IOT Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Over recent years, the evolution of mobile wireless communication in the world has become more important after arrival 5G technology. This evolution journey consists of several generations start with 1G followed by 2G, 3G, 4G, and under... more
Over recent years, the evolution of mobile wireless communication in the world has become more important after arrival 5G technology. This evolution journey consists of several generations start with 1G followed by 2G, 3G, 4G, and under research future generations 5G is still going on. The advancement of remote access innovations is going to achieve 5G mobile systems will focus on the improvement of the client stations anywhere the stations. The fifth era ought to be an increasingly astute innovation that interconnects the whole society by the massive number of objects over the Internet its internet of thing IOT technologies. In this paper present a review of advancement mobile generations by contrasting the type, data transmission rate, challenges, techniques, features and applications used to give by comparing and clarifying the enhancements have been produced till the upcoming 5G revulsion. Also, highlights on innovation 5G its idea, necessities, service, features advantages and applications.
- by and +3
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- LTE, Mobile Communications, Wireless, 5G
Nowadays, the railway industry is in a position where it is able to exploit the opportunities created by the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and enabling communication technologies under the paradigm of Internet of Trains. This... more
Nowadays, the railway industry is in a position where it is able to exploit the opportunities created by the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and enabling communication technologies under the paradigm of Internet of Trains. This review details the evolution of communication technologies since the deployment of GSM-R, describing the main alternatives and how railway requirements, specifications and recommendations have evolved over time. The advantages of the latest generation of broadband communication systems (e.g., LTE, 5G, IEEE 802.11ad) and the emergence of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for the railway environment are also explained together with the strategic roadmap to ensure a smooth migration from GSM-R. Furthermore, this survey focuses on providing a holistic approach, identifying scenarios and architectures where railways could leverage better commercial IIoT capabilities. After reviewing the main industrial developments, short and medium-term IIoT-enabled services for smart railways are evaluated. Then, it is analyzed the latest research on predictive maintenance, smart infrastructure, advanced monitoring of assets, video surveillance systems, railway operations, Passenger and Freight Information Systems (PIS/FIS), train control systems, safety assurance, signaling systems, cyber security and energy efficiency. Overall, it can be stated that the aim of this article is to provide a detailed examination of the state-of-the-art of different technologies and services that will revolutionize the railway industry and will allow for confronting today challenges.
3rd International Conference on Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Blockchain and Internet of Things.... more
3rd International Conference on Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT 2022) will provide
an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and
applications of Blockchain and Internet of Things. The Conference looks for significant
contributions to all major fields of the Blockchain and Internet of Things in theoretical and
practical aspects.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research
results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in
the areas of Blockchain and Internet of Things.
- by kisakyake ng'ondya
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Classifying fluctuating operating wireless environments can be crucial for successfully delivering authentic and confidential packets and for identifying legitimate signals. This study utilizes raw in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q)... more
Classifying fluctuating operating wireless environments can be crucial for successfully delivering authentic and confidential packets and for identifying legitimate signals. This study utilizes raw in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) samples, exclusively, to develop a low-order statistical feature set for wireless signal classification. Edge devices making decentralized decisions from I/Q sample analysis is beneficial. Implementing appropriate security and transmitting mechanisms, reducing retransmissions and increasing energy efficiency are examples. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and their Internet of Things (IoT) utilization emphasize the significance of this time series classification problem. Here, I/Q samples of typical WSN and industrial, scientific and medical band transmissions are collected in a live operating environment. Analog Pluto software-defined radios and Raspberry Pi devices are utilized to achieve a low-cost yet high-performance testbed. Features are extracted...
- by Rika Fitriani
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Floods are one of the most frequently occurring natural disasters in Indonesia. It is therefore of special concern to reduce the risk of flood fatalities and other damage. The purpose of this study is to design a flood early warning... more
Floods are one of the most frequently occurring natural disasters in Indonesia. It is therefore of special concern to reduce the risk of flood fatalities and other damage. The purpose of this study is to design a flood early warning system based on the Internet of Things (IoT). In this work, we use an ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor to collect information about water levels. Further, we use an MCU8266 node as a microcontroller to analyze the sensor data and test it using a fuzzy inference system (FIS). To monitor the server activities, a Blink application is used as an iCloud IoT to hook up to smartphone devices. The test results show that all the devices function properly and that the system can classify water levels into normal, standby, alert, and danger categories in real time. Thus, the server can send information to the output device before a flood disaster occurs.
