Displays Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Some IP-phones are offering only a simple user interface with plain DTMF digits and optional function buttons, but without any graphical display. This kind of limited user interface makes cumbersome the usage of advanced IPtelephony... more

Some IP-phones are offering only a simple user interface with plain DTMF digits and optional function buttons, but without any graphical display. This kind of limited user interface makes cumbersome the usage of advanced IPtelephony services in many scenarios. Enhancing IP-telephony services with collaborative devices can both resolve the capabilities limitations of IP-phones and also encourage user location mobility. The introduced solution consists of using a third party device, such as a PC on an IP network, to make a connection with the IP-phone where the connection is realised with a specific protocol based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP); this protocol benefits from the Subscribe/Notify mechanism defined by the IETF. By exchanging Notify requests and by using suitable information encoding, the two devices are able to collaborate and can evolve together to carry out advanced IP-telephony services. On the scope of this work, some collaborative services such as the caller-id service were analysed, developed and implemented.

We utilize spatial and angular diversity to achieve speckle reduction in laser illumination. Both free-space and imaging geometry configurations are considered. A fast two-dimensional scanning micromirror is employed to steer the laser... more

We utilize spatial and angular diversity to achieve speckle reduction in laser illumination. Both free-space and imaging geometry configurations are considered. A fast two-dimensional scanning micromirror is employed to steer the laser beam. A simple experimental setup is built to demonstrate the application of our technique in a two-dimensional laser picture projection. Experimental results show that the speckle contrast factor can be reduced down to 5% within the integration time of the detector.

Hardware and software systems are growing everyday in scale and functionality. This increase in complexity increases the number of subtle errors. Moreover, some of these errors may cause catastrophic loss of money, time, or even in many... more

Hardware and software systems are growing everyday in scale and functionality. This increase in complexity increases the number of subtle errors. Moreover, some of these errors may cause catastrophic loss of money, time, or even in many cases human life. A major goal of ...

When it comes to graphing data, most professionals show little method or creativity. They typically limit themselves to a small repertoire of graph types and select from it on the basis of habit, if not sheer ease of production.... more

When it comes to graphing data, most professionals show little method or creativity. They typically limit themselves to a small repertoire of graph types and select from it on the basis of habit, if not sheer ease of production. Similarly, the many books on graphing devote much attention to graphical integrity and readability, but little or none to graph selection. We developed a methodology to help engineers, scientists, and managers choose the "right graph" on the basis of three criteria: the structure of the data set in terms of number and type of variables, the intended use of the graph, and the research question or intended message. The first and third criteria allow one to construct an effective two-entry selection table.

Prior research on the social impacts of CAD has treated nonusers, those still using manual methods, as control groups to which users are compared. The assumption is that nonusers' worklives are essentially unchanged by the implementation... more

Prior research on the social impacts of CAD has treated nonusers, those still using manual methods, as control groups to which users are compared. The assumption is that nonusers' worklives are essentially unchanged by the implementation of CAD. In this paper we argue that nonusers can also be affected by their organization's transition to CAD. We hypothesized that CAD has primarily job-enhancing effects for the worklives of designers selected to use CAD and primarily negative effects for the worklives of nonusers who might fear their manual skills would soon be obsolete. Data were collected in two large manufacturing firms through a survey of 74 CAD users and 30 nonusers and through a smaller number of interviews at each site. The results indicate that, compared with CAD users, nonusers were significantly older and spent more time on support and maintenance of old designs and relatively little time on conceptual design work and new design projects. Despite these differences in job content, CAD users did not differ from nonusers in any of Hackman and Oldham's job design characteristics associated with intrinsically motivating work. Nor did users and nonusers differ in perceived opportunities for advancement, job security, or satisfaction with their company and management. There was little evidence that nonusers felt disadvantaged in their potential for career advancement. Older designers did not believe that learning CAD would help them in their careers, while younger designers believed it was important for them to learn CAD, but there would be opportunities to do so. The paper considers the management implications of assigning relatively young designers to CAD and of the approaches to CAD implementation chosen by these companies.

Scanned displays have potential for achieving high brightness and see-through configurations in many display applications. A MEMS- based solution based on these tradeoffs for SVGA level performance is presented, with test data... more

Scanned displays have potential for achieving high brightness and see-through configurations in many display applications. A MEMS- based solution based on these tradeoffs for SVGA level performance is presented, with test data illustrating optical, mechanical, and electrical performance. Comparison of this scanner against video requirements and other scanners previously reported are illustrated. The feasibility of MEMS-based scanners for Retinal Scanning Displays and other applications is discussed, with extension to higher video performance standards.

