wireless applications with Internet of Thing (IoT) within Internet environment Research Papers (original) (raw)

Floods are one of the most frequently occurring natural disasters in Indonesia. It is therefore of special concern to reduce the risk of flood fatalities and other damage. The purpose of this study is to design a flood early warning... more

Floods are one of the most frequently occurring natural disasters in Indonesia. It is therefore of special concern to reduce the risk of flood fatalities and other damage. The purpose of this study is to design a flood early warning system based on the Internet of Things (IoT). In this work, we use an ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor to collect information about water levels. Further, we use an MCU8266 node as a microcontroller to analyze the sensor data and test it using a fuzzy inference system (FIS). To monitor the server activities, a Blink application is used as an iCloud IoT to hook up to smartphone devices. The test results show that all the devices function properly and that the system can classify water levels into normal, standby, alert, and danger categories in real time. Thus, the server can send information to the output device before a flood disaster occurs.

The drainage system is the action of draining waste water and sticky liquid components towards the rivers using particular patterns, drainage channels and streams. Drainage system basically refers to all the piping within the private and... more

The drainage system is the action of draining waste water and sticky liquid components towards the rivers using particular patterns, drainage channels and streams. Drainage system basically refers to all the piping within the private and public premises which conveys sewage, rainwater and other liquid waste to a point of disposal. The connected devices will make the drainage system more comfortable to operate, monitor, control with less resources and to take necessary actions.

Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technological revolution of the Internet. IoT is and can be said the expansion of internet services. It is changing the way we work and live by saving time and resources and opening new opportunities for... more

Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technological revolution of the Internet. IoT is and can be said the expansion of internet services. It is changing the way we work and live by saving time and resources and opening new
opportunities for growth, innovation and knowledge creation. Internet of Things is the general idea of things, especially everyday objects that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable, and/or controllable via the Internet, irrespective of the communication means .IoT allows everyone to be connected anytime and anywhere. It provides a platform for communication between objects where objects can organize and manage themselves. Objects can be communicated between each other by using radio frequency identification (RFID), wireless sensor network (WSN), Zigbee, etc. IoT is embodied in a wide spectrum of networked products, systems and sensors, which take advantage of advancements in computing power, electronics miniaturization, and network interconnections to offer new capabilities not previously possible.

The aim of this study was to assess the potential use of biochar derived from olive pruning to enhance soil properties and tomato and bell pepper plant growth and yield performance in arid environments. Biochar was prepared from olive... more

The aim of this study was to assess the potential use of biochar derived from olive pruning to enhance soil properties and tomato and bell pepper plant growth and yield performance in arid environments. Biochar was prepared from olive tree–pruning residues. The biochar was applied to field experiments of tomato and bell pepper plants at five application rates (0, 8, 16, 30, and 40 t ha−1). Relative water content (RWC), leaf chlorophyll, and leaf nutrient (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)) contents were measured. The total yield was determined for each treatment. Fruit nutrient contents were determined in selected fruit samples. Soil samples were collected from each treatment at the middle and end of the experiment for physical and chemical analysis. All experiments were conducted in triplicate. The application of biochar at rates of 8 and 16 t ha−1 enhanced tomato and bell pepper growth; however, application of 30 and 40 t ha−1 adversely affected tomato and bell pepper growth. Nutrient analysis showed that N, P, and K concentrations in leaves and fruits were higher in plants treated with 8 and 16 t ha−1 of biochar than in biochar treatments of 30 and 40 t ha−1. Higher biochar application rates increased soil pH and EC by 1.4% and 12.3% (8 t ha−1) to 7.3% and 107.8% (40 t ha−1), respectively. A biochar application rate of 8 t ha−1 is recommended as an optimal rate to enhance soil fertility for tomato and bell pepper production systems in arid environments.

Smart Education System makes efficient use of IT technology that takes advantage of IoT and cloud computing technologies to track and act on multiple educational system components. To maximize the battery life of IoT nodes, the systems... more

Smart Education System makes efficient use of IT technology that takes advantage of IoT and cloud computing technologies to track and act on multiple educational system components. To maximize the battery life of IoT nodes, the systems need to provide access to nodes and gateways by that introduce an architecture that allows not only the latest wireless and wired technologies to provide a fair communication range but also reduced energy usage. Like other sectors integrating intelligent cultures, the education sector is no exception to this. The IoT confirms its important role in the field of Information and Communication Technology and social growth. More devices are linked in education; campus leaders will be able to derive even more value from the continuous stream of data and knowledge, helping them transition from a transactional relationship to an iterative process with students, teachers, administrators, and providers. A small, person-centered environment helps smart campuses to complement and fit with the overall smart environment strategy, allowing educational institutions to achieve full productivity, promote sustainability, and enhance their constituents' everyday conditions. This analysis of the literature is generated using the secondary data obtained by reviewing a good number of papers published in journals and online sources. The study aims to explain IoT's use in the growth of the Smart Education System. The limitation of the study is that it deals only with the subject matter's application components which leave physical components.

