Crip theory Research Papers - (original) (raw)

En el cruce entre los estudios animales, los estudios decoloniales, los feminismos y la teoría crip, este artículo argumenta que la "modernidad-colonialidad" ha distribuido a las formas de vida en escalas jerárquicas en base a la... more

En el cruce entre los estudios animales, los estudios decoloniales, los feminismos y la teoría crip, este artículo argumenta que la "modernidad-colonialidad" ha distribuido a las formas de vida en escalas jerárquicas en base a la dicotomía entre lo humano y lo no-humano, dictaminando qué cuerpos importan y cuáles no, con arreglo a diferentes marcadores de poder: raza, capacidad, género, especie (y otros). Asimismo, se sostiene que la cuestión animal puede operar como una instancia transversal para desmontar los dispositivos racistas, heterocisexistas, capacitistas y especistas que han ubicado en el centro al varón cisgénero, blanco, heterosexual y capacitado, mientras han situado en los márgenes a los demás animales, a las personas racializadas, a los cuerpos queer o con discapacidad. Asimismo, se afirma que un enfoque oblicuo de los veganismos puede ser una oportunidad para pensar redes de cuidado, marcadas por la promesa de configurar otros modos de lo común.

SOURCE: Baril, A. (2020). « Queeriser le geste suicidaire : penser le suicide avec Nelly Arcan », dans I. Boisclair, P.-L. Landry et G.P. Girard (dirs.). QuébeQueer : Le queer dans les productions littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques... more

SOURCE: Baril, A. (2020). « Queeriser le geste suicidaire : penser le suicide avec Nelly Arcan », dans I. Boisclair, P.-L. Landry et G.P. Girard (dirs.). QuébeQueer : Le queer dans les productions littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques québécoises, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, p. 325-341.

The article discusses the multiple discrimination, normalization and stigmatization experienced by deaf LGBT youth in Sicily, Italy, on the basis of a study of their everyday life (specifically school years and peer interactions). So far... more

The article discusses the multiple discrimination, normalization and stigmatization experienced by deaf LGBT youth in Sicily, Italy, on the basis of a study of their everyday life (specifically school years and peer interactions). So far in Italy, very little attention has been paid to multiple discrimination and, specifically, to homophobic violence towards disabled individuals. It is, therefore, impossible to consider any valid sampling of the desired population and very few reports have been produced. The authors, a sociologist and a psychologist, carry out an analysis of the results obtained from interviews with 15 LGBT individuals recruited through social networks, thematic chats, and associations. This preliminary analysis aims at identifying the key arguments which could form the basis for future strategic inclusion programs and further research projects.

O presente artigo visa problematizar a normalização e exclusões dos corpos com deficiência, na Dança. Apresenta o conceito, ainda em desenvolvimento, da Bipedia Compulsória como uma estrutura sociopolítica determinante nas relações com a... more

O presente artigo visa problematizar a normalização e exclusões dos corpos com deficiência, na Dança. Apresenta o conceito, ainda em desenvolvimento, da Bipedia Compulsória como uma estrutura sociopolítica determinante nas relações com a deficiência, compreendendo os mecanismos de poder que negligenciam e rejeitam as experiências corporais construídas fora dos padrões hegemônicos. No campo da Dança, ainda é possível perceber um pensamento segregador em relação aos corpos com e sem deficiência. Assim identifica-se, também nessa área, o que Santos (2010) entende como linhas abissais, estabelecendo hierarquia de saberes, localizando o corpo com deficiência do outro lado da linha e o corpo bípede deste lado da linha, detentor do poder e do conhecimento na Dança. No entanto, propomos uma prática da consideração como possibilidade de contemplar todos os corpos nas metodologias, conteúdos e abordagens em Dança, tanto na criação quanto nos processos educacionais.

