Terminology Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Our music contains almost all the aspects of our national culture. The need for the studies of common terminology in order to interpret our music through more extensive and meaningful expressions is recognized through the problems. If... more

Our music contains almost all the aspects of our national culture. The need for the studies of common terminology in order to interpret our music through more extensive and meaningful expressions is recognized through the problems. If common musical terminology is designated, the musical misconception between Anatolian Turkish music and other Turkic music might be partially resolved in order to settle these problems. We assume that like in other fields, introducing words supporting common musical terminology among Turkic people will not only solve the problems but also constitute a useful source for learning regional differences in music.
This article discusses common musicological problems between the term “ashula” and “mani” basing on the relationship, similarity and current functioning of the two terms. These two genres, based on the verse types “aruz” and “parmak” and sung with particular melody types (makam), have enriched their sources while completing their development with the time. These developments led to association of these genres with similar kinds or their differentiation. Whereas had the commonality of expressions been maintained since past, the time would not have been lost for these disputes and more novelties would have been observed instead. These problems are observed not only between the terms “ashule” and “mani”. The same is true for many terms used today. In conclusion, we will examine the term “ashula” equivalent of the Anatolian term “mani”, in terms of its prevalence within the territory of Uzbekistan and its terminological problems in comparison with the term “mani” while seeking new ways to solve this common problem.

TemPO (TEMporalité, Pathologie orthophonique, Ontologie) is an attempt to transform a draft conceptual model created for the French orthophonie/speech and language therapy (SLT) community into an ontological resource focusing on language... more

TemPO (TEMporalité, Pathologie orthophonique, Ontologie) is an attempt to transform a draft conceptual model created for the French orthophonie/speech and language therapy (SLT) community into an ontological resource focusing on language and communication pathology. It is interdisciplinary (SLT, linguistics, terminology and descriptive logic) and focuses on temporality as an entry point. It is part of a 3 step project aiming at harmonising European SLT terminology in order to facilitate communication about language pathology. The first step was to extract some characteristics using semantic and syntactic analyses, the second one is the creation and validation of the ontology (TemPO) and it will be followed by a larger multilingual terminological project at a European level.

W artykule omówiono zasady konstruowania terminograficznego na różnych etapach pracy słownikarskiej. Na podstawie ogólnej i szczegółowej analizy terminograficznej oraz zasad pracy terminograficznej zaproponowano konstrukty idealnego,... more

W artykule omówiono zasady konstruowania terminograficznego na różnych etapach pracy słownikarskiej. Na podstawie ogólnej i szczegółowej analizy terminograficznej oraz zasad pracy terminograficznej zaproponowano konstrukty idealnego, optymalnego i maksymalnego słownika terminologicznego. Są one podstawą opracowania parametrów konkretnych slowników, zmiennych z punktu widzenia potrzeb odbiorców, wymogów teoretycznych, typu wiedzy specjalistycznej reprezentowanej przez terminy, dostępność tekstów terminonośnych itd.

This research examined the influence of food label quantifier terms (e.g., Low, Reduced, and Free) on people's interpretation of implied quantity. Experiment 1 assessed people's perceptions (connotation) of eight terms to determine... more

This research examined the influence of food label quantifier terms (e.g., Low, Reduced, and Free) on people's interpretation of implied quantity. Experiment 1 assessed people's perceptions (connotation) of eight terms to determine whether the terms convey distinct quantities. Results showed significant differences among the lowest quantity-connoting terms. Experiment 2 investigated the influence of three specific quantifier terms placed in the context of nutrient claims on product labels and measured their effect on purchase intentions before and after dietary health concerns were made explicit. Results showed that the quantifier terms influenced people's purchase intentions when health and diet concerns were made salient, but not when general purchase preferences were requested. Implications for consumer comprehension and interpretation of food label are discussed, and suggestions for future research are offered.

