Blog Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Compartiendo Experiencias. Las TIC's coomo estrategias didácticas. Producto de una serie de propuestas presentadas por docentes de NMS, en el municipio de Guasave. En cada una de ellas se deja ver la participación de la tecnología en las... more

Compartiendo Experiencias. Las TIC's coomo estrategias didácticas.
Producto de una serie de propuestas presentadas por docentes de NMS, en el municipio de Guasave.
En cada una de ellas se deja ver la participación de la tecnología en las aulas escolares, como una herramienta más que contribuye al acercamiento entre el educando y el conocimiento como un medio de facilitación del conocimiento y como estrategia didáctica que facilita el entendimiento y la comprensión del mismo, en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, a través de códigos lingüísticos, acordes a los nuevos entornos socioculturales.
La incorporación de las TIC's en el espacio aúlico no excluye al profesor, pues aún en la distancia el conocimiento y su adquisición debe ser guiado y evaluado por el docente.

En iyi blog yani İnternet günlüğü oluşturma siteleri hakkında bir çok yazı var ancak konu hakkında fazla bilgi sahibi olmayan okuyucuyu yönlendirecek, onlara fikir verecek, zaman kaybından kurtaracak bir yazı bulamadım. Bu yazı, bu açığı... more

En iyi blog yani İnternet günlüğü oluşturma siteleri hakkında bir çok yazı var ancak konu hakkında fazla bilgi sahibi olmayan okuyucuyu yönlendirecek, onlara fikir verecek, zaman kaybından kurtaracak bir yazı bulamadım. Bu yazı, bu açığı kapatmak için yazılmıştır.

O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o resultado um processo de formação ocorrido em 2009, em que uma professora cria e um blog nas aulas de língua portuguesa com as turmas de Ensino Médio do EJA – Ensino de Jovens e Adultos. A partir das... more

O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o resultado um processo de formação ocorrido em 2009, em que uma professora cria e um blog nas aulas de língua portuguesa com as turmas de Ensino Médio do EJA – Ensino de Jovens e Adultos. A partir das notas de campo da docente, busca-se identificar e avaliar a receptividade dos alunos com a implantação e o uso desse recurso virtual, a partir de comentários registrados nele e questionários. A fundamentação teórica da investigação está centrada na Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (Halliday, 1994/2000) e na noção de Avaliatividade (Martin, 2003, 2005). Ao final do trabalho, ficou evidenciado que ele trouxe contribuições para a área de novas tecnologias aplicadas à educação, especificamente em cursos de EJA, já que, como resultado do processo gerado por meio da implementação de um blog, mostra como é possível aos alunos desses cursos conceber o computador e seus múltiplos recursos como uma alternativa eficiente para aprofundarem seus conhecimentos.

It is a growing phenomenon that journalists in Zimbabwe are blogging. Some journalists blog within the media outlet’s website, while some blogs in the public sites. This paper mainly discusses the limitation of blogs by analyzing the... more

It is a growing phenomenon that journalists in Zimbabwe are blogging. Some journalists blog within the media outlet’s website, while some blogs in the public sites. This paper mainly discusses the limitation of blogs by analyzing the difference between newspaper blogs and writings on public blog platforms. I argue that the content of public blogs is markedly different from those published on newspaper blogs. This is because newspaper blogs are less individualistic and journalistic blogging on newspaper platforms is more strongly influenced by the organization to which they belong.

This chapter analyzes business networks as a part of a multi-domain innovation ecology, which includes global production and innovation ecosystems, institutional network facilitators, and local communities and users. Their interplay is a... more

This chapter analyzes business networks as a part of a multi-domain innovation ecology, which includes global production and innovation ecosystems, institutional network facilitators, and local communities and users. Their interplay is a reflection of the reconfiguration of inter-sectoral relations, in which business, government, and citizens may produce collaborative synergies and, thus, contribute to growth, competitiveness, and social development. Web 2.0 is not a panacea, nor does it bring benefits automatically. On the contrary, companies need to be sensitive to the network logic and partners’ orientations in order to maximize the innovation potential of global innovation networks facilitated by social network sites and other Web 2.0 tools and services.

