Asterisk Research Papers - (original) (raw)

An important attack vector missing in many penetration testing and attack tools available today is the tried-and-true telephony dialup. With the recent surge in popularity of VoIP connectivity, accessing such attack vectors has become... more

An important attack vector missing in many penetration testing and attack tools available today is the tried-and-true telephony dialup. With the recent surge in popularity of VoIP connectivity, accessing such attack vectors has become both cheap and easy. Using the new Metasploit telephony components, users are now able to both scan for and dial up directly to telephony-accessible exploitation targets.

Nous avons implémenter un système de communication gratuite dans une entreprise la grâce pour économiser le coût de Telecom et la sécurisation de des informations

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a rapidly advancing technology that facilitates the transmission of voice and audio signals over the Internet or an IP-based network in real-time. This technology has seen a significant rise in... more

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a rapidly advancing technology that facilitates the transmission of voice and audio signals over the Internet or an IP-based network in real-time. This technology has seen a significant rise in demand due to its advantages over traditional circuit-switched telephony, including lower call rates, reduced operational costs, easier management, and enhanced call features. However, the growth in VoIP usage has also increased the potential for various security threats and attacks, jeopardizing the privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of transmitted data. This paper presents the design of an Asterisk-based VoIP system and the implementation of a comprehensive security solution across the VoIP network. The study involves an in-depth analysis of VoIP technology, identifying its vulnerabilities and addressing potential threats. A security framework is proposed and implemented to safeguard the VoIP network. The designed system and security solutions are rigorously tested and evaluated to ensure robustness and effectiveness. The findings highlight critical security measures necessary for protecting VoIP infrastructures and provide a framework for future research and development in securing VoIP networks.

Asterisk VoIP server adalah salah satu aplikasi penyedia layanan telephone berbasiskan Internet Protocol (IP) yang bekerja di lingkungan Linux. Aplikasi ini berbasis open source, sehingga dalam konfigurasi dan pengaturannya masih harus... more

Asterisk VoIP server adalah salah satu aplikasi penyedia layanan telephone berbasiskan Internet Protocol (IP) yang bekerja di lingkungan Linux. Aplikasi ini berbasis open source, sehingga dalam konfigurasi dan pengaturannya masih harus dilakukan secara manual terhadap file-file konfigurasinya. Hal ini pasti akan sangat menyulitkan seorang administrator jika layanan tersebut disediakan untuk keperluan massal, karena sejatinya, pengguna layanan akan terus bertambah. Maka dari itu , untuk meminimalisir pekerjaan seorang administrator, dibangunlah sebuah aplikasi pendukung, yaitu aplikasi berbasis web yang akan mempermudah urusan administrasi semua user. Aplikasi ini pun mempunyai kemampuan untuk membuat nomor baru, edit profil, lihat buku telephone, bahkan dapat melihat seluruh user yang sedang online nomor telefonnya. Pengerjaan aplikasi dalam membuat file konfigurasi user yaitu sip.conf dan extensions.conf sudah dapat dikerjakan dengan baik dan dalam pengujian panggilanpun sudah diuj...

Es una conexión que conduce una llamada entrante o saliente en el sistema Asterisk. La conexión puede venir de o salir hacia telefonía tradicional analógica, digital o VoIP. Por defecto, Asterisk soporta una serie de canales, los más... more

Es una conexión que conduce una llamada entrante o saliente en el sistema Asterisk. La conexión puede venir de o salir hacia telefonía tradicional analógica, digital o VoIP. Por defecto, Asterisk soporta una serie de canales, los más importantes son:

A key justification to support plant health regulations is the ability of quarantine services to conduct pest risk analyses (PRA). Despite the supranational nature of biological invasions and the close proximity and connectivity of... more

A key justification to support plant health regulations is the ability of quarantine services to conduct pest risk analyses (PRA). Despite the supranational nature of biological invasions and the close proximity and connectivity of Southeast Asian countries, PRAs are conducted at the national level. Furthermore, some countries have limited experience in the development of PRAs, which may result in inadequate phytosanitary responses that put their plant resources at risk to pests vectored via international trade. We review existing decision support schemes for PRAs and, following international standards for phytosanitary measures, propose new methods that adapt existing practices to suit the unique characteristics of Southeast Asia. Using a formal written expert elicitation survey, a panel of regional scientific experts was asked to identify and rate unique traits of Southeast Asia with respect to PRA. Subsequently, an expert elicitation workshop with plant protection officials was c...