The paper provides results of the frequential distribution analysis of cybersecurity terms used in the Lithuanian cybersecurity corpus composed of texts of different genres. The research focuses on the following aspects: overall... more

The paper provides results of the frequential distribution analysis of cybersecurity terms used in the Lithuanian cybersecurity corpus composed of texts of different genres. The research focuses on the following aspects: overall distribution of cybersecurity terms (their density and diversity) across genres, distribution of English and English-Lithuanian terms and their usage patterns in Lithuanian sentences, and, finally, the most frequent cybersecurity terms and their thematic groups in each genre. The research was performed in several stages: compilation of a cybersecurity corpus and its subdivision into genre-specific subcorpora, manual annotation of cybersecurity terms, automatic lemmatisation of annotated terms and, finally, quantitative analysis of the distribution of the terms across the subcorpora. The results reveal the similarities and differences of the I. Linguistic Research / Lingvistikos tyrimai / Badania lingwistyczne S. Rackevičienė, A. Utka et al. Distribution of Terms Across Genres in the Annotated Lithuanian Cybersecurity Corpus use of cybersecurity terminology across genres which are important to consider to get a complete picture of terminology usage trends in this domain.

The language of tasting notes is not always precise, since it is used to express sensations that can be very subjective. Wine tasters use descriptors to express what they see, smell and taste in a wine, but these common terms are often... more

The language of tasting notes is not always precise, since it is used to express sensations that can be very subjective. Wine tasters use descriptors to express what they see, smell and taste in a wine, but these common terms are often used even by wine experts with what has been termed as a blithe lack of precision. Hence, wine blogs and wine magazines often include wine glossaries that cover, among other wine vocabulary, wine tasting descriptors. These dictionaries and glossaries often result in problems of term selection and term definition. The purpose of this paper is to compare the specialised glossary or dictionary definitions of a limited number of descriptors with their actual use in wine tasting notes and come up with definitions which are a closer match to the descriptors as they are really used. ARTICLE HISTORY

The paper briefly describes the historical framework of terminology planning, complex history of language planning for the Croatian standard language, and the factors that led to the organized terminology work in the 21st century in... more

The paper briefly describes the historical framework of terminology planning, complex history of language planning for the Croatian standard language, and the factors that led to the organized terminology work in the 21st century in Croatia in the program of Croatian special field terminology and the creation of a national terminology database Struna. The national terminology database system encouraged a group of associates and researchers from the Department of General Linguistics of the Institute for Croatian Language and Linguistics to produce a new terminological source of information. The basis was the terminology work in Struna database, but the new search engine was expanded by other available sources of terminology. After one year of thinking process and materials collecting, the Croatian Terminology Portal was designed as the focal point for all available contemporary terminological resources in the Croatian language. The article describes in detail what the Croatian Terminology Portal contains, what all the collaborating institutions bring together, and main features of portals' meta-search engine. Basic information is provided about the initial results of a user survey on terminology resources produced and maintained at the Institute for Croatian Language and Linguistics. Ultimately, new ideas and planned collaborations are introduced, that is, the inclusion of terminological material in the Croatian language from the terminology database of the European Union IATE and the Eurovoc thesaurus via the application programming interface (API).

The article presents the major English and Polish terminology related to selected aspects of judicial and police cooperation between the EU Member States in criminal matters. The author discusses the following institutions: Eurojust, the... more

The article presents the major English and Polish terminology related to selected aspects of judicial and police cooperation between the EU Member States in criminal matters. The author discusses the following institutions: Eurojust, the European Judicial Network (EJN), European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), Europol and the following measures: European Arrest Warrant (EAW) and European Evidence Warrant (EEW). The terminology was extracted from EU regulations and their official Polish translations as well as official websites of relevant institutions.