Controlled and precise delivery of fluid is one of the essential requirement in many fluid flow applications such as micro fluidics, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, micro-machining and in medicinal biological systems. Such deliveries... more

Controlled and precise delivery of fluid is one of the essential requirement in many fluid flow applications such as micro fluidics, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, micro-machining and in medicinal biological systems. Such deliveries are commonly achieved using syringe pump which generally employs syringes driven by an electric motor. In this work a syringe pump is operated with a Raspberry Pi-System on Single Chip, which is more user friendly than a control with an ordinary microcontroller. It runs on Linux platform which is easy to code and control using Python language. The syringe pump is actuated by stepper motor which has 200 steps per revolution so that precise flow rate is possible compared to other electrical actuators. The stepper is connected to a Dual H-Bridge L293D motor driver, which in turn is powered through the GPIO (General Purpose Input / Output) pins-an integral part of the Raspberry pi. Lead screw mechanism is used in this work to transmit rotary motion of the motor to linear motion of syringe. The pitch length travelled by the screw is minimal and controllable, resulting in a precise flow rate of the fluid which is measured experimentally.

2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and IOT (CCCIOT 2021) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Cloud computing and IoT. The aim of the... more

2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and IOT (CCCIOT 2021) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Cloud computing and IoT. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.

In present scenario of the world, controlling air pollution is one of the leading challenges. Most often the educational institutions and organizations in developing countries suffer from contaminated environment due to improper planning... more

In present scenario of the world, controlling air pollution is one of the leading challenges. Most often the educational institutions and organizations in developing countries suffer from contaminated environment due to improper planning and poor infrastructure. Students and faculties in a classroom could suffer from health issues due to prolonged exposure to such environment. A low cost environment monitoring device is developed to detect different pollutant gases like CO, CO2 and noise along with relative humidity and temperature. It has observed that the same type of sensors for the same gases give different values although the sensitivity of sensors is acceptable, so it has also tried to perform calibration of the sensors using machine learning technique. It can also be used to detect the pollution in the indoor environment.

Healthcare industry has been a significant area for innovative application of various technologies over decades. Being an area of social relevance governmental spending on healthcare have always been on the rise over the years. Event... more

Healthcare industry has been a significant area for innovative application of various technologies over decades. Being an area of social relevance governmental spending on healthcare have always been on the rise over the years. Event Processing (CEP) has been in use for many years for situational awareness and response generation. Computing technologies have played an important role in improvising several aspects of healthcare. Recently emergent technology paradigms of Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT) and Complex Event Processing (CEP) have the potential not only to deal with pain areas of healthcare domain but also to redefine healthcare offerings. This paper aims to lay the groundwork for a healthcare system which builds upon integration of Big Data, CEP and IoT

The purpose of this paper is to present a set of well-investigated Internet of Things (IoT) security guidelines and best practices that others can use as a basis for future standards, certifications, laws, policies and/or product... more

The purpose of this paper is to present a set of well-investigated Internet of Things (IoT) security guidelines and best practices that others can use as a basis for future standards, certifications, laws, policies and/or product ratings. Most, if not all, of these guidelines would apply to any Internet- connected device; however, this paper focuses on security and privacy measures either peculiar to the IoT or especially relevant to the IoT. This paper assumes the end-to-end processing model of the Internet, in which application features such as security are handled by end nodes of the network, client and server hardware. It focuses on security mechanisms, including patching and updating, that should be considered at the manufacturing design phase rather than after devices have already been built or deployed.

Now-a-days, a growing number of people in a developing countries like India forces to look for new solutions for the continuous monitoring of health checkup. It has become a necessity to visit hospitals frequently for doctor's... more

Now-a-days, a growing number of people in a developing countries like India forces to look for new solutions for the continuous monitoring of health checkup. It has become a necessity to visit hospitals frequently for doctor's consultation, which has become financially related and a time consuming process. To overcome this situation, we propose a design to monitor the patient's health conditions such as heart beat, temperature, ECG and BP and send the message to guardian using GSM. In the recent development of internet of things(IoT) makes all objects interconnected and been recognized as the next technical revolution. Patient monitoring is one of the IoT application to monitor the patient health status. Internet of things makes medical equipments more efficient by allowing real time monitoring of health. Using IoT doctor can continuously monitor the patient's on his smart phone and also the patient history will be stored on the web server and doctor can access the information whenever needed from anywhere.

In present world all of us are facing global warming crisis of water. Main causesfor these issues are growing population, improper management of water utilization. This problem is quietly related to poor allocation, inefficient use and... more

In present world all of us are facing global warming crisis of water. Main causesfor these issues are growing population, improper management of water utilization. This problem is quietly related to poor allocation, inefficient use and lack of adequate water management system. Therefore, the efficient use of andmonitoring the same is essential for home, office etc. In this paper, anandroid application is developed that wouldmonitor the level of water in the cistern or any storage tank and automatically turns the motor on/off based on user requirement.This project can be implemented in any storage medium like well, cistern, etc.The purity of the water is measured using various sensors.Major advantage ofour system is that it detects any obstacles/solid particle present inside the storage tank. The obstacle or any object if found on the surface of water or even in sink, the image of the obstacle gets captured by the pi camera and image of the object will be sent to android application.By seeing these images user can take action. An alert message about water level as well as quality of water is sent to user. Thus, the system will be maintained systematically and the quality of the water gets notified.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is one of cancer type that attack White Blood Cells in myeloid descendants. On the clinical examination of leukemia, the number of each blast cell in the laboratory is calculated. However, in some subtype of... more

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is one of cancer type that attack White Blood Cells in myeloid descendants. On the clinical examination of leukemia, the number of each blast cell in the laboratory is calculated. However, in some subtype of AML like M4, M5 and M7 are affected by the same type of precursor cells. The precursor cell of them is myeloblast, monoblast and mega karyoblast, which needs more detailed analysis to distinguish. Classification is performed on cell types of precursors cells derived from bone marrow preparations. The stages that have been completed are preprocessing, segmentation, extraction and feature selection, and classification. Features used as input of classification stage are area, nucleus ratio, circularity, perimeter, mean, and standard deviation. The support vector machine classification results in the best performance test data are achieved by linear kernel. The performance was obtained by combining six features for eight cell types from the maturation of the three precursor cells. This diagnosed detail will be updated on cloud by IOT module.

