Humanism/anti-Humanism Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Androids, if they were to come into existence, would be the outcome of scientific and engineering ingenuity and thus be products of past living labour. Although the androids might be Turing-compatible, Voight-Kammpf cheating and... more

Dans leur ouvrage controversé de 1985 intitulé La Pensée 68: essai sur l'anti-humanisme contemporain, Luc Ferry et Alain Renaut réclament avoir cherché à opérer une critique avant tout philosophique et non idéologique des penseurs... more

Dans leur ouvrage controversé de 1985 intitulé La Pensée 68: essai sur l'anti-humanisme contemporain, Luc Ferry et Alain Renaut réclament avoir cherché à opérer une critique avant tout philosophique et non idéologique des penseurs regroupés dans la construction du type idéal de ce qu’ils ont nommé « la pensée 68 ». Or, si leur « essai sur l’anti-humanisme » aborde une problématique dont on ne peut nier la nature essentiellement philosophique – visant, entre autres, à critiquer la déconstruction de la subjectivité opérée par des penseurs tels que Foucault, Derrida, Bourdieu et Lacan – ; néanmoins, il paraît difficile de détacher cette problématique de la visée manifestement polémique dont elle est investie, comme continuent de le soulever la plupart de leurs critiques et leurs commentateurs . C’est pourquoi nous pouvons nous demander dans quelle mesure le choix en partie désavoué du pamphlet, et donc de ses stratégies rhétoriques, contrevient à leur projet d’élaborer une critique proprement philosophique de l’anti-humanisme contemporain.

Edmund Husserl and Michel Foucault are two philosophers quite different from each other in terms of style and themes. While one may appreciate the first for a humanistic motive which materializes in an appeal to self-determination, such... more

Edmund Husserl and Michel Foucault are two philosophers quite different from each other in terms of style and themes. While one may appreciate the first for a humanistic motive which materializes in an appeal to self-determination, such as what we find in his last great work, the second one is, on the contrary, well known for his “anti-humanism”. However, if the aim of Foucault’s research is put under examination, it's possible to discover that it is not after all so distant, in certain aspects, from the aim that animates Husserl’s reflections. For both, it is a matter of asking how we became what we are – to paraphrase Nietzsche – opening, thus, the road toward a different and free constitution of one’s self.
(Pubblicato in "In Circolo. Rivista di filosofie e culture":

Les enjeux de ce travail avant tout théoriques : il s’agit de comprendre quel a pu être l’apport spécifique des romans historiques contemporains dans la réception de l’héritage humaniste au XXe siècle. Nous nous proposons d’aborder ce... more

Les enjeux de ce travail avant tout théoriques : il s’agit de comprendre quel a pu être l’apport spécifique des romans historiques contemporains dans la réception de l’héritage humaniste au XXe siècle. Nous nous proposons d’aborder ce problème à travers une analyse portant sur la figure de l’humaniste dans L’Œuvre au Noir de Marguerite Yourcenar, tout en replaçant celle-ci dans le contexte plus large des débats qui ont divisé les historiens et les philosophes autour de la « question de l’humanisme » depuis la parution de la Lettre sur l’humanisme de Heidegger (1946) jusqu’à la publication du roman (1968).
Notre étude vise à démontrer que L’Œuvre au Noir présente de nombreux échos de ces controverses, qui ont notamment opposé Paul O. Kristeller et Eugenio Garin sur la question des liens entre l’humanisme et la philosophie. Nous soutiendrons néanmoins qu’à la différence des principaux acteurs de cette querelle, le texte romanesque récuse toute interprétation globale de l’humanisme, en réactivant parfois de manière ironique une série de lieux communs associés à ce courant de pensée (anthropocentrisme, rationalisme exacerbé, optimisme naïf).
Le caractère novateur de cette étude consiste en son approche pluridisciplinaire d’un problème qui n’a encore jamais fait l’objet d’une synthèse susceptible de regrouper la somme importante de travaux dont l’humanisme a fait l’objet au sein de disciplines aussi variées que ne le sont la critique littéraire, la sociologie et l’historiographie.

This article examines the possibility that phenomenology was " always already " a theological enterprise, by outlining some of the foundational criticisms levelled by Michel Foucault and Louis Althusser. For both thinkers, the... more

This article examines the possibility that phenomenology was " always already " a theological enterprise, by outlining some of the foundational criticisms levelled by Michel Foucault and Louis Althusser. For both thinkers, the phenomenological stress on " lived experience " grants an undue primacy to the realm of " interiority " ; as a result, subjectivity is left, not just reified, but also deified. By contrast, both Foucault and Althusser will argue for understanding the subject as constituted rather than constitutive; philosophy's task, accordingly, is to delineate the broader structures (economic, ideological, discursive, linguistic, etc.) that create " lived experience, " rather than to hypostatize the subject as the privileged bearer of logos. As well as outlining the contours of this critique, however, the article indicates some of the shortcomings entailed in a total disavowal of " lived experience. "

The idea of the relation between art and life as becoming-life of art is a consequence of specific modern developments ranging from the Enlightenment to capitalism. This assemblage of thought and practice is present in one of the most... more

The idea of the relation between art and life as becoming-life of art is a consequence of specific modern developments ranging from the Enlightenment to capitalism. This assemblage of thought and practice is present in one of the most dominant art forms today, and the task of this paper is to reassess the current state of affairs in art considering that the current state of affairs in art is a symptom of the global society of control. In order to be emancipatory art, on the one hand, Art presupposes de-substantialization and deessentialization of the biopolitically formed life and the category of Man, while on the other hand it also presupposes a new „generic in-humanum“ (in Badiou), that is, a people to come (in Deleuze) as the basis of politicity. Hence, emancipatory art needs to break away with the human in order to reach that which is beyond the current democratic materialism.

