Agreement Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law... more

A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law awards the injured party access to legal remedies such as damages and cancellation.

Negotiation is essential in settings where computational agents have conflicting interests and a desire to cooperate. Mechanisms in which agents exchange potential agreements according to various rules of interaction have become very... more

Negotiation is essential in settings where computational agents have conflicting interests and a desire to cooperate. Mechanisms in which agents exchange potential agreements according to various rules of interaction have become very popular in recent years as evident, for example, in the auction and mechanism design community. These can be seen as models of negotiation in which participants focus on their positions. It is argued, however, that if agents focus instead on the interests behind their positions, they may increase the likelihood and quality of an agreement. In order to achieve that, agents need to argue over each others’ goals and beliefs during the process of negotiation. In this paper, we identify concepts that seem essential for supporting this type of dialogue. In particular we investigate the types of arguments agents may exchange about each others’ interests, and we begin an analysis of dialogue moves involving goals.

Both conventional wisdom and empirical evidence suggest that arranging a prior commitment or agreement before an interaction takes place enhances the chance of reaching mutual cooperation. Yet it is not clear what mechanisms might... more

Both conventional wisdom and empirical evidence suggest that arranging a prior commitment or agreement before an interaction takes place enhances the chance of reaching mutual cooperation. Yet it is not clear what mechanisms might underlie the participation in and compliance with such a commitment, especially when participation is costly and non-compliance can be profitable. Here, we develop a theory of participation and compliance with respect to an explicit commitment formation process and to institutional incentives where individuals, at first, decide whether or not to join a cooperative agreement to play a one-shot social dilemma game. Using a mathematical model, we determine whether and when participating in a costly commitment, and complying with it, is an evolutionary stable strategy, resulting in high levels of cooperation. We show that, given a sufficient budget for providing incentives, rewarding of commitment compliant behaviours better promotes cooperation than punishment of non-compliant ones. Moreover, by sparing part of this budget for rewarding those willing to participate in a commitment, the overall level of cooperation can be significantly enhanced for both reward and punishment. Finally, the presence of mistakes in deciding to participate favours evolutionary stability of commitment compliance and cooperation.

This article analyzes European Union-China trade relations in the context of the current negotiations for a new comprehensive framework agreement between the European Union (EU) and the People’s Republic of China. China is a strong... more

This article analyzes European Union-China trade relations in the context of the current negotiations for a new comprehensive framework agreement between the European Union (EU) and the People’s Republic of China. China is a strong economic power with increasingly sophisticated production in its coastal regions and is attempting to establish itself as a gravity center by concluding many bilateral free-trade agreements in the region. Although China has a strong hold in the Far East, there may be specific policy areas in which China’s influence ends up being global.The article explains the steps taken for negotiating a new comprehensive framework agreement between China and the European Union, examines trade relations between the two entities as well as the bilateral trade relations from a Chinese perspective. It also seeks to analyze the various ways to improve the currently difficult EU-China trade relations. The article concludes that dealing with China was one of the main argument...

The water resources of the Incomati river basin, shared between South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, are intensively used. Moreover, the basin is situated in a part of Africa that over the last 40 years has experienced a dynamic,... more

The water resources of the Incomati river basin, shared between South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, are intensively used. Moreover, the basin is situated in a part of Africa that over the last 40 years has experienced a dynamic, sometimes turbulent and volatile, political history. Both ingredients might have been sufficient for the emergence of confrontations over water. Tensions between Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland over Incomati waters existed but never escalated. This case study attempts to explain why cooperation prevailed, by presenting information about the natural characteristics of the basin, its political history, water developments and the negotiations that took place during the period 1967–2002. The paper provides four explanations why tensions did not escalate and cooperation prevailed. It is concluded that the developments in the Incomati basin support the hypothesis that water drives peoples and countries towards cooperation. Increased water use has indeed...