This study is conducted after perceiving the lack of gathered information and relatively new research and development on the usage of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) through an existing infrastructure of electrical wires known as VoIP... more

This study is conducted after perceiving the lack of gathered information and relatively new research and development on the usage of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) through an existing infrastructure of electrical wires known as VoIP using Power Line Communications (PLCs). The primary purpose of the PLC is the delivery of AC (50 Hz or 60 Hz) or DC electric power. PLCs system operate the largest existing network in the world, which is the electrical distribution grid and therefore can establish communication networks for data transmission. Five experimental studies are implemented on Home Area Network (HAN) to test the efficiency of the proposed system and a comprehensive presentation dealing with the different aspects of VoIP over power lines are discussed.

Penjurian wushu sanda merupakan proses penilaian terhadap peserta yang melakukan pertandingan wushu sanda. Proses penjurian pada pertandingan wushu sanda sangatlah rumit dan membutuhkan ketelitian. Saat ini proses penilaian dan... more

Penjurian wushu sanda merupakan proses penilaian terhadap peserta yang melakukan pertandingan wushu sanda. Proses penjurian pada pertandingan wushu sanda sangatlah rumit dan membutuhkan ketelitian. Saat ini proses penilaian dan penjumlahan masih menggunakan kertas dengan bantuan kalkulator membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan berpotensi menimbulkan kesalahan yang dapat merugikan atlet dan proses penyampaian informasi setiap pertandingan sangat lambat. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah upaya untuk memberikan solusi yang diharapkan dapat membantu proses penjurian wushu sanda. Penelitian dimulai dengan melakukan studi litelatur, melakukan wawancara dengan narasumber. Selanjutnya dilakukan tahapan mendefiniskan kebutuhan, analisis, perancangan, implementasi dan pengujian perangkat lunak. Pada pembangunan perangkat lunak wushu sanda ini menggunakan konsep software reuse dimana perangkat lunak tidak membangun dari awal tetapi memanfaatkan beberapa komponen dari perangkat lunak yang sudah a...

Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) system is an phone switching system which makes connections with many other internal phones(Analog, Digital & Soft Phones) of a private organization (or an enterprise) and also connects them to the... more

Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) system is an phone switching system which makes connections with many other internal phones(Analog, Digital & Soft Phones) of a private organization (or an enterprise) and also connects them to the public telecommunication network. PABX can have countless types of extensions such as analogue phone, digital Phone, IP Phone, etc. Currently, almost every private branch exchanges are automatic; the abbreviation "PBX" usually implies a "PABX." The main purpose of a PABX is to save the cost of requiring individual line for each user from PSTN telephone operators. Today, PABX use digital technology or IP technology supporting IP terminals as well. Due to its IP in nature, the PABX industry are rapidly increasing and providing numerous features & facilities based on IP including Analog phone system. We made use of asterisk software, vm-ware, various digital phones such as the IP phones, soft phones like x-lite & zoipher. In this p...

La tesis desarrollada se enfoca al estudio y diseno del servicio de telefonia que se integra como una plataforma multiservicios utilizando tecnologia de VoIP, que esta encaminada a brindar una solucion tecnologica de comunicaciones para... more

La tesis desarrollada se enfoca al estudio y diseno del servicio de telefonia que se integra como una plataforma multiservicios utilizando tecnologia de VoIP, que esta encaminada a brindar una solucion tecnologica de comunicaciones para empresas que posean recursos economicos limitados, mediante la alternativa Centrex IP. La comunicacion en una empresa es indispensable debido a que la interaccion entre empleados, mejora la productividad y eficiencia de un proceso productivo, mantener buenos mecanismos de comunicacion conlleva a fuertes inversiones en tecnologias. Por ello la importancia del trabajo se enfoca en la alternativa Centrex IP, que es una solucion que utiliza la implantacion de una red existente, evitando gastos en sofisticadas redes de comunicacion y en instalacion, soporte y mantenimiento de equipos por parte de los subscriptores del servicio. Centrex IP es una alternativa que hace posible la integracion de nuevos servicios con grandes beneficios para sus usuarios, hacie...

