Antitrust (Law) Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Antitrust litigation against the NCAA has focused on its members' collusive restraint on athlete compensation at levels below marginal revenue product. The recent O'Bannon v. NCAA and In Re NCAA Grant-in-Aid Cap Antitrust Litigation have... more

Antitrust litigation against the NCAA has focused on its members' collusive restraint on athlete compensation at levels below marginal revenue product. The recent O'Bannon v. NCAA and In Re NCAA Grant-in-Aid Cap Antitrust Litigation have both prescribed a relevant market for "college education" where schools compete for athlete labor by offering tuition and fee or cost-of-attendance offsets. This article argues that this unitary definition conflates two separate products, academic education and athletic participation, that NCAA members offer as a bundled tie. The NCAA has mandated purchase of the tied product, academic education, as a prerequisite for access to intercollegiate athletics participation, the tying product. Paradoxically, the NCAA has then argued that this bundled tie, which this article argues violates the Supreme Court's three-pronged 'quasi' per-se rule prohibiting tying arrangements, represents a claimed 'pro-competitive justification' by integrating athletics and academics. This article offers evidence that this tying arrangement serves no legitimate pro-competitive purpose under the NCAA model of amateurism. Rather, it extracts consumer surplus, enhances dominant cartel members' market power, and forecloses competition not only from non-members but also from smaller NCAA member-schools. As such, the NCAA model of amateurism violates antitrust law governing tying arrangements and should be enjoined.

Il commento muove dalla decisione del Collegio di Coordinamento A.B.F. sulla sorte di un contratto di fideiussione omnibus che contempla le clausole dello schema contrattuale uniforme predisposto dall’A.B.I., qualificate come... more

Il commento muove dalla decisione del Collegio di Coordinamento A.B.F. sulla sorte di un contratto di fideiussione omnibus che contempla le clausole dello schema contrattuale uniforme predisposto dall’A.B.I., qualificate come anticoncorrenziali dal provvedimento della Banca d’Italia n. 55/2005. L’analisi si concentra esclusivamente sulla nullità della fideiussione stabilita dalla decisione. In questo senso, tale nullità viene fatta discendere dall’art. 2 l. 287/1990, il cui divieto abbraccia non solo le intese, ma anche i contratti attuativi, nella misura in cui ne realizzino il risultato. Con riferimento al caso in esame, la nullità investe, quindi, la fideiussione, nella parte in cui concretizza l’intento uniformatore contemplato dallo schema contrattuale A.B.I. Si tratta, pertanto, di nullità parziale, e non già di nullità «necessariamente parziale», poiché non risulta applicabile, come invece sostiene il Collegio in commento, la disciplina della nullità di protezione.

This book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European Competition Law. It is an enlarged and updated fifth edition of the highly practical guide to the leading cases of European Competition Law. This new edition... more

This book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European Competition Law. It is an enlarged and updated fifth edition of the highly practical guide to the leading cases of European Competition Law. This new edition also contains detailed coverage of State Aid law. Each chapter begins with an introduction which outlines the relevant laws, regulations and guidelines for each of the topics, setting the analytical foundations for the case entries. Within this framework, cases are reviewed in summary form, accompanied by analysis and commentary. This seminal text is essential reading for competition law students and practitioners.
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This unique book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European competition law, focused on case law analysis. Each chapter begins with an introduction which outlines the relevant laws, regulations and guidelines for... more

This unique book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European competition law, focused on case law analysis. Each chapter begins with an introduction which outlines the relevant laws, regulations and guidelines for each of the topics, setting the analytical foundations for the case entries. Within this framework, cases are reviewed in summary form, accompanied by useful analysis and commentary. The 7th edition includes recent judgments from the European Court of Justice on the scope of object and effects based analysis (including Generics and Budapest Bank), as well as those on abuse of dominance. It examines developments in parallel trade, online sales restrictions, advertising bans, enforcement powers and procedure. Expanding its coverage of merger decisions, it explores non collusive oligopoly (including CK Telecoms) and the treatment of innovation and data under the EU Merger Regulation.

