Fraternities and Fraternalism Research Papers (original) (raw)

A Quick Guide to Freemasonry was my fourth published book, and was commissioned by Lewis Masonic as part of a proposed quick guide series, aimed at mentors and new members to the fraternity. It was written in an easy-to-understand... more

This guide is the first preview of The Resolute Man. The final version f The Resolute Man will be released at the 160th Anniversary Convention and 37th School of Fraternity Practices to be held July 22-26, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia.... more

This guide is the first preview of The Resolute Man. The final version f The Resolute Man will be released at the 160th Anniversary Convention and 37th School of Fraternity Practices to be held July 22-26, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. Initiated members, both collegians and alumni, will have their first opportunity to begin their journey towards becoming a Resolute Man during the 2016/2017 academic year.

A cultural and contextual explication of the 1930 DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Burlesque Paraphernalia catalog which included such bizarre items as spanking machines, altars containing spitting skeletons, and electrical initiation devices. This... more

A cultural and contextual explication of the 1930 DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Burlesque Paraphernalia catalog which included such bizarre items as spanking machines, altars containing spitting skeletons, and electrical initiation devices. This article explains the importance of humorous "side degrees" within the larger fraternal movement.

Róbert Péter (general editor), Cécile Révauger (volume editor). Jan A. M. Snoek (volume editor), British Freemasonry, 1717-1813, 5 vols. (New York: Routledge, 2016), 2606 pages, 5967 editorial notes. volume 1: Institutions (C. Révauger)... more

The argument of this chapter is that brotherhood can be conceptualized as a partially organized relationship, based on membership and rules. To illustrate the conceptualization, the chapter draws examples from three different arenas where... more

The argument of this chapter is that brotherhood can be conceptualized as a partially organized relationship, based on membership and rules. To illustrate the conceptualization, the chapter draws examples from three different arenas where there is a strong rhetorical emphasis on brotherhood, or fraternity: the military, motorcycle clubs, and monasteries. Membership determines who is a brother or not and while the brotherly relationship sometimes extends beyond the cessation of membership in a formal organization, it presupposes membership at some point. Rules clarify important components of brotherhood including homogeneous relations among all brothers (or sisters). This makes a crucial difference relative to friendship, which is a type of relationship that can even be a threat for brotherhood. In areas where collectivist ideology, homogeneity of relationships, and requests on loyalty are especially forceful, personal or friendly relations between individual members cannot compensate for failure as a “brother.” Brotherhood justifies sacrifice of individual needs to collective demands, and this may include the sacrifice of a personal relation.

Durante l'età medievale le confraternite a Cividale del Friuli erano 8; il saggio studia le due più importanti (quella di Santa Maria dei Battuti e quella dei Fabbri, poi detta di Santo Spirito), che controllavano i principali ospedali... more

Durante l'età medievale le confraternite a Cividale del Friuli erano 8; il saggio studia le due più importanti (quella di Santa Maria dei Battuti e quella dei Fabbri, poi detta di Santo Spirito), che controllavano i principali ospedali cittadini (rispettivamente San Martino e Santo Spirito). Lo studio delle oltre 900 pergamene del fondo dell'ospedale, dei registri dei camerari, delle definizioni e degli statuti, ha permesso di capire il funzionamento delle due strutture ospedaliere, l'organigramma delle fraterne che li gestivano e come esse si distribuissero gli spazi urbani.
In appendice sono pubblicate le tabelle coi nomi dei principali ufficiali delle fratrerne tra XIV e XV secolo e le loro professioni".

Part of an occasional series on the members of London's early eighteenth-century masonic lodges

Who are the Royal Black Knights? Using primary documents including journals and reports as well as historical writings the book addresses this question. It includes 1925 listing of all 349 Royal Black Preceptories in Canada and... more

Who are the Royal Black Knights? Using primary documents including journals and reports as well as historical writings the book addresses this question. It includes 1925 listing of all 349 Royal Black Preceptories in Canada and Newfoundland and their Preceptors and Registrars.

