Heuristic Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind seems problematic. What the consequences of the criticism mean for Law and Economics’ tenability depends largely on the questions whether (1) some elements are unassailable to the alternative’s objections and (2) the alternative is a systematic whole. It is argued that Law and Economics may be salvaged, if it is minimized and its ambitions are tempered. This means focusing on the stable, a priori, elements inherent to it.
Security Science education at university levels is still in its infancy, with little agreement towards knowledge, curriculum and competency. Therefore, it is essential that educators draw on relevant literature highlighting means of... more
Security Science education at university levels is still in its infancy, with little agreement towards knowledge, curriculum and competency. Therefore, it is essential that educators draw on relevant literature highlighting means of efficient and effective knowledge transfer for tertiary students within the Security Science domain. Such knowledge transfer will reduce the gap between academic knowledge (explicit) and professional competency (tacit
This paper proposes and compares portfolio selection models under the assumption that the portfolios of returns follow a GARCH type process. We compute the price/return distribution at some future time approximating the GARCH process with... more
This paper proposes and compares portfolio selection models under the assumption that the portfolios of returns follow a GARCH type process. We compute the price/return distribution at some future time approximating the GARCH process with a Markov chain. We consider either a GARCH(1,1) model or an asymmetric GARCH type model (E-GARCH, GJR-GARCH) . We present an expost comparison of portfolio selection strategies applied to some assets of the US Market. Since the optimization problems present more local optima, we implement an heuristic algorithm for the global optimum in order to overcome the intrinsic computational complexity of the models.
Kalman filters are often used to estimate the state variables of a dynamic system. However, in the application of Kalman filters some known signal information is often either ignored or dealt with heuristically. For instance,... more
Kalman filters are often used to estimate the state variables of a dynamic system. However, in the application of Kalman filters some known signal information is often either ignored or dealt with heuristically. For instance, state-variable constraints (which may be based on physical considerations) are often neglected because they do not fit easily into the structure of the Kalman filter. Thus, two analytical methods to incorporate state-variable inequality con straints into the Kalman filter are now derived. The first method is a general technique that uses hard constraints to enforce inequalities on the state-variable estimates. The resultant filter is a com bination of a standard Kalman filter and a quadratic programming problem. The second method uses soft constraints to estimate those state variables that are known to vary slowly with time.
Soklat Mocachino dan Choco Granule merupakan salah satu jenis produk pangan olahan, dimana produk pangan selalu dituntut agar aman dan layak dikonsumsi. Dikatakan aman produk pangan olahan tersebut tidak mengandung atau bebas dari bahaya... more
Soklat Mocachino dan Choco Granule merupakan salah satu jenis produk pangan olahan, dimana produk pangan selalu dituntut agar aman dan layak dikonsumsi. Dikatakan aman produk pangan olahan tersebut tidak mengandung atau bebas dari bahaya fisik, kimia dan biologi. Untuk itu sangat penting bagi produsen agar selalu memastikan semua tahapan proses produksi yang terlibat didalamnya harus dijaga dengan cara pengolahan yang baik (good manufacturing practice). Dengan cara tersebut seluruh peluang bahaya yang ada dapat teridentifikasi sehingga dapat dilakukan suatu tindakan pengendalian yang spesifik agar bahaya dapat berkurang sampai batas yang dapat diterima. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dalam rangka mengurangi bahaya pada produk olahan pangan yaitu HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point). Berdasarkan hasil analisis bahaya menunjukkan dari 15 tahapan proses produksi yang ada, dimana 5 proses diantaranya merupakan CCP (critical control point) yaitu penimbangan, vac...
In this paper we present a general genetic algorithm to address a wide variety o f sequencing and optimization problems including multiple machine scheduling, reso urce allocation and the quadratic assignment problem. When addressing such... more
In this paper we present a general genetic algorithm to address a wide variety o f sequencing and optimization problems including multiple machine scheduling, reso urce allocation and the quadratic assignment problem. When addressing such probl ems, genetic algorithms typically have difficulty maintaining feasibility from parent to offs pring. This is overcome with a robust representation technique called random keys. Computati onal results are shown for multiple machine scheduling, resource allocation and quadr atic assignment problems.