Digital Light ProcessingTM (DLPTM) technology is applied to a consuincr multimedia HDTV prototype. Thc DLP technology enables an alldigital display system that inputs the initial digital data, performs digital video processing and... more

Digital Light ProcessingTM (DLPTM) technology is applied to a consuincr multimedia HDTV prototype. Thc DLP technology enables an alldigital display system that inputs the initial digital data, performs digital video processing and displays the processed data in digital form. No analog data conversion and processing arc necessary from imagc creation'to display. The result is bright, crisp images with visibly superior picture quality. This papcr describes the architecture of the all-digital HDTV projection system and the video signal processing tcchniques from initial signal input to the final display oii a 1280x720 Digital Micromirror DeviccrM (DMD'rM).

We present two multiview rear projection concepts that use only one projector with a digital micromirror device light modulator. The first concept is based on time sequentially illuminating the light modulator from different directions.... more

We present two multiview rear projection concepts that use only one projector with a digital micromirror device light modulator. The first concept is based on time sequentially illuminating the light modulator from different directions. Each illumination direction reflects on the light modulator toward a different viewing zone. We designed an illumination system that generates all distinct illumination beams and a lens system integrated into the projection screen to enlarge the viewing angles. The latter is crucial since the viewing extent of the viewing zones decreases inversely proportional to the size of the projected image. A second concept is based on a specific projection screen architecture that steers images into different horizontal directions. In this way, the entire acceptanceétendue of the projection system can be used for every image. This is achieved by moving a double-sided lenticular sheet horizontally with respect to a sheet of microlenses with a square footprint. Both concepts are investigated with advanced optical . Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 7524 75241R-2 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 08 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 7524 75241R-9 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 08 Mar 2010 to Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 7524 75241R-10

We present the design, implementation, deployment and evaluation of a novel urban computing infrastructure called UBI-hotspot. It is effectively a large interactive public display embedded with other computing resources. We have deployed... more

We present the design, implementation, deployment and evaluation of a novel urban computing infrastructure called UBI-hotspot. It is effectively a large interactive public display embedded with other computing resources. We have deployed a network of UBI-hotspots around downtown Oulu, Finland, to establish a public laboratory for conducting experimental ubiquitous computing research in authentic urban setting with diverse real users and with sufficient scale and time span. We focus on the first version of the UBI-hotspot which offers a wide range of services via different interaction modalities. We analyze the usage and user acceptance of the UBI-hotspots from qualitative and quantitative data collected over a period of eight months. Our first observations show that this type of infrastructure may be a useful addition to the urban space.

Bu makalede uzun süreli doku saklama uygulamalarda yararlanılacak bir Dewar kabı içindeki kriyojen seviyesini tespit etmek için oluşturulmuş basit bir sıvı algılayıcı ve ölçme düzeni tanıtılmaktadır. Sıvı-gaz sınırı seri bağlı ışık yayan... more

Bu makalede uzun süreli doku saklama uygulamalarda yararlanılacak bir Dewar kabı içindeki kriyojen seviyesini tespit etmek için oluşturulmuş basit bir sıvı algılayıcı ve ölçme düzeni tanıtılmaktadır. Sıvı-gaz sınırı seri bağlı ışık yayan diyotların ısıl geçici rejimlerinin saptanmasıyla belirlenmiştir. Haznenin dış duvarında bulunan elektronik kontrol ve görüntüleme ünitesi kriyojen sıvının seviyesini göstermekte olup, kriyojen madde önceden ayarlanmış kritik bir seviyeye ulaştığında kullanıcıyı uyarmaktadır.

This study investigated the effects of light source, ambient illuminance, character size, and interline spacing on visual performance and visual fatigue in using commercial electronic paper displays. Regarding visual performance the... more

This study investigated the effects of light source, ambient illuminance, character size, and interline spacing on visual performance and visual fatigue in using commercial electronic paper displays. Regarding visual performance the results showed that display type, character size, interline spacing had significant effects on search time. Electrophoretic electronic ink display had a shorter search time than chlorestic liquid crystal display. Searching time decreased as character size and interline spacing increased. Ambient illumination, display type, character size, and interline spacing had significant effects on accuracy. Accuracy was highest for 1500 lx ambient illumination. Accuracy of electrophoretic electronic ink display was greater than chlorestic liquid crystal display. Accuracy increased as character size and interline spacing increased. Regarding visual fatigue, results showed that light source and ambient illumination had non-significant effects on change of critical flicker fusion (CFF) and subjective visual fatigue. Results could be able to provide some guidelines for consumers to choose a suitable electronic paper according to lighting condition and set appropriate character size and interline spacing.