The vellum codex MS. 482 (previously catalogued as 6/iv/27), held in the Birmingham University Library Special Collections Department and acquired from Hammond's Bookshop in 1957, contains the 15 th century Statuto of the Italian lay... more

The vellum codex MS. 482 (previously catalogued as 6/iv/27), held in the Birmingham University Library Special Collections Department and acquired from Hammond's Bookshop in 1957, contains the 15 th century Statuto of the Italian lay association 1 Santa Maria Assunta (St Mary of the Assumption), which was founded in the church of San Pier Gattolino (henceforth referred to as the church of San Piero) in Florence. To the best of my knowledge, the manuscript has never been studied before and is the only surviving witness.

Leading Masonic authors Dr David Harrison and Fred Lomax examine Friendly Societies, Freemasonry and other Fraternal Orders in this, their latest work. The authors present the individual histories of the Odd Fellows, Foresters, Druids,... more

Leading Masonic authors Dr David Harrison and Fred Lomax examine Friendly Societies, Freemasonry and other Fraternal Orders in this, their latest work.
The authors present the individual histories of the Odd Fellows, Foresters, Druids, Buffaloes, Rechabites, Moose, Elks, and more obscure Orders such as the Society of the Horseman’s Word and the Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds; putting forward their similarities with Freemasonry, in their ritual and regalia.
During the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, several of these societies developed a fraternal aspect to their activities, using Freemasonry as their model via ritual and practice; some being open to men and women from working class backgrounds; supplying strong financial support for their members at a time when the ordinary worker had little or no protection against illness or injury at work.
A number of these societies developed into extremely large organisations that still exist today as financial organisations, despite an overall decline in the wake of the arrival of the Welfare State in the UK. Some however were small local organisations that did not survive. The book also explores fraternal clubs at the other end of the class spectrum in the UK; gentlemen’s clubs that offered a sense of belonging and networking for the more affluent gentlemen of society. The book examines how some members of these clubs were influential Freemasons, and how these gentlemen’s clubs reflected the stark class differences in the UK.
The book is richly illustrated, depicting the personal stories associated with the various Orders, revealing never-before-published photos of regalia, jewels and artefacts, which will demonstrate the importance of the Orders and their contribution to social history during the industrial revolution.

[Power Points:] (I) Vorüberlegungen und Definitionen [BILD 1] TITEL Aus gegebenen Anlass, meine Damen und Herren und liebes Publikum, möchte ich mit der Solidaritätsschleife für Orlando darauf hinweisen, dass die so genannte " offene Gesellschaft " – etwas, was direkt oder indirekt mit meinem Vortrag zu tun hat – keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist. Die von Politikern und Kommentatoren in den vergangenen Tagen zu recht gegeißelte abscheuliche Straftat wird oft als ein Angriff auf eben diese offene Gesellschaft westlichen Schnitts beschrieben. Aber wenige sind präzise damit was denn eigentlich diese Offenheit bedeutet und beinhaltet: offenkundig auch geschlossene oder private Räume in unserer Gesellschaft zuzulassen in denen sich menschliche Vielfalt entfalten darf. Dies wiederum hat direkt mit meinem Vortrag zu tun, denn geht es mit dabei auch um den historischen Anfang der offenen Gesellschaft die auf gegenseitiges Vertrauen als ein Mittelpunkt zwischen Wissen und Nichtwissen (Simmel) aufbaut. Paradoxal dabei ist jedoch dass die Geschlossenheit in ihr eine konstitutive Rolle spielt. Wie dies alles zusammenhängt werde ich versuchen im Folgenden darzulegen und tauche erst einmal direkt in die historischen Quellen. [BILD 2] Zitat " Die Grundeinrichtung der Gesellschaft La Tolerance ist, Menschen zur Gottesfürchtigkeit zu bilden, zum Gesetzesgehorsam und zur Tugend, mit einem Wort, alle menschlichen und mitbürgerlichen Eigenschaften zu verbessern. Daneben ist die Absicht das Gedächtnis des Königs Gustav III. zu feiern als ein König hohen Verstands, sowie der Stifter der Toleranz und deren Erster Beschützer in Schweden. Er wird daher die höchste Sonne der Toleranz genannt. Neben ihm wird Friedrich II. von Preußen verehrt – danach die großen Philosophen die über die Toleranz geschrieben haben. Das Wort Toleranz beinhaltet und wird in der Gesellschaft als ein Gegensatz verstanden zur Atheisterei, zu schadenbringenden Mysterien, Ausschweifungen in Religions-Angelegenheiten, Hass, Verfolgung und Fanatismus. "

