ECM Research Papers - (original) (raw)
This study examines the impact of mortgage credit on economic growth in Nigeria. The data used were collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin for a period of 24years from 1992-2015. Mortgage credit was proxy by... more
This study examines the impact of mortgage credit on economic growth in Nigeria. The data used were collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin for a period of 24years from 1992-2015. Mortgage credit was proxy by mortgage loans advance by a Primary mortgage institutions (PMIs) as well as other macroeconomic variables which include broad money supply (M2) and Inflation rate (infr) while economic growth was proxy by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Unit root test was carried out using Augmented Dickey Fuller and Phillips Perron test and the findings showed that all variables were stationary at first difference. The error correction mechanism result showed that there exist a long run relationship among the variables therefore, we recommend that mortgage credit should be made available to the public and the CBN should ensure that inflation rate are kept as low as possible, because high inflation rate impedes the impact of credit on economic growth.
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- Economic Growth, Interest Rates, ECM, Mortgages
ABSTRACT This thesis studies about the relationship of trade balance and real exchange rate in the agriculture sector between Lao PDR and China People Republic by the analysis of 2 methods there are descriptive analysis and... more
This thesis studies about the relationship of trade balance and real exchange rate in the agriculture sector between Lao PDR and China People Republic by the analysis of 2 methods there are descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis and using secondary data of the time series analysis for the year 1992 to year 2018. The descriptive analysis studies overall of the Agriculture trade of two nations by the compairision the increasing or the reducing by the time line graphique .And for the quantitative analysis studies the cointergration of all valiable of trade balance and real exchange rate by the method of Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and Granger causality test by the method of Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).
The result of descriptive analysis by the overall found that China is second of trade partner of Laos (for all product). but China PR. to be the top of the import the agriculture product from Lao PDR. The result of quantitative analysis by the method cointergration of all variable by Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and Causality test by the method of Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The cointergration of Trade balance and Real exchange rate is in the direction non opposite and allowed by the first hypothesis (in the short run Relationship and the long run Relationship). If real exchange rate of LAK to CNY increase and the trade balance is surplus increase and statistic significant. At last of the result is Granger causality test found that Trade balance is Granger caused all dependence valiables by the statistic significant (uni-direction).
Key Words: Trade Balance, Real Exchange Rate, ARDL Method, ECM, VECM.
- by Yasemin Topuz
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A propos de l’édition en CD sur le label ECM de Nouvelle vague et des Histoire(s) du cinéma. Le son, dans son rapport à la faillite des Grands Récits dans l’horreur des camps, est encore plus innocent, plus virginal, dans l’optique de... more
A propos de l’édition en CD sur le label ECM de Nouvelle vague et des Histoire(s) du cinéma. Le son, dans son rapport à la faillite des Grands Récits dans l’horreur des camps, est encore plus innocent, plus virginal, dans l’optique de Godard, que l’image-cinéma (qui a failli à la tâche d’empêcher cette horreur et même à celle de l’enregistrer) - d’où la prime de séduction qu’il y a à consommer les films sur CD, séparés d’une image entachée de soupçon. Même lorsqu’il s’affiche comme trace analogique, l’enregistrement sonore ne semble chez Godard ne renvoyer qu’aux imperfections de la machine, pas au “prélèvement” effectué sur le réel - dès lors, tout enregistrement ECM, qui se donne d’emblée comme objet phonographique construit, ne peut que s’intégrer dans cette logique apparente.
Remitansi menjadi fenomena keuangan baru di dunia dan konsisten menduduki peringkat kedua setelah Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) sebagai sumber dana asing di negara-negara berkembang. Sejauh ini, pengaruh remitansi terhadap pertumbuhan... more
Remitansi menjadi fenomena keuangan baru di dunia dan konsisten menduduki peringkat kedua setelah Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) sebagai sumber dana asing di negara-negara berkembang. Sejauh ini, pengaruh remitansi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi masih menjadi perdebatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh remitansi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh variabel kontrol yang terdiri dari Physical capital, human capital, pengeluaran pemerintah, financial development, FDI, ekspor. Dalam penelitian ini pertumbuhan ekonomi diukur menggunakan Produk Domestik bruto (PDB) per tenaga kerja. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengkoreksi perubahan jumlah tenaga kerja.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode ekonometrika. Penelitian ini menggunakan data tahunan 1983-2016 yang diperoleh dari World Bank, Unesco, Bank Indonesia dan Badan Pusat Statistik. Estimasi menggunakan analisis data time series dengan Error Correction Model (ECM) Domowitz-Elbadawi.
Hasil studi empiris menunjukkan bahwa remitansi berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi hanya dalam jangka panjang. Physical capital, pengeluaran pemerintah dan FDI berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek. Human capital berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi hanya dalam jangka pendek. Financial development berpengaruh negatif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. Ekspor tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pemerintah diharapkan meningkatkan kualitas Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) dan memberikan sosialisasi pemanfaatan remitansi kepada para TKI.
