Interdisciplinarity Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The current museographical approach seems to go towards a form of interdisciplinarity, which leverages the encounter between visual and performing arts. From the Tate Gallery in London to the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, this dialogue not... more

The current museographical approach seems to go towards a form of interdisciplinarity, which leverages the encounter between visual and performing arts. From the Tate Gallery in London to the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, this dialogue not only gives rise to aesthetic experiences but also defines new forms of exhibitions: choreographed exhibitions. Within a migration from the black box to the white cube, the theatrical body becomes a work of art, through a process of objectivation. Likewise, the exhibition space turns into a hybrid place of creation. Through a kind of ontological negotiation between different art languages, the beholder is thus called into question: his participation is choreographed, as well as the very act of observation.

Ce mémoire de recherche expose un regard sur les pratiques chorégraphiques nommées ici interdisciplinaires. À partir du questionnement des étiquettes posées sur ces pratiques, la réflexion s’est naturellement dirigée vers le faire... more

This working papers series presents a broad range of research in post-1945 Polish studies gathered under the common title 'Post-1945 Poland: Modernities, Transformations and Evolving Identities'. It contains edited versions of papers... more

This working papers series presents a broad range of research in post-1945 Polish studies gathered under the common title 'Post-1945 Poland: Modernities, Transformations and Evolving Identities'. It contains edited versions of papers given at the cross-disciplinary two-day postgraduate conference that was organised by the Programme on Modern Poland (St Antony’s College, University of Oxford) in June 2015.

El Seminario En_clave Inter es un foro de discusión e intercambio sobre las múltiples aristas y especificidades de la interdisciplina, las metodologías y el conocimiento científico, y busca potenciar la comunicación entre grupos de... more

El Seminario En_clave Inter es un foro de discusión
e intercambio sobre las múltiples aristas y especificidades
de la interdisciplina, las metodologías y el conocimiento
científico, y busca potenciar la comunicación
entre grupos de trabajo. Este seminario es parte fundamental
de las actividades que desarrolla el Espacio
Interdisciplinario (EI) de la Universidad de la República
(Udelar) con el objetivo de promover vínculos entre los
grupos que trabajan interdisciplinariamente en nuestra
casa de estudios.
En su sexta edición, el Seminario En_clave Inter
2014 abordó la temática “Educación superior e interdisciplina”
con base en tres ejes: el currículo, las políticas
educativas y el vínculo enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Hablar de educación a nivel universitario implica pensar
en carreras, contenidos, oportunidades de perfeccionamiento
y especialización y en cómo estos se llevan
a la práctica, se transforman y se fortalecen. Además,
discutir estos temas en la Universidad de la República
conlleva reflexionar sobre una idea de país, sobre sus
posibilidades de crecimiento y desarrollo en distintos
niveles, sus prioridades y los elementos con los que se
cuenta para la toma de decisiones.

Se trata del primer libro publicado en español que reúne las traducciones de artpiculos y capítulos de autores anglosajones referentes en la temática interdisciplinaria junto con los aportes de autores nacionales. Se constituye en un... more

