Coins finds as archaeological artefacts Research Papers (original) (raw)
Zbečno. A Medieval cemetery with finds of coins Part of the medieval cemetery was excavated during 2020 rescue excavation within construction of a sewer system in the entire village of Zbečno (Rakovník District, Central Bohemia). The... more
Zbečno. A Medieval cemetery with finds of coins
Part of the medieval cemetery was excavated during 2020 rescue excavation
within construction of a sewer system in the entire village of Zbečno (Rakovník
District, Central Bohemia). The burial rites can be characterized as a standard
Christian inhumation method of burial. It is probable that the funerary area
was spatially limited, as evidenced by the significant accumulation of burials
in front of house Nr. 22 (‘Hamous’s farm’), where secondary use of grave pits
was common. A frequent phenomenon was children’s funerals attached next
to or directly on the top of the skeleton of an adult person.
Although the Christian rite was largely respected, a relatively large number of
artefacts were recovered from the graves. Most items are related to the clothing
and hair dress of the deceased, so they are not ex vota in the true sense of the
word, but rather parts of the costume.
Due to the coin finds and the typology of bronze temple-rings, it can be assumed
that most of the burials in Zbečno were buried at the turn of the 12th and 13th
century and especially during the first half of the 13th century. It is therefore the
time of construction of the nearby castle Křivoklát (founded 1230).
Les auteurs présentent les photographies inédites du médaillon d'Hadrien découvert à Reims en 1894, conservé au musée archéologique de la ville et détruit dans les bombardements de septembre 1914. Ces photographies viennent d'être... more
Les auteurs présentent les photographies inédites du médaillon d'Hadrien découvert à Reims en 1894, conservé au musée archéologique de la ville et détruit dans les bombardements de septembre 1914. Ces photographies viennent d'être retrouvées dans les archives du numismate et archéologue Adrien Blanchet (1866-1957).
Les deniers de Carloman II (879-884) de l'atelier d'Auxerre Éric Vandenbossche .
This discovery of a hoard of countermarked silver drachms of the Sasanian emperor Peroz, 457–484 CE, in an excavated context at Kaynarbulak, Shimkent, Kazakstan opens up a new perspective on coin circulation in the region. One of the... more
This discovery of a hoard of countermarked silver drachms of the Sasanian emperor Peroz, 457–484 CE, in an excavated context at Kaynarbulak, Shimkent, Kazakstan opens up a new perspective on coin circulation in the region. One of the coins was countermarked with the tamga of the kingdom of the Türgesh, who ruled this area in the eight century CE, suggesting that the coins were deposited in the eighth century three centuries after their production. It also adds to our understanding of the circulation of Peroz’s coins and their imitations across Central Asia and beyond into China and South Asia. The aim of this article is to list the coins in this hoard and to
correct several misunderstandings of the countermarks on them.
The excavations at ‘Amqa yielded seven coins, six of which are identifiable. Three of the coins are from the Hellenistic period, two are Byzantine and one is from the late Ottoman period. The Hellenistic coins, including one tetradrachm,... more
The excavations at ‘Amqa yielded seven coins, six of which are identifiable. Three of the coins are from the Hellenistic period, two are Byzantine and one is from the late Ottoman period. The Hellenistic coins, including one tetradrachm, support evidence of occupation at the site during this period. The Byzantine and Ottoman coins augment the architectural remains uncovered during the excavations, which indicate more substantial occupations at the site during these later periods.
The study contains a description of a medieval fortification located near the village of Božanov in the Broumov region, Bohemia. The site has not been known so far. It was defined by a moat surrounding its oval core. The moat’s outer edge... more
The study contains a description of a medieval fortification located near the village of Božanov in the Broumov region, Bohemia. The site has not been known so far. It was defined by a moat surrounding its oval core. The moat’s outer edge was reinforced by a rampart. The fortification was never completed. This is indicated by the unfinished circumference moat and the existence of an unexcavated part of the moat at the entrance. Based on analysis of written sources, it is likely that the builder of the fortification was the Benedictine Order residing in Broumov. The fortification was probably not completed due to the fact that the Benedictines temporarily lost control of the area in the 1270s and 1280s. A successor to this fortification was a castle, completed and used for some time, which is located less than a kilometre to the west, and which is currently known under the modern name Raubschloos.
