Hackers Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Technology plays a major role in the development of the economy of a country and in general in organizations. It is known that it is used in the massive media, the Internet, known by society, which favors all, in this case banking, which... more

Technology plays a major role in the development of the economy of a country and in general in organizations. It is known that it is used in the massive media, the Internet, known by society, which favors all, in this case banking, which allows its users facilities as the constant development of technology and easy setup supports, and also neglecting safety. In addition to the vulnerabilities in the configuration, technology, humans, applications, platforms, among others; exploited by Cybercriminals organizations operating at an international level, causing incalculable losses to the banking system, the worrying thing is that is growing. However, some banks are required to meet minimum safety standards, there will always be risks, in this way it won't be possible to achieve information security one hundred percent.

Le culture del cyberpunk sono culture che si affermano in un ben preciso momento storico, gli anni Ottanta, in cui lo sviluppo del post-fordismo sta fornendo una nuova spinta propulsiva alla storica e progressiva soppressione del tempo... more

Le culture del cyberpunk sono culture che si affermano in un ben preciso momento storico, gli anni Ottanta, in cui lo sviluppo del post-fordismo sta fornendo una nuova spinta propulsiva alla storica e progressiva soppressione del tempo inutile vissuto quotidianamente, a favore di un uso funzionale del proprio tempo quotidiano ai sempre nuovi ritmi dell'economia, del commercio e del consumo. Ogni nuova scoperta e tecnologia della comunicazione viene socialmente, oltre che economicamente, sviluppata, prodotta, organizzata e finalizzata in funzione di logiche di dominio e di profitto, anziché verso il bene e gli interessi dell'umanità e dell'essere umano.
Da ogni attimo della giornata viene progressivamente espulsa ogni dimensione dell’“inutile”, di un vissuto cioè che sia in grado di sospendere la propria dimensione percettiva dalla sua funzione di sopravvivenza, per abbandonarsi in modo rituale all’esperienza della propria spiritualità.
Tale dimensione autentica dell’essere è, nel processo di storicizzazione dell’umanità, costantemente esautorata, soppressa, dalle strutture del dominio e dello sfruttamento.
Le nuove tecnologie della comunicazione digitale sono state trasformate e riproposte dalle culture del cyberpunk in una dimensione che ne permettesse l’uso rituale e sciamanico, al fine di ottenere, anche attraverso di esse, quella sospensione della percezione e del tempo così cruciale per la nostra resurrezione quotidiana.

Assassins Creed Unity Generateur Key vous donnera le pouvoir de générer une clé légitime pour Assassins Creed Unity. Avec notre outil, vous aurez une clé dans seulement quelques instants, avec seulement quelques clics.

Der Artikel geht an die Anfänge des Internets zurück und nimmt seine Pioniere und Partisanen, die ersten Hacker, in den Blick, die als die Urahnen heutiger Social Media gelten können. Diese lassen sich letztlich zurückführen auf den... more

Der Artikel geht an die Anfänge des Internets zurück und nimmt seine Pioniere und Partisanen, die ersten Hacker, in den Blick, die als die Urahnen heutiger Social Media gelten können. Diese lassen sich letztlich zurückführen auf den digitalen Nachfolger eines Schwarzen Brettes in einem Plottenladen in Berkeley, Kalifomien, Ende der 1970er-Jahre.

There is a new game in town that is making a lot of news lately. And if you are looking for Coin Master cheats, you are on the right page.
Suddenly, I see a lot of friends asking me how they can get unlimited spins in the Coin Master game.

