French Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The psychometric properties of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) (Bricker & Squires, 1999) used in a French-Canadian preschool population were compared with psychometric data derived from US normative studies. The ASQ was translated... more

The psychometric properties of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) (Bricker & Squires, 1999) used in a French-Canadian preschool population were compared with psychometric data derived from US normative studies. The ASQ was translated into French (Bonin, Robaey, ...

Examining communication and information networks during the period of the Régence (1715-23), this article argues that French metropolitan ministers, imperial planners, colonial administrators, and royal cartographers relied heavily upon... more

Examining communication and information networks during the period of the Régence (1715-23), this article argues that French metropolitan ministers, imperial planners, colonial administrators, and royal cartographers relied heavily upon backcountry specialists-coureurs de bois, runaway soldiers, and veteran voyageurs-to provide ethnographic, geographic, and strategic knowledge, which informed and shaped the policies of post-Utrecht French North America. Subsequently, colonial officials believed that these French frontier diplomats and negotiators were the key to consolidating imperial control over the geographic, political, and cultural landscapes of the Hudson Bay watershed. These backcountry specialists were embedded within Indigenous information networks that criss-crossed North America and were thus important intermediaries between the French state and Indigenous peoples at the edge of empire. Although coureurs de bois and voyageurs became pivotal informants, explorers, fur traders, and military leaders, they not only were unwavering agents of imperial power but also pursued their own agendas and exercised agency in the Hudson Bay watershed. Backcountry specialists initially made it possible for French colonialism to extend into the watershed, but their own ambivalent relationships with the French colonial government and its representatives also fragmented the imperial authority of the French Empire in North America.

Bien que représentant un cas particulier, le Livre d'Echantillons Fol Est 489 constitue un bon exemple de la manière dont un recueil à destination d'un homme de l'art était composé au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Éléments pratiques et... more

Bien que représentant un cas particulier, le Livre d'Echantillons Fol Est 489 constitue un bon exemple de la manière dont un recueil à destination d'un homme de l'art était composé au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Éléments pratiques et didactiques y forment un vaste ensemble dans lequel le propriétaire pouvait puiser des idées et des formes, adaptables et combinables au gré de son imagination et des exigences de ses commanditaires. Il témoigne aussi du coût qu'un tel objet pouvait constituer, investissement assez onéreux pour un simple artisan. Il reflète, enfin, comment le goût de la période rocaille se diffusa dans les ateliers qui portèrent cette « mode » que Blondel fustige dans ses Cours d’Architecture.

Die 1999 erschienene Dissertation von Monika Sokol fokussiert erstmals systematisch die Interaktionen von Aspekt und aktionalen Strukturen bei den französischen Futura und spürt möglichen Affinitäten und Restriktionen dieses... more

Die 1999 erschienene Dissertation von Monika Sokol fokussiert erstmals systematisch die Interaktionen von Aspekt und aktionalen Strukturen bei den französischen Futura und spürt möglichen Affinitäten und Restriktionen dieses Zusammenspiels nach. Durch die Verbindung synchroner und diachroner Analysen konzentrieren sich in ihrer Untersuchung nicht nur zentrale Fragestellungen der Tempus- und Aspektforschung, die Studie wirkt darüber hinaus als Katalysator für grundlegende Reflexionen zu Prinzipien und Methoden der (romanistischen) Sprachwissenschaft.

La littérature libanaise contemporaine ne se contente pas de raconter des histoires, d’être consentante (selon la formule de Dominique Viart). Elle prend le réel à bras-le-corps/cœur, s’en saisit et en fait l’arrière-plan des différentes... more

La littérature libanaise contemporaine ne se contente pas de raconter des histoires, d’être consentante (selon la formule de Dominique Viart). Elle prend le réel à bras-le-corps/cœur, s’en saisit et en fait l’arrière-plan des différentes fabulae. Comme les Libanais n’ont pas une Histoire commune, chaque communauté religieuse ayant sa propre version des évènements historiques, le roman francophone libanais comble les trous de l’Histoire pour « prendre possession du monde » (reprise de l’expression de Georges Perec). Cet article s’interroge sur le plaisir de lecture ambigu que procurent ces romans pour un lectorat occidental mis en parallèle avec un lectorat libanais francophone. Il se penche sur les liens qui subsistent entre l’Histoire et l’histoire à partir d’un large corpus de romans écrits dans les années 2000, soit 25 ans après la guerre civile.

The synthetic superlative-ÍSSIMUS in Latin survived in Italian, whereas it was borrowed in the Romance languages on the Iberian Peninsula and in French during the Renaissance. This suffix has been very frequent in these languages with the... more

The synthetic superlative-ÍSSIMUS in Latin survived in Italian, whereas it was borrowed in the Romance languages on the Iberian Peninsula and in French during the Renaissance. This suffix has been very frequent in these languages with the exception of French. In this language it has been accepted merely when used in titles. Condemned by grammarians, the suffix has thus been quite rare in French literature. The present study shows however that in the database Frantext, which comprises mostly literary texts, nearly 1,400 occurrences of words with the suffix-issime are found, rarissime and richissime being the most frequent (apart from titles). But with the emergence of new media, it seems that the suffix has become much more frequent in French. These adjectives are found mainly in areas like politics, sports, travels, adult movies and in comments by web visitors as shown in this study.