- by Colin Murphy
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- Computer Science, Security, Space, Safety
Differential relays are simple, reliable and widely used type of protection scheme that are very much suitable for electrical system or equipment protection. The relays use pilot wires to find the 'difference' but the pilot wire... more
Differential relays are simple, reliable and widely used type of protection scheme that are very much suitable for electrical system or equipment protection. The relays use pilot wires to find the 'difference' but the pilot wire itself creates so many problems. To eliminate the problems, in this paper an IoT based wireless current differential protection system is proposed based on Wi-Fi communication and is implemented as a small project work and has also been tested for the protection of a pseudo power system network. The work done here is a small project but with a small update this can be used for real life power system protection. Keywords-Differential relay, Compact Module, IoT, Wi-Fi, Pilot wire, Adafruit IO. , ,1752'8&7,21 ,Q .HYLQ $VKWRQ ILUVW LQWURGXFHG WKH FRQFHSW RI ,QWHUQHW RI 7KLQJV ,R7 LQ >@ ,R7 LV WKH LQWHUFRQQHFWLYLW\ RU LQIRUPDWLRQ VKDULQJ EHWZHHQ UHDO RU SK\VLFDO REMHFWV RU WKLQJV >@ 7KLV LV WKH LQWHUFRQQHFWLRQ ³LQWHUQHW´ RI UHDO OLIH REMHFWV ³WK...
- by Shezan Arefin and +1
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The main aim of the project is to track the prisoner whether he or she is inside or outside the prison by using RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) and using GPS. The location of the prisoner can be viewed by jailor wherever and... more
The main aim of the project is to track the prisoner whether he or she is inside or outside the prison by using RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) and using GPS. The location of the prisoner can be viewed by jailor wherever and whenever by using IOT device. If the prisoner is trying to move outside the jail it automatically indicates through buzzer in the control room based on the signal strength. When the signal strength is low the device automatically activates the neuron simulator. If the prisoner is trying to break the module is sensed by the vibration sensor, it will automatically produce alarm in the prisoner section and control section.
- by Ijariit Journal and +1
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- Neurostimulators, IOT, Prisoner Location
- by Denis Trček
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- Engineering, Computer Science, eHealth, IOT
Sibcoin, criptomonede, 5G și IoT Azi: Când a apărut în programul "Titlul de regiune gastronomică europeană Sibiu" (TRGES) 2019 ideea unei criptomonede locale îi căutam originea și... more
Sibcoin, criptomonede, 5G și IoT Azi: Când a apărut în programul "Titlul de regiune gastronomică europeană Sibiu" (TRGES) 2019 ideea unei criptomonede locale îi căutam originea și bineînțeles scopul. (pentru detalii v. si ...) Cum nu puteam vorbi cu directorul strategic și văzând bâlbâiala pe subiect, n-am putut decât să fac supoziții, mai ales că niciodată nu a fost discutat subiectul în grupul de inițiativă. Am regăsit detaliile în cartea Președintelui "EU.RO" la capitolul 3: Europa viitorului, unde insistă, spre surprinderea mea-neștiind că are cunoștințe aprofundate în acest domeniu-pe piața unică digitală, mai ales asupra operațiunilor digitale de schimburi de bunuri și servicii (din păcate nu are nici o abordare privind transferul bunurilor și a costurilor mari aferente. Alterative...) .
- by Ilie Rotariu
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- Tourism Studies, IOT
The recent increase in variety for wireless smart devices and its corresponding applications can be directly related to the increase in data traffic today. This level of generated traffic is of growing concern to network operators who... more
The recent increase in variety for wireless smart
devices and its corresponding applications can be directly related
to the increase in data traffic today. This level of generated traffic
is of growing concern to network operators who struggle to
provide network resources to users of such saturated networks.
In this paper, we consider a social community of devices
supported by a 5G-based Fog Radio Access Network (F-RAN)
architecture. Within each community, we see that users are only
inclined to share network resources with those of similar social
orientation rather than the entire network. Thus, we consider an
energy efficient user association problem for social community
aware networks in 5G. The problem is then analysed and solved
as a Linear Programming (LP) problem, which maximizes the
energy efficiency of the network under pre-determined Quality
of Service (QoS) constraints, giving priority to users with higher
social strength. The simulation results show that the proposed
algorithm obtains better energy efficiency when compared with
other baseline user association schemes.
