Human-machine Systems Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Angesichts der zunehmenden strukturellen Verschaltung von Mensch und Maschine in der chirurgischen Praxis selbst genügt es nicht mehr, pathologische Veränderungen auf der Basis eines entsprechend theoriegeleiteten Bildwissensauf in... more

Angesichts der zunehmenden strukturellen Verschaltung von Mensch und Maschine in der chirurgischen Praxis selbst genügt es nicht mehr, pathologische Veränderungen auf der Basis eines entsprechend theoriegeleiteten Bildwissensauf in medizinischen Visualisierung „lediglich“ zu erkennen. Bildkompetent müss ChirurgInnen inzwischen nicht mehr nur als DiagnostikerInnen sein, sondern Bilder gestalten zunehmend auch die Therapie. Visualisierungspraktiken lenken, steuern, führen und gestalten inwischen auch den Behandlungsprozess und etablieren ein verändertes Verhältnis zwischen ChirurgIn und PatientIn, zwischen Körper und Bild, zwischen Mensch und Maschine. Der Beitrag untersucht dieses Gefüge von Anschauung, Operativität und Bildlichkeit in der minimal-invasiven Chrirurgie anhand der medialen Produktionsbedingungen des roboter-assistierten Operationssystems Da Vinci. Dabei wird anhand konkreter Fallbeispiele der Architektur, Navigation und Steuerung des Systems gezeigt, dass dem Herstellerversprechen erhöhter medizinischer Effizienz und Präzision bildgeführter Operationssysteme eine praktische Kenntnis der Differenz zwischen Körper und Bild entgegenstehen muss, die nicht in Abrenzung zum Maschinellen verhandelt werden kann, sondern als Synthese von Chirurg und Operationssystem gedacht werden muss.

Human Machine Interface (HMI) concepts for autonomous vehicles have thus far been oriented towards the needs of the vehicle operator. In this work, an autonomous vehicle HMI utilizing LED lights, a display, and audio was created to... more

Human Machine Interface (HMI) concepts for autonomous vehicles have thus far been oriented towards the needs of the vehicle operator. In this work, an autonomous vehicle HMI utilizing LED lights, a display, and audio was created to communicate to others outside the vehicle. In the US, turn-taking at four-way stop sign intersections is typically negotiated via gesture or eye contact. In autonomous vehicles, there may not be an operator involved in the driving task to communicate this information. An HMI concept for this use case was built into a Wizard of Oz autonomous vehicle. Participants (N=64) interacted with the vehicle at an intersection as both a driver and as a pedestrian, after which they discussed their experiences in focus groups. HMI elements that communicate vehicle status or intentions concretely were better received than abstract indicators. Suggestions for design improvement and general implications for external HMI for autonomous vehicles are discussed.

Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) provide a promising solution in increasing the sustainability of both the space and terrestrial environment through responsive Earth Observation (EO) and Space Domain Awareness (SDA) operations. To... more

Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) provide a promising solution in increasing the sustainability of both the space and terrestrial environment through responsive Earth Observation (EO) and Space Domain Awareness (SDA) operations. To exploit the advantages of DSS mission architectures, a technical evolution is required from the deliberative methodologies of traditional ground station operations to approaches that are more suited to autonomous, reactive space mission architectures. At its core, this transition is directly reflected in the design, and development of new, more autonomous Mission Planning Systems that adopt the Adaptive Multi-Agent System (AMAS) framework. With a view towards trusted autonomy, this paper explores the required evolution towards a more supervisory role of future ground station operations. In doing so, this paper provides an initial analysis of a conceptual goal-based distributed space-based SDA application within the Observe Orient Decide and Act (OODA) decision loop framework.

With the proliferation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in low-altitude airspace and a growing interest in new Urban Air Mobility (UAM) solutions, the Air Traffic Controller (ATCo)'s responsibility to ensure safety and efficiency of... more

With the proliferation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in low-altitude airspace and a growing interest in new Urban Air Mobility (UAM) solutions, the Air Traffic Controller (ATCo)'s responsibility to ensure safety and efficiency of operations can no longer be fulfilled with the conventional air traffic control paradigm. Hence, a new increasingly autonomous Decision Support System (DSS) specifically designed for integrated manned/UAS Traffic Management (UTM) is of paramount importance. This DSS makes use of advanced traffic flow and airspace management concepts, but to ensure effective teaming between the human and the system in challenging situations, the nature of their roles and responsibilities is to be analysed in depth and reflected in the design of suitable Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI 2). The task analysis presented in this paper assessed the interdependencies between the human and the machine following the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) framework. The paper focuses on the management of urban airspace, which is partitioned based on navigation performance. The human-machine workflow is presented and discussed, highlighting the proposed interactions in each subtask. To support closed-loop interactions and enhance system integrity, the UTM DSS makes use of the Cognitive HMI 2 concept, which is also briefly outlined in this paper.