Guncangan perekonomian yang dialami oleh suatu negara akan menjadi permasalahan ekonomi yang memberikan dampak buruk apabila tidak dilakukan kebijakan stabilisasi yang tepat. Asumsi-asumsi makro akan mengalami perubahan seiring terjadinya... more
Guncangan perekonomian yang dialami oleh suatu negara akan menjadi permasalahan ekonomi yang memberikan dampak buruk apabila tidak dilakukan kebijakan stabilisasi yang tepat. Asumsi-asumsi makro akan mengalami perubahan seiring terjadinya guncangan perekonomian tersebut. Akibatnya, pola perekonomian bisa saja mengalami perubahan. Salah satu asumsi makro adalah tingkat inflasi. Inflasi terikat erat dengan tingkat suku bunga, produktivitas ekonomi, nilai tukar rupiah dengan mata uang asing, serta parameter ekonomi makro lainnya. Maka dari itu, inflasi sering menjadi permasalahan ekonomi yang cukup kompleks (masalah makro) di suatu negara, termasuk Indonesia. Bank Sentral (Bank Indonesia) selaku otoritas moneter sangat memiliki peran dalam mengendalikan tingkat inflasi serta memelihara kestabilan nilai rupiah. Analisis kali ini akan melihat pengaruh jangka pendek dan jangka panjang variabel jumlah penduduk miskin, persentase penduduk miskin, dan PDB terhadap inflasi dengan menggunakan metode ECM (Error Correction Mechanism). Data yang digunakan adalah data mulai tahun 2005-2019. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, terdapat pengaruh jangka pendek yang signifikan dari ketiga variabel tersebut terhadap inflasi. Namun dalam jangka panjang, secara simultan ketiga variabel tersebut tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap inflasi.
This study explored modelling and forecasting of wholesale mustard monthly prices in Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model (ARIMA), Autoregressive Fractionally Integrated Moving- Average... more
This study explored modelling and forecasting of wholesale mustard monthly prices in Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan
using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model (ARIMA), Autoregressive Fractionally Integrated Moving-
Average Model (ARFIMA) and Error Correction Model (ECM). Based on minimum AIC and BIC values, ARFIMA (1/2,
0.309, 1) was selected as the best fit model for forecasting of mustard prices whereas ARIMA (1, 1, 1) was selected for
ARIMA modelling. The result shows the mean absolute percentage error of ARIMA (1, 1, 1) , ARFIMA ( 2, 0.449,1) and
ECM based on predictions from January 2005 to June 2015 are 4.45 percent, 4.90 percent and 8.11 percent respectively.
Whereas the mean absolute percentage error of ARIMA (1, 1, 1), ARFIMA ( 2, 0.449,1) and ECM based on predictions
from January 20015 to June 2015 are 6.60 percent, 6.79 percent and 7.35 percent respectively The result therefore shows
that among the three models of univariate ARIMA and ARFIMA and multivariate ECM, the best model fit for forecasting of
wholesale mustard prices in Sri Ganganagar District of Rajasthan is ARIMA model
- by Melkamu Mada
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- Forecasting, Mustard, Rajasthan, ARIMA
PLARIS, a software environment connected to a streaming server, allows classifying all multimedia resources stored in the server. This allows searching into the media-pool with a controlled set of keywords. The system exploits generated... more
PLARIS, a software environment connected to a streaming server, allows classifying all multimedia resources stored in the server. This allows searching into the media-pool with a controlled set of keywords. The system exploits generated data to automatically propose multimedia resources considered most relevant for the user and to obtain general learning paths. Focusing on biomedical resources, inside PLARIS we also implemented a section composed of some questions for each available resource, in order to offer the user the chance to test his/her comprehension of the related biomedical subject.
Social computing researchers are devoting efforts to understand the complex social behaviour of people using social networking sites (SNS), such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, so as to inform the design of human-centered and socially... more
Social computing researchers are devoting efforts to understand the complex social behaviour of people using social networking sites (SNS), such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, so as to inform the design of human-centered and socially aware systems. In light of this, this paper investigates the socio-psychological factors imparting on people to use online social network for business transaction. Predicting such intentions through a schematic model promises to be intriguing, yet it is rear in current researches. This study dares to capture behavioural intentions regarding the described phenomenon above. In order to validate the predictive capability of the models, an online survey was used to collect 300 useable responses from people who have used LinkedIn and Twitter social networking platforms for business transactions at least once, and analysed with the WarpPLS 4.0 bootstrapping technique. This result confirms the theoretical argument that the strength of user satisfaction to predict continuance intention is strengthened by trust. This results generally have practical implications for individuals who desire to offer commercial services on online social networking platforms.