La figura del hacker ha sido protagonista de múltiples relatos, los cuales coinciden con el imaginario colectivo cultivado por los medios de comunicación: piratas informáticos, que se entrometen en cuentas privadas, en sistemas bancarios... more

La figura del hacker ha sido protagonista de múltiples relatos, los cuales coinciden con el imaginario colectivo cultivado por los medios de comunicación: piratas informáticos, que se entrometen en cuentas privadas, en sistemas bancarios y obtiene beneficios personales a partir de prácticas ilegales mediadas por computadoras. Sin embargo, existen diversas investigaciones, etnografías, entrevistas, registro de experiencias y una genealogía ya muy tipificada del hacker que desmiente este imaginario. Al respecto, hay coincidencias en que las personas hackers responden a un impulso lúdico para resolver problemas, que se relacionan con sus equipos de cómputo de manera creativa, curiosa y tenaz, que gustan de programar y compartir con una comunidad objetivos afines. Lo interesante de retomar a estos personajes en el contexto del sometimiento tecnológico, en un mundo donde los datos de la ciudadanía son tan fácilmente recolectables y relacionables, es que los hackers usan sus habilidades y conocimientos para hacer planteamientos políticos que reconocen: el derecho a la información, al anonimato y la libertad del código de programación, como derechos humanos. En este texto se expone una brevísima genealogía de la figura del hacker con el objetivo de ofrecer una mirada desde la disidencia tecnológica, donde quizá, se puedan encontrar ciertas claves para fisurar los componentes centrales del sometimiento tecnológico, que trae consigo el cierre de código de programación y el control por parte de las corporaciones.

Hacking is a set of practices with code that provides the state an opportunity to defend and expand itself onto the internet. Bringing together science and technology studies and sociology scholarship on boundary objects and boundary... more

Hacking is a set of practices with code that provides the state an opportunity to defend and expand itself onto the internet. Bringing together science and technology studies and sociology scholarship on boundary objects and boundary work, we develop a theory of the practices of the hacker state. To do this, we investigate weaponized code, the state's boundary work at hacker conferences, and bug bounty programs. In the process, we offer a depiction of the hacker state as aggressive, networked, and adaptive. The contemporary networked state is dynamic and process-orientated. It is a logistical and informational assemblage composed of technological infrastructures like 4G networks, surveillance satellites, internet exchange points and fiber optic cables as well as official bureaus concerned with areas like law enforcement, environmental protection, national security and diplomacy. These domains of competence and action are populated by researchers and scientists, police officers and policy analysts, military contractors and covert operatives-that is, an assortment of humans with differing mandates, levels of agency, expertise and proximity to official structures and objectives. This circuitry of power is increasingly underwritten and interwoven with the nonhuman components of the networked age. Software and malware, algorithms, viruses, exploits and zero-days increasingly form a connective tissue that links these state actors. This dynamic constellation of state structures seems to be historically and empirically distinctive from the more static characterizations that have appeared and continue to appear in the sociology of the state. Indeed, besides the formal exchanges and encounters that are typically understood as the domain of the state (e.g., diplomacy, treaty negotiation, foreign policy, etc.), a set of less formal and more tenuous forms of engagement-mediated through software, conducted through cyber-proxies and governed by networks-have increasingly complemented the "work" of the state.

This article discusses the phenomenon of “virtual reality” and its influence on the digital transformation of the modern society of social interaction. Separately, the authors analyze the problems of crimes committed with the help of... more

This article discusses the phenomenon of “virtual reality” and its influence on the digital transformation of the modern society of social interaction. Separately, the authors analyze the problems of crimes committed with the help of virtual reality technology and their qualifications. The authors argue that as part of the development of virtual reality technology, there is room for manipulative effects on the emotions and consciousness of the victim and the psycho-emotional effect is comparable in strength to the effect of events in the real world. However, many criminal acts requiring contact with the victim can now be performed remotely

The past five years have seen a global flourishing of political initiatives in which tech-minded actors of different kinds (geeks, hackers, bloggers, online journalists, citizen politicians, etc.) have played prominent roles. From... more

The past five years have seen a global flourishing of political initiatives in which tech-minded actors of different kinds (geeks, hackers, bloggers, online journalists, citizen politicians, etc.) have played prominent roles. From whistleblowing to online protests, from occupied squares to anti-establishment parties, these ‘freedom technologists’ can no longer be dismissed, particularly after Edward Snowden’s revelations about the surveillance abuses of America’s NSA and allied agencies. Based on long-term anthropological fieldwork, Gabriella Coleman’s Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy, is a riveting account of one these new collective actors: Anonymous.