Under the auspices of exceptional development in computer and informatics technology recently, it becomes necessary for acquiescent countries to take advantage of communication and information technologies to develop their... more
Under the auspices of exceptional development in computer and informatics technology recently, it becomes necessary for acquiescent countries to take advantage of communication and information technologies to develop their establishments which affect environments and general welfare.
From this point the importance of this research is embodied since it concentrates on explaining the idea of electronic management and its application on open systems ways (manners).
The research is divided to three themes:
The first theme discusses the definition of open systems concept and its applicative theories, characteristics and features of these systems, and its advantages to manage establishments.
The second theme discusses the definition of electronic management , the bases of setting up its equipments , developing its specializations , how to manage the basic resources and connection extent of management with central and non-central levels which consequently affects development of services generally, and explanation of characteristics of the main parts in electronic management , which are : electronic manger and electronic systems.
The third theme explains the frame work (structure) of electronic management via using ways and theories of open systems and comparing them with traditional managements. Study obstacles (barriers) facing the electronic management to ensure success of applying it. The transformation matter is represented as management and planning steps at first place. This operation is taken into consideration more than technology matter which is represented in supplying computers and communication and software network.
Certain concepts which are related to electronic management are mentioned in this theme through explaining the necessity of Arabic countries to modern electronic managements in order to advance and serve their nations through transformation process from bureaucracy manner (form) to modern democratic manner (form).
- by kavya math
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- Computer Science, Voice, Automation, Light
The Internet of Things vision has recently emerged as a result of a proliferation of a large number of networked consumer electronic devices. There is a growing need to autonomously monitor power consumption of these devices. We present a... more
The Internet of Things vision has recently emerged as a result of a proliferation of a large number of networked consumer electronic devices. There is a growing need to autonomously monitor power consumption of these devices. We present a self-organizing distributed algorithm for the dynamic approximation of power consumption in networked consumer electronic devices.
The noise level of the construction site can be very dangerous as various sounds occur on the construction site. Ambient measurement is a prerequisite for identifying Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sound standard... more
The noise level of the construction site can be very dangerous as various sounds occur on the construction site. Ambient measurement is a prerequisite for identifying Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sound standard limits. Existing systems used to capture and measure sound using the Noise Level Meter tool at the construction site are limited to working hours only. Humans are required to assist devices at construction sites. Measuring noise using only noise level meters is very limited as devices need to be monitored at construction sites. Therefore, improvement is needed to measure ambient noise in construction site areas to address existing system limitations. Ambient Site Ambient Site Monitoring System (IoT) is developed to measure ambient noise throughout the day and provide real-time updates of current sound. Data is collected and stored on cloud servers using the Favoriot platform. Data analysis features are provided in a web-based system that allows users to take further action. If the recorded sound exceeds the specified limit, the system generates a warning notification. Web systems are also developed to retrieve data stored on the cloud server and users can perform analysis and reporting. Improvements to existing processes derived from this study are expected to benefit in monitoring site noise through efficient data collection, storage and analysis.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vision that broadens the scope of the internet by incorporating physical objects to identify themselves to the participating entit ies. Th is innovative concept enables a physical device to represent... more
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vision that broadens the scope of the internet by incorporating physical objects to identify themselves to the participating entit ies. Th is innovative concept enables a physical device to represent itself in the dig ital world. There are a lot of speculations and future forecasts about the Internet of Things devices. However, most of them are vendor specific and lack a unified standard, which renders their seamless integration and interoperable operations. Another major concern is the lack of security features in these devices and their corresponding products. Most of them are resource-starved and unable to support computationally co mp lex and resource consuming secure algorith ms. In this paper, we p resent a survey of various applications which have been made possible by IoT. Furthermore, the challenges faced by these networks are presented in detail.
