Ethical Hacking Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Book three in the Cyber Library Reference Book series

Practices for ethical hacking
Penetration Tests
Advices and tips for penetration tests

AI symposium on 'Ethics and morality in non-human agents' presentation AAAI-16 Spring Symposium. Slides as pdf. Robot Priest was demonstrated, chasis, costume, hybrid raspberry pi/sermonator. Details of present science around biology... more

AI symposium on 'Ethics and morality in non-human agents' presentation AAAI-16 Spring Symposium. Slides as pdf. Robot Priest was demonstrated, chasis, costume, hybrid raspberry pi/sermonator. Details of present science around biology of human trust, our deteriorating public trust in various institutions including foundations of the catholic church priests, and the need to build 'trustworthy' AI.

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the fundamental and one of the most frequently used protocol involved in computer communications. Within a LAN, ARP messages are used to resolve IP addresses into corresponding MAC addresses.... more

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the fundamental
and one of the most frequently used protocol involved
in computer communications. Within a LAN, ARP messages
are used to resolve IP addresses into corresponding MAC addresses. Nevertheless, some of the limitations within this protocol make it rather vulnerable. The two most prominent limitations are - unauthenticated and stateless nature of ARP. The attackers can easily exploit these loopholes for their personal gain. ARP poisoning is considered as unitary of the basic attacks which is utilized to launch higher level attacks. Several solutions have been proposed in the literature to detect and prevent these attacks. However, all of the proposed solutions are limited to a certain extent. Some solutions are effective in a special set of scenarios while others are rather suited for scenarios belonging to a different band. As new techniques of ARP poisoning have evolved with time, researchers are getting motivated to propose new solutions.
In this paper, we have presented a comparative analysis of
different proposed solutions which are rather popular in the
literature. We have compared different mitigation techniques
based on some of the important factors that are considered as
limitations to the proposed solutions. These factors are derived
from the scenarios which are possible within a LAN when an ARP Poisoning attack is launched. A brief tabular format is likewise introduced in this paper which offers a fast overview of comparison between different proposed schemes. This comparative study can further be used to offer and build up a more efficient and effective scheme which, on one hand, enjoys the combined advantage of different mitigation techniques and on the other hand, does not hold the old limitations.

The essential difficulty about Computer Ethics’ (CE) philosophical status is a methodological problem: standard ethical theories cannot easily be adapted to deal with CE-problems, which appear to strain their conceptual resources, and CE... more

The essential difficulty about Computer Ethics’ (CE) philosophical status is a methodological problem: standard ethical theories cannot easily be adapted to deal with CE-problems, which appear to strain their conceptual resources, and CE requires a conceptual foundation as an ethical theory. Information Ethics (IE), the philosophical foundational counterpart of CE, can be seen as a particular case of ‘environmental’ ethics or ethics of the infosphere. What is good for an information entity and the infosphere in general? This is the ethical question asked by IE. The answer is provided by a minimalist theory of deserts: IE argues that there is something more elementary and fundamental than life and pain, namely being, understood as information, and entropy, and that any information entity is to be recognised as the centre of a minimal moral claim, which deserves recognition and should help to regulate the implementation of any information process involving it. IE can provide a valuable perspective from which to approach, with insight and adequate discernment, not only moral problems in CE, but also the whole range of conceptual and moral phenomena that form the ethical discourse.

War Thunder Free Golden Eagles

Esta guía está pensada para todo aquel que quiere iniciarse en el Hacking, pero que no sabe por donde empezar. Los conocimientos que se requieren para comprender todo de lo que se va a hablar aquí son: conocimientos de informática en... more

Esta guía está pensada para todo aquel que quiere iniciarse en el Hacking, pero que no sabe por donde empezar. Los conocimientos que se requieren para comprender todo de lo que se va a hablar aquí son: conocimientos de informática en general, conocimientos amplios de Internet y soltura en el manejo de un sistema Windows.

The legality of ethical hacking has been a topic of debate. Over the years, malicious hacking has given hacking a bad name but from the beginning hacking was not intended to be a criminal activity. Though hacking could be malicious, it... more

The legality of ethical hacking has been a topic of debate. Over the years, malicious hacking has given hacking a bad name but from the beginning hacking was not intended to be a criminal activity. Though hacking could be malicious, it could also be ethical, legal and acceptable. In this paper, we analyse the legality and acceptability of ethical hacking and why it is not a criminal activity.