With advancement of Automation technology, life is getting simpler and easier in all aspects. In Today's world Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. With the rapid increase in the number of users of internet over the... more

With advancement of Automation technology, life is getting simpler and easier in all aspects. In Today's world Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. With the rapid increase in the number of users of internet over the past decade has made Internet a part and parcel of life, and IoT is the latest and emerging internet technology. Internet of things is a growing network of object-from industrial machine to consumer goods that can share information and complete tasks while you are busy with other activities. Wireless Home Automation system(WHAS) using IoT is a system that uses computers or mobile devices to control basic home functions and features automatically through internet from anywhere around the world, an automated home is sometimes called a smart home. It is meant to save the electric power and human energy. In this paper, Home automation system differs from other system by allowing the user to operate the system from anywhere around the world through internet connection. This paper represents the controlling and monitoring of the home environment using wireless sensors. An automated system is represented which can be used to visualize and monitor the power consumption online on a Smart phone using mobile application, to detect the gas leakage using LPG detector and a smart refrigerator module is presented which is capable of sensing and monitoring its contents and also provides advantageous features.

After completing attack, covering tracks is the next step in penetration testing. In tracks covering after completing attack we will return to each exploited system to erase tracks and clean up all footprints we left behind. Tracks... more

After completing attack, covering tracks is the next step in penetration testing. In tracks covering after completing attack we will return to each exploited system to erase tracks and clean up all footprints we left behind. Tracks covering is important because it gives clue to forensics analyst or
Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Sometimes it’s difficult to hide all tracks but an attacker can manipulate the system to confuse the examiner and make it almost impossible to identify the extent of the attacker.In this research paper we describe all of the methods used in tracks covering and
their future scope.

La industria cafetera es de gran relevancia en la economía mundial y fundamental en países en vías de desarrollo como Colombia (Federación Nacional de Cafeteros, 2016); a pesar de ello, las zonas productoras de café no cuentan con los... more

La industria cafetera es de gran relevancia en la economía mundial y fundamental en países en vías de desarrollo como Colombia (Federación Nacional de Cafeteros, 2016); a pesar de ello, las zonas productoras de café no cuentan con los sufientes recursos técnologicos que mitigen los riesgos actuales que tiene esta industria en la etapa de recolección, debido a la perdida de fruto, contaminación y tiempo de productividad de la mano de obra que impacta sobre la calidad del producto y la rentabilidad de los cultivos. Por lo que el uso de buenas prácticas, combinado con tecnologia, es vital para el seguimiento y estudio de tiempos y movimientos, y se convierte en un paso que debe dar la industria cafetera en paises en vias de desarrollo, para continuar siendo competitivos frente a un mercado global.

Although Internet of Things (IoT) brings significant advantages over traditional communication technologies for smart grid and smart home applications, these implementations are still very rare. Relying on a comprehensive literature... more

Although Internet of Things (IoT) brings significant advantages over traditional communication technologies for smart grid and smart home applications, these implementations are still very rare. Relying on a comprehensive literature review, this paper aims to contribute towards narrowing the gap between the existing state-of-the-art smart home applications and the prospect of their integration into an IoT enabled environment. We propose a holistic framework which incorporates different components from IoT architectures/frameworks proposed in the literature, in order to efficiently integrate smart home objects in a cloud-centric IoT based solution. We identify a smart home management model for the proposed framework and the main tasks that should be performed at each level. We additionally discuss practical design challenges with emphasis on data processing, as well as smart home communication protocols and their interoperability. We believe that the holistic framework ascertained in this paper can be used as a solid base for the future developers of Internet of Things based smart home solutions.

Modern petrochemical plants are always at the risk of fire since lot of toxin inflammable gases are often present the temperature is also high.These are normally (unmanned machinery space) class. Supervisory rooms are always away from... more

Modern petrochemical plants are always at the risk of fire since lot of toxin inflammable gases are often present the temperature is also high.These are normally (unmanned machinery space) class. Supervisory rooms are always away from the actual plant. All light fixtures are explosion proof. Little spark can cause great fire. Normal fire sensor cannot be used. Special designed sensors are used. Incase smoke enters in to the sensor and the sensor get activated. The actions are sounds a fire alarm to attract attention,if the reset SW is not pressed within 30 seconds the project take further action, make an emergency call to,deliver an emergency message,start sprinkling,shut down the plant,it will call five times at the interval of one minute and again check for the smoke if smoke is still present it will continued to do so otherwise start monitoring again.