Il Centro E-learning di Ateneo dell'Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (CEA), ora Centro Interateneo Edunova, in qualità di Provider per il riconoscimento dei crediti ECM-Educazione Continua in Medicina, fornisce il supporto... more
Il Centro E-learning di Ateneo dell'Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (CEA), ora Centro Interateneo Edunova, in qualità di Provider per il riconoscimento dei crediti ECM-Educazione Continua in Medicina, fornisce il supporto tecnico e organizzativo per l'erogazione di questo tipo di eventi formativi, obbligatori per i professionisti della sanità. Le attività, erogate anche in modalità e-learning, vengono predisposte a seguito di uno studio mirato con conseguente pianificazione del percorso formativo, volta alla creazione di materiale informatico appositamente pensato per garantire la massima efficacia in termini di ampliamento e aggiornamento delle competenze dei professionisti che rispetti i criteri di valutazione imposti da Agenas-Agenzia nazionale per i servizi sanitari regionali. In questo articolo verranno brevemente presentati i corsi in ambito sanitario erogati in modalità FAD (Frequenza A Distanza) sulla piattaforma Moodle ad essi dedicata.
Ekonometrika tidak selalu membahas tentang model regresi. Akan tetapi model regresi merupakan pondasi dasar bagi mahasiswa untuk memahami pengembangan dari model regresi, artinya apabila mahasiswa menguasai dengan baik dasarnya maka akan... more
Ekonometrika tidak selalu membahas tentang model regresi. Akan tetapi model regresi merupakan pondasi dasar bagi mahasiswa untuk memahami pengembangan dari model regresi, artinya apabila mahasiswa menguasai dengan baik dasarnya maka akan mudah untuk memahami konsep pengembangan dari regresi. Ibarat sebuah "rumah" bila pondasi dasarnya tidak kuat atau asal jadi maka untuk membangun ke lantai dua maka tidak akan bisa (alias hancur). Dan ini yang terjadi pada kebanyakan mahasiswa, tidak menguasai konsep dasar dengan baik, tetapi malah melakukan perhitungan ke tingkat lebih lanjut (advanced). Di dalam suatu penelitian terdapat tiga jenis data yang dapat dipergunakan yaitu : 1. Data Time series (Runtut Waktu) merupakan kumpulan satu jenis data akan tetapi dikumpulkan dalam berbeda waktu, bisa dalam waktu harian, bulanan, dan tahunan. 2. Data Cross section (Antar tempat atau ruang) merupakan kumpulan data yang berbeda jenisnya akan tetapi dikumpulkan dalam satu waktu atau bersamaan. Contohnya : Sensus penduduk, Survei kepuasan konsumen. 3. Data Panel (Pool-data) merupakan gabungan dari data time series dan data cross section. Akhir-akhir ini ahli ekonometrika telah memfokuskan pada pengembangan khusus "Ekonometrika Time Series". Data time series seringkali tidak stasioner sehingga menghasilkan hasil regresi yang meragukan atau disebut regresi lancung (spurious regression) [1]. Apa itu regresi lancung ? regresi lancung merupakan kondisi di mana hasil regresi diperoleh nilai koefisien atau slope regresi yang signifikan dan nilai koefisien determinasi (R 2) yang tinggi akan tetapi hubungan antara variabel di dalam model tidak saling berhubungan, artinya secara perhitungan untuk nilai slope terdapat "trend" yang dapat dijelaskan secara naik atau turun dari notasi variabel dan hubungan variabel tersebut dapat dijelaskan secara teori, akan tetapi hasil "trend" ini tidak dapat dijelaskan secara teori. Kuncinya ada pada R 2 yang tinggi dan variabel yang signifikan serta tanda notasi variabel yang diteliti. Ada kemungkinan hasil regresi tersebut merupakan data time series yang tidak stasioner, sehingga perlu menggunakan perhitungan satu diantaranya adalah menggunakan model koreksi kesalahan (Error Correction Model). Sebagai contoh pada tabel berikut ini untuk data Impor, konsumsi serta investasi dari tahun 1990 sampai dengan tahun 2009.
This paper aims to empirically examine the drivers of the bilateral balance of the trade model for the Georgian-Chinese economy from 2000 to 2020 and the influence of the Georgia-China free trade agreement on the Georgian-Chinese balance... more
This paper aims to empirically examine the drivers of the bilateral balance of the trade model for the Georgian-Chinese economy from 2000 to 2020 and the influence of the Georgia-China free trade agreement on the Georgian-Chinese balance of trade. The Error Correction Model (ECM) of the ARDL was used to see if the balance of trade and its predictors have a long-term relationship. One of the ARDL's defining properties is that it may be utilized in circumstances when there is minimal data, regardless of the level of variable integration. According to the findings, a perceived effective exchange rate has a statistically significant positive impact on the balance of trade in the long run and a statistically significant negative impact on the balance of trade in the short run. The output is shaped to favor the presence of the elasticity attitude's J-Curve impact. The study also found that the comparative supply of money (MS) and GDP have only a minor impact on the trade balance in the medium and long run. The sponging and monetary methods are ineffective in characterizing the bilateral trade deficit between Georgia and China.
