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Why "starting from Venice"? If exhibitions represent the main focus of the debate for many scholars, the Venice Biennale is of particular interest, with its long history, constant presence and ongoing renewal that allow us to trace... more

Why "starting from Venice"? If exhibitions represent the main focus of the debate for many scholars, the Venice Biennale is of particular interest, with its long history, constant presence and ongoing renewal that allow us to trace origins and developments of the success of contemporary exhibitions practices. [...] Starting from Venice is a first step towards a still unaccomplished work: the promotion of the studies on the Venice Biennale and the establishment of a point of reference for those who want to keep up to date with the latest trends in studies and research about the Biennale.

Objective: To explore approaches for integrating and visualizing time-oriented medication data in narrative and structured formats and to address related issues on handling temporal abstraction, granularity, and uncertainty. The ultimate... more

Objective: To explore approaches for integrating and visualizing time-oriented medication data in narrative and structured formats and to address related issues on handling temporal abstraction, granularity, and uncertainty. The ultimate goal is to improve medication reconciliation by providing clinicians with more accurate medication information in patient care. Methods: An event taxonomy was generated to capture different combinations of clinical and temporal uncertainties. A prototype of a temporal visualization system was implemented using an open source software package called Timeline. Medications were parsed and mapped to the event taxonomy, and then represented in Timelines. Seventy-five medications from narrative discharge summary reports and seventy-nine medications from structured orders were used as data input for temporal visualization. Five physicians served as domain experts and answered ten proof-of-concept survey questions. Results: Overall positive feedback from experts suggested the potential value of the proposed timeline visualization method. Challenges were also identified, and future work will include reconciliation of medications from various sources based on temporal attributes and medication classification.

An essay on Allan McCollum's first exhibition of his "Shapes Project."

Assign & Arrange: Methodologies of Presentation in Art and Dance aims to map the exchanges and transgressions between art and dance that characterize the manifold variety of relations between art and dance that can be observed today:... more

Assign & Arrange: Methodologies of Presentation in Art and Dance aims to map the exchanges and transgressions between art and dance that characterize the manifold variety of relations between art and dance that can be observed today: dance performances taking place in art galleries or public spaces, for example, or visual artists developing specific presentational formats or exhibition displays that generate dimensions of dramaturgy and choreography for their visitors. Terms like mise-en-scène, situation, setting, choreography, and installation are being almost coevally used not only by theoreticians but also by contributors from both art and dance in order to define modes of presentation or to specify visitors’ aesthetic experience. Taking into account historical and current examples, and involving perspectives from art history, dance studies, and architecture, the book explores similarities and differences in the respective practices, as well as in the theoretical concepts they correspond with.

Le marketing digital également couramment appelé marketing numérique désigne l’ensemble des techniques marketing utilisées sur les supports et canaux digitaux. Le terme est probablement appelé à disparaître dans la mesure ou le marketing... more

Le marketing digital également couramment appelé marketing numérique désigne l’ensemble des techniques marketing utilisées sur les supports et canaux digitaux. Le terme est probablement appelé à disparaître dans la mesure ou le marketing à tendance à devenir « par essence digital ».

Here we show for the first time that the plasticity in morphology and duration of yawning in Macaca tonkeana can be associated with different functional contexts. Macaca tonkeana is classified as a tolerant macaque species characterized... more

Here we show for the first time that the plasticity in morphology and duration of
yawning in Macaca tonkeana can be associated with different functional contexts.
Macaca tonkeana is classified as a tolerant macaque species characterized by social
interactions minimally constrained by dominance rank or kinship. Tonkean macaques,
as other egalitarian species, rely on a complex facial communicative system.
We found that the degree of mouth opening (ranging from covered to uncovered
tooth yawns) and the duration of yawning were not strictly dependent. The shortest
uncovered tooth yawns were associated with an intense locomotor/physical activity
and peaked immediately after stressful social events thus indicating an increase in
arousal. In contrast, longer yawns, independently from teeth exposure, were
primarily associated with a relaxed state of the subject. In conclusion, our study
suggests that to explore the potential different functions of yawning, it is necessary
to focus on the variability of its expression both in terms of morphology and
duration, because not all yawns tell the same story.

