Epigravettian Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
В роботі розглядається специфіка залягання найбільш інформативного другого культурного шару стоянки. За останніми результатами досліджень, конфігурація поверхні цього шару пов’язана з кріотурбаційними процесами, а не наявністю... more
В роботі розглядається специфіка залягання найбільш інформативного другого культурного шару стоянки. За останніми результатами досліджень, конфігурація поверхні цього
шару пов’язана з кріотурбаційними процесами, а не наявністю заглибленого житла. Типологічна структура комплексу знарядь притаманна для ділянок культурного шару епіграветських поселень, які акумулювались поза межами жител.
Ключові слова: Верхній палеоліт, епігравет, стоянка Бармаки, культурний шар, кріотурбаційні процеси, крем’яний комплекс.
A lelőhely a Duna-völgy és a Gödöllői-dombság között húzódó Pesti hordalékkúp-síkság és a Kosdi-dombság határán, a Duna bal parti, ÉNy−DK-i irányú teraszán található. A terasz Ny-i irányban a Duna felé lankásan, míg K-i irányban a... more
A lelőhely a Duna-völgy és a Gödöllői-dombság között húzódó Pesti hordalékkúp-síkság és a Kosdi-dombság határán, a Duna bal parti, ÉNy−DK-i irányú teraszán található. A terasz Ny-i irányban a Duna felé lankásan, míg K-i irányban a Cselőte-patak felé meredekebben lejt. Az alapkőzet kavics melyre lösz települt. A Duna bal partján az eddig ismert legdélebbi felső paleolitikus nyíltszíni vadásztábor. Stratégiai hely, ahonnan figyelemmel lehetett kísérni a téli-nyári legelőváltásuk során a gázlókhoz vonuló zsákmányállatokat. A lelőhely kiterjedése ÉNY-DK-i irányban mintegy 400 × 130 m. Kutatástörténet A tágabb értelemben vett terület, a Duna-kanyar a Dömösi szorostól Vác városáig jól kutatottnak számít a Duna mindkét partján egyaránt. A legelső őskőkorinak meghatározott leleteket Rómer Flóris írta le az 1860-as években Vác környékéről. Az 1920-as és 40-es évek között Horváth Adolf János végzett fontos megfigyeléseket és hitelesítéseket a területen. A Gábori házaspár az 1960-as években Dömösön kövekkel körülrakott sátoralapot, Szob−Ipoly-parton 3 ékszercsiga depót tárt fel nyíltszíni táborhelyen. Az 1980-as évektől T. Dobosi Viola végzett feltárásokat Pilismarót környékén. A 2000-es évek elején Markó András szakdolgozata kapcsán járt terepet Szob és Vác közt. Béres Sándor a 2000-es évektől végez felszíni gyűjtéseket a területen, itt bemutatandó lelőhelyünk lokalizálása is az Ő nevéhez fűződik. 2017-től már szisztematikus gyűjtések folynak a lelőhelyen, a leletek koordinátáit kézi GPS készülékkel rögzítjük.
This paper brings to light new results regarding the petroarchaeological investigations of the lithic raw materials used at the multi-layered site of Bistricioara-Lutărie III. These investigations include a series of field surveys for the... more
This paper brings to light new results regarding the petroarchaeological investigations of the lithic raw materials used at the multi-layered site of Bistricioara-Lutărie III. These investigations include a series of field surveys for the identification and sampling of geological deposits with archaeologically relevant siliceous rocks, but also a comparative petrographic analysis of archaeological and geological samples. Seven categories of knappable siliceous rocks, covering a diversity of geological settings and ages, were characterized based on samples collected from the study area (between Târgu Neamț, Borlești, Lacu Roșu, and Toplița). The analysis of 25 thin sections from Bistricioara-Lutărie III allowed distinguishing seven raw material categories. Four of them originate from geological occurrences in the study area, within a radius of 50 km from Bistricioara-Lutărie III (the Audia detrital siliceous rocks, Eocene chert, Hăghimaș syncline cherts, Toplița chert). Three others originate from the Prut-Dniester (the Prut-Dniester spiculite flint, Dniester Globotruncanidae flint) and Întorsura Buzăului (the Sita Buzăului chert) areas, located at >130 km NE and 155 km S.
- by Alexandru Ciornei and +2
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- Upper Paleolithic, Gravettian, Epigravettian, Upper Palaeolithic
During the second half of the Upper Paleolithic, Europe seems to have been divided in two vast techno-cultural entities with their particular chronological sequence: the Western Europe “classical sequence” and the Epigravettian sequence... more
During the second half of the Upper Paleolithic, Europe seems to have been divided in two vast
techno-cultural entities with their particular chronological sequence: the Western Europe “classical
sequence” and the Epigravettian sequence in the South. Essentially because of an imbalance of data
and differences in methodologies between these two regions, their Upper Paleolithic sequences have
rarely been compared. Thanks to the development of lithic technology in Europe and a recent active
research about the Late-Glacial, it is today possible to attempt such a challenging exercise of
comparing these two long sequences. In this paper, we solely focus on the Late Glacial. If the rare
existing attempts of comparison focused on typology of lithic assemblages, our paper aims for a more
global approach of lithic industries, based on recent technological studies. This approach allows
highlighting key elements in term of human behaviors. Our data suggest a similar process of change
between Western Europe and the Epigravettian during GI-1 (BøllingeAllerød). All the criteria of the
so called “azilianization process” are actually present in the Epigravettian evolution sequence. This
similar trend within both evolution sequences stopped abruptly, during the GS-1 (Younger Dryas).