This article employs a mad transdisciplinary approach to autoethnography to detail vulvodynia — or chronic vulvar pain — within the system of (dis)ability. Through autoethnography, the self operates as a mobile orientation from which to... more

This article employs a mad transdisciplinary approach to autoethnography to detail vulvodynia — or chronic vulvar pain — within the system of (dis)ability. Through autoethnography, the self operates as a mobile orientation from which to identify and disrupt the colonial rationalities that differentially construct and narrate vulvodynia across sites of madness and disability. Through historical, discursive, and autoethnographic analysis, I locate vulvodynia’s role in various processes of subject, race, and settler-state formation from the nineteenth century up to the neoliberal present.

This article develops what I call 'prac crip' as an innovative methodology to perform on the page the scholarly realities of working, living and writing with the disability of repetitive strain injury. Prac crip is a prac crit of crips... more

This article develops what I call 'prac crip' as an innovative methodology to perform on the page the scholarly realities of working, living and writing with the disability of repetitive strain injury. Prac crip is a prac crit of crips that complicates liberatory crip criticism. It shows how repetitive strain injury changes an approach to practical criticism, but also, by association with 'crit' , how practices of practical criticism with repetitive strain injury shift some key uses of the 'crip'. Critical of this mode of cripping as well as cripical, prac crip demonstrates the emancipatory limits of practising crip criticism for those crips the work also hurts in the act. Peter Larkin's fascination with gleaning runs parallel to the rise of lean. To glean and its derivatives have a 'distinctive presence' in his lexis from Pastoral Advert (1988) to Seven Leaf Sermons (2018), a thirty-year period during which lean management has become increasingly global. The article traces through Larkin the eco-politically crucial relationships between the common right of gathering after harvest known as gleaning, historically, a practice for disabled people; the gesture of leaning; and the genealogy of global lean management technologies in the packing of lean meat. The essay explores how disability is an integral part of how its readings are produced, as well as addressing the predicament that work-related upper limb disorders, which are driven by lean managed environments, continue to be driven by writing against lean managed environments.

Liberalism glorifies free speech as the primary means to achieve progress. Free speech is presumed to involve a clear association across awareness, individual voice, collective speaking, and increased representation. Michel Foucault... more

Liberalism glorifies free speech as the primary means to achieve progress. Free speech is presumed to involve a clear association across awareness, individual voice, collective speaking, and increased representation. Michel Foucault located a genealogy of related practices of speaking truth in the Stoic tradition of parrhesia. However, as he established, liberalism limits speech, as centrism and civility flatten all forms of speech as equivalent whereby all sides come to matter. As demonstrated today, the alt-right and radical left are seen as equally illiberal and asking for too much. Speech, specifically under liberalism, loses its import. The article asks what happens when we free the concept of speech from free speech and the liberal tradition. To explore this, the article turns to disability, particularly deafness, to grapple with other formulations of speech. It examines Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s classic film A City of Sadness (1989) and focuses on its representations of deafness and its disability aesthetics. Hou’s aesthetics and use of media objects establish a political critique that does not rely on truth, repair, or recognition. This film develops a Marxist theory of speech and reconsiders speech through other modes of governance like autocracy. Ultimately, the article explores how different governance structures rework not only speech but also notions of political change.

In this paper we argue that school toilets function as one civilising site (Elias, 1978) in which children learn that disabled and queer bodies are out of place. This paper is the first to offer queer and crip perspectives on school... more

In this paper we argue that school toilets function as one civilising site (Elias, 1978) in which children learn that disabled and queer bodies are out of place. This paper is the first to offer queer and crip perspectives on school toilets. The small body of existing school toilet literature generally works from a normative position which implicitly perpetuates dominant and oppressive ideals. We draw on data from Around the Toilet, a collaborative research project with queer, trans and disabled people ( to critically interrogate this work. In doing this we consider 'toilet training' as a form of 'civilisation', that teaches lessons around identity, embodiment and ab/normal ways of being in the world. Furthermore, we show that 'toilet training' continues into adulthood, albeit in ways that are less easily identifiable than in the early years. We therefore call for a more critical, inclusive, and transformative approach to school toilet research.