დღევანდელ საქართველოს სინამდვილეში განუსაზღვრელი ვადით დადებული შრომითი ხელშეკრულება ხშირად აღიქმება როგორც ბონუსი შრომითსამართლებრივ ურთიერთობებში, თითქოს დასაქმებულმა უნდა მოიპოვოს იმის უფლება, რომ მას ჰქონდეს უვადო ხელშეკრულება. ხშირად... more

დღევანდელ საქართველოს სინამდვილეში განუსაზღვრელი ვადით დადებული შრომითი ხელშეკრულება ხშირად აღიქმება როგორც ბონუსი შრომითსამართლებრივ ურთიერთობებში, თითქოს დასაქმებულმა უნდა მოიპოვოს იმის უფლება, რომ მას ჰქონდეს უვადო ხელშეკრულება. ხშირად დამსაქმებლები დასაქმებულებთან მოკლევადიან ხელშეკრულებებს დებენ, რეალურად იმ მოტივით, რომ არ ჰქონდეთ აღებული გრძელვადიანი შრომითსამართლებრივ ურთიერთობაში ყოფნის ვალდებულება და ადვილი იყოს ხელშეკრულების გაუგრძელებლობის მოტივით დასაქმებულთან ურთიერთობის შეწყვეტა. მსგავსი არასწორი პრაქტიკაა გავრცელებული საქართველოს უმაღლესი საგანმანათლებლო დაწესებულებების უმრავლესობაში. წარმოდგენილ ნაშრომში ჩვენ საუბარი გვაქვს საქართველოს შრომის კოდექსისა და უმაღლესი განათლების შესახებ კანონების სამართალმდგომარეობებს შორის არსებულ კოლიზიაზე. ასევე ’’favor prestatoris’’ პრინციპის გამოყენებაზე კოლიზიების დროს.
In the reality of today's Georgia, concluding an employment contract
with an indefinite term is often perceived as a bonus in the employment relationships, as if the employee has to obtain the right to have a permanent contract. Employers often conclude short-term contracts with the employees, in fact with the motivation to not undertake an obligation to be in a long-term employee relationship and to be it easy to terminate the relationship with the employee on the ground of non-renewal of the contract. Similar inproper practice is also developed in in most Georgian higher education institutions. In the presented paper we discuss the conflict between the Labor Code of Georgia and the laws on higher education. As well as an application of the ‘favor prestatoris’ principle in case of collisions.

Lo scopo di questa ricerca è analizzare alcune delle strategie conversazionali adoperate da apprendenti di italiano LS con livelli di competenza linguistica iniziale e intermedia corrispondenti al livello A2 e B1, rispettivamente, del... more