What is it that differentiates man and puts him on the throne of the entire animal kingdom? Yes, it's the human brain, and not the human, which is the most valuable creation of God. But the brain, all its knowledge and power are destroyed... more

What is it that differentiates man and puts him on the throne of the entire animal kingdom? Yes, it's the human brain, and not the human, which is the most valuable creation of God. But the brain, all its knowledge and power are destroyed after the death of man. Is it possible to model a brain and upload the contents of the real natural brain into it thereby propagating life even after death? Yes, indeed. Today, organ donation is giving a new lease of life to many ailing patients; however can brain be added to the list of organs that can be donated? Imagine the marvels that would be back into existence if we could replicate and restore the brains of geniuses like Sir Albert Einstein or Newton or even our great leaders of the past like Mahatma Gandhi. This paper presents a literature survey on the Blue Brain technology that promptly answers all these sparkling questions. Scientists today are in research to take artificial intelligence to a level beyond everything, to create a virtual brain that could think, react, make decisions and also keep everything in some form of memory to do everything that a normal human brain can. To achieve this, the main approach is to upload an actual brain in a virtual brain. So that even after death the person's conscience would be able to function exactly as a normal brain in the form of a machine. IBM along with scientists at BMI (Brain and Mind Institute) École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Research University in Switzerland are simulating the brain's biological systems into a 3D model, which would recreate the electrochemical interactions that take place inside the brain. If this simulation results in a success, the modeling would extend to different parts of the brain and make it function with all the abilities of a natural brain, thereby eliminating the chances of any brain malfunctions such as psychiatric disorders like depression and autism, which are possible in the normal brain. IBM names this project as the 'Blue Brain' project.

Adaptive Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI2) are closed-loop cyber-physical systems comprising a network of sensors for measuring human, environmental and mission parameters, in conjunction with suitable software for adapting... more

Adaptive Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI2) are closed-loop cyber-physical systems comprising a network of sensors for measuring human, environmental and mission parameters, in conjunction with suitable software for adapting the HMI2 (command, control and display functions) in response to these real-time measurements. Cognitive HMI2 are a particular subclass of these systems, which support dynamic HMI2 adaptations based on the user's cognitive states. These states are estimated in real-time based on various neuro-physiological parameters from gaze, cardiorespiratory and brain activity measurements, which can be fused using suitable models. However, these measurements are affected by a variety of environmental factors and therefore their accuracy and precision need to be accurately characterised prior to operational use. This paper describes the characterisation activities performed on two types of eye tracking devices being used to support the development of cognitive human-machine systems. To classify the user's cognitive states, eye-tracking features are processed by a machine learning classifier based on fuzzy logic. This paper describes how the uncertainty associated with the classified outputs is quantified by propagating the uncertainty of the input features, through the classifier. This process is detailed in the paper due to its growing relevance because machine learning classifiers are now in common use.

The human-machine interface (HMI) is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect in the design of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs). A properly designed HMI enhances situational awareness and reduces the workload of the ground pilot, thereby... more

The human-machine interface (HMI) is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect in the design of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs). A properly designed HMI enhances situational awareness and reduces the workload of the ground pilot, thereby contributing to improving the overall mission performance. Typically, a Human Factors Engineering (HFE) program provides a methodological process to support good design. The program comprises three iterative stages: requirements analysis and capture, design and evaluation. A number of approaches can be adopted in the HFE program but given the wide range of applications and missions that are being undertaken by different types of UAS, it is advantageous to adopt a functional approach towards HMI design, where the HMI is designed around specific functions to be performed by either the human user or the system. The typical UAS functions include mission planning, sensor operation, data analysis and sense-and-avoid (SAA), and can also extend to multi-platform coordination and collaborative decision-making. The human factors considerations and the associated HMI elements supporting these functionalities are discussed.

The Code of Practice (CoP) comprises a suitable ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) description concept including ADAS specific requirements for system development. It summarises best practices and proposes... more

The Code of Practice (CoP) comprises a suitable ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) description concept including ADAS specific requirements for system development. It summarises best practices and proposes methods for risk assessment and controllability evaluation. The Code of Practice has been pro-duced by a group of experts within the RESPONSE 3 project, a subproject of the integrated project PReVENT, a European automotive industry activity, co-funded by the European Commission, to contribute to road safety by developing and demonstrating pre-ventive safety applications and technologies.

Slides for our talk given at Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE) 2021, December 16, Austin, TX

Digital photography has eclipsed its analog form, yet films cameras such as the Single Lens Reflex camera remain in use. This essay interrogates the status of the SLR camera in contemporary culture through a phenomenological lens to... more

Digital photography has eclipsed its analog form, yet films cameras such as the Single Lens Reflex camera remain in use. This essay interrogates the status of the SLR camera in contemporary culture through a phenomenological lens to interrogate how, as a tool, it alters the user's relationship to the world. It then situates the SLR camera in the broader historical narrative of photographic technology and explores the contemporary relationship of the SLR camera to digital infrastructure. The essay proposes the notion of the " equipment-context " to refer to the broader cultural and institutional infrastructure that sustains SLR technology in the present environment. It contends that present interest in SLR cameras arises in context with an interest in film photography as a marginalized technology and aesthetic fetishization of the limited flexibility of older photographic cameras, and that the resuscitation of the SLR camera in contemporary culture brings it into dialogue with digital devices resulting in a hybrid of analog and digital.

Abstract Psychrometry is concerned with the behavior of humid air and the prediction of its properties. More strictly it covers the behavior of any vapor (not just water vapor) when mixed with a gas (not just air). However, because the... more

Psychrometry is concerned with the behavior of humid air and the prediction of its properties. More strictly it covers the behavior of any vapor (not just water vapor) when mixed with a gas (not just air). However, because the air/water system is of huge importance, not least to thermodynamic processes, and is the most commonly encountered gas/vapor mixture, the terminology employed often appears to be specific to air and water. Prediction of the properties of moist air, for example, humidity, maximum possible humidity, temperature, density and so on, is especially important in drying operations. The psychrometric chart is a simple graphical method of presenting this information, and the principles behind the chart are explained in chapter 1. The outcome of a drying process can often be followed more easily by monitoring the condition of the air with the aid of a psychrometric chart than by directly measuring the moisture content of the substance being dried.