The aim of this work is to measure the barrier synchronization influence on the overall pevormance of several application programs. In order to do that, we use the MPICH implementation [ I ] version 1.1 of the MPI library. Moreover, we... more

The aim of this work is to measure the barrier synchronization influence on the overall pevormance of several application programs. In order to do that, we use the MPICH implementation [ I ] version 1.1 of the MPI library. Moreover, we choose two barrier synchronization solutions: the MPICH software solution, i.e. the MPI-Barrier routine, and the TTL-PAPERS hardware solution [ 2 ]. The last one was implemented as a collective operation in MPICH we called MPI-Papers. Finally, we compare the execution time of MPI programs using the MPI-Barrier and MPI-Papers routines. Our testing environment consists of a cluster of 8 Dual Pentium Pro processors interconnected via both IOMb/s ethemet network and a TTL-PAPERS prototype. We use two kinds of MPI programs: test programs that p e~o r m few messages into the network and local calculations, and scientific calculation programs that carry out date exchange and local calculations.

This paper describes the efforts being carried out at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) towards VR Scientific Visualization. We are exploring scientific visualization in an immersive virtual environment: the NRL's CAVE T M -like device... more

This paper describes the efforts being carried out at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) towards VR Scientific Visualization. We are exploring scientific visualization in an immersive virtual environment: the NRL's CAVE T M -like device known as GROTTO (Graphical Room for Observation, Training and Tactical Orientation). We describe the AVS GROTTO viewer, a VR interface to the AVS visualization system. The AVS GROTTO viewer has been used by a number of scientists in current, ongoing research projects within NRL.

A major goal for managers of electric power networks is maximum asset performance. Minimal life cycle cost and maintenance optimization becomes crucial in reaching this goal, while meeting demands from customers and regulators. This... more

A major goal for managers of electric power networks is maximum asset performance. Minimal life cycle cost and maintenance optimization becomes crucial in reaching this goal, while meeting demands from customers and regulators. This necessitates the determination of the optimal balance between preventive and corrective maintenance in order to obtain the lowest total cost. The approach of this paper is to study the problem of balance between preventive and corrective maintenance as a multiobjective optimization problem, with customer interruptions on one hand and the maintenance budget of the network operator on the other. The problem is solved with meta-heuristics developed for the specific problem, in conjunction with an evolutionary particle swarm optimization algorithm.

a b s t r a c t E-book reading devices open new possibilities in the field of reading. More activities than just reading a book can be performed with a single electronic device. For a long time, electronic reading devices have not been... more

a b s t r a c t E-book reading devices open new possibilities in the field of reading. More activities than just reading a book can be performed with a single electronic device. For a long time, electronic reading devices have not been favored because their active LCD displays used to have a relatively low contrast. The new generation of electronic reading devices differs from earlier ones in the nature of the display: active LCD displays have been replaced with displays based on e-ink technology, which has display properties closer to that of printed paper. Moreover, e-ink technology has higher power efficiency, thereby increasing battery life and reducing weight. At first sight, the display looks similar to paper print, but the question remains whether the reading behavior also is equal to that of reading a printed book. In the present study, we analyzed and compared reading behavior on e-reader displays and on printed paper. The results suggest that the reading behavior on e-readers is indeed very similar to the reading behavior on print. Participants shared similar proportions of regressive saccades while reading on e-readers and print. Significant differences in fixation duration suggest that e-readers, in some situations, may even provide better legibility.

We generate a pair of entangled beams from the interference of two amplitude squeezed beams. The entanglement is quantified in terms of EPR-paradox [1] and inseparability[2] criteria, with observed results of ∆ 2 X + x|y ∆ 2 X − x|y =... more

We generate a pair of entangled beams from the interference of two amplitude squeezed beams. The entanglement is quantified in terms of EPR-paradox [1] and inseparability[2] criteria, with observed results of ∆ 2 X + x|y ∆ 2 X − x|y = 0.58±0.02 and ∆ 2 X + x±y ∆ 2 X − x±y = 0.44±0.01, respectively. Both results clearly beat the standard quantum limit of unity. We experimentally analyze the effect of decoherence on each criterion and demonstrate qualitative differences. We also characterize the number of required and excess photons present in the entangled beams and provide contour plots of the efficacy of quantum information protocols in terms of these variables.

Requirements for electronic visual displays Field assessment of display luminance Display luminance Luminance ratio Contrast non uniformity a b s t r a c t Electronic visual displays have shown a rapid technological evolution in the last... more

Requirements for electronic visual displays Field assessment of display luminance Display luminance Luminance ratio Contrast non uniformity a b s t r a c t Electronic visual displays have shown a rapid technological evolution in the last two decades. With reference to the ergonomic requirements for video display terminal (VDT) workstations (ISO 9241), at an international level, attention is focused on the human-system interaction. With reference to visual ergonomics, the aim of this study is to assess luminance conditions through in-field measurements in order to evaluate: luminance and contrast ratios, luminance and contrast non-uniformities. The assessment was applied to widespread flat screen displays and repeated for fourteen combinations of Contrast-Brightness. The analysis carried out by the Authors shows the importance of realizing a simple and quick procedure to determine the performance levels of displays used in VDT workstations. The proposed assessment could be used as a practical tool for staff assigned to assess the risks arising from VDT use in the workplace within the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Procedure.