Elöljáróban szeretnénk leszögezni, hogy e helyütt nem kívánjuk érinteni a szaknyelv és a szaknyelvek oktatásának elméleti kérdéseit: nem tárgyaljuk tehát a szaknyelv(ek) és a köznyelv viszonyát, és nem foglalkozunk a kérdéskör viszonylag... more

Elöljáróban szeretnénk leszögezni, hogy e helyütt nem kívánjuk érinteni a szaknyelv és a szaknyelvek oktatásának elméleti kérdéseit: nem tárgyaljuk tehát a szaknyelv(ek) és a köznyelv viszonyát, és nem foglalkozunk a kérdéskör viszonylag gazdag szakirodalmával sem. A továbbiakban a Debreceni Egyetem Gyermeknevelési és Gyógypedagógia Karán folyó szaknyelvoktatás aktuális helyzetét, a felmerülő nehézségeket és lehetőségeket, valamint a szaknyelvoktatás távlatait fogjuk tárgyalni. A Debreceni Egyetem Gyermeknevelési és Gyógypedagógia Karán az indulás évétől (1971) folyik óvodapedagógia BA képzés, több mint 25 évre tekint vissza a szociálpedagógia BA, melyhez kapcsolódik szociálpedagógia MA (2018) képzés is. A karon több mint tíz éve folyik a csecsemő- és kisgyermeknevelő BA képzés. A legújabb szak, a gyógypedagógia BA 2017-ben indult.

The term ‘Third Culture Kid’ (TCK) is commonly used to denote children living in a host culture other than their passport culture during their developmental years. However, its meaning in relation to other terminology referring to a... more

The term ‘Third Culture Kid’ (TCK) is commonly used to denote children living in a host culture other than their passport culture during their developmental years. However, its meaning in relation to other terminology referring to a similar concept is a source of interest for many stakeholders. This paper opens up opportunities for further exploring and critiquing the definition of TCK, and opening this up to case studies within the context of the United Arab Emirates and more widely. It is critical to clarify the terminology in light of unprecedented levels of international migration throughout the world. This paper reviews the meaning of culture in relation to TCKs, and explores the meaning of the TCK concept as well as a number of other terms used as alternatives to TCK. A contextualization of the literature follows in relation to the researchers’ own lived experiences in the United Arab Emirates. The term TCK can be seen as part of the general stock of theoretical concepts. This...

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of ethnomusicological scientific terminology, used by one of the most known scholars in the field of Lithuanian folk music research, collector and editor of Veliuona parish Lithuanian folk songs... more

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of ethnomusicological scientific terminology, used by one of the most known scholars in the field of Lithuanian folk music research, collector and editor of Veliuona parish Lithuanian folk songs at the second part of the 19th century, priest Antanas Juška (Juškevičė, Juškevičius, 1819–1880). He showed the most important features of Lithuanian folk songs, stressed the importance of preserving and continuity of whole the Lithuanian ethnic culture for the future generations. The genre terminology in classification of folk songs, collected by him in the Nemunas river localities, is the most important here for all the Lithuanian ethnomusicology of the second part of 19th century. The ethnomusicological terminology at that times was not created yet, and A. Juška had to create and to explain a lot of new definitions. His terminology is the very actual object for the contemporary studies of all the early Lithuanian ethnomusicological writings.

There are a few trade names and expressions that are not exactly accurate if we look at them in a very strict way. However, written or verbal tradition have given them a wide visibility and usage among both professionals and the general... more

There are a few trade names and expressions that are not exactly accurate if we look at them in a very strict way. However, written or verbal tradition have given them a wide visibility and usage among both professionals and the general public, and many have became part of the trade’s vernacular and nomenclature. Here are a few examples.