This chapter is about managing sociotechnological risks. It is in the 70s that the notion of ‘high-risk’ (or ‘safety critical’) systems started to be distinguished and grouped into an independent category including industries such as the... more

This chapter is about managing sociotechnological risks. It is in the 70s that the notion of ‘high-risk’ (or ‘safety critical’) systems started to be distinguished and grouped into an independent category including industries such as the nuclear, aviation, marine, petrochemical or the railways. Any attempt such as this one to introduce this background in a few pages is necessarily restrictive, partly unfair but also a simplified account. And, there are of course many different strategies to do so. One option is to consider the field through the scientific disciplines involved, say sociology, engineering, psychology, ergonomics, management, etc. A second one, quite related to the first, is to introduce pioneers who, from different disciplinary backgrounds, produced seminal contributions used as shared references among various research communities interested in the safety of complex sociotechnological systems. A third one is to look into industry (aviation, nuclear or petrochemical) in order to illustrate and to differentiate the diversity of problems related to sociotechnological risks and how they materialise. Another option is to identify core concepts that sometimes cut across a range of disciplines, authors and industry which offers also good insights into the issues involved with sociotechnological risks. In any case, it is a very challenging task. The intention in this chapter is to combine a bit of these strategies in order to offer the reader a broad vision, and to follow editors’ guidelines specifying the following structure: first, key concepts, second, major debates and third open questions/perspectives.

Considering the foreseen expansion of the air transportation system within the next two decades and the opportunities offered by higher levels of automation, Single-Pilot Operations (SPO) are regarded as viable alternatives to... more

Considering the foreseen expansion of the air transportation system within the next two decades and the opportunities offered by higher levels of automation, Single-Pilot Operations (SPO) are regarded as viable alternatives to conventional two-pilot operations for commercial transport aircraft. In comparison with current operations, SPO require high cognitive efforts, which potentially result in increased human error rates. This article proposes a novel Cognitive Pilot-Aircraft Interface (CPAI) concept, which introduces adaptive knowledge-based system functionalities to assist single pilots in the accomplishment of mission-essential and safety-critical tasks in modern commercial transport aircraft. The proposed CPAI system implementation is based on real-time detection of the pilot physiological and cognitive states, allowing the avoidance of pilot errors and supporting enhanced synergies between the human and the avionics systems. These synergies yield significant improvements in the overall performance and safety levels. A CPAI working process consisting of sensing, estimation and reconfiguration steps is developed to support the assessment of physiological and external conditions, a dynamic allocation of tasks and adaptive alerting. Suitable mathematical models are introduced to estimate the mental demand associated to each piloting task and to assess the pilot cognitive states. Suitably implemented decision logics allow a continuous and optimal adjustment of the automation levels as a function of the estimated cognitive states. Representative numerical simulation test cases provide a preliminary validation of the CPAI concept. In particular, the continuous adaptation of the flight deck’s automation successfully maintains the pilot’s task load within an optimal range, mitigating the onset of hazardous fatigue levels. It is anticipated that by including suitably designed Psychophysiological-Based Integrity Augmentation (PBIA) functionalities the CPAI will allow to fulfill the evolving aircraft certification requirements and hence support the implementation of SPO in commercial transport aircraft.

Indem man die Maschine als in sich geschlossenes Gebilde konzipierte, wurde sie in einen unversöhnlichen Gegensatz zum “Menschlichen” gebracht. In diesem Text lege ich dar, dass ein Zusammendenken von Mensch und Maschine bereits vor über... more

Indem man die Maschine als in sich geschlossenes Gebilde konzipierte, wurde sie in einen unversöhnlichen Gegensatz zum “Menschlichen” gebracht. In diesem Text lege ich dar, dass ein Zusammendenken von Mensch und Maschine bereits vor über 350 Jahren dazu führte, dass das menschliche Selbstverständnis grundlegend infrage gestellt werden musste. Mit anderen Worten versuche ich nachzuvollziehen, was es bedeutet, sich den eigenen Körper als Maschine vorzustellen. Damit werfe ich einen neuen Blick auf den philosophiehistorischen Dualismus von Geist und Körper, der hier nicht hinsichtlich der Aufteilung von Vermögen wie Denken, Einbilden und Wahrnehmen befragt wird, sondern als ein Gebilde der Einbildungskraft und der philosophischen Methode verstanden werden kann, das sich in der Figur der beseelten Maschine konkretisiert.

Technological advances in avionics systems and components have facilitated the introduction of progressively more integrated and automated Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI2) on-board civil and military aircraft. A detailed... more

Technological advances in avionics systems and components have facilitated the introduction of progressively more integrated and automated Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI2) on-board civil and military aircraft. A detailed review of these HMI2 evolutions is presented, addressing both manned aircraft (fixed and rotary wing) and Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) specificities for the most fundamental flight tasks: aviate, navigate, communicate and manage. Due to the large variability in mission requirements, greater emphasis is given to safety-critical displays, command and control functions as well as associated technology developments. Additionally, a top-level definition of RPAS mission-essential functionalities is provided, addressing planning and real-time decision support for single and multi-aircraft operations. While current displays are able to integrate and fuse information from several sources to perform a range of different functions, these displays have limited adaptability. Further development to increase HMI2 adaptiveness has significant potential to enhance the human operator’s effectiveness, thereby contributing to safer and more efficient operations. The adaptive HMI2 concepts in the literature contain three common elements. These elements comprise the ability to assess the system and environmental states; the ability to assess the operator states; and the ability to adapt the HMI2 according to the first two elements. While still an emerging area of research, HMI2 adaptation driven by human performance and cognition has the potential to greatly enhance human-machine teaming through varying the system support according to the user’s needs. However, one of the outstanding challenges in the design of such adaptive systems is the development of suitable models and algorithms to describe human performance and cognitive states based on real-time sensor measurements. After reviewing the state-of-research in human performance assessment and adaptation techniques, detailed recommendations are provided to support the integration of such techniques in the HMI2 of future Communications, Navigations, Surveillance (CNS), Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) and Avionics (CNS+A) systems.