This paper demonstrates the efficient use of Internet of Things for the traditional agriculture. It shows the use of Arduino and ESP8266 based monitored and controlled smart irrigation systems, which is also cost-effective and simple.It... more

This paper demonstrates the efficient use of Internet of Things for the traditional agriculture. It shows the use of Arduino and ESP8266 based monitored and controlled smart irrigation systems, which is also cost-effective and simple.It is beneficial for farmers to irrigate there land conveniently by the application of automatic irrigation system. This smart irrigation system has pH sensor, water flow sensor, temperature sensor and soil moisture sensor that measure respectively and based on these sensors arduino microcontroller drives the servo motor and pump.Arduino received the information and transmitted with ESP8266 Wi-Fi module wirelessly to the website through internet. This transmitted informationis monitor and control by using IOT. This enables the remote control mechanism through a secure internet web connection to the user. A website has been prepared which present the actual time values and reference values of various factors needed by crops. Users can control water pumps and sprinklers through the website and keep an eye on the reference valueswhich will help the farmer increase production with quality crops.

Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks are attracting a lot of attention primarily because of their ability to offer affordable connectivity to the low-power devices distributed over very large geographical areas. In realizing the vision of... more

Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks are attracting a lot of attention primarily because of their ability to offer affordable connectivity to the low-power devices distributed over very large geographical areas. In realizing the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT), LPWA technologies complement and sometimes supersede the conventional cellular and short range wireless technologies in performance for various emerging smart city and machine-to-machine (M2M) applications. This review paper presents the design goals and the techniques, which different LPWA technologies exploit to offer wide-area coverage to low-power devices at the expense of low data rates. We survey several emerging LPWA technologies and the standardization activities carried out by different standards development organizations (e.g., IEEE, IETF, 3GPP, ETSI) as well as the industrial consortia built around individual LPWA technologies (e.g., LORa Alliance,WEIGHTLESS-SIG, and DASH7 Alliance). We further note that LPWA technologies adopt similar approaches, thus sharing similar limitations and challenges. This paper expands on these research challenges and identifies potential directions to address them. While the proprietary LPWA technologies are already hitting the market with large nationwide roll-outs, this paper encourages an active engagement of the research community in solving problems that will shape the connectivity of tens of billions of devices in the next decade.

Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an emerging trend superseding other technologies and researchers considered it as the future of internet. As now the connectivity to the World Wide Web is becoming highly available cost is drastically... more

Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an emerging trend superseding other technologies and researchers considered it as the future of internet. As now the connectivity to the World Wide Web is becoming highly available cost is drastically decreasing so everyone can afford the technology. As Internet of Things provides a great opportunity to develop an important industrial systems and applications with the help of various kind of sensors that can sense out the environment using number of devices that is connected to the internet, usage of IoT is drastically increasing and becoming a common thing. With this sky-rocketed usage and the demand, Communication and storing of the information faces serious security issues as the security of IoT devices become just an afterthought when manufacturing most of the devices. This study tries to summarize this IoT security issues in terms of primary information security concepts confidentiality, integrity and availability with regards to its architecture.

Internet of Things is a platform where every day devices become smarter, every day processing becomes intellectual, and every day communication becomes revealing. While the Internet of Things is still seeking its own platform, its effects... more

Internet of Things is a platform where every day devices become smarter, every day processing becomes intellectual, and every day communication becomes revealing. While the Internet of Things is still seeking its own platform, its effects have already stared in making unbelievable stride as a universal solution media for the connected scenario. Architecture specific study does always pave the conformation of related field. The insufficient of overall architectural knowledge is presently holds the researchers to get through the scope of Internet of Things centric approaches. This literature surveys Internet of Things oriented architectures that are capable enough to improve the understanding of related technology and methodology they used to facilitate developer's requirements. Directly or indirectly, the presented architectures propose to solve real-life problems by building and deployment of powerful Internet of Things notions. Further, research challenges have been investigated to incorporate inside the current trends of architectures to motivate the academics and industries get involved into seeking the possible way outs to apt the exact power of Internet of Things. A main contribution of this survey paper is that it summarizes the current state-of-the-art of Internet of Things architectures in various domains analytically.

___ In Tic-Tac-Toe of the classic game is built on computer-based flat form using python as a part of case study project using Artificial Intelligent techniques. The primary goal for this project is to create a computer artificial... more

___ In Tic-Tac-Toe of the classic game is built on computer-based flat form using python as a part of case study project using Artificial Intelligent techniques. The primary goal for this project is to create a computer artificial intelligent based on Tic-Tac-Toe 4x4 game that show two players on who will win and who will lose the game accordingly, using the standard Minimax algorithm, it was adopted and modified as a subset of rules from best gameplay practices: (1) attempt to win, (2) endeavor to keep a misfortune, (3) make a key move, and (4) make an irregular move. To make the game more fun and more winnable at easier difficulty levels, probabilities are introduced that the computer would find a valuable move and ignore it. In the end, the computer artificial intelligent uses a simple, lightweight decision tree to choose its next move, and the gameplay is fast, balanced, and enjoyable. furthermore, in the winning strategy in a chess game by means of symbolic model checking, and demonstrate the winning strategy in tic-tac-toe game through the symbolic model checking tool improved with the verification algorithm for winning strategy.