- by Croitoru Costin
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- by Naďa Profantová
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Note on a ‟repaired” Roman coin. The study presents a remarkable Roman issue kept in the collection of the Institute of Archaeology in Iași. It is a denarius serratus of Q. Antonius Balbus (83-82 BC), which belongs to a hoard discovered... more
Note on a ‟repaired” Roman coin. The study presents a remarkable Roman issue kept in the collection of the Institute of Archaeology in Iași. It is a denarius serratus of Q. Antonius Balbus (83-82 BC), which belongs to a hoard discovered in the vicinity of the Drobeta site. This coin was originally sloppily pierced in order to be worn as a pendant. Subsequently, at a time we cannot estimate, the hole was plugged with a piece of metal. It has drawn our attention that the ‟repair” was very carefully carried out. The Roman craftsman tried to integrate the added material as well as possible, taking into account the metal (silver with a 97-98% fineness), colour, relief and design of the coin. The aim was to reproduce as accurate as possible, the original appearance of the denarius in order to reinsert it into monetary circulation in Dacia. The only analogies we have found in the specialized literature refer to perforated Roman coins, mostly of gold (aurei, solidi) and, rarely, of silver (denarii), discovered in territories outside the Empire (India and the east-central and north European Barbaricum), which have been ‟repaired” in a similar manner in order to restore their original monetary function.
Key words: Dacia, Drobeta, denarius serratus, perforation, ‟plugged” coin.
This study investigates the emerging market within the shadow economy, employing a systematic review of existing literature. The findings reveal that these markets predominantly consist of vendo-type services generate profits primarily... more
This study investigates the emerging market within the shadow economy, employing a systematic review of existing literature. The findings reveal that these markets predominantly consist of vendo-type services generate profits primarily from the use of 20, 10, 5, and 1 peso coins. These services offer various time consumables for Wi-Fi access and vend 3 to 4 kinds of instant coffee starting at just 10 PHP. Additionally, 5 peso coins are utilized for self-service car washes and for dispensing drinkable mineral cold water from automatic tubig machines. Specifically, the analysis identifies three key sectors: coffee vending, automatic tubig machines/ car wash services, and Wi-Fi access points. This research highlights the significance of these informal markets and their economic contributions within the fabric of the shadow economy. These services cater to the demands of consumers who prefer low-cost, accessible options that fit within their budgets. It underscores the importance of developing policies that can support the growth of these services while ensuring fairness and safety for all stakeholders involved.
Le succès de cette campagne de fouille 2024 doit beaucoup au soutien financier, logistique et humain de toutes les personnes et institutions suivantes : -Les équipes de fouille et leurs responsables, Thomas CERISAY, Manon VALLÉE,... more
Le succès de cette campagne de fouille 2024 doit beaucoup au soutien financier, logistique et humain de toutes les personnes et institutions suivantes : -Les équipes de fouille et leurs responsables, Thomas CERISAY, Manon VALLÉE, adjoints, Jordan VALLET et Geoffrey VIOLLAZ, responsables de secteur, pour leur investissement tout au long de cette campagne, des premiers jours de fouille à la remise du rapport. -Les étudiants et bénévoles qui ont oeuvré sur le terrain et lors des opérations de post-
Розглянуто історію і сучасний стан досліджень скарбу римських імператорських денаріїв, випадково відкритого 1975 р. біля с. Словіта (Львівська обл.). Депозит було виявлено під час розширення дороги на південно-східній околиці села.... more
Розглянуто історію і сучасний стан досліджень скарбу римських імператорських денаріїв, випадково відкритого 1975 р. біля с. Словіта (Львівська обл.). Депозит було виявлено під час розширення дороги на південно-східній околиці села. Зауважено, що перше коротке повідомлення про скарб, здійснене у газеті «Труд», містило кілька помилкових свідчень. Завдяки архівним джерелам, зокрема неопублікованій «Історії села Словіта» місцевої вчительки історії Марії Занік, вияснено, що справжнім відкривачем депозиту був не Ярослав Кіндрат (як вважали раніше), а житель сусіднього села Якторів – Михайло Куниця. Також встановлено, що одними з перших на місце знахідки потрапили місцеві діти-пастухи, у яких згодом монети вилучила міліція. Встановлено, що сама М. Занік разом з учнями на місці виявлення знайшла ще три монети. Увесь скарб у кількості 270 шт. передано до місцевого музею у с. Словіта, а не до музею в м. Золочів, як це помилково зазначав Володислав Кропоткін, проте 1981 р. музей було тимчасово закрито, а після його відновлення у 1992 р. скарбу монет в експозиції та фондах уже не було. Опубліковано новітню знахідку денарію, яка входила до його складу та була випадково знайдена 2019 р.: денарій імператора Тіта, відкарбований у 80 р. у Римі (RIC II.12 Titus 122). Стверджено, що ця знахідка не тільки посередньо підтверджує місце розташування депозиту, але і його дуже ранню хронологічну стуктуру – цей скарб міг бути залишений населенням з однієї з навколишніх пам’яток ранньоримського або пізньоримського часу (липицької, пшеворської або черняхівської культур). Зауважено, що сам скарб перебував в гущі ареалу скарбів римських денаріїв, тобто в регіоні, де варварське населення мало давню та активну традицію користування римськими монетами й депонування їх. Типологічно найближчим до скарбу зі Словіти може бути депозит із с. Хідновичі Львівської обл.