Lo scopo di questa ricerca è analizzare alcune delle strategie conversazionali adoperate da apprendenti di italiano LS con livelli di competenza linguistica iniziale e intermedia corrispondenti al livello A2 e B1, rispettivamente, del QCER (2018). In particolare, ci interessa osservare le risorse linguistiche per manifestare l'accordo, una fra le funzioni discorsive più ricorrenti nell'interazione tra parlanti non nativi (ma anche tra parlanti madrelingua) e che, come vedremo, ingloba diverse sottofunzioni. La ricerca è basata su dati provenienti da due corpora raccolti fra apprendenti ispanofoni e lusofoni: il Corpus SE (Spagnolo Europeo è la L1 degli apprendenti), formato da registrazioni tratte sia dal corpus A. Ma.Dis. realizzato dall'omonimo gruppo di ricerca dell'Università Complutense di Madrid (Spagna), sia dal corpus IFI (Di Stefano, 2018); il Corpus PB (Portoghese Brasiliano è la L1 degli apprendenti), creato da Roberta Ferroni dell'Università di Sao Paolo del Brasile, anch'esso fa parte di un corpus più vasto denominato Ma dai!. Il confronto tra questi due corpora ci ha permesso di osservare gli elementi linguistici che ricorrono nell'interlingua di entrambi i gruppi che condividono lingue materne affini all'italiano, ma anche gli usi divergenti di alcuni elementi significativi, con particolare attenzione ai marcatori del discorso (d'ora in poi MD). Le domande che stanno alla base di quest'indagine e alle quali cercheremo di rispondere nel corso del lavoro sono le seguenti: a) All'interno della funzione globale di manifestazione dell'accordo si possono distinguere diverse sottofunzioni che chiameremo accettazione, allineamento e assenso. Ad un livello A2 e B1 di competenza linguistica gli apprendenti sono consapevoli delle differenze tra le tre funzioni? Questa consapevolezza si riflette anche nelle diverse risorse linguistiche impiegate? Come cambiano le risorse nel passaggio da un livello all'altro? b) Si possono individuare strategie ed elementi comuni ai due gruppi di apprendenti e che derivino dal fatto che si tratta di parlanti nativi di lingue affini all'italiano? c) Oltre ai MD quali altri elementi linguistici e discorsivi sono usati con questo scopo? Si tratta di elementi che convergono con l'uso che ne fanno i nativi o invece sono propri dell'interlingua di questo livello? L'articolo si apre con una riflessione teorica sulla funzione discorsiva della manifestazione dell'accordo e i suoi tipi, il ruolo che gioca nella struttura e nello svolgimento della conversazione e la preferenza per determinate risorse linguistiche, tra le quali spiccano i MD (§ 2). In seguito passiamo in rassegna alcuni studi sull'acquisizione

A Book Summary on "Getting to YES" A book by Roger Fisher and William Ury, with Bruce Patton as Editor The book, "Getting to YES", co-created by Fisher and Ury, is a manual for the laymen to using negotiation techniques that are based on... more

A Book Summary on "Getting to YES" A book by Roger Fisher and William Ury, with Bruce Patton as Editor The book, "Getting to YES", co-created by Fisher and Ury, is a manual for the laymen to using negotiation techniques that are based on principles, as opposed to positional bargaining, that is thought to be a facilitator for rather less successful negotiations. This so-called positional bargaining is the type that happens when two people reach an arbitrary compromise. In arbitrary compromise, the interests of two people are usually left partially unaddressed, as both have sacrificed a part of one's interest in order to cater to the other. The danger of positional bargaining is that it can produce unwise agreements and also decisions that are detrimental to the relationship between the two because one may concede or yield to the other in order to hasten the process of negotiation. In conceding or yielding, one has already failed to acknowledge his or her interests. In addition to such, a negotiation that considers the relationship of both parties leads to a rather sloppy agreement. On the other hand, a principled negotiation is the type that transcends to a more creative and wise outcomes to conflicts that cater to the interests of both sides. This type of negotiation separates the people from the problem, focuses on interests and not positions, generates a variety of possibilities before deciding what to do, and insists that the result be based on some objective standard. This so-called principled negotiation is the central topic of the book. The authors introduce the book by addressing the reason why there is a need to understand negotiation. It is, as the authors suggest, a universal problem that is dealt with by all of us. Negotiation is somehow inherent in our day-today transactions to face negotiations. However, much to our dismay, this everyday transaction is not an easy fit. As the book suggests, we often negotiate by way of arbitrary compromise. We consider less of our interests and think of the relationship and the person we are negotiating with. In this type of negotiation, people tend to be faced with a dilemma. Meaning, people tend to see negotiation as either soft or hard. The soft negotiator, as the adjective suggests, is the type to consider the relationship between the persons and readily concede in order to reach to an agreement. In the end, this type of negotiator often feels exploited and feeling as if his or her interests were below the interests of the other. In the contrary, a hard negotiator sees the negotiation as a competition; whoever holds his ground the longest fares better and can

Background: Notary is a public official who runs the profession based on principles of trust, honesty, thoroughly, independently, impartially, safeguarding the interests of those involved in law-drafting. As an independent profession... more

