Kultura Wielbarska Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
The article is an experience of regional study of Roman coins finds on the territory of Eastern Europe. The basic information about them was collected and published in the middle of the 20th century. However, today this source base has... more
The article is an experience of regional study of Roman coins finds on the territory of Eastern Europe. The basic information about them was collected and published in the middle of the 20th century. However, today this source base has significantly expanded. Basically, due to the use of metal detectors during archaeological research and, unfortunately, for illegal purposes (such finds are called «less reliable», their use is obligatory, however, provided a critical approach to information). Analysis of the main categories of Roman сoin finds in the region made it possible to distinguish features in their distribution. Basically, Volhynia are is outside the concentration of the main categories of finds of Roman coins in Eastern Barbaricum: Roman
republican coins, 1—2nd c. AD denarii, 1—3rd c. AD aurei, 2—3rd AD bronze provincial coins, antoniniani and bronze and silver emissions of 4th c. AD. Nevertheless, the concentration of the 4th c. AD Roman gold medallions is associated with this region (in article published a new find of such coin), which indicates here the existence of the centre of the barbarous elite. In general, the numismatic material of the Volhynia region is typical for the territory of the right bank of Dnieper. At the
same time, do not forget that Volhynia, like all territory of Eastern Barbaricum, in Roman period was part of the German cultural circle, in which Roman coins were universal.
- by Marzena Przybyła and +1
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- Migration, Barbarians, Barbaricum, Wielbark Culture
The extraordinary grave of the Early Migration Period warrior from Juszkowo, Pruszcz Gdański com. During excavations held by the Archaeological Museum in Gdańsk in July 2010 at Juszkowo, near Pruszcz Gdański, an isolated grave from the... more
The extraordinary grave of the Early Migration Period warrior from Juszkowo, Pruszcz Gdański com.
During excavations held by the Archaeological Museum in Gdańsk in July 2010 at Juszkowo, near Pruszcz Gdański, an isolated grave from the Early Migration Period was found apart from numerous features from the Early Iron Age, Roman, Medieval and modern periods. It was an inhumation grave of an approximately 30 year old male, equipped with a long double‑edged sword: the so called Asian spathae. The weapon has a lot of parallels in the areas inhabited by the Huns and subordinated peoples like the Alans or the Gepids. Such a form of sword was also proved for regions reached by Barbarian armies led
by the Huns, i.e. in western or southern Europe. However, the find from Juszkowo is unique so far to the north. Additionally, a sword bead of amber was documented in the Juszkowo grave, which is a quite typical
addition to an Asian spatha. The next element of grave furnishing was an iron brooch representing the Hăneşti type or a late form of crossbow fibulas (a tendril or with solid catch‑plate). Furthermore, a belt buckle of gilded bronze with silver inlays was spotted in the grave furnishing. It belongs to the Strzegocice‑Tiszaládány‑Kercz type, known from a wide zone between the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea with particular concentrations in the middle Danube basin and Pannonia. The interment from Juszkowo should be dated to phase D2. It was a period of the abandonment in the area in question: the earlier settlement of the Wielbark culture ceased to exist. Moreover, the Wielbark culture burial rites excluded weapons fromgrave equipment. Therefore the question arises: who was buried at Juszkowo? In trying to answer this question, the authors suggest taking into consideration the possible return of warriors fighting in the south, submitted to the Huns, but also other possibilities, e.g., the existence of military outposts organized by the Huns to control the region, important to maintain contact with Scandinavia.
Autor na podstawie danych źródłowych i paraleli językowych dowodzi, iż mazowiecki Płock wziął swoją nazwę od germańskiego określenia terenowego, które można wiązać z pobytem Gotów na ziemiach polskich. Potwierdza to między innymi typowo... more
Autor na podstawie danych źródłowych i paraleli językowych dowodzi, iż mazowiecki Płock wziął swoją nazwę od germańskiego określenia terenowego, które można wiązać z pobytem Gotów na ziemiach polskich. Potwierdza to między innymi typowo germańska końcówka -ck. Mazowiecki odcinek Wisły był bez wątpienia szlakiem wędrówki Gotów na południe. Na poparcie tezy przytoczono szereg dowodów, pozwalających na przyjęcie z dużym prawdopodobieństwem postawionej tezy.