O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar, com base em uma pesquisa de história legislativa e história do pensamento econômico, se houve uma “revolução do antitruste” no Brasil. A tese da “revolução do antitruste” parte do pressuposto de que,... more

O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar, com base em uma pesquisa de história legislativa e história do pensamento econômico, se houve uma “revolução do antitruste” no Brasil. A tese da “revolução do antitruste” parte do pressuposto de que, antes da década de 1990, quando teria ocorrido no Brasil a “revolução”, o antitruste brasileiro não utilizava “elementos de análise da teoria econômica”. Esta tese procura demonstrar não somente que, desde seus primeiros anos, o antitruste nacional se utiliza de elementos de teorias econômicas, mas também que há uma convergência entre antitruste e as correntes de pensamento econômico dominantes no período em estudo. O corte cronológico do trabalho vai de 1930 a 1964, por duas razões: primeiro, por falta de literatura significativa especificamente a respeito do antitruste brasileiro do período e, segundo, para demonstrar que, desde o primeiro período de existência da legislação concorrencial brasileira, antitruste e pensamento econômico estão próximos um do outro. A pesquisa se divide em quatro capítulos: no primeiro, situa-se o problema estudado, fixando-se o conceito de “revolução do antitruste”, a origem do debate nos Estados Unidos e como essa perspectiva foi importada para o Brasil; no segundo, faz-se uma análise do antitruste brasileiro no período estudado, buscando elementos não só jurídicos, mas também políticos e econômicos acerca dos tópicos propostos; no terceiro, traça-se um panorama das correntes de pensamento econômico dominantes no período, de modo a ter um quadro teórico e ideológico das ideias econômicas mais influentes à época; no quarto e último capítulo, cotejam-se os dois quadros traçados – ou seja, o antitruste nacional, de um lado, e as correntes de pensamento econômico, de outro – com o intuito de verificar a convergência entre eles, examinando o acerto da pressuposição histórica concernente à “revolução do antitruste”, a saber, que, antes da “revolução”, o antitruste não se utilizara de elementos de teoria econômica ou, em outras palavras, que antitruste e produção intelectual de natureza econômica não estavam relacionados um ao outro.
Palavras-chave: antitruste; história do direito econômico; Estado; pensamento econômico; Brasil.

Faced with significant antitrust scrutiny, particularly from ongoing cases, the NCAA has sought to justify, under the rule of reason, the competitive restrictions its collegiate model of amateurism imposes by claiming procompetitive... more

Faced with significant antitrust scrutiny, particularly from ongoing cases, the NCAA has sought to justify, under the rule of reason, the competitive restrictions its collegiate model of amateurism imposes by claiming procompetitive benefits. This article examines the NCAA's arguments and presents five findings: (1) the procompetitive justifications that the NCAA has offered for its restraint on athlete payments have little, if any, economic merit and do not justify the consumer injury resulting from the restraint; (2) absent the restraint, the minimum amount public P5 conference schools alone could have paid athletes is approximately $5.2 billion between 2003–2004 and 2014–2015, approximately two-thirds of which would have been used to compensate football and men's basketball players, indicating that the consumer injury resulting from the NCAA's restraint on trade has caused significant antitrust damages; (3) contrary to the NCAA's claims, empirical and documentary evidence demonstrates that directly compensating FBS/D1 athletes would not result in decreased consumer demand; (4) " competitive balance, " when analyzed in an antitrust setting, does not support the NCAA's claims; and (5) evidence, including the over one million documents released from the academic/athletic fraud investigation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, demonstrates significant consumer injury associated with the integration of academics and amateur revenue sport athletics. Such findings stand in direct opposition to the NCAA's claim of procompetitive benefits from integrating athletics and academics under its amateur model.

The ultimate objective of the present paper is to empirically investigate the effectiveness of competition policy in developed and developing countries. Although its importance is continuously increasing, the effectiveness of competition... more

The ultimate objective of the present paper is to empirically investigate the effectiveness of competition policy in developed and developing countries. Although its importance is continuously increasing, the effectiveness of competition policy still seems to lack the attention that it would deserve. At the present state of art, the number of academic contributions that attempts to estimate its impact on relevant economic variables appears very limited, in particular for the less developed countries. However, an empirical literature aimed at measuring in objective terms the effect of competition policy on economic growth is emerging, starting from narrow variables of interest, such as Gross Domestic Product and Total Factor Productivity. As a result, the principal aim of the current work is to contribute to this branch of research, focusing on broader indicators of market performance, in order to understand whether the presence of an antitrust authority has a significant impact, thus an effective utility, on the level of competition of a country. | Samà, Danilo (2013), The effectiveness of competition policy: an econometric assessment in developed and developing countries, Law & Economics LAB, LUISS “Guido Carli” University, Rome, Italy, pp. 1-50.