Se trata del primer libro publicado en español que reúne las traducciones de artpiculos y capítulos de autores anglosajones referentes en
la temática interdisciplinaria junto con los aportes de autores nacionales. Se constituye en un material relevante para la investigacipon
como para la enseñanza de estos temas. El prólogo elaborado por la Dr.a Judith Sutz, considera que: 'El libro que la lectora o el lector
tiene en sus manos se ocupa de una forma particular de abordar la producción de conocimiento denominada interdisciplina. El término
evoca encuentros, lo que tomado en sentido literal implica también dimensión colectiva; evoca igualmente tomar y dar, o fertilización
cruzada; el pasar de un lado a otro no es ajeno a lo que sugiere. Ninguno de estos aspectos parece, a priori, plantear mayores
dificultades, aunque sin duda esa es una apreciación equivocada. «Lo interdisciplinario» como problema se ha instalado desde hace ya
algún tiempo en la reflexión sobre producción de conocimiento a través de múltiples dimensiones que incluyen cuestiones de definición
—para no nombrar de la misma manera a prácticas diversas— y cuestiones de política —¿cómo se promueve la interdisciplina, cómo se
la apoya, cómo se la evalúa?—. Este libro da cuenta de respuestas plurales que a preguntas como estas han dado referentes
internacionales en el tema y de reflexiones locales hechas desde prácticas de investigación interdisciplinarias. Naturalmente, quien esté
considerando leerlo se preguntará, antes que nada, por qué su tema es importante o simplemente interesante. Quizá alcance, a modo de
respuesta, pensar que de lo que se trata es de cómo se puede lograr aprehender mejor la complejidad e inherente multiplicidad de
factores causales, trayectorias posibles, intereses en juego y consecuencias probables de fenómenos y problemas determinantes de la
sociedad actual'.
Este material está disponible solamente en papel, si desea recibir una copia por favor escribir a

Welcome to this Special Issue of Array: Proceedings of Si15, the 2nd International Symposium on Sound and Interactivity. The articles in the present issue originated in the Si15 Soundislands Festival, which was held in Singapore 18–23... more

Welcome to this Special Issue of Array: Proceedings of Si15, the 2nd International Symposium on Sound and Interactivity.
The articles in the present issue originated in the Si15 Soundislands Festival, which was held in Singapore 18–23 August 2015. The festival events included five invited artist performances, two scientific keynotes and two days of proceedings, a commissioned sound installation, an afternoon of public talks, an internet panel, two pedagogic workshops, a concert with young performers, and more than fifty artworks and scientific papers in numerous forms and formats selected from an open call (
We are thrilled to present 20 articles, by 31 authors, emanating from Si15. The articles have been extended and thoroughly revised for this special issue of Array. They cover a range of topics related to aesthetics, percep-tion, technology, and sound art. We hope that you will enjoy the fruits of the authors' labour and therein discover many a stimulating thought.

This paper presents an explanation of mentoring case narratives, excerpts of case narratives, use of a structured protocol, and critical aspects of mentoring. Mentoring is contextually bound, with a variety of participants, settings,... more

This paper presents an explanation of mentoring case narratives, excerpts of case narratives, use of a structured protocol, and critical aspects of mentoring. Mentoring is contextually bound, with a variety of participants, settings, issues, needs, and time constraints, etc. An effective tool in capturing mentoring contexts is the case narrative. Case narratives are defined as stories in which dilemmas are described that characterize a mentoring context grounded in actual experiences or events. We recommend the construction of case narratives as a reflective strategy across the disciplines for use in mentoring. Mentoring is complex, often ambiguous, and yet, directly affects each of us. While there are numerous definitions of mentoring, it is defined in this paper as "having two or more individuals willingly form a mutually respectful, trusting relationship focused on goals that foster the potential of the mentee, while considering the needs of the mentor and the context in which they must function” (Kochan, 2002). This paper was written by five doctoral students and their professor in a graduate level course focused on mentoring. In the course, we purposively chose to engage in individual and collective inquiry about the practice of mentoring. Using an interdisciplinary perspective, we reviewed the literature, discussed personal mentoring experiences, wrote mentoring case narratives, and engaged in critical discussion. This paper presents an explanation of mentoring case narratives, excerpts of case narratives, use of a structured protocol, and concludes with what we collectively learned about mentoring.