This paper proposes a reanalysis of exceptional case-marking in English. The new analysis is based on languages in which accusative case is assigned to the subject of a subordinate object clause when it undergoes long-distance extraction... more
This paper proposes a reanalysis of exceptional case-marking in English. The new analysis is based on languages in which accusative case is assigned to the subject of a subordinate object clause when it undergoes long-distance extraction into the matrix clause, and languages in which object agreement is expressed overtly and in which, under specific circumstances, the verb of the superordinate clause enters into object agreement with an argument (subject or object) of the subordinate clause. Exceptional case-marking refers to the subject of the subordinate clause being accusative case-marked by the verb of the superordinate clause, while at the same time receiving its theta-role from the verb of the subordinate clause. In English, it is assumed that exceptional case-marking takes place because of the impossibility of a non-finite T-head in the subordinate clause to check the case feature of its subject, resulting in it having its case-feature valued by the verb of the superordinate clause. While there has been a number of analyses of ECM in English, questions such as the structure of the subordinate clause, the position of its subject, the valency and selectional properties of the verb in the superordinate clause, the mechanism of accusative case-assignment and the motivation behind the cross-clausal assignment of accusative case, the degree of the lexical determinedness of the process, as well as the generalizability of the underlying syntactic mechanism still remain open. A cross-linguistic approach to the analysis of exceptional case-marking raises the question of whether exceptional case-marking should be limited to contexts where there is a non-finite verb in the subordinate clause. In languages such as Hungarian, accusative case-assignment to the subject of a subordinate clause by the verb of the superordinate clause has been noted in contexts in which there is a finite verb in the subordinate clause during long-distance subject extraction. This paper analyzes the assignment of accusative case by the verb of a superordinate clause to the subjects of both non-finite and finite subordinate clauses as a single syntactic phenomenon that does not assume the "exceptionality" of accusative case-assignment. Accusative case on the subject of the subordinate clause is explained through the existing mechanisms of agreement and feature checking/valuation, and a cross-linguistic analysis that assumes a difference in the structural representation of subordinate clauses with non-finite versus finite verbs is presented.
- by Aniko Kovač
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- Syntax, Agreement, Generative Syntax, ECM
•Ospitalità a Farmacisti, Operatori Sanitari non prescrittori, Specializzandi, Infermieri •Medical Corner: cosa è possibile e/o opportuno esporre? •Come gestire i dati provenienti da Ricerche di Mercato e PSP? •La partecipazione delle... more
•Ospitalità a Farmacisti, Operatori Sanitari non prescrittori, Specializzandi, Infermieri
•Medical Corner: cosa è possibile e/o opportuno esporre?
•Come gestire i dati provenienti da Ricerche di Mercato e PSP?
•La partecipazione delle Associazioni Pazienti al tavolo dei relatori: status quo
In this study, we synthesize the primary and the most consistent findings emerging from this body of comprehensive research within the context of Early Child Marriage (ECM) in Iran. Iran is characterized to a large extent by child... more
In this study, we synthesize the primary and the most consistent
findings emerging from this body of comprehensive research within the context of Early
Child Marriage (ECM) in Iran. Iran is characterized to a large extent by child marriages.
The analysis of ‘get’-passives across Germanic poses a number of challenges to our understanding of valency alternations: they exhibit surprising case alternations and recalcitrant thematic properties (Alexiadou 2012, Alexiadou,... more
The analysis of ‘get’-passives across Germanic poses a number of challenges to our understanding of valency alternations: they exhibit surprising case alternations and recalcitrant thematic properties (Alexiadou 2012, Alexiadou, Anagnostopoulou & Sevdali to appear). In this article, we present novel data on ‘get’-passives in Icelandic; while Icelandic has played an important role in our understanding of case marking and valency alternations, ‘get’-passives have not, to our knowledge, been studied in this language before. By situating ‘get’-passives within the landscape of well-established case patterns of Icelandic, we are able to argue in favor of the following conclusions: (i) Icelandic ‘get’-passives involve unambiguously verbal passives; (ii) the surface subject of recipient ‘get’-passives (‘I got a letter sent to me’) does not originate as the dative indirect object of the passive participle, but rather originates as an (external) argument of ‘get’; and (iii) at least some intransitive ‘get’-passives (‘This got changed’) involve anticausativization of the corresponding causative ‘get’-passive (‘I got this changed’), as proposed for English by Haegeman (1985).