Neste texto seminal, Robert McRuer aponta para as armadilhas neoliberais que estão presentes em determinadas formas de ativismos pautados em identidades. McRuer, a partir de ferramentas teóricas e analíticas circunscritas entre a teoria... more

Neste texto seminal, Robert McRuer aponta para as armadilhas neoliberais que estão presentes em determinadas formas de ativismos pautados em identidades. McRuer, a partir de ferramentas teóricas e analíticas circunscritas entre a teoria queer e crip, discute como é preciso observar os contextos materiais em que certas identidades se perfazem positivamente em detrimento de outras.

Este texto é uma adaptação de partes minha pesquisa de monografia que conduzi observando como a teorização sociocultural sobre a deficiência (disability studies) ganhou novos caminhos a partir de uma possível " centralidade " analítica... more

Este texto é uma adaptação de partes minha pesquisa de monografia que conduzi observando como a teorização sociocultural sobre a deficiência (disability studies) ganhou novos caminhos a partir de uma possível " centralidade " analítica dada à materialidade do corpo deficiente a partir dos anos 1990. O artigo faz um breve balanço da constituição euro-americana dos disability studies e discute criticamente como o corpo era amplamente interpretado como um dado orgânico em que se inscreve a cultura. A discussão propõe interpelar histórica e politicamente, através de visões críticas da deficiência, a própria constituição material dos corpos humanos como entidades universalmente biológicas, almejando discutir as bases socioculturais daquilo que atualmente aprendemos a fazer como estudos sobre deficiência. RESUMEN Este texto es una adaptación de mi investigación de monografía, la cual conduje observando como la teorización sociocultural sobre la discapacidad (disability studies) ganó nuevos caminos a partir de una posible centralidad analítica dada a la materialidad del cuerpo deficiente a partir de los años 1990. El artículo hace un breve balance de la constitución euro-americana de los disability studies y discute críticamente cómo el cuerpo era ampliamente interpretado como un dato orgánico en el que se inscribe la cultura. La discusión propone interpelar histórica y políticamente, a través de visiones críticas de la discapacidad, la propia constitución material de los cuerpos humanos como entidades universalmente biológicas, apuntando a discutir las bases socioculturales de aquello que actualmente aprendemos a hacer como disability studies.

Disability scholars have critiqued medical models that pathologize disability as an individual flaw that needs treatment, rehabilitation, and cure, favoring instead a social-constructionist approach that likens disability to other... more

Disability scholars have critiqued medical models that pathologize disability as an individual flaw that needs treatment, rehabilitation, and cure, favoring instead a social-constructionist approach that likens disability to other identity categories such as gender, race, class, and sexuality. However, the emphasis on social constructionism has left chronic illness and pain largely untheorized. This article argues that feminist disability studies (FDS) must attend to the common, chronic gynecological condition endometriosis (endo) when theorizing pain. Endo is particularly important for FDS analysis because the highly feminized and sexualized nature of endo pain is a major source of disability. Because medical treatments of endo enhance fertility rather than provide pain relief, those with endo must not only have access to medical services to manage their pain, but also demand better medical management of their pain as well as disability accommodations for their pain. Thus, I propose a pain-centric model of disability that politicizes pain through social-constructionist and medical models of disability by attending to the lived experiences of pain.

REFERENCE: Baril, A., M. Silverman, M.-C. Gauthier and M. Lévesque (2020). “Forgotten Wishes: End-of-life documents for trans people with dementia at the margins of legal change,” Special Issue: On the Margins of Trans Legal Changes,... more