In this paper we investigate human binocular depth perception on 3D electronic display technologies. Our study is motivated by the increasing use of 3D displays in applications, including geo-science and medicine, where critical decisions... more

In this paper we investigate human binocular depth perception on 3D electronic display technologies. Our study is motivated by the increasing use of 3D displays in applications, including geo-science and medicine, where critical decisions are made using fine binocular depth judgements. We predict subject performance for a depth judgement task using published specifications for seven different 3D displays. A repeated measures, within subjects experimental design is used to determine the effect that display and binocular disparity have on subject scores in the task. We find that there is reliable variation in participant performance with display and disparity, however this variation is not always consistent with our predictions from the display specifications. We also present subjective results that suggest user preference for a 3D display is not always a reliable guide to their ability to perform the task. We conclude that care must be taken in selecting 3D display systems for tasks that critically rely on human depth judgement.

a b s t r a c t E-book reading devices open new possibilities in the field of reading. More activities than just reading a book can be performed with a single electronic device. For a long time, electronic reading devices have not been... more

a b s t r a c t E-book reading devices open new possibilities in the field of reading. More activities than just reading a book can be performed with a single electronic device. For a long time, electronic reading devices have not been favored because their active LCD displays used to have a relatively low contrast. The new generation of electronic reading devices differs from earlier ones in the nature of the display: active LCD displays have been replaced with displays based on e-ink technology, which has display properties closer to that of printed paper. Moreover, e-ink technology has higher power efficiency, thereby increasing battery life and reducing weight. At first sight, the display looks similar to paper print, but the question remains whether the reading behavior also is equal to that of reading a printed book. In the present study, we analyzed and compared reading behavior on e-reader displays and on printed paper. The results suggest that the reading behavior on e-readers is indeed very similar to the reading behavior on print. Participants shared similar proportions of regressive saccades while reading on e-readers and print. Significant differences in fixation duration suggest that e-readers, in some situations, may even provide better legibility.

The availability of high quality Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs) and high-resolution cameras have made it technologically feasible to perform many optical signal-processing functions in a relatively inexpensive manner. Furthermore, recent... more

The availability of high quality Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs) and high-resolution cameras have made it technologically feasible to perform many optical signal-processing functions in a relatively inexpensive manner. Furthermore, recent fast algorithms have been proposed to compute Linear Canonical Transforms (LCTs), which may be used to simulate paraxial optical systems. Optical Encryption offers the possibility of high-speed parallel encryption of image data. Such encryption/decryption may involve the capture of full field information, i.e. phase and intensity. Applications of Digital Holography go beyond applications to optical encryption. They include Holographic Interferometry (metrology) and Holographic displays. In this paper we discuss the design and analysis of systems used in the capture, encryption/decryption and display of 2-D (image) data and present our recent experimental and theoretical results.

Fractal image compression exploits the piecewise self-similarity present in real images as a form of information redundancy that can be eliminated to achieve compression. This theory based on Partitioned Iterated Function Systems is... more

Fractal image compression exploits the piecewise self-similarity present in real images as a form of information redundancy that can be eliminated to achieve compression. This theory based on Partitioned Iterated Function Systems is presented. As an alternative to the established JPEG, it provides a similar compression-ratio to fidelity trade-off. Fractal techniques promise faster decoding and potentially higher fidelity, but the computationally intensive compression process has prevented commercial acceptance. This thesis presents an algorithm mapping the problem onto a parallel processor architecture, with the goal of reducing the encoding time. The experimental work involved implementation of this approach on the Texas Instruments TMS320C80 parallel processor system. Results indicate that the fractal compression process is unusually well suited to parallelism with speed gains approximately linearly related to the number of processors used. Parallel processing issues such as coherency, management and interfacing are discussed. The code designed incorporates pipelining and parallelism on all conceptual and practical levels ensuring that all resources are fully utilised, achieving close to optimal efficiency. The computational intensity was reduced by several means, including conventional classification of image sub-blocks by content with comparisons across class boundaries prohibited. A faster approach adopted was to perform estimate comparisons between blocks based on pixel value variance, identifying candidates for more time-consuming, accurate RMS inter-block comparisons. These techniques, combined with the parallelism, allow compression of 512x512 pixel x 8 bit images in under 20 seconds, while maintaining a 30dB PSNR. This is up to an order of magnitude faster than reported for conventional sequential processor implementations. Fractal based compression of colour images and video sequences is also considered. The work confirms the potential of fractal compression techniques, and demonstrates that a parallel implementation is appropriate for addressing the compression time problem. The processor system used in these investigations is faster than currently available PC platforms, but the relevance lies in the anticipation that future generations of affordable processors will exceed its performance. The advantages of fractal image compression may then be accessible to the average computer user, leading to commercial acceptance.