The article deals with the issues of international terms, the ways of term building and translation. The authors of the article consider the term building based on the terminological system of mining industry. As a result of research on... more

The article deals with the issues of international terms, the ways of term building and
translation. The authors of the article consider the term building based on the terminological system
of mining industry. As a result of research on translating international terms of mining industry in the
English, Kazakh and Russian languages, the major ways of word-building calque, and several types of
semi-calque have been defined. The authors proposed classification of semi-calque internationalisms
based on the principle of forming semi-calque from both SL and TL, and the borrowed lexical material,
i.e. complex semi-calque, consisting of the whole units; complex compound semi-calque, consisting of
equivalent in Kazakh/Russian and international term; complex semi-calque, consisting of the international
element and Kazakh/Russian term; and complex compound semi-calque, consisting of translated affixes
and international term.

Streszczenie W rozdziale przedstawiono główne trendy w rozwoju badań terminologicznych w dwóch krajach anglosaskich: Wielkiej Brytanii i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Aby stworzyć tło do dalszych rozważań, najpierw omówiono szczególną rolę... more

Streszczenie W rozdziale przedstawiono główne trendy w rozwoju badań terminologicznych w dwóch krajach anglosaskich: Wielkiej Brytanii i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Aby stworzyć tło do dalszych rozważań, najpierw omówiono szczególną rolę języka angielskiego w globalnej komunikacji oraz przedstawiono uwagi dotyczące istnienia anglosaskiej szkoły terminologicznej. W dalszej kolejności zaprezentowano główną część rozdziału, w której prześledzono ewolucję zainteresowania terminologią w obu krajach począwszy od pionierskich prac W. Whewella aż po współczesność. Nacisk położono na uchwycenie unikalnego charakteru badań terminologicznych w ich współczesnej fazie w obu krajach z osobna.
Abstract Anglo-Saxon terminology studies: the United Kingdom and the United States This chapter outlines major trends in the development of terminology studies in two Anglo-Saxon countries: the United Kingdom and the United States. To set the scene, it opens with a discussion of the special role of English in global communication as well as some remarks about the existence of an Anglo-Saxon school of terminology. Following this is the central part of the chapter which tracks the history of terminology in the two countries, from the pioneering work of W. Whewell to the present. Focus is placed on capturing the unique character of terminology studies in its modern phase in each of the two countries separately.

This paper is a review on terminology and usage of three horizontal dashes (-, – and —) in Croatian orthographies and orthographic papers. Considerable contradictions and inconsistencies have been spotted in both terminology and practical... more

This paper is a review on terminology and usage of three horizontal dashes (-, – and —) in Croatian orthographies and orthographic papers. Considerable contradictions and inconsistencies have been spotted in both terminology
and practical use of horizontal dashes. The new Croatian Orthography, recently published by Matrix Croatica and written by Badurina, Marković and Mićanović, contributed even more to the confusion by prescribing solutions that deviate significantly from orthographic tradition and typographic practice. Practical, orthographic, and computational linguistic arguments have been stated and elaborated against these solutions. The authors propose terms spojnica, en-crtica and em-crtica for characters -, – and —. Two possible directions in the development of orthographic rules and usage have been
pointed out. The authors have also drawn attention to some other inconsistencies in orthography which should be systematized and standardized.

The Latin terms used to translate Alexandrian poetics are well-known in the Augustan era, but still insufficiently explored during Catullus’s times. Yet, I argue that Catullus played a major role in the constitution of the Latin... more

The Latin terms used to translate Alexandrian poetics are well-known in the Augustan era, but still insufficiently explored during Catullus’s times. Yet, I argue that Catullus played a major role in the constitution of the Latin terminology used by Augustan poets.

The article investigates the job of an unknown dialect as an apparatus for the future financial specialists, just as the present status of worldwide normalization of coordinations phrasing. With the approach of coordinations as a... more

The article investigates the job of an unknown dialect as an apparatus for the future financial specialists, just as the present status of worldwide normalization of coordinations phrasing. With the approach of coordinations as a different field of information, there is a need to gather and improve its wording framework. The creator underlines that the Logistics Glossary of the European Logistics Association (ELA) is occupied with a concentrated work on the normalization of coordinations phrasing and The Role of a Foreign Language in the Context of the International Standardization of Logistics Terminology http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 1322 editor@iaeme.com depends on both expert logisticians and educators and understudies of different strengths identified with coordinations.

