Chinese Language Research Papers - (original) (raw)

(This is just the preface to the first edition. The second edition will come out soon.)

This article is dedicated to the analysis of a hand-written Russian-Chinese dictionary kept in the Manuscript Research Department of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The author identifies the principles of compilation that... more

This article is dedicated to the analysis of a hand-written Russian-Chinese dictionary kept in
the Manuscript Research Department of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The
author identifies the principles of compilation that were used in the dictionary, and discovers
the purpose of its compilation. The manuscript was gathered by Illarion K. Rossokhin, one of
the first Russian teachers and translators of Chinese and Manchu. While in China, Rossokhin
not only studied Chinese and Manchu languages, but also taught Russian language at a special
school for Chinese officials. In this article, the author attempts to establish when the dictionary
was written. As a result of the study, it was suggested that the compilation of the dictionary
could have been started in China and finished in Russia. It was found that the manuscript does
not have a unified structure. There are many repetitions and it is possible to note a tendency
to group words according to thematic characteristics. The manuscript can be separated into
three parts: the first part where there is some effort to group words in an unified structure; in
the second part we can see a normal grouping in a unified order without titles; in the third part
thematic paragraphs have titles. Creating a dictionary that was convenient for use by people
who studied the Chinese language is one the possible reasons for utilizing a thematic structure.
It is clear that dictionary was influenced by Chinese “category dictionaries” (leishu). The
author’s analysis of the dictionary shows that it was used to teach conversational Chinese and
it could also have been a source of information on the basics of Chinese grammar.

Every year in Europe, Chinese language courses are increasingly becoming part of the curricula in universities and schools. For European languages, an officially accredited reference framework already exists. The Council of Europe created... more

Every year in Europe, Chinese language courses are increasingly becoming part of the curricula in universities and schools. For European languages, an officially accredited reference framework already exists. The Council of Europe created it with the aim to establish definitions of linguistic competences divided into levels. The landscape of Chinese language teaching in Europe, on the other hand, is inconsistent. The European project European Benchmarking Chinese Language has recently proposed a definition of the competence levels for Chinese language based on the Common European Framework of Reference. This study introduces the research work carried out by the project members, the challenges faced and the results achieved. Finally, this paper envisions the necessary developments that such a project should have to reach the final goal of standardizing the competence scales for Chinese language in Europe

Leonesi, Barbara, Wang Qianru, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 3, Il Capitello, Torino, 2018. ISBN: 9788842690627. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each... more

Leonesi, Barbara, Wang Qianru, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 3, Il Capitello, Torino, 2018. ISBN: 9788842690627. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each lesson; final vocabulary. In Italian)

In this era of globalization, people cross country boarders for various purposes some for education, business, work, tourism, or for living. In meeting such purposes, people have to use language for communication; this has necessitated... more

In this era of globalization, people cross country boarders for various purposes some for education, business, work, tourism, or for living. In meeting such purposes, people have to use language for communication; this has necessitated different countries to introduce foreign language studies in their education system at various levels. In China, Chinese language is a national language for the People's Republic of China. Currently students from different countries go to china to pursue various studies and they have to learn Chinese. The study examines the factors that affecting willingness to communicate in Chines Language among the International students. The study ought to explore the factors affecting willingness to communicate in Chinese based on gender, program taught, number of courses they have, years living in China, and number of Chinese friends they have. The study used Pearson correlation, Independent T-Test and One way ANOVA, to find out the correlation between these dependent factors and independent factors. Ultimately, the study found a significant relationship between willingness to communicate in Chinese and language programme taught number of Chinese courses, courses learnt, and the time of living in China.

Prozodická gramatika čínštiny shrnuje badatelskou činnost prof. O. Švarného především v oblasti fonologického systému a její aplikaci na korpus vět moderní hovorové čínštiny. Současně je teoretickým úvodem Učebního slovníku jazyka... more

Prozodická gramatika čínštiny shrnuje badatelskou činnost prof. O. Švarného především v oblasti fonologického systému a její aplikaci na korpus vět moderní hovorové čínštiny. Současně je teoretickým úvodem Učebního slovníku jazyka čínského, který mapuje užití bezmála dvou tisíc jejích nejfrekventovanějších "morfémů". I tento slovník byl ve čtyřech dílech postupně publikován mezi lety 1998 a 2000 ve Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého. Po úvodu do prozodického systému moderní hovorové čínštiny se naše gramatika zabývá základními otázkami morfologickými, velmi záhy ale přistupuje k popisu slovně druhových, přesněji funkčních a posléze i syntaktických charakteristik hovorové čínštiny. Práce je uzavřena průnikem právě čínské syntaxe a prozodie.