This paper presents a fault-tolerant distributed system designed for real-time control applications (REBUS), which is one of the research basis of the industrial real-time system MODUMAT 800. It is made up of functional units, i.e.,... more

This paper presents a fault-tolerant distributed system designed for real-time control applications (REBUS), which is one of the research basis of the industrial real-time system MODUMAT 800. It is made up of functional units, i.e., programmable multiloop regulators and operator displays, linked together by a communication structure. The communication hardware consists of a set of serial bus interface boards, one per functional unit, loosely coupled together by a double serial bus and linked to their functional units by a private parallel bus.

Imperfections in binocular image pairs can cause serious viewing discomfort. For example, in stereo vision systems eye strain is caused by unintentional mismatches between the left and right eye images (stereo imperfections). Head-mounted... more

Imperfections in binocular image pairs can cause serious viewing discomfort. For example, in stereo vision systems eye strain is caused by unintentional mismatches between the left and right eye images (stereo imperfections). Head-mounted displays can induce eye strain due to optical misalignments. We have experimentally determined the level of (dis)comfort experienced by human observers viewing brief presentations of imperfect binocular image pairs. We used a wide range of binocular image imperfections that are representative for commonly encountered optical errors (spatial distortions: shifts, magnification, rotation, keystone), imperfect filters (photometric asymmetries: luminance, color, contrast, crosstalk), and stereoscopic disparities. The results show that nearly all binocular image asymmetries seriously reduce visual comfort if present in a large enough amount. From our data we estimate threshold values for the onset of discomfort. The database collected in this study allows a more accurate prediction of visual comfort from the specification of a given binocular viewing system. Being able to predict the level of visual discomfort from the specification of binocular viewing systems greatly helps the design and selection process. This paper provides the basis.

The JPEG baseline standard for image compression employs a block Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and uniform quantization. For a monochrome image, a single quantization matrix is allowed, while for a color image, distinct matrices are... more

The JPEG baseline standard for image compression employs a block Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and uniform quantization. For a monochrome image, a single quantization matrix is allowed, while for a color image, distinct matrices are allowed for each color channel.. Here we describe a method, called DCTune, for design of color quantization matrices that is based on a model of the visibility of quantization artifacts. The model describes artifact visibility as a function of DCT frequency, color channel, and display resolution and brightness. The model also describes summation of artifacts over space and frequency, and masking of artifacts by the image itself. The DCTune matrices are different from the de facto JPEG matrices, and appear to provide superior visual quality at equal bit-rates.

The jigsaw puzzle assembly problem is significant in that it can be applied to diverse areas such as repair of broken objects, restoration of archaeological findings, molecular docking problem for drug design, etc. This paper describes a... more

The jigsaw puzzle assembly problem is significant in that it can be applied to diverse areas such as repair of broken objects, restoration of archaeological findings, molecular docking problem for drug design, etc. This paper describes a new pictorial jigsaw puzzle solver which, in contrast to previous apictorial jigsaw puzzle solvers, uses chromatic information as well as geometric shape. We develop three new puzzle assembly algorithms(TSP&Kbest-based, TSP&APbased, and AP-based algorithm) and new boundary and color matching operation. We tested the new puzzle solver with 6 different sets of color puzzle pieces. Experimental results show that chromatic information greatly aids in seeking the solution to the jigsaw puzzle problem. It is also discovered that in terms of how rapidly each assembly algorithm reaches a solution, the TSP&Kbest-based algorithm is the best, followed by TSP&AP-based algorithm, and followed by AP-based algorithm.

This paper describes a new software tool that addresses the deficiencies in the conventional text-based approach towards assembly language programming. The tool presents assembly codes in the form of hierarchical flow charts, whereby each... more

This paper describes a new software tool that addresses the deficiencies in the conventional text-based approach towards assembly language programming. The tool presents assembly codes in the form of hierarchical flow charts, whereby each layer ...

