Focus Group Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Whereas traditional transformational leadership studies tend to test the concept as an independent variable, this paper tests it as a mediator of the effects of management/peer trust, perceived organisational support and procedural... more

Whereas traditional transformational leadership studies tend to test the concept as an independent variable, this paper tests it as a mediator of the effects of management/peer trust, perceived organisational support and procedural justice. The study was undertaken within a large New South Wales (NSW) public sector organisation. In 2000, the organisation’s annual staff survey indicated that levels of trust in management were very low and, as a result, the authors were asked to investigate the possible causes of this outcome. Focus group results and survey questionnaires indicated that trust in management and trust in peers had a significant influence on transformational leadership and that transformational leadership was a significant predictor of turnover intention, OCB conscientiousness and affective commitment. Quantitative results did not support the proposed mediating effects of transformational leadership.

Purpose – The image of cyclists has been increasingly recognised as an important factor in social marketing programmes aimed at increasing cycling. The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a multi-stage research project... more

Purpose – The image of cyclists has been increasingly recognised as an important factor in social marketing programmes aimed at increasing cycling. The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a multi-stage research project exploring image incongruencies between cyclists and non-cyclists in the UK. Design/methodology/approach – The theoretical framework of self-image congruency was used to explore a possible

Abstract: This paper explores consumer understanding and perception of organic food, with specific reference to the relatively new concept of organic farmed salmon. Key themes associated with the term “organic” and its meaning, as... more

Abstract: This paper explores consumer understanding and perception of organic food, with specific reference to the relatively new concept of organic farmed salmon. Key themes associated with the term “organic” and its meaning, as determined by consumers, are explored and the role of labelling and regulatory authorities considered. Focus groups in five countries (UK, Germany, Spain, Norway and France) consisting of 196 participants showed that most consumers are confused about the meaning of the term organic and are largely ...

The following paper exposes the results and conclusions of a prevention program about dating violence, carried out with teenagers, in high schools. The program was designed to produce changes in individual attitudes, knowledge and skills... more

The following paper exposes the results and conclusions of a prevention program about dating violence, carried out with teenagers, in high schools. The program was designed to produce changes in individual attitudes, knowledge and skills of the students, with the objective of being able to eliminate the myths and wrong ideas underlying gender violence, as well as to enable the students to detect and to recognize physical, psychological and sexual abuse. In accordance with the program objectives we decided to use techniques in which all the class group participated, such as analysis of documents and movies, Focus Groups technique and debates. This work presents the development process of the program, the most representative results of the experience and the final conclusions.

This article provides the background to an international project on use of force by the police that was carried out in seven countries. Force is often considered to be the defining characteristic of policing and much research has been... more

This article provides the background to an international project on use of force by the police that was carried out in seven countries. Force is often considered to be the defining characteristic of policing and much research has been conducted on the determinants, prevalence and control of the use of force, particularly in the United States. However, little work has looked at police officers’ own views on the use of force, in particular the way in which they justify it. Using a hypothetical encounter developed for this project, researchers in each country conducted focus groups with police officers in which they were encouraged to talk about the use of force. The results show interesting similarities and differences across countries and demonstrate the value of using this kind of research focus and methodology.

The aim of this study was to enhance the understanding of young girls’ experiences of peer sexual harassment in elementary school and of normalizing processes of school-related sexualized violence. Six focus group interviews with girls in... more

The aim of this study was to enhance the understanding of young girls’ experiences of peer sexual harassment in elementary school and of normalizing processes of school-related sexualized violence. Six focus group interviews with girls in Grade 1 through 6 were carried out in an elementary school in the northern part of Sweden. A content analyses showed that young girls experienced verbal, nonverbal, and sexual assault behaviors at school. Sexual harassment as a concealed phenomenon and manifest within a romantic discourse were themes found in the analysis. A conclusion is that schools have to acknowledge behaviors related to sexual harassment as a potential problem even in young ages and develop methods to approach the subject also for this age group.

PurposeThis paper aims to explore and interpret the pre‐migration and post‐migration career development and success of highly skilled professional migrant women with special reference to The Netherlands.Design/methodology/approachAn... more

PurposeThis paper aims to explore and interpret the pre‐migration and post‐migration career development and success of highly skilled professional migrant women with special reference to The Netherlands.Design/methodology/approachAn exploratory approach rooted in a phenomenological perspective was followed. Two in‐depth Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) focus group sessions were held with a total of 21 self‐initiated expatriate (SIE) women.FindingsAn integrated career development framework proposed in this study indicates that individual drivers such as identity, social support and life phase play a role in women's pre‐migration and post‐migration career success or exits. Identity embeddedness, host country culture, openness to foreigners and existing prejudices and stereotypes against women seems magnified for women from outside the host country.Research implications/limitationsThe research results may lack generalisability, therefore more research is encouraged to further...