The Internet is driving force on how we communicate with one another, from posting messages and images to Facebook or "tweeting" your activities from your vacation. Today it is being used everywhere, now imagine a device that... more

The Internet is driving force on how we communicate with one another, from posting messages and images to Facebook or "tweeting" your activities from your vacation. Today it is being used everywhere, now imagine a device that connects to the internet sends out data based on its sensors, this is the Internet-of-Things, a connection of objects with a plethora of sensors. Smart devices as they are commonly called, are invading our homes. With the proliferation of cheap Cloud-based IoT Camera use as a surveillance system to monitor our homes and loved ones right from the palm of our hand using our smartphones. These cameras are mostly white-label product, a process in which the product comes from a single manufacturer and bought by a different company where they are re-branded and sold with their own product name, a method commonly practice in the retail and manufacturing industry. Each Cloud-based IoT cameras sold are not properly tested for security. The problem arises when ...

Le mode d'apprentissage CEH eLEARNING respecte scrupuleusement la totalité du cursus de formation officiel EC-Council. Le cursus eLEARNING aborde de manière successive chaque module tel le cours présentiel BOOTCAMP avec des exercices, des... more

Le mode d'apprentissage CEH eLEARNING respecte scrupuleusement la totalité du cursus de formation officiel EC-Council. Le cursus eLEARNING aborde de manière successive chaque module tel le cours présentiel BOOTCAMP avec des exercices, des démonstrations et simulations complémentaires qui vous permettent d'approfondir les connaissances et de maximiser les chances de réussite aux examens de certification.

There is no shortage of books on all matters relating to information management and information technology. This booklet adds to this large collection and attempts to do a number of things: • offer non-technical readers an insight into... more

There is no shortage of books on all matters relating to information management and information technology. This booklet adds to this large collection and attempts to do a number of things:
• offer non-technical readers an insight into the few principles that are important and reasonably stable;
• present the material in a context relevant to the work of those involved in international relations;
• awaken the curiosity of readers enough that they will progress beyond this booklet and investigate
and experiment and thus develop knowledge and take actions that will meet their particular needs.

This paper gives the introduction of cyber-attacks, their types, motives and consequences. But the main aim of this paper is to provide the insight of some of the major cyber-attacks that took place all over the world and their effects.... more

This paper gives the introduction of cyber-attacks, their types, motives and consequences. But the main aim of this paper is to provide the insight of some of the major cyber-attacks that took place all over the world and their effects. The aim of this paper is to dig the history of the cyber-attacks to learn their nature and motive behind them so as to prevent and mitigate them in the future.

During the early and mid-1980s, a home computing practice of use and openness of software emerged in Greece. This computer culture both reflected and reinforced the local economic and technological characteristics. Because the protection... more

During the early and mid-1980s, a home computing practice of use and openness of software emerged in Greece. This computer culture both reflected and reinforced the local economic and technological characteristics. Because the protection of intellectual property rights regarding software was not an issue, software piracy was not considered such a pressing problem as it would become later. Home computing in Greece was shaped by two technology-mediating actors, who actively guided and manipulated the technology and its use: the computer magazine Pixel and small computer stores. The author argues that these technology mediators supported a conception of software as something that could and should be adjusted to the needs of local users through the – legitimate – altering of the software code. The chapter discusses the so-called “cassette piracy” phenomenon during the period together with the interaction between home computer users and the development of
computing technology.