Problema de Corte y Empaquetamiento en tres dimensiones, a su vez se describe la heurística aplicada en una empresa de distribución y se realiza una propuesta de mejora para la resolución del problema que allí se presenta. Se realiza una... more
Problema de Corte y Empaquetamiento en tres dimensiones, a su vez se describe la heurística aplicada en una empresa de distribución y se realiza una propuesta de mejora para la resolución del problema que allí se presenta. Se realiza una revisión de las principales restricciones del problema de corte y empaquetamiento en tres dimensiones y las heurísticas más usadas. Luego se documentan los modelos utilizados por la empresa de distribución a partir de trabajo de campo, entrevistas e información recolectada del personal directamente relacionado con el proceso. Con base en el análisis de ambas fuentes de información se ppropone una herramienta de mejora. Se realiza un análisis comparativo en un mismo trimestre de años diferentes y se evalúa el rendimiento de la misma obteniendo buenos resultados para el caso del problema de la mochila.
Le problème du voyageur de commerce (TSP) est un problème classique d'optimisation combinatoire NP-complet. Des heuristiques ont été proposées permettant de trouver des solutions presque optimales. On distingue deux classes... more
Le problème du voyageur de commerce (TSP) est un problème classique d'optimisation combinatoire NP-complet. Des heuristiques ont été proposées permettant de trouver des solutions presque optimales. On distingue deux classes d'heuristiques: de construction et d'amélioration. Lin-Kernighan est la meilleure heuristique d'amélioration. L'heuristique de colonies de fourmis est une méthode composite de construction et d'amélioration. Nous proposons une hybridation de ces deux méthodes. L'étude expérimentale sur des instances de TSP symétriques de nombre de villes variant entre 17 et 2392 montre que cette hybridation est meilleure que les deux autres approches hybrides de la littérature à savoir (Algorithme Génétique-Lin-Kernighan) et (Colonie de fourmis-3-opt).
- by Garry Stiven
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- Heuristic
Int J Psychoanal 2005;86:99-123 1 This paper is a synthesis of the results obtained in my doctoral thesis, partially funded by CNPq and the FAPESP, 'The speculative method in Freud' (in Portuguese), supplemented with other considerations... more
Int J Psychoanal 2005;86:99-123 1 This paper is a synthesis of the results obtained in my doctoral thesis, partially funded by CNPq and the FAPESP, 'The speculative method in Freud' (in Portuguese), supplemented with other considerations that indicate the continuity and the consequences of that type of historico-critical interpretation of psychoanalysis. The perspective here developed is inserted into the line of research of the research group in philosophy and psychotherapeutic practices (GFPP) of the clinical psychology postgraduate studies programme of the Pontifi cal Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), based on the works of Zeljko Loparic. This text is a slightly modifi ed version of Fulgencio (2003). I thank Zeljko Loparic and translator, George T. Nurse, for their great help in the establishment of the English version of this paper. 2 Author's and translator's note: Trieb, as used by Freud, has been rendered as drive (in French, pulsion) and not instinct. The text clarifi es the reasons.
This paper discusses on a comparative study towards solution for solving Travelling Salesman Problem based on three techniques proposed namely exhaustive, heuristic and genetic algorithm. Each solution is to cater on finding an optimal... more
This paper discusses on a comparative study towards solution for solving Travelling Salesman Problem based on three techniques proposed namely exhaustive, heuristic and genetic algorithm. Each solution is to cater on finding an optimal path of available 25 contiguous cities in England whereby solution is written in Prolog. Comparisons were made with emphasis against time consumed and closeness to optimal solutions. Based on the experimental, we found that heuristic is very promising in terms of time taken, while on the other hand, Genetic Algorithm manages to be outstanding on big number of traversal by resulting the shortest path among the others.
Publicly-funded hospitals are typically allocated an annual budget by the government based on the number of enrollees in the region. Given tight budget constraints, the capacity of resources is fairly fixed. Such hospitals strive to... more
Publicly-funded hospitals are typically allocated an annual budget by the government based on the number of enrollees in the region. Given tight budget constraints, the capacity of resources is fairly fixed. Such hospitals strive to maximize the utilization of their resources through continuous improvement and optimization techniques. We address a surgical case scheduling problem experienced at a publicly-funded hospital and conceptualize this multi-period, multi-resource, priority-based case scheduling problem as an unequal-sized, multi-bin, multi-dimensional dual bin-packing problem. A mixed integer programming model and a heuristic based on the first fit decreasing algorithm are presented. Resource availability, case priorities, and variation in surgery times are key features included in our model. Our proposed approach led to substantial savings, 20% reduction in number of days and up to 20% increase in operating room utilization, when compared to real schedules obtained from the surgical department at a publiclyfunded hospital.