A Lei de Defesa da Concorrência de 2011 inseriu dentre as hipóteses de ato de concentração sujeitas ao controle de estruturas os chamados “contratos associativos”. Por se tratar de categoria que carecia de definição legal, essa previsão... more

A Lei de Defesa da Concorrência de 2011 inseriu dentre as hipóteses de ato de concentração sujeitas ao controle de estruturas os chamados “contratos associativos”. Por se tratar de categoria que carecia de definição legal, essa previsão ensejou debate a respeito de quais modalidades contratuais deveriam ser notificadas previamente ao Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE, o que motivou a edição de duas resoluções por esta autarquia para disciplinar a matéria. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho almeja discutir o enquadramento de contratos envolvendo direitos de propriedade intelectual como associativos e, consequentemente, a obrigatoriedade de notificação dessas operações ao CADE, além da adequação da regulamentação brasileira à prática internacional antitruste relativamente a esses contratos. Para alcançar esses desígnios, verificamos a legislação internacional pertinente, a literatura brasileira e realizamos uma pesquisa jurisprudencial junto ao CADE. Concluímos que, embora o Brasil preveja uma categoria de ato de concentração que não encontra paralelo nos Estados Unidos e na União Europeia, os atuais critérios de notificação dos contratos associativos afastam os contratos de licenciamento não exclusivo de propriedade intelectual da incidência do controle preventivo, o que deixa o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em linha com esse benchmark internacional.

Im April 2019 ist das Gesetz zum Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen („GeschGehG“) in Deutschland in Kraft getreten und hat die bisherigen Regelungen hierzu im Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb („UWG“) abgelöst. Was Geschäftsgeheimnisse... more

Im April 2019 ist das Gesetz zum Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen („GeschGehG“) in Deutschland in Kraft getreten und hat die bisherigen Regelungen hierzu im Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb („UWG“) abgelöst. Was Geschäftsgeheimnisse eigentlich sind und warum man sie besonders schützen muss, soll hier kurz zusammengefasst werden. Dieser Beitrag ist am 31.8.2019 in Fuldaer Zeitung (Hessen, Deutschland) erschienen.

We discuss issues of the application of antitrust law and regulatory rules to network industries. In assessing the application of antitrust in network industries, we analyze a number of relevant features of network industries and the way... more

We discuss issues of the application of antitrust law and regulatory rules to network industries. In assessing the application of antitrust in network industries, we analyze a number of relevant features of network industries and the way in which antitrust law and regulatory rules can affect them. These relevant features include (among others) network effects, market structure, market share and profits inequality, choice of technical standards, relationship between the number of active firms and social benefits, existence of market power, leveraging of market power in complementary markets, and innovation races. We find that there are often significant differences on the effects of application of antitrust law in network and non-network industries.

In June 2017, NBA commissioner Adam Silver made headlines by stating that the NBA and the NBPA would once again explore changing the league’s 2005 age eligibility rule for incoming players. The rule—colloquially known as the “one and... more

Brief overview of Italian and EU decision-making practice on info exchange

A Google tem sido investigada em diversos países por práticas anticoncorrenciais. Entretanto, não é comum que a mesma seja punida nesses processos. As recentes condenações da Google na União Europeia chamam, portanto, atenção. O objetivo... more

A Google tem sido investigada em diversos países por práticas anticoncorrenciais. Entretanto, não é comum que a mesma seja punida nesses processos. As recentes condenações da Google na União Europeia chamam, portanto, atenção. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a aplicação do Direito da Concorrência da União Europeia nos casos envolvendo a Google. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica, na literatura jurídica e econômica, com a finalidade de compreender seu modelo de negócio e como esses julgados se inserem no movimento de modernização do Direito da União Europeia. Além disso, foi realizada pesquisa documental na jurisprudência europeia, com intuito de elucidar os argumentos empregados pelas autoridades europeias na condenação da Google em três casos distintos, a saber, Google Shopping, Google-Android e Google Adsense. Foi possível constatar que o modelo europeu oferece contribuições originais para se pensar em uma função reguladora da inovação pela aplicação do Direito da Concorrência.

Есе про економічну конкуренцію, монополію і роль держави у регулюванні вільної конкуренції.