In this essay we will explore how contemporary models of grief and continuing bonds with the dead help us understand the emergence of new religious traditions. Our thesis is that what we have learned about grief and continuing bonds with... more

In this essay we will explore how contemporary models of grief and continuing bonds with the dead help us understand the emergence of new religious traditions. Our thesis is that what we have learned about grief and continuing bonds with the dead fills in a missing dimension in Max Weber’s description of the institutionalization of the founder’s charisma into a new religious tradition. After an introduction with a brief overview of Weber’s thesis and then a summary of contemporary models of grief, we will examine three cases, one contemporary and two well developed religious traditions. We begin on a small scale by examining the grief of American converts to Tibetan Buddhism and the continuing bonds they maintain with their dead teacher. Then we will move to the largest scale by looking how the disciples’ continuing bonds with Gautama and Jesus were institutionalized in the doctrine and rituals of Buddhism and Christianity.

Contexte : Le curriculum de médecine de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal connait plusieurs mutations majeures, dont l’adoption d’une nouvelle approche relationnelle dite de partenariat avec le patient et ses proches.... more

Contexte : Le curriculum de médecine de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal connait plusieurs mutations majeures, dont l’adoption d’une nouvelle approche relationnelle dite de partenariat avec le patient et ses proches. L’approche repose sur le postulat du patient considéré comme acteur en possession d’un savoir important pour la formation des médecins. En conséquence, la présente recherche exploratoire décrit la révision des vignettes cliniques des dossiers d’apprentissage par problèmes qui parcourent tout au long du premier cycle de la formation médicale. But : Cette recherche présente le processus de révision d’une partie du curriculum du programme de premier cycle en médecine (programme MD) intégrant des patients formateurs, des étudiants en médecine à une équipe interdisciplinaire en sciences de la santé et de sciences humaines et sociales. Méthodes : Une méthode mixte a été employée mobilisant 24 répondants appartenant à cinq groupes différents (étudiants de méd...

The present study aims to give an account of the partial results of the research project titled “North Calha Program: Challenges and Prospects for Prevention of Illicit Practices in the Upper Solimões Frontier Region”, coordinated by the... more

The present study aims to give an account of the partial results of the research project titled “North Calha Program: Challenges and Prospects for Prevention of Illicit Practices in the Upper Solimões Frontier Region”, coordinated by the Brazilian Institute for Defense
Studies Pandiá Calógeras. Initiated in march 2017, the study aims to undesrstand the role of the North Calha Program to reduce the demographic gap and prevent the practce of transactional crimes in the region of the Amazon Trapeze.

Review of T'ai Smith's Bauhaus Weaving Theory in The Journal of Modern Craft.

Resumo Objetivamos expor o trabalho que vem sendo desenvolvido pelo PIBID subprojeto Interdisciplinar Educação do Campo da UFSM na Escola Estadual de Ensino fundamental Arroio Grande, bem como analisar aspectos que são fundamentais para o... more

Resumo Objetivamos expor o trabalho que vem sendo desenvolvido pelo PIBID subprojeto Interdisciplinar Educação do Campo da UFSM na Escola Estadual de Ensino fundamental Arroio Grande, bem como analisar aspectos que são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do referido projeto: a interdisciplinaridade,a edu-cação do campo e o ensino de história. O proje-to tem atuado desde 2012 em escolas localiza-das em área rural do município de Santa Maria-RS. Constituído por bolsistas das diversas licenciaturas, busca trabalhar os principais conceitos e desafios da educação do campo de forma interdisciplinar. Diante dos problemas e desafios encontrados ao longo do projeto o PIBID procurou trabalhar a História local como forma de valorização dos sujeitos do campo na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Arroio Grande. Este trabalho tem gerado impactos positivos e tem evidenciado uma melhor forma-ção dos acadêmicos de licenciatura envolvidos no projeto. Palavras-chave:Educação do Campo, Interdisciplinaridade, Ensino de História, Professores. Abstract We aim to expose the work which has been developed by the PIBID, subproject Inter-disciplinary Field Education from UFSM, at the State Elementary School Arroio Grande and to analyze aspects that are fundamental to the development of the mentioned project: interdis-ciplinarity, field education and the teaching of History. The project has been active since 2012 in schools located in rural area of the city of Santa Maria-RS. The project consists of scholar student of the diverse graduation course and it tries to work the main concepts and challenges of the field education in an interdiscipli-nary manner. In the face the problems and challenges encountered during the project, the PIBID searched to work the local History as a way of appreciation of the individuals of the field at the State Elementary School Arroio Grande. This work has generated positive impacts and has showed a better training of undergraduate students involved in the project.