This paper describes the design flow, fabrication 3D printing, assembly and embedded system design for constructing a portable centrifuge for laboratory applications. The main goal is to reduce the cost of commercially available... more
This paper describes the design flow, fabrication 3D printing, assembly and embedded system design for constructing a portable centrifuge for laboratory applications. The main goal is to reduce the cost of commercially available centrifuges using additive manufacturing technology. The embedded controller allows for electronic control of the functionality of the centrifuge. The designed system also includes temperature and moisture sensors to provide additional data to the user. The low weight and compact design allows for assembly as per the user requirement.
ABSTRACT Data and Internet services have become ubiquitous, and the recent trend of building massive cloud datacenters is part of the current network evolution. The success of Internet of Things (IoT) will not so much depend on the... more
ABSTRACT Data and Internet services have become ubiquitous, and the recent trend of building massive cloud datacenters is part of the current network evolution. The success of Internet of Things (IoT) will not so much depend on the development of new technologies, but rather on connecting and integrating existing resources. The paper proposes a novel architecture that enables objects to exchange information through the Internet to achieve nonintrusive behavior and customized services based on an open source cloud platform. To achieve this goal, the information driven interactions are done not only in a peer to peer method, but also via advanced cloud services. The result is a generic platform where devices, systems and services will take part in a heterogeneous and decentralized architecture. We demonstrate that IoT is all about interoperability, from connected cloud computing using RFID, NFC, M2M and sensor technology to digital content and context-aware services. We conclude our cloud of things vision by expanding on the need for interoperability of cloud and IoT.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel wireless telecommunications paradigm that has emerged recently. This concept’s primary intention is to have permanent connectivity with various things or objects such as sensors, Radio-Frequency... more
Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel wireless telecommunications paradigm that has emerged recently. This concept’s primary intention is to have permanent connectivity with various things or objects such as sensors, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, mobile phones, etc. which, can communicate with each other. IoT devices spent most of their energy during transmitting and receiving messages. The energy-saving of IoT devices is to take care quick battery drain. The Less Energy Consumption Routing (LECR) technique used to minimize energy consumption in IoT. But, when two devices situated at a long distance try to communicate, take consumes a lot of energy due to Signal Transmission Range limitation. This paper proposes a Clustering Based Less Energy Consumption Routing (CB-LECR) Algorithm to tackle this problem. It is feasible to efficiently decrease the IoT network’s energy consumption by organizing IoT devices in clusters. Once the nodes categorized into clusters, Cluster Heads, cluster members (non-CHs) and cluster gateways identified. Results depict that the new work performs better than the LECR algorithm concerning energy saving and network lifetime for the IoT network.
Internet of Things (IoT) has a huge attention recently due to its new emergence, benefits, and contribution to improving the quality of human lives. Securing IoT poses an open area of research, as it is the base of allowing people to use... more
Internet of Things (IoT) has a huge attention recently due to its new emergence, benefits, and contribution to improving the quality of human lives. Securing IoT poses an open area of research, as it is the base of allowing people to use the technology and embrace this development in their daily activities. Authentication is one of the influencing security element of Information Assurance (IA), which includes confidentiality, integrity, and availability, non repudiation, and authentication. Therefore, there is a need to enhance security in the current authentication mechanisms. In this report, some of the authentication mechanisms proposed in recent years have been presented and reviewed. Specifically, the study focuses on enhancement of security in CoAP protocol due to its relevance to the characteristics of IoT devices and its need to enhance its security by using the symmetric key with biometric features in the authentication. This study will help in providing secure authentication technology for IoT data, device, and users.
These Tourism systems can be considered as an important motivation for tourists to visit the underlined places. These system employs the technologies, such as Internet of Tings(IoT), to manage the provided program and tourists by... more
These Tourism systems can be considered as an important motivation for tourists to visit the underlined places. These system employs the technologies, such as Internet of Tings(IoT), to manage the provided program and tourists by providing useful information. In this work, we state a survey of previous work on tourism system combined with IoT in terms of managing and analyzing of big data using data mining techniques. This is to extract important information from the huge data generated by the use of Internet of things in smart tourism system. By improving an algorithm for data classification algorithm, the proposed solution is formed to produce a classifier that can deals with different types of data with accepted complexity instead of using different classifiers for numeric data types. Moreover, it introduces an enhanced evaluation method, in which most of classifier can be included with high efficiency. The android based mobile application and web site can be produced to support the using of the proposed system.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a buzzword, where all digital devices are connecting with each other to exchange some information. These devices are encroaching on our daily life including home appliances, offices, health etc. Security is the... more
Internet of Things (IoT) is a buzzword, where all digital devices are connecting with each other to exchange some information. These devices are encroaching on our daily life including home appliances, offices, health etc. Security is the major concern for the Internet of Things (IoT). Whenever devices are connected then authentication is required for secure communication. So, authentication forms the gateway for a secure communication system. Authentication with text passwords still widely used but have become insecure. Therefore, it is an important concern to address by using biometric authentication. This paper presents the conceptual idea of securing internet of Things network using biometric authentication with iris recognition.