Мазкур тадқиқот хитойшуносликда илк бор хитой тили инкорларига бағишланган монографик ишдир. У хитой тилида инкор маъноси қайси сўзлар ва воситалар орқали ифодаланилиши, улар ўз ўринда қандай грамматик маъноларни билдириши ҳамда инкорлар... more

Мазкур тадқиқот хитойшуносликда илк бор хитой тили инкорларига бағишланган монографик ишдир. У хитой тилида инкор маъноси қайси сўзлар ва воситалар орқали ифодаланилиши, улар ўз ўринда қандай грамматик маъноларни билдириши ҳамда инкорлар ёрдамида янги сўзлар ясалиши мумкинлиги ҳақида маълумот беради. Ушбу монографияда хитой тили инкорларини типологик хусусиятлари аниқлаб берилган. Бундан ташқари у “Хитой тили назарий грамматика”, “Хитой тили грамматик конструкциялари” ва “Хитой тили қиёсий грамматика” фанлари бўйича мустақил таълим учун ҳам қўлланилиши мумкин. Китоб монография услубига мослаштирилган бўлсада у нафақат тадқиқотчи олимларга, балки хитой тилини ўргатувчи ва ўрганувчиларга мўлжаллангандур.

The concept of World Englishes was put forth in acknowledgement of the variations observed in the English language across time and space most especially in light of globalization and migrations. In the same vein, a recent study on the... more

The concept of World Englishes was put forth in acknowledgement of the variations observed in the English language across time and space most especially in light of globalization and migrations. In the same vein, a recent study on the Chinese language proposes " World Chineses " (全球華語) which seeks to track and investigate the variances of the wide array of Chinese languages and dialects. Seemingly homogenous China is revealed to be in fact diverse in terms of languages and the creation of a standard language, Chinese Mandarin (普 通 話) is seen within the framework of language ideology. Language ideology, broadly defined in this paper as the perceptions on the hierarchies and usage of a specific language, seeks to uncover the rise and fall on the use of Chinese languages in the context of 20 th century China. Select countries and regions to which Chinese migration has a history of shall also be explored for ethnographic data, but these will constitute an exploratory work as part of this paper's limitations due to time constraints.

Il Manuale di Cinese tecnico-scientifico è uno strumento di supporto all’attività di lettura, comprensione e traduzione di testi di carattere scientifico e tecnologico. Con una struttura semplice e un linguaggio chiaro, il testo affronta... more

Il Manuale di Cinese tecnico-scientifico è uno strumento di supporto all’attività di lettura, comprensione e traduzione di testi di carattere scientifico e tecnologico. Con una struttura semplice e un linguaggio chiaro, il testo affronta il cinese settoriale, le sue peculiarità lessicali e le sue strutture grammaticali.
Si tratta di un manuale innovativo, che si presta sia all’utilizzo in un contesto di didattica universitaria, sia all’uso privato, fungendo da guida per coloro che si apprestino, anche da autodidatti, ad effettuare i primi lavori di traduzione in questo settore.
Le conoscenze di lingua cinese necessarie ad un uso più agevole del manuale si collocano intorno al livello B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER).
Il manuale si articola 10 unità il cui materiale testuale è stato estratto da articoli pubblicati tra il 2011 e il 2012 nelle riviste scientifiche cinesi, selezionate tra quelle dotate di maggiore Impact Factor. Nella scelta degli argomenti si è cercato di privilegiare tematiche attuali che possono costituire materia d’interesse per gli italiani (privati o aziende) che guardano ai progressi della scienza cinese.