In this paper we elucidate the patterns of behavior of home movie makers through a study of 12 families and a separate focus group of 7 teenagers. Analogous to a similar study of photowork (13), the goal is to provide a deeper... more

In this paper we elucidate the patterns of behavior of home movie makers through a study of 12 families and a separate focus group of 7 teenagers. Analogous to a similar study of photowork (13), the goal is to provide a deeper understanding of what people currently do with video technologies, balancing the preponderence of techno-centric work in the area

To outline the lessons learned about the use of focus groups for the multisite, multi-ethnic longitudinal Study of Women Across the Nation (SWAN). Focus groups were designed to identify potential cultural differences in the incidence of... more

To outline the lessons learned about the use of focus groups for the multisite, multi-ethnic longitudinal Study of Women Across the Nation (SWAN). Focus groups were designed to identify potential cultural differences in the incidence of symptoms and the meaning of transmenopause among women of diverse cultures, and to identify effective recruitment and retention strategies. Inductive and deductive focus groups for a multi-ethnic study. Seven community research sites across the United States conducted focus groups with six ethnic populations: African American, Chinese American, Japanese American, Mexican American, non-Hispanic white, and Puerto Rican. Community women from each ethnic group of color. A set of four/five focus groups in each ethnic group as the formative stage of the deductive, quantitative SWAN survey. Identification of methodological advantages and challenges to the successful implementation of formative focus groups in a multi-ethnic, multi-site population-based epid...

Research concerning the psychological attributes assigned to males and females has led to the development of several masculinity-femininity inventories. In the present study, in order to construct an ethnopsychologically valid measure of... more

Research concerning the psychological attributes assigned to males and females has led to the development of several masculinity-femininity inventories. In the present study, in order to construct an ethnopsychologically valid measure of the instrumental and expressive, socially desirable and undesirable attributes of Mexican people, a 117 adjective questionnaire was applied to 282 females and 355 males from Mexico. The questionnaire

This study sought to identify barriers and facilitators to dental care among families of predominately low socioeconomic status having children with and without HIV. Twelve focus group sessions with African-American and Hispanic... more

This study sought to identify barriers and facilitators to dental care among families of predominately low socioeconomic status having children with and without HIV. Twelve focus group sessions with African-American and Hispanic caregivers and 18 individual semistructured interviews with key informant health care providers were held at two sites: a hospital-based program (HBP) and a dental school-based program (DSBP), that provide pediatric dental services. SPSS Textsmart software was used to analyze qualitative data within and across group types and sites. Focus group participants (n = 72, averaging 6 women per group) included: HIV-seropositive biological mothers of HIV-seropositive children (4 groups); HIV-seronegative caregivers of HIV-seropositive children (4 groups); and Medicaid-eligible, HIV-seronegative caregivers of HIV-seronegative children (4 groups). The most commonly expressed barrier to dental care across groups was poor interpersonal communication between dental staff...

Rising concern over the poor level of blood-pressure (BP) control among hypertensive patients has prompted searches for novel ways of managing hypertension. The objectives of this study were to develop and pilot-test a home BP... more

Rising concern over the poor level of blood-pressure (BP) control among hypertensive patients has prompted searches for novel ways of managing hypertension. The objectives of this study were to develop and pilot-test a home BP tele-management system that actively engages patients in the process of care.Phase 1 involved a series of focus-group meetings with patients and primary care providers to guide the system’s development. In Phase 2, 33 diabetic patients with uncontrolled ambulatory hypertension were enrolled in a 4-month pilot study, using a before-and-after design to assess its effectiveness in lowering BP, its acceptability to users, and the reliability of home BP measurements.The system, developed using commodity hardware, comprised a Bluetooth-enabled home BP monitor, a mobile phone to receive and transmit data, a central server for data processing, a fax-back system to send physicians’ reports, and a BP alerting system. In the pilot study, 24-h ambulatory BP fell by 11/5 (±13/7 SD) mm Hg (both P < .001), and BP control improved significantly. Substantially more home readings were received by the server than expected, based on the preset monitoring schedule. Of 42 BP alerts sent to patients, almost half (n = 20) were due to low BP. Physicians received no critical BP alerts. Patients perceived the system as acceptable and effective.The encouraging results of this study provide a strong rationale for a long-term, randomized, clinical trial to determine whether this home BP tele-management system improves BP control in the community among patients with uncontrolled hypertension.

