Stakeholders Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper discusses the way in which governance structures in higher education institutions have changed as a consequentie of the rise of the Stakeholder Society. The researchers examine changes in the stakeholders' roles in Flemish... more

This paper discusses the way in which governance structures in higher education institutions have changed as a consequentie of the rise of the Stakeholder Society. The researchers examine changes in the stakeholders' roles in Flemish higher education. The central question concerns the issue whether external stakeholders have become more influential with regard to the educational activities of universities and colleges. Like Larsen, they use a neo-institutional perspective. They conclude that all Flemish higher education institutions experience growing pressures from the `outside world', but that the way in which stakeholders are actually involved in the internal affairs of the institutions differs remarkably between universities and colleges.

ABSTRACT Whereas participatory processes have been advised as decision support to environmental management worldwide, the way different ways of organizing them influence outcomes of such processes have not been sufficiently addressed. In... more

ABSTRACT Whereas participatory processes have been advised as decision support to environmental management worldwide, the way different ways of organizing them influence outcomes of such processes have not been sufficiently addressed. In this study we reflect on two specific types of framings for participatory processes by examining one case dominated by stakeholders and another facilitating deliberation among citizens. Both processes concern coastal zone management in Norway. Whilst the main aim of the paper is to address how the framing of a participatory process influences its form and content, we also emphasize the distinct differences in outcomes from the two processes. Our analyses show that people are clearly acknowledging that there is a difference between acting as a citizen and as a stakeholder, and finding it unproblematic to identify themselves with such roles. Based on the findings, we reflect on their significance because fostering such logic throughout participatory processes may enhance our capacity to think both more long term and more principally about which values to protect.

A creative approach to sustainability can be applied upon an organization's business model. We begin our research with the assumption that business model innovation that takes into account a triple bottom line approach will be more... more

A creative approach to sustainability can be applied upon an organization's business model. We begin our research with the assumption that business model innovation that takes into account a triple bottom line approach will be more sustainable over time. We focus our research on the conceptual stage when business model ideas are generated, and more precisely its creative tools. Our goal is to support, with a structured canvas, organizations whom wish to innovate upon their current business model and create concepts of more sustainable business models. In this paper, we present and discuss the tool we have named the "Triple layered business model canvas". We endeavoured to ensure that business models create, deliver and capture multiple forms of value by adding a second layer with nine environmental elements that follow a lifecycle approach, and by adding a third layer with nine social elements that follow a stakeholder approach. We share this new triple layered business model canvas and exemplify its use with a Nespresso case. In the end, we find new dynamics for analysis and new relationships for innovation. We conclude with limits and future research for more sustainable business model patterns.

The process of education is concerned chiefly with the interaction between the stakeholders (students, teacher, professional bodies, libraries, PTAs and other parent organizations together with the classroom practices that occur within... more

The process of education is concerned chiefly with the interaction between the stakeholders (students, teacher, professional bodies, libraries, PTAs and other parent organizations together with the classroom practices that occur within the school environment) and students academic achievement. Parents within the context of the family and home provide the child with the security, support and guidance necessary for his or her proper intellectual and moral growth. Religion, in the form of monasteries, churches and mosques, also has a great influence on the socialisation of the young. There are close interconnections between the institution of family, the institution of religion and the institution of education. They act as partners in reinforcing the social education of the young. Teachers, parents and religious leaders have a moral responsibility to pass on values and principles to children. Most interventions in the provision of education occur at the policy, structural, school or home levels. More importantly, however, it is what the young people learn from the home and school environments that shape their personality and character.

The contemporary business environment can be particularly challenging for boards and business leaders seeking to think and act strategically, and also embrace social and environmental responsibilities and the concerns of a wider range of... more

The contemporary business environment can be particularly challenging for boards and business leaders seeking to think and act strategically, and also embrace social and environmental responsibilities and the concerns of a wider range of stakeholders. There are aspects of corporate governance that might need to be reviewed in the light of a changing context and evolving stakeholder priorities if they are to better support the strategic thinking now required. There are also many questions for directors, boards and those who advise on governance arrangements to consider.
Some corporate governance changes, whether applicable to all companies or an allowable practice adopted for a particular entity, are easier to introduce than others. In the meantime, for many companies the requirement for strategic thinking becomes ever more urgent. It needs to address climate change and other related, shared and existential challenges. Ultimately, the quality, relevance and impact of whatever strategic thinking occurs may depend upon the intellect, commitment, conscience and vigilance of directors and whether they take advantage of any changes made to better support them and their thinking.