E-book reading devices open new possibilities in the field of reading. More activities than just reading a book can be performed with a single electronic device. For a long time, electronic reading devices have not been favored because... more

E-book reading devices open new possibilities in the field of reading. More activities than just reading a book can be performed with a single electronic device. For a long time, electronic reading devices have not been favored because their active LCD displays used to have a relatively low contrast. The new generation of electronic reading devices differs from earlier ones in the nature of the display: active LCD displays have been replaced with displays based on e-ink technology, which has display properties closer to that of printed paper. Moreover, e-ink technology has higher power efficiency, thereby increasing battery life and reducing weight. At first sight, the display looks similar to paper print, but the question remains whether the reading behavior also is equal to that of reading a printed book. In the present study, we analyzed and compared reading behavior on e-reader displays and on printed paper. The results suggest that the reading behavior on e-readers is indeed very similar to the reading behavior on print. Participants shared similar proportions of regressive saccades while reading on e-readers and print. Significant differences in fixation duration suggest that e-readers, in some situations, may even provide better legibility.► Reading behavior measured in eye movements on e-ink displays and print. ► Participants made significantly longer fixations when reading on a printed book. ► Participants made similar proportion of regressive saccades when reading on e-ink displays and print. ► Result shows that the reading behavior on e-ink-displays is very similar to the reading behavior on print. ► Overall the results suggest that the legibility of the current e-reader generation is good.

Raspberry PI Based Home Automation System (RHAS) has been designed for Raspberry PI, having Linux platform to automate an 8 bit GPRS interfaced micro-controller which controls a number of home appliances like lights, fans, bulbs and many... more

Raspberry PI Based Home Automation System (RHAS) has been designed for Raspberry PI, having Linux platform to automate an 8 bit GPRS interfaced micro-controller which controls a number of home appliances like lights, fans, bulbs and many more using on/off relay. This approach presents the automated approach of controlling the devices in a household. The algorithm is developed in Python language, the most famous and efficient technology for wireless communication-GPRS is used here to automate the system.

Meyers plumbs the boundaries between contemporary art and music. In his artistic practice Meyers explores the immaterial and social nature of music and searches at the same time for new formal and visual languages to display it. In his... more

Meyers plumbs the boundaries between contemporary art and music. In his artistic practice Meyers explores the immaterial and social nature of music and searches at the same time for new formal and visual languages to display it. In his work the constant permutation of different levels of time and space creates situations in which a 'series of futures' are produced – thereby modifying the present by opening endless possibilities. This interview with Ari Benjamin Meyers highlights a multifaceted body of work by an artist who works not only with different media but also at the border of the arts. In this conversation, Meyers explains his artistic practice and reflects on his own status in the field of art, or what it means to be a visual artist with musical training and history. Thus one of his principle artistic engagements is how to present and display music.

Modern and Surrealist Exhibition Design, Gallery Design, and Museum Architecture -- Designs by Frederick Kiesler. Chapter Four from the published book -- Elastic Architecture: Frederick Kiesler and Design Research in the First Age of... more

Modern and Surrealist Exhibition Design, Gallery Design, and Museum Architecture -- Designs by Frederick Kiesler. Chapter Four from the published book -- Elastic Architecture: Frederick Kiesler and Design Research in the First Age of Robotic Culture from MIT Press, 2017. https://www.amazon.com/Elastic-Architecture-Frederick-Kiesler-Research/dp/0262035731

Abstract- This paper presents the design of a Digital Clock that displays 24-hours, minutes and seconds. A time-based oscillator containing a 555 timer Integrated Circuit (IC) in an astable mode with a frequency of 1Hz provides the clock... more

Abstract- This paper presents the design of a Digital Clock that displays 24-hours, minutes and seconds. A time-based oscillator containing a 555 timer Integrated Circuit (IC) in an astable mode with a frequency of 1Hz provides the clock pulses for the seconds display. On each of the Dual Seven-Segment (7-Segment) displays for hours, minutes and seconds, Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) counters converts each clock pulse received into a 4 bit 8421 synchronous logic output. Display decoders/drivers connected to each 7-Segment display decodes the 4-bit 8421 logic and converts it to a 7-Segment display codes. The dual-7-Segment displays of each of the hours, minutes and seconds output the figures 0 to 9 according to the set time. The clock is designed to work with the stabilized 9V DC voltage power supply.