The subject of this article is the sixteen coins found in the Inner Castle Baptistery, where excavations began in 2022. The archaeological datas from these excavations revealed that the Inner Castle Baptistery was built in the 5th century... more
The subject of this article is the sixteen coins found in the Inner Castle Baptistery, where excavations began in 2022. The archaeological datas from these excavations revealed that the Inner Castle Baptistery was built in the 5th century CE. It remained in use with its original function until the end of the 7th century CE, undergoing various repairs and additions. The last phase of the building consists of the remains of a wall built with earthen mortar. Given the long-term use of the Inner Castle Baptistery, the coins discovered during the excavations are dated from the period of Licinius I (314 CE) to that of Michael VII Ducas (1071—1078 CE). The numismatic datas from the Inner Castle Baptistery are significant as they corroborate the archaeological findings related to the building’s construction, use, and renovation periods. These findings are also essential to understand the Middle-Late Byzantine Period of the city. Until the 2022 excavations, most of the coins discovered in the Hadrianopolis excavations were from the Late Roman and Early Byzantine periods, with only a few exceptions. The dominance of coins from these periods, coupled with the lack of post-8th century CE data, except for a few surface finds not directly associated with the buildings, suggested that the city might have been abandoned during this century. However, the sixteen coins from the Inner Castle Baptistery, which is the focus of this study, are crucial in providing archaeological evidence that Hadrianopolis continued to be inhabited during the Middle-Late Byzantine Period, at least until the end of the 11th century CE.
Philippe Schiesser et Éric Vandenbossche, Un petit trésor de cinq deniers mérovingiens trouvé à Bar-sur-Seine, dans textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du... more
Philippe Schiesser et Éric Vandenbossche, Un petit trésor de cinq deniers mérovingiens trouvé à Bar-sur-Seine, dans textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque des 11 au 14 novembre 2021 au Musées des beaux-arts et d’archéologie de Troyes, RTSENA 11, 2022, p. 137-141.
Philippe Schiesser, Les trouvailles de deniers mérovingiens (vers 670- vers 750) dans l’Aube, dans, textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque des 11 au 14... more
Philippe Schiesser, Les trouvailles de deniers mérovingiens (vers 670- vers 750) dans l’Aube, dans, textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque des 11 au 14 novembre 2021 au Musées des beaux-arts et d’archéologie de Troyes, RTSENA 11, 2022, p. 107-135.
Philippe Schiesser, Un petit trésor de quatre tremisses découvert aux environs de Pont-aux-Verriers dans la commune de Saint-Phal (Code INSEE 10359) , dans textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de... more
Philippe Schiesser, Un petit trésor de quatre tremisses découvert aux environs de Pont-aux-Verriers dans la commune de Saint-Phal (Code INSEE 10359) , dans textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque des 11 au 14 novembre 2021 au Musées des beaux-arts et d’archéologie de Troyes, RTSENA 11, 2022, p. 95-96.
L. Schmitt et Philippe Schiesser, Obole de Xanthos trouvé à Troyes, quand la Lycie se déplace dans l’Aube, dans, textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque... more
L. Schmitt et Philippe Schiesser, Obole de Xanthos trouvé à Troyes, quand la Lycie se déplace dans l’Aube, dans, textes publie par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, La Monnaie à Troyes et en Champagne de l’Antiquité à nos jours, actes du colloque des 11 au 14 novembre 2021 au Musées des beaux-arts et d’archéologie de Troyes, RTSENA 11, 2022, p. 49-54.