- by Pratik Parikh and +1
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- Multidisciplinary, Healthcare, Optimization, Heuristic
This article reviews machine learning methods for bioinformatics. It presents modelling methods, such as supervised classification, clustering and probabilistic graphical models for knowledge discovery, as well as deterministic and... more
This article reviews machine learning methods for bioinformatics. It presents modelling methods, such as supervised classification, clustering and probabilistic graphical models for knowledge discovery, as well as deterministic and stochastic heuristics for optimization. Applications in genomics, proteomics, systems biology, evolution and text mining are also shown.
Checkerboard patterns, also known as 1-group patterns, belong to a special class of 2-stage guillotine patterns that do not need recuts. Such patterns are easier to cut, hence, they demand less machine time. They are of particular... more
Checkerboard patterns, also known as 1-group patterns, belong to a special class of 2-stage guillotine patterns that do not need recuts. Such patterns are easier to cut, hence, they demand less machine time. They are of particular interest in high-demand settings when the machine is a bottleneck for production. We propose a heuristic and an exact method to determine such patterns. Both are two-phase methods: in the first phase, good combinations within strips are obtained and, afterwards, a good combination of strips is determined. Both methods outperform previous methods proposed in the literature, in terms of quality or in terms of computational times.
This paper addresses the design of container liner shipping service networks by explicitly taking into account empty container repositioning. Two key and interrelated issues, those of deploying ships and containers are usually treated... more
This paper addresses the design of container liner shipping service networks by explicitly taking into account empty container repositioning. Two key and interrelated issues, those of deploying ships and containers are usually treated separately by most existing studies on shipping network design. In this paper, both issues are considered simultaneously. The problem is formulated as a two-stage problem. A genetic algorithm-based heuristic is developed for the problem. Through a number of numerical experiments that were conducted it was shown that the problem with the consideration of empty container repositioning provides a more insightful solution than the one without.
This paper presents the results of a study that aimed at increasing students' problem-solving skills. heuristic for problem solving was used and students were required to articulate their thought processes through the use of a structured... more
This paper presents the results of a study that aimed at increasing students' problem-solving skills. heuristic for problem solving was used and students were required to articulate their thought processes through the use of a structured diary. The diary prompted students to answer questions designed to engage them in the phases of heuristic. While it appeared as though most students did not internalise the diary questions, further analysis of students' responses indicated that most students showed improvement in their solution strategies. These results indicate that having students write about their thinking may be beneficial for developing their problem-solving skills.
Tingginya kasus kecelakaan kerja menunjukan bahwa kesadaran tenaga kerja maupun pihak perusahaan dalam menangani masalah kesehatan keselamatan kerja masih kurang, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu pengukuran risiko kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan... more
Tingginya kasus kecelakaan kerja menunjukan bahwa kesadaran tenaga kerja maupun pihak perusahaan dalam menangani masalah kesehatan keselamatan kerja masih kurang, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu pengukuran risiko kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis potensi bahaya di bagian Produksi khususnya Departemen Foundry PT. Sicamindo dan juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan pekerja tentang potensi bahaya dengan perilaku penggunaan alat pelindung diri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan observasional. Objek penelitian adalah mesin, sikap atau perilaku tenaga kerja, proses kerja dan lingkungan kerja. Berdasarkan identifikasi bahaya, penilaian dan pengendalan risiko terdapat beberapa bahaya dan risiko yang terjadi dengan kriteria tolerable risk, moderate risk dan sustainable risk. Pengendalian bahaya yang telah dilakukan di PT. Sicamindo yaitu bersifat pengendalian administrative dan penyediaan alat pelindung diri (APD). Objective, Tar...
- by Henri Ponda
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- Heuristic
Due to a rapid growth in world trade and a huge increase in containerized goods, sea container terminals play a vital role in globe-spanning supply chains. Container terminals should be able to handle large ships, with large call sizes... more
Due to a rapid growth in world trade and a huge increase in containerized goods, sea container terminals play a vital role in globe-spanning supply chains. Container terminals should be able to handle large ships, with large call sizes within the shortest time possible, and at competitive rates. In response, terminal operators, shipping liners, and port authorities are investing in new technologies to improve container handling infrastructure and operational efficiency. Container terminals face challenging research problems which have received much attention from the academic community. The focus of this paper is to highlight the recent developments in the container terminals, which can be categorized into three areas: (1) innovative container terminal technologies, (2) new OR directions and models for existing research areas, and (3) emerging areas in container terminal research. By choosing this focus, we complement existing reviews on container terminal operations.