It is well-known that Tai-Kadai languages have affected the typological profiles of Southern Sinitic varieties. For example, compared with their northern sisters, Southern Sinitic varieties display a stronger tendency towards head-initial... more

It is well-known that Tai-Kadai languages have affected the typological profiles of Southern Sinitic varieties. For example, compared with their northern sisters, Southern Sinitic varieties display a stronger tendency towards head-initial structures, as in the N-N compounds for expressing the sex of animals and in post-verbal temporal adverbs. Given that the Tai-Kadai languages in China have been in contact with Sinitic for over two millennia, it is quite natural to find signs of Sinitic influence therein. Most remarkably, pre-verbal adjunct phrases and prenominal relative clauses, which are extremely atypical of VO languages but distinctive of Sinitic, are attested in some Tai-Kadai languages in Southern China. The prevalence of such typologically unusual traits among different linguistic groups in the Lingnan region of Southern China provides strong support for its status as a linguistic area. Devising and adopting a 'mutualist' approach, we analyse the typological data of over 280 language varieties, which we believe illustrates and strongly supports the idea that Western Lingnan qualifies as a linguistic area in its own right according to criteria widely recognized by areal linguists. The approach proposed in this study can be applied to other putative linguistic areas around the world to study the mechanisms and outcomes of contact-induced change under a specific set of ecological conditions.

Collection of papers on prosody of modern colloquial Chinese in English, German and Chinese.

The following article derives from the author`s doctoral dissertation concerning teaching Chinese as a foreign language (ChFL). It aims at investigating and assessing the challenges the Chinese teachers encounter in the process of ChFL... more

The following article derives from the author`s doctoral dissertation concerning teaching Chinese as a foreign language (ChFL). It aims at investigating and assessing the challenges the Chinese teachers encounter in the process of ChFL teaching to the beginner students. First the theoretical background of ChFL teaching is provided with the emphasis on the specificity of Chinese. Then, the issues and challenges of ChFL teaching is examined, especially in terms of the syllabus and coursebook choice and teaching methods. In the following part of the article, the teaching and learning implications are presented. Key words: Chinese as a foreign language, specificity of Chinese, tones in Chinese, strokes


Dla wielu Polaków uczenie się języka chińskiego to nadal fanaberia. Nawet dla Chińczyków, uczenie się języka chińskiego przez „lao wai” (‘老外’), czyli „obcokrajowców” jest czymś niewyobrażalnym. Często zdarza się, że mimo iż obcokrajowcy... more

Dla wielu Polaków uczenie się języka chińskiego to nadal fanaberia. Nawet dla Chińczyków, uczenie się języka chińskiego przez „lao wai” (‘老外’), czyli „obcokrajowców” jest czymś niewyobrażalnym. Często zdarza się, że mimo iż obcokrajowcy posiadają dużą wiedzę na temat Mandaryńskiego i swobodnie się nim posługują wśród Chińczyków, ci ostatni mówią do „laowai” za pomocą gestów, wykonując różnego rodzaju ruchy ciała, urozmaicając je dodatkowymi niewerbalnymi elementami, zamiast po prostu powiedzieć do nich coś po chińsku. Sytuację tą ilustruje najlepiej poniższa anegdota: „Pewnego dnia jeden z zagranicznych uczniów Shanghai Normal University, uczący się języka chińskiego w owej placówce, postanowił wybrać się do sklepu, aby kupić podstawowe produkty spożywcze. Zapytał sprzedawcę o cenę jednego z artykułów, posługując się płynnie, wręcz idealnie językiem mandaryńskim. Pomimo, że ów sprzedawca wszystko zrozumiał, zamiast odpowiedzieć werbalnie w rodzimym języku, jak to bywa w takich zwykłych sytuacjach interakcyjnych, mężczyzna wyciągnął kalkulator i „wystukał” na nim kwotę za dany artykuł spożywczy, po czym pokazał ją swojemu klientowi. Co więcej, zaczął nawet gestykulować, żeby jeszcze bardziej zobrazować kwotę obcokrajowcowi, podczas gdy zwykłe wypowiedzenie zwrotu: „10 kuai” („十块” – 10 RMB) w zupełności by wystarczyło, aby zagraniczny klient zdecydował się, bądź rozmyślił w kwestii zakupu owego produktu.