10 publications de plus en 2024.
Philippe Schiesser, Le plomb, métal souvent oublié de la numismatique… Mais ni des faussaires, ni de la fabrication monétaire, Money, it’s a hit, Mélanges sonnants et trébuchants offerts à Jean-Marc Doyen, édité par Pierre Cattelain,... more
Philippe Schiesser, Le plomb, métal souvent oublié de la numismatique… Mais ni des faussaires, ni de la fabrication monétaire, Money, it’s a hit, Mélanges sonnants et trébuchants offerts à Jean-Marc Doyen, édité par Pierre Cattelain, Christian Lauwers et Eugène Warmenbol, Cedarc, Treignes, 2004, p. 83-88.
- by Peter-Andrew Schwarz
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- by Przemek Nowakowski
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Historical context and XRF-research on metal content of Dutch emergency coins of the towns of Groningen (1577) and Breda (1577)
( For extended English version see "Spreading the news? The Topicality of Roman Coins"), also on this profile page) : .Romeinse munten waren in de eerste plaats betaalmiddel. Daarnaast waren munten ook een middel om berichten aan de... more
( For extended English version see "Spreading the news? The Topicality of Roman Coins"), also on this profile page)
.Romeinse munten waren in de eerste plaats betaalmiddel.
Daarnaast waren munten ook een middel
om berichten aan de gebruikers over te brengen.
Vaak was de boodschap conventioneel en zichzelf
steeds herhalend: veel keerzijden toonden een
mix van goden en personificaties van deugden
van de keizer.
Munten werden ook gebruikt om op de keerzijde
actuele gebeurtenissen bekend te maken,
zoals een overwinning, verovering, regeringsjubileum
of de voltooiing van een monument of
bouwwerk. Ik zal dergelijke munten kortweg
nieuwsmunten noemen. Een voorbeeld: Trajanus veroverde Dacië, ruwweg het huidige Roemenië, in het jaar 106. Een munt laat de strijd zien, waarbij de keizer met een speer een gevallen Daciër aanvalt. Kwamen deze
boodschappen bij de bevolking aan? Koos de keizer
de onderwerpen voor de nieuwsmunten zelf, of
deden anderen dat voor hem? Kwam al het belangrijke
nieuws op de muntkeerzijden aan de orde?
Op deze vragen zal ik in deze bijdrage ingaan.
Short paper on danish 9th century coin finds on the island Funen
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized... more
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.
Resumen El presente trabajo tiene por objeto la descripción de las piezas monetarias contemporáneas y de circulación general (siglos XX y XXI) de Grecia e Italia que contienen motivos de la Mitología Clásica. Las representaciones... more
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto la descripción de las piezas monetarias contemporáneas y de circulación general (siglos XX y XXI) de Grecia e Italia que contienen motivos de la Mitología Clásica. Las representaciones mitológicas de estas monedas son contrastadas con las de algunas monedas de la Antigüedad clásica y del arte grecorromano en general, de forma tal de poder apreciar la pervivencia de la numismática clásica en la numismática actual.
A Carolingian Denier Found near Tišice (Mělník Distr.). A Contribution to the 'Circulation' of Struck Coins in Bohemia during the 1st Half of the 9th Century. A Charlemagne denier of the Depeyrot 606 type found at Tišice (Mělník Distr.)... more
A Carolingian Denier Found near Tišice (Mělník Distr.). A Contribution to the 'Circulation' of Struck Coins in Bohemia during the 1st Half of the 9th Century. A Charlemagne denier of the Depeyrot 606 type found at Tišice (Mělník Distr.) extends the finds of the Carolingian coins from the territory of the Czech Republic. At the same time, it allows us to consider more deeply the character and development of struck coinage in Bohemia of the 9th century and confront it with the flow of Carolingian imports reflecting the changes in the cultural orientation and lifestyle of the ruling elites. main text is in Czech leng. The site is near Kozly hillfort from the 9th cent. and on a same cadaster, there is the excavated settlement from 8th- 9th century with the finds of iron spurs.