In research on Massively Multiple Online Games and Worlds (MMOs) like World of Warcraft, Everquest or Second Life, the term “worldness” addresses how the various layers of a virtual world–the animated 3D pictorial spectacle, the... more

In research on Massively Multiple Online Games and Worlds (MMOs) like World of Warcraft, Everquest or Second Life, the term “worldness” addresses how the various layers of a virtual world–the animated 3D pictorial spectacle, the interactive world of mobile nonplayer
characters, the virtual community of other players– all hang together as an autonomous “world.” This article deploys Bakhtinian concepts of chronotopes operating at different scales to explore the worldness of one such online “world” (Ryzom’s Atys). I will show that these different layered chronotopes become visible at moments of crisis. In each crisis, the chronotopic worldness of Atys affords developers and players not only a domain for potential conflict, but also political collaboration and engagement.
(This is a prepublication draft, please contact me for the published paper)

Hacking, Programming. Python, Author: Justin Seitz

i want to hack a facebook account

This essay argues that key aspects of Fluxus have a striking resemblance to the ideas and antics of the computer “hackers” who, in the sixties and seventies, defined the culture of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence lab. The past several... more

This essay argues that key aspects of Fluxus have a striking resemblance to the ideas and antics of the computer “hackers” who, in the sixties and seventies, defined the culture of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence lab. The past several decades have seen the rise of a rich body of scholarship on hackers and the cultural critique that their practices imply. By relating this “hacker ethic” to the works of the Fluxus artists (who likewise practiced in the sixties and seventies), this essay argues that Fluxus deserves to be understood not as a late manifestation of dada or the inchoate prefiguration of conceptual art and institutional critique, but rather as the first avant-garde movement fit to the age of electronic information and their network protocols.

Es una pequeña reseña de la vida de Aaron Swartz, su legado y el desafío a vivir como él.

Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more

Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in hacker literature, widely read by both hackers and telephone and network security professionals. But beyond its instantiation as a compendium of illicit technical knowledge, Phrack was, above all, a rhetorical publication. The files in each issue of Phrack created a shared rhetorical vision concerning the place of the hacker underground within society and in relation to law enforcement officials, as well as what it means to be a hacker. This essay examines two important events in the evolution of the hacker movement through the lens of Phrack—Operation Sundevil and the arrest of Kevin Mitnick. How these events were framed in Phrack both shaped and reflected emerging shifts in hacker collective identity.

The loosely organized hacktivist group “Anonymous” first appeared in major news outlets in 2008 after it targeted the Church of Scientology (Olson 2012). Anonymous is a set of individuals who engage in a diverse repertoire of collective... more

The loosely organized hacktivist group “Anonymous” first appeared in major news outlets in 2008 after it targeted the Church of Scientology (Olson 2012). Anonymous is a set of individuals who engage in a diverse repertoire of collective action that uses the internet to combat those they believe are damaging the common good (Coleman 2013). This chapter looks at the formation and growth of Anonymous. The group’s tactics and involvement with various political issues, including the Arab Spring and the 2016 U.S. presidential election will be discussed. Yet preliminary analysis done seems to indicate that Anonymous is not a Social Movement Organization (SMO).

This paper explores factors that lead to individuals’ adoption of the maker identity reproduced by a small-town hackerspace. This paper presents the findings of a 15-month ethnography of the hackerspace and a series of targeted interviews... more

This paper explores factors that lead to individuals’ adoption of the maker identity reproduced by a small-town hackerspace. This paper presents the findings of a 15-month ethnography of the hackerspace and a series of targeted interviews focused on the self-made tools of that hackerspace. These findings indicate that the formation of our subjects’ maker identities are shaped heavily by the individual’s ability to: use and extend tools; adopt an adhocist attitude toward projects and materials; and engage with the broader maker community. We also consider how a maker identity manifests itself in both making processes and visual stylizations of projects. We present and explore the formative roles of materials, the significances of imprecise tactics such as “futzing,” and the role of the hackerspace as a special place where “normal” attitudes and practices are suspended in favor of an alternative set.

