Homo Sapiens Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
- by Douglas Oxley
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- Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Politics
Names are important. The name "wilderness" is fraught with historical baggage obfuscating the most important role of wilderness areas for contemporary conservation. The received wil- derness idea has been and remains a tool of... more
Names are important. The name "wilderness" is fraught with historical baggage obfuscating the most important role of wilderness areas for contemporary conservation. The received wil- derness idea has been and remains a tool of androcentrism, racism, colonialism, and genocide. It privileges virile and primitive recre- ation, because the main reason wild lands were originally preserved is for such utilitarian purposes.
The question "Is race real?" is answered with a resounding Yes! A theory of what race is is provided. Starting with Michael Bradley's (Chosen people from the Caucasus. Chicago: Third World Press) definition of race, five tenets are... more
The question "Is race real?" is answered with a resounding Yes! A theory of what race is is provided. Starting with Michael Bradley's (Chosen people from the Caucasus. Chicago: Third World Press) definition of race, five tenets are adduced which culminate in a biogenetic foundation for "race" based in melanin depigmentation mutation as occurred in the phylogeny of homo sapiens. The onset of "race" as legitimate taxonomy for human variation below the species level amongst genetically distinct groups capable of crossbreeding is located precisely at the point of Cro Magnon's emergence-a phylogenetic process involving an enzyme that is critical in the sequence of chemical reactions that produce or catalyze melanin which until said emergence had been present in all humanity from Afarensis (dubbed "Lucy") through African "Eve" (so-called) and all of her successors, except it is missing in white humans descending from Cro Magnon. This argument is scientific reflecting a fresh, hard race position (race as a "natural" kind) based in biogenetics largely absent in earlier debates which have ignored or pooh-poohed it drawing instead on soft race positions arising from social construction and racial realism (two social "kinds" of race) arguments.
- by Jianfei Zhao and +1
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- Structural Biology, Humans, Circular Dichroism, Homo Sapiens
La storia dell'umanità è una storia di migrazioni. Senza migrazioni non si danno stanzialità, né culture, né tradizioni. Siamo figli del movimento, dell'opportunità, della contaminazione. Siamo tutti africani, ci ricorda Guido Barbujani,... more
La storia dell'umanità è una storia di migrazioni. Senza migrazioni non si danno stanzialità, né culture, né tradizioni. Siamo figli del movimento, dell'opportunità, della contaminazione. Siamo tutti africani, ci ricorda Guido Barbujani, divulgatore scientifico, scrittore e docente di Genetica all'Università di Ferrara.
Human an incredible creation of god. Every creature in the world has a limited life span, to achieve something in the world. Likewise, we also have a limited life span to survive in the world. To preserve our self from the consequences,... more
Human an incredible creation of god. Every creature in the world has a limited life span, to achieve something in the world. Likewise, we also have a limited life span to survive in the world. To preserve our self from the consequences, even though lot of inventions has been made by human, to prevent from diseases is a major question mark. Life span prediction has a greater impact in our modern society because of our food habits, different types of diseases and environmental conditions. Investigations about the life span of vertebrates have been made, except the human (HOMO SAPIENS). Predicting life span for human being is a vital step. It is an emerging research area that is gaining interest but involved lot of challenges due to the limited amount of resources (i.e., datasets) available. In our proposed system we present an analysis on human to predict the life span. By obtaining the Date of birth, Environmental factors, Food habits, Diseases and Medical history, a lot of investigations will be conducted to predict the sustainability of human. Using Data Analytics and machine learning algorithms, We can analyze and predict the life span of the individuals and we use different classification algorithms for this prediction to achieve higher accuracy.