Hacking has become an extensive trouble with the beginning of the digital age, almost worldwide access to the internet and other digital media. It is significant for individuals, corporations, and the government to guard them from being... more

Hacking has become an extensive trouble with the beginning of the digital age, almost worldwide access to the internet and other digital media. It is significant for individuals, corporations, and the government to guard them from being susceptible to such attacks. The purpose of this paper is to provide information about ethical hacking; their skill to share advanced security knowledge and capabilities with organization and pointing out their vulnerabilities.

The number of programs teaching ethical hacking in higher education and the number of ethical hacking professionals entering the information security field is growing, yet cyberattacks on the public and private sectors continue to... more

The number of programs teaching ethical hacking in higher education and the number of ethical hacking professionals entering the information security field is growing, yet cyberattacks on the public and private sectors continue to increase in sophistication and frequency, student convictions for hacking crime is on the rise, and Canada suffers from an acute cybersecurity skill shortage. This study presented an examination of opportunities and risks involved in using AI powered ethical hacking technology in current ethical hacking teaching practices in Canadian higher education focusing on two Canadian universities as case studies and applied a social systems theoretical framework (STEI-DMG within the science and technology studies tradition) to perform technology impact assessment and to synthesize implementable policy recommendations to mitigate the potential risks of teaching students hacking skills. A qualitative exploratory case study approach was followed. Data collection consisted of a qualitative systematic review, organizational documentation, and in-depth interviews with ethical hacking university experts, ethical hacking industry practitioners, and policy experts. No consensus in Canadian higher education was found on what might be considered a standard ethical hacking curriculum or BoK. A professional ethical hacking training module was explored: OSINT Analyst Cybersecurity Role and BoK Foundation Framework. Ethical hacking instruction in higher education should be constructivist in approach, directly engaging with key societal stakeholder groups. A public policy initiative was explored comprised of a networked centre of excellence of ethical hacking communities of practice as a knowledge management and risk management/technology governance approach focused on ethical hacking systematization of knowledge/professionalization.

Software used to perform Cyber Crime are the most emerging subject in the field of Forensic Science. Today, the demand of computer and other electronic devices have increased. This creates an increase in Cyber crime and its awareness.... more

Software used to perform Cyber Crime are the most emerging subject in the field of Forensic Science. Today, the demand of computer and other electronic devices have increased. This creates an increase in Cyber crime and its awareness. This paper provides you vast information about methods of Cyber crime, Software used to perform cyber crime and a research study on them. In this paper you will also learn how can a software and its algorithm perform, what footprints your device left, what are the loopholes which help that software. This will help you for a better understanding of the software which were used to perform cyber crime and how can you prevent yourself from such activities. If you are a Forensic Expert than you will learn about the software tools which are used in computer forensic. I have analyzed many tools and I will share my study in this paper. After reading you will come to know how forensic science expert backup a hard drive, or how hackers steal your information.

The debate on government access to encrypted data, popularly known as the “going dark” debate, has intensified over the years. On the one hand, law enforcement authorities have been pushing for mandatory exceptional access mechanisms on... more

The debate on government access to encrypted data, popularly known as the “going dark” debate, has intensified over the years. On the one hand, law enforcement authorities have been pushing for mandatory exceptional access mechanisms on encryption systems in order to enable criminal investigations of both data in transit and at rest. On the other hand, both technical and industry experts argue that this solution compromises the security of encrypted systems and, thus, the privacy of their users. Some claim that other means of investigation could provide the information authorities seek without weakening encryption, with lawful hacking being one of the most suggested alternatives. “Lawful hacking,” also known as “government hacking,” consists in the deployment, by investigative authorities, of tools that allow for the intrusion into computer systems, enabling access to its contents. Although this form of investigation seems to be essential in an increasingly connected society, it is important to understand security and privacy risks of different lawful hacking regulatory approaches. Considering that some countries are already enacting legal frameworks related to it, I aim to highlight the issues that should be properly addressed in order to position lawful hacking as one of the viable answers to the “going dark” debate.

