English for Medical Purposes Research Papers (original) (raw)

The PhraseBook for Writing Papers and Research is designed to help non-native speakers write papers, books and theses at university and research level in English. It includes about 5000 words and phrases for university and research... more

The PhraseBook for Writing Papers and Research is designed to help non-native speakers write papers, books and theses at university and research level in English. It includes about 5000 words and phrases for university and research writing. Phrases are divided into around 30 main sections that follow the structure of university and research texts, such as Introducing a study, Defining the scope of a study, Arguing for and against, Reviewing other work, Summarizing and Conclusions.

THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT IS A BRIEF EXCERPT FORM A BOOK CHAPTER. THE FULL PUBLICATION CAN BE FOUND AT: http://www.multilingual-matters.com/display.asp?K=9781783096251
(Please do not hesitate to contact the author for further details)
During the 19th century the need to make science more accessible to the public resulted in the emergence of a new type of written genre, the popular science article (Meadows, 1987). In this study, I will contrast the structure of scientific RAs and popular science articles as well as some linguistic features such as the use of discourse markers and evaluative language in both genres. Here, I analyse a corpus of four articles: two popular science articles taken from one of the top ten websites on popular science called Science Daily and two scientific articles published in a prestigious medical journal, The Lancet. The topic in the articles is the same: arthritis. To be able to compare and contrast the articles more effectively, corpus analysis tools have been used to analyse the linguistic features above mentioned. This article aims at showing how popular science articles can be used as pedagogical material for the teaching of Medicine, as they are more easily understandable for students (Parkinson & Adendorff, 2004) and therefore bringing about a more intuitive learning process. On the other hand, scientific articles are a source of medical knowledge and should be taken into consideration accordingly. However, medical students in their first years at university who have never been exposed to academic and scientific articles may find the reading and understanding of this academic type of written genre difficult and arduous.

The need for English as a professional language in the medical field is with no doubt essential nowadays. The formal teaching of English, overloaded with theo- retical content, it is not sufficient and does not enable people to develop... more

The need for English as a professional language in the medical field is with no doubt essential nowadays. The formal teaching of English, overloaded with theo- retical content, it is not sufficient and does not enable people to develop useful skills, which are inevitably wasted.
With English for Medical Purposes my aim is to help and contribute to a solid and consistent learning as English has become an everlasting failed subject for too many.
I hope to turn what until now has been considered a wearisome task into an amusing close-up inside professional medical English, but also bearing in mind that no result is achieved without effort. As in many other subjects, the study that initially demands a high level of discipline may, as the learning goes on, become something agreeable, and the need to study may, for those who are enthusiastic, turn hopefully into devotion. I really hope to contribute in improving your skills and that our readers will find it useful, as well as a helpful tool, into practicing medicine in English.

Thuật ngữ y khoa hệ cơ xương khớp rất cần thiết cho sinh viên y khoa, bác sĩ và người dịch thuật để hiểu đúng các thuật ngữ trong học tập và công việc.

This paper describes the planning and implementation of a six- week short course for medical students in Japan. The purpose of the paper is to explain how the author planned and adapted the course to local circumstances, to share... more

This paper describes the planning and implementation of a six-
week short course for medical students in Japan. The purpose
of the paper is to explain how the author planned and adapted
the course to local circumstances, to share student reflections
on the course content and to consider how the design of this
course could inform other ESP practitioners in other contexts,
and the field in general, regarding ESP course planning and
implementation. The course employed extracts on doctor-
patient discourse, highlighting issues from that literature and
giving students opportunities to respond and react to the
texts through projects designed to encourage critical thinking
and reflection on doctor-patient interaction. Where possible,
students’ voices are included to offer examples of the tasks
they completed and their reflections on the course contents
and its meaningfulness to them.