For over a decade, the international aviation community has been considering the concept of Single-Pilot Operations (SPO) as a viable solution to the rising costs associated with commercial air transport. Recent advances in... more

For over a decade, the international aviation community has been considering the concept of Single-Pilot Operations (SPO) as a viable solution to the rising costs associated with commercial air transport. Recent advances in Communications, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management and Avionics (CNS+A) technologies have allowed higher levels of automation, creating an opportunity for commercial airliners to transit to SPO. By leveraging CNS+A developments, the elevated workload of a single pilot can be mitigated through air-ground collaborative decision making in a number of ways: by expanding the role of ground operators; enhanced support in the strategic (flight planning), tactical (rerouting) and emergency (e.g., during pilot incapacitation) flight phases; as well as higher levels of decision support for the execution of complex tasks including separation assurance, collision avoidance, systems monitoring and landing. In the event of pilot incapacitation, on-board and ground CNS+A systems allow the aircraft to be operated as a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS). Psychophysiological sensing and adaptive interfaces are introduced to enable the detection of pilot incapacitation while facilitating operations at higher levels of automation. The concept of a Virtual Pilot Assistant (VPA) system is presented as a possible technology solution introducing higher levels of autonomy and adaptive Human-Machine Interface and Interaction (HMI2) features. While technically possible, the transition to SPO requires an evolution of the current operational and pilot regulatory framework.

Connecting the dots between discoveries in neuroscience (neuroplasticity), psychoneuroimmunology(the brain-immune loop) and user experience (gadget rub-off) indicate the nature of our time spent with gadgets is a vector in human health -... more

Connecting the dots between discoveries in neuroscience (neuroplasticity), psychoneuroimmunology(the brain-immune loop) and user experience (gadget rub-off) indicate the nature of our time spent with gadgets is a vector in human health - mentally, socially and physically. The positive design of our interactions with devices therefore can have a positive impact on economy, civilization and society. Likewise, the absence of design that encourages positive interaction may encourage undesirable behaviors. Much like the architecture of physical spaces and buildings, the consequences of the architecture of the 21stcentury conversation between man and machine may last generations. AI and the Internet of Things are primary vectors for positive and negative impacts of technology. We describe a growing body of co-discoveries occurring across a variety of disciplines that support the argument for human sciences in technology design. The paper brings the rigors of science to bear on the humanities and makes the case for its relevance at this juncture in time to the design of technology involved in conversation and behaviors between humans and machines .

Situation awareness (SA) is an important constituent in human information processing and essential in pilots' decision-making processes. Acquiring and maintaining appropriate levels of SA is critical in aviation environments as it affects... more

Situation awareness (SA) is an important constituent in human information processing and essential in pilots' decision-making processes. Acquiring and maintaining appropriate levels of SA is critical in aviation environments as it affects all decisions and actions taking place in flights and air traffic control. This paper provides an overview of recent measurement models and approaches to establishing and enhancing SA in aviation environments. Many aspects of SA are examined including the classification of SA techniques into six categories, and different theoretical SA models from individual, to shared or team, and to distributed or system levels. Quantitative and qualitative perspectives pertaining to SA methods and issues of SA for unmanned vehicles are also addressed. Furthermore, future research directions regarding SA assessment approaches are raised to deal with shortcomings of the existing state-of-the-art methods in the literature.

Resurgent interest in artificial intelligence (AI) techniques focused research attention on their application in aviation systems including air traffic management (ATM), air traffic flow management (ATFM), and unmanned aerial systems... more

Resurgent interest in artificial intelligence (AI) techniques focused research attention
on their application in aviation systems including air traffic management (ATM), air traffic flow management (ATFM), and unmanned aerial systems traffic management (UTM). By considering a novel cognitive human–machine interface (HMI), configured via machine learning, we examined the requirements for such techniques to be deployed operationally in an ATM system, exploring aspects of vendor verification, regulatory certification, and end-user acceptance. We conclude that research into related fields such as explainable AI (XAI) and computer-aided verification needs to keep pace with applied AI research in order to close the research gaps that could inder operational deployment. Furthermore, we postulate that the increasing levels of automation and autonomy introduced by AI techniques will eventually subject ATM systems to certification requirements, and we propose a means by which ground-based ATM systems can be accommodated into the existing certification framework for aviation systems.

This paper presents the conceptual design of a Virtual Pilot Assistant (VPA) for single-pilot operations of commercial transport aircraft. In particular, a thorough requirement analysis was performed by taking into account existing... more

This paper presents the conceptual design of a Virtual Pilot Assistant (VPA) for single-pilot operations of commercial transport aircraft. In particular, a thorough requirement analysis was performed by taking into account existing literature on single pilot operations from general aviation and military standards. The analysis also considers relevant human factors engineering and system design aspects of conventional two-pilot aircraft and Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). The VPA performs a real-time assessment of the single-pilot's cognitive states and provides useful and timely alerts based on predictions on the performance levels of the pilot. In case of pilot incapacitation, the VPA enables the single-pilot aircraft to be operated as an RPAS, allowing ground operators to take over as necessary and make an emergency landing at a safe and suitable location.