Este artículo presenta un procedimiento alternativo para resolver el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos con limitaciones de capacidad y flota homogénea (CVRP). Se propone un algoritmo metaheurístico que consta de la combinación de dos... more
Este artículo presenta un procedimiento alternativo para resolver el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos con limitaciones de capacidad y flota homogénea (CVRP). Se propone un algoritmo metaheurístico que consta de la combinación de dos fases: diseño de rutas y planificación de la flota. La primera fase está compuesta de procedimientos heurísticos y metaheurísticos donde se construye una solución inicial que es mejorada mediante búsqueda tabú obteniendo soluciones no dominadas en tiempo de cálculo polinomial. Para la segunda fase, correspondiente a la planificación (scheduling) de la flota, se propone abordar el problema partiendo de una analogía con el problema de programación de máquinas paralelas idénticas. Este procedimiento tiene como función objetivo minimizar el costo fijo causado por la utilización de la capacidad instalada. Esta alternativa se aplicó sobre una instancia generada aleatoriamente y una instancia real arrojando resultados significativos al compararse con las heurísticas evaluadas.
Experimental decision-making research often uses a task in which participants are presented with alternatives from which they must choose. Although tasks of this type may be useful in determining measures (e.g., preference) related to... more
Experimental decision-making research often uses a task in which participants are presented with alternatives from which they must choose. Although tasks of this type may be useful in determining measures (e.g., preference) related to explicitly stated alternatives, they neglect an important aspect of many real-world decision-making environments-namely, the option-generation process. The goal of the present research is to extend previous literature that fills this void by presenting a model that attempts to describe the link between the use of different strategies and the subsequent option-generation process, as well as the resulting choice characteristics. Specifically, we examine the relationship between strategy use, number and order of generated options, choice quality, and dynamic inconsistency. ''Take The First'' is presented as a heuristic that operates in ill-defined tasks, based on our model assumptions. An experiment involving a realistic (sports) situation was conducted on suitable participants (athletes) to test the predictions of the model. Initial results support the modelÕs key predictions: strategies producing fewer generated options result in better and more consistent decisions.
Keunggulan tepung porang (Amorphophallus konjac) adalah memiliki kandungan serat tinggi, terutama pembubaran serat. Selain itu, tepung ini memiliki kemampuan menyerap air dan bisa membentuk gel yang bisa meningkatkan kelenturan pada mie... more
Keunggulan tepung porang (Amorphophallus konjac) adalah memiliki kandungan serat tinggi, terutama pembubaran serat. Selain itu, tepung ini memiliki kemampuan menyerap air dan bisa membentuk gel yang bisa meningkatkan kelenturan pada mie basah. Rumusan masalahnya adalah bagaimana jika tepung porang digunakan sebagai ramuan dalam pembuatan mie basah, apakah mie basah yang terbuat dari tepung porang lebih disukai oleh konsumen? Penggantian tepung porang ternyata memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kandungan air, protein, lemak, karbohidrat dan abu mie basah. Mie dengan lebih banyak tepung porang tersubstitusi, maka kadar air, kadar lemak dan kadar abu meningkat, sementara kadar protein dan karbohidrat menurun. Hasil uji organoleptik yang menggambarkan tingkat preferensi konsumen terhadap mie basah yang dimasak yang dihasilkan, menunjukkan bahwa tepung substitusi porang sampai 15% tekstur dan warna lebih disukai oleh konsumen. Untuk penyedap, substitusi tepung porang 10% masih ...
This paper studies the problem of scheduling in a flexible job shop. A greedy heuristic is developed to solve precisely the sequencing (allocation) problem. The principle of this approach is to iteratively insert operations on the... more
This paper studies the problem of scheduling in a flexible job shop. A greedy heuristic is developed to solve precisely the sequencing (allocation) problem. The principle of this approach is to iteratively insert operations on the machines until the objective of minimizing the Cmax (makespan) is reached. The heuristic was tested on a particular Benchmark which considers the transportation times between the machines, and get inspiration from a real assembly cell: the AIP-PRIMECA cell at the University of Valenciennes, that from an OR perspective, can be viewed as Flexible Job Shop, leading to the formulation of a Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP). The results obtained by the greedy heuristic on this benchmark are very promising.
This paper presents a version of the U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problem and an asso-ciated heuristic solver where parallel stations are used to accommodate tasks with processing time greater than the cycle time. Computational... more
This paper presents a version of the U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problem and an asso-ciated heuristic solver where parallel stations are used to accommodate tasks with processing time greater than the cycle time. Computational results for the heuristic applied to problems created from industry standard test sets show that the heuristic performs well when compared to optimum solution bounds.