Background: Notary is a public official who runs the profession based on principles of trust, honesty, thoroughly, independently, impartially, safeguarding the interests of those involved in law-drafting. As an independent profession because it is free from interference from any party, cooperation between notaries and banks by binding themselves with a cooperation agreement, not only damages the authority of an independent notary profession, but also has the potential to prioritize the interests of banks as creditors compared to the community as debtors which both require the services of a notary service in drafting authentic deeds. Research Method: This research is an empirical legal research, the research approach of this research is a sociological juridical approach, which is an approach that is done by looking at the reality that exists in practice in the field.Sources of data used in this study were taken from primary, secondary and tertiary data. Primary data used in sociological juridical research are data obtained from field research/interviews. The data used to complete the primary data are derived from literature review, the material used is through acts, books, magazines, newspapers, articles, journals, and website along with other references that support this research.Tertiary data are supporting legal materials that provide guidance and explanations for primary and secondary legal materials. Tertiary legal material in the form of information sources, namely the legal dictionary, Indonesian dictionary and encyclopedia. Data were analyzed qualitatively to get a description of the partnership agreement between the notary and the bank in drafting the deed of the bank credit agreement. Results:Partnership agreement between public notary and banking is an act that is prohibited in the notary position law and notary ethics code.The agreement makes a notary not independent, thus affecting the disruption of services provided by the public notary. Conclusions: The partnership agreement between the notary public and the bank makes the notary not independent in carry out his professional obligations because he prioritizes services to the bank instead of those who do not cooperate with notary.
Key words : Notary, Independent, Authentic Deed

This book deepens the study of the law of treaties by offering specific solutions to current legal problems. It provides a high-level theoretical and practical approach, touching upon all major current issues of the law of treaties. It is... more

This book deepens the study of the law of treaties by offering specific solutions to current legal problems. It provides a high-level theoretical and practical approach, touching upon all major current issues of the law of treaties. It is noteworthy that each subject-matter discussed in this work was thoroughly analyzed and supported by a rigorous methodology, including the use of the most accurate terminology and a well-reasoned explanation of each of the issues addressed in accordance with the most authoritative legal scholarly writings. This work is also a helpful reference for governmental and diplomatic officials, legal practitioners and the legal academia at large in trying to understand how international acts are negotiated and adopted, what the rules are for the formulation of reservations and introduction of amendments to conventional texts, how a State is definitely deemed to be bound by an international act or treaty, which the effects are of a treaty that came into force and how treaties should be applied at the international level, etc.

Traditional Tiwi is a language isolate within the Australian language group, traditionally spoken on the Tiwi Islands, north of Darwin. This language exhibits the most complex verb structure of any Australian language. Altogether there... more

Traditional Tiwi is a language isolate within the Australian language group, traditionally spoken on the Tiwi Islands, north of Darwin. This language exhibits the most complex verb structure of any Australian language. Altogether there are 18 distinct verb slots; 14 prefixes and 4 suffixes. They encode subject, object and oblique arguments, they inflect for tense, aspect and mood, the location and direction of events with respect to the speaker, and the time of day that an event takes place. They also take prefixes and suffixes denoting associated motion, can be argument-raised by a causative or detransitivised by derivational morphology, and can take incorporated nominals, incorporated verbs, and incorporated comitative or privative arguments.
Traditional Tiwi has not been adequately described. Previous descriptions are limited and do not cover verb morphology with enough detail. This thesis brings together previous descriptions, early recorded data, and adds newly collected data and findings to produce an updated description of the language, with special reference to the verb morphology.
I focus in particular on two aspects of the verb morphology: agreement and incorporation. The Traditional Tiwi agreement system of inflecting verbs shows a high degree of complexity due to the interactions between subject, object and tense marking. I argue for the occurrence of an otherwise unreported phenomenon by which agreement affixes can shift between various controllers depending on the morphosyntactic context. Incorporation is also highly complex, as with other northern Australian languages that exhibit this feature. There are four distinct types of incorporation including verb incorporation, comitative and privative constructions, body part incorporation and regular nominal incorporation. I describe these with reference to incorporation phenomena in other Australian languages.
Traditional Tiwi however, is no longer spoken; the last two speakers died in 2012. The majority of the data on which this thesis is based was collected with one of these two last speakers, and therefore represents possibly the last documentary linguistic record of this important language.