Intelligent automation and trusted autonomy are being introduced in aerospace cyber-physical systems to support diverse tasks including data processing, decision-making, information sharing and mission execution. Due to the increasing... more

Intelligent automation and trusted autonomy are being introduced in aerospace cyber-physical systems to support diverse tasks including data processing, decision-making, information sharing and mission execution. Due to the increasing level of integration/collaboration between humans and automation in these tasks, the operational performance of closed-loop human-machine systems can be enhanced when the machine monitors the operator’s cognitive states and adapts to them in order to maximise the effectiveness of the Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI2). Technological developments have led to neurophysiological observations becoming a reliable methodology to evaluate the human operator’s states using a variety of wearable and remote sensors. The adoption of sensor networks can be seen as an evolution of this approach, as there are notable advantages if these sensors collect and exchange data in real-time, while their operation is controlled remotely and synchronised. This paper discusses recent advances in sensor networks for aerospace cyber-physical systems, focusing on Cognitive HMI2 (CHMI2) implementations. The key neurophysiological measurements used in this context and their relationship with the operator’s cognitive states are discussed. Suitable data analysis techniques based on machine learning and statistical inference are also presented, as these techniques allow processing both neurophysiological and operational data to obtain accurate cognitive state estimations. Lastly, to support the development of sensor networks for CHMI2 applications, the paper addresses the performance characterisation of various state-of-the-art sensors and the propagation of measurement uncertainties through a machine learning-based inference engine. Results show that a proper sensor selection and integration can support the implementation of effective human-machine systems for various challenging aerospace applications, including Air Traffic Management (ATM), commercial airliner Single-Pilot Operations (SIPO), one-to-many Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), and space operations management.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) offer many opportunities in a wide range of industries to support remote sensing and surveillance. While platform autonomy and intelligence have seen large advances in recent decades, a key challenge is the... more

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) offer many opportunities in a wide range of industries to support remote sensing and surveillance. While platform autonomy and intelligence have seen large advances in recent decades, a key challenge is the operation of multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) by a single operator in 'one-to-many' operations. To support one-to-many operations, higher levels of human-autonomy teaming are required, where human operators collaborate with autonomous agents through the use of adaptive Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI2). In this paper, the one-to-many concept is applied to a bushfire-fighting scenario. The paper presents the UAV avionics systems design along with the Ground Control Station (GCS) design, which features a number of emerging HMI2 concepts.

Die Idee des »neuen Fleischs« durchkreuzt herkömmliche Grenzziehungen, welche die Domänen Natur und Technik klar voneinander unterscheiden. Was sagen uns die gleichermaßen verstörenden wieverführerischen Körperbilder in den Filmen David... more

Die Idee des »neuen Fleischs« durchkreuzt herkömmliche Grenzziehungen, welche die Domänen Natur und Technik klar voneinander unterscheiden. Was sagen uns die gleichermaßen verstörenden wieverführerischen Körperbilder in den Filmen David Cronenbergs über die Bewertung vonKulturtechnologien?Bettina Papenburg fokussiert in diesem Buch auf den grotesken Körperund eröffnet darüber einen frischen Blick auf Cronenbergs geladeneVisualisierungen von Körpermetaphern. Im Mittelpunkt der close readingsausgewählter Sequenzen aus den Filmen »The Brood«, »Crimes of theFuture«, »Videodrome«, »eXistenZ« und »Crash« stehen Darstellungen vonFragmentierung, Heterogenität und Exzess, sowie von Unschärfen undÜbergängen innerhalb unseres Kategoriensystems.

In recent years, Home Automation systems have seen rapid changes due to the introduction of various wireless technologies. Zigbee is targeted at applications that require low data rate, long battery life, and... more

In recent years, Home Automation systems have seen rapid changes due to the introduction of various wireless technologies. Zigbee is targeted at applications that require low data rate, long battery life, and secure networking and has a maximum rate of 250 kbits/s, well suited for periodic or intermittent data or a single signal transmission from a sensor or input device. This paper discusses the design of a system that allows the user to interact with it via his or her voice in natural language and maps user utterances to predefined instructions, including the switching of a light or electrical appliance. The system is intended to control all lights and electrical appliances in a home or office using natural language. Having a comfortable learning curve and being hands free by design, the system intends to make home control easier and more convenient.

This paper presents an energy-optimal guidance and control strategy for 4-dimensional (4D) Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) in the descent phase, supporting the development of 4D Human-Machine Interface (HMI) formats. The vertical... more

This paper presents an energy-optimal guidance and control strategy for 4-dimensional (4D) Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) in the descent phase, supporting the development of 4D Human-Machine Interface (HMI) formats. The vertical guidance strategy uses multi-phase optimal control techniques based on point-mass aircraft dynamics to determine an energy-optimal descent profile fulfilling prescribed time constraints, additionally generating a set of control inputs which can be passed to the control module. The control strategy is decomposed into attitude and time-and-energy (T&E) components. The attitude control module corrects for cross-track deviations from the nominal profile previously calculated by the guidance algorithm, while the T&E control module corrects for the along-track distance and total energy deviations from the nominal profile. A virtual energy term is introduced which allows the control module to compensate for time deviations from the 4D trajectory. The proposed T&E guidance and control modules are verified through a number of representative case studies, showing that the proposed guidance and control modules allow the aircraft to follow a T&E-optimal 4D trajectory and to recover from deviations in the initial energy states. A prototype HMI is subsequently introduced to present the recommended control inputs to the pilot, also supporting assisted energy management in 4D descent operations.

Many remote airfields requires power for the lighting of airfield runway lights because power grid are not connected to the runway lights. It is challenging and necessary requirement to provide the adequate lighting facility. The findings... more

Many remote airfields requires power for the lighting of airfield runway lights because power grid are not connected to the runway lights. It is challenging and necessary requirement to provide the adequate lighting facility. The findings of a Remote Airfield Lighting System research Centre gives a light with low power consumption and a color/intensity is obtained for identification of airfield and landing. This paper has added a new function along with the lights for the operational test with automatic switching of lights and batteries smart charging using solar panels with microcontroller and low cost pilot controlled lighting. The improvement is that RALS can be conveniently used at a low cost.