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Wahyu IWe

""Abstract Blogs as one of the most widely used Web 2.0 applications, are globally accepted by a large number of Internet users. The educational blogs have a specific audience, purpose and goals. This research paper explores the criteria... more

Blogs as one of the most widely used Web 2.0 applications, are globally accepted by a large number of Internet users. The educational blogs have a specific audience, purpose and goals. This research paper explores the criteria by which an educational blog can be characterized as scientific. The survey findings show that the educational blog readers regard an educational blog as scientific, taking into consideration certain criteria to which they attribute different significance. The participation of 10 experts on the field and the contribution of the unknown online educational blog readers was the cornerstone for the completion of this study. This research paper attempts to highlight some particular aspects of an issue, that, although it is one of the most widely used in the web, it has not received similar research attention, either locally or internationally. This research paper is a part of the researcher’s diploma assignment thesis for the Hellenic Open University.""

A partir de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, buscamos conhecer a opinião do público, leitor ou não de blogs, acerca do fenômeno das blogueiras de moda. Perguntamos, em questionário semiaberto, se a prática das blogueiras poderia ser... more

A partir de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, buscamos conhecer a opinião do público, leitor ou não de blogs, acerca do fenômeno das blogueiras de moda. Perguntamos, em questionário semiaberto, se a prática das blogueiras poderia ser compreendida como profissão. Os resultados apontam que há um discurso circulante que aceita positivamente a prática remunerada dos blogs de moda, com críticas, no entanto, à qualidade do trabalho desenvolvido pela " classe ".

Have you wondered how Google Rank brain works and you need to an idea on how it operates? Then this article perfectly matches you. Rank brains are artificial intelligence system highly modified with learning machines that help Google... more

Have you wondered how Google Rank brain works and you need to an idea on how it operates? Then this article perfectly matches you. Rank brains are artificial intelligence system highly modified with learning machines that help Google process search results. It was launched in early 2015 and used globally by Google. Rank brain focuses on helping solve solutions that Google process. It also helps in ranking web pages and is the third most important ranking factor. The root idea is to understand the meaning as per term and to have a clear idea on how it works depending on the commands given by the user. It also important to figure out how signals are calculated and ways in which results are given. It is also crucial to understand how upgrading of ranking brain has been changing from a period of time. The Comparison has also been made between the different upgrades. What does the term Rank Brain mean? The Rank brain is the name of the artificial intelligence machine that offers search results in particular rare or one-of-a-kind queries. What do you think artificial intelligence is? The computer can be as smart as a human being at least in the sense of acquiring knowledge from what it taught and what it knows to make new connections. It is commanded using algorithms for it to understand. What is the name of this Google search algorithm? For years this search engine did not have an overall name but as in the mid of 2013, it was officially named asHummingbird The hummingbird contains parts with names similar to those found in the SEO such space. These words include; Panda, Penguin, and Payday is designed to give solution and eradicate spams.

Purpose- The main purpose of this study is to evaluate and examine the similarities and differences in the application of web 2.0 technologies in selected Indian libraries. (IIT’s, IIM’s, National Law schools).The objectives of this study... more

Purpose- The main purpose of this study is to evaluate and examine the similarities and differences in the application of web 2.0 technologies in selected Indian libraries. (IIT’s, IIM’s, National Law schools).The objectives of this study to identify various web 2.0 technology applications, to libraries and information centers, to determine the use and application of web 2.0 in the context of library 2.0 across the India.
Methodology- The study used Content analysis was used in terms of quantitative approach. A checklist as the main study instrument was developed based on other checklists and questionnaires, and synthesized ideas from literature.
Findings: 25% of selected Indian libraries deployed one or more web 2.0 technologies. Out of 28 selected Indian libraries, 3 libraries are using web 2.0 technologies with application index of 34.8 and mean 1.21 web 2.0 tools. Out of 3 libraries are using RSS with percentages of 75% Web 2.0 technologies and blog used only one library with percentages of 25%.
Keywords: Worldwide web, Communications technologies, India, Institution libraries, National law libraries, law school libraries, Management libraries
Paper type: Project paper

Günümüzde internetin ve beraberinde sosyal medyanın giderek yaygınlaşması her alanda olduğu gibi tüketici davranışlarında da değişimlere neden olmaktadır. Sosyal medya araçlarından önemli biri olan bloglar ve en geniş etkileşime sahip... more