Leonesi, Barbara, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Wang Qianru, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 1, Il Capitello, Torino, 2016. ISBN: 9788842690405. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each... more

Leonesi, Barbara, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Wang Qianru, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 1, Il Capitello, Torino, 2016. ISBN: 9788842690405. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each lesson; final vocabulary. In Italian)

The purpose of this paper is to prove the Mass Noun Hypothesis wrong. The hypothesis claims that all common nouns in classifier languages like Mandarin Chinese are mass nouns. The objection against it consists in displaying its... more

The purpose of this paper is to prove the Mass Noun Hypothesis wrong. The hypothesis claims that all common nouns in classifier languages like Mandarin Chinese are mass nouns. The objection against it consists in displaying its implausible deduction, where false conclusions have been drawn due to relying on the grammar of English, which is incongruent with the grammar of Chinese. Consequently, this paper defends the Count Noun Thesis, stating that in Chinese there are count as well as mass nouns. In support of this statement, first, the typology of numeral classifiers had to be established, which resulted in gathering and completing all the reasons to distinguish classifiers from measure words. After only this necessary differentiation was made, it was possible to show that the count/mass distinction exists in Mandarin Chinese. That is, count nouns by default have only one classifier, with certain disclaimers. Apart from that, count nouns, as in every language, may undergo some measurement with measure words. Mass nouns, however, in the context of quantification may appear only with measure words, but not with classifiers. These conditions naturally follow from the ontological status of the two types of nouns' referents, i.e. bounded objects denoted by count nouns, and scattered substances denoted by mass nouns.

Leonesi, Barbara, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Wang Qianru, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 2, Il Capitello, Torino, 2017. ISBN: 97888426906010. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each... more

Leonesi, Barbara, Veronica Regis, Lidia Tammaro, Alessandro Tosco, Caterina Viglione, Wang Qianru, Manman lai, Corso di lingua e cultura cinese 2, Il Capitello, Torino, 2017. ISBN: 97888426906010. (Sections relating to the lexicon of each lesson; final vocabulary. In Italian)

Tarihçe Çin yazısının diğer dillerden farklı bir sesletime sahip olması çeşitli kolaylıkların yanı sıra kimi sorunları da beraberinde getirir. Çin yazısının sağladığı avantajlar arasında yazının estetik sembollerden oluşması, zengin bilgi... more

Tarihçe Çin yazısının diğer dillerden farklı bir sesletime sahip olması çeşitli kolaylıkların yanı sıra kimi sorunları da beraberinde getirir. Çin yazısının sağladığı avantajlar arasında yazının estetik sembollerden oluşması, zengin bilgi ve mesaj taşıması, standart dilin farklı bölgelerde konuşulan lehçe ve ağızların üzerinde bir konuma sahip olması ile geçmişten günümüze kesintisiz olarak kullanımı öne çıkmaktadır. Çin yazısının en önemli sorunu ise zor öğrenilip zor hatırlanmasıdır. Bunun yanında, genel ihtiyacın ötesinde çok sayıda imin olması, yazıya bağlı doğrudan bir fonetiğin bulunmaması gibi sorunlar da bulunmaktadır. Temelde Çin yazısının görsel özellikli bir araç olması, ses bilgisinin her zaman ikinci plana atılmasına sebep olmuş görünmektedir. Ancak bütün dillerde olduğu gibi Çince de konuşma dilinden hareketle ses bilgisi temelinde anlaşılarak çözümlenebilmektedir. Tarih boyunca Çin dilinin değişimi de her zaman ses bilgisi yönünde ilerlemiş, fakat imlerle okunuşları arasında doğrudan ilişki olmaması nedeniyle bu değişim niteliksel değil niceliksel özellikler göstermiştir. Bu nedenle sözcükler ve sesletimleri arasındaki yakınlaşma oldukça yavaş olmuştur. Yazı ile sesletim arasındaki ilişkileri düzenlemeye yarayan birkaç yöntem göze çarpmaktadır. Bunları şu şekide özetleyebiliriz: 1. Ses Ödünçlemenin(Jiǎjièzì 假借字)yaygın kullanımı. Bu yönteme örnek oluşturması için "qí 其" imini ele alalım; "bòji 簸箕" (faraş) sözcüğü içindeki "jī 箕" iminin, zamanla "qí 其" halini alması ve bunun bir işaret zamirine dönüşmesiyle "[bunların] içinde/arasında-qízhōng-其中", "diğer/diğerleri-qítā-其 他" gibi türetmelerde kullanımı, güzel bir örnek oluşturacaktır. 2. Fonogramların (parça ve fonetik imin birleşiminden oluşan im) sayısı, fal yazıtlarında sadece yüzde 20 oranındayken, modern Çincede bu oran yüzde 90'a çıkmıştır. Bu durum yalın imlerin, türetilen yeni sözcükler içinde ses özellikleriyle katılımındaki artışa işaret etmektedir. 3. Fonetik ve ses bilgisel özellikler gösteren yöntemlerin ortaya çıkışında; Doğrudan Ses Alıntılama Yöntemi (zhíyīnfǎ 直音法), Fanqie Birleştirme Yöntemi (fǎnqièfǎ 反切法) ve Fonetik Alfabelerin (zhùyīn zìmǔ 注音字母) kullanımı karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Sonuncusu gerek Latin harfleriyle gerekse başka alfabe işaretleriyle çok çeşitli örnekler sergilemektedir. Doğrudan Ses Alıntılama Yöntemi (zhíyīnfǎ 直音法), yaygın olarak bilinen bir imin, az bilinen bir başka imin fonetiği olarak seçilmesidir. Örneğin; okunuşunu bilmediğimiz "gǔ 蛊" iminin yanına, herkesin aşina olduğu * Bu bölümün hazırlanmasında Wang Xianming'in (王先明) Jindai Xinxue 近代新学: 中国传统学术文化的嬗变与重构 (2000) isimli kitabından yararlanılmıştır.