El dinámico desarrollo de las redes datos en el mundo ha traído consigo la investigación y desarrollo de nuevos servicios encaminados a suplir las necesidades de comunicación en un mundo cada vez más exigente. Actualmente existen... more

El dinámico desarrollo de las redes datos en el mundo ha traído consigo la investigación y desarrollo de nuevos servicios encaminados a suplir las necesidades de comunicación en un mundo cada vez más exigente. Actualmente existen diferentes tecnologías que mejoran las comunicaciones a todos los niveles. En el presente trabajo se concibe desarrollar un sistema de Voz sobre Protocolo de Internet (VoIP, del inglés Voice over Internet Protocol) para brindar servicio de telefonía a las Comunicaciones, Señalización, Electricidad e Informática (COSIE) en la División Centro de Ferrocarriles de Cuba. Se caracterizan brevemente los protocolos y estándares para establecer servicios VoIP así como las herramientas que permiten la implementación de esta tecnología. Por tanto, se hace la propuesta del sistema para establecer llamadas desde un teléfono convencional a una PC; desde un teléfono IP a una PC, también a un teléfono convencional y llamadas múltiples entre todos los elementos del sistema. De esta manera se evalúan los resultados para cada uno de los escenarios usando herramientas de simulación. La propuesta tiene un alto significado para las comunicaciones ferroviarias y para los directivos, teniendo en cuenta que el alcance incluye las tres provincias centrales del país.

La tecnologia Voice over IP permite transmitir paquetes de voz usando los protocolos de Internet. Esto es el basamento de la convergencia de video, voz y datos en una sola red y bajo el mismo protocolo; metodologia que promete... more

La tecnologia Voice over IP permite transmitir paquetes de voz usando los protocolos de Internet. Esto es el basamento de la convergencia de video, voz y datos en una sola red y bajo el mismo protocolo; metodologia que promete confiabilidad, accesibilidad y por sobre todo bajos costos. La UTN VoIP es un servicio de Telefonia que usa los protocolos VoIP de Internet y es montado sobre la Red Universitaria Tecnologica II. Cuando este implementada conectara todas las Facultades Regionales y la Unidades Academicas de la UTN, convirtiendose en la red de VoIP academica mas amplia del pais. En este trabajo se presenta el diseno y desarrollo de un test bed a escala de la UTN VoIP. Los elementos presentes, tales como: Server/Proxy SIP, Gateways, soft-phones e ipphones, se arreglan y conectan para simular las distintas redes de Regionales. Se elije el protocolo SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) para la senalizacion y se prueban distintos codex (Codification/Decodification) para la conversion d...

In order to establish an exchange of information and communication between departments. A TCP / IP communication system was implemented in the Parish GAD of Quiroga - Canton Bolivar. It consists of a local area network with five points... more

In order to establish an exchange of information and communication between departments. A TCP / IP communication system was implemented in the Parish GAD of Quiroga - Canton Bolivar. It consists of a local area network with five points for cable internet connection, and five IP telephones. This network was designed for the different departments and this way selected the appropriate standards for telephony and email service. For the implementation of the TCP / IP communication system, the PPDIOO methodology was used in six stages: Preparation, Planning, Design, Implementation, Operation and Optimization, it was also very important to collect information that determines the strategic location of the equipment to be used, configured and checked for correct operation. A survey was conducted to determine which service was to be added to the System (Mail or IM) other than PBX. Finally, it was verified that the communication system allowed the flow of information in a technological way bet...

Today, network technologies can handle throughputs up to 100Gbps, transporting 200 million packets per second on a single link. Such high bandwidths impact network flow analysis and as a result require significantly more powerful... more

Today, network technologies can handle throughputs up to 100Gbps, transporting 200 million packets per second on a single link. Such high bandwidths impact network flow analysis and as a result require significantly more powerful hardware. Methods used today concentrate mainly on analyzes of data flows and patterns. It is nearly impossible to actively look for anomalies in network packets and flows for a small amount of change of monitoring patterns could result in big increases in potentially false positive incidents. This paper focuses on multi-criteria analyzes of systems generated data in order to predict incidents. We prove that systems generated monitoring data are an appropriate source to analyze and enable for much more focused and less computationally intensive monitoring operations. By using appropriate mathematical methods to analyze stored data it is possible to obtain useful information. During our work, some interesting anomalies in networks were found by utilizing sim...

The process of developing a platform is a process that consists of various stages. Still, until now, there has been no awareness in utilizing available data and information sources to serve as the basis for developing or creating a... more

The process of developing a platform is a process that consists of various stages. Still, until now, there has been no awareness in utilizing available data and information sources to serve as the basis for developing or creating a platform that can improve the quality of an integrated system. For this reason, a Platform as a Service (PaaS) architecture was built that provides application development and deployment services to process data and information obtained from relevant agencies at Telkom University to monitor the performance achievements of units within Telkom University, especially the Human Centric Engineering Research Center (HUMIC RC). This requires a service-oriented system platform design that can integrate various diverse information systems into a single unit. In this study, the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) method from Thomas Erl was used to design a service-oriented system platform, where every business process is built in the form of services. REST Service ...