“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light evolution…” says Theodosius Dobzhansky, distinguished geneticist in Scientific American (Ewald, 1993). “Evolutionary biology is, of course, the scientific foundation for all biology, and... more
“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light evolution…” says Theodosius Dobzhansky, distinguished geneticist in Scientific American (Ewald, 1993). “Evolutionary biology is, of course, the scientific foundation for all biology, and biology is the foundation for all medicine. To a surprising degree, however, evolutionary biology is just now being recognized as a basic medical science…. The enterprise of studying medical problems in an evolutionary context has been termed Darwiniam medicine…. Darwinian medicine asks why the body is designed in a way that makes us all vulnerable to problems like cancer, atherosclerosis, depression, and choking, thus offering a broader context in which to do research.”
our current knowledge of the emergence of anatomically modern humans, and the human lineage in general, is limited, in large part because of the lack of a well preserved and well dated fossil record from Pleistocene Africa. thus, the... more
our current knowledge of the emergence of anatomically modern humans, and the human lineage in general, is limited, in large part because of the lack of a well preserved and well dated fossil record from Pleistocene Africa. thus, the primary aim of our research is to partly relieve this problem by virtually reconstructing and analyzing the hominin cranial remains of Kabua 1, found in Kenya in the 1950s. Most scholars have argued that Kabua 1 represents an anatomically modern Homo sapiens, although the fragmentary nature of the remains and lack of a chronometric date hinder robust phylogenetic and taxonomic assessments. this manuscript presents the first steps taken to resolve this issue, namely a set of reconstructions of the specimen that would allow comparison with the fossil record. First, we virtually removed sediment and laboratory adhesives from μct scans of the fragments. Subsequently, all fragments were separated by segmentation
of the μct data and described. Finally, virtual surface projections were
used in the creation of several anatomical reconstructions, based on separate reference crania. these first steps provide a framework that will be used for quantitative shape analyses that aim to more firmly place these remains in the context of human evolution.
- by Laura T Buck and +1
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- Human Evolution, Hominin evolution, Homo Sapiens
C’era una volta uno dei primi ominidi del genere Homo. Un giorno scoprì di essere in vena di chiacchierare; cominciò e non smise più. Questo mitico progenitore può essere chiamato come testimone per scagionare la lingua inglese, accusata... more
C’era una volta uno dei primi ominidi del genere Homo. Un giorno scoprì di essere in vena di chiacchierare; cominciò e non smise più. Questo mitico progenitore può essere chiamato come testimone per scagionare la lingua inglese, accusata spesso di attentare alla purezza di altri idiomi parlati oggi dall’Homo sapiens sapiens? È una delle chiavi di lettura con cui affrontare uno degli ultimi libri scritti dal linguista germanico Harald Haarmann (Braunschweig, 1946), autore di una quarantina di saggi. Il volume si intitola, in tedesco, Weltgeschichte der Sprachen: Von der Frühzeit des Menschen bis zur Gegenwart (Storia mondiale delle lingue. Dai primi tempi dell'uomo ai giorni nostri), pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2016; ora viene proposto da Bollati Boringhieri in italiano, con un titolo più accattivante: Storia universale delle lingue. Dalle origini all’era digitale. Il sommario che si legge in copertina recita: “Una panoramica impressionante sulle lingue del mondo e il loro sviluppo, in una prosa chiara e accessibile”. Va specificato che la prosa di sicuro è chiara; tuttavia è facilmente accessibile soltanto a chi ha un minimo di confidenza con la linguistica e con i suoi termini tecnici. Insomma, un lettore alle prime armi deve farsi un po’ le ossa in materia, soprattutto nell’affrontare i capitoli più complessi. Tuttavia non serve uno sforzo sovrumano per acquisire la confidenza necessaria allo scopo di gustare come si deve quest’opera: inizia da quel primo uomo chiacchierone, cioè dai primi passi intrapresi dalla nostra specie logorroica, per arrivare alle lingue usate oggi nel mondo, che sono tra 6.000 e 6.500.