Sustainable development has received worldwide attention. Recent studies on corporate environmental behavior have called for research from the specific stakeholder's perspective (i.e., consumer) on the topic of going green. Based on... more

Sustainable development has received worldwide attention. Recent studies on corporate environmental behavior have called for research from the specific stakeholder's perspective (i.e., consumer) on the topic of going green. Based on reputation theory, this paper employed a secondary data analysis and three experiments to highlight the influence of environmental irre-sponsibility on corporate reputation perceived by consumers. Coherent results showed that environmental irresponsibility negatively affected corporate reputation and perceived corporate ethics served as a mediator. Furthermore, corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities could alleviate the harmful consequences of irresponsible behavior by moderating the mediating role of perceived corporate ethics in determining the influence of environmental irresponsibility.

The California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative (MLPAI) is currently working toward establishing a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for the entire state. Since 2005, we have developed several web-based decision support tools... more

The California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative (MLPAI) is currently working toward establishing a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for the entire state. Since 2005, we have developed several web-based decision support tools for stakeholders to visualize and analyze ...

Global climate action plans risk resulting to climate maladaptation and shocks when prudent measures are inapt. Adaptation strategies require multidisciplinary approach from all sectors with periodic monitoring and evaluation which are... more

Global climate action plans risk resulting to climate maladaptation and shocks when prudent measures are inapt. Adaptation strategies require multidisciplinary approach from all sectors with periodic monitoring and evaluation which are carefully planned, locally adaptable and results-oriented. For decades, various governments, development practitioners and international organizations have made concerted efforts in tackling large scale climate events. These stern initiatives forms part of Millennium Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 13 meant to combat climate change. The increasing demand for frameworks that effectively monitor and examine the outcomes of these huge investments made by policy-makers across regions have enhanced the evaluation and monitoring of various climate change adaptation strategies. This study sought to assess the effectiveness and sustainability of initiated adaptation strategies. The study used descriptive statistics based on informants’ ...

It is imperative for corporations to be cognizance of all its stakeholders; within or without. Corporate governance has championed so many courses in terms of the management of these stakeholders by developing and reviewing codes in other... more

It is imperative for corporations to be cognizance of all its stakeholders; within or without. Corporate governance has championed so many courses in terms of the management of these stakeholders by developing and reviewing codes in other to ensure their success. Balancing good stakeholders’ interest and embracing good corporate practices are the prerequisite for attracting the much-needed foreign investment inflows. This is the responsibility of the board. So many have argued about how the board should be composed or structured in terms of size, composition, shareholding, gender and so on. This study has successfully discussed and analyzed the impact of board composition and structure on corporate financial performance in Nigeria.

Construction mega-projects are typically associated with cost overruns and time delays due to conflicts of interest between diverse stakeholders. This research investigates the influence of the partnering approach and the adoption of... more

Construction mega-projects are typically associated with cost overruns and time delays due to conflicts of interest between diverse stakeholders. This research investigates the influence of the partnering approach and the adoption of Design and Build (D-B) contractual agreement on the behaviour of stakeholders on mega-projects. Through a case study, the significant factors that influence stakeholder management are appraised, such as cooperation, developing trust, and a dearth of communication. The research concluded that mutual trust, transparency, leadership, the well-defined scope of work, a clear definition of responsibilities, collaboration, and training are the main success factors of partnering projects. The research also emphasised that Building Information Modelling (BIM) plays a vital role to secure the mentioned key successful factors for partnering. Furthermore, BIM facilitates achieving project objectives with the adoption of D-B contracts. This research contributes to t...