For a long time a Roman Period grave field at site Rudna Góra in Węgra (northern Mazowsze, NE Poland) was referred to as a cemetery used both by a Przeworsk Culture (Early Roman Period) and a Wielbark Culture (Late Roman Period) groups.... more
For a long time a Roman Period grave field at site Rudna Góra in Węgra (northern Mazowsze, NE Poland) was referred to as a cemetery used both by a Przeworsk Culture (Early Roman Period) and a Wielbark Culture (Late Roman Period) groups. In northern and eastern Mazowsze east to the Vistula such cemeteries are rather a rule than an exception. However, the Late Roman Period (or Early Migration Period) shield boss believed to be found there makes this cemetery exceptional, because in the sites of the Wielbark Culture weapons is almost absolutely absent. However, a detailed study on archival records lead to astonishing results. Actually, in the village of Węgra there are two separate cemeteries. The Wielbark one as discovered only in 1961 at Rudna Góra, while the Przeworsk one, which was discovered in mid-19th when a new cemetery was established, is located some 900 m to SE. Moreover, a late shield boss ascribed to the Wielbark Culture (now in the Archaeological Museum in Kraków) is actually an item of unknown provenance. It was baselessly joined with a set of early Roman weapons probably in late 19th cent., when the finds from Węgra was already stored in a museum magazine in Kraków.
The aim of this paper is to present results of archeological and anthropological researches of two graves (No. 118 and 149) found on the Early Roman Period cemetery in Pruszcz Gdański, Site 7. In the Grave 118 two females were buried. The... more
The aim of this paper is to present results of archeological and anthropological researches of two graves (No. 118 and 149) found on the Early Roman Period cemetery in Pruszcz Gdański, Site 7. In the Grave 118 two females were buried. The one of them was older: she died at the age of 50–60 (the grave is dated to the Phase B2a), whereas another died in the age of 20 (the Grave is from Phase B2a/B2b). In the Grave 149 also two persons were buried. The one was a male aged 55–64 (the grave dates to Phase B2b) and the other – a young female died at the age of about 20 (the grave also included artefacts from Phase B1b/B2a). The results are as follows:
- older persons died earlier and the bodies lain straight on their backs in the grave,
- younger females who died later, lain on their sides, the first one on the left side, the other on the right side.
The burial ground in Górzyca (site no. 20) is associated with the population of the so-called Lubusz group of the Elbe cultural circle and the population of the Wielbark Culture. So far, a small part of the burial ground, at its western... more
The burial ground in Górzyca (site no. 20) is associated with the
population of the so-called Lubusz group of the Elbe cultural circle and the population of the Wielbark Culture. So far, a small part of the burial ground, at its western outskirts, has been studied (fig. 1–3). In the studied part of the burial ground, funerary objects of various forms were found. 85 graves have been recorded (5 graves of the so-called Lubusz group (fig. 4–9); 48 graves of the Wielbark Culture, including pit graves, both clean and with remains of funeral piles (fig. 10–13); 4 urn graves (fig. 14–16); 5 skeleton graves (fig. 17, 18); stone pavement (fig. 19); 2 stone caps (fig. 20–22); a symbolic grave (?); 11 graves most likely of the Wielbark culture; and 21 graves generally dated to the Roman period). The article discusses only selected funerary objects and some of the mobile artifacts found in the burial ground in Górzyca.