This paper deals with permutation flowshops with considering transportation times of carrying semi-finished jobs from a machine to another one. The transportation between machines can be done using two types of transportation systems:... more
This paper deals with permutation flowshops with considering transportation times of carrying semi-finished jobs from a machine to another one. The transportation between machines can be done using two types of transportation systems: multi-transporter and single-transporter systems. We formulate the problem with both systems as six different mixed integer linear programs. We also provide solution methods including heuristics and metaheuristics in order to solve large-sized problems. The heuristics are the adaptations of well-known heuristics and the proposed metaheuristics are based on artificial immune systems incorporating an effective local search heuristic and simulated annealing. A comprehensive experiment is conducted to compare and evaluate the performance of the models as well as the algorithms. All the results show the effectiveness of the proposed models and algorithms.
Resumen: La alfabetización científica significa lo que el público debe saber acerca de la ciencia con el fin de participar en la sociedad del conocimiento. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar cómo la teoría epistemológico constructivista de... more
Resumen: La alfabetización científica significa lo que el público debe saber acerca de la ciencia con el fin de participar en la sociedad del conocimiento. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar cómo la teoría epistemológico constructivista de Bernard Lonergan, al analizar el conocimiento científico en forma innovadora y rigurosa sin ceder al sentido común, contribuye a la alfabetización. Las tesis de Lonergan se contrastan con la visión neo-positivista de los años 50 y son contextualizadas como anticipación de los problemas de Kuhn y Lakatos. En un mundo cada vez más dependiente de la tecnología, Lonergan nos dejó una poderosa palanca para el ejercicio de la ciudadanía y de lo humanismo.
In this paper, we introduce the capacitated plant location problem (CPLP) with multiple facilities in the same site (CPLPM), a special case of the classical CPLP where several facilities can be opened in the same site. Applications of the... more
In this paper, we introduce the capacitated plant location problem (CPLP) with multiple facilities in the same site (CPLPM), a special case of the classical CPLP where several facilities can be opened in the same site. Applications of the CPLPM arise in a number of contexts, such as the location of polling stations. Although the CPLPM can be modelled and solved as a standard CPLP, this approach usually performs very poorly. In this paper we describe a novel Lagrangean relaxation and a tailored Lagrangean heuristic that overcome the drawbacks of classical procedures. These algorithms were used to solve a polling station location problem in Italy. Computational results show that the average deviation of the heuristic solution over the lower bound is less than 2%.
From the mid-1950's to the present the notion of a heuristic has played a crucial role in the A1 researchers' descriptions of thcir work. What has not been generally noticed is that different researchers have often applied the term to... more
From the mid-1950's to the present the notion of a heuristic has played a crucial role in the A1 researchers' descriptions of thcir work. What has not been generally noticed is that different researchers have often applied the term to rather different aspects of their programs. Things that would be called a heuristic by one researcher would not be so called by others. This is because many heuristics embody a variety of different features, and the various researchers have emphasized different ones of these features as being essential to being a heuristic. This paper steps back from any particular research program and investigates the question of what things, historically, have been thought to be central to the notion of a heuristic and which ones conflict with others. After analyzing the previous definitions and examining current usage of the term, a synthesizing definition is provided. The hope is that with this broader account of 'heuristic' in hand, researchers can benefit more fully from the insights of others, even if those insights are couched in a somewhat alien vocabulary.
Small warehouses generally have different needs than large warehouses. They usually do not have warehouse management systems that are data intensive and involve high capital investment. Operational procedures are more nebulous and... more
Small warehouses generally have different needs than large warehouses. They usually do not have warehouse management systems that are data intensive and involve high capital investment. Operational procedures are more nebulous and management control is less rigid. Because of the difference in operational approach, different measures are needed in order to enhance productivity. This paper describes the results and insights gained from a study of the inventory control and warehouse operations at an industrial distributor of maintenance and repair items. The accuracy of the inventory and the efficiency of order picking are studied and appropriate measures are proposed in order to improve operations. Improvements are in the areas of process organization, inventory accuracy, inventory control, and order picking. Implementations and results are reported. Major improvements include lowering inventory levels and more efficient order picking.
Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta as avaliações da usabilidade e da acessibilidade, que envolveu a criação do protótipo multimédia F.R.e.e. -Formação de Reclusas em elearning, relacionadas, especificamente, com a formação "Técnicas de... more
Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta as avaliações da usabilidade e da acessibilidade, que envolveu a criação do protótipo multimédia F.R.e.e. -Formação de Reclusas em elearning, relacionadas, especificamente, com a formação "Técnicas de Procura de Emprego" no âmbito do projeto de investigação (e-Pris) e-Learning em Estabelecimentos Prisionais. A avaliação da usabilidade do protótipo por utilizadores com características aproximadas às do público-alvo permitiu verificar que os utilizadores conseguiram aprender facilmente a usar o protótipo, a executar as tarefas de forma eficiente e com satisfação. O protótipo revelou-se, ainda, pouco sujeito a erros. Apenas não foi devidamente avaliado o parâmetro sobre a facilidade de memorizar, relacionado com a facilidade de lembrar o funcionamento do protótipo. A avaliação da acessibilidade permitiu melhorar a utilização do protótipo, não só para os utilizadores com necessidades especiais, mas também para todos os utilizadores.
The container loading problem, which is significant for a number of industrial sectors, aims to obtain a high space utilisation in the container while satisfying practical constraints. This paper presents a novel hybrid tabu search... more
The container loading problem, which is significant for a number of industrial sectors, aims to obtain a high space utilisation in the container while satisfying practical constraints. This paper presents a novel hybrid tabu search approach to the container loading problem. A loading heuristic is devised to incorporate heuristic strategies with a handling method for remaining spaces to generate optimal loading arrangements of boxes with stability considered. The tabu search technique, which covers the encoding, evaluation criteria and configuration of neighbourhood and candidate solutions, is used to improve the performance of the loading heuristic. Experimental results with benchmark data show that the hybrid approach provides a better space utilisation than the published approaches under the condition of all loaded boxes with one hundred percent support from below. Moreover, it is shown that the hybrid tabu search can solve problems with the constraints of weight limit and weight distribution with real world data.
This article surveys research on the single surface mount device (SMD) placement machine optimisation problem. We classify the optimisation problem into five sub-problems: feeder setup, component placement sequencing, nozzle optimisation,... more
This article surveys research on the single surface mount device (SMD) placement machine optimisation problem. We classify the optimisation problem into five sub-problems: feeder setup, component placement sequencing, nozzle optimisation, component retrieval plan and motion control; and analyse issues relevant to each of these. One of the aims of this article is to provide guidance to other researchers and gain a deeper understanding of the various optimisation issues that arise in this domain. This could lead to the design of improved heuristics, which are more appropriate to the real-world scheduling problem of the SMD placement machine.
Making nata de coco is one of the way to use waste from coconut water which can not be used so that it can decrease the environment polution . Mango is the fruit which can be found in Indonesia , with high nutrition that can be used for... more
Making nata de coco is one of the way to use waste from coconut water which can not be used so that it can decrease the environment polution . Mango is the fruit which can be found in Indonesia , with high nutrition that can be used for many variation of foods. One of them is fruit juice, that can be added from making nata de coco so that it can be hoped to increase the nutrition value of nata de coco by using Acetobacter xylinum bacteria.The purpose of the research is increasing nata de coco nutrition value with phisical factor ( texture and thickness),also the chemistry factor ( pH and vitamine C content) and sensoric factor / organoleptic ( taste, colour, and flavour).The reseach design which is used for complete random design which consist of 3 treatments using mango juice 6 trial test. The first treatment ( S1) = 15%, the second treatment (S2) = 30%, the third treatment (S3) = 45%.The research result showed that the adding treatment of fruit juice to the pH accid degree, vitami...
This paper addresses the problem of products grouping in the tile industry. This production system can be classified as a three-stage hybrid flowshop with sequence dependent and separable setup times. Main objective has been to identify a... more
This paper addresses the problem of products grouping in the tile industry. This production system can be classified as a three-stage hybrid flowshop with sequence dependent and separable setup times. Main objective has been to identify a set of families integrated by products with common features. This classification would help Production Managers to minimize changeover time, allowing them to further reduce production times. The basic concept of ''exploiting similarities'', taken from the Group Technology (GT) philosophy, has been used to address the problem in a creative way. A new ''coefficient of similarity'' between each of the products, has been defined and used as a parameter, allowing products to be grouped through a heuristic method. This research has already been applied in the framework of a real case, getting quite positive results (actual reduction in both setup and production costs, easier long-horizon planning and short-horizon scheduling, more accurate set up time estimates for new products, etc.).