Il volume fotografa e descrive il cinese standard, nei suoi due registri colloquiale e formale, così come viene parlato, scritto, studiato e insegnato oggi in Cina e all'estero, con una particolare attenzione ai lettori italiani. A questo... more

Il volume fotografa e descrive il cinese standard, nei suoi due registri colloquiale e formale, così come viene parlato, scritto, studiato e insegnato oggi in Cina e all'estero, con una particolare attenzione ai lettori italiani. A questo scopo, le autrici hanno messo in evidenza gli aspetti grammaticali che considerano, alla luce della loro esperienza di insegnamento, di maggiore difficoltà per un italofono, utilizzando, quando ritenute pertinenti, descrizioni contrastive. La Grammatica della lingua cinese è pensata come un testo unitario di riferimento, moderno, aggiornato e di agevole consultazione per studenti di livello intermedio-avanzato. Il testo è inoltre un supporto didattico utile ai docenti per la programmazione dei corsi e si presta bene a coadiuvare e affiancare eventuali altri materiali per l'insegnamento del cinese mandarino.

Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba uświadomienia czytelnikom, iz powszechnie nam znane strategie uczenia się języków obcych, głównie indoeuropejskich, niezupełnie sprawdzają się w kwestii nauki oraz przyswajania języków azjatyckich,... more

Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba uświadomienia czytelnikom, iz powszechnie nam znane strategie uczenia się języków obcych, głównie indoeuropejskich, niezupełnie sprawdzają się w kwestii nauki oraz przyswajania języków azjatyckich, takich jak język chiński. W kolejnych częściach artykułu autorka zagłębiać się będzie w specyfikę języka chińskiego oraz wszelkiego rodzaju trudności, z którymi musi zmierzyć się Polak decydujący się na rozpoczęcie nauki języka chińskiego. Następnie, ukaże ona najlepiej sprawdzające się metody uczenia się języka chińskiego, które ukonstytuowała na podstawie kilkuletniego doświadczenia zarówno jako ucząca się, jak i nauczająca wyżej wymienionego języka.

Çince dil bilgisinin en belirgin özelliği anlam bakımından güçlü bir bakı değişiminin olmayışıdır. Çin'deki bazı halkların dillerinde ve batı dillerinde bakı yapıları kullanılarak ifade edilen pek çok kiplik, Çincede ya ifade edilmez, ya... more

Çince dil bilgisinin en belirgin özelliği anlam bakımından güçlü bir bakı değişiminin olmayışıdır. Çin'deki bazı halkların dillerinde ve batı dillerinde bakı yapıları kullanılarak ifade edilen pek çok kiplik, Çincede ya ifade edilmez, ya da yarı bağımsız, işlevsel sözcükler kullanılarak anlatılır. Bu eksik görünümüne karşın bakı ve cümle sonu ünlem ekleriyle de aynı