- by Einar Freyr Sigurðsson and +1
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- Syntax, Minimalist Syntax, On the New Passive, Case Marking
condition monitoring plays an important role in the functioning of heavy rotating systems. The working of these systems need to be monitored continuously and the reading are to taken into account. This mechanism became easy with the... more
condition monitoring plays an important role in the functioning of heavy rotating systems. The working of these systems need to be monitored continuously and the reading are to taken into account. This mechanism became easy with the generation of the microprocessors. The readings can be acquired and stored them into the servers. With the advent of increasing internet facility’s the data acquiring, controlling and sharing has became an easy task through various protocols. Using this techniques the systems readings are noticed by the operator, even though he is not concerning machine.
- by IJRES Journal
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The organization of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a reflection of the role and function of organs in our bodies. The interaction of cells with the extracellular matrix determines their polarity, their shape, form and is providing cues... more
The organization of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a reflection of the role and function of organs in our bodies. The interaction of cells with the extracellular matrix determines their polarity, their shape, form and is providing cues for survival and proliferation. The brain, in comparison with other organs, shows an extremely complex architecture, in which neurons, glial cells and blood vessels are interacting to create and maintain a dynamic network, in which beneficial synaptic connections needs to be actively maintained and other remodeled in response to changes in signaling input. Similar to other organ systems, cell-cell interactions based on direct contacts via cadherins and signaling receptors, as well as cell-matrix interactions with the ECM scaffold are controlling the organisation of glial cells and neurons, as well as the projections of neurites and location of synapses. All these structures are embedded within an ECM scaffold formed by fiber or network forming proteins and membrane-anchored or secreted glycosaminoglycans.
Despite recent advances in the ECM field, the importance of neural ECM for physiological and pathological processes is less widely recognized than that of other CNS elements. To overcome this, a European consorcium „Brain Extracellular Matrix in Health and Disease (ECMNet)“ was established in 2010 with a support of intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Now, ECMNet combines more than 200 young and established researchers from 20 European countries ( Each book chapter of this volume is prepared involving ECMNet members and other leading experts from USA and Japan. The chapters cover the broad range of topics, grouped into 4 Parts, which are devoted to normal physiological functions of neural ECM, its role in brain diseases, development of methods to image the ECM and therapeutically target it, and to generation of artificial ECM.
Alfresco, an open source ECM (Enterprise Content Management) system, is highly developed for business critical document management. It has various content management support with a great variety of features and flexibility. It is one of... more
Alfresco, an open source ECM (Enterprise Content Management) system, is highly developed for business critical document management. It has various content management support with a great variety of features and flexibility. It is one of the most used content management system in the world. There can be number of possible ways to migrate the content from one ECM system to Alfresco. A standout amongst the most proficient and practical technique is talked about here. As indicated by Alfresco, its Migration Services Tool has been designed to deal with the exchange of all content, security and basic metadata (authorizations, clients, and so forth) from the proprietary system to the Alfresco ECM.
In tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, the conditions in the immediate vicinity of the cells have a direct effect on cells’ behaviour and subsequently on clinical outcomes. Physical, chemical, and biological control of cell... more
In tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, the conditions in the immediate vicinity of the cells have a direct effect on cells’ behaviour and subsequently on clinical outcomes. Physical, chemical, and biological control of cell microenvironment are of crucial importance for the ability to direct and control cell behaviour in 3-dimensional tissue engineering scaffolds spatially and temporally. In this review, we will focus on the different aspects of cell microenvironment such as surface micro-, nanotopography, extracellular matrix composition and distribution, controlled release of soluble factors, and mechanical stress/strain conditions and how these aspects and their interactions can be used to achieve a higher degree of control over cellular activities. The effect of these parameters on the cellular behaviour within tissue engineering context is discussed and how these parameters are used to develop engineered tissues is elaborated. Also, recent techniques developed for the...
For techniques used to estimate battery state of charge (SOC) based on equivalent electric circuit models (ECMs), the battery equivalent model parameters are affected by factors such as SOC, temperature, battery aging, leading to SOC... more
For techniques used to estimate battery state of charge (SOC) based on equivalent electric circuit models (ECMs), the battery equivalent model parameters are affected by factors such as SOC, temperature, battery aging, leading to SOC estimation error. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately identify these parameters. Updating battery model parameters constantly also known as online parameter identification can effectively solve this issue. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy based on the sunflower optimization algorithm (SFO) to identify battery model parameters and predict the output voltage in real-time. The identification accuracy has been confirmed using empirical data obtained from CALCE battery group (the center for advanced life cycle engineering) performed on the Samsung (INR 18650 20R) battery cell under one electric vehicle (EV) cycle protocol named dynamic stress test. Comparative analysis of SFO and AFRRLS (adaptive forgetting factor of recursive least squares) is carried out to prove the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Results show that the calibrated model using SFO has superiority compared with AFFRLS algorithm to simulate the dynamic voltage behavior of a lithium-ion battery in EV application.
