Emotional intelligence Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
This study investigates the relationship of emotional intelligence (EI) characteristics, such as perception, control, use and understanding of emotions, with physical and psychological health. In the first study, 365 individuals filled in... more
This study investigates the relationship of emotional intelligence (EI) characteristics, such as perception, control, use and understanding of emotions, with physical and psychological health. In the first study, 365 individuals filled in measures of EI and general health. It was hypothesized that EI would be negatively associated with poor general health. In the second study, 212 working adults completed the same measure of EI and another measure, which apart from the standard information regarding physical and psychological ...
This article offers a proposal related to early childhood emotional education. It is in line with ideas surrounding psychosocial development and his theory of attachment and social referencing, Bridges' (1932) emotional development... more
This article offers a proposal related to early childhood emotional education. It is in line with ideas surrounding psychosocial development and his theory of attachment and social referencing, Bridges' (1932) emotional development scheme, and Rogers' notion related to "acceptance" of emotional complexity toward healthy development. This proposal is reinforced with approaches from Winnicott (1986) and Kohut (2009), who demonstrate that children's emotional education is indeed a process of self-consciousness development through interaction with their primary caregiver(s). These approaches demonstrate that early childhood emotional education is really a process related to children's development of self-consciousness through interaction, or lack thereof, with their primary caregiver(s). We coin our approach "emotional integration," which is conceptualized as a response to the dominant "emotional regulation" narrative. While emotional regulation focuses on behavioral and structured routines for facing diverse emotional situations, emotional integration is centered on interpersonal relationship improvements in different emotional contexts. For the emotional regulation approach, the child regulates her behavior depending on the primary caregiver's reactions. In emotional integration, the child acquires certain dispositions toward the self, starting from her interaction with her caregiver. In small children, caregiver behavior certainly has a determining role. For the emotional regulation approach, the caregiver tries to solve possible problems in behavior, whereas for emotional integration, the caregiver seeks to develop inner processes of personal growth through the child's interaction with the other.
"The role that the involvement of parents may play in the treatment outcome of their children with anxiety disorders is still under debate. Some studies dealing with other disorders have examined the role that the expressed emotion (EE)... more
"The role that the involvement of parents may play in the treatment outcome of their
children with anxiety disorders is still under debate. Some studies dealing with other
disorders have examined the role that the expressed emotion (EE) construct (parental
overinvolvement, criticism and hostility) may play in treatment outcome and relapse.
Given that some of these aspects have been associated with social anxiety for a long time,
it was hypothesized that EE may be associated with lower treatment outcome. The sample
was composed of 16 adolescents who benefited from a school-based, cognitive-behavioural
intervention aimed at overcoming social anxiety. Then, parents were classified with
high or low EE. The results revealed that the adolescents whose parents had low EE
showed a statistically significant reduction of their social anxiety scores at posttest, as
opposed to adolescents of parents with high expressed emotion. These findings suggest
that parental psychopathology (parents with high EE) should be taken into consideration
to prevent poor adolescent treatment outcome."
The present research was developed to examine the conceptualization and measurement of the political skill construct and to provide validation evidence for the Political Skill Inventory (PSI). The results of three investigations,... more
The present research was developed to examine the conceptualization and measurement of the political skill construct and to provide validation evidence for the Political Skill Inventory (PSI). The results of three investigations, involving seven samples, are reported that demonstrate consistency of the factor structure across studies, construct validity, and criterion-related validity of the PSI. As hypothesized, political skill was positively related to self-monitoring, political savvy, and emotional intelligence; negatively related to trait anxiety; and not correlated with general mental ability. Also, the PSI predicted performance ratings of managers in two samples. Implications of these findings and directions for future research are provided.