Hacking is a set of practices with code that provides the state an opportunity to defend and expand itself onto the internet. Bringing together science and technology studies and sociology scholarship on boundary objects and boundary... more

Hacking is a set of practices with code that provides the state an opportunity to defend and expand itself onto the internet. Bringing together science and technology studies and sociology scholarship on boundary objects and boundary work, we develop a theory of the practices of the hacker state. To do this, we investigate weaponized code, the state's boundary work at hacker conferences, and bug bounty programs. In the process, we offer a depiction of the hacker state as aggressive, networked, and adaptive. The contemporary networked state is dynamic and process-orientated. It is a logistical and informational assemblage composed of technological infrastructures like 4G networks, surveillance satellites, internet exchange points and fiber optic cables as well as official bureaus concerned with areas like law enforcement, environmental protection, national security and diplomacy. These domains of competence and action are populated by researchers and scientists, police officers and policy analysts, military contractors and covert operatives-that is, an assortment of humans with differing mandates, levels of agency, expertise and proximity to official structures and objectives. This circuitry of power is increasingly underwritten and interwoven with the nonhuman components of the networked age. Software and malware, algorithms, viruses, exploits and zero-days increasingly form a connective tissue that links these state actors. This dynamic constellation of state structures seems to be historically and empirically distinctive from the more static characterizations that have appeared and continue to appear in the sociology of the state. Indeed, besides the formal exchanges and encounters that are typically understood as the domain of the state (e.g., diplomacy, treaty negotiation, foreign policy, etc.), a set of less formal and more tenuous forms of engagement-mediated through software, conducted through cyber-proxies and governed by networks-have increasingly complemented the "work" of the state.

La plateforme Cyberini est basée sur un constat inquiétant : de plus en plus de cyberattaques nous visent tous les jours, avec des piratages de plus en plus nombreux et des pertes de données de plus en plus couteuses pour les victimes (en... more

La plateforme Cyberini est basée sur un constat inquiétant : de plus en plus de cyberattaques nous visent tous les jours, avec des piratages de plus en plus nombreux et des pertes de données de plus en plus couteuses pour les victimes (en temps, en réputation, en démarches et en argent). Les analyses prospectives portant sur l’informatique nous font penser que la cybercriminalité continuera d’évoluer et de s’adapter aux nouvelles technologies. Cela touchera de plus en plus de personnes, et de façon de plus en plus frappante dans nos vies (maisons connectées, bio informatique, passage au “tout-numérique”, etc…).

Arguably the best media coverage of the student strike in Montreal is coming from an unexpected source – CUTV, or what is now called Community-University TV (formerly Concordia University TV). Live streaming nearly every protest,... more

Arguably the best media coverage of the student strike in Montreal is coming from an unexpected source – CUTV, or what is now called Community-University TV (formerly Concordia University TV). Live streaming nearly every protest, demonstration and march since the start of the strike, their viewership has grown
incrementally to rival that of much larger news organizations, with viewership over 10,000 on peak nights. Mainstream news stations have been lifting CUTV’s footage from the internet, interviewing their reporters, and have now started to enter into agreements to obtain footage (Shingler, May 24, 2012). What makes CUTV’s coverage so unique?

An ethical hacker is the network specialist & computer who pounce some security systems on the behalf of its possessor seeking amenability that could be exploited by a malicious hacker. The Internet's explosive growth has conduct many... more

An ethical hacker is the network specialist & computer who pounce some security systems on the behalf of its possessor seeking amenability that could be exploited by a malicious hacker. The Internet's explosive growth has conduct many virtuous things: e-commerce, e-mail, collaborative computing & new fields for advertisement and information distribution. Ethical hacking has become a main anxiety for businesses & governments, also known as the intrusion testing or penetration testing or red teaming. Organizations are concerned about the probability of being "hacked" & potential clients are concerned about keeping personal information under control. Hackers are classified according to their work and knowledge. The white hat hackers are the ethical hackers. Ethical hackers use hacking approaches to ensure safety. Ethical hacking is needed to protect the system from the hacker's damage. The major reason behind the ethical hacking study is to assess the security and report back to the owner of the target system. This paper provides a brief ideas of the ethical hacking & every aspects.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.

Blockchain technology has seen adoption in many industries and most predominantly in finance through the use of cryptocurrencies. However, the technology is viable in cybersecurity. This paper looked at several use cases of Blockchain in... more

Blockchain technology has seen adoption in many industries and most predominantly in finance through the use of cryptocurrencies. However, the technology is viable in cybersecurity. This paper looked at several use cases of Blockchain in the cybersecurity industry as envisioned by 30 researchers. It found that most researchers are concentrating on the adoption of Blockchain to protect IoT (Internet of Things) devices, networks, and data. The paper examined the ways highlighted by previous researchers through which Blockchain can afford security to the three problematic areas in IT. Lastly, the paper recommended that future researchers focus on a single Blockchain on which to develop cybersecurity applications to allow for integration and uniformity among solutions.