REFERENCE: Baril, A., M. Silverman, M.-C. Gauthier and M. Lévesque (2020). “Forgotten Wishes: End-of-life documents for trans people with dementia at the margins of legal change,” Special Issue: On the Margins of Trans Legal Changes, Canadian Journal of Law & Society, p. 1-24, doi:10.1017/cls.2020.13
ABSTRACT: Literature on the topic of trans older adults has documented a few anecdotal cases in which some trans people living with dementia forgot they transitioned and reidentified with their sex assigned at birth ("detransition"). Trans communities and their allies have encouraged trans people to engage in end-of-life planning, including the preparation of legal documents that state their wishes regarding gender identity and expression in the event of "incapacity" caused by dementia. While useful, we contend that end-of-life planning is often implicitly based on cisnormative and cognonormative (normative system based on cognitive abilities) assumptions. Such planning is founded on a stable notion of gender identity throughout the life course ("post-transition") and assumes that the pre-dementia self is better equipped to make decisions than the "demented" self. We conclude by encouraging, based on an intersectional, trans-affirmative, crip-positive, and age-positive approach, respect for the agency of trans people with dementia.
KEYWORDS: Trans and nonbinary people, end-of-life planning and documents, cisgenderism/transphobia, ableism/cogniticism, ageism, epistemic injustices.
RÉSUMÉ: Les écrits portant sur les personnes âgées trans ont documenté quelques cas anecdotiques dans lesquels des personnes trans vivant avec une démence ont oublié leur transition et se sont réidentifiées avec leur sexe assigné à la naissance (« détransition »). Les communautés trans et leurs alliés encouragent ainsi les personnes trans à s'engager dans la planification de leur fin de vie, notamment à travers la préparation de documents juridiques qui énoncent leurs souhaits relativement à leur identité et à leur expression de genre en cas « d'incapacité » causée par la démence. Bien que de tels documents s'avèrent utiles, nous soutenons que la planification de la fin de vie est souvent implicitement basée sur des hypothèses cisnormatives et cognonormatives (système normatif basé sur les capacités cognitives). Une telle planification repose sur une conception de l’identité de genre comme étant stable tout au long de la vie (« post-transition ») et suppose que le soi « pré-démence » est mieux équipé pour prendre des décisions que le soi « dément ». Nous concluons en encourageant, sur la base d’une approche intersectionnelle, trans-affirmative, crip-positive et âge-positive, le respect de l’agentivité des per- sonnes trans vivant avec une démence.
MOTS CLÉS: Personnes trans et non binaires, démence, planification de fin de vie, cisgenrisme/transphobie, capacitisme/cogniticisme, âgisme, injustices épistémiques.

The influence of queer theory on the humanities is also reflected in disability studies, contributing to the emergence of crip theory. While the main axiom of queer theory postulates that contemporary society is governed by... more

The influence of queer theory on the humanities is also reflected in disability studies, contributing to the emergence of crip theory. While the main axiom of queer theory postulates that contemporary society is governed by hetero-cis-normativity, crip theory is supported by the socially constructed postulate of compulsory able-bodiedness that is not very sensitive to the body’s diversity. The translation of the term crip into the category of crippled in Portuguese (i.e. aleijado) is a way of giving the same sense of the word in English, indicating an area reserved for people with disabilities. Considering that gay and lesbian studies initially focused their investigations on the question of homosexuality being a “natural” or “unnatural” behavior, remaining within a binary logic, queer theory expands the investigative focus by encompassing any kind of sexual practice or identity that circumscribes normative or deviant categories. From this perspective, disabled bodies are also queer. The objective of this work is to discuss the analytical and intersectional potential of a queer/crip epistemology in the constitution of disability experience from the “global south”, based on autoethnographic accounts and analysis of the Avatar movie.

This class begins with a seemingly straightforward question: What is theory? And what, more specifically, is 'feminist' theory? Centering the various demands for feminist theory to explain the ongoing oppression, exploitation, and... more

This class begins with a seemingly straightforward question: What is theory? And what, more specifically, is 'feminist' theory? Centering the various demands for feminist theory to explain the ongoing oppression, exploitation, and dispossession of all those who are not cis men (and most often non-white, non-able-bodied or-minded, non-Western, non-middle class, sometimes incarcerated, undocumented, or institutionalized), this class will provide a historical overview of various writings classified as feminist theory, from indigenous feminisms to the thought produced by Black Trans Lives Matter activists. Since feminist theory can be applied to any issue (and not just 'feminist' ones), this class offers an overview of the various schools of feminist theory. In this class, we will attempt to understand the numerous approaches that feminist theory offers as they are situated in their historical, locational, and social specificities through close readings of a wide variety of primary texts and thinkers; in other words, this is a reading-intensive class.