Professor Melinde Coetzee, my supervisor, for her kindness, her guidance, her patience and for sharing her knowledge and insight. Martin Nel for his meticulous editing. Chris and Christa Cromhout for their friendship, their support, their... more
Professor Melinde Coetzee, my supervisor, for her kindness, her guidance, her patience and for sharing her knowledge and insight. Martin Nel for his meticulous editing. Chris and Christa Cromhout for their friendship, their support, their unfailing hospitality every time I had to be in Pretoria for my studies, and for lovingly letting me use their home, their office and their equipment. The people who participated as respondents for the empirical research, who set aside their time without expecting anything in return. All those who understood that I had to do this. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES xv
Leadership is a well-researched concept that has received considerable attention since the nineties. In this article the reader is introduced to the claim that leaders can be found at all levels of employment, while at the very least, all... more
Leadership is a well-researched concept that has received considerable attention since the nineties. In this article the reader is introduced to the claim that leaders can be found at all levels of employment, while at the very least, all managers are expected to be leaders. Yet managerial status does not guarantee leadership. The authors argue that leadership is a necessary component of management, and a filter for successful management. Effective managers demonstrate leadership capabilities. Leadership attributes are well captured in measures of emotional intelligence. Hence leadership can improve if managers work to further develop their EQ. This study set out to show how EQ, and hence leadership, can vary in different levels of employment among a large composite group of 3,305 employees drawn internationally. Respondents' EQ was assessed online with the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment (SEI), and standardized to result in scores for eight distinct scales, grouping into three pursuits and a total EQ score. The relationship between six leadership groups (as based on their EQ performance) across six different employment levels was statistically examined. The results suggest that leadership realizes in different ways depending on the level of employment. It appears that employees become more skillful in enhancing their emotional literacy (emotional awareness) and applying consequential thinking as they progress on the employment ladder. Intrinsic motivation and optimism are best leveraged by nonmanagerial employees, rather than employees at the senior levels. The diminishing incorporation of empathy with an increase in employment level seems to stand in sharp contrast. General employees (that is, non-managerial employees and those with high levels of specialization) and entrepreneurs will benefit from further developing their competence in pursuing their objectives with an overarching sense of purpose. The finding that high-EQ leaders seem to dominate in the managerial levels may be viewed as encouraging.
Over the past several years, the term Emotional Intelligence has received much attention as a factor that is potentially useful in understanding and predicting individual performance at work. This paper examines the roots of the emotional... more
Over the past several years, the term Emotional Intelligence has received much attention as a factor that is potentially useful in understanding and predicting individual performance at work. This paper examines the roots of the emotional intelligence movement and issues surrounding its application in management.
Emotional intelligence is one of the most popular study topics that have gained importance in recent years. This concept has a special significance especially for children who are in the age of education. In this study, firstly the basic... more
Emotional intelligence is one of the most popular study topics that have gained importance in recent years. This concept has a special significance especially for children who are in the age of education. In this study, firstly the basic theories of emotional intelligence and this concept are tried to be explained, and then the relations between emotional intelligence and achievement levels of children in education age are mentioned. It is possible to define emotional intelligence in the simplest sense as the ability to carry out ideas about strengths and weaknesses, knowing what a person feels, and the ability to effectively and effectively manage their feelings to make accurate and effective decisions on behalf of their own lives and relationships with other people. It is foreseen that the emotional intelligence skill, which seems to be very effective in increasing the quality of life of the person, will be extremely useful for both the people and the society in the name of the future if it is tried to be developed starting from childhood. It is important to develop a model based on emotional intelligence in education. In this study, it is aimed to emphasize this point. DUYGUSAL ZEKA VE ÇOCUKLAR AÇISINDAN ÖNEMİ ÖZ Duygusal zeka son yıllarda önem kazanan en popüler çalışma konularından bir tanesidir. Özellikle eğitim çağında yer alan çocuklar üzerinde bu kavramın ayrı bir önemi bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle duygusal zeka ve bu kavramın dayanağı olan temel kuramlar açıklanmaya çalışmakta ardından da eğitim çağındaki çocukların duygusal zeka ile başarı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiler konusuna değinilmektedir. En sade tanımıyla duygusal zekayı, kişinin ne hissettiğini bilerek, güçlü ve zayıf yönleri konusunda fikirler yürütebilmesi, yaşadığı duyguları etkili bir biçimde yöneterek kendi yaşamı ve diğer insanlarla ilişkileri adına doğru ve etkili kararlar alabilme becerisi olarak tanımlamak mümkündür. Kişinin yaşam kalitesini artırmada son derece etkili olduğu görülen duygusal zeka becerisi çocukluktan başlanarak geliştirilmeye çalışılırsa gelecek adına hem onlar hem de toplum için son derece faydalı olacağı öngörülmektedir. Eğitimde duygusal zekaya dayalı bir model geliştirilmesi bu açıdan önemlidir. Bu çalışmada da bu noktaya vurgu yapmak amaçlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Duygusal zeka, duygusal zeka kuramları, eğitim, çocuk