Solution-optimized smart cities that are focused on improving cross-city services, transportation management systems and energy use are now having a tangible and positive effect on city-based quality of life. There are many components of... more

Solution-optimized smart cities that are focused on improving cross-city services, transportation management systems and energy use are now having a tangible and positive effect on city-based quality of life. There are many components of a smart city. The components include smart infrastructure, smart buildings, smart transportation, smart energy, smart health care, smart technology, smart governance, smart education, and smart citizens. Different smart cities have different levels of these smart components, depending on their focus.

In the modern age, there is a constraint of a system with connected devices, persons, time, places and networks, which is completely integrated is called as Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Things has become the vital building blocks... more

In the modern age, there is a constraint of a system with connected devices, persons, time, places and networks, which is completely integrated is called as Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Things has become the vital building blocks in the development of healthcare monitoring system, agriculture, business, home monitoring etc. The aim of a well-organized IoT healthcare system is to provide real time remote monitoring of patient health condition, to prevent the critical patient conditions and to improve the quality of life through smart IoT environments. New challenge with IoT is security of systems and processes and also with the privacy issues of person's medical data. Information security using IoT is very complicated and difficult in IoT environment. Security and privacy by design need to be part of any IoT use case, project or deployment. Few papers have proposed different types of protocols for healthcare related authentication. After going through the methodology for authentication protocol a combined methodology is proposed to be adopted to pool the gap in between them in medical IoT application. In this paper we discussed various healthcare IoT techniques and mechanisms, challenges and security issues they faced in developing those systems, we also concluded with major problem identification in those systems to be focused as future enhancement for upcoming projects. Keywords-Internet of Things (IoT); BSNCare; Radio Frequency Identification (RFID); Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC); A lightweight break-glass access control (LiBAC); NDN-based smart health IoT (NHealthIoT) system; I. INTRODUCTION Internet of Things (IoT) is a network with connected devices having unique identification number talking with each other and taking appropriate actions without human intervention [5]. It is also known as Machine to Machine communication. The devices can range from sensors to actuators make the job easy for the end users. Internet of things (IoT) is a new term but it is the latest revolution in the technology market and creating a plethora [8] of business opportunities which includes well established companies to new start-ups. There are multiple reasons why IoT is emerging as one of the promising areas for doing business. We have 3G, 4G network which allow data transfer faster than that in earlier years.

Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of human Meshing with everything that exists around us like our daily life communication through mobiles or the internet. In the next two or three years of (2020), the internet will be changed to IoT.... more

Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of human Meshing with everything that exists around us like our daily life communication through mobiles or the internet. In the next two or three years of (2020), the internet will be changed to IoT. IoT can connect the smart objects through different technologies like Bluetooth, ZigBee, and Radio Frequency Identifier (RFID). This paper highlights the effects of IoT on human beings and their privacy, we suggest how to use IoT with smart home technology to improve the living style. Smart home technology provides automated, intelligent, smart, innovative and ubiquitous services to residential users through Information Communication Technology (ICT). The IoT usage has some drawbacks like fraud and looting people, as a human being will be a part of the IoT. We also discuss practical examples of a point-to-point connection between the devices. In IoT enabled smart home environment various things such as lighting, home applications, connecting computers, security camera, linking home with Civil Defense.[1, 2]

Robbery is a danger encountered several times. Modern electronics yields itself for robbery; also it shows ways to avoid it. We have, therefore, in this project, attempted to develop an integrated system that combines the features of a... more

Robbery is a danger encountered several times. Modern electronics yields itself for robbery; also it shows ways to avoid it. We have, therefore, in this project, attempted to develop an integrated system that combines the features of a Embedded controller, GSM and IoT devices to be useful in detecting, monitoring and protecting through internet. The ultra modern micro electronics has made opportunities for the development of such security system with the advent of sensors for sensing the presence of a person. We use PIR sensor unit to detect the presence of any Person. Our system consists of three sections detecting, monitoring and protecting. Here detecting system consists of PIR sensor to indicate the motion of the human being. Smoke sensor to detect the smoke. Temperature sensor to sense the temperature variations. Vibration sensor to sense vibration level. Door breakage detector to detect the breaking of door to rob. Second section is monitoring, when the intruder enters into the monitoring area this sensor detect the intruder and immediately send the indication to the user through mail to reveal the message and also send the alert SMS to the user for notification. By this user can able to understand something has happened in his place and he can proceed for further action. Last section is protective section, it consists of spray control system which is controlled through internet to make the opponent unconscious for certain interval. Hence the electronic system which provides these three sections helps to prevent the properties from robbery and other unnecessary problem and also provides solution to the user to live a secured life.

Physiological signals are significant indicators that can help anticipate harmful underlying conditions in humans. Recent advancements in medicine and electronics have allowed monitoring of physiological signals cost effectively and... more

Physiological signals are significant indicators that can help anticipate harmful underlying conditions in humans. Recent advancements in medicine and electronics have allowed monitoring of physiological signals cost effectively and noninvasively. People living in remote areas are usually deprived of basic healthcare facilities and the available remote physiological signals monitoring techniques make use of Bluetooth and WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) technologies which are inoperable in such areas. The system proposed in this paper solves this issue by making use of IoT (Internet of Things) and GPS (Global Positioning System) communication techniques due to their vast availability even at remote locations. The proposed system monitors three physiological signals namely heart rate, skin conductance and skin temperature non-invasively and also classifies stress levels. Finally, the physiological signals and stress levels data is stored for record maintenance and sent to a doctor so that he/she may monitor the patient remotely. A rule based fuzzy logic algorithm is used for stress classification and the results shows that it achieved the highest accuracy when compared to other algorithms found in previous works. In addition to that, a stress levels dataset is also presented in this paper which can be further refined in future research.