Trata-se do relato da experiência de trabalho voluntário da autora, no contexto do Projeto Interdisciplinar (PI) chamado ‘Ações Interdisciplinares de Cuidado em Saúde’. O trabalho é realizado por uma equipe multidisciplinar, composta por... more

Trata-se do relato da experiência de trabalho voluntário da autora, no contexto
do Projeto Interdisciplinar (PI) chamado ‘Ações Interdisciplinares de Cuidado em Saúde’.
O trabalho é realizado por uma equipe multidisciplinar, composta por uma tutora e
estudantes universitários de diferentes especialidades, dentre as quais enfermagem,
nutrição, psicologia, direito, fisioterapia, farmácia etc. O objetivo da ação é humanizar o
atendimento em saúde, especialmente para melhorar a qualidade de vida das famílias
carentes no bairro Santo Antônio, Lajeado/RS, os integrantes da equipe procuram
desenvolver a solidariedade interdisciplinar. Buscam, ainda, uma cooperação sistemática
entre suas especialidades técnicas, sem, no entanto, ignorar o aspecto humanitário
inerente à semelhante forma de interação Universidade-comunidade (i.e. extensão). O
vínculo criado com as famílias é fortalecido através da troca de saberes, diálogo e respeito,
observando o princípio metodológico de reconhecer e valorizar os saberes comunitários,
ou seja, aqueles que não têm sua origem na Universidade. Além do enfermo atendido,
as ações direcionam-se à família como um todo, a fim de atenuar o sofrimento advindo
de suas carências mais básicas (e.g. desde o atendimento fisioterápico até o “olhar” e
a “escuta” psicológicos, etc.) a partir de questões levantadas pelos próprios membros
familiares. Conclui-se que, com estes cuidados “dialógicos”, identificam-se demandas
outras, além daquelas originariamente imaginadas no “projeto a priori’. Igualmente, como
resultado parcial, nota-se que as práticas desenvolvidas influenciam na psicodinâmica
familiar, para que a enfermidade não seja encarada tão-somente como fatalidade; mas,
também, alternativamente, como oportunidade de fortalecer os laços afetivos, muitas
vezes fragilizados no seio familiar.
Palavras-chave: Extensão universitária. Saúde familiar. Comunidade.
Interdisciplinariedade. Humanismo.

This paper explores a defining contradiction at the heart of the university as a social and cultural institution: society requires the university to serve it, but this service requires the university's detachment and freedom from external... more

This paper explores a defining contradiction at the heart of the university as a social and cultural institution: society requires the university to serve it, but this service requires the university's detachment and freedom from external social determinations. I argue that we can see this paradox embedded at the very heart of the university expressed in a myriad of ways throughout the institution's long history, including the relatively recent debates about interdisciplinarity. I review some instances in the history of the university where this contradiction has expressed itself most clearly and then examine some of the ways in which the rubric "interdisciplinarity" has been deployed in the contemporary corporate university. How is the term used? Who uses it and for what reasons? How might we come to understand "interdisciplinarity" as a performative term re-presenting or promising one set of meanings, but instantiating a very different set of actions? What are the political dimensions of its use? I highlight and problematize the distinction between the emergence of "interdisciplinarity" as an intellectual phenomenon and "interdisciplinarity" as it is currently defined and administered within academic institutions. Finally, I explore an alternative way to think about what we do at the university in the name of interdisciplinarity.