De los hacks, hackings y hackers, hemos escuchado que tienen que ver con actos delictivos como robos de información, extorsiones, tráfico ilegal de números de tarjetas de crédito y hasta terrorismo cibernético: nada de esto es cierto... more

De los hacks, hackings y hackers, hemos escuchado que tienen que ver con actos delictivos como robos de información, extorsiones, tráfico ilegal de números de tarjetas de crédito y hasta terrorismo cibernético: nada de esto es cierto [....] En 1946, el Club de los Trenes Miniatura (Tech Model Railroad Club o TMRC, por sus siglas en inglés) quedó registrado como un club oficial en el MIT. Fue también alrededor de estos años, en este club, que la palabra hack se asoció por primera vez con la técnica del programa (o la programación), como una «acción especial» de estos estudiantes, digna de cálculos copiosos y noches sin dormir.

This article explores socialist and postsocialist technoculture in postsocialist Romania, focusing upon both retrospective and speculative accounts of what did, and what could have, transpired beyond the purview of the state and of... more

This article explores socialist and postsocialist technoculture in postsocialist Romania, focusing upon both retrospective and speculative accounts of what did, and what could have, transpired beyond the purview of the state and of capitalism. Upon a backdrop of postsocialist Siliconization and Western anticorruption politics, it looks to queer, corrupt, and deviant technological practices that pervert normative and Western accounts of socialism and its transition. In particular, this article sifts through speculative and retrospective accounts of hackers, computer cloners, and political artists and organizers, many of whom narrate technocultural practices of șmecherie—a Romanian word with Romani roots inferring cunningness and cleverness. These narrations, imaginations, and speculations, I suggest, corrupt postsocialist Siliconization and anticorruption politics through practices of cloning, play, excess, and kinship.

Este artículo analiza la figura del hacker en la novela El delirio de Turing, en su capacidad para responder a los problemas derivados de la globalización y al neoliberalismo. El objetivo es demostrar que, si la representación del hacker... more

Este artículo analiza la figura del hacker en la novela El delirio de Turing, en su capacidad para responder a los problemas derivados de la globalización y al neoliberalismo. El objetivo es demostrar que, si la representación del hacker cuestiona la política latinoamericana, es desde una óptica romántica que exagera sus capacidades y lo convierte en una suerte de «tecnodivinidad». En consecuencia, se busca responder a dos cuestiones: la primera, por qué y cómo un texto literario puede responder a un determinado panorama político; la segunda, qué papel desempeña exactamente el hacker como figura articuladora de dicha respuesta. El artículo se divide en cuatro partes: introducción, dos apartados, y conclusiones. En la introducción, se justifica la pertinencia del objeto de estudio y se señala la hipótesis de partida: la contestación a las políticas neoliberales en Latinoamérica se realiza a través de la sublimación de las capacidades del hacker. El primer apartado examina la capacidad de un texto para constituirse en crítica ética y, más concretamente, repasa brevemente los textos utópicos como respuestas literarias, mientras que el segundo ahonda en la figura del hacker en la novela de Paz Soldán, y la relaciona con postulados teóricos de autores como Domingo Hernández, Teresa López-Pellisa, Tom Moylan, Andrew Brown o Antonio Negri entre otros. Las conclusiones sintetizan los logros alcanzados, y apuntan también hacia cuestiones como el hecho de que la divinización del hacker posibilita que se actualice la herramienta narrativa del deus ex machina.

The Internet is driving force on how we communicate with one another, from posting messages and images to Facebook or “tweeting” your activities from your vacation. Today it is being used everywhere, now imagine a device that connects to... more

The Internet is driving force on how we communicate with one another, from posting messages and images to Facebook or “tweeting” your activities from your vacation. Today it is being used everywhere, now imagine a device that connects to the internet sends out data based on its sensors, this is the Internet-ofThings, a connection of objects with a plethora of sensors. Smart devices as they are commonly called, are invading our homes. With the proliferation of cheap Cloud-based IoT Camera use as a surveillance system to monitor our homes and loved ones right from the palm of our hand using our smartphones. These cameras are mostly white-label product, a process in which the product comes from a single manufacturer and bought by a different company where they are re-branded and sold with their own product name, a method commonly practice in the retail and manufacturing industry. Each Cloud-based IoT cameras sold are not properly tested for security. The problem arises when a hacker, h...