The sexuality of 'disabled' bodies is still scarcely problematized in (political) philosophy and the social sciences. This is because to take 'disabled' bodies seriously as concrete bodies which have also sexual needs, desires,... more

The sexuality of 'disabled' bodies is still scarcely problematized in (political) philosophy and the social sciences. This is because to take 'disabled' bodies seriously as concrete bodies which have also sexual needs, desires, expectations and claims, does imply a radical rethinking of current definitions concerning the 'human body' and the 'human being'. In this book, the relationship between 'disability' and sexuality is considered moving from the idea that "'disabled' bodies are transgressive bodies", for they question those established definitions. Alongside with a theoretical discussion, aiming to deconstruct and refuse the very term 'disability', a philosophical analysis of 24 films is provided with a twofold purpose. On the one hand, I want to introduce some current models of the 'disabled' bodies and their sexuality; on the other hand, I suggest some reflections on the political as well ethical implications of the dominant discourse about 'disability'.

This critical communication pedagogy study consists of a cripistemological analysis of two prominent communication theory textbooks to better understand the nondisableist assumptions embedded within these textbooks and, by extension, our... more

This critical communication pedagogy study consists of a cripistemological analysis of two prominent communication theory textbooks to better understand the nondisableist assumptions embedded within these textbooks and, by extension, our field’s theories. Conceiving of the university classroom as an educational cultural performance, this study positions these textbooks to be scripts. Imitating the vignette-to-application format found in these communication theory textbooks, the study offers three new vignettes that center disability. Each vignette provides new insight into its corresponding communication theory: uncertainty reduction theory, sensemaking theory, and structuration theory. By inflecting the crip, the corresponding analyses provide lessons into the enactment of our theories within the educational cultural performances of our classrooms. Each is told from a crip perspective that rescripts compulsory nondisableist discourses to better understand crip as humanity, as evolutionarily superior, and as universal. This study helps model how to explore, explain, and refute embedded nondisableist assumptions within and across our field’s knowledge bases, as found in textbooks.

Em meados do final de novembro de 2016, um pequeno grupo de pessoas com deficiência brasileiras se reuniu na plataforma Facebook, a fim de condensar discussões em torno de possíveis ações para o Dia Internacional da Pessoa com... more

Em meados do final de novembro de 2016, um pequeno grupo de pessoas com deficiência brasileiras se reuniu na plataforma Facebook, a fim de condensar discussões em torno de possíveis ações para o Dia Internacional da Pessoa com Deficiência.Comemorada anualmente em 03 de dezembro de 2016, a data incitou a organização de estratégias com o objetivo de pensar em ações conjuntas de ciberativismo para promover e dar visibilidade a esse grupo social. Após alguns debates entre os integrantes, decidiu-se por uma campanha de conscientização sobre o capacitismo por meio da hashtag #ÉCapacitismoQuando. A mobilização iniciou-se em 30 de novembro de 2016 e atingiu seu auge em 03 de dezembro do mesmo ano. Este trabalho é um relato de experiência da minha imersão na campanha coletiva e tem como objetivo compreender os efeitos discursivos do capacitismo e da sistematização de políticas de austeridade pós-golpe parlamentar de Estado no Brasil, quando destituiu em 31 de agosto de 2016 a presidente eleita Dilma Rousseff, pondo em diálogo a práxis queer/crip entre pesquisa acadêmica e ciberativismo.

This chapter examines the study of religion and disability.

A proposta deste artigo é trazer um dos debates existentes entre deficiência e sexualidade à guisa dos posicionamentos teórico sociais críticos dos disability studies e da teoria queer que se estabelecem teoricamente nos anos 2000. Assim,... more

A proposta deste artigo é trazer um dos debates existentes entre deficiência e sexualidade à guisa dos posicionamentos teórico sociais críticos dos disability studies e da teoria queer que se estabelecem teoricamente nos anos 2000. Assim, minha abordagem consistirá em mencionar brevemente alguns pontos históricos que tenderam a possibilitar essa relação e buscar tornar mais nítidas as recentes discussões da temática através do que se tem chamado, em algumas dessas literaturas, de teoria crip.