During this period and the very beginning of the Holocene (Preboreal), a massive return of blades and
bladelets with high qualitative standards occurred in Western Europe while the simplification process
is still in course in the Epigravettian region. In this paper, we attempt to compare the various
responses of vegetation to the major climatic instability of the Late Glacial across Europe using a
critical survey of the available environmental data. Considering the boundary that could have represented
the Alps between Epigravettian and the Western Europe sequence, two high-resolution
environmental sequences from north and south of the Alps are especially examined. Are the differences
in terms of environmental changes between these two areas significant? Did they play a role in
human behaviors and motivate technological changes? The comparison of palaeoenvironmental data
with archaeological results tends to comfort some hypothesis of environmental determinism proposed
by scholars, but also provide new elements moderating regional models that cannot really be
applied at a continental scale. Climatic correlations with socioeconomic changes highlighted in this
paper are no more than one possible way of investigation that will need to be tested and discussed in
further research.
If H2a1 Mitochondrial DNA (MtDNA) bearers suddenly appeared in Eastern Europe in late 6th millennium BC and were omnipresent during Eurasian Copper and Bronze Ages, their modern dispersion's pattern seems to indicate they consciously... more
If H2a1 Mitochondrial DNA (MtDNA) bearers suddenly appeared in Eastern Europe in late 6th millennium BC and were omnipresent during Eurasian Copper and Bronze Ages, their modern dispersion's pattern seems to indicate they consciously overlapped Palaeolithic sites we have linked to the practice of early medicine. However they brought new characteristics from a prior southeastern Anatolian (Taurus Mountains) and Levantine (Galilea) ethnogenesis based on the convergence of Pastoralism for Milk (PM), co-evolution between gene and food practice implying the development of Lactase Persistence (LP), the Early Seeds Processing and specific associated behaviours such as selected body parts or perforated teeth as beads in burials. A Levantine thaumaturgical and matriarchal organization based on military force seemed to have synthesized all these influences and has diffused a culture whose elements are all reunited in the grave of Individual from Hilazon Tachtit Stage D (12000 cal BP, Natufian Culture). The lineage seemed to have followed the Fertile Crescent corridor that leads to Lesser Caucasus and reconstituted in Karabakh, close to the Kalavan-1 site, most of the Natufian cultural context. During Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB), while H2a1 MtDNA bearers expanded in Western Asia by Levant to become one of the most frequent sub-haplogroup of H, the corridor that promoted exchanges between Armenian Obsidian sites and the later Halaf site of Domuztepe, close to the modern Cilician H2a1 MtDNA hotspot, imposed advanced agricultural technics on the Araxes and Vorotan rivers. Thanks to a solid transgenerational transmission of medicinal practices that allowed overpassing the simultaneous development of new diseases like Yersinia Pestis, the innovative woman's lineage became a key element in the new population's admixture from Araxes – Vorotan-Hakari Rivers, future pillar of the Kura-Araxes Culture. While the agricultural Halaf influence extended towards the Caspian maritime plain, Bolgarçay River (Azerbaijan) and Gilan, (Iran), medicinal exchanges with central Asia triggered a new military network specialized in the trade of Boric acid and projected H2a1 MtDNA bearers in Inner Asia. West, the Transcaucasian expansion of H2a1 MtDNA bearers put an end to the Shulaveri-Shomu Tepe culture and their penetration between Don and Volga broadcasted thaumaturgy and advanced agricultural technics until Rhine following Gravettian sites we have demonstrated to be dedicated to medical practices. A last wave of H2a1 MtDNA coincides with the expansion of the Kura Araxes Culture in all Fertile Crescent and reached Atlantic during late 3 rd and early 2 nd millennia BC, changing the whole agricultural landscape of Western Europe until the Roman Empire. This paper demonstrate that Epi Palaeolithic elites were personally engaged in the survival and well-being of their groups, the Neolithic increasing demography forcing them to find solutions (*həll (n.) modern Azeri) making the 'Hellenism' the common base of the Indo-European culture born in Fertile Crescent.
The Late Upper Palaeolithic (Epigravettian) sequence at Badanj has yielded an important dataset about the occupation of the hinterland of the Eastern Adriatic catchment zone in the late Pleniglacial. The site also harbors one of the rare... more
The Late Upper Palaeolithic (Epigravettian) sequence at Badanj has yielded an important dataset about the occupation of the hinterland of the Eastern Adriatic catchment zone in the late Pleniglacial. The site also harbors one of the rare occurrences of Upper Palaeolithic parietal "art" in southeastern Europe in the form of a large rock engraving. Another notable aspect of the site is the presence of engravings on portable objects made from bone. The rst excavations at Badanj, conducted in 1976-1979 in the zone around the engraved rock, yielded a surprisingly large number of personal ornaments (over 1000 specimens) from a variety of primarily marine gastropods, scaphopods, and bivalves, and red deer canines. Here we review what is currently known about the site and report our preliminary ndings from the study of the collection of personal ornaments as well as osseous tools, some of which were marked by regular incisions forming decorative motifs. We also report two new direct accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dates on antler barbed points.
Albania is a possible stepping-stone for the dispersal of Homo sapiens into Europe, since Palaeolithic traces (namely from the so-called Uluzzian culture) have been discovered in neighboring Greece and Italy. After two years of searching... more
Albania is a possible stepping-stone for the dispersal of Homo sapiens into Europe, since Palaeolithic traces (namely from the so-called Uluzzian culture) have been discovered in neighboring Greece and Italy. After two years of searching for evidence of modern humans in Albania we here report on excavated test trenches representing two time slices: an Aurignacian open-air site from southern Albania and two Epigravettian cave sites in central and northern Albania—areas heretofore archaeologically unknown. The new Albanian data fill a gap in the eastern Adriatic archaeological record for Marine Isotope Stages 3 and 2. Adding current knowledge of Late Pleistocene landscape evolution, a “contextual area model” can be constructed describing the habitats of these human populations.