We propose a simple and accurate test method for recognizing anticompetitive sham suits. We consider the problem of testing the null hypothesis that a lawsuit vis-´a-vis an actual or potential competitor is not sham against the... more

We propose a simple and accurate test method for recognizing anticompetitive sham suits. We consider the problem of testing the null hypothesis that a lawsuit vis-´a-vis an actual or potential competitor is not sham against the alternative that the suit is sham. We develop game theoretical model of bargaining and litigation in the context of entry deterrence, to analyze the incentive of a predator, reacting strategically to the judicial norm creating process, to pursue sham litigation and achieve anticompetitive goals. The theory implies that the question of whether an illegal sham act is baseless or not is irrelevant. When considering open suits-against-competitors to antitrust liability, assessing whether the
alleged predator’s legal expenditures can be expected to pay off is necessary, but insufficient. An appropriate test for sham litigation should be based on close examination of the market structure and thorough analysis of the economic relationship between the parties in dispute. Reputation is the hallmark of the test: the incumbent battles to maintain others’ perception of its readiness to fight entry via frivolous legal battle.

Em 1986, David Teece publicou o artigo Proting from technological innovation: Implications for integration, collaboration, licensing and public policy, que contribuiu significativamente para o estudo dos impactos das inovações... more

Em 1986, David Teece publicou o artigo Proting from technological innovation: Implications for integration, collaboration, licensing and public policy, que contribuiu significativamente para o estudo dos impactos das inovações tecnológicas no mercado. A sua análise da gestão da inovação colaborou na construção de concepções mais realistas da forma, contrapondo-se e aprimorando as perspectivas teóricas mais tradicionais. Como reconhecimento da importância dessa pesquisa, em 2006, a Research Policy, revista na qual foi publicada o referido trabalho, organizou uma edição especial de comemoração dos 20 anos de sua publicação. A relevância daquele artigo se confirma ao saber que, em julho de 2006, ele era o mais citado dos que já foram publicados pela revista, com um total de 681 citações naquela época. Isso se deve à perspectiva interdisciplinar que o autor conferiu à abordagem do tema da inovação, o que acabou garantindo uma dimensão mais ampla do assunto. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as contribuições e a atualidade do artigo de David Teece de 1986, especialmente no que tange ao debate relacionado aos direitos de propriedade intelectual. Foi realizada pesquisa teórica que se ancora no diálogo entre o artigo da década de oitenta e alguns autores que publicaram na edição especial da Research Policy de 2006 (vol. 35, nº 8), dentre eles o próprio Teece. O presente trabalho foi, portanto, dividido em duas seções. Na primeira, serão abordados os principais aspectos do artigo de 1986, evidenciando, sobretudo, a visão do autor sobre a importância dos ativos complementares na obtenção de lucros com a inovação e sua interface com os regimes de apropriabilidade. Na segunda, fundamentalmente a partir dos artigos de Gary Pisano, Giovani Dosi, Luigi Marengo, Corrado Pasquali e Richard Nelson publicados na Research Policy, vol. 35, nº 8, (2006), serão expostas as conclusões destes autores e de outros no que tange à aplicação da teoria Profiting from Innovation (PFI) sobre os regimes de apropriabilidade, sob a luz das mudanças contemporâneas na natureza da propriedade intelectual.

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of this century. Due to the urgency of the issue and the pressure on governments to act, the debate on climate change is moving quickly from the political level to focused conversations on... more

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of this century. Due to the urgency of the issue and the
pressure on governments to act, the debate on climate change is moving quickly from the political level to
focused conversations on policy choices and implementation options.
This background paper discusses the role of competition policy and enforcement in supporting and
incentivising sustainable and pro-competitive business practices. It analyses the practical approaches that
competition authorities may take when assessing cases with an environmental dimension.
Looking at past experiences in cartels, co-operation agreements, abuses of dominance and merger
control, the paper explores the question of how competition authorities can integrate economic and noneconomic environmental effects into the competitive assessment from the legal and economic perspective.
It also identifies the challenges posed by the current legal and economic frameworks, highlighting best practices to overcome them.

Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act

The work, starting from a recent judgement of the Administrative Regional Court of Lazio, focuses on several topics related to the legitimate right of organizing the regularity rallies, with particular attention on the topics of insurance... more

The work, starting from a recent judgement of the Administrative Regional Court of Lazio, focuses on several topics related to the legitimate right of organizing the regularity rallies, with particular attention on the topics of insurance and competition law.