Technological innovations over the last decade resulted in significant improvements in the LCD's viewing angle performance. Consequently, the current method to define the viewing cone, with a fixed contrast ratio, does not represent... more

Technological innovations over the last decade resulted in significant improvements in the LCD's viewing angle performance. Consequently, the current method to define the viewing cone, with a fixed contrast ratio, does not represent perceived performance differences between displays. Our previous study, with two LCDs and a plasma display, revealed that changes in image quality with viewing angle are predicted by combining luminance variations and white-point shifts for an intermediate grey level. In this paper, we show that, for viewers comparing the viewing angle dependent quality between displays, that same relation holds. If the calculated viewing angle is larger than the measured acceptability threshold, the remaining quality at the threshold angle serves as a viewing angle performance indicator.

E-book reading devices open new possibilities in the field of reading. More activities than just reading a book can be performed with a single electronic device. For a long time, electronic reading devices have not been favored because... more

E-book reading devices open new possibilities in the field of reading. More activities than just reading a book can be performed with a single electronic device. For a long time, electronic reading devices have not been favored because their active LCD displays used to have a relatively low contrast. The new generation of electronic reading devices differs from earlier ones in the nature of the display: active LCD displays have been replaced with displays based on e-ink technology, which has display properties closer to that of printed paper. Moreover, e-ink technology has higher power efficiency, thereby increasing battery life and reducing weight. At first sight, the display looks similar to paper print, but the question remains whether the reading behavior also is equal to that of reading a printed book. In the present study, we analyzed and compared reading behavior on e-reader displays and on printed paper. The results suggest that the reading behavior on e-readers is indeed very similar to the reading behavior on print. Participants shared similar proportions of regressive saccades while reading on e-readers and print. Significant differences in fixation duration suggest that e-readers, in some situations, may even provide better legibility.► Reading behavior measured in eye movements on e-ink displays and print. ► Participants made significantly longer fixations when reading on a printed book. ► Participants made similar proportion of regressive saccades when reading on e-ink displays and print. ► Result shows that the reading behavior on e-ink-displays is very similar to the reading behavior on print. ► Overall the results suggest that the legibility of the current e-reader generation is good.

supporting the development and deployment of mobile services.

Virtual reality (VR) systems are used in a variety of applications within industry, education, public and domestic settings. Research assessing reported symptoms and side effects of using VR systems indicates that these factors combine to... more

Virtual reality (VR) systems are used in a variety of applications within industry, education, public and domestic settings. Research assessing reported symptoms and side effects of using VR systems indicates that these factors combine to influence user experiences of virtual reality induced symptoms and effects (VRISE). Three experiments were conducted to assess prevalence and severity of sickness symptoms experienced in each of four VR display conditions; head mounted display (HMD), desktop, projection screen and reality theatre, with controlled examination of two additional aspects of viewing (active vs. passive viewing and light vs. dark conditions). Results indicate 60-70% participants experience an increase in symptoms pre-post exposure for HMD, projection screen and reality theatre viewing and found higher reported symptoms in HMD compared with desktop viewing (nausea symptoms) and in HMD compared with reality theatre viewing (nausea, oculomotor and disorientation symptoms). No effect of lighting condition was found. Higher levels of symptoms were reported in passive viewing compared to active control over movement in the VE. However, the most notable finding was that of high inter-and intra-participant variability. As this supports other findings of individual susceptibility to VRISE, recommendations are offered concerning design and use of VR systems in order to minimise VRISE.

The most commonly used method to examine the ability of the visual system to discriminate colours and detect colour vision de®ciencies is based on pseudoisochromatic plates, such as the Ishihara plates. We describe a computer-based method... more

The most commonly used method to examine the ability of the visual system to discriminate colours and detect colour vision de®ciencies is based on pseudoisochromatic plates, such as the Ishihara plates. We describe a computer-based method to determine red±green colour de®ciencies based on an anomaloscope simulator, which gave good results in a study of red±green discrimination is studied. It was shown experimentally that this computer-based method discriminates between subjects with colour de®ciencies and subjects without colour de®ciencies. q

A relatively new form of human communication, video-conferencing has become more popular as video technology improves and with increasing demands for real-time communication across greater distances. The full effects of video-conferencing... more

A relatively new form of human communication, video-conferencing has become more popular as video technology improves and with increasing demands for real-time communication across greater distances. The full effects of video-conferencing on human communication are still being explored. Video-conferencing is presumed to be a somewhat richer form of communication than email and telephone, but not quite as informative as face-to-face communication. This review explores research into the influence of eye contact on communication and how video-conferencing mediates both verbal and non-verbal interactions. Facilitation of eye contact is a challenge that must be addressed so that video-conferencing can approach the rich interactions of face-to-face communication.