Related individuals grouped under the name of Villabruna cluster (14 – 7 Kya) were found throughout Europe during the Bølling-Allerød warming period and are considered to be one of the main elements constituting the European... more
Related individuals grouped under the name of Villabruna cluster (14 – 7 Kya) were found throughout Europe during the Bølling-Allerød warming period and are considered to be one of the main elements constituting the European population before the migration of the Near Eastern population (c. 8 Kya). Genetics, linguistics and archaeology tend to demonstrate that the group was composed of Gravettians who participated to Solutrean and Epigravettian who later installed in Lesser Caucasus diffusing locally their mixed cultural background. However, a conflict with the local population has triggered a return in Europe and a migration in India diffusing the same epic. Nevertheless, if the conflict favoured the group originated from Lesser Caucasus (Karabakh) who later migrated along the Fertile Crescent, the local European input remained a major component for the Fertile Crescent. In Caucasus, Europe and India, the oral transmission of the conflict became a crucial factor of kingship legitimacy.
Upper Paleolithic site of Mezhyrich is a unique national value archeological monument (230017-N). The site is located in Mezhyrich village, Kaniv district, Cherkassy region. The purpose of the project - preservation of the dwelling... more
Upper Paleolithic site of Mezhyrich is a unique national value archeological monument (230017-N). The site is located in Mezhyrich village, Kaniv district, Cherkassy region.
The purpose of the project - preservation of the dwelling construction remains of Upper
Paleolithic inhabitants that will become the first step for museumification of Mezhyrich
Le site de plein air des Vaugreniers (Le Muy, Var) a livré plusieurs témoignages d’occupations du Paléolithique moyen et supérieur en contexte alluvial. Répartis en deux locus, la fouille préventive a mis au jour une petite série... more
Le site de plein air des Vaugreniers (Le Muy, Var) a livré plusieurs témoignages d’occupations du Paléolithique moyen et
supérieur en contexte alluvial. Répartis en deux locus, la fouille préventive a mis au jour une petite série moustérienne dans un
paléochenal ainsi que deux niveaux épigravettiens datés par 14C AMS (ancien et récent). L’industrie lithique du niveau épigravettien
ancien révèle des caractéristiques techniques inédites dans le sud-est de la France.
The Vaugreniers open air site has provided several evidences of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic occupations in alluvial context.
Divided in two loci, the excavation revealed a small Mousterian lithic series into a paleochannel, and two Epigravettian levels (early
and recent). The lithic industry from the early Epigravettian level reveals new technical characteristics for south-eastern France.
Palaeolithic research in Albania is still in its infancy. Palaeolithic artefacts having been found mostly incidentally and sporadically, a demand for more systematic research has recently lead us to establish a joint Albanian-German... more
Palaeolithic research in Albania is still in its infancy. Palaeolithic artefacts having been found mostly incidentally and sporadically, a demand for more systematic research has recently lead us to establish a joint Albanian-German research project. Our first excavations to be presented here were carried out in southern Albania (Butrint region), central Albania (Vlora region) and in the northern Albanian highlands (Mati region). So far, Palaeolithic remnants were recovered representing two time slices: First, evidence for the presence of early Upper Palaeolithic humans is given by a series of radiocarbon dates
in the lower part of the Blazi Cave sequence and by an excavated Aurignacian lithic assemblage from the open-air site of Shën Mitri near Butrint. Second, some caves inspected have also revealed traces of hunter-gatherers who used these shelters shortly after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM): Two Epigravettian sites, Blazi Cave (Mati) and Kanali (Vlora), date to around 18,000 years cal.B.P. or slightly younger. The new Albanian data fill a gap in the eastern Adriatic archaeological record. Comparing the Epigravettian sites with similar occurrences in NW Greece and adding recent data about the Late Pleistocene landscape evolution of Albania, it is possible to place the archaeological data into their proper cultural and environmental context.
Technological development in Europe around the end of the Middle and beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic was expressed not only in the new methods for working flint, bone, antler, etc., but also by appearance of processing food and raw... more
Technological development in Europe around the end of the Middle and beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic was expressed not only in the new methods for working flint, bone, antler, etc., but also by appearance of processing food and raw materials by grinding, crushing and abrasion. Ground plant resources can be dried and stored for longer periods and are more digestible when cooked and eaten, while crushed mineral substances can be used to create mixtures with new physical qualities. These are obvious observations to make, and findings of Palaeolithic grinding stones are known, but at the same time, we have a poor idea of the distribution of artefacts used for grinding. There is still no general understanding of where, from which periods, and in which forms they are found. This article reviews the corpus of Upper Palaeolithic grinding stones from the East European Plain, including 76 directly studied finds from 15 sites. Macroscopic and, where possible, microscopic traceological analysis has been used for their analysis. From this review we observe that grinding stone tools in the region under study include the following types: grinding slabs or lower grindstones (most often found as fragments from the late Middle Palaeolithic and later; in the Upper Palaeolithic they were used for grinding pigments, plant resources and for polishing stone); two types of grinders or upper grindstones (active tools) – elongated for repetitive, continuous movements and short for circular or irregular movements (used for grinding pigments and the working of plant resources; in the Late Upper Palaeolithic at Eastern Epigravettian sites trapezoidal grinders, similar to those from later periods, appear); pestles-grinders (found on sites related to the Eastern Gravettian); and finally, pestles (which appeared as specialised artefacts in the Late Upper Palaeolithic). Most sources refer to the sites of Gravettian circle and Epigravettian. One-third of them are securely associated with pigment and the remaining two-thirds have indications of use for grinding soft fibrous material. Based on these data, the study of paleo-economics and other aspects of the prehistory can be developed.