This paper presents a two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with setup and assembly operations. The proposed study of this paper considers one kind of product with a quantity of demand where each product is made by assembling a... more
This paper presents a two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with setup and assembly operations. The proposed study of this paper considers one kind of product with a quantity of demand where each product is made by assembling a set of different parts. At first, the parts are manufactured in a two-stage hybrid flow-shop and then the parts are assembled into products on assembly stage. Setup operations are needed when a machine starts processing the parts or it changes items. The considered objective is minimizing the completion time of all products. Since the problem is classified as NP-hard class, a combinatorial algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm is a three-step procedure where we use heuristic, genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing (SA), NEH and Johnson's algorithm. Three lower bounds are presented and improved to evaluate the proposed algorithms. An extensive computational experiment is conducted to compare the performances of the proposed algorithms.
- by Fariborz Jolai
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- Algorithms, Class, Scheduling, Algorithm
This article addresses the problem of capacity and operational planning for a chemical processing network under uncertainty. The problem is formulated as a multi-stage stochastic program. Problem input, solution and analysis of results... more
This article addresses the problem of capacity and operational planning for a chemical processing network under uncertainty. The problem is formulated as a multi-stage stochastic program. Problem input, solution and analysis of results using SP/OSL are discussed for this problem. Various extensions of the multi-stage model are also presented.
k-anonymization techniques are a key component of any comprehensive solution to data privacy and have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. An important requirement for such techniques is to ensure anonymization of... more
k-anonymization techniques are a key component of any comprehensive solution to data privacy and have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. An important requirement for such techniques is to ensure anonymization of data while at the same time minimizing the information loss resulting from data modifications such as generalization and suppression. Current solutions, however, suffer from one or more of the following limitations: reliance on pre-defined generalization hierarchies; generation of anonymized data with high information loss and with high classification errors; and the inference channel arising from lack of diversity in the sensitive information.
This paper presents a new approach for unit commitment problem using Stochastic Priority List method. In this method, rapidly some initial unit commitment schedules are generated by Priority List method and priority based stochastic... more
This paper presents a new approach for unit commitment problem using Stochastic Priority List method. In this method, rapidly some initial unit commitment schedules are generated by Priority List method and priority based stochastic window system. Excess units are added with system dependent probability distribution to avoid overlooking a desired solution during repeated search. Constraints are not considered in this stage. Then schedules are modified gradually using the problem specific heuristics to fulfill constraints. To reduce calculations, heuristics are applied only to the solutions, which can be expected to improve. Besides, sign vector is introduced to reduce economic load dispatch (ELD) overhead recalculations. This process is repeated for optimal solution. The proposed method is tested using the reported problem data set. Simulation results for the systems up to 100-unit are compared to previous reported results. Numerical results show an improvement in solution cost and time compared to the results obtained from Genetic Algorithm and others.
The multiple traveling salesperson problem (MTSP) is an extension of the well known traveling salesperson problem (TSP). Given m > 1 salespersons and n > m cities to visit, the MTSP seeks a partition of cities into m groups as well as an... more
The multiple traveling salesperson problem (MTSP) is an extension of the well known traveling salesperson problem (TSP). Given m > 1 salespersons and n > m cities to visit, the MTSP seeks a partition of cities into m groups as well as an ordering among cities in each group so that each group of cities is visited by exactly one salesperson in their specified order in such a way that each city is visited exactly once and sum of total distance traveled by all the salespersons is minimized. Apart from the objective of minimizing the total distance traveled by all the salespersons, we have also considered an alternate objective of minimizing the maximum distance traveled by any one salesperson, which is related with balancing the workload among salespersons. In this paper, we have proposed a new grouping genetic algorithm based approach for the MTSP and compared our results with other approaches available in the literature. Our approach outperformed the other approaches on both the objectives.
This paper deals with a problem of scheduling jobs on the identical parallel machines, where job values are given as a power function of the job completion times. Minimization of the total loss of job values is considered as a criterion.... more
This paper deals with a problem of scheduling jobs on the identical parallel machines, where job values are given as a power function of the job completion times. Minimization of the total loss of job values is considered as a criterion. We establish the computational complexity of the problem – strong NP-hardness of its general version and NP-hardness of its
Let G = (V, E) a graph and L (vi) a set of colors associated to every node vi�V. A list coloring of G is an assignment of a color c (vi) � L (vi) to every node of V so that no two adjacent nodes are assigned the same color. Significant... more
Let G = (V, E) a graph and L (vi) a set of colors associated to every node vi�V. A list coloring of G is an assignment of a color c (vi) � L (vi) to every node of V so that no two adjacent nodes are assigned the same color. Significant theoretical research into this special case of the classic coloring problem started roughly the last decade. In the corresponding literature, algorithms are referred to for a particular class of graphs, e.g. trees. In this paper a heuristic algorithm is formulated in order to achieve a list coloring to a given random graph G with the smallest possible number of colors, whenever G has such a coloring. A small numerical example of the presented algorithm is given and the paper is incorporated with a relative computational experiment.