The concepts abstracted from reality and represented through the dimensions in a Statistical Database (SDB) support the user to use them in query formulation and processing. Instead, all those useful properties involved in a query that... more

The concepts abstracted from reality and represented through the dimensions in a Statistical Database (SDB) support the user to use them in query formulation and processing. Instead, all those useful properties involved in a query that cannot be obtained through dimension/s in a SDB (for example, the concept of adjacency) can be presented in a Geographical Database (GDB). This paper presents a conceptual approach to allow the end user, working in a Geographic Database (GDB) environment, to use data cube stored in a Statistical Database (SDB). In this context, we need to extend the geographic data structure with some special "functional attributes". They support links between environments mentioned above through geographic dimensions always implicitly or explicitly present in SDB. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to propose a solution to answer queries involving data stored in both environments in a transparent way to the user. Then, a query language to support the integration of multidimensional operators with geographic operators is proposed. Finally, the main characteristics of the proposed approach are illustrated through some examples.

In Virtual-Environment (VE) Applications, where virtual objects are presented in a head-mounted display, virtual images must be continuously stabilized in space against the user's head motion. Latencies in head-motion compensation cause... more

In Virtual-Environment (VE) Applications, where virtual objects are presented in a head-mounted display, virtual images must be continuously stabilized in space against the user's head motion. Latencies in head-motion compensation cause virtual objects to swim around instead of being stable in space. This results in an unnatural feel, disorientation, and simulation sickness in addition to errors in fitting/matching of virtual and real objects. Visual update delays are a critical technical obstacle for implementation of head-mounted displays in a wide variety of applications. To address this problem, we propose to use machine learning techniques to define a forward model of head movement based on angular velocity information. In particular, we utilize recurrent neural network to capture the temporal pattern of pitch and yaw motion.

The relationships between the work products of a security engineering process can be hard to understand, even for persons with a strong technical background but little knowledge of security engineering. Market forces are driving software... more

The relationships between the work products of a security engineering process can be hard to understand, even for persons with a strong technical background but little knowledge of security engineering. Market forces are driving software practitioners who are not security specialists to develop software that requires security features. When these practitioners develop software solutions without appropriate security-specific processes and models, they sometimes fail to produce effective solutions. We have adapted a proven object oriented modeling technique, use cases, to capture and analyze security requirements in a simple way. We call the adaptation an abuse case model. Its relationship to other security engineering work products is relatively simple, from a user perspective

The objective of this study is to evaluate the usability of electronic books (E-books). An experiment was designed to compare the differences between reading an E-book and a conventional book (C-book) with objective measures. Twenty... more

The objective of this study is to evaluate the usability of electronic books (E-books). An experiment was designed to compare the differences between reading an E-book and a conventional book (C-book) with objective measures. Twenty junior college students, ages sixteen to eighteen, participated in the study. Response measures included reading performance and critical flicker fusion (CFF). The results indicate that reading an E-book causes significantly higher eye fatigue than reading a C-book. Reading a C-book generated a higher level of reading performance than reading an E-book. In addition, females demonstrated better reading performance than males in reading either book.

Virtual reality (VR) systems are used in a variety of applications within industry, education, public and domestic settings. Research assessing reported symptoms and side effects of using VR systems indicates that these factors combine to... more

Virtual reality (VR) systems are used in a variety of applications within industry, education, public and domestic settings. Research assessing reported symptoms and side effects of using VR systems indicates that these factors combine to influence user experiences of virtual reality induced symptoms and effects (VRISE). Three experiments were conducted to assess prevalence and severity of sickness symptoms experienced in each of four VR display conditions; head mounted display (HMD), desktop, projection screen and reality theatre, with controlled examination of two additional aspects of viewing (active vs. passive viewing and light vs. dark conditions). Results indicate 60-70% participants experience an increase in symptoms pre-post exposure for HMD, projection screen and reality theatre viewing and found higher reported symptoms in HMD compared with desktop viewing (nausea symptoms) and in HMD compared with reality theatre viewing (nausea, oculomotor and disorientation symptoms). No effect of lighting condition was found. Higher levels of symptoms were reported in passive viewing compared to active control over movement in the VE. However, the most notable finding was that of high inter-and intra-participant variability. As this supports other findings of individual susceptibility to VRISE, recommendations are offered concerning design and use of VR systems in order to minimise VRISE.

Furniture market in India is predominantly an un-organized retail market (85%) but gradually with large scale organizations venturing into the sector has in turn the changed in behavior of consumers form dissonance reducing behavior to... more

Furniture market in India is predominantly an un-organized retail market (85%) but gradually with large scale organizations venturing into the sector has in turn the changed in behavior of consumers form dissonance reducing behavior to branding. This is possible by promotion strategies specifically branding adopted by large scale companies. Promotion is a strategy through which an individual or organization highlights the USP and benefits of a product or service to influence the buying behavior of the individuals. Promoting a brand is equally important as opening a store. Advertising, participation in exhibitions and e-marketing is perceived by retailers as a significant means to convey information to consumers. This study on promotional strategies is divided in three category advertising, participations in exhibitions and e marketing. The objective of the study is to compare the level of existing promotional strategies formulated by manufacturers & functional strategies adopted at retail level, to the consumer response to the above mentioned strategies. The study focuses on promotional efforts taken by retailers and compares it to requirements given by consumers for a better footfall in the outlet.