Obsidian sources in the continental Europe are known exclusively from the Carpathian basin, where the occurrences of this volcanic rock were reported from several outcrops in the northeastern part of Hungary, Eastern Slovakia and the... more
Obsidian sources in the continental Europe are known exclusively from the Carpathian basin, where the occurrences of this volcanic rock were reported from several outcrops in the northeastern part of Hungary, Eastern Slovakia and the westernmost part of Ukraine. The three or four distinct variants of the so-called Carpathian obsidian are easy to identify by macroscopic methods: the transparent-translucent type are found in the Slovakian sources, the homogenous black and grey (and exceptionally reddish) variants are known from Hungary. The poor quality pieces from the Transcarpathian Ukraine were rarely used on the territories lying far from the source area, so in the following the occurrences of the Slovakian and Hungarian variants will be discussed. In this paper we review the available evidences on the use of the obsidian in the Central European assemblages dated to the Epigravettian period, dated to the second half of the LGM and to the Late Glacial. The distance of the raw material transport and the intensity of the obsidian manufacture will be emphasised. Kivonat A szárazföldi Európában csak a Kárpát-medencéből, északkelet-Magyarország, kelet-Szlovákia és Ukrajna legnyugatibb, kárpátaljai területéről ismerünk obszidián előfordulásokat. Az úgynevezett kárpáti obszidián három vagy négy változatát szabad szemmel is könnyen el lehet különíteni: az átlátszó-áttetsző típus a szlovákiai forrásokból, az átlátszatlan fekete, szürke, vagy nagyon ritkán mahagóni színű változatok a magyarországi előfordulásokhoz köthetőek. A kárpátaljai, gyenge minőségű kőzetet eddigi adataink szerint csak elvétve használták fel a forrásterülettől távolabbi lelőhelyeken, ezért csak a szlovákiai és magyarországi típusokat tárgyaljuk. A tanulmányban áttekintjük a közép-európai epigravetti korú régészeti lelőhelyekről ismert, az obszidián felhasználásra vonatkozó adatokat. Különös tekintettel a nyersanyagszállítás távolságára és a helyi megmunkálás intenzitására.
From the initial researches in the 1950's, the geological and archeological sequences preserved on the Bistrița terraces have been constantly thought to provide a remarkably complete chronicle of the Upper Paleolithic in eastern... more
From the initial researches in the 1950's, the geological and archeological sequences preserved on the Bistrița terraces have been constantly thought to provide a remarkably complete chronicle of the Upper Paleolithic in eastern Romania. The local Pleistocene geological archives hosted Aurignacian, Gravettian, Epigravettian and Swiderian layers. Various chronological data and cultural interpretations accumulated in the following decades granted the local Paleolithic some unusual features, such as the bizarrely young chronology of the Aurignacian technocomplex (27–21 ka uncal. BP), involving its partial contemporaneity with the local Gravettian (24–16 ka BP). Based on a previous critical reassessment of the original lithic toolkits the present paper attempts at assembling the most important results recently obtained through new archeological researches in several settlements in the area (Poiana Cireșului, Bistricioara-Lutărie I and III, Bistricioara 'La Mal'). A consisten...
This paper concerns a particular phenomenon that affects a large part of the lithic assemblage found in the final Epigravettian layers of Grotta Continenza (Trasacco - Abruzzo - Central Italy). It is the use of ocher (here understood as a... more
This paper concerns a particular phenomenon that affects a large part of the lithic assemblage found in the final Epigravettian layers of Grotta Continenza (Trasacco - Abruzzo - Central Italy). It is the use of ocher (here understood as a coloring pigment based on iron oxides) in fields ranging from the functional/daily use to the symbolic sphere, and that concerns diversified types of blanks: cores, tools, not retouched blades or flakes. We describe first artifacts in which traces of ocher appear to be linked to treatment of pigment or to works in which ocher performs a practical function (abrasive to skin, degreasing mixed with natural glues).
Later we analyze blanks in which the use of red pigment may be linked to symbolic or spiritual sphere.
Changes in the Epigravettian mobility patterns during the Younger Dryas: new evidence from the researches in Trentino area - The climatic and environmental changes that define in Europe the Younger Dryas period, had a certain impact on... more
Changes in the Epigravettian mobility patterns during the Younger Dryas: new evidence from the researches in Trentino area - The climatic and environmental changes that define in Europe the Younger Dryas period, had a certain impact on the Epigravettian societies of North-eastern Italy, inducing several changes in the settlement strategies of human groups. New directions for addressing this topic, derive from recent studies in Trentino area related to the YDESA project. The sites of Palù Echen (Folgaria plateau) and Lagét (Predaia plateau) were interpreted as seasonal mid-altitude camps frequented sporadically in the ascent of the pre-alpine slopes, part of a settlement system characterized by an higher mobility pattern compared to the previous period. Malga Palù (Vezzena plateau), by contrast, has yielded evidence more consistent with the settlement strategies expressed by the Epigravettian societies during Allerød.
The Ričina spring cave is located in the wider region of the Vrilo hamlet in the vicinity of Tomislavgrad. It is a part of a larger complex, more precisely there are three cave entrances mutually connected with cave channels, created as a... more
The Ričina spring cave is located in the wider region of the Vrilo hamlet in the vicinity of Tomislavgrad. It is a part of a larger complex, more precisely there are three cave entrances mutually connected with cave channels, created as a consequence of the corrosive activity of a strong underground stream. The complex and the surrounding region are flooded when there is a high water level in the reservoir. The cave complex has already been documented speleologically, and remains of stone tools were noticed by speleologists in one of their visits to the cave. This discovery incited archaeological research that resulted in the identification of a place in front of the cave where lithic objects were made. The thin cultural layer and spatial disposition of the finds imply their secondary position, but the geomorphological characteristics of the terrain indicate that it was the original zone of lithic production. The presence of almost all the phases of the operational sequence (only the collection of raw material is missing) indicates that the entire process of production happened at this spot. Though chronological analyses are unavailable for the time being, typological and technological characteristics, along with the presence of retouched blades, end scrapers and backed bladelets, clearly indicate the Epigravettian culture. It means that the site at the source of Ričina is the first Palaeolithic site in the western Herzegovina region.