This volume contains 81 carefully selected Chinese poems arranged in chronological order, from antiquity (c.2000 BCE) to the modern time (1972), though most of them are from the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, since these... more

This volume contains 81 carefully selected Chinese poems arranged in chronological order, from antiquity (c.2000 BCE) to the modern time (1972), though most of them are from the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, since these two eras were the climax of Chinese poetry creation and development. The selection was based on the popularity of the poems, and the common phrases taken from them in everyday usage. Pinyin has been added to help readers learn Mandarin while reading these poems, and feel the sense of poetics in them. The translator is a native Beijinger who has lived in China for over 20 years and in English-speaking countries for over 30 years. Her professional background is architectural humanities. She hopes to make an original contribution to the translation of Chinese poetry through her unique lenses. During the translation, she found it interesting and surprising that the rhythms in the classical Chinese poems were somewhat able to be transformed to follow certain rhythms in the English versions. Maybe there is a universal truth about composing poetry in a sense. Enjoy your reading if you are a lover of Chinese literature and culture, and learn the wisdom of life through your reading.

The majority of Chinese loanwords in Russian came from Northeastern Mandarin. They can be divided into two groups in regard to how they are perceived by native speakers: 1) those which are not recognized as Chinese loanwords and are used... more

The majority of Chinese loanwords in Russian came from Northeastern Mandarin. They can be divided into two groups in regard to how they are perceived by native speakers: 1) those which are not recognized as Chinese loanwords and are used outside of China-related situations, and 2) those, which are tightly bound with the Chinese cultural context.
The first type is represented by a very few number of words some of which were borrowed through Turkic languages. Loanwords of the second type were usually borrowed directly from Chinese. The first direct loans date back to the 17th century. More intensive borrowing of Chinese words started in the late 19th century.
Basing on their functional properties the second type can be further divided into 6 groups: (1) frequently used, (2) rarely used, (3) formerly used but now outdated, (4) locally used (mainly along the Russian-Chinese border), (5) professional terms, (6) loan translations.
Due to intensive recent trade and cultural contacts between Russia and China the number of Chinese loans in Russian is slightly growing, especially in the Far East of Russia.

Review article on Lin, Yen-Hwei. The Sounds of Chinese. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Overcome language barriers to communicate effectively among all of us is one of the great challenges that comes along with the cross-cultural conditions we are experiencing nowadays. In this context, Multilingual Communication emerges as... more

Raymond Carver published his short stories collection Cathedral in 1983. The stories of Cathedral are different from Carver’s earlier minimalistic works. The improvement of author’s livelihood urged him to regulate the writing of his... more

Raymond Carver published his short stories collection Cathedral in 1983. The stories of Cathedral are different from Carver’s earlier minimalistic works. The improvement of author’s livelihood urged him to regulate the writing of his short stories. His characters—the common people—gradually escape from despair and depression and are displayed in a more hopeful light. Moreover, his style of writing tends to be richer. Carver’s new style not only made great achievements in its realism, it also portrays the social life of its characters and is sensitive to the era in which they live. These are the unique innovations that characterize Raymond Carver’s later works.

This volume contains 81 carefully selected Chinese poems arranged in chronological order, from antiquity (c.2000 BCE) to the modern time (1972), though most of them are from the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, since these... more

This volume contains 81 carefully selected Chinese poems arranged in chronological order, from antiquity (c.2000 BCE) to the modern time (1972), though most of them are from the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, since these two eras were the climax of Chinese poetry creation and development. The selection was based on the popularity of the poems, and the common phrases taken from them in everyday usage. Pinyin has been added to help readers learn Mandarin while reading these poems, and feel the sense of poetics in them. The translator is a native Beijinger who has lived in China for over 20 years and in English-speaking countries for over 30 years. Her professional background is architectural humanities. She hopes to make an original contribution to the translation of Chinese poetry through her unique lenses. During the translation, she found it interesting and surprising that the rhythms in the classical Chinese poems were somewhat able to be transformed to follow certain rhythms in the English versions. Maybe there is a universal truth about composing poetry in a sense. Enjoy your reading if you are a lover of Chinese literature and culture, and learn the wisdom of life through your reading.