ABSTRACT Negotiating their double identity as Mauritians and Muslims in multilingual and in multiethnic Mauritius, Mauritian Muslims have been socialised into reading and writing in Kreol in madrassahs, while they have never been exposed... more

ABSTRACT Negotiating their double identity as Mauritians and Muslims in multilingual and in multiethnic Mauritius, Mauritian Muslims have been socialised into reading and writing in Kreol in madrassahs, while they have never been exposed to Kreol literacy in mainstream education. At the point where Kreol is being introduced as an optional school subject, and given that the Mauritian Muslim community has made particular use of written Kreol in the madrassah, this community becomes an interesting test case to explore its language and literacy ideologies with respect to Kreol. A case study approach was used to investigate madrassah informants' language and literacy ideologies, their attitudes to and perceptions of Kreol at the madrassah and at school. The findings reveal that they tolerate written Kreol at the madrassah, but that they use a French-Kreol literacy variety and aspire to shift to French in the near future. Furthermore, they have ambivalent attitudes towards the introduction of Kreol as an optional school subject and potential medium of instruction. These findings are discussed in relation to the micro-practices occurring in the madrassah and the macro-context, both of which reinforce dominant historically situated popular ideologies about Kreol literacy.

Ce travail a pour but de présenter l'état actuel de l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères en Turquie. Nous allons particulièrement traiter enseignement/apprentissage du français langue étrangère (FLE) au primaire, au... more

Ce travail a pour but de présenter l'état actuel de l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères en Turquie. Nous allons particulièrement traiter enseignement/apprentissage du français langue étrangère (FLE) au primaire, au secondaire et au sup6rieur en Turquie. En amont, nous allons faire un état des lieux de l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères, en particulier celui du français langue étrangère. En aval, nous allons soulever des questions qui se posent à l'heure actuelle et nous allons mettre en évidence la place et le rôle des Associations des Professeurs de Français. L,objectif principal de cet article est d'étudier en détail l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères ainsi que celui du français pour repérer ses points forts et ses Points faibles.

This case study investigates the metacognitive reading strategies of three advanced proficient trilingual readers whose native language is Hausa. The study examines the reading strategies employed by the three readers in English, French... more

This case study investigates the metacognitive reading strategies of three advanced proficient trilingual readers whose native language is Hausa. The study examines the reading strategies employed by the three readers in English, French and Hausa. The aim of the study was to compare the reading strategy profiles of trilingual readers through perceived use and real-time or actual use of reading strategies. The major findings revealed that: (1) The three multilingual readers demonstrate high awareness of reading strategies; (2) They deploy more reading strategies in their second and third language than in their first language; (3) Some types of reading strategies were used more often than others; (4) The most proficient readers deploy a wider range of strategies than the least proficient reader who relies heavily on translation. The topic and research questions are pertinent because it adds to a relatively small data base on the strategic reading of multiliterate and multilingual read...

Cite as/ Atıf: Çapar, O. (2020). Osmanlı Devleti ve Fransa'da sigortacılığın gelişimi hakkında karşılaştırmalı bir analiz. Turkish Studies-History, 15(2), 443-458. https://dx. Abstract: Insurance started in a late period compared to... more

Cite as/ Atıf: Çapar, O. (2020). Osmanlı Devleti ve Fransa'da sigortacılığın gelişimi hakkında karşılaştırmalı bir analiz. Turkish Studies-History, 15(2), 443-458. https://dx. Abstract: Insurance started in a late period compared to western countries in the Islamic society, which is governed by religious and traditional values. Especially as a result of conservative approaches to insurance in the religion of Islam, the fact that insurance is seen as an opposition to the faith of fate rather than preventing risks has been an important obstacle in the development of insurance and insurance. At the same time, international trade is carried out mostly by non-Muslim subjects and foreign traders have made this sector conscious to protect its goods and risks, but this has limited the development of insurance in the traditional Ottoman commercial life. Insurance activities, which emerged as a necessity in the Ottoman Empire with the influence of trade with western countries in the coastal regions, became widespread in the following period with the effect of European lifestyle. Insurance activities, which emerged as a necessity under the influence of trade with western countries in the coastal regions, became widespread under the influence of the European lifestyle developed in the middle of the 19th century. Towards the end of the century, many insurance companies opened branches in the empire and started selling insurance policies in different fields. In addition, as a result of the growing commercial capacity and the expansion of insurance companies' activities, religious views about insurance have been softened with different interpretations over time. Thus, the Ottomans became an important market in the field of insurance for insurance companies. Insurance activities, which started to the Ottoman Empire at a late date, became widespread under the leadership of banks for the development of trade following the establishment of large banks in France. However, as in the case of the Ottoman State, insurance has always been the focus of religious discussions, so it has developed late compared to other European countries. The activities that started with fire and maritime insurance in France have expanded with the sale of policies in life, agriculture and theft insurance. After the Revolution of 1789, the restrictions imposed on insurance due to religious approach in the monarchy period led to the spread of insurance activities with the effect of liberalization in the following period. The activities that started in France primarily in the field of fire and sea insurance have expanded with the sale of policies in agriculture and life insurance. The commercial activities of the two countries led to the expansion of the insurance sector. In addition, the fact that the French were in the leading position in foreign investments in the Ottoman State made an important contribution to the development of the Ottoman insurance sector. The purpose of this article is to examine the development processes of insurance in two countries and to make a comparative analysis.