In this talk the author discusses the Extended Projection Principle in (a) clauses with overt subjects, (b) clauses with pro subjects and (c) clauses with fronted locatives in Serbian language from the perspective of Minimalist Program... more

In this talk the author discusses the Extended Projection Principle in (a) clauses with overt subjects, (b) clauses with pro subjects and (c) clauses with fronted locatives in Serbian language from the perspective of Minimalist Program and Distributed Morphology. The aim of this paper is to (i) determine the main means of satisfying EPP in Serbian, (ii) place Serbian language in Alexiadou and Anagnostopoulou 1998 typology, (iii) place Serbian language in Fukuda et al. 2016 typology, (iv) present new data that supports an idea that Serbian has TP and DP projections. Furthermore, the author argues that there is a possibility that full pro-drop languages are not a coherent group, as it has been observed for partial pro-drop languages (Alexiadou and Carvalho 2017). Further partition is caused by word-orders, both dominant and possible.
… Read more

Gender assignment and exponence changed dramatically from Old to Middle English. This paper provides insights on the mechanisms and chronology of this change by quantitatively analysing the annals 1129-1154 of the Peterborough Chronicle.... more

Gender assignment and exponence changed dramatically from Old to Middle English. This paper provides insights on the mechanisms and chronology of this change by quantitatively analysing the annals 1129-1154 of the Peterborough Chronicle. A logistic regression reveals substantial effects of formal, semantic and extralinguistic parameters on gender reassignment.
Lexical-to-referential-gender transition is largely a directed development in which correspondence of sex and gender plays a major role. At the same time, instances of random gender-reassignment occur and produce gendered noun-phrases incompatible with both the Old English as well as the Middle English system of gender-assignment. Pronouns adopt referential agreement before adnominals as a diachronic application of the Agreement Hierarchy (Corbett 1979) predicts.

В докладе будут рассмотрены основные конструкции языка гбан (< южные манде), используемые для передачи модальных значений зон необходимости и возможности. Речь идёт о значениях внутренней, внешней и эпистемической необходимости и... more

В докладе будут рассмотрены основные конструкции языка гбан (< южные манде), используемые для передачи модальных значений зон необходимости и возможности. Речь идёт о значениях внутренней, внешней и эпистемической необходимости и возможности. В гбан для выражения значений зоны возможности используются конструкции с глаголом sè ‘мочь’. Одна из этих конструкций обладает нетривиальным морфосинтаксическим поведением — она построена по модели соположения без явного подчинительного маркирования («Я могу я делаю») — и при этом демонстрирует «согласование» между служебной и знаменательной клаузами по некоторым предикативным грамматическим категориям).
Для выражения значений зоны необходимости используется набор слабограмматикализованных конструкций типа «ɛ̏ yȅȅ níí … + оптатив» («это есть [так], чтобы…»).
Отдельно предполагается рассмотреть значения так называемой внутренней и внешней «актуальности» ('Я смог сделать', 'Случилось так, что я сделал').

"Cappadocian Greek is an extreme case of language change and dialectal variation among the Modern Greek dialects in having lost the tripartite grammatical gender distinction into masculine, feminine and neuter nominals, a distinction... more

"Cappadocian Greek is an extreme case of language change
and dialectal variation among the Modern Greek dialects in
having lost the tripartite grammatical gender distinction into
masculine, feminine and neuter nominals, a distinction
operative in Greek since its earliest recorded stages. In this
paper, I argue that this linguistic innovation should not be
viewed exclusively as the result of language contact with
Turkish, as is most commonly assumed in the literature, but
rather as the result of a series of language-internal analogical
levellings of gender mismatches in polydefinite constructions,
a process most probably accelerated by language contact but
certainly not triggered by it."