A good head and a good heart are a formidable combination" Nelson Mandela Emotional Intelligence is a dynamic force which acts as a guide to professional success. It is far more powerful than IQ. Without exaggerating the role of reason or... more
A good head and a good heart are a formidable combination" Nelson Mandela Emotional Intelligence is a dynamic force which acts as a guide to professional success. It is far more powerful than IQ. Without exaggerating the role of reason or IQ, we should learn to recognize our emotions, understand them, and handle them effectively. It can be distinguished from IQ by its emphasis on personal and social competencies like self awareness, persistence, etc. But it cannot be a replacement for ability, knowledge, or job skills. IQ is still important in workplace success since intelligence is paramount especially in jobs that require technical and conceptual ability. Many studies have concluded that emotional intelligence plays an important role in performing manager's job. It is assortment of non-cognitive skills, capabilities, and competencies that influences a person's ability to succeed in coping with demands and pressures of the environment. Successful top managers, particularly in multinational organizations, developed high levels of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence will help managers to understand the emotion and abilities of their employees. This article has been focused on the role of Emotional Intelligence and self motivational factors for Managerial success in Corporate World. It has been focused on measurement of Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Effectiveness, facial expressions to convey emotions, importance of Emotional Intelligence at work etc. Thus this article will give focus on measure of emotional intelligence and managerial effectiveness in the Corporate World.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) revolutionized how we investigate race in education. Centralizing counterstories from people of color becomes essential for decentralizing white normative discourse-a process we refer to as realities within the... more
Critical Race Theory (CRT) revolutionized how we investigate race in education. Centralizing counterstories from people of color becomes essential for decentralizing white normative discourse-a process we refer to as realities within the Black imagination. Yet, few studies examine how whites respond to centering the Black imagination, especially since their white imagination goes unrecognized. We propose utilizing Critical Whiteness Studies (CWS) to support CRT to aid in deconstructing the dimensions of white imaginations. Our findings describe how the white imagination operates inside the minds of white teacher candidates, namely through their (a) emotional disinvestment, (b) lack of critical understanding of race, (c) resurgence of white guilt, and (d) recycling of hegemonic whiteness, all of which negatively impact their role in anti-racist teaching in urban schools.
and (most importantly) John Rawls; comfortably working in a transdisciplinary manner in fields like philosophy, ethics, history, music, empirical psychology, primatology, opera, literature, architecture, ancient Greek tragedy and comedy,... more
and (most importantly) John Rawls; comfortably working in a transdisciplinary manner in fields like philosophy, ethics, history, music, empirical psychology, primatology, opera, literature, architecture, ancient Greek tragedy and comedy, urban studies and the modern university; she painfully (or stubbornly) avoids God-talk.
Lucrarea de față își propune să evidențieze rolul inteligenței emoționale (I.E.) în pregătirea viitorilor profesori și efectele generate de o inteligență emoțională dezvoltată asupra procesului de predare-învățare și a relației... more
Lucrarea de față își propune să evidențieze rolul inteligenței emoționale (I.E.) în pregătirea viitorilor profesori și efectele generate de o inteligență emoțională dezvoltată asupra procesului de predare-învățare și a relației profesor-elev.
Vom prezenta atât aspecte teoretice dar și practice, care țin de importanța deținerii de către profesori a unui nivel ridicat al inteligenței emoționale, aplecându-ne mai cu seamă asupra definirii clare a conceptelor I.E., creșterea nivelului I.E. ca sprijin în dezvoltarea competenței pedagogice, stabilirea diagnozei stării actuale a problemei cercetate, identificarea modalităților de intervenție pentru a ameliora sau rezolva problema cercetată.
Motivul alegerii acestei teme derivă din dorința de a face cunoscută, de a pune accentul pe importanța dezvoltării I.E. la viitoarele cadre didactice dar și pe importanța îmbunătățirii nivelului I.E. la cadrele didactice actuale, crescând astfel receptivitatea față de rezolvarea acestor aspecte, generând astfel o creștere calitativă a procesului de predare-învățare și totodată crescând nivelul de performanță al învățământului românesc prin îmbunătățirea, cu această ocazie, a relației profesor-elev fapt care v-a avea efecte benefice asupra motivației elevilor în ceea ce privește învățarea.
This study investigates the effects of intelligence, personality traits and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and the effective performance of leaders in the organizational context. Data were collected from 134... more
This study investigates the effects of intelligence, personality traits and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and the effective performance of leaders in the organizational context. Data were collected from 134 midlevel managers from a large Brazilian company that operates in the energy sector. Our findings suggest that leadership effectiveness, as measured by the achievement of organizational outcomes, is a direct function of a leader's transformational behaviors, and is an indirect function of individual differences (experience, intelligence and conscientiousness) that work through transformational behaviors. A negative effect of neuroticism on leadership effectiveness was also observed. In addition, while emotional intelligence seemed to be statistically related to transformational leadership if considered in isolation, when ability and personality were controlled for, the effect became non-significant. We discuss implications for theory, research and practice.