Tarih boyunca insanoğlunun en temel gereksinimi kuşkusuz ki beslenme ve barınma ihtiyacı olmuştur. İnsanoğlu ilk başta beslenme ihtiyacını çevresinde bulunan besin kaynaklarını toplayarak karşılamış ve sonraki süreçte avcılık ile... more
Tarih boyunca insanoğlunun en temel gereksinimi kuşkusuz ki beslenme ve barınma ihtiyacı olmuştur. İnsanoğlu ilk başta beslenme ihtiyacını çevresinde bulunan besin kaynaklarını toplayarak karşılamış ve sonraki süreçte avcılık ile uğraşmıştır. İnsanoğlunun beslenmenin ardından ikinci serüveni ise yaşayacak yer arayışı olmuştur. İnsanoğlu doğa koşullarının getirmiş olduğu olumsuz şartlar ve vahşi hayvanların saldırılarından korunmak gibi temel yaşamsal gerekçelerden ötürü kapalı bir barınak ihtiyacı duymuş ve tarihsel süreçte mağaralar insanların uğrak noktası olmuştur.
Cosa la nostra evoluzione può dirci su noi stessi e cosa significa essere umani
ABSTRACT: This documentary response sheet contains a series of sequential questions drawn from the video, BBC: The Incredible Human Journey, Episode 3 on Europe (shown in-class; also available online via... more
ABSTRACT: This documentary response sheet contains a series of sequential questions drawn from the video, BBC: The Incredible Human Journey, Episode 3 on Europe (shown in-class; also available online via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH43nnBBzOY [58 minutes]). The documentary looks at mainly the modern human migrations into Europe ca. 40,000 BP, encounters and interactions with Neanderthals, plus later human migrations into Europe, and with Europe, via Anatolia during the late Paleolithic through early Neolithic periods. These sequential questions aim to maximize both student attention to various pertinent points made throughout the documentary and greater retention of the materials covered by the documentary. In addition, the documentary has been vetted for overall content accuracy (albeit updated and/or corrected in-class), and selected to provide supplementary visual aids (e.g., images of regions, sites, finds, and other materials), additional specialist views (e.g., interviews), and other data to aid in student comprehension of the course lectures and readings from the textbooks (REVISED: Sept. 2018). SPRING 2024
The timing and geographic origin of the common ancestor of modern humans and Neandertals remain controversial. A poor Pleistocene hominin fossil record and the evolutionary complexities introduced by dispersals and regionalisation of... more
The timing and geographic origin of the common ancestor of modern humans and Neandertals remain controversial. A poor Pleistocene hominin fossil record and the evolutionary complexities introduced by dispersals and regionalisation of lineages have fuelled taxonomic uncertainty, while new ancient genomic data have raised completely new questions. Here, we use maximum likelihood and 3D geometric morphometric methods to predict possible morphologies of the last common ancestor of modern humans and Neandertals from a simplified, fully resolved phylogeny. We describe the fully rendered 3D shapes of the predicted ancestors of humans and Neandertals, and assess their similarity to individual fossils or populations of fossils of Pleistocene age. Our results support models of an Afro-European ancestral population in the Middle Pleistocene (Homo heidelbergensis sensu lato) and further predict an African origin for this ancestral population.