- by beei iaes and +1
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- Lithium-Ion Battery, Electric Vehicle, ECM, Dst
Con alegría y profunda gratitud presentamos esta primera entrega de la Editio Critica Maior del Nuevo Testamento para su publicación. En tamaño, es solo el comienzo modesto de una empresa extensa, pero le da al lector una indicación del... more
Con alegría y profunda gratitud presentamos esta primera entrega de la Editio Critica Maior del Nuevo Testamento para su publicación. En tamaño, es solo el comienzo modesto de una empresa extensa, pero le da al lector una indicación del propósito y el carácter de la edición en su conjunto. El extenso rango de la evidencia presentó testigos del grado de integridad característico de la tradición textual del Nuevo Testamento. Proporciona una herramienta para revisar los resultados de los estudios textuales hasta la fecha, y para una mejor apreciación de los criterios externos para la crítica textual, especialmente del valor textual de manuscritos individuales. Esto debería estimular una mayor investigación sobre el texto original de los escritos del Nuevo Testamento y los métodos de crítica textual
Capturing cell-secreted extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins through cooperative binding with high specificity and affinity is an important function of native tissue matrices during both tissue homeostasis and repair. However, while... more
Capturing cell-secreted extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins through cooperative binding with high specificity and affinity is an important function of native tissue matrices during both tissue homeostasis and repair. However, while synthetic hydrogels, such as those based on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), are often proposed as ideal materials to deliver human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) to sites of injury to enable tissue repair, they do not have this capabilitya capability that would enable cells to actively remodel their local extracellular microenvironment and potentially provide the required feedback control for more effective tissue genesis. In this work, we detail a methodology that engenders poly-(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based two-dimensional substrates and three-dimensional porous hydrogels with the ability to capture desired extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins with high specificity. This " encoded " ECM protein capture is achieved by decorating the PEG-based materials with protein binding peptides (PBPs) synthesized to be specific in their binding of fibronectin, laminin, and collagen I, which are not only the most omnipresent ECM proteins in human tissues but, as we confirmed, are also secreted to differing extents by hMSCs under in vitro maintenance conditions. By encapsulating hMSCs into these PBP-functionalized hydrogels, and culturing them in protein-free maintenance media, we demonstrate that these PBPs not only actively recruit targeted ECM proteins as they are secreted from hMSCs but also retain them to much higher levels compared to nonfunctionalized gels. This novel approach thus enables the fabrication of encoded surfaces and hydrogels that capture cell-secreted proteins, with high specificity and affinity, in a programmable manner, ready for applications in many bioengineering applications, including bioactive surface coatings, bioassays, stem cell culture, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.
Tekst był publikowany w: "Opcje" 2021, nr 3, s. 108-110.
The first authoritative study into female genital mutilation in Iran has found the practice is being carried out in at least four major provinces while officials are silent on the matter. ... Ahmady’s research shows that FGM is mainly an... more
The first authoritative study into female genital mutilation in Iran has found the practice is being carried out in at least four major provinces while officials are silent on the matter. ... Ahmady’s research shows that FGM is mainly an issue concerning the Shafi’i sect of Sunni
Purpose-To examine the impact of tourism on economic growth in Thailand. Research method-This study was conducted using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach, performed between 1995 and 2018. Result-The... more
Purpose-To examine the impact of tourism on economic growth in Thailand. Research method-This study was conducted using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach, performed between 1995 and 2018. Result-The analysis finds out that there is a long-run cointegration in the data. The ECM approach is applied, and the results conclude that the long-run cointegration exists. However, the model depicts that there is not any significant positive relation between FDI and economic growth. The study results showed that the positive impact of tourism in the short term is extremely low, relative to that of the long term. The study results indicate that tourism's optimistic short-term effect is slightly smaller than in the long-term. This can be because certain government restrictions and other exogenous factors hinder the arrival of visitors in Thailand in the short term. Therefore, the government needs to resolve these constraints concerning trade, transportation, taxes, allocation of capital, and environmental risks to attract further tourism visitors and thus improve Thailand's economic growth.
- by Rahmatullah Pashtoon and +1
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- Economic Growth, Tourism, Thai Tourism, Exchange Rates
This paper reviews the achievement of benefits through Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems in public sector organisations. From the literature there are few benefits which deal with ECM benefits in organisations, especially in... more
This paper reviews the achievement of benefits through Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems in public sector organisations. From the literature there are few benefits which deal with ECM benefits in organisations, especially in public sector. The main benefits have been anecdotal and not linked to a theoretical basis. In this paper a framework to classify these benefits is proposed and benefits identified in the literature are discussed and classified. The paper also proposes a more substantial framework through a comparison with benefits from enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) and Knowledge Management systems (KMs) which are applicable to the ECM environment. From a practical perspective this research will be of value to public sector organisations as these organisations are making substantial investments in the implementation of ECM systems often without achieving the expected benefits. Thus, this study will enhance the understanding of achievements of benefits thr...