This article argues that Pinkster should be understood as an Atlantic Creole festival in a Dutch-American context, rather than a Dutch-African festival in an American context. It claims that the syncretic character of Pinkster did not... more

This article argues that Pinkster should be understood as an Atlantic Creole festival in a Dutch-American context, rather than a Dutch-African festival in an American context. It claims that the syncretic character of Pinkster did not originate in North America and that, before arriving on the American East Coast, the essence of what came to be known as Pinkster already existed as a culturally hybrid Luso-African celebration.

Use the URL link to view a copy.

Abstract Early in 1728, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Duke of Liria—a Spanish diplomat, prominent Jacobite, and an illegitimate grandson of James II—sought to establish a curiously-titled fraternity called the ‘Order of the Anti-Sober’.... more

Abstract Early in 1728, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Duke of Liria—a Spanish diplomat, prominent Jacobite, and an illegitimate grandson of James II—sought to establish a curiously-titled fraternity called the ‘Order of the Anti-Sober’. Using the surviving charter of the proposed fraternal order as a point of departure, this article reconstructs the context and the meaning of Liria’s initiative. While drinking has traditionally been associated with Russia and in particular with the mores of Peter I’s court, this microstudy helps us to see it as a part of European sociable and diplomatic practices of the era. This episode sheds light not only on the broader evolution of fraternal societies in the early eighteenth century, but also on the mechanisms that drove the spread of such forms of associational life across the continent.

Velen hebben gehoord over de vrijmetselarij, maar slechts weinigen kennen haar. Dat geldt zeker voor West-Vlaanderen, een provincie waar de katholieke Kerk erg lang dominant was. De loges stonden er centraal in een vrijzinnige... more

Velen hebben gehoord over de vrijmetselarij, maar slechts weinigen kennen haar. Dat geldt zeker voor West-Vlaanderen, een provincie waar de katholieke Kerk erg lang dominant was. De loges stonden er centraal in een vrijzinnige tegencultuur die als geen andere hardnekkig en strijdbaar is gebleken. Door middel van grondig onderzoek van archieven die voordien zelden of nooit werden gebruikt, tonen de auteurs van dit boek aan in welke mate de West-Vlaamse vrijmetselarij uniek was. Zo konden net hier door steun vanuit de loges lange tijd vrijzinnige scholen gedijen. Maar ook andere elementen hebben de ongewone geschiedenis van de West-Vlaamse vrijmetselarij gemarkeerd. De Eerste Wereldoorlog zorgde ervoor dat de enige Belgische oorlogsloge die nog op Belgisch territorium actief kon zijn, precies in De Panne arbeidde. En dan is er nog de intense contacten met Frankrijk die er onder meer voor hebben gezorgd dat enkele West-Vlaamse vrouwen opmerkelijk vroeg als vrijmetselaar zouden worden ingewijd.