This article describes in detail how to detect the effects of climate change through hybrid technology and give the solutions. In today's environment, climate change [1] is emerging as the biggest problem threatening the world. This study... more
This article describes in detail how to detect the effects of climate change through hybrid technology and give the solutions. In today's environment, climate change [1] is emerging as the biggest problem threatening the world. This study describes in detail the study of the detection and characteristics of various types of natural disasters caused by climate change such as heavy rains, floods, storms, and wildfires. This research is the combination of IOT, wireless sensor network, Big data analytics, Cloud computing and artificial Intelligence. The proposed system consists of wireless sensor which detect Environmental factor such as rain, flood, storm and wildfire. The sensor data are stored and it will be analyzed into already existing environment data. When there is a discrepancy between the information taken by the sensor and the existing information, the actuator in this system will start working automatically. For example, sensors that sense rain during heavy rains send information to a Database. If there is a discrepancy between the existing information and the information available, actuator will start working immediately. Immediately the information goes to the Central Control Room and from there the information goes to the Disaster Management Centre. So main aim of this project is to detect the climate change in environment, and it gives the solution to the problem.
Polyhouse is a methodology used to grow plant under controlled environment for increasing yield and quality of the crops. The development and growth of crop depends on internal environment of polyhouse such as temperature,light intensity... more
Polyhouse is a methodology used to grow plant under controlled environment for increasing yield and quality of the crops. The development and growth of crop depends on internal environment of polyhouse such as temperature,light intensity and soil moisture. It replaces the direct supervision of the human. In polyhouse, for proper plant growth soil nutrient parameters are equally important. Light is the most important source for photosynthesis and the light intensity is monitored using LDR. The temperature inside the polyhouse can be monitored through temperature sensor and DC fan is used to increase or decrease the temperature of the polyhouse farm.Large amount of crops are destroyed every year due to pests.Pest detection and identification Is needed to ensure good productivity in agriculture crops.Early detection of pest in image is very crucial for effective management of pest control. The acoustic sensors are utilized to distinguish the nearness of pests at a beginning period and avoid infestation in the plants.The whole farm is monitored through the WSN and the sensed data's are received by the arduino.The arduino is connected to the IOT wifi module which sends the reading from the sensors to the webpage.Utilizing this method the farmer will have the capacity to expand the yield. Automation in polyhouse avoids the manual error by the farmer and replaces the human intervention in polyhouse Index terms: Acoustic pest detection, soil moisture sensor,LDR,IOT.
Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and related research communities can help tackle environmental challenges in developing countries through environmentally sustainable models of economic development. The paper sought to examine... more
Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and related research communities can help tackle environmental challenges in developing countries through environmentally sustainable models of economic development. The paper sought to examine the status of current and emerging environmentally friendly technologies, equipment and applications in supporting programs that play a role in addressing environment degradation in Kenya. It also sought to underscore the role of IT in environmentally sustainable consumption. The paper examines what constitutes environment degradation and explores the negative effects of IT infrastructure on the environment. The consequences of E-waste on environment are discussed followed by green IT as part of the solution to environment degradation as a result of adoption of IT. The papers also discuss the available IT infrastructure that can be used to combat the challenges of environment degradation. The paper ends with possible IT infrastructure measures that c...