In recent years security and becoming secure with regards to web applications has come to the forefront of the minds of owners and users of web applications. Daily in the news we hear of websites that have been hacked for whatever agenda... more

In recent years security and becoming secure with regards to web applications has come to the forefront of the minds of owners and users of web applications. Daily in the news we hear of websites that have been hacked for whatever agenda the perpetrator has, be it monetary, boredom or some ideology. The worrying aspect other than being hacked is that most don't know they have been hacked for hours, days, months or even years. Web application vulnerabilities are now one of the most prevalent in all server vulnerability disclosures. These vulnerabilities can become detrimental to an organisation in terms of a time and monetary value. Web applications can be brought down for days, with the organisation losing man hours, accruing a large monetary expense and possibly losing custom in that time frame. The private data contained in the database of these applications has become a major prize for hackers. Personal financial data, credit card numbers and passwords to user accounts are but a few forms of data that an attacker could use to threaten a business or individual. With that in mind it is of upmost importance that these attacks are detected and investigated at the time of occurrence in order for the attack not to penetrate the application further. In a perfect world these applications would be released on the market as impenetrable applications, until such time there is a major requirement for detection, analysis and prevention. The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP) have been the leading light in regards to web application vulnerabilities. OWASP have a list called the OWASP top 10 which lists the most critical web application security flaws currently out there. OWASP list these flaws from 1 -10, with 1 being the most critical. Lumber Jack utilises the OWASP top 10 and bases the attack alerts on this list. Attacks such as Cross site scripting (XSS). Lumber Jack is a user friendly centralised intrusion detection system project. Designed and implemented with the security of web applications at the forefront. This project gives an organisation or individual full control of when and how they deal with attacks as they are perpetrated. Lumber Jack users login to the application via the login page. Once a user is logged in they can then turn on the Network monitor and Log monitor. Once turned on, the Network monitor within Lumber Jack captures network traffic in real-time. The captured packets are interrogated on the fly for known attacks. These attacks are stored in a database for statistical and trending purposes. Lumber Jack presents attack alerts through an alert page, allowing the user to shutdown an attack before an attacker can cause serious damage. Once turned on, the Log monitor within Lumber Jack processes the logs of the application server. The application server hosts a file containing the requests on the server. This file is processed for known attacks and displayed through the centralised console in real-time. This allows the user to shutdown an attack before the attacker can penetrate the system further and cause serious damage.

I have objectives from my good work done, i hack and spam which is the sole reason i can guarantee remmiting valid Cc's,valid spamming tools, running multiple transfers. As you all knows i work from anonymous off shore server, I have... more

I have objectives from my good work done, i hack and spam which is the sole reason i can guarantee remmiting valid Cc's,valid spamming tools, running multiple transfers. As you all knows i work from anonymous off shore server, I have secured a well balance account which is ACH enable capable of remitting variety of transfer credential via Instant Bank transfer/drop, Western union transfer, Bitcoin transfer, PayPal transfer, Skrill transfer and more at high balance rates. I work with legit affiliates authorizing this possible transfer since all protocols and measures are duly observe cashing out with zero theft and no traces of future charge back fee with out stipulation as all required charges is subjected to provide due success working with our fidelity.

An ethical hacker is the network specialist & computer who pounce some security systems on the behalf of its possessor seeking amenability that could be exploited by a malicious hacker. The Internet's explosive growth has conduct many... more

An ethical hacker is the network specialist & computer who pounce some security systems on the behalf of its possessor seeking amenability that could be exploited by a malicious hacker. The Internet's explosive growth has conduct many virtuous things: ecommerce, e-mail, collaborative computing & new fields for advertisement and information distribution. Ethical hacking has become a main anxiety for businesses & governments, also known as the intrusion testing or penetration testing or red teaming. Organizations are concerned about the probability of being "hacked" & potential clients are concerned about keeping personal information under control. Hackers are classified according to their work and knowledge. The white hat hackers are the ethical hackers. Ethical hackers use hacking approaches to ensure safety. Ethical hacking is needed to protect the system from the hacker’s damage. The major reason behind the ethical hacking study is to assess the security and report back to the owner of the target system. This paper provides a brief ideas of the ethical hacking & every aspects

