Graduate Portal (IGP) is proposed and discussed. The IGP is a proposed system that brings together important stakeholders, including potential employers, which are nece...

Development of a Job Web Portal to Improve Education Quality

International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2014

This research aims to develop a job web portal for the students in the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT), University of Malaya (UM). The main aims of this portal are to connect to the industries and acts as an online recruitment to support the students to find the right IT job after graduation. Furthermore, this system enhances the understanding concept and importance of the job portal for students in the universities. A survey was conducted to identify the students' problems with the existing portal of the faculty and to gather their requirements which can be incorporated in to the portal to be developed.

Corporate portals: a literature review of a new concept in Information Management

International Journal of Information Management, 2001

Review of literature on corporate portals, whose main purpose is to provide easy access to enterprise digital information. Corporate portals use metadata and eXtensible Markup Language to integrate unstructured data to structured data from enterprise operational databases, supplying access to corporate information through a personalized interface, available over the internal hypertext network—the Intranet. A corporate portal functions as a single gateway to all information and knowledge resources in an enterprise. At the beginning, the author describes the improvements in information management, going through different stages—from physical control of information containers to corporate portals. This paper presents definitions, concepts, main components of corporate portal architecture, and different kinds of corporate portals found in specialized literature. The author also points out the potential benefits of this technology to enterprise business.


IRJET, 2022

Finding jobs that match one's interests and skill set is a difficult undertaking for job searchers. The issues stem from a lack of understanding of the organization's mission, work culture, and current employment opportunities. Furthermore, for any organization's recruiters, identifying the perfect individual with the needed qualities to fill their current job opportunities is a critical duty. Online Job Portals have made job searching much more convenient for both parties. Job Portal is a solution that brings together recruiters and job seekers in order to meet their specific needs. They are the cheapest and fastest means of communication, reaching a vast range of people with only a single click, regardless of their geographical location.

E-Recruiter Portal

IRJET, 2022

In today's world, the whole profession is a downto-earth race. The same goes for online portals. From food ordering to recruiting, today's tech-savvy teens use the internet for everything. Indeed, today the elect people rely more on the internet than on any other source, such as a newspaper or network. The job search online starts with signing up for a job portfolio, which is done by everyone looking for a job. Then there is the turnaround, in which some selected ones receive faster responses and assignments, while others are reduced to a single record on a portal website. This is because most job seekers ignore the importance of understanding job portfolios and their features, which can help them simplify and speed up their job search. We are trying to close the gap between the Job Seeker and the Employer in this job. This is achieved by considering the information provided by both the Job Seeker and the Employer, as well as the use of various filters to minimize the effects.