Background. Emotional competencies of individuals are evaluated as a form of capital today. Emotional capital has gained prominence in literature in the last decades. In this regard, qualitative and quantitative studies on emotional... more
Background. Emotional competencies of individuals are evaluated as a form of capital today. Emotional capital has gained prominence in literature in the last decades. In this regard, qualitative and quantitative studies on emotional capital concept have been conducted. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to analyses the effect of emotional capital on job satisfaction and life satisfaction in terms of women basketball players in Turkey. Methods. The research method of this study is descriptive. The statistical population consisted of 135 women basketball players who were reached via using convenience sampling method. Survey was conducted on athletes between 6 th October, 2019 and 30th November, 2019. Emotional Capital Inventory developed by Newman et al. (2015), Job Satisfaction Scale developed by Brayfield and Rothe (1951), shortened by Yoon and Thye (2002), and Life Satisfaction Scale developed by Diener et al. (1985) was used for data collection. SPSS-22 computer program was used in data analysis. The internal consistencies of the questionnaires were obtained by Cronbach's which were 0.81, 0.81 and 0.83, respectively. After exploratory factor analysis conducted on emotional capital inventory, seven factors were found as social awareness, self-management, self-awareness, self-reliance, relationship management, adaptability, and apathy. Results. The analysis of data revealed that self-reliance factor of emotional capital has significant and positive effect on job satisfaction, and self-management and personal awareness factors of emotional capital have significant and positive effects on life satisfaction. Conclusion. Finally, it can be concluded that emotional capital has partial effect on both job satisfaction and life satisfaction of women basketball players in Turkey's Super League.
Theorizing a sociology of emotion that links micro-level resources to macro-level forces, this article extends previous work on emotional capital in relation to emotional experiences and management. Emerging from Bourdieu's theory of... more
Theorizing a sociology of emotion that links micro-level resources to macro-level forces, this article extends previous work on emotional capital in relation to emotional experiences and management. Emerging from Bourdieu's theory of social practice, emotional capital is a form of cultural capital that includes the emotion-specific, trans-situational resources that individuals activate and embody in distinct fields. Contrary to prior conceptualizations, I argue that emotional capital is neither wholly gender-neutral nor exclusively feminine. Men may lay claim to emotional capital as a valued resource within particular fields. The concept of emotional capital should be seen as distinct from emotion management and felt emotional experience and distinctions between primary and secondary sources of capital clarify the simultaneously durable and evolving nature of capital and the habitus. To illustrate these conceptual refinements, I use interview and diary data from male nurses. Men bring primary emotional capital, developed during primary socialization, to the nursing profession while also developing secondary capital through occupational socialization centered on empathy and compassion. The construct of emotional capital is refined as a structured yet dynamic resource developed through primary and secondary socialization and activated and embodied in everyday emotion practice.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.
The nature of contemporary work scenarios involves huge emotional labor and customer orientation for organizational success. Organizations today are characterized by changing customer and stakeholder demand on the all resource of the... more
The nature of contemporary work scenarios involves huge emotional labor and customer orientation for organizational success. Organizations today are characterized by changing customer and stakeholder demand on the all resource of the organization-most importantly the human resource. Eminent researchers have highlighted the role of emotional competencies and relationship management as key to the business success. The acknowledgement to develop emotional competencies of the workforce therefore becomes a focal point of the human resource practitioners and trainers. This paper attempts to review the vast literature surrounding emotional intelligence in context organizational settings. It highlights the role of emotional intelligence in relation to employee's performance. It also proposes the development of emotional intelligence among employees by examining the benefits of an emotional competent workforce for competitive advantages.
Emotion recognition is one of the important highlights of human emotional intelligence and has long been studied to be incorporated with machine intelligence argued to make machines even more intelligent. This paper aims to contribute to... more
Emotion recognition is one of the important highlights of human emotional intelligence and has long been studied to be incorporated with machine intelligence argued to make machines even more intelligent. This paper aims to contribute to this field of study by enabling machines to recognize emotion from facial electromyogram (EMG) signals. This includes a compilation of the groups attempt to recognize basic facial expressions namely happy, angry, and sad through the use of EMG signals from facial muscles. The group extracted features from the three EMG signals from the face of two human subjects, a male and a female, and analyzed these features to serve as feature templates. Using a minimum-distance classifier, recognition rates exceeded the target accuracy - 85 percent - reaching 94.44 percent for both the male and female subjects.
