Barbarian societies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

See society and culture through both provincial and worldwide perspectives as History of World Societies, Volume 1 widens your understanding of world history by making the past wake up. Audit: I purchased the book new and the spread is... more

See society and culture through both provincial and worldwide perspectives as History of World Societies, Volume 1 widens your understanding of world history by making the past wake up. Audit: I purchased the book new and the spread is twisted alongside the sides of the pages. I additionally required a platform code that accompanies the new books yet this didn't accompany one so now I need to pay an extra $47.00 to get platform get to.

This article deals witha wide concept of freedom as an idea that constitutes communities in Early Middle Ages. The work is split in three parts: a theoretical side, a practical side, ad final conclusions, The first touches upon issues... more

This article deals witha wide concept of freedom as an idea that constitutes communities in Early Middle Ages. The work is split in three parts: a theoretical side, a practical side, ad final conclusions, The first touches upon issues related to the "origines gentium" stories, which are about peoples' origins, where as the second serves as a supplement to earlier considerations. Mention of several examples illustrates the practical aspect of formation and organisation of said communities, based on the premise of liberty.

ABSTRACT: This paper is a follow-up to my earlier study “The Aesthetic ‘Shadow’ of Gothic Arianism: Archaeology, Architecture and Art in the Age of Heresies,” in which I investigated the material evidence for the dispute between the Arian... more

В статье анализируется процесс возникновения варварских государств на примере франков, правовой статус различных категорий населения, определяется, что в обществе франков возникло три сословия (полноправных свободных, неполноправных... more

В статье анализируется процесс возникновения варварских государств на примере франков, правовой статус различных категорий населения, определяется, что в обществе франков возникло три сословия (полноправных свободных, неполноправных свободных и несвободных) и три класса (эксплуататоров, мелких неэксплуатируемых производителей и эксплуатируемых производителей). Делается вывод, что общество франков относилось к древним (рабовладельческим) обществам варварского типа (которое возникало как раннерабовладельческое в условиях кризиса и разложения рабовладельческого способа производства, с чем связано появление экзимированной (изъятой из общины) земельной собственности.

Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more

This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman writers from the Augustan Age to late antiquity in order to help illustrate the new and interconnected post-Carrhae world and its legacy. The rivalry of the Romans and Parthians became a primary focus of their foreign policies and drastically expanded their perceptions of the world in which they interacted. Even after the fall of the Parthians to the rebellious Sassanid Persians in the 220s CE, the Romans continued to find their three-century-long rivalry with the Parthians of interest and relevant to the changing world of late antiquity.

Ce livre réunit des contributions de vingt spécialistes des études procopiennes, qui éclairent plusieurs thèmes d'intérêt, sur l'auteur lui-même et le monde qu'il habita. Le volume est divisé en quatre sections et traite de la société du... more

Ce livre réunit des contributions de vingt spécialistes des études procopiennes, qui éclairent plusieurs thèmes d'intérêt, sur l'auteur lui-même et le monde qu'il habita. Le volume est divisé en quatre sections et traite de la société du vi e siècle, du passé et du présent dans l'oeuvre de Procope, de Procope et l'histoire militaire et de ses rapports avec les peuples étrangers. Il en ressort un portrait nuancé de l'auteur et de sa vision du monde, mais aussi de la société et de l'Empire dans lesquels il vécut et composa ses oeuvres.

Vandals were a powerful thorn into the heart of Western Roman Empire during the 5th century in condition to orientate and modify the politics of the last emperors, especially thanks to the role of the best known king of this ethnos:... more

Vandals were a powerful thorn into the heart of Western Roman Empire during the 5th century in condition to orientate and modify the politics of the last emperors, especially thanks to the role of the best known king of this ethnos: Geiserich. Into this paper the contribute to the topic of the Ethnogenesis of Vandals has been read in function of recovery of some royal ancient traditions of this Germanic people of Eastern Europe linguistic heritage. Indeed, coming from the ancient core of tradition related to pre-sedentary stages of Vandal history, has been possible to identify some form of specific royalty shared between two kings, especially brothers, that is in common with other barbaric peoples as Huns, Frankish, Alemanni. This custom lost during the post-settlement phase due to the centralizing attitude of the government directly on the person of King Geiserich.