La gramatika kategorio genro estas trajto de multaj lingvoj, i.a. hindeŭropaj kaj ŝemidaj, grava pro la amplekso de la koncernataj vortospecoj (substantivoj, adjektivoj, pronomoj, numeraloj, artikoloj, verboj...), pro la rolo ludata en la... more

Hay un progresivo desgaste, con tendencia hacia la autodestrucción, de las instituciones y organizacones de una economía mundial plutocráticamente controlada. Para sustituirlas, la humanidad del planeta tierra requiere darse, a sí... more

Hay un progresivo desgaste, con tendencia hacia la autodestrucción, de las instituciones y organizacones de una economía mundial plutocráticamente controlada. Para sustituirlas, la humanidad del planeta tierra requiere darse, a sí mísma, formas de trabajo y producción que tengan un pie en la coyuntura de la transición 2008.2019; y otro pie en la sociedad del futuro desable. El documento plantea un modelo de acta constitutiva de grupos de trabajo que se orienten en ambas direcciones.

Hybrid nouns, nouns which induce different agreements according to the target, have been described in various languages. The new question is why they exist at all. There is clear evidence that hybrids vary considerably in the agreement... more

Hybrid nouns, nouns which induce different agreements according to the target, have been described in various languages. The new question is why they exist at all. There is clear evidence that hybrids vary considerably in the agreement they control, even within a single language. It therefore seems logical to align this variability with lexical semantics, and this is convincing for some hybrids. But this motivation is hard to reconcile with the fact that some hybrids are hybrids only for part of their paradigm. These latter instances suggest that the underlying motivation for some hybrids is a form-meaning mismatch.

Gender in Chichewa is described as a complete system. First the basic data on gender agreement are presented and it is shown how the available agreement markers correlate with the noun genders (and how the system has changed in the... more

Gender in Chichewa is described as a complete system.
First the basic data on gender agreement are presented
and it is shown how the available agreement markers correlate
with the noun genders (and how the system has
changed in the recent past). There follows a discussion
of interesting phenomena which do not fit easily into the
main gender system. Next structures involving conjoined
noun phrases headed by nouns from various genders are
analysed in detail. The rules required to account for
the Chichewa system prove particularly complex; rules
proposed for other Bantu languages do not cover all the
Chichewa facts. The data are important for comparative
work within Bantu and for typological claims which go beyond.

The objective of going out to contract is to obtain specific services, equipment, materials or licenses as required to support the general business objectives. The FWA can be used as "umbrella agreement" that sets out the terms... more

The objective of going out to contract is to obtain specific services, equipment, materials or licenses as required to
support the general business objectives.
The FWA can be used as "umbrella agreement" that sets
out the terms (particularly relating to price, quality and
quantity) under which individual contracts "Call Off" can
be made throughout the term of the agreement
Under the terms and conditions of the FWA, the buying
organisation may purchase materials, or works, or services
without any commitment for using such agreement

North American languages exhibit a variety of agreement systems, including nominative-accusative, ergative-absolutive, hierarchical/direct-inverse, and agent-patient patterns, as well as phenomena such as object agreement, inverse number,... more

North American languages exhibit a variety of agreement systems, including nominative-accusative, ergative-absolutive, hierarchical/direct-inverse, and agent-patient patterns, as well as phenomena such as object agreement, inverse number, and omnivorous number. This chapter examines the patterning and exponence of agreement in these languages, including the φ-features tracked by agreement, types of agreement systems and how these systems reflect grammatical alignment, debates about the syntactic status of agreement markers (as genuine agreement or clitics), and the points at which agreement can occur in the clausal spine.