This paper uses analyses of TV, film, memoir, and theory to explore how "things" and thing-making processes can be seen in a reparative context in relation to disabled/transgender identity and institutional/collective regimes of... more

This paper uses analyses of TV, film, memoir, and theory to explore how "things" and thing-making processes can be seen in a reparative context in relation to disabled/transgender identity and institutional/collective regimes of disability/transgender image-making. Haraway's cyborg, evoked as an aspirational symbol and a potential model of collective crip/transgender futurity, is notably embodied through a central character in the film 'Mad Max: Fury Road' (2015), the disabled Imperator Furiosa. Other media analyzed includes a selection of episodes of Jill Soloway's Amazon Video streaming series 'Transparent' (2015) and Thomas Page McBee's memoir 'Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness, and Becoming a Man' (2014).

Acclaimed Australian animator Adam Elliot dedicated his career to illustrating the experiences of people with disabilities. Elliot’s first trilogy – Uncle (1996), Cousin (1999) and Brother (2000) – is a black and white claymation... more

Acclaimed Australian animator Adam Elliot dedicated his career to illustrating the experiences of people with disabilities. Elliot’s first trilogy – Uncle (1996), Cousin (1999) and Brother (2000) – is a black and white claymation accompanied by narration reminiscing beloved family members with disabilities. The article intersects disability studies, phenomenology and film studies in an analysis of the disabled body in Elliot’s claymations and the crip ethics they may evoke in spectators. The author argues that Elliot’s clayographies disorient the past by yearning for it and crip the future by criticizing the marginalization of people with disabilities, and focusing on the desire for life ‘out-of-line’. The hybridity of the trilogy is an infusion of documentary ‘domestic ethnography’ or home videos, centering familial ‘others’ with fictional film-noir that allows entrance into the dark realm of recollection. The viewers are offered bodily experiences that emphasize the body’s vulnerability and perishability, presented not in a tragic or inspirational fashion, but as inseparable from human existence. By conjuring these oppositional cinematic styles and genres in clay, disability is represented as the definition of the human experience through an ethical remembrance.

Exploring discourses of menstrual negativity and menstrual contagion, we argue for a feminist queer crip approach to menstrual pain. Understood as imagined and exaggerated, menstrual pain has been rendered illegible by redemptive models... more

Exploring discourses of menstrual negativity and menstrual contagion, we argue for a feminist queer crip approach to menstrual pain. Understood as imagined and exaggerated, menstrual pain has been rendered illegible by redemptive models of pain and straight, ableist structures of temporality. We respond to this context of pain-denial
by drawing on crip and queer theories on pain and temporality and feminist work on menstruation to argue that menstrual pain is chronic and cyclical pain. Through our own autobiographies of the material and structural conditions of menstrual pain, we offer a contribution to thinking about menstrual pain and its accompanying contagions
and chronicities. We do so by exploring discourses of menstrual containment, negativity, and pain-denial. Next, using one of our experiences of a misdiagnosis of menstrual pain as adolescent “growing pains” as a jumping-off point, we formulate a model of growing pain that centralizes pain in embodied and social imaginings of the body. Finally, we envision a cyclical menstrual time, which can provide the ground for coalitional, relational, social, and political approaches to menstrual pain.