Türkiye’de medikal ürün satışı TİTCK tarafından yayımlanan Tıbbi Cihaz Satış, Reklam ve Tanıtım Yönetmelik kurallarına uygun bir şekilde yapılmaktadır. Gelişen tanı ve tedavi yöntemleri, sağlık sektöründe yeni ürünlerin girmesine yol... more

Türkiye’de medikal ürün satışı TİTCK tarafından yayımlanan Tıbbi Cihaz Satış, Reklam ve Tanıtım Yönetmelik kurallarına uygun bir şekilde yapılmaktadır.
Gelişen tanı ve tedavi yöntemleri, sağlık sektöründe yeni ürünlerin girmesine yol açmıştır. Bununla birlikte bulaşıcı hastalıkların artması tek kullanımlık malzemelerin artmasına da neden olmuştur. Bu gelişmeler günümüzde ilaç kadar tıbbı malzeme medikal cihaz ve ortopedik ürün oluşmasını ve kullanılmasına sebebiyet vermiştir.
Ülkemizde serbest eczane hizmeti yapılan mekânlarda; ilaç satışı kadar kozmetik ve tıbbı malzeme satışı yapılmaktadır. İnsanların geleceklerine yön vermelerine yardımcı olan bilgi toplumu teknolojisinin kullanılması insanlar tarafından daha çok kabullenilmeye başlamıştır. Fakat insanın artmış olan bu önemine göre, bireyin özellikleri de inceleme konusu olmaktadır. Eczacılık eğitiminde de eczacılarımızın kolaylıkla bilgileriyle birleştirerek çok daha ileri seviyede ihtiyaç sahiplerine yardımcı olacağı görünen bir durumdur. Sağlık gibi ciddiyet gerektiren ve sürekli güncellenmesi gereken bir alandaki eğitime dahil olmalıdır.
Serbest eczacılık yapan eczacılar ilaç ve medikal ürün reçetesi ile gelen hastaların ilaç ihtiyaçlarını karşılamakta fakat medikal ürünler için genelde medikal satış yapan noktalara yönlendirilmektedir.

The aim of this paper is to provide details on the importance of teaching language course to Pharmacy students, to present some published resources and coursebooks that language instructors in Pharmacy schools could use and, on the... more

The aim of this paper is to provide details on the importance of teaching language course to Pharmacy students, to present some published resources and coursebooks that language instructors in Pharmacy schools could use and, on the practical side, to present a useful application which helps students refresh and strengthen their knowledge of drug names' orthography. The methods of research that we have used are primary and secondary source analysis and the comparative method. The primary sources that have been consulted are regulatory documents of the European Union and of the National Health Service (NHS) of Great Britain, while the referred secondary literature consists in seminal monographs and articles of theoreticians in this field, as well as a selection of articles from the British and Romanian media. Given the scarcity of articles, books and coursebooks that are dedicated to the teaching of foreign languages to Pharmacy students by comparison to those available to General Medicine students, we consider that this is a welcome addition to a, hopefully, growing field within ESL/ESP.

Nurses in Malaysia are not required to sit for any specific English Language test that suits the medical setting. At the moment the existing English Language tests do not test nurses specifically to use English Language in the context of... more

Nurses in Malaysia are not required to sit for any specific English Language test that suits the medical setting. At
the moment the existing English Language tests do not test nurses specifically to use English Language in the
context of medical situation. It is the objective of this research to recommend a special test, Occupational
English Test (OET) specifically designed for these health practitioners. Specifically the objectives of this
research are to assess Malaysian nurses’ performance in the OET, to evaluate the suitability of the OET in
Malaysian context. The OET is a language test used to assess health practitioners’ English language proficiency
in medical and health context. It is designed to ensure that language competency is assessed in a relevant
professional context. This study employs a case study involving a group of nurses from the medical centre UMP
(Pusat Kesihatan Pelajar). The nurses chosen as samples for this research cover all the nurses of Pusat Kesihatan
Pelajar. The samples are required to sit for a writing test and they are also interviewed. The test results are
analysed manually. Three sets of sample test are revised based on the result of the test and interview and the
revised tests will be used to conduct a study on the nursing students of Kolej Kejururawatan and the nursing
students of the school of nursing of IIUM to evaluate the suitability of the test in Malaysian context.

Medical language is the language used by medical experts in their professional communication and incorporates more than 2,500 years of a development influenced mostly by Greek and Latin medical traditions. Its specific features and... more

Medical language is the language used by medical experts in their professional communication and incorporates more than 2,500 years of a development influenced mostly by Greek and Latin medical traditions. Its specific features and characteristics are studied from various aspects. It is closely connected with the immense development of technology and science that brings new concepts to the language; medical vocabulary is an open and continually changing phenomenon and its units often acquire new meanings. Learning English medical language that has become a lingua franca during the last few decades creates certain obstacles for learners in the form of collocations, irregular forms, existence of synonyms, doublets, abbreviations, false friends, etc. To manage medical language at an appropriate level requires looking for the most convenient teaching and learning strategies. Good proficiency of English medical language opens new horizons to medical professionals and offers various options of its application in practice. As an international means of communication it slowly penetrates into national medical vocabularies worldwide.