- by Dario Vujević and +1
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- Lithics, Epigravettian, Upper Palaeolithic
The Mezhyich international archaeology summer school is dedicated to young scientists, especially PhD students and post-graduate early career researchers, from Ukraine and France. The summer school will also provide complementary training... more
The Mezhyich international archaeology summer school is dedicated to young scientists, especially PhD students and post-graduate early career researchers, from Ukraine and France. The summer school will also provide complementary training activities to Master students of the Department of Archаeology and Museology of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and from the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Master “Quaternary and Prehistory”.
- by Thomas Hauck and +4
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- Upper Paleolithic, Albanian archaeology, Epigravettian, Capra ibex
While the Balzi Rossi or Grimaldi Caves have been excavated since the middle XIX century, rock art was only discovered in 1971. Engravings, mostly non-representational ones, are currently known at Grotta dei Fanciulli, Grotta di... more
While the Balzi Rossi or Grimaldi Caves have been excavated since the middle XIX century, rock art was only discovered in 1971. Engravings, mostly non-representational ones, are currently known at Grotta dei Fanciulli, Grotta di Florestano, in a niche next to Riparo Mochi, at Grotticella Blanc-Cardini, Grotta del Caviglione and Barma Grande. We illustrate here Grotticella Blanc-Cardini, which is a large fissure of a kind, where an adult cannot enter easily. Hundreds of linear engravings were discovered. They are often quite deep, and usually found surrounding holes, fissures or niches; or vertically engraved, and more or less parallel; in two instances, one on each wall, a phallus was depicted, adjacent to a probable vulva. At Grotticella Blanc-Cardini as in most other caves elsewhere at Balzi Rossi, rock art is found at 27-28m asl, while at Barma Grande, which opens in a different part of the cliff, they are at 21m asl. Taking into account the known height of some archaeological deposits, we suggest that engravings were most probably produced when layers with Epigravettian industries were already in existence, at some point between 19,000 and 12,000 cal BP. This is in good accordance with the known age of similar cave art elsewhere in Italy. The overall characteristics of the Grotticella, and its diminutive size, suggest that the engravings were related to ritual activity and to an extremely restricted number of participants.
NEW SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE ON THE RIPARO DEL CASTELLO AT TERMINI IMERESE (PA) INSIDE THE SICILIAN PREHISTORY BETWEEN LATE PLEISTOCENE AND EARLY HOLOCENE. - The Riparo del Castello (Castle Rock-shelter) is one of the most historic european Palaeolithic/Mesolithic site, nevertheless al most unknown on a stratigraphic point of wiew. A recent excavation shows a four phases occupation, dated thanks to a large amount of radiocarbon samples. The first phase belongs to the late Pleistocene; the second, characterized by complicated hearths, to the early Holocene; the third, after a 5,000 years gap, be longs to a late Neolithic occupation, whereof remains a thick and mixed layer; the fourth phase, also remixed and dating to the Eneolithic age, shows the shel-ter use as cemetery. The lithic industry from the first two phases is linked to the Sicilian Epigravettian. Its structural evolution let us connect to the shelter stratigraphy (the first long-term occupation located in Sicily) the most important island prehistoric sites dating between Pleistocene and Holocene.
В коллективной монографии представлена обобщенная характеристика ключевых археологических памятников среднего и верхнего палеолита, известных на территории Подесенья. Предварительные результаты изучения опорных георхеологических... more
В коллективной монографии представлена обобщенная характеристика ключевых археологических памятников среднего и верхнего палеолита, известных на территории Подесенья. Предварительные результаты изучения опорных георхеологических комплексов Хотылёво I, Бетово, Хотылёво 2, Хотылёво 6 и Юдиново были обсуждены в рамках конференции — полевого семинара с международным участием «Культурная география палеолита Восточно-Европейской равнины: от микока до эпиграветта», проведенной на этих комплексах с 10 по 16 сентября 2019 года.
Abstract in English on pages 76-77
Gravettian expansion is considered as a cultural phenomenon marking a turning point in the European ethnogenesis. This paper brings new elements which demonstrate that it was contemporary to the development of a sophisticated... more
Gravettian expansion is considered as a cultural phenomenon marking a turning point in the European ethnogenesis. This paper brings new elements which demonstrate that it was contemporary to the development of a sophisticated Mediterranean farming methodology from which it adapt and diffused some practices under a colder climate. Reaching an important level of sophistication in the Mediterranean refugium during Late Glacial Maximum, during Latelacial new food practices have been once again re-diffused in the wake of Epigravettian and Magdalenian cultural expansions.
Prehistoric research in Albania has produced considerable evidence for settlement in the hinterlands, but very little for settlement in the Adriatic lowlands, producing only a partial picture of Albanian prehistory. For this reason,... more
Prehistoric research in Albania has produced considerable evidence for settlement in the hinterlands, but very little for settlement in the Adriatic lowlands, producing only a partial picture of Albanian prehistory. For this reason, newly-discovered surface finds from west of Narta Lagoon, composed of numerous lithics, are crucial to developing a more complete understanding of this particularly dynamic, coastal landscape.
На основі використання археологічних матеріалів розглянуто господарсько-культурний тип мисливців на мамонтів, що побутував на теренах басейну Дніпра в часи останнього зледеніння, в епоху пізнього палеоліту. Описано природне оточення... more
На основі використання археологічних матеріалів розглянуто господарсько-культурний тип мисливців на мамонтів, що побутував на теренах басейну Дніпра в часи останнього зледеніння, в епоху пізнього палеоліту. Описано природне оточення первісної людини, особливості господарства, матеріальної культури, суспільної організації та проблеми реконструкції світоглядних уявлень мисливських колективів. Для студентів гуманітарних і природничих спеціалізацій, а також буде цікавим для фахівців археологів, істориків первісності, краєзнавців та дослідників історико-культурної спадщини України.