TreKker is an intervention model designed for students which aims to develop the individual as an integrated whole. This model was created to be used as a framework for individual skills development in an academic environment. As a result... more
TreKker is an intervention model designed for students which aims to develop the individual as an integrated whole. This model was created to be used as a framework for individual skills development in an academic environment. As a result of the implementation of the Bologna Process, Higher Education Institutions in Europe are required to be more focused on skills and
This document explores how the emotions plays a critical role for the cognitive processes in leadership, it explains the basis for properly addressing emotions and understanding how to integrate them in the daily well-being, as well as... more
This document explores how the emotions plays a critical role for the cognitive processes in leadership, it explains the basis for properly addressing emotions and understanding how to integrate them in the daily well-being, as well as highlighting the benefit for competitiveness when properly used.
Psychologists, philosophers and some other social scientists have studied on emotional intelligence for many years and they have made different descriptions while creating different models. Recent studies show that conscious business... more
Psychologists, philosophers and some other social scientists have studied on emotional intelligence for
many years and they have made different descriptions while creating different models. Recent studies show
that conscious business firms are now paying attention to emotional intelligence and try to measure it with
various tests, role-playing methods, and promotions alongside education level and work experience. The
level of emotional intelligence can be used as an element through which business firms can estimate people’s
ethical decision-making levels. This study aims to reveal the relationship among the sub-dimensions of
emotional intelligence by tackling the relationship between people’s emotional intelligence and their ethical
decision-making through human resources specialists working in the telecommunications sector.
This monograph considers how a classical challenge that commanders face in war—namely, making critical decisions on the basis of limited and often unreliable information—has been exacerbated in the era of big data. Data overload... more
This monograph considers how a classical challenge that commanders face in war—namely, making critical decisions on the basis of limited and often unreliable information—has been exacerbated in the era of big data. Data overload complicates the intelligence community’s efforts to identify and exclude disinformation, misinformation, and deception, and thus hampers its ability to deliver reliable intelligence to inform decision-makers in a timely manner. The military commander remains responsible for making a final decision, yet the great wealth of data now available through the intelligence cycle amplifies the risk of decision paralysis. With this in mind, technological solutions tend to be considered the most appropriate response for managing data overload and disinformation. While these remain relevant, they alone may be insufficient to equip the military commander with the necessary insight to guide decisions through the uncertainty of the big data environment. Rather, the militar...
The aim of this commentary is to contextualize the findings of the study "Emotional intelligence impact on half-marathon finish times" , which concluded that trait emotional intelligence predicted half-marathon finish times above and... more
The aim of this commentary is to contextualize the findings of the study "Emotional intelligence impact on half-marathon finish times" , which concluded that trait emotional intelligence predicted half-marathon finish times above and beyond training. The aim of this commentary is to highlight some methodological and interpretation limitations that may undermine the conclusions of this paper. These limitations are concerning the acknowledgement of previous research, the choice of the variables included in the study, and the over speculation of findings with respect to study design.
In view of recent research can we continue to argue for a superiority over other animals that justifies dominating and exploiting them? This question, now “in the center of ethical discussion,” invites us to “radically reconsider the... more
In view of recent research can we continue to argue for a superiority over other animals that justifies dominating and exploiting them? This question, now “in the center of ethical discussion,” invites us to “radically reconsider the terms of ethical inquiry” (Rolston 1993: 382). Those terms now must include the feelings biophilia and biophobia as well as compassion, sympathy, and empathy. Are we prepared to value not only reason but also emotions that connect us to other animals? If we are to save ourselves and our planet, we need a more interdisciplinary model of ethics that includes “emotive” as well as analytic ethics. Derrida’s “L'Animal que donc je suis (ti suivre)" (1997) combines them, citing literature to demonstrate the role of feelings in situation-specific ethics. Though he does not use E. O Wilson’s terminology, Derrida suggersts that what blocks biophilia is an apparently instinctive, superstitious fear of animals that has expanded into what we now call biophobia. Ultimately, Derrida focuses on a new experience of compassion that can bring about the political change needed to save our planet.