Due to the acceptance of English in twentieth century as international language of science and medicine, a considerable body of medical research and literature has been produced in English. This dominance of English in medical accounts... more

Due to the acceptance of English in twentieth century as international language of science and medicine, a considerable body of medical research and literature has been produced in English. This dominance of English in medical accounts paves the way for emergence of a new ESP branch (English for Specific Purposes) as EMP (English for Medical Purposes). The basic insight into this trend is to offer course design, content and materials by being responsive to target language learners' own agenda. Therefore, it is necessary to find out first what is specifically appropriate, available and applicable for the target situation and target language learners in terms of their needs. In discovering their needs, needs analysis is regarded as an integral part of decision making processes in EMP. Without conducting a needs analysis process, using a medical English course book might not be enough for a medical student studying in an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) context like Turkey since most of the medical English course books in use are mostly addressing the needs of students in an ESL (English as a Second Language) context. Accordingly, as a part of a needs analysis process, this study aims to investigate academic English language needs of first year medical students who are attending advanced English course at the Faculty of Medicine at Karadeniz Technical University. The data was collected via a structured questionnaire with 47 items. It covers five different parts focusing on medical students' purposes of learning English, significance of learning English, their preference of learning environment, language learning needs of major language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening), their preference of assessment type. The questionnaire was administered to 169 students at the Faculty of Medicine at Karadeniz Technical University. Descriptive statistics was employed in order to analyze the data.

The question of teaching English for Medical Purposes has been significantly researched over the last few years. English is today's lingua franca of medical international communication, the same as Greek and Latin were in the past;... more

The question of teaching English for Medical Purposes has been significantly researched over the last few years. English is today's lingua franca of medical international communication, the same as Greek and Latin were in the past; therefore, it is an essential prerequisite for a medical career, all the more so as a large number of Romanian medical professionals intend to emigrate to English-speaking countries. Consequently, teaching medical English should be adapted in order to meet the specific academic and professional needs of the Romanian students. This paper is focused on the key issues in course design and my intention is to bring forth the insights gained from my professional experience developing the curriculum for Medical English.

Genre analysis can be used as a means of understanding the communicative practices of specific discourse communities and may therefore be of particular benefit to students in higher education for whom the interpretation and production of... more

Genre analysis can be used as a means of understanding the communicative practices of specific discourse communities and may therefore be of particular benefit to students in higher education for whom the interpretation and production of discipline-specific texts is paramount. This study takes global medical research as a case in point and examines the generic discourse features of the experimental medical research article (RA), using a systemic-functional and ‘structural moves analysis’ approach. Based on this novel, combined methodology, a sequence of generic rhetorical moves and steps across a series of medical RAs are described in terms of their function and lexicogrammar. The implications of the study are discussed in relation to previous research and their potential pedagogical and methodological applications.

This article uses the example of a course in medical translation taught at the Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology, University of Warsaw, to make comments on differences in teaching English to medical students vs.... more

This article uses the example of a course in medical translation taught at the Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology, University of Warsaw, to make comments on differences in teaching English to medical students vs. teaching medical translation to non-medical students and to propose ideas for more effective teaching of medical translation. It is argued that reconstructing the ontology of concepts found in a text is sufficient to provide a successful translation even if the translator does not possess specialist competence in the subject matter of the text. At the same time, the importance of developing translation students' thematic competence is underlined throughout the paper, and advice is presented on how to encourage the acquisition of such knowledge. The structure of the course is also presented. This paper uses as its point of departure the practical example of a course in Medical Translation offered to students of Specialised Translation at the Institu...