Günümüzde internetin ve beraberinde sosyal medyanın giderek yaygınlaşması her alanda olduğu gibi tüketici davranışlarında da değişimlere neden olmaktadır. Sosyal medya araçlarından önemli biri olan bloglar ve en geniş etkileşime sahip olan moda blogları özellikle Y kuşağı olarak adlandırılan tüketici grubunu etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada Y kuşağı bireylerinin moda bloglarına yönelik tutumlarının satın alma niyetlerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmada öncelikle blog pazarlamanın kavramsal temelleri, internetin günlük yaşamdaki fonksiyonları, moda kavramı ve pazarlama dünyasındaki önemine değinilmiş ve Y kuşağının kavramsal bir şeması ortaya konmuştur. Yürütülen alan araştırmasında anket yöntemiyle 256 kişi ile yüzyüze görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre genel olarak Y kuşağı bireylerinin günlük yaşamlarında internet ve sosyal medya kullanım eğilimlerinin satınalma kararlarına yön verdiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bireylerin moda bloglarına yönelik tutumlarında en kritik nokta ise kuşak üyelerinin moda liderliğine yönelik tutumlarının satınalma niyeti üzerinde etkili olduğudur.

Artikel postingan dan bahan bacaan untuk umum yang ada di website Blog Seoanthrax. Seoanthrax - Blog informasi yang menyajikan artikel mengenai pengetahuan seputar tips dan trik secara gratis. Seoanthrax membahas kumpulan tips terbaru,... more

Artikel postingan dan bahan bacaan untuk umum yang ada di website Blog Seoanthrax.
Seoanthrax - Blog informasi yang menyajikan artikel mengenai pengetahuan seputar tips dan trik secara gratis. Seoanthrax membahas kumpulan tips terbaru, seoanthrax, belajar tutorial praktis, membahas seputar pengetahuan, motivasi terbaru dan terbaik, informasi update terkini, tips mudah dan sederhana, tips dan trick olahraga, tips dan trick seni dan musik, tips dan trick kesehatan, tips dan trick internet

A primary role of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) is to facilitate industry access to market intelligence and to ensure that operators understand their markets (both existing and emerging). Web logs, or blogs, are a relatively... more

A primary role of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) is to facilitate industry access to market intelligence and to ensure that operators understand their markets (both existing and emerging). Web logs, or blogs, are a relatively new form of market intelligence arising from peer to peer communication over the internet. The extent to which the content of blogs may augment DMO activities is unknown but is likely to depend on operator predisposition to e-strategies in general. This study reports on a survey of Kitzbühel Tourism operator’s current online strategies andtheir level of awareness about blogs. The results show, while a core of businesses already monitor blogs in a strategic way, they may be struggling to meaningfully apply the fruits of these activities. A role for DMOs like Kitzbühel Tourism in moving operators forward in this area is identified. It is hoped that the practitioner’s articulation of this role will provide other DMOs with ideas for the strategic use of what is currently a relatively untapped source of market information.

Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a ocorrência de neologismos em três blogs de jornais da Região Sul do Brasil após sistematização nas fichas neológicas. Também são demonstrados os assuntos que mais propiciam a produção destes... more

Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a ocorrência de neologismos em três blogs de jornais da Região Sul do Brasil após sistematização nas fichas neológicas. Também são demonstrados os assuntos que mais propiciam a produção destes neologismos, a classe de palavras mais predominante para a sua formação e o tipo de neologia mais encontrado. Foi utilizada como ferramenta para a manipulação doscorporao programa Microsoft Word, em que foi possível armazená-los por um período de um ano.Como resultados, chegou-se à conclusão de que os assuntos mais recorrentes foram a política e o futebol, a classe de palavras foi a dos substantivos e o tipo de neologia predominante foi o estilístico devido ao gênero que foi analisado, que exige cada vez mais criatividade dos blogueiros, como também por serem jornalistas que tentam transmitir as informações diárias de uma forma mais atraente, o que propicia mais acesso e postagem dos leitores.

Collection of microfictions (or: zeer korte verhaal) and anti-sophisms, originating on the blog. Not exactly poetry nor prose, Fréttir í mínu landi is betwixt and between. This book is long out of print. The full text as printed is... more

While it might seem to be pretty self-explanatory from the title, this issue really explores some crucial issues about blogging while providing glimpses of sites that might escape scrutiny. For example, it has an essay about blogging in... more

While it might seem to be pretty self-explanatory from the title, this issue really explores some crucial issues about blogging while providing glimpses of sites that might escape scrutiny. For example, it has an essay about blogging in the "panopticon" that is Iran and an another that likes at the role of blogging in the lives of adolescent girls in Israel. In short, it looks at blogging as an everyday experience, something that is lived and performed at the most quotidian level. Fascinating stuff, really!