USM has envisioned " sustainability " as a core development theme of the university in light of global sustainability issues. In becoming a world-renowned university for sustainability, USM facilitates sustainability attainment... more

USM has envisioned " sustainability " as a core development theme of the university in light of global sustainability issues. In becoming a world-renowned university for sustainability, USM facilitates sustainability attainment through i) innovations and technology, and ii) changes in lifestyles. Subsequently, CGSS has launched a project that engages its surrounding communities via the dissemination of USM " s sustainability lifestyle practices – focusing on the areas of recycling and composting involving awareness campaigns at stakeholders " venues. It was initiated by conducting situational analyses with stakeholders, after which specific sustainability awareness/practices campaigns were then devised, encompassing the setting-up and monitoring of composting units and recycling bins at six schools (SMK Bukit Jambul, SMK Bukit Gambir, SMK Dato " Haji Mohd Noor Ahmad, SK Minden Height, SK Sungai Gelugor and SK Bukit Gambir), commercial entities (Giant Superma...

This paper presents and discusses the role of community engagement, i.e. attitudes of local stakeholders, engagement of elected officers and pricing, towards the success of water reuse on the island of Bora Bora, French Polynesia. To... more

This paper presents and discusses the role of community engagement, i.e. attitudes of local stakeholders, engagement of elected officers and pricing, towards the success of water reuse on the island of Bora Bora, French Polynesia. To better preserve public health and overcome all constraints related to public perception, a membrane tertiary treatment was implemented for the production of high-quality recycled water. Consequently, the demand for the new recycled water has steadily increased during the last four years with a wide diversification of urban uses including irrigation, cleaning, industrial and commercial uses and fire protection. The primary keys to success of this water reuse scheme are the strong commitment of elected officers and large industrial users with the implementation of an adequate public communication and education programme. The resulting outcome is the public trust in recycled water and the recognition of the economic and environmental benefits of water reus...

As estratégias de desenvolvimento dos territórios têm assentado nas oportunidades do turismo, essencialmente na valorização dos recursos endógenos. Para o desenvolvimento sustentável de um destino turístico devem ser articuladas várias... more

As estratégias de desenvolvimento dos territórios têm assentado nas oportunidades do turismo, essencialmente na valorização dos recursos endógenos. Para o desenvolvimento sustentável de um destino turístico devem ser articuladas várias representações sobre o mesmo, nomeadamente a acessibilidade a estes destinos, assim como as diferentes visões dos atores intervenientes nestes territórios. Na presente comunicação pretende-se debater a importância da atividade turística para o desenvolvimento do município de Boticas. Com recurso à análise da acessibilidade ao destino e à perceção dos atores locais em matéria de turismo, em resultado da aplicação, em 2014, de entrevistas semiestruturadas aos principais atores regionais e locais, é proposta uma estratégia de promoção turística, assente nas especificidades do município de Boticas. Da análise estratégica do território, considera-se que as políticas de turismo à escala local não vertem as estratégias definidas em matéria de turismo à escala regional e nacional, designadamente as consignadas no Plano Estratégico Nacional do Turismo (PENT).

No âmbito da gestão de projetos a gestão de stakeholders tem fundamental importância, pois o maior desafio de um gerente de projetos é construir um relacionamento positivo com as partes interessadas de seus projetos, garantindo o suporte... more

No âmbito da gestão de projetos a gestão de stakeholders tem fundamental importância, pois o maior desafio de um gerente de projetos é construir um relacionamento positivo com as partes interessadas de seus projetos, garantindo o suporte um ambiente favorável a realização do projeto. Este estudo objetiva analisar como algumas das maiores indústrias fornecedoras de ferragens do Brasil estão gerenciando os seus stakeholders na gestão de seus projetos. Posteriormente, buscando alcançar os objetivos propostos foi estruturado um formulário e aplicado em forma de entrevista aos gestores responsáveis pelas informações necessárias à pesquisa, de uma amostra de cinco empresas fornecedoras da área de indústria de ferragens. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria das empresas das abordadas não possui uma área formal de gestão projetos, e geralmente utilizam metodologias próprias para gerir seus projetos. Já, quanto à gestão de stakeholders dentro de um projeto é abordada de maneira informal, se...