O presente artigo tem por fim analisar a portabilidade de dados prevista na Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais brasileira (LGPD – Lei n. 13.709/2018). Considerando que esse instrumento evidencia a tensão existente entre a proteção da... more

O presente artigo tem por fim analisar a portabilidade de dados prevista na Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais brasileira (LGPD – Lei n. 13.709/2018). Considerando que esse instrumento evidencia a tensão existente entre a proteção da pessoa e o mercado, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória para investigar se os mecanismos delineados pela LGPD são suficientes para alcançar esse difícil equilíbrio. Compreender o âmbito de aplicação da portabilidade, suas funções e limites na regulação brasileira é fundamental para sua funcionalização à promoção da pessoa, enquanto instrumento para reforçar o controle e estimular a circulação de dados. Para tanto, a partir das contribuições sobre o Regulamento Geral para a Proteção de Dados europeu, em cotejo com o modelo brasileiro, foi possível concluir pela insuficiência dos mecanismos dispostos na LGPD para endereçar essa tensão, confirmando-se a hipótese inicial, a sugerir um significativo campo para a atuação da Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados na realidade brasileira.

Aux temps de Wikileaks et des médias sociaux, la maitrise de l'information par les Hommes ne s'est jamais trouvée aussi complète. Dans la sphère économique, les intervenants s'acharnent de plus en plus pour « s'approvisionner » en... more

Aux temps de Wikileaks et des médias sociaux, la maitrise de l'information par les Hommes ne s'est jamais trouvée aussi complète. Dans la sphère économique, les intervenants s'acharnent de plus en plus pour « s'approvisionner » en information. On dirait que cette dernière représente, au même titre que les ressources financières, à la fois une richesse et une arme fatale entre les mains de ceux qui entendent la manipuler. Ainsi, des données comme les prix, l'effectif du personnel d'un concurrent, les barrières à l'entrée au marché, les attitudes des individus, et même leurs vies privées, peuvent défigurer drastiquement la structure du marché. A l'évidence de ce constat, il nous parut opportun, de traiter le sujet de l'information en droit de la concurrence et de la régulation.

The key findings of the study are that monopoly power in the stock market can be created and exercised through information-based market manipulation by a strategic trader. Successful execution of manipulation can result in substantial... more

The key findings of the study are that monopoly power in the stock market can be created and exercised through information-based market manipulation by a strategic trader. Successful execution of manipulation can result in substantial profit to the strategic trader but unfair losses to other investors, as well as excess volatility to the manipulated stocks. In addition, we propose that creation and exercise of monopoly power in the stock market is one mechanism that contributes to a widening income gap between market manipulators and the investing public.

The article revisits the relevance and contours of ‘special responsibility’ doctrine and argues that an intense application of special responsibility doctrine may have a shrinking effect on the effects-based analysis that lies between the... more

The article revisits the relevance and contours of ‘special responsibility’ doctrine and argues that an intense application of special responsibility doctrine may have a shrinking effect on the effects-based analysis that lies between the determination of dominance and its abuse, the preservation of which is fundamental to the foundations of assessment framework of unilateral conduct cases. The article also proposes broad parameters/principles to guide discretion on application of special responsibility.

This chapter brings into focus various structural threats to journalism, including monopoly control over media, the loss of public interest protections, digital divides, and the “Facebook problem”. The chapter also provides an overview of... more

This chapter brings into focus various structural threats to journalism, including monopoly control over media, the loss of public interest protections, digital divides, and the “Facebook problem”. The chapter also provides an overview of why media policy matters for journalism and how different ownership structures affect media content. The chapter concludes with an in-depth discussion of Facebook’s relationship to journalism and the different schools of thought regarding how we should rein in monopolies.

Field-of-use limitations are contractual restrictions in which the licensee is limited in the use of the license to one or more technical fields, product markets or industrial sectors. Field-of-use restrictions are one of the most... more

Field-of-use limitations are contractual restrictions in which the licensee is limited in the use of the license to one or more technical fields, product markets or industrial sectors. Field-of-use restrictions are one of the most frequently stipulated clauses in a licensing agreement and as such, it is crucial to understand the likely pitfalls accompanying them. In today’s economy, transatlantic agreements are ever more common and require familiarity with both US and EU legal framework. It is for this reason, that the paper takes a comparative approach, comparing the US and EU legal framework, when it comes to field-of-use restrictions.

This reflection paper focuses on European competition law by a technological perspective. Tech companies have started to increase their impact in European market. However their businesses are not compatible with traditional market... more

This reflection paper focuses on European competition law by a technological perspective. Tech companies have started to increase their impact in European market. However their businesses are not compatible with traditional market definition.
On the other hand, possession of personal data by these tech companies brought a new dimension to competition law. Relation between data protection and competition law had just started, but will cause much ink to flow.
In its decision of 6 February 2019, the Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) prohibited Facebook Inc.’s data processing policy, which imposes on its users for collecting and combining their data. Even though this decision is in consequence of the violation of the German Competition Act (GWB), it’s a case that melted technology and law at the same pot.