Los monstruos demarcan en el imaginario social y cultural la difusa frontera entre lo que tradicionalmente se ha considerado bueno y malo, entre lo normal y lo patológico, lo bello y lo feo, y tienen la capacidad de vincular la realidad... more

Los monstruos demarcan en el imaginario social y cultural la difusa frontera entre lo que tradicionalmente se ha considerado bueno y malo, entre lo normal y lo patológico, lo bello y lo feo, y tienen la capacidad de vincular la realidad con lo imaginado. Nos ayudan a establecer la noción de pertenencia a la «normalidad» y construyen necesariamente una noción de diferencia que bien conocen aquellas personas señala- das por su sexualidad y su diversidad funcional. En este texto nos preguntamos por la intersección de estas dos realidades, a menudo ignoradas y parte del tabú, y por otra parte tan útiles y presentes en nuestra sociedad que construyen lo que hemos venido en llamar «monstruos de lo cotidiano». Fijarnos en estos cuerpos fallidos o monstruo- sos nos ayuda desviar la atención sobre las normas imperantes, que preferimos ignorar como son la heteronormatividad y el cuerpo bello y capacitado, normas monstruosas a su vez que constriñen nuestras vidas y experiencias.

מאמר זה בוחן את האופנים בהם יוצרות פמיניסטיות עם מוגבלות מגיבות ומתנגדות למבט המציצני על הגוף הנכה, תוך הישענות על כוחם של המובטים להשיב מבט. שתי היוצרות הנדונות עושות שימוש בהסתר פנים או גילוין של הפנים בשתי יצירות קולנועיות במטרה לאתגר... more

מאמר זה בוחן את האופנים בהם יוצרות פמיניסטיות עם מוגבלות מגיבות ומתנגדות למבט המציצני על הגוף הנכה, תוך הישענות על כוחם של המובטים להשיב מבט. שתי היוצרות הנדונות עושות שימוש בהסתר פנים או גילוין של הפנים בשתי יצירות קולנועיות במטרה לאתגר את המבט המסוגלני. עבודת ווידאו ארט הם'I של נילי ברויאר מציבה את הגופניות הנכה אל מול מה שמכונה "הגוף הנבחר" של החברה הישראלית. המפגש הטעון המוצג בווידאו בין גופים נכים לבין ייצוגים הגמונים שהפיקו הציונות ותרבות המערב נערך עם הגב למצלמה כאשר פני המשתתפים נסתרות בעוד שונות גופם גלויה. לעומת זאת, סרטה הדוקומנטרי של דנה דימנט תפקוד גבוה עוסק בנראותם של מי "שלא רואים עליהם" ומציג את מאבקה של קהילת אנשי הספקטרום האוטיסטי בישראל. דימנט מציגה תקריבי פנים ובכך משתמשת בדואליות הגלומה בקלוז-אפ, בין התקרבות אל הסובייקט לבין הפיכתו לאובייקט. על אף הבחירות הצורניות המנוגדות, שתי היצירות עוסקות בנראות ומעמתות את הצופה עם שביקש/ה להדחיק. בעוד שהם'I מחייב את הצופה להביט בגופניות הנכה מבלי היכולת לתייג אותה בסטיגמה בשל הסתרת פני המשתתפים, תפקוד גבוה מציג את ההשתהות הכרוכה בהבחנה במוגבלות הבלתי נראית באמצעות התקרבות לפניהם. שתי היוצרות מציידות את עצמן ואת משתתפיהן באפשרות המטאפורית להשיב מבט לצופה ולערער את תפיסתו המסוגלנית תוך שימוש בתיאוריות פמיניסטיות ותיאוריות של תרבות חזותית.

This paper analyses sexuality and relationship education (SRE) in a Swedish college programme aimed at young people with mobility impairments. Interviews and focus groups were conducted to explore students’ experiences of the structure,... more

This paper analyses sexuality and relationship education (SRE) in a Swedish college programme aimed at young people with mobility impairments. Interviews and focus groups were conducted to explore students’ experiences of the structure, content and usefulness of SRE, and college personnel’s SRE practices. Results show that, although many of the issues covered are pertinent for all young people, being disabled raises additional concerns: for example how to handle de-sexualising attitudes, possible sexual practices, and how reliance on assistance impacts upon privacy. Crip theory is used as an analytical framework to identify, challenge and politicise sexual norms and practices. Students’ experiences of living in a disablist, heteronormative society can be used as resources for developing cripistemologies, which challenge the private/public binary that often de-legitimises learners’ experiences and separates them from teachers’ ‘proper’ knowledge production. Crip SRE would likely hold benefits for non-disabled pupils as well, through its use of more inclusive pedagogy and in work to expand sexual possibilities. Crip SRE has the potential to disrupt taken-for-granted dis/ability and sexuality divides as well as to politicise issues that many young people presently experience as ‘personal shortcomings’.