Undersøkelsen er basert på fokusgruppe-intervjuer This report on safety culture in the Norwegian Public med ansatte i Statens vegvesen Region sør. Roads Administration Southern Region is based on focus Formålet har vært å få innsikt i... more

Undersøkelsen er basert på fokusgruppe-intervjuer This report on safety culture in the Norwegian Public med ansatte i Statens vegvesen Region sør. Roads Administration Southern Region is based on focus Formålet har vært å få innsikt i hvordan de tenker og group interviews with a selection of employees. The aim jobber med trafikksikkerhet og hva slags of the study was to gain insight into the safety culture of sikkerhetskultur en har i SVV Region sør. Vi har sett the Southern Region of the Public Roads Administration. på fem kjennetegn ved en god sikkerhetskultur: rapporteringskultur, læringskultur, rettferdig kultur, Results from an internal safety climate survey from 2006

ABSTRACT This paper explores the preferences of boys regarding the characteristics of teachers of sex education. Sex education in English schools is delivered as a compulsory part of National Curriculum Science and in most schools is... more

ABSTRACT This paper explores the preferences of boys regarding the characteristics of teachers of sex education. Sex education in English schools is delivered as a compulsory part of National Curriculum Science and in most schools is further explored in time given over to personal, ...

Focus group methodology uses focused interviews to obtain information from individuals and interactions among individuals in a small group setting. In this article we share the insights we have gained from using focus group methodology in... more

Focus group methodology uses focused interviews to obtain information from individuals and interactions among individuals in a small group setting. In this article we share the insights we have gained from using focus group methodology in work with an under-served population of black menopausal women. This methodology holds promise for advancing our understanding of, and ultimately eliminating, health disparities. Included is a discussion of planning and facilitating the focus group, recruiting group members, collecting and analyzing the data and reporting the results. Throughout, we explain how we applied these principles and we conclude by sharing lessons learned from our study on menopause and midlife experiences in Black women.

The problem of poor compliance/adherence to prescribed treatments is very complex. Health professionals are rarely being asked how they handle the patient's (poor) therapy compliance/adherence. In this study, we examine explicitly the... more

The problem of poor compliance/adherence to prescribed treatments is very complex. Health professionals are rarely being asked how they handle the patient's (poor) therapy compliance/adherence. In this study, we examine explicitly the physicians' expectations of their diabetes patients' compliance/adherence. The objectives of our study were: (1) to elicit problems physicians encounter with type 2 diabetes patients' adherence to treatment recommendations; (2) to search for solutions and (3) to discover escape mechanisms in case of frustration. In a descriptive qualitative study, we explored the thoughts and feelings of general practitioners (GPs) on patients' compliance/adherence. Forty interested GPs could be recruited for focus group participation. Five open ended questions were derived on the one hand from a similar qualitative study on compliance/adherence in patients living with type 2 diabetes and on the other hand from the results of a comprehensive review ...

Using intelligent agent-based systems to support information processing for executives has not been significantly advanced in both theory and practice. Research into this field tends to focus more on technical aspects than on social... more

Using intelligent agent-based systems to support information processing for executives has not been significantly advanced in both theory and practice. Research into this field tends to focus more on technical aspects than on social perspective. When executives are faced with increasing information availability and uncertainty in the business environment, using intelligent agent-based systems to enhance executives’ information processing capability appears

O artigo apresenta uma pesquisa qualitativa que utilizou a técnica dos grupos focais com o objetivo de investigar as expectativas de inserção futura no mercado de trabalho de estudantes universitários em fase de conclusão de curso. Foram... more

O artigo apresenta uma pesquisa qualitativa que utilizou a técnica dos grupos focais com o objetivo de investigar as expectativas de inserção futura no mercado de trabalho de estudantes universitários em fase de conclusão de curso. Foram compostos 13 grupos heterogêneos, de 2 a 6 participantes cada um, provenientes de 26 cursos. As sessões variaram de 40 minutos a duas horas, foram gravadas em vídeo cassete e transcritas para posterior análise. Os resultados foram submetidos às técnicas de análise de conteúdo. Destacam-se duas conclusões: i) não há clara definição do perfil profissional exigido no mercado de trabalho, o que prejudica a elaboração de planos futuros mais definidos e ii) o despreparo profissional está relacionado à qualidade dos estágios curriculares, avaliados como insuficientes e inadequados, o que compromete tanto o perfil profissional, quanto à inserção num mercado que coloca em xeque os limites rígidos entre alguns campos de atuação prática.

The use of focus group interviews as a means of qualitative data collection has gained popularity in health service research in recent years. Despite their popularity, analysing qualitative data-particularly focus-group interviews-poses a... more

The use of focus group interviews as a means of qualitative data collection has gained popularity in health service research in recent years. Despite their popularity, analysing qualitative data-particularly focus-group interviews-poses a challenge to most researchers. This article follows the authors' previous articles on; focus group theory, and the preparation and conduct of focus group interviews. Despite the publications on conducting focus groups, little information exists regarding the analysis of data gathered in such groups in health services. The present paper focuses on the concepts and application of data analysis and the use of analysis frameworks. The article aims to assist researchers and provide practical steps for the analysis of focus-group data. Thus, the authors provide a framework for analysing focus group data through identifying data analysis techniques suited for the study of these data.