Our lecture series of the cx center for interdisciplinary studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich

This timely and engaging book addresses communicative issues that arise when science and technology travel across socio-cultural boundaries. The authors discuss interactions between different scientific communities; scientists and... more

This timely and engaging book addresses communicative issues that arise when science and technology travel across socio-cultural boundaries. The authors discuss interactions between different scientific communities; scientists and policy-makers; science and the public; scientists and artists; and other situations where science clashes with other socio-cultural domains. The volume includes theoretical proposals of how to deal with intercultural communication related to science and technology, as well as rich case studies that illustrate the challenges and strategies deployed in these situations. Individual studies explore Europe, Latin America, and Africa, thus including diverse Global North and South contexts.

ISBN 0-520-24131-2. 20 b&w illustrations, 314pp. £15.95 (pbk); £38.95 (hbk). '[O]nly forty years after the first projected films, the cinema had acquired the sense of wonder and discovery usually reserved for objects of lost civilizations... more

ISBN 0-520-24131-2. 20 b&w illustrations, 314pp. £15.95 (pbk); £38.95 (hbk). '[O]nly forty years after the first projected films, the cinema had acquired the sense of wonder and discovery usually reserved for objects of lost civilizations and faraway cultures' (Wasson: 172).

Exploring reading in the urban environment.

At institutions with significant populations of international and English Language Learning (ELL) students, writing centers are one of the best, if only, campus services that help with composition and language learning. However,... more

At institutions with significant populations of international and English Language Learning (ELL) students, writing centers are one of the best, if only, campus services that help with composition and language learning. However, institutions do not often provide adequate academic support for ELL students, who are frequently, but not always, international students (Nowacki, 2012). And there is rarely a sufficient support apparatus for these students to learn language (Nowacki, 2012). Given the high-stakes pressure for ELL students to demonstrate proficiency in English (Thonus, 1993), ELL students often use writing center services disproportionately in comparison to their native English-speaking peers. Despite the fact that ELL students use writing center resources in high numbers, there has been no correspondingly expansive body of writing center literature focused on this population (Nowacki, 2012). In order to not reinvent the wheel, it can be productive for writing centers to look to other fields for guidance on ELL students. For our purposes here, we found the field of research on teacher education to be useful and generative, as scholars in that space have, for decades now, considered the ways to best attend to the needs of ELL students in teaching and learning. In that field, a body of work termed linguistically responsive pedagogy (LRP; e.g. Aguilera et al., 2020; Lucas, 2010; Lucas et al., 2008) seemed particularly promising as a frame for enriching the work of writing centers with ELL students. Across our findings in this chapter, we understand there to be substantial overlaps between the work of writing center consultants and linguistically responsive educators. Our goal is to think about what LRP scholarship might offer writing center tutors working to better serve multilingual students. Because of the overlap we find between LRP literature and writing center research, we argue that writing centers can look to work on linguistically responsive pedagogies for constructing new writing center approaches for ELL students. We begin by examining the relationship between writing centers and ELL students in order to bring attention to the overlap between LRP and writing centers. We then provide an overview of linguistically responsive pedagogy. Lastly, we offer recommendations for how writing centers can translate LRP principles into writing center theory and practice.

The main concern of this book is with the possibilities for an interdisciplinary dialogue between psychology and history. At fi rst sight it might seem obvious that psychology and history, as scholarly disciplines, have a lot in common.... more

The main concern of this book is with the possibilities for an interdisciplinary dialogue between psychology and history. At fi rst sight it might seem obvious that psychology and history, as scholarly disciplines, have a lot in common. For one thing the two traditions of enquiry share, and are continuously brought into contact by, their concern with the human condition: with individual and collective beliefs, mentalities, human behaviour and motivation, memory, personality, emotions and feelings. And yet the dialogue between the two disciplines has been, for the most part, sporadic and fraught with both theoretical and epistemological tensions.