EU Project ESPRIT 2315, Translator’s Workbench (TWB I and II), April 1989 - March 1992. Universität Heidelberg. Termbank Group partners: Triumph-Adler AG, Fraunhofer Society IAO, L-Cube, Mercedes-Benz AG, Siemens AG, Siemens CDS,... more

EU Project ESPRIT 2315, Translator’s Workbench (TWB I and II), April 1989 - March 1992. Universität Heidelberg. Termbank Group partners: Triumph-Adler AG, Fraunhofer Society IAO, L-Cube, Mercedes-Benz AG, Siemens AG, Siemens CDS, University of Barcelona, University of Heidelberg, University of Stuttgart, University of Surrey

A nomenclatural and bibliographic catalog of the genus-group names of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) from the New World is presented. The catalog includes 206 available genusgroup names with type species with New World localities, full... more

A nomenclatural and bibliographic catalog of the genus-group names of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) from the New World is presented. The catalog includes 206 available genusgroup names with type species with New World localities, full bibliographic citations, and other associated nomenclatural and taxonomic information. Two nomenclatural discrepancies are resolved: Siphonophora acerijoliae Thomas is designated the type species
of Phymatosiphum Davis, and Strenaphis Quednau nomen novum is proposed as a replacement name for the homonymic Stenaphis Quednau.
Key words.- aphids, plant lice, America, Nearctic, Neotropical

Versión electrónica consultable a través de dispositivos personales: disponible para la compra en la tienda de Amazon Kindle.... more

Versión electrónica consultable a través de dispositivos personales: disponible para la compra en la tienda de Amazon Kindle.
La Guía de Español Técnico Simplificado es un método de escritura para la documentación técnica en lengua española. Se trata de un lenguaje controlado basado en la lengua natural.
Esta guía ha sido desarrollada para escribir documentos técnicos donde aparezcan la repetición sintáctica y la coherencia terminológica refiriéndose, por lo tanto, a toda documentación técnica que necesite estandarización y uniformidad lingüística.
Pretende facilitar el procesamiento del lenguaje natural para la traducción automática y para la recuperación de información en las memorias de traducción, mejorando la legibilidad y la comprensibilidad de los textos, especialmente para los no nativos.
Permite la redacción de textos técnicos en español que en traducción automática hacia el inglés se convierten en textos técnicos basados en otro lenguaje controlado, es decir el Simplified Technical English (ASD-STE100, Issue VI). El resultado de la traducción automática solo implica muy pocos esfuerzos en posedición.
En esta versión se pueden consultar las entradas del diccionario con doble tap en la pantalla.

A tanulmány célja a szaknyelvek szociolingvisztikai és terminológiai megközelítésének bemutatása. A szociolingvisztika körébe sorolt szaknyelvkutatás, ezen belül a szakszókincs vizsgálata kontrasztív módszerekkel történik. A terminológiai... more

A tanulmány célja a szaknyelvek szociolingvisztikai és terminológiai megközelítésének bemutatása. A szociolingvisztika körébe sorolt szaknyelvkutatás, ezen belül a szakszókincs vizsgálata kontrasztív módszerekkel történik. A terminológiai vizsgálatok nem a nyelvváltozatot használó társadalmi csoport jellemzői alapján közelítenek a szaknyelvekhez, céljuk a nyelv fogalomalapú leírása. Abból indulnak ki, hogy a nyelv feladata a világi környezetből származó ismeretek továbbítása, vagyis a fogalmakban absztrahált ismereteket kell a nyelvnek mint kommunikációs rendszernek közvetíteni. Ezért a fogalmat, valamint a fogalom és a jelölő viszonyát, a jelentést állítják a kérdéskör középpontjába.