Стоянка Бармаки, 2 культурний шар є найзахіднішим стратифікованим проявом епігравету в басейні Середнього Дніпра. За останні роки масштабні польові і лабораторні дослідження, проведені на рівні сучасних наукових стандартів, призвели до... more
Стоянка Бармаки, 2 культурний шар є найзахіднішим стратифікованим проявом епігравету в басейні Середнього Дніпра. За останні роки масштабні польові і лабораторні дослідження, проведені на рівні сучасних наукових стандартів, призвели до появи певного блоку інформації, який дозволяє не тільки уточнити хронологічне положення і техніко-типологічний статус матеріалів Бармаків, 2, а й визначити їх місце в системі культурно-хронологічної варіабельності середньодніпровських епіграветських пам’яток.
Mezhyrich is an Epigravettian open air base camp, in the Middle Dnieper basin, dated to 14.9-14,3 ka 14C BP. During the second stage of research from 1976 to 1989 an international group of specialists under supervision of M. Gladkikh –... more
Mezhyrich is an Epigravettian open air base camp, in the Middle Dnieper basin, dated to 14.9-14,3 ka 14C BP. During the second stage of research from 1976 to 1989 an international group of specialists under supervision of M. Gladkikh – the Head of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology of T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, carried out the excavations and interdisciplinary research of the site. As the result in 1976 fourth mammoth bone dwelling and a field objects around it were opened. The fourth dwelling was partially excavated and left in place for the purpose of a future museumification. An exploration of the cultural layer of the dwelling unit revealed a number of interesting finds and field objects. The stratigraphic sections within this trench revealed several stages of functioning of this object and several layers of human activity.
Since 2018, the Dwelling 4 has been explored by an expedition involving organizations such as the Department of Archeology and Museum Studies at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (P. Shydlovskyi), National Museum of Natural History, France (S. Péan) with the involvement specialists in the field of zooarchaeology, geology, geomorphology, etc. As the current state of affairs requires a new description of the dwelling elements, one of the goals of the 2018-2019 study was to conduct stationary studies of the filling of the dwelling. This works have to be continue in order to obtain data on structural features and the degree of preservation of cultural remains inside the dwelling, and to carry out restoration work to provide a basis for future museumification of the object.
Key words: Upper Palaeolithic, Epigravettian, household unit, mammoth bone dwelling, lithic technology, mammoth hunters.
Нові дослідженн я четвертого житла Межиріцької верхньопалеолітичної стоянки: результати роботи Міжнародн ої літньої школи
Межиріцька палеолітична стоянка – пам’ятка національного значення, що відноситься до епіграветського культурного кола і датується в межах 14,9 – 14,3 тис. ВР. Протягом більш ніж півсторічного дослідження пам’ятки на площі поселення було виявлено чотири житла з кіток мамонта, що оточені господарськими об’єктами і які складають окремі господарсько-побутові комплекси. Завдяки детальним мікростратиграфічним дослідженням встановлено мінімум три епізоди заселення пам’ятки. Четверте житло, виявлене у 1976 р. експедицією М.І. Гладких залишене на місці з метою музеєфікації та планомірного вивчення.
Дослідницькі роботи в 2018-2019 рр. проводились в рамках проекту №Ф77/38811 Державного фонду фундаментальних досліджень «Межиріцька стоянка мисливців на мамонтів: археологічні дослідження та музеєфікація» і проекту 1804S Міжнародної спілки по вивченню четвертинного періоду (INQUA) «MEZHYRICH INTERNATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGY SUMMER SCHOOL
interdisciplinary study of a Late Pleistocene site». Останній проект передбачав обмін досвідом між вченими з різних наукових і навчальних закладів та навчання молодих вчених і студентів сучасним методикам фіксації та інтерпретації археологічних знахідок. Археолого-реставраційні роботи над рештками четвертого житла включали такі завдання: проведення реставраційних робіт над кістками – склейки великих кісток – елементів конструкції житла, надання зміщеним кісткам первинного розташування, тощо; археологічне дослідження в межах траншеї 1, що була прокладена експедицією Н. Корнієць у 1995-1996 рр.
Метою археологічних досліджень внутрішнього простору житла стало детальне вивчення мікростратиграфчних особливостей заповнення, встановлення рівнів відкладів всередині споруди та отримання серій виробів з кременю та кістки для з’ясування типологічних та технологічних особливостей комплексу. Внутрішній простір житла досліджувався у двох окремих ділянках траншеї 1, що розташовуються у двох протилежних від центрального вогнища сторонах – північно-західній та південно-східній. Дослідження внутрішнього простору житла виявило складну структуру заповнення, що відзначається наявністю декількох поверхонь існування та спеціалізацією окремих ділянок.
Ключові слова: пізній палеоліт, епігравет, господарсько-побутовий комплекс, житло з кісток мамонта, технологія кременеобробки, мисливці на мамонта.
A régibb kőkor kutatása az emberiség legkorábbi történetének komplex vizsgálatát foglalja magában. Ez az időszak főként a jégkorszakra (pleisztocén) esett, amelyet jelentős éghajlat-ingadozások, eljegesedések (glaciálisok) és... more
A régibb kőkor kutatása az emberiség legkorábbi történetének komplex vizsgálatát foglalja magában. Ez az időszak főként a jégkorszakra (pleisztocén) esett, amelyet jelentős éghajlat-ingadozások, eljegesedések (glaciálisok) és felmelegedések (interglaciálisok) jellemeztek. A kárpát-medence azonban a sarkvidéki jégtakarónak és a Kárpátok gleccsereinek legnagyobb kiterjedése idején is jégmentes, tehátmindvégig megtelepedésre alkalmas maradt.