Die metallkundlichen Untersuchungen erfassten 25 Gegenstände, die auf dem birituellen Gräberfeld der Wielbark-Kultur entdeckt wurden (Taf.1). Es erfolgte spektrometrische Bestimmung der elementaren Zusammensetzung der Gegenstände (XRF),... more
Die metallkundlichen Untersuchungen erfassten 25 Gegenstände, die auf dem birituellen Gräberfeld der Wielbark-Kultur entdeckt wurden (Taf.1). Es erfolgte spektrometrische Bestimmung der elementaren Zusammensetzung der Gegenstände (XRF), die zeigte, dass sie alle aus Kupferlegierungen hergestellt wurden (Taf. 2). Bei ihrem Abbau fallen 48% den Erzeugnissen aus der Bronze-Klasse (Zinnbronze, Bleizinnbronze, Rotgussbronze) und 52% den Erzeugnissen aus der Messing-Klasse (klassisches Messing, Zinnmessing, Bleizinnmessing) (Abb. 1) zu. Diese Einteilung korreliert grundsätzlich mit den Untersuchungsergebnissen über ihre Herkunft und definiert das lokale (Messing-Klasse) und das nichtlokale (Bronze-Klasse) Legierungsprofil (tab.5).
Es wurde festgestellt, dass alle Fibeln der V. und VI. technologischen Gruppe das lokale Gewerbe vertreten und [mit der Ausnahme der Fibel vom Typ A.VI.170 (Nr. 12)] zur Messing-Klasse gehören. Zwei Fibeln vom Typ A.IV.84 und A.V.96 (Nr. 16 und Nr. 24) waren mit Silberfolien verziert, die auf der Unterlage mit Lötzinn befestigt waren. Der Bügel der Fibel vom Typ A.VI.170 (Nr. 12) wurde vermutlich mit Lötzinn überzogen (Abb. 2).
Die Ergebnisse der Messungen wurden einer Vergleichsanalyse unterzogen, auch einer Diskriminationsanalyse. Sie erlaubte eine Verfolgung und Bestimmung der Regeln der Assoziation einzelner Variabler, die die chemischen Profile der Gegenstände umschreiben. Man unternahm den Versuch der Bestimmung der Herkunft einzelner Erzeugnisse und der Gegenüberstellung der erlangten Ergebnisse mit den bisherigen archäologischen Erkenntnissen.
Die Ergebnisse der Vergleichsanalyse bestätigten den nichtlokalen Charakter von zwei Fibeln vom Typ A.IV.84 (Nr. 15 und Nr. 16) und stärkten die Annahme, dass man sie als Importen (vermutlich aus dem Gebiet Pannoniens) behandeln soll. Gleiches gilt für die Elemente des Gürtelbeschlags vom Typ balteus (Nr. 1–3) und die Fibel aus der Gruppe VII (Nr. 23). Hergestellt wurden sie vermutlich in den Werkstätten der Gießer im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe (Abb. 6–8, Taf. 9).
Im Falle von drei Gräbern (Befunde 159, 219 und 222) wurde festgestellt, dass die dort deponierten Gegenstände eine einheitliche (ausschließlich lokale oder nichtlokale) Herkunft haben (Taf. 6). Die Ausstattung der sonstigen Gräber enthält Erzeugnisse verschiedener Herkunft. Dies bietet gewisse Grundlagen für Überlegungen über die Kontakte der örtlichen Wielbark-Kultur mit der Bevölkerung verschiedener Kulturkreise.