In ancient Days Farmers used to figure the maturity of soil and predisposed reservations to develop which to kind of yield. Less concentration about the humidity, level of water and especially climate condition which terrible a farmer... more

In ancient Days Farmers used to figure the maturity of soil and predisposed reservations to develop which to kind of yield. Less concentration about the humidity, level of water and especially climate condition which terrible a farmer increasingly The Internet of things (IOT) is remodeling the agri-business empowering the agriculturists through the extensive range of strategies, for example, accuracy as well as practical farming to deal with challenges in the field. IOT helps in assembly information on circumstances like climate, dampness, temperature and fruitfulness of soil, Crop web based examination empowers discovery of wild plant, level of water, bug location, creature interruption in to the field, trim development, horticulture. IOT techniques utilize farmers to get related with his residence from wherever and at whatever point. Remote sensor structures are utilized for watching the homestead conditions are utilized to control and mechanize the home shapes. In this paper, we presented the survey about the IoT smart agriculture and its techniques to future along future enhancement.

The growth of the global population coupled with a decline in natural resources, farmland, and the increase in unpredictable environmental conditions leads to food security is becoming a major concern for all nations worldwide. These... more

The growth of the global population coupled with a decline in natural resources, farmland, and the increase in unpredictable environmental conditions leads to food security is becoming a major concern for all nations worldwide. These problems are motivators that are driving the agricultural industry to transition to smart agriculture with the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data solutions to improve operational efficiency and productivity. The IoT integrates a series of existing state-of-the-art solutions and technologies, such as wireless sensor networks, cognitive radio ad hoc networks, cloud computing, big data, and end-user applications. This study presents a survey of IoT solutions and demonstrates how IoT can be integrated into the smart agriculture sector. To achieve this objective, we discuss the vision of IoT-enabled smart agriculture ecosystems by evaluating their architecture (IoT devices, communication technologies, big data storage, and processing), their applications, and research timeline. In addition, we discuss trends and opportunities of IoT applications for smart agriculture and also indicate the open issues and challenges of IoT application in smart agriculture. We hope that the findings of this study will constitute important guidelines in research and promotion of IoT solutions aiming to improve the productivity and quality of the agriculture sector as well as facilitating the transition towards a future sustainable environment with an agroecological approach.

Map-Reduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets. This model has a single point of failure: the master, who coordinates the work in a cluster. On the contrary, wireless... more

Map-Reduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets. This model has a single point of failure: the master, who coordinates the work in a cluster. On the contrary, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are distributed systems that scale and feature large numbers of small, computationally limited, low-power, unreliable nodes. In this article, we provide a top-down approach explaining the architecture, implementation and rationale of a distributed fault-tolerant IoT middleware. Specifically, this middleware consists of multiple mini-computing devices (Raspberry Pi) connected in a WSN which implement the Map-Reduce algorithm. First, we explain the tools used to develop this system. Second, we focus on the Map-Reduce algorithm implemented to overcome common network connectivity issues, as well as to enhance operation availability and reliability. Lastly, we provide benchmarks for our middleware as a crowd tracking application for a preserved building in Greece (i.e., M. Hatzidakis' residence). The results of this study show that IoT middleware with low-power and low-cost components are viable solutions for medium-sized cloud computing distributed and parallel computing centres. Potential uses of this middleware apply for monitoring buildings and indoor structures, in addition to crowd tracking to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Internet of Thing (IoT) has influenced several fields these days. Healthcare is one among them. The field of health care has been changed forever with the help of smart devices, wearable along with the overall level of inventions and... more

Internet of Thing (IoT) has influenced several fields these days. Healthcare is one among them. The field of health care has been changed forever with the help of smart devices, wearable along with the overall level of inventions and connectivity in terms of the modern medical equipment. IoT, Cloud computing and other emerging technologies use data from different devices distributed across the network. Among those applications that are facilitated by the IoT, applications related to health care are most significant ones. Predictive analysis is carried out on the real-time data of patients to analyze their current situation for the purpose of effective and accurate clinical-decision making. Generally, internet of thing has been extensively utilized for interconnecting the advanced medical resource as well as for providing effective and smart health care services to the people. In order to monitor the condition of the patient, advanced sensors can be embedded or worn within the patient's body. The data accumulated to such an extent that those data can be examined, aggregated as well as mined to do the initial predictions of diseases. Moreover, physicians are assisted by the processing algorithm for the personalization of treatment and at the same time thereby making the field of heath care more economical. This literature review is carried out by using the secondary data obtained from peer-reviewed journals and other sources on the web. This review aims to explain the use of IoT for providing smart healthcare solutions. The limitation of this study is that the major focus is on application side there by excluding the hardware and theoretical aspects related to the subject.