Thirty years ago, I created the "Moneta Collection" ( At that time, it was obvious that the coming years would be difficult for numismatics, monetary economics and history. Already, credits, positions and resources were... more
Thirty years ago, I created the "Moneta Collection" ( At that time, it was obvious that the coming years would be difficult for numismatics, monetary economics and history. Already, credits, positions and resources were beginning to diminish. At the same time, archaeological remains were increasingly looted and coin catalogues remained rare compared to the number of archaeological sites. It was necessary to find a place to publish without constraints, only according to scientific needs, with the necessary number of pages and plates. Making basic documentation, inventories, photos, new classifications and new studies accessible, that was the goal of the "Moneta Collection": what was published became available to everyone. The "Moneta Collection" therefore initiated or encouraged publications in many countries. It also served as a support for the conferences organized since the 2010s throughout the world, from Osaka to San Francisco via the main European capitals. These were places of meetings, debates and openness that the proceedings perfectly reflect. This adventure would not have been possible without the help and collaboration of the late René and Georgette De Meester as well as Jan and Monique De Meester who, for 30 years, supported this project within the Cultura printing house in Wetteren (Belgium).
In piazza Andrea del Sarto a Pisa, all’esterno delle mura medievali che chiudono la celebre piazza dei Miracoli, là dove fino al XIX secolo si estendeva la campagna, sono affiorati i resti di un quartiere residenziale di età romana, con... more
In piazza Andrea del Sarto a Pisa, all’esterno delle mura medievali che chiudono la celebre piazza dei Miracoli, là dove fino al XIX secolo si estendeva la campagna, sono affiorati i resti di un quartiere residenziale di età romana, con domus dotate di pregevoli apparati decorativi, del tutto analoghe a quelle presenti immediatamente al di sotto del prato di piazza del Duomo. Le une e le altre componevano dunque il vasto settore occidentale della città, che si estendeva assecondando l’ampia ansa del fiume Auser, oggi scomparso dal paesaggio urbano. La scoperta, effettuata dal Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere dell’Università di Pisa nell’ambito delle ricerche legate al Pisa Progetto Suburbio, arricchisce ora le nostre conoscenze sulla città antica, permettendoci di riflettere sui notevoli cambiamenti che la sua forma ha subito nel tempo, in risposta a processi storici di lunga durata e a profondi mutamenti ambientali.
Editing dei testi, impaginazione e stampa Aziende Grafiche Torino srl-Collegno (TO) Quando non diversamente indicato, i disegni dei reperti sono in scala 1:3 (ceramica, vetri), in scala 1:2 (industria litica levigata, metalli), in scala... more
Editing dei testi, impaginazione e stampa Aziende Grafiche Torino srl-Collegno (TO) Quando non diversamente indicato, i disegni dei reperti sono in scala 1:3 (ceramica, vetri), in scala 1:2 (industria litica levigata, metalli), in scala 1:1 (industria litica scheggiata)
Am Freitag/Samstag, 22./23. November 2024, findet in Münster der diesjährige Tag der Antiken Numismatik ("TAN") statt, der ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Forschungsstelle Antike Numismatik an der Universität Münster, des Münzkabinetts am... more
Am Freitag/Samstag, 22./23. November 2024, findet in Münster der diesjährige Tag der Antiken Numismatik ("TAN") statt, der ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Forschungsstelle Antike Numismatik an der Universität Münster, des Münzkabinetts am LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur / Westfälisches Landesmuseum sowie des Vereins der Münzfreunde für Westfalen und Nachbargebiete e. V. ist.
Thousands of ancient coins have been found during the German excavations in Olympia since they began in 1875. However, their systematic study only began in the 1960s and has not yet been completed. The current project aims to publish... more
Thousands of ancient coins have been found during the German excavations in
Olympia since they began in 1875. However, their systematic study only began in the
1960s and has not yet been completed. The current project aims to publish all the
Olympic coin finds, but is also tracing the earlier work in order to obtain information
about the exact sites where the coins were found and where they are kept today in
various collections. The article focuses on research into the work of Peter Robert
Franke and the inventories in the Berlin Coin Cabinet.