Pourquoi le thème de l'humanisme et de l'anti-humanisme est-il présent du début à la fin de l'œuvre du philosophe brésilien Ruy Fausto ? L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser cette thématique dans différents écrits de l'auteur, afin... more

Pourquoi le thème de l'humanisme et de l'anti-humanisme est-il présent du début à la fin de l'œuvre du philosophe brésilien Ruy Fausto ? L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser cette thématique dans différents écrits de l'auteur, afin d'en comprendre la pertinence. Cependant, il est impossible de le faire sans approcher au moins une partie de l'immense variété de problèmes que Fausto a abordés tout au long de son parcours, dans les domaines de la logique, de la philosophie de l'histoire, de l'ontologie, de l'anthropologie philosophique, de l'éthique et de la politique. Il s'agit, en fin de compte, de l'expression la plus pure de la dialectique en tant que trame de la pensée critique, qui pousse au maximum la complexité et la subtilité et démantèle, une à une, les positions unilatérales les plus diverses. Ainsi, c'est le champ même de la critique dialectique qui va s'étendre au-delà de la critique marxiste du capitalisme

Joint review of Alderson's and Spencer's For Humanism and Daniel Chernilo's Debating Humanity.

British writer Tom McCarthy has consistently taken aim at what he calls a “sentimental humanism” and the contemporary cult of the “authentic self ”. This article investigates his work through the lens of that critique. Extrapolating... more

British writer Tom McCarthy has consistently taken aim at what he
calls a “sentimental humanism” and the contemporary cult of the “authentic
self ”. This article investigates his work through the lens of that critique.
Extrapolating from McCarthy’s public statements, I endeavour to delineate
sentimental humanism as a mode of cultural production and flesh out his
linking of it to a neoliberal political economy. I show how his antagonism
manifests itself in his work, particularly his debut novel, Remainder. By contrast,
his latest novel, Satin Island, marks a turning point in that trajectory.
Although implicitly framed by its author as a way of thematising the challenges
with which Big Data has confronted literature, Satin Island more
specifically reveals that his anti-humanist agenda has also reached an
impasse. Much of the logic behind the critique of sentimental humanism
mounted by Remainder, I argue, is in a sense pre-empted or assimilated by
the kinds of corporate digital environments described in Satin Island.

Since Zadie Smith's pronouncement of Tom McCarthy's fiction as an exemplar of the contemporary avant-garde in 2008, many critics have enthusiastically-at times hastily-embraced the label, classifying him variedly as nihilist, late... more

Since Zadie Smith's pronouncement of Tom McCarthy's fiction as an exemplar of the contemporary avant-garde in 2008, many critics have enthusiastically-at times hastily-embraced the label, classifying him variedly as nihilist, late modernist or even a pessimist. Yet, much of the existing criticism on McCarthy has tended to focus on the formal-aesthetic tropes and the generic classification of his novels. Given his penchant for hermeneutics and deconstruction, McCarthy may well entertain such wide array of perspectives and readings, even if he might disagree with a neat categorisation of his work-as he does in this interview. This conversation, which took place in a public park in central Berlin, moves away from the undue scholarly emphasis on formalistic devices and experimental nature of McCarthy's work, and attempts to bring the politics of theory, text, and postcolonialism in his writing to the reader's attention.

Por que o tema do humanismo e do anti-humanismo é tão presente na obra de Ruy Fausto, acompanhando do início ao fim o seu percurso intelectual? O objetivo deste artigo é o de analisar tal temática em diversos escritos do autor, com vistas... more

Por que o tema do humanismo e do anti-humanismo é tão presente na obra de Ruy Fausto, acompanhando do início ao fim o seu percurso intelectual? O objetivo deste artigo é o de analisar tal temática em diversos escritos do autor, com vistas a compreender tamanha relevância. No entanto, mostra-se inviável fazer isso sem abordar ao menos uma parte da enorme variedade de problemas que Fausto discutiu ao longo de seu trabalho, nos campos da lógica, filosofia da história, ontologia, antropologia filosófica, ética e política. Ao fim e ao cabo, o que se descortina é a mais pura expressão da dialética enquanto trama do pensamento crítico que leva a complexidade e a sutileza ao máximo e desmonta, uma a uma, as mais diversas unilateralidades. Com isso, é o próprio campo da crítica dialética que se expandirá para além da crítica marxista do capitalismo.