Badania archeologiczne (weryfikacyjne, powierzchniowe, wykopaiskowe) na cmentarzysku kultury wielbarskiej w Sadłowie jawią się jako sztandarowy projekt naukowy podjęty przez Dział Archeologii Muzeum Ziemi Dobrzyńskiej w Rypinie. Pozostaje... more
Badania archeologiczne (weryfikacyjne, powierzchniowe, wykopaiskowe) na cmentarzysku kultury wielbarskiej w Sadłowie jawią się jako sztandarowy projekt naukowy podjęty przez Dział Archeologii Muzeum Ziemi Dobrzyńskiej w Rypinie. Pozostaje przy tym jedną z istotniejszych aktywności wykopaliskowych na stanowiskach pradziejowych, w odniesieniu do całej ziemi dobrzyńskiej przeprowadzonych w ostatnich latach. Badania te zostały zrealizowane w ramach projektu pt. Badania archeologiczno-weryfikacyjne osadnictwa kultury wielbarskiej na ziemi dobrzyńskiej (Etap I – powiat rypiński) . W tym celu wykonano na jesieni 2011 roku prospekcję powierzchniową wybranych stanowisk kultury wielbarskiej w powiecie rypińskim (m.in. w Borzyminie, Starorypinie, Sadłowie). Największym sukcesem tego przedsięwzięcia naukowego jest pozytywne zweryfikowanie lokalizacji cmentarzyska kultury wielbarskiej w Sadłowie (gm. Rypin, woj. kujawsko - pomorskie), znanego wcześniej jedynie z materiałów archiwalnych i nie figurującego w rejestrach konserwatorskich i na kartach Archeologicznego Zdjęcia Polski (AZP). W latach 2012-2013 przeprowadzono tam pierwsze systematyczne badania wykopaliskowe, także z ramienia Muzeum Ziemi Dobrzyńskiej w Rypinie, pod kierunkiem Jadwigi Lewandowskiej .
Хронологические индикаторы финального этапа памятников вельбарской культуры
на территории Украины
- by Alexandr Mylashevskyi and +1
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- Pottery (Archaeology), Chronology, Goths, Fibulae
The paper is a comment to a conference held in Lublin 1987: Kultura Wielbarska w mlodzym okresie rzymskim. It points at the fact that though the theme was the state of research on the Late Roman Iron Age Wielbark culture not a word was... more
The paper is a comment to a conference held in Lublin 1987: Kultura Wielbarska w mlodzym okresie rzymskim. It points at the fact that though the theme was the state of research on the Late Roman Iron Age Wielbark culture not a word was spent on settlements and housing. This does by far mean that the subject is well known, on the contrary it is practically unresearched. The paper offers some suggestions on how to approach the problem seen from a Scandinavian point of view and basing on the example of Danish settlement archaeology.
In October 2015 during a surface survey in Sadłowo, Rypin district, on the site surrounding a knight’s castle of the Świnka family, two Roman denarii were accidentally discovered. They were found on a neighbouring agricultural field. The... more
In October 2015 during a surface survey in Sadłowo, Rypin district, on the site surrounding a knight’s castle of the Świnka family, two Roman denarii were accidentally discovered. They were found on a neighbouring agricultural field. The coins are identified as the issues of Antoninus Pius for Faustina the Elder and Marcus Aurelius. In the same area bronze artefacts in the form of a brooch and a buckle were found. These items are considered to be signs of the Wielbark culture settlement and are dated back to the turn of the third and fourth centuries. A verification of the newly discovered site is planned through systematic excavations in the third quarter of 2016.
Jarzec A., Chowaniec R., Zestaw srebrnych ozdób z grobu 374 z cmentarzyska kultury wielbarskiej w Krośnie, pow. pasłęcki, in: J. Andrzejowski, C. von Carnap-Bornheim, A. Cieśliński, B. Kontny (eds.), ORBIS BARBARORUM. STUDIA AD... more
Jarzec A., Chowaniec R., Zestaw srebrnych ozdób z grobu 374 z cmentarzyska kultury wielbarskiej w Krośnie, pow. pasłęcki, in: J. Andrzejowski, C. von Carnap-Bornheim, A. Cieśliński, B. Kontny (eds.), ORBIS BARBARORUM. STUDIA AD ARCHAEOLOGIAM GERMANORUM ET BALTORUM TEMPORIBUS IMPERII ROMANI PERTINENTIA ADALBERTO NOWAKOWSKI DEDICATA, Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica, Series Gemina VI, Warszawa-Schleswig 2017, p. 373-382