This paper introduces a subjective logic based argumentation framework primarily targeted at evidential reasoning. The framework explicitly caters for argument schemes, accrual of arguments, and burden of proof; these concepts appear in... more
This paper introduces a subjective logic based argumentation framework primarily targeted at evidential reasoning. The framework explicitly caters for argument schemes, accrual of arguments, and burden of proof; these concepts appear in many types of argument, and are particularly useful in dialogues revolving around evidential reasoning. The concept of a sensor is also useful in this domain, representing a source of evidence, and is incorporated in our framework. We show how the framework copes with a number of problems that ...
The two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem has been addressed with respect to different criteria in the literature where setup times are ignored. For some applications, setup times are essential to be explicitly considered since... more
The two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem has been addressed with respect to different criteria in the literature where setup times are ignored. For some applications, setup times are essential to be explicitly considered since they may take considerable amount of time. We address the two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with respect to maximum lateness criterion where setup times are treated as separate from processing times. We formulate the problem and obtain a dominance relation. Moreover, we propose a self-adaptive differential evolution heuristic. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use a self-adaptive differential evolution heuristic to a scheduling problem. We conduct extensive computational experiments to compare the performance of the proposed heuristic with those of particle swarm optimization (PSO), tabu search, and EDD heuristics. The computational analysis indicates that PSO performs much better than tabu and EDD. Moreover, the analysis indicates that the proposed self-adaptive differential evolution heuristic performs as good as PSO in terms of the average error while only taking one-third of CPU time of PSO.
This paper is motivated by the problem of scheduling customer orders (jobs) in a semiconductor fabrication facility ("wafer fab") to maximize delivery performance when the jobs have non-identical priorities (weights). As each job is... more
This paper is motivated by the problem of scheduling customer orders (jobs) in a semiconductor fabrication facility ("wafer fab") to maximize delivery performance when the jobs have non-identical priorities (weights). As each job is typically assigned a weight based on its size, value, and/or requesting customer, a wafer fab's delivery performance can be evaluated in terms of minimizing the sum of each job's weighted tardiness. A heuristic has been proposed for obtaining "good" solutions to this complex problem. Using a "real world" wafer fab data model, the heuristic is compared to a number of dispatching rules in terms of how well each method produces job sequences that maximize delivery performance of customer orders. Results suggest that the heuristic consistently produces the best overall schedules, but there is a price to be paid in terms of solution speed.
In this paper we study the capacitated team orienteering problem where split deliveries are allowed. A set of potential customers is given, each associated with a demand and a profit. The set of customers to be served by a fleet of... more
In this paper we study the capacitated team orienteering problem where split deliveries are allowed. A set of potential customers is given, each associated with a demand and a profit. The set of customers to be served by a fleet of capacitated vehicles has to be identified in such a way that the profit collected is maximized, while satisfying constraints on the maximum time duration of each route and the vehicle capacity constraints. When split deliveries are allowed each customer may be served by more than one vehicle. We show that the profit collected by allowing split deliveries may be as large as twice the profit collected under the constraint that each customer has to be served by one vehicle at most. We then present a branch-and-price exact algorithm, a branch-and-price based heuristic and a hybrid heuristic. We show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches on benchmark instances and on a new set of instances that allow us to computationally evaluate the impact of split deliveries.
Resumen: La alfabetización científica significa lo que el público debe saber acerca de la ciencia con el fin de participar en la sociedad del conocimiento. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar cómo la teoría epistemológico constructivista de... more
Resumen: La alfabetización científica significa lo que el público debe saber acerca de la ciencia con el fin de participar en la sociedad del conocimiento. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar cómo la teoría epistemológico constructivista de Bernard Lonergan, al analizar el conocimiento científico en forma innovadora y rigurosa sin ceder al sentido común, contribuye a la alfabetización. Las tesis de Lonergan se contrastan con la visión neo-positivista de los años 50 y son contextualizadas como anticipación de los problemas de Kuhn y Lakatos. En un mundo cada vez más dependiente de la tecnología, Lonergan nos dejó una poderosa palanca para el ejercicio de la ciudadanía y de lo humanismo.