Computer-aided technologies (CAx) mean the use of computer technology to aid in the design, analysis and manufacture various products. International Journal of Computer-Aided technologies (IJCAx) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal... more

Computer-aided technologies (CAx) mean the use of computer technology to aid in the design, analysis and manufacture various products. International Journal of Computer-Aided technologies (IJCAx) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Aided technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAIM,CAR, CARD, CASE etc. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Aided technologies. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced CAx tools and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in all Computer Aided technologies

A highly controversial entrance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) music generators in the world of music composition and performance is currently advancing. A fruitful research from Music Information Retrieval, Neural Networks and Deep... more

A highly controversial entrance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) music generators in the world of music composition and performance is currently advancing. A fruitful research from Music Information Retrieval, Neural Networks and Deep Learning, among other areas, are shaping this future. Embodied and non-embodied AI systems have stepped into the world of jazz in order to co-create idiomatic music improvisations. But how musical these improvisations are? This dissertation looks at the resulted melodic improvisations produced by OMax, ImproteK and Djazz (OID) AI generators through the lens of the elements of music and it does so from a performer’s point of view. The analysis is based mainly on the evaluation of already published results as well as on a case study I carried out during the completion of this essay which includes performance, listening and evaluation of generated improvisations of OMax. The essay also reflects upon philosophical issues, cognitive foundations of emotion and meaning and provides a comprehensive analysis of the functionality of OID.

Κάνοντας τούτη τη δουλειά, νοιώθω σαν κάποιος που πασχίζει µάταια να θυµηθεί κάποιο όνοµα. Λέµε συνήθως σε τέτοιες περιπτώσεις: «Σκέψου κάτι άλλο, κι ύστερα θα σούρθει από µόνο του». Ετσι κι εγώ αναγκαζόµουν συνεχώς να σκέφτοµαι άλλα... more

Κάνοντας τούτη τη δουλειά, νοιώθω σαν κάποιος που πασχίζει µάταια να θυµηθεί κάποιο όνοµα. Λέµε συνήθως σε τέτοιες περιπτώσεις: «Σκέψου κάτι άλλο, κι ύστερα θα σούρθει από µόνο του». Ετσι κι εγώ αναγκαζόµουν συνεχώς να σκέφτοµαι άλλα πράγµατα, για να µπορέσει να µούρθει στο νου εκείνο που για καιρό αναζητούσα.

In 1996, Pablo Ventura turned his attention to the choreography software Life Forms to find out whether the then-revolutionary new tool could lead to new possibilities of expression in contemporary dance. During the next 2 decades, he... more

In 1996, Pablo Ventura turned his attention to the choreography software Life Forms to find out whether the then-revolutionary new tool could lead to new possibilities of expression in contemporary dance. During the next 2 decades, he devised choreographic techniques and custom software to create dance works that highlight the operational logic of computers, accompanied by computer-generated dance and media elements. This article provides a firsthand account of how Ventura's engagement with algorithmic concepts guided and transformed his choreographic practice. The text describes the methods that were developed to create computer-aided dance choreographies. Furthermore, the text illustrates how choreography techniques can be applied to correlate formal and aesthetic aspects of movement, music, and video. Finally, the text emphasizes how Ventura's interest in the wider conceptual context has led him to explore with choreographic means fundamental issues concerning the characteristics of humans and machines and their increasingly profound interdependencies. Keywords: computer-aided choreography, breaking of aesthetic and bodily habits, human– machine relationships, computer-generated and interactive media.

Advances in regenerative nanomedicine raise a host of ethical, legal, and social questions that healthcare providers and scientists will need to consider. These questions and concerns include definitions, appropriate applications, dual... more

Advances in regenerative nanomedicine raise a host of ethical, legal, and social questions that healthcare providers and scientists will need to consider. These questions and concerns include definitions, appropriate applications, dual use, potential risks, regulations, and access. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the questions and concerns and recommend proactive consideration and solutions.

Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) autonomy have brought significant interest in multi-UAV operations, where a single operator commands and coordinates the tasks of multiple UAV. Multi-UAV surveillance applications over large... more

Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) autonomy have brought significant interest in multi-UAV operations, where a single operator commands and coordinates the tasks of multiple UAV. Multi-UAV surveillance applications over large geographic regions require human operators to process large amounts of information in order to make tactical decisions. To support the management of the human operator's workload and situational awareness, the concept of a ground control station utilising Cognitive Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (CHMI2) is presented. A CHMI2 module estimates the human operator's workload, fatigue and situational awareness in real-time to drive reconfigurations in the ground control station HMI2 , maximising the operator's situational awareness and decision-making for more effective mission management. A number of elements of the CHMI2 are presented in this paper, along with the concept of operations for separate scenarios involving littoral surveillance, as well as bushfire monitoring and fire-fighting.

The thesis challenges the general perception that job shop scheduling is a combinatorial exercise of allocating jobs to machines and sequencing operations on each machine. In practice, human schedulers produce functional schedules bound... more

The thesis challenges the general perception that job shop scheduling is a combinatorial exercise of allocating jobs to machines and sequencing operations on each machine. In practice, human schedulers produce functional schedules bound by many constraints, both qualitative and subjective, and, quantitative and objective. A paradigm for hybrid intelligent human-computer scheduling is developed through Cognitive Work Analysis, based on a field study of a scheduler in a small job shop. Hybrid Human-Computer Intelligent Automation (HHCIA), in which human and machine 'intelligence' are combined, is related to the established models for supervisory control of continuous processes. 'Hybrid' is used to signify human and machine intelligence combining cooperatively. HHCIA applied to both continuous and discrete manufacture is shown to consist of two elements: the control of the processing of batches of work and the control of the changeover of batches. Scheduling is shown to be central to the 'hybrid' automation of discrete manufacture. Planning the changeover of batches has a predominant place in HHCIA of discrete manufacture. As the job-shop environment is perceived to be most difficult to schedule, it is used to explore a hybrid intelligent human-computer paradigm for the scheduling component of HHCIA. This leads to development of a methodology for designing a hybrid intelligent production scheduling system.