Early in 1728, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Duke of Liria—a Spanish diplomat, prominent Jacobite, and an illegitimate grandson of James II—sought to establish a curiously-titled fraternity called the‘Order of the Anti-Sober’. Using the... more

Early in 1728, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Duke of Liria—a Spanish diplomat, prominent Jacobite, and an illegitimate grandson of James II—sought to establish a curiously-titled fraternity called the‘Order of the Anti-Sober’. Using the surviving charter of the proposed fraternal order as a point of departure, this article reconstructs the context and the meaning of Liria’s initiative. While drinking has traditionally been associated with Russia and in particular with the mores of Peter I’s court, this microstudy helps us to see it as a part of European sociable and diplomatic practices of the era. This episode sheds light not only on the broader evolution of fraternal societies in the early eighteenth century,but also on the mechanisms that drove the spread of such forms of associational life across the continent.

During the period of early capitalism in Ontario, disabled workers were forced to find ways to survive following an injury. Affordable insurance offered by fraternal societies provided limited protection for many working-class families... more

During the period of early capitalism in Ontario, disabled workers were forced to find ways to survive following an injury. Affordable insurance offered by fraternal societies provided limited protection for many working-class families but was not a reliable source of financial support for injured and disabled workers. Even when insurance disability benefits were a factor, many injured workers soon found themselves in a position of financial hardship. Fraternal insurance reflected many of the same barriers facing disabled workers and as a result, represents a microcosm of wider social and institutional treatment of individuals with disabilities during this period.

En février 1739, le journal du Lancashire annonçait « qu’une loge de maçons venait de se constituer à Cold-Bath Fields ; leur nombre est déjà monté jusqu’à neuf-cents membres et on y accueille les hommes aussi bien que les femmes qui sont... more

En février 1739, le journal du Lancashire annonçait « qu’une loge de maçons venait de se constituer à Cold-Bath Fields ; leur nombre est déjà monté jusqu’à neuf-cents membres et on y accueille les hommes aussi bien que les femmes qui sont appelées ‘sœurs’. La loge tient réunion tous les soirs, mais celle du dimanche est la plus importante. La loge est gouvernée par un Grand Maître et par un Surveillant ». Cette loge,dédié à Robin des bois, apparaît comme l’une des premières manifestations de sociétés mixtes au dix-huitième siècle, et pourtant elle n’a pas retenu jusqu’ici l’attention des chercheurs. Le présent article développe les éléments qui attestent toujours son existence à cette époque : annonces de réunions dans les journaux de Londres, détails des recettes de représentations que la loge parrainait dans les théâtres londoniens, une gravure représentant une réunion et un chant de la société. Le fait que la loge avait son lieu de réunion dans un obscur jardin d’agrément de Cold-Bath Fields incite à penser que ses membres n’appartenaient pas à l’élite et que l’on avait affaire à un phénomène strictement local londonien. Mais, ce qui est étrange, c’est que l’image que l’on retient en rassemblant tous ces éléments est celle d’une association mixte (para)maçonnique dont les activités font écho à d’autres éléments majeurs que l’on trouve ailleurs en Europe dans les manifestations de groupes maçonniques du même genre. Ainsi, l’accent que met la loge sur la convivialité, en se réunissant tous les soirs, laisse transparaître un élément libertin que l’on rencontre dans les sociétés françaises bachiques, tel l’Ordre de la Félicité et ses précurseurs à partir du milieu desannées 1730 ; sa devise, Que l’honneur préside, est un écho à cet appel à la Vertu qui était celle des Mopses de Vienne et dont les activités remontent à 1738 ; l’imagerie bucolique de la rhétorique de la loge et ses éléments chevaleresques androgynes se retrouvent également chez les Ermites aristocrates de la Bonne Humeur, aussi fondé en 1739 en Allemagne ; et il apparaît qu’il existe un lien fort avec le théâtre, de même qu’avec la Loge de Juste fondée en Hollande vers 1751. Jusqu’à ce jour on n’a pas trouvé de documents précisant le rituel de cette loge de Londres dont les activités semblent avoir cessé au milieu des années 1740 à partir desquelles on ne trouve plus aucune référence la concernant.