The RULER Approach ("RULER") is a settinglevel, social and emotional learning program that is grounded in theory and evidence. RULER is designed to modify the quality of classroom social interactions so that the climate becomes more... more
The RULER Approach ("RULER") is a settinglevel, social and emotional learning program that is grounded in theory and evidence. RULER is designed to modify the quality of classroom social interactions so that the climate becomes more supportive, empowering, and engaging. This is accomplished by integrating skill-building lessons and tools so that teachers and students develop their emotional literacy. In a clustered randomized control trial, we tested the hypothesis that RULER improves the social and emotional climate of classrooms. Depending upon condition assignment, 62 schools either integrated RULER into fifth-and sixth-grade English language arts (ELA) classrooms or served as comparison schools, using their standard ELA curriculum only. Multi-level modeling analyses showed that compared to classrooms in comparison schools, classrooms in RULER schools were rated as having higher degrees of warmth and connectedness between teachers and students, more autonomy and leadership among students, and teachers who focused more on students' interests and motivations. These findings suggest that RULER enhances classrooms in ways that can promote positive youth development. Keywords Emotional literacy. Social and emotional learning. Positive youth development. The RULER Approach The field of positive youth development holds that the needs of youth must be addressed by creating environments or settings that provide mutually supportive relationships with adults and peers and that encourage school achievement, problem solving, and civic engagement (Catalano et al. 2004). Efforts to promote positive youth development differ from those aimed at reducing risk factors in that the former are focused on enhancing skills, building assets, and promoting resilience to achieve positive outcomes (Catalano et al. 2002; Greenberg et al. 2003). Accordingly, intervention efforts typically utilize a skillbuilding, whole-child approach that is focused on cultivating assets as opposed to preventing problems. As the predominant settings that youth inhabit, schools are compelling intervention targets. This article presents data from the first year of a clustered randomized control trial (RCT) testing the impact of The RULER Approach ("RULER") on creating classroom settings that promote positive youth development (www.the rulerapproach.org). RULER is a social and emotional learning (SEL) program that is applied universally (i.e., with all teachers and all students within a school; Institute of Medicine 1994), and includes professional development for school leaders, teachers, and staff, as well as classroom instruction protocols to enhance skill-building opportunities and characteristics of the learning environment (Brackett et al. 2009; Maurer and Brackett 2004). The theory of change underlying RULER specifies that by changing the setting of the classroom, RULER will improve youth outcomes, including academic engagement and achievement, as well as relationships with peers and adults.
During the last few years, spoken language technologies have known a big improvement thanks to Deep Learning. However Deep Learning-based algorithms require amounts of data that are often difficult and costly to gather. Particularly,... more
During the last few years, spoken language technologies have known a big improvement thanks to Deep Learning. However Deep Learning-based algorithms require amounts of data that are often difficult and costly to gather. Particularly, modeling the variability in speech of different speakers, different styles or different emotions with few data remains challenging. In this paper, we investigate how to leverage fine-tuning on a pre-trained Deep Learning-based TTS model to synthesize speech with a small dataset of another speaker. Then we investigate the possibility to adapt this model to have emotional TTS by fine-tuning the neutral TTS model with a small emotional dataset.
Emotional intelligence (EI) and morningness-eveningness (M-E) preference have been shown to influence mood states. The present article investigates the way in which these two constructs may interact, influencing morning and evening mood... more
Emotional intelligence (EI) and morningness-eveningness (M-E) preference have been shown to influence mood states. The present article investigates the way in which these two constructs may interact, influencing morning and evening mood levels. A sample of 172 participants completed a multidimensional mood scale measuring energetic arousal (EA), tense arousal (TA), and hedonic tone at 7:00 and at 22:00. As expected, morning and evening types experienced higher EA at their preferred time of day; effects of M-E on other mood dimensions were weaker. EI was found to correlate with lower TA, but the association was stronger at 22:00, perhaps reflecting the role of EI in managing the social events characteristic for the evening hours. An interactive effect of EI and M-E was found for both diurnal changes and morning levels of EA. Namely, in individuals higher in EI, there appeared a more marked synchrony effect between chronotype and EA, which was absent in those low in EI; individuals higher in EI showed more pronounced diurnal changes in EA characteristic for their chronotype (i.e., higher EA at morning hours in morning chronotypes; higher EA at evening hours in evening chronotypes), while in participants low in EI, diurnal changes in EA were smaller. Moreover, the characteristic positive association between morningness and EA during morning hours was apparent only in those high in EI. These findings suggest that individual differences in circadian variation in mood reflect several factors, including an endogenous rhythm in energy, the distribution of social activities throughout the day, and the person's awareness of their own energy level.
In existential holistic group therapy, the whole person heals in accordance with the holistic process theory and the life mission theory. Existential group psychotherapy addresses the emotional aspect of the human mind related to death,... more
In existential holistic group therapy, the whole person heals in accordance with the holistic process theory and the life mission theory. Existential group psychotherapy addresses the emotional aspect of the human mind related to death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness, while existential holistic group therapy addresses the state of the person"s wholeness. This includes the body, the person's philosophy of life, and often also love, purpose of life, and the spiritual dimension, to the same extent as it addresses the emotional psyche and sexuality, and it is thus much broader than traditional psychotherapy. Where existential psychotherapy is rather depressing concerning the fundamental human condition, existential holistic therapy conceives life to be basically good. The fundamentals in existential holistic therapy are that everybody has the potential for healing themselves to become loving, joyful, sexually attractive, strong, and gifted, which is a message that most...