Whereas current aerospace Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI2) are mostly static in their behaviour/appearance and require direct input from human operators, innovative HMI2 concepts are being proposed which allow for... more

Whereas current aerospace Human-Machine Interfaces and Interactions (HMI2) are mostly static in their behaviour/appearance and require direct input from human operators, innovative HMI2 concepts are being proposed which allow for multimodal interactions or sense the functional state of human operators and dynamically adapt the level of automation. In particular, to facilitate trust between the human and machine, such systems need sensors that can reliably detect changes in the operator state. However, a number of environmental factors can affect the sensor's accuracy and precision. When used together with other novel sensors, eye tracking has a significant potential to enhance the adaptiveness of aerospace HMI2. This paper presents the activities carried out to quantify the uncertainty associated with eye tracking equipment available in the Avionics and Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems laboratory of RMIT University, which is being used to support the development of Cognitive HMI2. The presented methodology is used to characterise its measurement uncertainty based on a number of considerations, including the calibration error as well as gaze angle in static and dynamic conditions. The uncertainty associated with the eye tracker is used for error budgeting of a Cognitive HMI2 system which employs fuzzy logics to infer operator cognitive states based on eye tracking inputs.

During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic... more

During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic approach, some (e.g. LEABRA[48]) are based on a purely con-nectionist model, while others (e.g. CLARION [59]) adopt a hybrid approach combining connectionist and symbolic representational levels. Additionally, some attempts (e.g. biSOAR) trying to extend the representational capacities of CAs by integrating diagrammatical representations and reasoning are also available [34]. In this paper we propose a reflection on the role that Conceptual Spaces, a framework developed by Peter Gärdenfors [24] more than fifteen years ago, can play in the current development of the Knowledge Level in Cognitive Systems and Architectures. In particular, we claim that Conceptual Spaces offer a lingua franca that allows to unify and generalize many aspects of the symbolic, sub-symbolic and diagrammatic approaches (by overcoming some of their typical problems) and to integrate them on a common ground. In doing so we extend and detail some of the arguments explored by Gärdenfors [23] for defending the need of a conceptual, intermediate, representation level between the symbolic and the sub-symbolic one. In particular we focus on the advantages offered by Conceptual Spaces (w.r.t. symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches) in dealing with the problem of compositionality of representations based on typicality traits. Additionally, we argue that Conceptual Spaces could offer a unifying framework for interpreting many kinds of diagrammatic and analogical representations. As a consequence, their adoption could also favor the integration of diagrammatical representation and reasoning in CAs.

E –learning is a method of learning that is delivered via electronic technology. Most of the E – Learning systems do not consider the individual aspects of the students ignoring the various requirements of the learners. Personalization... more

E –learning is a method of learning that is delivered via electronic technology. Most of the E – Learning systems do not consider the individual aspects of the students ignoring the various requirements of the learners. Personalization is widely used in various fields to provide users with more suitable and personalized service. Personalization of E – Learning system is a method of improving the existing learning system to satisfy the requirements of the different users / learners. Success of E- Leaning system rests on the effective usage of the system by the instructors and the student. This paper suggests a method for personalizing the E _ learning system using learner profile and sequential pattern mining based recommendation.

This work looks at improvisations produced by the OMax, ImproteK, and Djazz ML generators, through the lens of the elements of music and suggests a musically-oriented evaluation methodology. This idiomatic music analysis is presented from... more

This work looks at improvisations produced by the OMax, ImproteK, and Djazz ML generators, through the lens of the elements of music and suggests a musically-oriented evaluation methodology. This idiomatic music analysis is presented from a jazz performer's point of view, reflecting upon cognitive foundations of emotion and meaning. The analysis, based mainly on the evaluation of already published material and on the authors' own experiments, shows musical drawbacks in terms of tension and release of the resulting melodic lines, voice leading of chords, rhythm, groove, dynamic control, and structure.

This article addresses the need for adaptive ethical analysis within machine learning that accounts for emerging problems concerning social bias and generative adversarial networks (gan s). I use John Dewey's criticisms of the reflex arc... more

This article addresses the need for adaptive ethical analysis within machine learning that accounts for emerging problems concerning social bias and generative adversarial networks (gan s). I use John Dewey's criticisms of the reflex arc concept in psychology as a basis for understanding how these problems stem from human-gan interaction. By combining Dewey's criticisms with Donna Haraway's idea of cyborgs, Luciano Floridi's concept of distributed morality, and Shaowen Bardzell's recommendations for a feminist approach to human-computer interaction, I suggest a dynamic perspective from which to begin analyzing and solving issues of injustice evident in this particular domain of machine learning.

This paper introduces the concept of team design patterns and proposes an intuitive graphical language for describing the design choices that influence how intelligent systems (e.g. artificial intelligence, robotics, etc.) collaborate... more

This paper introduces the concept of team design patterns and proposes an intuitive graphical language for describing the design choices that influence how intelligent systems (e.g. artificial intelligence, robotics, etc.) collaborate with humans. We build on the notion of design patterns and characterize important dimensions within human-agent teamwork. These dimensions are represented using a simple, intuitive graphical iconic language. The simplicity of the language allows easier expression, sharing and comparison of human-agent teaming concepts. Having such a language has the potential to improve the collaborative interaction among a variety of stakeholders such as end users, project managers, policy makers and programmers that may not be human-agent teamwork experts themselves. We also introduce an ontology and specification formalization that will allow translation of the simple iconic language into more precise definitions. By expressing the essential elements of teaming patterns in precisely defined abstract team design patterns, we provide a foundation that will enable working towards a library of reusable, proven solutions for human-agent teamwork.