A jégkorszak lezárulása gyökeres változásokat hozott, és a környezet átalakulása döntően befolyásolta az egyes vadászcsoportok életmódját. Az utolsó eljegesedést követő felmelegedés hatására a hőmérséklet a maihoz hasonlóvá vált, és Magyarország területének nagy részén a fenyőerdőket fokozatosan lombos erdők váltották fel. A természeti viszonyok megváltozásával párhuzamosan kicserélődött az állatvilág is: a kipusztult vagy elvándorolt fajok helyét új fauna foglalta el. A jégkor végi népcsoportok utódai válaszút elé kerültek. Egy részük követte a jégtakarótól felszabadult észak-európai területekre átköltöző rénszarvascsordákat. Más részük viszont helyben maradt, alkalmazkodott az új környezethez, és a korábbi rénszarvas-,
mamut- és barlangi medve-vadászokból őstulok-, bölény- és gímszarvas-vadászok lettek.
Az alábbiakban a fent említett két nagy korszak, az őskőkor és az azt követő középső
kőkor vadász-gyűjtögető népcsoportjainak Jászberény térségében megtalált emlékanyagát tekintjük át. Az utolsó fejezetben röviden érintjük azt a Közel-Keletről kiinduló, kontinenseken átívelő korszakváltást is, amelyet az itt feltűnő első élelemtermelők, az újkőkori (neolit) vonaldíszes edények népének hagyatéka reprezentál.
A preliminary description of an advanced field surveying and site documentation method with the application of a Geographical Information System (GIS) is presented. Hopefully the applied method should help in the archaeological... more
A preliminary description of an advanced field surveying and site documentation method with the application of a Geographical Information System (GIS) is presented. Hopefully the applied method should help in the archaeological interpretation of surface finds of open-air sites.
- by Attila Péntek and +2
- •
- Epigravettian, Epipalaeolithic, Tarna valley
This paper presents lithic technology studies on the Middle and Late period of the Upper Palaeolithic in Hungary between 26 and 13 ka BP. The studies aimed at describing and then comparing the technological processes from lithic raw... more
This paper presents lithic technology studies on the Middle and Late period of the Upper Palaeolithic in Hungary between 26 and 13 ka BP. The studies aimed at describing and then comparing the technological processes from lithic raw material procurement to the formal tool making. An attempt was made to find correlations between technological features and chronological positions of the assemblages to see if lithic technology operated traditionally or opportunistically. The study found that technology was rather shaped toward efficiency with an adaptive behavior. Therefore, in most cases, the way how tools were made is useless to differentiate archaeological cultures, while the tools themselves, especially the armatures, can be markers of cultures as was shown earlier. This study found that the formation of the archaeological record and its variability most likely depended upon the dynamism of human ecology.
2001. óta szisztematikus terepbejárások folynak a Nógrád megyei Kálló település tágabb térségében (Erdőkürt, Erdőtarcsa), amelyek során számos, a fiatalabb őskorba, valószínűleg a középső neolitikus Zselíz kultúrába, vagy a késő... more
2001. óta szisztematikus terepbejárások folynak a Nógrád megyei Kálló település tágabb térségében (Erdőkürt, Erdőtarcsa), amelyek során számos, a fiatalabb őskorba, valószínűleg a középső neolitikus Zselíz kultúrába, vagy a késő neolitikus Lengyel kultúrába sorolható lelőhely mellett több paleolitikus lelőhelyet is sikerült lokalizálni. A Kálló-Puszta-hegy területén található nagyobb kiterjedésű lelőhely-komplexum, a Gravettien entitás fiatalabb pengés filumába (Epigravettien) tartozik. Az egyes, a lelőhely-komplexumhoz tartozó leletkoncentrációk azonban a fiatalabb őskori kultúra által kisebb-nagyobb mértékben bolygatottak. Ennek a lelőhely-komplexumnak az ismertetését fontosnak tartjuk abban a tekintetben, hogy hasonlóak létezése korábban csak a Duna-kanyarban, Pilismarót környékén illetve az Ipoly-völgyében, Hont környékén volt ismert.
A jelenleg folyó aktív terepkutatásoknak köszönhetően azonban továbbiak lokalizálása várható Romhány térségében (Péntek-Zandler) továbbá az Alföld északi peremének és a Mátra-hegység déli lábának a találkozásánál, Feldebrő, Halmajugra, Karácsond, Tófalu, Vécs területén (Gutay et al).
One of the better ways to analyze mobility during the Paleolithic is to study lithic industries with a techno-economic point of view. The liguro-provencal arc offers a particularly relevant area for this problematic, raw material... more
One of the better ways to analyze mobility during the Paleolithic is to study lithic industries
with a techno-economic point of view. The liguro-provencal arc offers a particularly
relevant area for this problematic, raw material availability are discretely and irregularly
distributed in a compartmented geologic context.
The techno-economic study of Epigravettian industries shows different mutation across
the raw material provisioning from the end of Pleniglacial to the beginning of Holocene.
This mutation is coherent with other contemporaneous contexts, notably in Italy.
This paper aims to present a first draw of these mutations, specifically regarding provisioning
strategies in lithic raw materials. Whenever it is not yet possible to defend a
formal hypothesis about mobility patterns, these changes show at least three successive
steps across time.
Early Epigravettian (24 000 to 16 000 cal. BP) fits with personal provisioning strategies.
Provisioning is essentially the result of the transport and the management of personal
gear. Beginning of Late Epigravettian, before younger Dryas (16 000-13 000 cal. BP)
shows different modalities of provisioning associated with a techno-economic differentiation
between sites which contrasts with the previous period. Flint blocks reserves
and functionally specific oriented gears are carried to sites. Sources diversity is in diminution
and procurement area seems to reduce. These changes are contemporaneous
to others : production systems and increase of sites functional specialization. The end
of Epigravettian (13 000 to 11 000 cal. BP) fits with an affirmation of the same tendency
with an apparent reduction of normal procurement distances.
All of these changes are linked with other among production systems and the development
of sites specialization.