Genel itibari ile anlamlandırılamayan şiddet-kökenleri ve tarihi açısından da tamamen bir muammadır. Özellikle dönem dönem kavramsal olarak uğradığı anlam-ve teknik, değişim; şiddetin oldukça karmaşık bir konu haline gelmesine neden oldu.... more
Genel itibari ile anlamlandırılamayan şiddet-kökenleri ve tarihi açısından da tamamen bir muammadır. Özellikle dönem dönem kavramsal olarak uğradığı anlam-ve teknik, değişim; şiddetin oldukça karmaşık bir konu haline gelmesine neden oldu. Son dönemde terörizm ile iç içe geçen şiddet-yakın tarihte Vietnam savaşında da değerlendirilmiş ve tarafları bugünün örgütsel yansımasından uzak olarak değerlendirilerek itham edebilecek şekilde kabul edilmiştir. Köken ve temel anlamı arayışımda Yuval Noah Harari'nin Sapien kitabından başladım. Bu noktada ilk olarak karşıma çıkan-temelde insansı diyebileceğimiz insansı gruplar arasında yaşanan çatışmalar oldu. Teorik ve arkeolojik kanıtlar ışığında ispatlanmış olan çatışmaların kanıtı olarak primat gurupların iskeletlerinde yapılan incelemeler sonucu rastlanan kemik yaraları; bu grupların birbirleri arasında çatışmaya girdiklerini gösteriyor. Buna ek olarak yapılan genetik araştırmalar ise gen kaynaşması olduğunu da ayrıca ispat ediyor. Bütün bu denklemleri bir araya getirdiğimizde birbirleri ile çatışan primat grupların aynı zamanda genetik olarak kaynaştığı ve bugünün insan temeli olan sapien primat grubunu geliştirdiği sonucuna varabiliriz. Vardığımız sonucun hemen arkasında yapabileceğimiz tahmini bir senaryoda sapien primatlarının diğer grupları ele geçirip, köle yapıp aynı zamanda üremek için kullandıklarını iddia edebiliriz. Bu sonuca varmadan bu konu üzerine bahsi geçen kitapta iki teoriden bahsedilir-birincisi sapien grubunun görece az olan fiziksel gücünün handikapı olarak hızlı büyüyen beynin icatlarının sağladığı ayrıcalık ile diğer grupları ele geçirip, bölgelerini feth ettiğidir. Diğeri ise bu grupların çatışmadan bağımsız olarak birbirleri ile genetik olarak kaynaştığı yönündedir. Bu bakımdan her iki teorinin birbirini desteklediği söylenebilir-fakat bu noktada bağımsız olarak birbirini takip eden teoriler olduğunu da söyleyebiliriz. Genetik kaynaşmanın romantik bir buluşmadan ziyade-primat grupların fiziksel olarak en zayıfı olan sapienin diğer alt grupları avlayarak esir etme ihtimalinin daha fazla olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Karşıt grupların kadınlarının muhtemel olarak feth eden fatihlerin seks kölesi olarak devam eden yaşamlarında-yaptıkları kazara doğumlar ile; gen üzerinden yapılan teoriyi desteklediğini söyleyebiliriz.
- by Aziz Korkmaz
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- Violence, Homo Sapiens, şiddet
The period from 200,000 to 30,000 years ago in Africa encompasses the archaeological background for the early evolution and global dispersal of Homo sapiens. Here we provide an overview of current models of behavioral change and cultural... more
The period from 200,000 to 30,000 years ago in Africa encompasses the archaeological background for the early evolution and global dispersal of Homo sapiens. Here we provide an overview of current models of behavioral change and cultural evolution in this timeframe, followed by a review on the timing and temporal trajectory of relevant empirical data in Africa. Because recent anthropological and genetic work has highlighted the importance of structure within ancient populations of Africa, we adopt a geographically explicit perspective. We emphasize comparisons between the archaeological records of southern, northern, eastern, central and western Africa, recognizing the varying geological and environmental backgrounds, political circumstances, and histories of research across the continent. Our review finds different records and temporal trajectories for complex material culture and behavioral innovations among the African regions, with the earliest evidence for many cultural changes already present during the late Middle Pleistocene in all areas. The bulk of the evidence, however, comes from Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5-3, a period characterized by complex temporal trajectories and spatial differences among and within regions. Prominent models for a late emergence of sophisticated behaviors at ~50,000 years ago or a gradual and cumulative evolution of cultural complexity in all of Africa are not supported. In light of these results, we advocate abandoning continent-wide, directional and unilinear models of cultural change in favor of more highly contextualized, temporally variable, and historically contingent trajectories in different regions, encapsulated in the concept of complex landscapes of cultural evolution.
Language evolution has long been researched. I will review a number of broad, emerging research directions which arguably have the potential to contribute to our understanding of language evolution. Emerging topics in genomics and... more
Language evolution has long been researched. I will review a number of broad, emerging research directions which arguably have the potential to contribute to our understanding of language evolution. Emerging topics in genomics and neurolinguistics are explored, and human-specific levels of braincase globularity-and the broader process of self-domestication within which globularity seems capable of being encapsulated-will be argued to be the central pillars of any satisfactory and interdisciplinary model of language evolution.