The work Prenez soin de vous by Sophie Calle was first presented in 2007 at the 52nd Venice Biennale, as a contribution to the French Pavilion. In the exhibition, which extended through several rooms, not only photographs and texts but... more

The work Prenez soin de vous by Sophie Calle was first presented in 2007 at the 52nd Venice Biennale, as a contribution to the French Pavilion. In the exhibition, which extended through several rooms, not only photographs and texts but also videos were arranged on the walls in a richly varied manner. The entire work consists of a series of interpretations of a farewell letter addressed to Calle. The e-mail is said to be from the artist’s lover at the time Gregoire Bouillé, designated in the work as “G.” for reasons of anonymity and conveys his decision to leave her. The text ends with the words “Prenez soin de vous” (“Take care of yourself”). Calle developed out of this formulaic conclusion something which she calls a règle du jeu, a rule of the game, which serves as the point of departure for the work Prenez soin de vous.

This paper explains the project which includes design and fabrication of a display based on Persistence of vision. The objective of the project is to create virtual display in air. A class of display device described as "POV" is one that... more

This paper explains the project which includes design and fabrication of a display based on Persistence of vision. The objective of the project is to create virtual display in air. A class of display device described as "POV" is one that composes an image by displaying one spatial portion at a time in rapid succession (for example, one column of pixels every few milliseconds). A two-dimensional POV display is often accomplished by means of rapidly moving a single row of LEDs along a linear or circular path. The effect is that the image is perceived as a whole by the viewer as long as the entire path is completed during the visual persistence time of the human eye. A further effect is often to give the illusion of the image floating in mid-air. For building this project, requirement is just a small 40 pin microcontroller, a position encoder, and SMD LEDs.

Pierre Huyghe redefines the boundaries of contemporary art. As a traveler between the heterogenous zones of culture and its history, he is always searching for new formal languages. His work draws the viewer into a world in which fiction... more

Pierre Huyghe redefines the boundaries of contemporary art. As
a traveler between the heterogenous zones of culture and its history, he is always searching for new formal languages. His
work draws the viewer into a world in which fiction and reality
are inseparable.
This interview focuses on his understanding of the
work as a point of origin for an aesthetic experience, which
becomes a subject in its own right. This extensive conversation
with Pierre Huyghe outlines a multifaceted picture of his
thinking and his artistic practice by making reference to both
his early and recent works. In the interview, the artist reports in
detail about his longstanding preoccupation with the format of
the exhibition – a journey that led to his investigation of living
organisms, most recently in a garden that he realized under the
title Untilled (2011-2012) at dOCUMENTA (13).

COVID-19 sürecinde beklenmedik biçimde evde geçirilen süreyle, evlerimize yüklediğimiz anlam ve işlevler çoğaldı ve katlandı. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi İç Mimarlık Bölüm Başkanı olmanın yanı sıra “mekân”ı fiziksel çevrenin yanında... more

COVID-19 sürecinde beklenmedik biçimde evde geçirilen süreyle, evlerimize yüklediğimiz anlam ve işlevler çoğaldı ve katlandı. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi İç Mimarlık Bölüm Başkanı olmanın yanı sıra “mekân”ı fiziksel çevrenin yanında sosyal, politik ve ekonomik etkenlerle üretilen karmaşık bir sistem olarak görüp bu meseleyle ilgili çalışmalar yürüten bir sanatçı olan Can Altay’a sorduk: Evi ve içindeki çözümleri yeniden düşünmenin yolları ne olabilir?

The Renaissance Gaze Shift in portraiture and socio-economics of 15th century Europe, shifted aesthetics from profile to direct gaze and wealth from the nobility to the merchant class. Yet, its true revolutionary, democratizing effect was... more

The Renaissance Gaze Shift in portraiture and socio-economics of 15th century Europe, shifted aesthetics from profile to direct gaze and wealth from the nobility to the merchant class. Yet, its true revolutionary, democratizing effect was the celebration of a new portrait subject: the “common” individual. This paper demonstrates the evolution in portraiture from Florentine profile portrait (adopted from the revered Greco-Roman profile) to Flemish ¾ averted gaze portrait trend and ultimately head-on stare. Embodying the humanistic concept of “self-fashioning” as put forth in Baldassare Castiglione’s Il Cortigiano, this dynamic hallmark effect is anachronistically shared with today’s digital self-portraits. Pisanello’s profile medallions, Leonardo da Vinci’s Portrait of Ginevra de’ Benci and contemporary digital media imagery illustrate the aesthetic and social shift, arriving at the “selfie” as rooted in the Renaissance Gaze, the visual ancestor which asserted modernity, identity, newfound wealth and power, while directly confronting artist/viewer/self and presciently forecasting the future.