Frances Burney’s novels may be taken as the models par excellence for the feminine bildungsroman. They articulate the eponymous heroines’ (which is to say, Evelina, Cecilia, and Camilla’s) maturation through, to borrow Emily Allen’s... more

Frances Burney’s novels may be taken as the models par excellence for the feminine bildungsroman. They articulate the eponymous heroines’ (which is to say, Evelina, Cecilia, and Camilla’s) maturation through, to borrow Emily Allen’s phrase, a ‘mastery of proper femininity.’1 However, in Burney’s third novel, Camilla, it is the heroine’s youngest sister, Eugenia, who serves as the novel’s more complete and compelling portrait of female maturity and, more significantly, of character formation. In the novel’s opening chapters Eugenia is scarred and disfigured; ‘defects’ which bankrupt her of the qualities needed for a heroine, especially if she is to triumph in the final chapter by completing her journey into adulthood at the altar. This essay proposes that by harnessing the lenses of skin theory and disability studies we might clarify the intersection between disfigurement and gender during the long eighteenth century and, moreover, examine the way that scarring was used to encode female character in the late eighteenth-century bildungsroman.

This graduate course draws from interdisciplinary debates to position intimate forms in relation to broader textures of emotion and ethics, desire and race, labor and liberation. Heuristically, intimacy allows us to attend to practices... more

This graduate course draws from interdisciplinary debates to position intimate forms in relation to broader textures of emotion and ethics, desire and race, labor and liberation. Heuristically, intimacy allows us to attend to practices that spill beyond more dyadic understandings of ostensibly-private domains of sexuality or kinship as opposed to public forms of economic production and labor. Course readings, taken primarily but not exclusively from the Latin American region, will consider specific instances when the gathering together of bodies in close quarters (e.g. in arrangements of domestic servitude, colonial-era monasteries and convents, indigenous slave-holding in the Americas, settler households and adoptive parentage configurations) became problematic and subject to governmental intervention. We will further ask how, in moments of colonial reform, post-colonial change, and de-colonial mobilization, intimate forms became newly offensive but also grounded (and continue to ground) emergent claims to life and rights. The course ends by meditating on the entailments of intimacy for ethnography, namely, as a model of research rooted in attachments and vulnerabilities rather than spectatorship and distance.

This course examines key thinkers, themes, theories, and artistic/cultural productions central to queer movements and theories. Situating the emergence of queer movements in the historical context of the HIV/AIDS crisis in the 1980s–1990s... more

This course examines key thinkers, themes, theories, and artistic/cultural productions central to queer movements and theories. Situating the emergence of queer movements in the historical context of the HIV/AIDS crisis in the 1980s–1990s and of queer theories within conceptual debates in poststructuralist theories, feminist studies, critical race studies, and gay and lesbian studies, the course revisits the foundational texts of the queer canon (Michel Foucault, Teresa de Lauretis, Judith Butler, Gayle Rubin), and explores recent developments in queer theories. Intersectional analyses, which consider interlocked systems of oppression and a variety of identity components, are central to this course and underlie its design; intersections between sexuality and race, ethnicity, gender identity, (dis)ability, to name only a few, are studied based on critiques of queer movements and theories by people of colour, trans people, and disabled people. The following topics are discussed: decolonization of queer/trans movements/studies; controversies about “transracialism”; trans, genderqueer, and intersex issues; queer geographies and gendered spaces (e.g., bathrooms); queer cinema and queer representations in pop culture; sex work; crip politics; transability or voluntary disability acquisition; “bug chasing” or voluntary HIV acquisition; asexuality, human exceptionalism, and human/animal relationships.