This study examines the impact of foreign direct investment on the domestic investment, trade, education, labor forces, and energy consumption in Bangladesh using annual time series data. It employs multivariate ordinary least square... more
This study examines the impact of foreign direct investment on the domestic investment, trade, education, labor forces, and energy consumption in Bangladesh using annual time series data. It employs multivariate ordinary least square regression to find out the link between the variables. Multivariate OLS regression results show that FDI has a positive effect on the domestic investment, education, labor forces, and energy consumption in the country. It means that FDI assists the local investment, encourage education level, and energy consumption in promoting the economy. To explore the long-run relationship and cointegration between FDI and domestic investment, trade, and labor forces, the study uses Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound testing approach and Error Correction Model (ECM). Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test is used to check the stationar-ity of the variables. The ARDL model finds the long-run relation between FDI and domestic investment , trade, and labor forces in Bangladesh. So, the ARDL framework asserts that the variables move together in the long-run.
- by Albana Ndreu Halili and +1
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- Technology, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells
Cell intrinsic motility and morphology are highly affected by its surrounding environmental conditions. Extracellular proteins have been thoroughly studied along with their effects on Rho GTPases, which been closely linked with cellular... more
Cell intrinsic motility and morphology are highly affected by its surrounding environmental conditions. Extracellular proteins have been thoroughly studied along with their effects on Rho GTPases, which been closely linked with cellular movement. Therefore, we investigated the contributing effects two ECM proteins, fibronectin and collagen, have on NIH-3T3 fibroblast motility. In this study, cell motility is characterized through a novel biophysical assay that uses the correlations of the cellular and nuclear centroid minutely displacements to precisely explain the subcellular activity of 3T3 fibroblasts on ECM and also quantify their migration capacity. The results suggest that a fibronectin-rich environment positively affects effective cell displacement and migration potential, compared to a collagen substrate which induced stagnant behavior associated with loss of cell polarity and increased cell sampling, or membrane ruffling. The student t-test was applied to indicate the statistical difference (p < 0.001). This provides us with an insight of the ECM effects on subcellular activity and on the cell-ECM interaction in general. Knowledge gained from these experiments could prove useful in cancer prognosis, diagnosis, or treatment.
In tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, the conditions in the immediate vicinity of the cells have a direct effect on cells’ behaviour and subsequently on clinical outcomes. Physical, chemical, and biological control of cell... more
In tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, the conditions in the immediate vicinity of the cells have a direct effect on cells’ behaviour and subsequently on clinical outcomes. Physical, chemical, and biological control of cell microenvironment are of crucial importance for the ability to direct and control cell behaviour in 3-dimensional tissue engineering scaffolds spatially and temporally. In this review, we will focus on the different aspects of cell microenvironment such as surface micro-, nanotopography, extracellular matrix composition and distribution, controlled release of soluble factors, and mechanical stress/strain conditions and how these aspects and their interactions can be used to achieve a higher degree of control over cellular activities. The effect of these parameters on the cellular behaviour within tissue engineering context is discussed and how these parameters are used to develop engineered tissues is elaborated. Also, recent techniques developed for the...
The estimation of ultrasonic motor characteristics as a function of input parameters, such as the voltage amplitude and driving frequency and as a function of operating conditions, such as load torque and temperature is so important for... more
The estimation of ultrasonic motor characteristics as a function of input parameters, such as the voltage amplitude and driving frequency and as a function of operating conditions, such as load torque and temperature is so important for control of ultrasonic motors. This paper deals with an equivalent circuit model of travelling-wave ultrasonic motor and its application to the estimation of motor characteristics. The performance of ultrasonic motor under different speed and load conditions has been obtained in a systematic approach from proposed method in this study. I.