One of the most significant shifts in science policy of the past three decades is a concern with extending scientific practice to include a role for 'society'. Recently, this has led to legislative calls for the integration of the social... more

One of the most significant shifts in science policy of the past three decades is a concern with extending scientific practice to include a role for 'society'. Recently, this has led to legislative calls for the integration of the social sciences and humanities in publicly funded research and development initiatives. In nanotechnology -integration's primary field site -this policy has institutionalized the practice of hiring social scientists in technical facilities. Increasingly mainstream, the workings and results of this integration mechanism remain understudied. In this article, I build upon my three-year experience as the in-house social scientist at the Cornell NanoScale Facility and the United States' National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network to engage empirically and conceptually with this mode of governance in nanotechnology. From the vantage point of the integrated social scientist, I argue that in its current enactment, integration emerges as a particular kind of care work, with social scientists being fashioned as the main caretakers. Examining integration as a type of care practice and as a 'matter of care' allows me to highlight the often invisible, existential, epistemic, and affective costs of care as governance. Illuminating a framework where social scientists are called upon to observe but not disturb, to reify boundaries rather than blur them, this article serves as a word of caution against integration as a novel mode of governance that seemingly privileges situatedness, care, and entanglement, moving us toward an analytically skeptical (but not dismissive) perspective on integration.

This study has investigated the attitudes of English Language Teaching (ELT) and non-ELT faculty towards interdisciplinarity at four colleges and universities in one Japanese prefecture. Qualitative analysis of questionnaire and interview... more

This study has investigated the attitudes of English Language Teaching (ELT) and non-ELT faculty towards interdisciplinarity at four colleges and universities in one Japanese prefecture. Qualitative analysis of questionnaire and interview responses has been supported by historical documentary evidence to reveal a number of institutional and personal cognitive constraints (Heintz & Origgi, 2008) on interdisciplinary communication and collaboration. Data from both faculties across the cases verifies Hofstede's (1990) stereotypes of Asian educational establishments' rigid hierarchical and disciplinary boundaries and Japanese teachers' reticence to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration unless institutionally required . Issues of the legitimacy and competence of both part-time and full-time foreign ELT faculty's participation in decision-making were frequently raised showing that some feel peripheral in their institutions. These findings and experiences may resonate with attitudes towards interdisciplinarity in other tertiary contexts.

This article investigates Rubem Alves’ thought in “Por uma Educação Romântica”, verifying how the intellectual of Minas Gerais State articulates the relationship between knowledge and life in his reflections, with a discussion on... more

This article investigates Rubem Alves’ thought in “Por uma Educação Romântica”, verifying how the intellectual of Minas Gerais State articulates the relationship between knowledge and life in his reflections, with a discussion on interdisciplinarity as a backdrope. Through a bibliographical exploration, this paper presents the central aspects of Rubem Alves’ thought on education, proceeding with some considerations on interdisciplinarity. Then, this paper focuses on the book “Por uma Educação Romântica”, its context and content. Starting from that approach, it elaborates some considerations on interdisciplinarity with a possibility and challenge for the contemporary world. The article concludes that Rubem Alves’ thought on education is interdisciplinary from its origins and that it is an innovative and indispensable contribution to the reflection on education and interdisciplinarity in the contemporary world

Editorial and description of issue contents.

Contextualized by efforts to support arts integration in one of the largest school districts in the United States, this qualitative study examines the experiences of educators as they participate in various arts-centred forms of... more

Contextualized by efforts to support arts integration in one of the largest school districts in the United States, this qualitative study examines the experiences of educators as they participate in various arts-centred forms of professional development. Drawing on the work of, the tenets of arts-centered learning, the authors use Mediated Discourse Analysis and Teachers' Life Histories to account for the social, personal and political processes and activity involved in making meaning and shaping dispositions towards teaching in and through the arts. Findings reveal how arts-centred programming can promote growth in educators' confidence creating curriculum in the arts and collaborating with artists and other teachers, but suggest that embodied practices within interdisciplinary teams and continued coaching are key as educators prepare for guiding students through interdisciplinary inquiry and implementing artscentred programming. Three fields of emergence for learning within this study include (1) Enactment of Artist-As-Teacher & Teacher-As-Artist (2) Multimodal Inquiry via Group Art-Making; and (3) Collaborative Curriculum Design. These fields of emergence are considered as interdisciplinary traversals, representing educators' movements across disciplinary boundaries and between associated identities.