The development of an artificial agent-driven rescue robot capable of interacting naturally with humans under urban emergency conditions brings out a number of issues that need to be addressed: among these are (i) providing a full... more

The development of an artificial agent-driven rescue robot capable of interacting naturally with humans under urban emergency conditions brings out a number of issues that need to be addressed: among these are (i) providing a full description and understanding of the user's perspective, and thus creating a reliable and functional user model, (ii) addressing the question of appearance and design, including the interface to be implemented, and (iii) evaluating the reliability and credibility of such a robot under conditions of panic, both in terms of group and personal panic reactions to stressful, extreme conditions. This article addresses these topics with a set of suggestions for future research in the field. In particular, we propose a research agenda focused on the appearance of the humanoid agent, and its trustworthiness under circumstances of panic in emergency situations, together with suggestions for experiments aimed at informing a user model of crowd and individual behaviour in emergency situations.

Предметом статьи является применение различных подходов к моделированию взаимодействия человека с системой при решении задач эргономической экспертизы. Выполнена классификация этих задач и известных методов моделирования взаимодействия... more

Предметом статьи является применение различных подходов к моделированию взаимодействия человека с системой при решении задач эргономической экспертизы. Выполнена классификация этих задач и известных методов моделирования взаимодействия (деятельности) человека с системой. На простом примере показаны возможности и ограничения структурных методов моделирования деятельности, таких как обобщенный структурный метод, метод иерархического и табличного анализа задач. Показано, что метод структурного функционального анализа обладает большим потенциалом при решении эргономических задач. Демонстрируется, что ослабление степени формализации метода позволяет решать в ходе экспертизы творческие задачи, однако при этом существенно повышает зависимость результатов от квалификации и опыта эргономиста или эксперта предметной области.

Advances in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have paved the way for progressively higher levels of intelligence and autonomy, supporting new modes of operation, such as the one-to-many (OTM) concept, where a single human operator is... more

Advances in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have paved the way for progressively higher levels of intelligence and autonomy, supporting new modes of operation, such as the one-to-many (OTM) concept, where a single human operator is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the tasks of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This paper presents the development and evaluation of cognitive human-machine interfaces and interactions (CHMI 2) supporting adaptive automation in OTM applications. A CHMI 2 system comprises a network of neurophysiological sensors and machine-learning based models for inferring user cognitive states, as well as the adaptation engine containing a set of transition logics for control/display functions and discrete autonomy levels. Models of the user's cognitive states are trained on past performance and neurophysiological data during an offline calibration phase, and subsequently used in the online adaptation phase for real-time inference of these cognitive states. To investigate adaptive automation in OTM applications, a scenario involving bushfire detection was developed where a single human operator is responsible for tasking multiple UAV platforms to search for and localize bushfires over a wide area. We present the architecture and design of the UAS simulation environment that was developed, together with various human-machine interface (HMI) formats and functions, to evaluate the CHMI 2 system's feasibility through human-in-the-loop (HITL) experiments. The CHMI 2 module was subsequently integrated into the simulation environment, providing the sensing, inference, and adaptation capabilities needed to realise adaptive automation. HITL experiments were performed to verify the CHMI 2 module's functionalities in the offline calibration and online adaptation phases. In particular, results from the online adaptation phase showed that the system was able to support real-time inference and human-machine interface and interaction (HMI 2) adaptation. However, the accuracy of the inferred workload was variable across the different participants (with a root mean squared error (RMSE) ranging from 0.2 to 0.6), partly due to the reduced number of neurophysiological features available as real-time inputs and also due to limited training stages in the offline calibration phase. To improve the performance of the system, future work will investigate the use of alternative machine learning techniques, additional neurophysiological input features, and a more extensive training stage.

Описывается постановка эксперимента для сбора данных о надежности выполнения оператором управляющих воздействий с помощью интерактивных элементов экрана. Воздействие состоит в выборе оборудования на мнемосхеме, указания его целевого... more

Описывается постановка эксперимента для сбора данных о надежности выполнения оператором управляющих воздействий с помощью интерактивных элементов экрана. Воздействие состоит в выборе оборудования на мнемосхеме, указания его целевого состояния (открыть-закрыть, включить-отключить) и активации выполнения команды. Испытуемый выполняет четыре упражнения, отличающиеся наличием или отсутствием обратной связи о состоянии оборудования, а также наложением отвлекающих вопросов. В ходе эксперимента регистрируются физиологические показатели – частота сердечных сокращений, частота дыхания и электрическое сопротивление кожи. Предварительные оценки показывают вероятность безошибочной работы в случае обеспечения оператора информационной обратной связью 0,99–0,998.

Parmi les techniques appliquées au domaine de la Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel TALN, on y trouve ceux appartenant à l'approche linguistique. Cette dernière tient en considération les informations linguistiques liées au corpus... more

Parmi les techniques appliquées au domaine de la Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel TALN, on y trouve ceux appartenant à l'approche linguistique. Cette dernière tient en
considération les informations linguistiques liées au corpus de l'application visée. Ces informations nous aident à concevoir un système de compréhension d'énoncé dans un dialogue Homme-Machine. Pour atteindre un niveau de robustesse pour notre système, on prévoit l'ajout de quelques connaissances stochastiques à un certain niveau.