The authors present a new prehistoric site recently discovered at Ortovero, near Albenga (Savona Province, Italy) in Western Liguria that can be attributed on typological grounds to the Final Epigravettian or to the Sauveterrian. The... more
The authors present a new prehistoric site recently discovered at Ortovero, near Albenga (Savona Province, Italy) in Western Liguria that can be attributed on typological grounds to the Final Epigravettian or to the Sauveterrian. The raw-material characteristics of the chipped stone artefacts resemble of from the red radiolarite outcrops of Eastern Liguria, although the large number of pieces manu- factured from this material and the distance from the supposed sources challenge this hypothesis. As a result of field surveys carried out over the last few years, the authors discuss the possibility of a formerly unknown source of vitreous red-coloured radiolarite outcropping in the surroundings of the site that may correspond to the ‘Radiolariti di Arnasco’ formation outcropping near Ortovero.
З 2010 р. дослідження на пам'ятці проводяться експедицією кафедри археології та музеєзнавства Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка спільно із спеціалістами з Національного природничого музею м. Париж, ІА НАН України... more
З 2010 р. дослідження на пам'ятці проводяться експедицією кафедри археології та музеєзнавства Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка спільно із спеціалістами з Національного природничого музею м. Париж, ІА НАН України та інших наукових і освітніх установ України і ЄС. За ці роки вдалося дослідити низку об'єктів, що відносяться до різних господарсько-побутових комплексів стоянки, отримати представницькі серії виробів з кременю, кістки, бивня, а також колекції фауністичних решток пізньоплейстоценових тварин.
Lovci posledních mamutů na Moravě V uplynulých letech byly v brněnské Vídeňské ulici zkoumány pozůstatky osídlení lidmi ze závěru doby kamenné (období tzv. posledního glaciálního maxima). Protože globálně šlo o extrémně chladnou a... more
Lovci posledních mamutů na Moravě
V uplynulých letech byly v brněnské Vídeňské ulici zkoumány pozůstatky osídlení lidmi ze závěru doby kamenné (období tzv. posledního glaciálního maxima). Protože globálně šlo o extrémně chladnou a nepříznivou
epochu, předpokládalo se, že lidé přesídlili do oblastí s o něco příznivějšími klimatickými podmínkami a nejen Morava, ale i další
oblasti Evropy byly v té době opuštěné. Archeologické nálezy objevené v Brně však zcela mění naše dosavadní představy.
Nedaleko řeky Svratky, na území chráněném úpatím Červeného kopce, se před 15.–18. tisíci lety rozkládalo rozsáhlé sídliště lovců, kteří lovili takřka výlučně mamuty, tedy druh, o němž zoologové a archeologové předpokládali, že vyhynul nebo se definitivně přesunul na sever Evropy již několik tisíciletí před uvedenou dobou. Připravovaná kniha
si klade za cíl sledovat osídlení Moravy
s ohledem na nová archeologická zjištění,
jež zásadním způsobem přetvářejí náš pohled na dané prehistorické období. Budeme pátrat po dalších dokladech a stopách osídlení
se záměrem zjistit, co se stalo s lovci a kdy
u nás skutečně zmizeli poslední svědci doby ledové – mamuti. / The last mammoth hunters in Moravia In recent years, remains of settlements dating back to the end of the Stone Age (the period of the Last Glacial Maximum) have been excavated in Vídeňská Street, Brno. As that period was globally extremely cold and unfavourable, it was presumed that people had moved to regions with friendlier climatic conditions and that Moravia, as well as other parts of Europe, was deserted at that time. However, archaeological finds from Brno have completely changed our current ideas. Near the Svratka river, on the territory protected by the foot of the Red Hill, there was an extensive settlement of hunters 15,000–18,000 years ago; they hunted exclusively mammoths, i.e. a species that zoologists and archaeologists considered to be extinct or to have definitely moved to the north of Europe several millenniums before the period in question. The prepared book describes the settlement of Moravia according to new archaeological discoveries that transform considerably our concept of that prehistoric period. We will look for further settlement evidence and vestiges and try to discover what happened to the hunters and when the last witnesses of the Ice Age – the mammoths – really disappeared.
The open-air site of Brno-Štýřice III (Vídeňská or Koněvova St.) has yielded abundant evidence of Late Glacial (LGT) Palaeolithic occupation assigned, on the basis of techno-typological studies and 14C dating, to the Epigravettian. During... more
The open-air site of Brno-Štýřice III (Vídeňská or Koněvova St.) has yielded abundant evidence of Late
Glacial (LGT) Palaeolithic occupation assigned, on the basis of techno-typological studies and 14C dating, to the
Epigravettian. During excavations, an archaeological layer with concentrations of chipped stone industry, animal
bones and hearths was uncovered. Although one type of raw material is predominant, the spectrum of raw materials
used for knapping was much wider than previously considered. The composition of the raw material indicates
contacts between the site and surrounding sources in Moravia. This paper deals with the spatial distributions of
artefacts according to their techno-morphological study and types of raw materials used for knapping. The
reconstruction of on-site activities is based on modelling a single accumulation of finds. The selected concentration,
with an area of 100 m2, was spatially well defined, with the excavations revealing both its centre and periphery with
a gradual fade-out of finds. Besides numerous lithic artefacts the site also contained fragments of animal bones,
teeth, and some heavy-duty pieces. The homogeneity of the concentration area was demonstrated by the presence of
all technological stages of the core reduction sequence of both primary and reutilised tools, and by several more
complex refits of chipped artefacts. Although we cannot observe any anthropic impact on animal bones due to the
poor preservation of their surfaces, the use-wear marks are evident on lithic tools – particularly burins and burin
spalls. The numerous refits of short sequences among lithic artefacts indicate on-site activity which can be associated,
according to the use-wear marks identified, with the processing of animal carcasses. This way we can characterise
not only the single selected accumulation of finds analysed, but the broader Štýřice III settlement in general.