Celem pracy jest przedstawienie roli czasopism specjalistycznych w nauczaniu obcego języka medycznego, który posiada określone cechy, determinujące ten proces. Część teoretyczna pracy prezentuje charakterystykę właściwości języka... more

Celem pracy jest przedstawienie roli czasopism specjalistycznych w nauczaniu obcego języka medycznego, który posiada określone cechy, determinujące ten proces. Część teoretyczna pracy prezentuje charakterystykę właściwości języka specjalistycznego (ESP) i języka medycznego (EMP), cele i funkcje tekstów specjalistycznych, w tym materiałów autentycznych, oraz typy i strukturę artykułów naukowych. Część praktyczna to językowa analiza materiału badawczego, który stanowiły artykuły naukowe z otolaryngologii. Zostały tu również zawarte przykłady terminologii, które mogą sprawić trudność dla studentów w ich rozumieniu i stosowaniu, a także proponowane ćwiczenia wraz z przykładami z analizowanych prac naukowych. Dodatkowo, artykuł prezentuje wyniki ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród 40 studentów medycyny trzech uczelni warszawskich, które pokazują, iż ponad 80% respondentów wykazuje chęć pracy z artykułami naukowymi podczas wykładów i samodzielnej nauki.

The question of teaching English for Medical Purposes has been significantly researched over the last few years. English is today's lingua franca of medical international communication, the same as Greek and Latin were in the past;... more

The question of teaching English for Medical Purposes has been significantly researched over the last few years. English is today's lingua franca of medical international communication, the same as Greek and Latin were in the past; therefore, it is an essential prerequisite for a medical career, all the more so as a large number of Romanian medical professionals intend to emigrate to English-speaking countries. Consequently, teaching medical English should be adapted in order to meet the specific academic and professional needs of the Romanian students. This paper is focused on the key issues in course design and my intention is to bring forth the insights gained from my professional experience developing the curriculum for Medical English.

This article uses the example of a course in medical translation taught at the Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology, University of Warsaw, to make comments on differences in teaching English to medical students vs.... more

This article uses the example of a course in medical translation taught at the Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology, University of Warsaw, to make comments on differences in teaching English to medical students vs. teaching medical translation to nonmedical students and to propose ideas for more effective teaching of medical translation. It is argued that reconstructing the ontology of concepts found in a text is sufficient to provide a successful translation even if the translator does not possess specialist competence in the subject matter of the text. At the same time, the importance of developing translation students’ thematic competence is underlined throughout the paper, and advice is presented on how to encourage the acquisition of such knowledge. The structure of the course is also presented.

Begoña Bellés-Fortuño-Universitat Jaume I bbelles@uji.es Rebut / Received: 28-6-17 Acceptat / Accepted: 7-11-17 Resum. L'aprenentatge de la pronúncia anglesa mitjançant REO: El cas de Voki. Al llarg dels anys, l'anglès s'ha situat com una... more

Begoña Bellés-Fortuño-Universitat Jaume I bbelles@uji.es Rebut / Received: 28-6-17 Acceptat / Accepted: 7-11-17 Resum. L'aprenentatge de la pronúncia anglesa mitjançant REO: El cas de Voki. Al llarg dels anys, l'anglès s'ha situat com una vertadera llengua global a la nostra societat. Això ha donat pas a l'aplicació d'un nombre de mètodes i enfocaments pel que fa a l'àrea d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de l'anglès com a llengua estrangera o segona llengua, on tant la integració de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) com dels Recursos Educatius Oberts (REO) és primordial. Tenint això en compte, aquest estudi té dos objectius. D'una banda, es pretén investigar fins a quin punt els estudiants universitaris matriculats a l'assignatura de Pronunciació i Comprensió de l'Anglès Oral són capaços de millorar la pronunciació mitjançant l'eina en línia anomenada Voki. D'altra banda, es vol examinar si tenen una actitud positiva cap a la utilització de les TIC per a l'aprenentatge de la pronunciació. Els resultats mostren que les TIC, en aquest cas Voki, té un gran potencial per a estimular l'aprenentatge de la pronunciació anglesa. Paraules clau: anglès com a llengua estrangera/segona llengua, TIC, pronunciació anglesa, Voki. Abstract. Teaching English pronunciation with OERs: The case of Voki. Along the years English has emerged as a truly global language in our society. This has resulted in a number of methods and approaches used in the field of teaching and learning English as a Foreign or Second Language (EFL/ESL), where both the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the Open Educational Resources (OERs) are paramount. Bearing this in mind, the objective of the present paper is twofold. On the one hand, to investigate to what extent university students enrolled in the Pronunciation and Understanding of Spoken English module are able to improve their pronunciation through an online tool called Voki. On the Sintagma 30 bis.indd 57

This article uses the example of a course in medical translation taught at the Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology, University of Warsaw, to make comments on differences in teaching English to medical students vs.... more

This article uses the example of a course in medical translation taught at the Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology, University of Warsaw, to make comments on differences in teaching English to medical students vs. teaching medical translation to nonmedical students and to propose ideas for more effective teaching of medical translation. It is argued that reconstructing the ontology of concepts found in a text is sufficient to provide a successful translation even if the translator does not possess specialist competence in the subject matter of the text. At the same time, the importance of developing translation students’ thematic competence is underlined throughout the paper, and advice is presented on how to
encourage the acquisition of such knowledge. The structure of the course is also presented.