Die 1500 Studierenden, die jedes Jahr im Wintersemester ihr Bachelor-Studium an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg aufnehmen, kommen an eine junge Universität, die sich zwischen 2005 und 2007 einem umfassenden Reformprozess unterzogen hat.... more

Die 1500 Studierenden, die jedes Jahr im Wintersemester ihr Bachelor-Studium an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg aufnehmen, kommen an eine junge Universität, die sich zwischen 2005 und 2007 einem umfassenden Reformprozess unterzogen hat. Den zugrundeliegenden Begriffen von Humanismus, Nachhaltigkeit und Handlungsorientierung entsprechend, die das Leitbild der Universität prägen, sollen die Studierenden befähigt werden, sich über die Grenzen einer bestimmten Disziplin hinaus kritisch mit Fragen von gesellschaftlicher Relevanz auseinanderzusetzen. Das Dach für dieses Studium bildet das Leuphana College, in dem alle Bachelor-Studiengänge angesiedelt sind. Das College orientiert sich für die Studieneingangsphase gezielt an einigen Besonderheiten, die in den letzten Jahrzehnten vor allem im angloamerikanischen College-Prinzip im Vordergrund standen. Dazu gehören beispielsweise stark auf Praxisrelevanz ausgerichtete Inhalte und eine verstärkte Betreuung, die auch auf die Entwicklung einer universitären Gemeinschaft abzielt. Zum Studienmodell des Leuphana Bachelors gehört ein gemeinsames Einstiegssemester, das Leuphana Semester, in dem Studierende aller Hauptfächer in drei Modulen jeweils gemeinsam Veranstaltungen belegen. Das heißt, Vorlesungen, Seminare oder andere Formate werden von Studierenden aller Hauptfächer besucht, was zu sehr heterogenen Lerngruppen führt. Dies wird in den folgenden Semestern insofern wieder aufgegriffen, als Studierende zum einen Haupt-und Nebenfach (Major und Minor) wählen als auch weitere Kurse im so genannten Komplementärstudium belegen, in dem sie wiederum auf Kommilitoninnen aus anderen Studiengängen treffen. Die Interdisziplinarität des gesamten Leuphana Semesters trägt dazu bei, das eigene Fach auch unter Fragestellungen jenseits der eigenen Disziplin betrachten zu

Many medical studies demonstrate the benefits of yoga, however social sciences focus more rarely on the links between yoga and well-being. Starting from an anthropological approach, this article presents a study that connects the... more

Many medical studies demonstrate the benefits of yoga, however social sciences focus more rarely on the links between yoga and well-being. Starting from an anthropological approach, this article presents a study that connects the subjective discourses of yoga practitioners with the objective data on well-being (through heart and respiratory rates). Save for the presentation of this experimentation, the discussion will allow us to discover the contribution of each approach, but also to emphasize the variations according the level and the type of received with practitioners having learnt the same breathing technique.

This piece from 2008 explores the challenges and rewards of interdisciplinary programs and departments.

Статья посвящена проблематике введения концепций и практик эмоционального интеллекта в образование за рубежом и в России и размышлению о возможностях социально-эмоциональное обучения применительно к воспитанию, о необходимости их... more

Статья посвящена проблематике введения концепций и практик эмоционального интеллекта в образование за рубежом и в России и размышлению о возможностях социально-эмоциональное обучения применительно к воспитанию, о необходимости их использования в подготовке педагогов. / The article presents a review and brief analysis of the interdisciplinary research seminar. It focuses on the introduction of concepts and practices of emotional intelligence in education abroad and in Russia and discussed the advantages of social and emotional education.