One of the challenges today in human-computer interaction is to design systems that are not only usable but also appealing to users. In order to contribute to meet this challenge, our general objective in the present study was to enhance... more

One of the challenges today in human-computer interaction is to design systems that are not only usable but also appealing to users. In order to contribute to meet this challenge, our general objective in the present study was to enhance current understanding of the perceptual features that favour users' interactions with Websites. This is a particularly important issue, as users' first impressions when they land on a site determine whether or not they stay on it. We conducted two experimental studies, focusing on one specific perceptual feature: Website colour. The first study investigated designers' and users' preferred colours for a Web homepage. Although researchers generally flag up differences between designers and users, we found that the latter also had several favourite colours in common. On the basis of these initial results, three colours were selected for a second study exploring colour in relation to an entire Website. The main originality of this second study lays in the fact that we used both subjective and objective measurements to gauge the impact of colour, analyzing not only users' judgments but also their Website navigation and the items of information they memorized. Results of this second study showed that colours were a determining factor in the way that users interacted with the Website. Their influence was also observed afterwards, when users were asked to exploit the information they had gleaned from the Website. As such, these findings will have a practical value for Website designers.

Visualizations help us to solve problems by finding patterns in graphical displays of data. For example, finding a pattern of highly connected components in a node link diagram can help us understand the architecture of a software system.... more

Visualizations help us to solve problems by finding patterns in graphical displays of data. For example, finding a pattern of highly connected components in a node link diagram can help us understand the architecture of a software system. Finding a long, red, fairly straight line on a map can show us the best way of driving between two cities. This talk will describe how thinking with visualizations involves the construction of visual queries on the display. Once a visual query is constructed, a visual search strategy through eye movements and attention to relevant patterns provides answers. Recent results from cognitive psychology can help us understand the visual thinking process. I will show how understanding the nature of visual queries, and the capacity of visual working memory, can be used to predict which visual tasks will be easy and which will be difficult, if not impossible. Examples from common visualizations and interactive techniques will be used to illustrate the central concepts.

The "hidden-line problem" for computer-drawn polyhedra is the problem of determining which edges, or parts of edges, of a polyhedra are visible from a given vantage point. This is an important problem in computer graphics, and its fast... more

The "hidden-line problem" for computer-drawn polyhedra is the problem of determining which edges, or parts of edges, of a polyhedra are visible from a given vantage point. This is an important problem in computer graphics, and its fast solution is especially critical for on-line CRT display applications. The method presented here for solving this problem is believed to be faster than previously known methods. An edge classification scheme is described that eliminates at once most of the totally invisible edges. The remaining, potentially visible edges are then tested in paths, which eventually cover the whole polyhedra. These paths are synthesized in such a way as to minimize the number of calculations. Both the case of a cluster of polyhedra and the illumination problem in which a polyhedron is illuminated from a point source of light are treated as applications of the general algorithm. Several illustrative examples are included.

Problems that have continued to remain in some of the recently published MOSFET compact models are demonstrated in this paper. Of particular interest are discontinuities observed in these models at the boundary between forward and reverse... more

Problems that have continued to remain in some of the recently published MOSFET compact models are demonstrated in this paper. Of particular interest are discontinuities observed in these models at the boundary between forward and reverse mode operation. A new MOSFET model is presented that overcomes the errors present in state-of-the-art models. Comparison with measured data is also presented to validate the new model.

The aim of this work is to measure the barrier synchronization influence on the overall pevormance of several application programs. In order to do that, we use the MPICH implementation [ I ] version 1.1 of the MPI library. Moreover, we... more

The aim of this work is to measure the barrier synchronization influence on the overall pevormance of several application programs. In order to do that, we use the MPICH implementation [ I ] version 1.1 of the MPI library. Moreover, we choose two barrier synchronization solutions: the MPICH software solution, i.e. the MPI-Barrier routine, and the TTL-PAPERS hardware solution [ 2 ]. The last one was implemented as a collective operation in MPICH we called MPI-Papers. Finally, we compare the execution time of MPI programs using the MPI-Barrier and MPI-Papers routines. Our testing environment consists of a cluster of 8 Dual Pentium Pro processors interconnected via both IOMb/s ethemet network and a TTL-PAPERS prototype. We use two kinds of MPI programs: test programs that p e~o r m few messages into the network and local calculations, and scientific calculation programs that carry out date exchange and local calculations.