Due to technology problems with cloud computing and it is unable to fulfill real-time applications requirements such as (low latency, performance, and mobility support) and limited storage and computational power with Internet of Things... more

Due to technology problems with cloud computing and it is unable to fulfill real-time applications requirements such as (low latency, performance, and mobility support) and limited storage and computational power with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Cisco company proposed a new concept call "Fog computing" or "Fog networking" that extend cloud computing to satisfy customer's needs.. However, fog computing faces some security challenges that inherited from cloud computing in addition to new issues that discovered with using fog services. These security issues need to be addressed with practical solutions to provide successful implementation of Fog System. Information technology Researchers and specialist organizations have proposed many solutions to protect systems from malicious activities like inside and outside network attacks. This paper will provide an overview of existing literature on Fog computing to identify common security threats, the impact of risks on the system, what are the current solutions and the effectiveness of solutions. This paper may help to provide a guide for expert concern on designing, developing, and maintaining Fog systems. I. INTRODUCTION Fog Computing is a new technology introduced by Cisco Company in 2014 to extend cloud computing services at the edge of the network. Fog computing aims to reduce latency and improve the efficiency of the network. It facilitates computing, networking and storage services between end-user devices and cloud computing data centres. Due to the fast-growing number of smart devices and applications that connected to cloud computing and consume its services, the new concept called the Internet of Things (IoT) come up to provide more advantages. With the Internet of Things technology, data can be handled efficiently rather than send them to cloud services. In simple words, fog IoT applications will make a smart decision to send data to the best place for processing. If the data is real-time and highly sensitive and need to process as fast as possible, it will send to the nearest fog node (The fog nodes will take different shape such as a router, gateway, switch, and Access Points These fog nodes can collaboratively share storage and computing facilities [1].).But if it can wait for a couple of minutes, it will send to set of fog nodes or cloud for best data analytics.

Fatal Road accidents can be easily avoided by understanding the psychological state of drivers. Majority of road accidents occur during night driving due to drowsiness state of vehicle drivers (Subject). This paper provides Eye Blink... more

Fatal Road accidents can be easily avoided by understanding the psychological state of drivers. Majority of road accidents occur during night driving due to drowsiness state of vehicle drivers (Subject). This paper provides Eye Blink Monitoring System (EBM) that alerts the subject during state of drowsiness. An embedded system based on psychological state of Subject by monitoring eye movements and head movements are useful in warning drivers during initial sleep cycle phase of drowsiness. The physiological sleep state analysis of subject can be determined by monitoring subjects eye-blink rate using an IR sensor and head movement using an accelerometer. A normal eye blink rate has no effect on the output of the system. However, if subject is in extreme state of sleep-cycle, then IR sensor receives abnormal eye blinking rate & an alarm is initiated to wake the subject. An Internet of Things (IOT) enabled sensors are used to transmit the entire data collected by sensors over a smart grid network for quick response team to take actions under emergency conditions

Under different neurogenic conditions patients may suffer from lack of Bladder fullness sensation which drastically affects patient's quality of life and may even lead to serious kidney damage. To help the patients to void voluntarily and... more

Under different neurogenic conditions patients may suffer from lack of Bladder fullness sensation which drastically affects patient's quality of life and may even lead to serious kidney damage. To help the patients to void voluntarily and resolve the problem of enuresis several methods were proposed. This paper aims in designing a Non-invasive sensor for bladder fullness sensation and alerting them about the bladder fullness. The urinary continence subject was studied by designing a sensor. The measurement was first made invitro using phantom solution, which simulates the bladder fullness .The Differences in the detected output signal for before (full) and after(empty) voiding in patients was estimated.

The increasing average age of the population in most industrialized countries imposes a necessity for developing advanced and practical services using state-of-the-art technologies, dedicated to personal living spaces. In this paper, we... more

The increasing average age of the population in most industrialized countries imposes a necessity for developing advanced and practical services using state-of-the-art technologies, dedicated to personal living spaces. In this paper, we introduce a hierarchical distributed approach for home care systems based on a new paradigm known as Internet of Things (IoT). The proposed generic framework is supported by a three level data management model composed of dew computing, fog computing and cloud computing for efficient data flow in IoT based home care systems. We examine the proposed model through a real case scenario of an early fire detection system using a distributed fuzzy logic approach. The obtained results prove that such an implementation of dew and fog computing provides high accuracy in fire detection IoT systems, while achieving minimum data latency.

Energy is the most important resource in state-of-the-art Internet of Things solutions. There are a lot of concepts and techniques dedicated to save energy, mainly focused to reduce transmission, since the energy used for preprocessing... more

Energy is the most important resource in state-of-the-art Internet of Things solutions. There are a lot of concepts and techniques dedicated to save energy, mainly focused to reduce transmission, since the energy used for preprocessing (encoding) is incomparable smaller than energy used for broadcasting. If applications do not require real-time measurements, data compression is one solution to energy saving problem. The goal of this paper was to develop new coding scheme for delta compression, that can be used for efficient data compression of temporally correlated data, such as temperature measurements coming from different smart devices. We proved that our coding scheme can achieve up to 85% energy saving. Compared to other coding techniques, our scheme has greater compression ratio and lower memory requirements.