Linares, Y. (2018). Travel Bloggers Venezolanos. Reseña de blogs temáticos relacionado a los viajes (2000 – 2017). San Cristóbal, Venezuela.

Кроз тест ученици вежбају прецизност у изражавању, препознавање потребног и довољног услова, стичу осећај за статистичке податке и уче нове појмове. Тест је састављен за утврђивање градива након уводног часа. Ученици почињу тест и ако... more

Кроз тест ученици вежбају прецизност у изражавању, препознавање потребног и довољног услова, стичу осећај за статистичке податке и уче нове појмове.
Тест је састављен за утврђивање градива након уводног часа. Ученици почињу тест и ако знају одговор на питање решавају га, ако не преко линка приступају тексту на основу којег је састављен тест и траже одговор. Питања су у фиксном редоследу а одговори на питање се насумично размештају. Више питања се може односити на исти проблем са различитим приступом. Понуђени одговори за питање су вишеструки, тачни и нетачни, дати на различите начине, као дефиниција и описно. Нетачни одговори нису карикирани већ могу бити одговори на неко друго питање. Где постоји могућност, питања и одговори могу бити и у графичком или сликовном формату.

"This study used data from a survey of city government reporters at US metropolitan daily newspapers to test the 2008 Lowrey and Mackay model of occupational competition. The results indicate that as the quality of Internet competition... more

"This study used data from a survey of city government reporters at US metropolitan daily newspapers to test the 2008 Lowrey and Mackay model of occupational competition. The results
indicate that as the quality of Internet competition (as perceived by the US city hall reporters) increased, reporters were more likely to report stories they might have missed and were more
likely to increase the number of city government stories. This study also suggests that the perceptions of the reporters as well as the perceptions of editors play a role in the reaction to
occupational competition and that city government reporters were affected more by the perceived quality of competitors’ coverage than by the number of news outlets providing that coverage."

Corporate blog is a form of blog that is used by companies in the world as a medium of communication and delivery of corporate opinion. However, the development of these blogs is decreasing with the emergence of various forms of social... more

Corporate blog is a form of blog that is used by companies in the world as a medium of communication and delivery of corporate opinion. However, the development of these blogs is decreasing with the emergence of various forms of social media like twitter, though the blog actually has a different role compared to other social media in conveying the message and the opinion of the company. This study was aimed to analyze the obtained value of the company's corporate blog and the factors that support corporate blog that continues to exist and used to date. In order to achieve our aim, we conducted qualitative research by doing deep interview to three consulting firms in Indonesia that are still actively using a corporate blog. The interviews were conducted to analyze the firms practice in managing the corporate blog in terms of motivation of use, functionality, writing ideas and concepts, constraints, policies and their impact on the organization. We found several key important innovation features in the blog usage, particularly to show company’s identity as consulting firm, to engage company with its clients and society, to prepare and educate its employees in order to be known by society, and to walk the talk for increasing client confidence of company’s intellectuality. In addition, we also successfully mapped these practices to success factors or corporate blog, which include: support of top management, the evangelist, educate employee related corporate blog, the clear purpose, firm commitment, policies and rules, as well as dialogue with consumers.

Educators have reported a number of benefits for language learners keeping blogs; however, none of the available research focuses on the potential for a blog to be a medium for reflecting on learning. This paper draws on preliminary data... more

Educators have reported a number of benefits for language learners keeping blogs; however, none of the available research focuses on the potential for a blog to be a medium for reflecting on learning. This paper draws on preliminary data collected from female Japanese college students. Twenty-two students kept voluntary blogs in their free time throughout a semester they spent studying English in the UK. The students usually wrote about everyday activities, but they also used their blogs to write their reflections about their language learning. In particular, the students discussed feelings about their exam results, occasions when they were disappointed in their spoken English, goals that they set for themselves and ways in which their classroom learning helped them in everyday situations. The findings suggest that blogs could be one tool for educators to use in order to encourage students to reflect on their learning.