What does it feel like to walk into your school? Is it a welcoming place, where everyone feels valued? Most school improvement efforts focus on academic goals. But sometimes what can make or break your learning community are the... more

What does it feel like to walk into your school? Is it a welcoming place, where everyone feels valued? Most school improvement efforts focus on academic goals. But sometimes what can make or break your learning community are the intangibles – the relationships and connections that make up its culture. How to Create a Culture of Achievement in Your School and Classroom shows that no school improvement effort will be effective unless school culture is addressed. Identified within are the five pillars that are critical to building a culture of achievement:

1. Recent national and international policy initiatives have aimed to reduce the exposure of humans and wildlife to lead from ammunition. Despite restrictions, in the UK, lead ammunition remains the most widespread source of environmental... more

1. Recent national and international policy initiatives have aimed to reduce the exposure of humans and wildlife to lead from ammunition. Despite restrictions, in the UK, lead ammunition remains the most widespread source of environmental lead contamination to which wildlife may be exposed. 2. The risks arising from the use of lead ammunition and the measures taken to mitigate these have prompted intense and sometimes acrimonious discussion between stakeholder groups, including those advancing the interests of shooting, wildlife conservation, public health and animal welfare. 3. However, relatively little is known of the perspectives of individual ammunition users, despite their role in adding lead to the environment and their pivotal place in any potential changes to practice. Using Q-methodology, we identified the perspectives of ammunition users in the UK on lead ammunition in an effort to bring forward evidence from these key stakeholders. 4. Views were characterised by two stat...

Despite the claims on how stakeholders could benefit from electronic marketplaces (eMarketplaces), the actual user take-up of eMarketplaces have been modest and in many cases even failed to deliver their promises. We believe this is due... more

Despite the claims on how stakeholders could benefit from electronic marketplaces (eMarketplaces), the actual user take-up of eMarketplaces have been modest and in many cases even failed to deliver their promises. We believe this is due to the lack of preparations in dealing with values of such ventures during the strategic planning of the organisations concerned. Given that values are

"Partnering for Sustainable Development: Guidelines for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships to Implement the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific" was prepared jointly by the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of... more

"Partnering for Sustainable Development: Guidelines for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships to Implement the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific" was prepared jointly by the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Tokyo, and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Paci c (ESCAP), Bangkok. The guidelines contained in this publication provide practical guidance for United Nations member States, policymakers, practitioners and other stakeholders to build, strengthen and implement effective multi-stakeholder partnerships aimed at accelerating implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Asian and Pacific region. The guidelines also highlight some of the key challenges in, as well as main success factors for, building successful multi-stakeholder partnerships towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

This study was conducted to assess three stakeholders’ level of involvement in coral reef conservation activities in Perhentian Island. The stakeholders participated in this study encompassed of the Besut District Department of Marine... more

This study was conducted to assess three stakeholders’ level of involvement in coral reef conservation activities in Perhentian Island. The stakeholders participated in this study encompassed of the Besut District Department of Marine Parks (Terengganu), local entrepreneurs and tourists. A total of 200 respondents were selected to answer the survey questionnaire. The chi-square test results found a difference in the level of involvement among stakeholders with the Besut District Department of Marine Parks (Terengganu) and local entrepreneurs has the highest level of involvement, while there was low involvement with the tourists. The majority (40%) of the Besut District Department of Marine Parks (Terengganu) staff were involved in the coral reef conservation at the rate of one to three times a year. Similarly, for the entrepreneurs, the majority (44%) of them also involved in the coral reef conservation at a rate one to three times a year while the majority of tourists (72%) never i...

... external agencies such as Teenage Pregnancy Coordinators and local sexual health services), respond to ... and special schools, SRE was seen as an integral part of PSHE ... Fourth, with Citizenshipeducation being a statutory... more

... external agencies such as Teenage Pregnancy Coordinators and local sexual health services), respond to ... and special schools, SRE was seen as an integral part of PSHE ... Fourth, with Citizenshipeducation being a statutory requirement, a PSHE accreditation scheme might be a ...

Date: 2008-11-5 Level: C thesis in Business Administration, 15ECT Authors: Beatrice Yola Konlaan Prince kofi Hanson Tutor: Mats Viimne Title: Th ...