It is now widely accepted that living with domestic abuse (DA) can significantly affect children, with the effects of DA continuing to be felt into adulthood. The common conceptualisation of children as passive 'witnesses' of DA and the... more
It is now widely accepted that living with domestic abuse (DA) can significantly affect children, with the effects of DA continuing to be felt into adulthood. The common conceptualisation of children as passive 'witnesses' of DA and the failure to recognise them as direct 'victims' in their own right, separate from adult victims, can act as a major barrier for professionals responding to children within this context. The first professionals with whom many child victims of DA come into contact often are members of the police. Yet, little is still known about how children and police officers experience these encounters. The aim of this paper is to conduct a narrative review of the existing literature on the police response to children at DA call outs through the lens of Emotional Intelligence (Goleman 1996). Reviewed studies state that a large number of police officers reported feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty at incidents of DA involving children. Children reported significant differences in empathy of officers, a key tenet of EI, which impacted their feelings of safety and visibility at incidents of DA. DA incidents are an emotionally challenging aspect of police work and most officers do not appear to have the skills to manage this effectively. The significance of speaking with children in these traumatic situations cannot be understated. EI appears to make an important contribution to the overall efficacy of officers at incidents of DA involving children.
Purpose-The purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effects of social competencies, specifically, political skill, self-monitoring and emotional intelligence, on the workplace conflict-abusive behavior relationship.... more
Purpose-The purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effects of social competencies, specifically, political skill, self-monitoring and emotional intelligence, on the workplace conflict-abusive behavior relationship. Design/methodology/approach-The study utilized data collected from graduate and undergraduate students majoring in psychology, management, human relations and social work who were recruited from two mid-sized mid-western universities. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to test the study hypotheses. Findings-Results indicated that interpersonal conflict in the workplace is associated with employee engagement in counterproductive work behaviors. Results also suggested that social competencies interacted with interpersonal conflict to predict the likelihood of abusing others at work. Politically skilled workers and high self-monitors were more likely to engage in abusive behaviors when experiencing high levels of interpersonal workplace conflict. Originality/value-The study is the first to show that certain social competencies may actually have negative ramifications in the workplace. Specifically, individuals who are politically skilled and/or high self-monitors are more likely to abuse others when they themselves experience interpersonal conflict.
A vast amount of research has documented an association between trait emotional intelligence (EI) and mental health. Several pathways could account for this relationship. First, it is possible that the association between trait EI and... more
A vast amount of research has documented an association between trait emotional intelligence (EI) and mental health. Several pathways could account for this relationship. First, it is possible that the association between trait EI and mental health is merely an artefact of the methods and measures used (response bias pathway). Second, trait EI may reduce the susceptibility to mental disorders via a succession of biological mechanisms (neuroendocrine pathway). Third, trait EI may reduce one's susceptibility to psychological disorders by minimizing mood alterations in difficult circumstances (affective pathway). This experimental study aims at documenting the third pathway. It presents three experimental studies investigating the moderating role of trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) on mood deterioration following laboratoryinduced stress. The incremental validity of trait EI to predict mood changes over and above social desirability, alexithymia, resilience and the five-factor model of personality was also examined. Multiple regressions, performed on the three samples as well as on the combined sample (N = 196), showed that a) trait EI significantly moderated the Int J Clin Health Psychol, Vol. 9. Nº 3 456 MIKOLAJCZAK et al. Trait emotional intelligence and stress impact of the experimental stressor on subsequent mood deterioration, b) the effect held after controlling for social desirability and c) trait EI had incremental validity to predict mood deterioration over and above the other predictors.
Background: Measurement of social cognitive variables is often restricted to long-term and health-related outcomes. A more comprehensive measurement of cognitive determinants would enable evidence-based design of health behavior... more
Background: Measurement of social cognitive variables is often restricted to long-term and health-related outcomes. A more comprehensive measurement of cognitive determinants would enable evidence-based design of health behavior interventions with a focus on the most relevant targets. The purpose of this study was to examine the relative impact of different social cognitive determinants on fruit and vegetable (FV) and fast food consumption. Methods: Finnish male conscripts (N = 855, age M = 20) filled in questionnaires on social cognitive factors when entering the military service, and on food consumption frequency after two months. The data were analysed using structural equation modeling. Results: Physical well-being expectation and bad taste expectation were most strongly related to both FV and fat avoidance intentions. Perceived weight gain risk predicted fat avoidance intention, whereas perceived risk for other health problems predicted FV intention. Social self-efficacy was associated with FV intention only. Consumption of both FV and fast food was predicted by action planning and intention. Conclusions: A more careful evaluation of subtypes of social cognitions sheds light on the specific content behind motivation. Such understanding might help in designing more effective intervention messages.