This paper surveys the distribution of formal and semantic agreement in German, using three types of trigger nouns (gender mismatch nouns, pluralia tantum nouns, and polite pronouns) in four syntactic contexts (attributive, predicate/T,... more

This paper surveys the distribution of formal and semantic agreement in German, using three types of trigger nouns (gender mismatch nouns, pluralia tantum nouns, and polite pronouns) in four syntactic contexts (attributive, predicate/T, pronouns, and nominal ellipsis). The distribution of agreement is shown to be dependent on the properties of the controller and the target, as well as the type of agreement dependency. The paper provides new evidence for the existence of two types of nominal ellipsis, and establishes a context in which predicative agreement can be tested in German. The findings lead to a refined Agreement Hierarchy, and a dual feature system is proposed which derives the basic tendencies of the Agreement Hierarchy and leaves room for language-specific deviations.

In this thesis, I propose that the distribution of nominal phrases is constrained by the relative positions of phi-features that nominal phrases contain. More specifically, I propose a condition according to which two syntactic nodes... more

In this thesis, I propose that the distribution of nominal phrases is constrained by the relative positions of phi-features that nominal phrases contain. More specifically, I propose a condition according to which two syntactic nodes bearing visible phi-features cannot be directly merged. This constraint results in the well-described generalization according to which Agreement is severely limited in the Nominal Domain and complements to nominals may not bear direct case-marking, unlike the complements of verbs and prepositions. Next, I suggest that the propagation of phi-features can be blocked by a formal feature – epsilon – that is borne on such morphemes as prepositions and linkers, as well as oblique case markers. A nominal phrase merged with an epsilon may combine with another nominal phrase when a bare nominal phrase may not. Next, I argue that the syntactic identity of nouns can be fully reduced to phi-features. The proposed approach is shown to extend to adjectives – another category whose syntactic behavior is largely determined by the presence of phi-features. To that effect, I show that the ban on direct marking of the complements of both adjectives and nouns can be understood as a constraint on the merger of two phi-bearing structures. I show how the proposed theory can account for several well known syntactic phenomena, including the ban on double Absolutives in Ergative languages and the lack of Structural Dative marking in the Nominal Domain. The empirical data is mainly drawn from Slavic, Romance, Germanic and Iranian languages of the Indo-European family and from Nakh-Dagestanian languages.

Objective: In this article, the authors considered: conclusion of arbitration agreement by parties of a sport rela-tion as a basis for sport dispute resolution via applying to an international arbitration court; concept... more

In this article, the authors considered: conclusion of arbitration agreement by parties of a sport rela-tion as a basis for sport dispute resolution via applying to an international arbitration court; concept of the “Сompetence–Сompetence” doctrine and its effects in legal practices of Canada, the United States, France and Switzerland.
Methods: This article developed based on the grounded theory to close the gap between theory and empirical research in modern sport problems. The article examines current issues of private international law, court practices, international legal acts in the field of sport, some of the judicial procedures of various countries and organizations, judicial practice of the Inter-national Sports Arbitration Courts; laws in the field of physical culture and sport, etc.
Results: Concluding arbitration agreement by parties of a sport relation is an important step before applying to international sport arbitration courts. The jurisdictional issues of a sport dispute decide according to the effects of Competence–Compe-tence doctrine.
Conclusions: Problem is not a part of modern sport. This issue creates sport disputes. Referring a dispute to international sport arbitration is a jurisdictional intervention mechanism of dispute resolution. In this case, parties of a sport dispute need to agree on an arbitration agreement, and consider the Competence–Competence doctrine as the most important principles which its effects define jurisdiction of dispute resolution.

The present paper argues for a view of gender agreement without either grammatical or natural gender being represented as syntactic features. Rather than deriving declension classes in terms of realisation, I postulate them as the only... more

The present paper argues for a view of gender agreement without either grammatical or natural gender being represented as syntactic features. Rather than deriving declension classes in terms of realisation, I postulate them as the only relevant feature that is lexically specified on the noun. Agreement copies the declension class and triggers presuppositions. When these presuppositions clash with those already active in the discourse, default agreement is realised. The paper moreover provides a quantitative analysis of semantic correlates of declension classes and a novel analysis of SC declension classes.