Hospitals produce a vast amount of potentially dangerous wastes. Most of the waste separations at present are done by rag pickers. Currently the separation of harmful hospital wastes and containers containing disposed pus, needles,... more

Hospitals produce a vast amount of potentially dangerous wastes. Most of the waste separations at present are done by rag pickers. Currently the separation of harmful hospital wastes and containers containing disposed pus, needles, glucose drip bottles, plastic papers and bandages are segregated by hand thereby leading to adverse chronic health effects like tuberculosis, cancer and infectious diseases. This may lead to decreased standard of living, decreased longevity and also after effects to generation of children born to such affected parents. To automate the segregation of the biomedical waste that is generated in the hospital, an automated waste segregator is proposed. On the detection of medical waste, the conveyor belt starts to move by the external motor. The waste will be passed to the sensing unit and Classifier unit. This is implemented with five steps capturing of input image, pre-processing, Median filtering, contrast enhancement and segmentation. After the completion of these steps, output will be assessed using different feature extracted from Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix (GLCM). After the segregation process it will be automated to the waste bin. The bin is monitored by a IR sensor, a Water sensor, a gas sensor and an ultrasonic sensor to identify the level of waste. The medical waste segregation is done automatically in order to avoid diseases that spreading in hospitals and to reduce the manual process.

The radio operation in wireless sensor networks (WSN) in Internet of Things (IoT)applications is the most common source for power consumption. Consequently, recognizing andcontrolling the factors affecting radio operation can be valuable... more

The radio operation in wireless sensor networks (WSN) in Internet of Things (IoT)applications is the most common source for power consumption. Consequently, recognizing andcontrolling the factors affecting radio operation can be valuable for managing the node powerconsumption. Among essential factors affecting radio operation, the time spent for checking theradio is of utmost importance for monitoring power consumption. It can lead to false WakeUp oridle listening in radio duty cycles and ContikiMAC. ContikiMAC is a low‐power radio duty‐cycleprotocol in Contiki OS used in WakeUp mode, as a clear channel assessment (CCA) for checkingradio status periodically. This paper presents a detailed analysis of radio WakeUp time factors ofContikiMAC. Furthermore, we propose a lightweight CCA (LW‐CCA) as an extension toContikiMAC to reduce the Radio Duty‐Cycles in false WakeUps and idle listening though usingdynamic received signal strength indicator (RSSI) status check time. The simulation results in theCooja simulator show that LW‐CCA reduces about 8% energy consumption in nodes whilemaintaining up to 99% of the packet delivery rate (PDR).

New methods to deliver effective education at a distance are rapidly emerging and evolving. One of the most promising methods is e-learning systems (ELS). This is a pedagogical learning approach which is entirely web based and supports... more

New methods to deliver effective education at a distance are rapidly emerging and evolving. One of the most promising methods is e-learning systems (ELS). This is a pedagogical learning approach which is entirely web based and supports distributed learning. To support diverse teaching and learning paradigms, e-learning content has to be more than static online text and lacklustre PowerPoint material. It is imperative to create a dynamic interaction between e-learning content and users. Therefore, content as well as delivery, assessment and user feedback have to be supported in a highly personalised manner by ELS. In this paper the authors present a real time vision-based method for measuring learner alertness to an enhanced adaptive ELS, which ultimately supported the deployment of a novel solution for improving its architecture based on real time eye-blink measures to identify alertness and responsiveness to the e-learning materials. The proposed method uses eye-blink detection in both diagnostic and interactive regards. In a diagnostic sense, the method indicates whether the learner's attention has been caught, thus providing evidence of the learner's focus of attention upon the online materials. In an interactive respect, the method allows the measurement of eye-blink parameters to identify learner reaction time to online activities. The resulting ELS architecture delivers personalised and engaging learning content which stimulates and enhances learner responsiveness to the material presented. Furthermore, various scenarios for different application domains are explored.

Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) is on the verge of commercialization. The success of LPWAN technologies lies in the robustness of the modulation scheme. LoRa is a significant protocol in the segment which uses Chirp Spread Spectrum... more

Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) is on the verge of commercialization. The success of LPWAN technologies lies in the robustness of the modulation scheme. LoRa is a significant protocol in the segment which uses Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) as the modulation scheme. CSS is proven to be robust, ultra-low power consuming and resilient to noise and Doppler effects. Though noise resilience is profound, we investigate issues that may arise as the network scale. Co-Spreading Factor (Co-SF) interference is identified as a major issue that limits the performance of the network. Co-SF interference eventuates when multiple nodes trying to uplink simultaneously at the same Spreading Factor (SF) and almost at the near transmitted power level. Co-SF interference leads to packet error and escalation in the packet on air time which results in performance deterioration. Findings are justified through simulation and experimentation. Possible reasons leading to interference are constringed. Recommendations to reduce the effect of Co-SF interference are suggested and validated through experimentation.

Nowadays, highly constrained IoT devices have earned an important place in our everyday lives. These devices mainly comprise RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) or WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) components. Their adoption is growing in... more

Nowadays, highly constrained IoT devices have earned an important place in our everyday lives. These devices mainly comprise RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) or WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) components. Their adoption is growing in areas where data security or privacy or both must be guaranteed. Therefore, it is necessary to develop appropriate security solutions for these systems. Many papers have proposed solutions for encryption or authentication. But it turns out that sometimes the proposal has security flaw or is ill-suited for the constrained IoT devices (which has very limited processing and storage capacities).In this paper, we introduce a new authentication protocol inspired by Mirror-Mac (MM) which is a generic construction of authentication protocol proposed by Mol et al. Our proposal named RMAC is well suited for highly constrained IoT devices since its implementation uses simple and lightweight algorithms. We also prove that RMAC is at least as secure as the MM protocol and thus secure against man-in-the-middle attacks.