In this paper we review studies of the growth of the Internet and technologies that are useful for information search and retrieval on the Web. Search engines are retrieve the efficient information. We collected data on the Internet from... more
In this paper we review studies of the growth of the Internet and technologies that are useful for information search and retrieval on the Web. Search engines are retrieve the efficient information. We collected data on the Internet from several different sources, e.g., current as well as projected number of users, hosts, and Web sites. The trends cited by the sources are consistent and point to exponential growth in the past and in the coming decade. Hence it is not surprising that about 85% of Internet users surveyed claim using search engines and search services to find specific information and users are not satisfied with the performance of the current generation of search engines; the slow retrieval speed, communication delays, and poor quality of retrieved results. Web agents, programs acting autonomously on some task, are already present in the form of spiders, crawler, and robots. Agents offer substantial benefits and hazards, and because of this, their development must invo...
Simeck, a lightweight block cipher has been proposed to be one of the encryption that can be employed in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Therefore, this paper presents the security of the Simeck32/64 block cipher against... more
Simeck, a lightweight block cipher has been proposed to be one of the encryption that can be employed in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Therefore, this paper presents the security of the Simeck32/64 block cipher against side-channel cube attack. We exhibit our attack against Simeck32/64 using the Hamming weight leakage assumption to extract linearly independent equations in key bits. We have been able to find 32 linearly independent equations in 32 key variables by only considering the second bit from the LSB of the Hamming weight leakage of the internal state on the fourth round of the cipher. This enables our attack to improve previous attacks on Simeck32/64 within side-channel attack model with better time and data complexity of 2 35 and 2 11.29 respectively.
The drainage system is the action of draining waste water and sticky liquid components towards the rivers using particular patterns, drainage channels and streams. Drainage system basically refers to all the piping within the private and... more
The drainage system is the action of draining waste water and sticky liquid components towards the rivers using particular patterns, drainage channels and streams. Drainage system basically refers to all the piping within the private and public premises which conveys sewage, rainwater and other liquid waste to a point of disposal. The connected devices will make the drainage system more comfortable to operate, monitor, control with less resources and to take necessary actions.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technological revolution of the Internet. IoT is and can be said the expansion of internet services. It is changing the way we work and live by saving time and resources and opening new opportunities for... more
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technological revolution of the Internet. IoT is and can be said the expansion of internet services. It is changing the way we work and live by saving time and resources and opening new
opportunities for growth, innovation and knowledge creation. Internet of Things is the general idea of things, especially everyday objects that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable, and/or controllable via the Internet, irrespective of the communication means .IoT allows everyone to be connected anytime and anywhere. It provides a platform for communication between objects where objects can organize and manage themselves. Objects can be communicated between each other by using radio frequency identification (RFID), wireless sensor network (WSN), Zigbee, etc. IoT is embodied in a wide spectrum of networked products, systems and sensors, which take advantage of advancements in computing power, electronics miniaturization, and network interconnections to offer new capabilities not previously possible.
ABSTACT Fog computing is a prime example that extends Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) application services to the edge of the network. Correlated to Cloud, Fog computing provides data transferring, larger and more immediate... more
Fog computing is a prime example that extends Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) application services to the edge of the network. Correlated to Cloud, Fog computing provides data transferring, larger and more immediate storage bandwidth and application services to end users. This innovative architecture stands in close correlation with its Cloud counterpart. As it is well known Cloud faces various security and privacy problems thus inheriting most of them to Fog computing along side some new security and privacy challenges because of Fog's distinct characteristics. Later on, we will cite these new challenges and threads.
Internet, a revolutionary invention, is always transforming into some new kind of hardware and software making it unavoidable for anyone. The form of communication that we see now is either human-human or human-device, but the Internet of... more
Internet, a revolutionary invention, is always transforming into some new kind of hardware and software making it unavoidable for anyone. The form of communication that we see now is either human-human or human-device, but the Internet of Things (IoT) promises a great future for the internet where the type of commu-nication is machine-machine (M2M). This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the IoT scenario and reviews its en-abling technologies and the sensor networks. Also, it describes a six-layered architecture of IoT and points out the related key chal-lenges. Keywords:
The abundance and variety of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the recent couple of years has reach a new record. From smart home, smart traffic, smart city, to industry, logistics and agriculture IoT applications are... more
The abundance and variety of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the recent couple of years has reach a new record. From smart home, smart traffic, smart city, to industry, logistics and agriculture IoT applications are penetrating in every facet of our life and our society. A lot of simple and more complicated solutions benefit from the flexibility and diversity of connections that this new technology provides. In order to provide better management, better visualization, increase scale and reduce response times logistics and warehouse management are embracing new ways to improve upon the already “old” RFID technology. In this sense IoT provides an unprecedented technology to meet all these requirements in a uniform and easy to manage way. In this work a specific smart application – IoT mailbox with face recognition is discussed. Combining cellular connectivity with image processing it ensures the user that his valuable documents will be securely delivered. The developed pr...