- by Erdal Bekiroğlu
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- Key words, ECM, Piezoelectric
Muy de tarde en tarde se documenta un fenómeno insólito, como lo es la vuelta a la vida en buen estado de personas que han muerto o que han estado clínicamente muertas. El fenómeno es insólito, y más aún lo es que esté perfectamente... more
Muy de tarde en tarde se documenta un fenómeno insólito, como lo es la vuelta a la vida en buen estado de personas que han muerto o que han estado clínicamente muertas. El fenómeno es insólito, y más aún lo es que esté perfectamente documentado por suceder en un hospital. El caso más célebre es el de Alexander Ebent. Pero hay más ejemplos de "efectos Lázaro", por usar el nombre bíblico, sin que sepamos a cuento de qué suceden estos milagros. Son la excepción a la regla. La regla es universal, tanto que no se le ve el sentido, y son sus escasas excepciones las que nos permiten reflexionar sobre él. Siendo la excepción muy rara no hay trampa en la regla. Para quien le sucede es un regalo, y ya se sabe que a los regalos no hay que buscarles el motivo. Lo dicho le sucedió, por muerte por hipotermia, a Audrey Mash en el Pirineu el 3 de noviembre del 2019. La hipotermina es el enfriamiento del cuerpo cuando este no puede mantener una temperatura adecuada, que si es severa implica parada del corazón y del pulmón, y rápido lleva a la muerte. Las neuronas no pueden sobrevevir varios minutos sin oxigenación y comienzan a morir, empezando por las del córtex; de modo que si se sobrevive la afectación cerebral es muy grave, dejando incapacitada a la persona. Esto es lo usual. Dejemos la palabra a un médico, a Enric Subirats, catedrático de Medicina de Montaña en la Universitat de Girona. Josep Corbella resumió en La Vanguardia (5 diciembre) sus palabras: Hablamos de hipotermia cuando la temperatura corporal central se sitúa por debajo de 35 grados, porque a partir de ahí las funciones musculares y cerebrales no funcionan adecuadamente. Entre 35 y 36,5 grados, se puede tener una sensación de frío intenso y se puede empezar a temblar, pero aún no se trata de una situación alarmante. El primer síntoma obvio de hipotermia es un temblor intenso que no se puede detener voluntariamente. Se trata de una reacción del cuerpo para contrarrestar el enfriamiento, ya que el temblor puede multiplicar hasta por cinco la producción de calor por parte de los músculos. Otros síntomas de la hipotermia de grado 1, cuando la temperatura corporal central se sitúa entre 32 y 35 grados, se deben a que empeora la coordinación muscular: a la persona le cuesta caminar en línea recta, tropieza con frecuencia, se mueve con lentitud o no poder subirse la cremallera del abrigo. Las funciones cognitivas también se ven afectadas y pueden observarse dificultad para hablar, confusión y letargia.
Produk Domestik Bruto adalah salah satu indikator keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi. Sebagai Negara sedang berkembang (NSB), meningkatnya PDB Indonesia sangat bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk... more
Produk Domestik Bruto adalah salah satu indikator keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi. Sebagai Negara sedang berkembang (NSB), meningkatnya PDB Indonesia sangat bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh utang luar negeri, akummulasi modal, dan konsumsi rumah tangga terhadap produk domestik bruto Indonesia. Dalam Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang menggunakan data sekunder Indonesia dari tahun 1985-2014. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data time series dengan model OLS (Ordinary Least Square) dan model ECM (Error Correction Model). Analisis data menggunakan tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen dalam jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Variabel utang luar negeri berpengaruh positif terhadap PDB sebesar 0,14% dalam jangka panjang dan sebesar 0,02% dalam jangka pendek. (2) Variabel akumulasi modal berpengaruh positif terhadap PDB sebesar 0,35 % dalam jangka panjang dan sebesar 0,22 % dalam jangka pendek. (3) Variabel konsumsi Rumah Tangga berpengaruh positif terhadap PDB sebesar 0,18 % dalam jangka panjang dan sebesar 0,09 % dalam jangka pendek. (4) Variabel ECT sebesar-0.221440 dapat dikatakan bahwa proporsi biaya ketidakseimbangan dan pergerakan PDB pada periode sebelumnya yang disesuaikan dengan periode sekarang adalah sebesar 0,22 %. (5) Variabel utang luar negeri, akumulasi modal, dan konsumsi RT secara simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap PDB baik dalam jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek. Kata kunci: Produk Domestik Bruto, Utang Luar Negeri, Akumulasi Modal, Konsumsi Rumah Tangga , Model Koreksi Kesalahan ABSTRACT The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the indicators of the success of economic development. As a developing country (NSB),increasing of Indonesian's GDP very beneficial to the welfare of society. This study aimed to find out the effects of the foreign debt, captal formation, and household expenditure on the gross domestic product in Indonesia. In this study using a quantitative approach using secondary data from the years 1985-2014 Indonesia.. The data analysis technique in the study was the time series data analysis using the OLS (Ordinary Least Square) model and ECM (Error Correction Model). Analysis of the data used is used to determine how much influence the independent variable on the dependent variable in the long term and short term. The results of the study showed that: (1) the foreign debt variable had a positive effect on GDP by 0.14 % in the long term and 0.02 % in the short term; (2) the capital formation variable had a positive effect on GDP by 0,35% in the long term and 0,22 % in the short term; (3) the household expenditure variable had a positive effect on GDP by 0,18 % in the long term and 0,09 % in the short term; (4) the ECT variable was-0.221440, it can be said that the proportion of imbalance cost to the GDP movement in the previous period adjusted to the current period was 0,22 %; and (5) the foreign debt, capital formation, and household expenditure variables simultaneously had positive effects on GDP both in the long term and in the short term.