From Zinedine Zidane to Michael Jordan and from Marie-José Pérec to Lance Armstrong, over the last thirty years, numerous individuals have emerged through the global sports industry to capture the imagination of the French public and... more

From Zinedine Zidane to Michael Jordan and from Marie-José Pérec to Lance Armstrong, over the last thirty years, numerous individuals have emerged through the global sports industry to capture the imagination of the French public and become touchstones for the discussion of a host of social issues. This book provides new insights into the evolution of the global sporting spectacle through a study of star athletes, emblematic organisations, key locations and celebrated moments in French sport from the mid-1980s to the present day. It draws on a wide range of sources, from film, television, advertising, newspapers and popular music to cover key developments in sports including football, motor sport, basketball and cycling. Sport here emerges as a privileged site for a discussion of the nature of contemporary nationhood, as well as for the performance of France’s postcolonial heritage. Simultaneously, sport provides a platform for the playing out of concerns over globalisation and, in a time of post-industrial uncertainty, for nostalgic reminiscences of an apocryphal bygone era of social cohesion. The exploration of these themes leads to new understandings of the ways in which sport influences and is implicated in broader social and cultural concerns in France today.

ISBN-10: 1792806639 ISBN-13: 978-1792806636 Der vorliegende Band behandelt das Adjektiv und die Adjektivphrase. Erfahrungsgemäß bereiten deutschen Sprechern und Schreibern des Französischen in diesem Bereich folgende Fragen besondere... more

ISBN-10: 1792806639
ISBN-13: 978-1792806636
Der vorliegende Band behandelt das Adjektiv und die Adjektivphrase. Erfahrungsgemäß bereiten deutschen Sprechern und Schreibern des Französischen in diesem Bereich folgende Fragen besondere Schwierigkeiten:

  1. Wird ein Adjektiv vor- oder nachgestellt? (s. 3.7)
  2. Mit welcher Präposition verbinde ich ein Adjektiv? (s. 3.8)
  3. Kann ich ein deutsches Adjektiv immer mit einem französischen Adjektiv wiedergeben? Welche anderen Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten bestehen? (s. 3.9 sowie sämtliche anderen Kapitel)
    Bisherige Grammatiken widmen sich diesen drei Fragen nur unzureichend; die Grammatik des gesprochenen und geschriebenen Französisch bietet als erste Lernergrammatik eine ausführliche Darstellung. Darüber hinaus bietet dieser Band die Neuerung, dass er mit einfach nachvollziehbaren Konstruktionsschemata (z.B. ce qui V ADJ) statt mit abstrakten Beschreibungen arbeitet. Schemata werden nicht allein für Ergänzungen des Adjektivs (z.B. mit à oder de eingeleitete Ergänzungen) aufgeführt, sondern auch zur Beschreibung zahlreicher anderer häufiger Konstruktionen des Französischen verwendet, die bisher in keiner Lernergrammatik und zum Teil auch in keiner sprachwissenschaftlichen Grammatik Erwähnung finden (z.B. Komparativschemata des Typs moins important que prévu). Die konsequente Korpusbasierung dieser Grammatik führt uns auch teilweise zu anderen, der wirklichen Sprache näheren Ergebnissen, als dies in der (geplanten) Grande Grammaire du français der Fall ist. Dort wird z.B. anhand von konstruierten Beispielsätzen die These aufgestellt, dass Komparative, denen der Nullartikel vorausgeht, nicht in Subjektfunktion auftreten können. Unsere Korpusbelege widerlegen diese These.

Traversing eras and spaces from the colonial to the postcolonial, from the New Caledonian and Hebridean bush to Noumea to Sydney, from dream to reality, from the land of the living to the land of the dead through heaven, hell and... more

Traversing eras and spaces from the colonial to the postcolonial, from the New Caledonian and Hebridean bush to Noumea to Sydney, from dream to reality, from the land of the living to the land of the dead through heaven, hell and purgatory, Hélène Savoie takes the reader on a poetic, poignant and often fantastic journey of self-discovery. Using the frameworks of both Kanak and European myth and legend and drawing on personal and collective memories, Savoie highlights the great hybridity of the Oceanic spaces she inhabitants and traces the development of a truly local identity among the descendants of European immigrants (both free and forced) in New Caledonia. Karin Speedy's introduction and translation of Half-Moon Lands brings this Francophone voice from the Pacific to the attention of English-speaking readers. Her translation upholds the otherness of the stories by privileging their difference and local singularity, preserving the interplay between the inclusive and exclusive elements of the original, thus putting readers from the so-called Pacific periphery at the centre.

Praising God through the Creatures