Student dictionary of English medical collocations

FULL PAPER: http://www.esptodayjournal.org/pdf/january_2021/7_Stevan_Mijomanovic-Irena_Aleksic-Danka_Sinadinovic.pdf
This paper aims to explore the communicative purposes and move structure of Case
Reports in Dental Medicine (CRDMs) and to determine the similarities and differences
between them and Medical Case Reports (MCRs). The corpus for this study consisted of 20
CRDMs published in the following peer-reviewed journals: Clinical Case Reports and Case
Reports in Dentistry in the period between 2016 and 2019. The structural move analysis
method developed by Swales (1981, 1990, 2004) was applied to identify the moves and
steps in Case Presentation sections, as well as the communicative purposes of whole
CRDMs. The Lancsbox 4.5. concordance tool was used to explore the concepts of NOVELTY
and RARITY associated with the communicative purposes of MCRs to investigate whether
they are associated with CRDMs as well. The correlation between the text length and the
communicative purposes of CRDMs is also examined. This study contributes to genre
research by providing a detailed analysis of the communicative purposes of CRDMs and by
presenting the findings of the structural move analysis of their Case Presentation sections.

The study aims to compare and analyze the needs for foreign language learning of students in Veterinary Medicine from two universities (Trakia University, and University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, Slovakia) in view of... more

The study aims to compare and analyze the needs for foreign language learning of students in Veterinary
Medicine from two universities (Trakia University, and University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in
Kosice, Slovakia) in view of improving their training in specialized English. In the quantitative and qualitative
analysis of the results from a survey, we have determined the correlations between the criteria for choosing the
professional applicability of knowledge and skills over the abstract character of foreign language learning. The
discussion shows not only specific methodological issues, but also takes in mind the cultural aspects of the two
Key words: ESP, English for Veterinary Medicine, comparative study

The purpose of this study is to find out online learning readiness level of medical students at a university in the northeastern part of Turkey. As a part of a program development process with a focus on online Medical English, the... more

The purpose of this study is to find out online learning readiness level of medical students at a university in the northeastern part of Turkey. As a part of a program development process with a focus on online Medical English, the researcher aimed to determine medical students' online learning readiness level. To this end, Turkish version of Online Learning Readiness Scale (OLRS) was employed [original version by Hung, Chou, Chen and Own (2010) and Turkish version by İlhan and Çetin (2013)]. A total of 189 students completed the scale. The overall results suggest that once the internet and computer self-efficacy of the participants are improved, they appear to be ready for the adoption of online learning.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), or simply the Internet, has recognizably become a distinguished agent of all fields of education. The leap made by the availability and usefulness of specialized knowledge websites nowadays... more

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), or simply the Internet, has recognizably become a distinguished agent of all fields of education. The leap made by the availability and usefulness of specialized knowledge websites nowadays has compelled both educators and learners to rely heavily on ICT in teaching and learning. English language teachers and learners who teach or learn the language for specific purposes (ESP) can resort to websites based on the specific knowledge they pursue to develop both specific knowledge and language acquisition, according to the content-based instruction. In this paper, I attempt to show an example of how an edutainment medical TV show, with a particular focus on video synopses available online, can be used through a Webquest for English for Medical Purposes (EMP). The Webquest I present makes use of and depends solely on " The Doctors " show website, on which loads of videos are uploaded. Webquest is used here as a platform through which knowledge can be organized, facilitated, and structured according to specific needs and purposes. As it relies on a TV show, the content of which is available online, such a webquest can combine the assets of both TV and Internet as two prominent education aids and mediums.