Le mode d'apprentissage CEH eLEARNING respecte scrupuleusement la totalité du cursus de formation officiel EC-Council. Le cursus eLEARNING aborde de manière successive chaque module tel le cours présentiel BOOTCAMP avec des exercices, des... more

Le mode d'apprentissage CEH eLEARNING respecte scrupuleusement la totalité du cursus de formation officiel EC-Council. Le cursus eLEARNING aborde de manière successive chaque module tel le cours présentiel BOOTCAMP avec des exercices, des démonstrations et simulations complémentaires qui vous permettent d'approfondir les connaissances et de maximiser les chances de réussite aux examens de certification.

faster searching and network scanning with nmap

You have no idea how good you have it. In 1998, I was an up-and-coming hacker, co-founding one of the earliest professional white hat hacking teams. We were kids, really, with dream jobs, paid to break into some of the most secure... more

You have no idea how good you have it.
In 1998, I was an up-and-coming hacker, co-founding one of the earliest professional white hat
hacking teams. We were kids, really, with dream jobs, paid to break into some of the most secure
computer systems, networks, and buildings on the planet.
It sounds pretty sexy, but in reality, we spent most of our time hovering over a keyboard, armed
with the digital tools of our trade. We wielded a sordid collection of programs, designed to map
networks and locate targets; then scan, exploit, and pivot through them. In some cases, one of
us (often Jim Chapple) would write custom tools to do wicked things like scan a Class A network
(something no other tool could do, at the time), but most often we would use or modify tools
written by the hacker community. In those pre-Google days, we frequented BugTraq, AstaLaVista,
Packet Storm, w00w00, SecurityFocus, X-Force, and other resources to conduct research and build
our arsenal.

This article addresses a neglected class of cases of civic resistance involving the anonymous and covert disruption of institutions and practices. Such cases have become more commonplace in the first decades of the twenty-first century... more

This article addresses a neglected class of cases of civic resistance involving the anonymous and covert disruption of institutions and practices. Such cases have become more commonplace in the first decades of the twenty-first century with the rise of "hacktivism," but they sit uneasily within the traditional conceptual and normative framework of civil disobedience the legitimacy of which is premised on the publicity of dissent and on the willingness of dissenters to accept the legal consequences of their actions. To make sense of these new forms of civic resistance, the article introduces the concept of "disruptive disobedience." It elaborates the concept by contrasting it with other forms of civic resistance, and proposes a moral justification for it by presenting it as a corrective to democratic exclusion. Finally, it tests that justification by applying it to a prominent contemporary case involving Aaron Swartz's illegal download of JSTOR research articles.

Bu el kitabını CEH içeriğine uygun olarak modüler bir yapıda hazırlamaya çalıştım. El kitabı, daha çok bir saldırı klavuzu olarak nitelendirilebilir. Penetrasyon testi sırasında “hangi işlemleri, hangi sırayla ve nasıl uyguluyoruz?”... more

Bu el kitabını CEH içeriğine uygun olarak modüler bir yapıda hazırlamaya çalıştım. El kitabı, daha çok bir saldırı klavuzu olarak nitelendirilebilir. Penetrasyon testi sırasında “hangi işlemleri, hangi sırayla ve nasıl uyguluyoruz?” sorularını ortadan kaldırmak ve karışıklıkları gidermek adına, adım adım hazırlanmış bir rehber ortaya koymaya çalıştım.
Okunduğunda, rehberde ele alınan başlıklar hakkında sizlere tatmin olabileceğiniz kadar çok şey öğretebilecek bir çalışma olmayacağının altını çizmek istiyorum. Burada iş biraz okuyucuya düşüyor. Bu çalışmada genel hattıyla ele alınan konuları daha detaylı öğrenerek, araştırma yaparak ve azimle çalışarak kendinizi geliştirmek şartıyla bir şeyler öğrenebilirsiniz.

This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more

This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (c) the case study is most useful for generating hypotheses, whereas other methods are more suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (d) the case study contains a bias toward verification; and (e) it is often difficult to summarize specific case studies. This article explains and corrects these misunderstandings one by one and concludes with the Kuhnian insight that a scientific discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without systematic production of exemplars, and a discipline without exemplars is an ineffective one. Social science may be strengthened by the execution of a greater number of good case studies.

Hacking, Programming. Python, Author: Justin Seitz