The purpose of this qualitative research was to determine whether Canadian pastors in the ministry may be inadequately prepared in skills of emotional intelligence (EI), and if this possible lack of EI preparedness negatively affects... more
The purpose of this qualitative research was to determine whether Canadian pastors in the ministry may be inadequately prepared in skills of emotional intelligence (EI), and if this possible lack of EI preparedness negatively affects their job satisfaction. Twenty Canadian pastors were interviewed and 10 educational programs were analyzed to determine if the utilization of EI positively contributes to pastoral self-efficacy and job satisfaction, and if pastors are trained in EI compe-tencies while attending formal education.
El presente artículo pretende brindar luces acerca de la importancia de la Psicología Organizacional en el ámbito laboral y ayudarnos a comprender cómo ésta puede resolver conflictos en la organización complementándose con diferentes... more
El presente artículo pretende brindar luces acerca de la importancia de la Psicología Organizacional en el ámbito laboral y ayudarnos a comprender cómo ésta puede resolver conflictos en la organización complementándose con diferentes ámbitos profesionales. Los autores, no psicólogos, que cursan el último semestre de la Maestría con mención en Psicología Organizacional de la UNMSM, expondrán la utilidad que la Psicología Organizacional les brinda en su quehacer profesional aplicado en las organizaciones donde ellos se desempeñan.
Onderwijskunde is de cursus van Paul Timmermans in het kader van de lerarenopleiding muziek/woord aan het Lemmensinstituut Leuven (nu LUCA). Deze cursus hier opgedeeld in acht segmenten is origineel niet bedoeld als zelfstudietekst maar... more
Onderwijskunde is de cursus van Paul Timmermans in het kader van de lerarenopleiding muziek/woord aan het Lemmensinstituut Leuven (nu LUCA).
Deze cursus hier opgedeeld in acht segmenten is origineel niet bedoeld als zelfstudietekst maar een cursus bij de gegeven lessen.
Nu in 2021 volgde in functie van de online publicatie op academia.edu nog een update (12de revisie).
De cursus “Onderwijskunde” is vandaag een geschikt medium om algemeen en praktisch inzicht te verwerven in het actueel onderwijzen en leren op alle niveaus. Maar vooral voor honderden nieuwe leraren-in-spe die een carrièreswitch maken naar het beroep van leraar, nl. de talrijke zij-instromers, kan deze “Onderwijskunde” een volwaardige oriëntatie bieden op alle facetten van het leraarschap anno 2021.
Deze cursus “Onderwijskunde” is opgesplitst in acht units: 0. Opzet /I. Didactisch referentiekader/ II. Doelstellingen./ 3. Beginsituatie / IV. Krachtige leeromgeving / V. Evaluatie. I tot V = algemene didactiek. /VI. Het Vlaams onderwijslandschap / VII. Alternatieve onderwijssystemen.
Omdat deze delen apart op academia.edu gepost worden, begint elk deel telkens met de inhoudstafel van de volledige cursus en met het didactisch basisschema, zodat de situering in het geheel verzekerd is.
Elke unit begint met minimumdoelen zodat de zelfstandig studerende de rode draad blijft waarnemen en zich niet verliest in details die de cursus kruiden tot een levendig en boeiend verhaal.
Paul Timmermans
Currently, there are just over 3 million registered nurses in the US, but only 85% are actively working. Approximately 44.7% of the total is 50 years of age or older (HRSA 2010). The aging workforce would ordinarily suggest an imminent... more
Currently, there are just over 3 million registered nurses in the US, but only 85% are actively working. Approximately 44.7% of the total is 50 years of age or older (HRSA 2010). The aging workforce would ordinarily suggest an imminent wave of retirees, but two recessions in the past decade have had the effect of delaying the retirement of older nurses (Buerhaus et al. 2009) while making nursing more attractive to new entrants (Auerback et al. 2011). Even before passage of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA), there was a projected shortfall of half a million registered nurses needed in the US by 2025 (Buerhaus et al. 2008). Implementing the ACA will provide access to health care for 32 million more Americans (Webb et al. 2010). In addition, the aging of baby boomers by 2020 will result in a demand for more