Ever since English has acclaimed its fame and power over other languages in education and scientific research, linguists and educationists have attempted to experiment English language for specific purposes. Thus ESP has come into vogue.... more

Ever since English has acclaimed its fame and power over other languages in education and
scientific research, linguists and educationists have attempted to experiment English language for
specific purposes. Thus ESP has come into vogue. Among the branches of ESP, one prominent type has
emerged to cater to the needs of medical practitioners - EMP, English for medical purpose. This paper
provides a thorough explanation of ESP and its types and a detailed introduction to the emergence of EMP and its history. Through this the significance of EMP and its inevitable need for medical practitioners can be realized. Though there are number of language courses and skills assessment exams available, it is imperative that the needs of students should be ascertained before implementing any language learning strategy and language modules. Studies reveal that the adult learners are of different language levels when they enroll for training in English for specific purposes. In such a context, need analysis questionnaire plays a pivotal role in identifying the exact requirement of each learner. The struggles experienced by nursing students in their profession after their studies and the difficulties they faced in clearing international exams like OET necessitated a revisit on the language curriculum. The present paper makes a thorough analysis of the language needs of nursing students in a college. The study also reveals that the present curriculum lacks in providing more importance to speaking and writing. The respondents would prefer to have more contextually relevant activities so that they use speaking and writing skills effectively in their workplace.

The present paper intends to investigate oral communication between professionals in medical contexts. Apparently, this is quite a neglected area of research in the abundant literature on spoken medical English, which mainly focuses on... more

The present paper intends to investigate oral communication between professionals in medical contexts. Apparently, this is quite a neglected area of research in the abundant literature on spoken medical English, which mainly focuses on doctor-patient encounters. Due to the difficulty in finding available data on real sequences in this domain, this study aims to analyse this type of specialised discourse, within the Multimodal Analysis framework and with a holistic approach, in two different American TV products, namely the medical drama Code Black (M. Seitzman, 2015-present), well known for its plausibility and verisimilitude as far as medical procedures are concerned, and the medical docu-series Boston Med (2010). On the verbal level, special attention will be paid to vocabulary, speech acts, register variation according to the participants' role and to the level of emergency of the situation. Moreover, and most importantly, analysis will be carried out also on the non-verbal level through the multimodal annotator software ELAN (Wittenburg, Brugman, Russel, Klassmann & Sloetjes, 2006), thus integrating verbal and non-verbal cues (e.g. gaze direction, hand/arm gestures, etc.) to show how a multimodal approach can actually help to interpret a message, especially in situated communicative and specialised contexts.

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Medical language is the language used by medical experts in their professional communication and incorporates more than 2,500 years of a development influenced mostly by Greek and Latin medical traditions. Its specific features and... more

Medical language is the language used by medical experts in their professional communication and incorporates more than 2,500 years of a development influenced mostly by Greek and Latin medical traditions. Its specific features and characteristics are studied from various aspects. It is closely connected with the immense development of technology and science that brings new concepts to the language; medical vocabulary is an open and continually changing phenomenon and its units often acquire new meanings. Learning English medical language that has become a lingua franca during the last few decades creates certain obstacles for learners in the form of collocations, irregular forms, existence of synonyms, doublets, abbreviations, false friends, etc. To manage medical language at an appropriate level requires looking for the most convenient teaching and learning strategies. Good proficiency of English medical language opens new horizons to medical professionals and offers various optio...

In this paper, a new generic development in the medical case report will be presented as a potential tool in a variety of medical contexts. A case report describes new diseases or their novel aspects, and its new interactive type... more

In this paper, a new generic development in the medical case report will be presented as a potential tool in a variety of medical contexts. A case report describes new diseases or their novel aspects, and its new interactive type additionally allows readers to comment on published cases and features patients’ first person narratives. This development may be a useful tool in medical English language courses, in medical training as well as in professional development. This way the paper systematises the knowledge on the application of medical case reports in general and re-evaluates their potential in strictly medical contexts.

El término inglés health y el español salud son palabras etimológicamente con historias diferentes; pero, con significados casi parecidos en sus respectivas culturas. No sólo son abstractas sino que tienen fines comunes más allá de ser... more

El término inglés health y el español salud son palabras etimológicamente
con historias diferentes; pero, con significados casi parecidos en sus respectivas
culturas. No sólo son abstractas sino que tienen fines comunes
más allá de ser objetos de la medicina.Un análisis contractivo nos ayudará
a comparar a ambos términos, desde el punto de vista léxicosemántico.