Il testo che segue riguarda la nostra ricerca archeologica sulla Sicilia bizantina, islamica e normanno-sveva e in particolare riporta le ultime scoperte a Castronovo di Sicilia, che includono il riconoscimento di una chiesa del XII-XIII... more
Il testo che segue riguarda la nostra ricerca archeologica sulla Sicilia bizantina, islamica e normanno-sveva e in particolare riporta le ultime scoperte a Castronovo di Sicilia, che includono il riconoscimento di una chiesa del XII-XIII secolo sul Monte Kassar, la continuazione dello scavo a Casale San Pietro e una sintesi delle nuove ricognizioni nelle sue vicinanze. Quest’ultimo sito rimane il focus principale del Progetto ERC sictransit, ma in questa sede diamo anche conto dei primi risultati di un’indagine piu ampia, che include una grossa quantita di reperti che provengono da tutta la Sicilia da siti scavati in precedenza (Fig 1). Questi reperti consistino in ceramiche, metalli e vetri assieme a resti umani, animali e vegetali, che vengono analizzati nei laboratori delle universita partner del progetto: York, Roma e Lecce. I principali metodi scientifici applicati sono: analisi tipologiche, petrografiche e del contenuto organico delle ceramiche da cucina e da trasporto; degli ...
- by Claudio Capelli
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- Humanities, Art
On and around the “Kaleto” hill in Svishtov, there is a settlement from the Hellenistic era, which was most active during the 2nd - 1st century BC/1st century AD. Coins from this same period are preserved in the museum, the majority of... more
On and around the “Kaleto” hill in Svishtov, there is a settlement from the Hellenistic era, which was most active during the 2nd - 1st century BC/1st century AD. Coins from this same period are preserved in the museum, the majority of which form a coin hoard of imitations of Philip III Arrhidaeus. The purpose of this article is to consolidate the available data on these imitations from the territory of Bulgaria. At this stage of the research, the questions surrounding this coinage outnumber the answers.
Undersøgelser af vandkraft i forbindelse med Frederik 2. hof i på Frederiksborg slot.
- by Jeppe Boel Jepsen
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A season of intensive site survey just north of Lago di Chiusi at localita Gioiella on the border between modern Umbria and Tuscany has revealed evidence for a rural site occupied from ca. the end of the 2nd c. BC through the late 3rd c.... more
A season of intensive site survey just north of Lago di Chiusi at localita Gioiella on the border between modern Umbria and Tuscany has revealed evidence for a rural site occupied from ca. the end of the 2nd c. BC through the late 3rd c. AD, based on finewares, wine amphorae, and coin finds. Concentrations of tile and building material suggest two to three buildings placed along a terraced hillslope overlooking the lake. Finds of boxtiles, fragments of monochrome mosaic, lead piping and tiles for pilae are evidence for heated rooms and probably a bath suite. Several pieces of marble (one sculpted) attest to imported decorative elements. There are clear indications of on-site food and cloth production, as well as storage vessels. Nearly a kilometer away, a likely section of ancient road is cut into the side of Poggio S. Maria, running down towards the lake and passing a well-preserved cistern of Roman date. Our investigations are focused on understanding this hydrologically sensitive...
During an excavation of a fairly standard farm structure at Rahat in the Northern Negev, a modest mosque was uncovered. It measures only 6×5 m and includes a mihrab that protrudes from its southern wall facing Mecca. Dating to the Umayyad... more
During an excavation of a fairly standard farm structure at Rahat in the Northern Negev, a modest mosque was uncovered. It measures only 6×5 m and includes a mihrab that protrudes from its southern wall facing Mecca. Dating to the Umayyad and early Abbasid periods, the structure constitutes the first rural mosque of the Northern Negev. While mosques were a familiar feature in the cities at the time, they were much slower to appear in the countryside, where Islam spread in a gradual and drawn-out manner. The discovery of the mosque in question indicates that Islam reached this part of the countryside rather early. The question that remains is who the inhabitants were: a Muslim population that came from elsewhere or local Christians or pagans who chose to adopt Islam?
The coin hoard which is the object of a current paper was found in the vicinities of the village of Visoka Polyana, Shumen district. The regional historical museum in Shumen acquired 23 issues. They are of two denominations – silver... more
The coin hoard which is the object of a current paper was found in the vicinities of
the village of Visoka Polyana, Shumen district.
The regional historical museum in Shumen acquired 23 issues. They are of two denominations
– silver imitations of tetradrachms and drachms. The coins are copies of the tetradrachms
of Philip III Arrhidaeus.
It can be assumed that the dating of Philip III Arrhidaeus imitations is around
the end of the first third till to the beginning of the last quarter of the 2nd century BC. The area
of this coinage was south of the Danube River.