The diverse applications of the internet of things (IoT) require adaptable routing protocol able to cope with several constraints. Thus, RPL protocol was designed to meet the needs for IoT networks categorized as low power and lossy... more
The diverse applications of the internet of things (IoT) require adaptable routing protocol able to cope with several constraints. Thus, RPL protocol was designed to meet the needs for IoT networks categorized as low power and lossy networks (LLN). RPL uses an objective function based on specific metrics for preferred parents selection through these packets are sent to root. The single routing metric issue generally doesn't satisfy all routing performance requirements, whereas some are improved others are degraded. In that purpose, we propose a hybrid objective function with empirical stability aware (HOFESA), implemented in the network layer of the embedded operating system CONTIKI, which combines linearly three weighty metrics namely hop count, RSSI and node energy consumption. Also, To remedy to frequent preferred parents changes problems caused by taking into account more than one metric, our proposal relies on static and empirical thresholds. The designed HOFESA, evaluated under COOJA emulator against Standard-RPL and EC-OF, showed a packet delivery ratio improvement, a decrease in the power consumption, the convergence time and DIO control messages as well as it gives network stability through an adequate churn. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
In this paper, we discuss the most significant application opportunities and outline the challenges in performing a real-time and energy-efficient management of the distributed resources available at mobile devices and Internet-to-Data... more
In this paper, we discuss the most significant application opportunities and outline the challenges in performing a real-time and energy-efficient management of the distributed resources available at mobile devices and Internet-to-Data Center. We also present an energy-efficient adaptive scheduler for Vehicular Fog Computing (VFC) that operates at the edge of a vehicular network, connected to the served Vehicular Clients (VCs) through an Infrastructure-to-Vehicular (I2V) over multiple Foglets (Fls). The scheduler optimizes the energy by leveraging the heterogeneity of Fls, where the Fl provider shapes the system workload by maximizing the task admission rate over data transfer and computation. The presented scheduling algorithm demonstrates that the resulting adaptive scheduler allows scalable and distributed implementation.
Formation Python - Les fichiers JSON en Python - Yassine Ben Salah - Yassine Ben Ghriba
- by Yassine Ben Salah and +1
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- Machine Learning, Python, Artifical Intelligence, Data Science
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work considers Smart Personal Protective Equipment as “Intelligent Protection For The Future”. It mainly consists of electronic components that collect data about their use, the workers who... more
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work considers Smart Personal Protective Equipment as “Intelligent Protection For The Future”. It mainly consists of electronic components that collect data about their use, the workers who wear them, and the working environment. This paper proposes a distributed solution of Smart Personal Protective Equipment for the safety monitoring of Lone Workers by adopting low-cost electronic devices. In addition to the same hazards as anyone else, Lone Workers need additional and specific systems due to the higher risk they run on a work site. To this end, the Edge-Computing paradigm can be adopted to deploy an architecture embedding wearable devices, which alerts safety managers when workers do not wear the prescribed Personal Protective Equipment and supports a fast rescue when a worker seeks help or an accidental fall is automatically detected. The proposed system is a work-in-progress which provides an architecture design to accommodate differ...
Blockchain technology is new technology for digital asset tracking and management. Initially Blockchain was implemented as a financial solution, through the Bitcoin and its digital cryptocurrency. This was changed with the development of... more
Blockchain technology is new technology for digital asset tracking and management. Initially Blockchain was implemented as a financial solution, through the Bitcoin and its digital cryptocurrency. This was changed with the development of Ethereum new approach for management of digital assets. The existence of Smart contracts in the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EMV), introduced new ways for dealing the problems with third-parties. This opens opportunities for plethora of new Blockchain implementations for smart homes, smart objects, healthcare, finance management, insurance, supply chain management and many others. This survey paper addresses the state-of-the-art and highlights the possibilities for integration of Blockchain technology and IoT, with main focus to healthcare systems. Due to the Blockchain specifics, there are many unsolved issues and open challenges for the researchers in this area.