The 3rd century crisis of the Roman Empire is generally considered to be a consequence of developments within various segments of the Roman Empire (social unrests and uprising, economic instability, inflation etc.) and external influences... more

The 3rd century crisis of the Roman Empire is generally considered to be a consequence of developments within various segments of the Roman Empire (social unrests and uprising, economic instability, inflation etc.) and external influences (devastating barbarian raids and military conflicts). Many scholars mentioned amongst others the effects of an epidemic event, which could have led to significant interferences within demographic, institutional and economic structures in various parts of the Roman Empire. Our present state of knowledge concerning quantitative and qualitative impact of the so-called Antonine Plague (or Galenic Plague) includes considerable differences in estimated death toll figures, resulting in the range of many millions. Besides its role due to the further development during the 3rd century AD, a non-negligible part of the epidemics has to be considered during the 2nd half of the 2nd century AD in the region where the most intensive part of military conflict of the Marcomannic wars has taken place – the Middle Danube region, within the provinces as well as beyond the Roman borders. The latest state of research of the Roman military presence at the Germanic territories point out both extensive and intensive form of occupation.

Статията разглежда различни проблеми, свързани с отношенията между българите-кутригури и Византия.

A. Bitner-Wróblewska, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz 2016. "The Balt societies in Poland, 1-500 AD", in P. Urbańczyk, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz (eds), "The Past Societies. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the early... more

A. Bitner-Wróblewska, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz 2016. "The Balt societies in Poland, 1-500 AD", in P. Urbańczyk, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz (eds), "The Past Societies. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the early middle ages", vol. 4: 500 BC - 500 AD, 257-306. Warsaw, The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences.

This thesis addresses evidence which suggests that those barbarians identified as Sclavenes in the sources never became fully integrated into the Roman system of alliances or its cultural orbit in the sixth and seventh centuries. The... more

This thesis addresses evidence which suggests that those barbarians identified as Sclavenes in the sources never became fully integrated into the Roman system of alliances or its cultural orbit in the sixth and seventh centuries. The written and archaeological evidence available is examined to compare it with previous Roman-barbarian relationships to draw reasonable conclusions about the Sclavene relationship with the Eastern Roman Empire and to some extent, the nature of Sclavene society before it transformed into the recognisable Slavic polities of the Early Middle Ages. The question is conceptualised within the overall framework of the Late Antique Roman frontiers along the Danube and its hinterland on either side (the Balkans and Pontic-Danubian region). This is the point at which the Sclavenes become visible in the written sources and where the cause and effect of Roman barbarian policy can be seen over time and across various (mainly Germanic) barbarian groups in both the written and archaeological material. It will be argued that the Sclavenes were never Roman allies due to a confluence of historical circumstances, the nature of Sclavene society itself, and the availability and operation of alternative imperial orbits in Central Eastern Europe, namely the First Avar Khaganate.

Статья посвящена этапам экспансии киевских князей Рюриковичей от Олега и Игоря до Владимира Святославича. В статье анализируется степень зависимости славянских общностей от державы Рюриковичей в X в. В X в. держава Рюриковичей была... more

Статья посвящена этапам экспансии киевских князей Рюриковичей от Олега и Игоря до Владимира Святославича. В статье анализируется степень зависимости славянских общностей от державы Рюриковичей в X в. В X в. держава Рюриковичей была сегментарной политией, основу которой составляли два медленно расширяющихся небольших территориальных «ядра» вокруг Киева и Новгорода. Вокруг них наращивалась подвижная периферия, с которой собиралась дань. Первая попытка наметить и поставить под контроль границы этой периферии была сделана только Владимиром Святославичем в конце X в. В X в. Рюриковичи захватили и освоили территории словен, полян, древлян, возможно, части кривичей. Северяне, вятичи, радимичи, дреговичи к началу XI в. сохраняли автономию и ограниченный суверенитет территории, прямых или косвенных данных о завоевании их территорий нет. Словене и северяне в первой трети XI в. фигурируют как этносоциальные группы древнерусского населения, близкие по своему положению к варягам или колбягам. Вятичи в XI в. – автономный периферийный социум. Политическая унификация территорий Руси и сложение древнерусской народности, в которой постепенно «растворялись» общности-предшественники, – процесс, который наметился с середины XI в. У нас нет оснований предполагать, что у князей Рюриковичей была необходимость как-то специально ассимилировать разнородные группы своих подданных в единую этнокультурную макро-общность, это происходило скорее стихийно, в процессе социально-политического развития Руси, а значит – достаточно медленно.

There are two objectives behind this article. First, it seeks to trace down the pedigree of a theory described in scholarly discourse as the 'ethnogenesis model'. As is often believed, the theory originally was, essentially, an innovative... more

There are two objectives behind this article. First, it seeks to trace down the pedigree of a theory described in scholarly discourse as the 'ethnogenesis model'. As is often believed, the theory originally was, essentially, an innovative concept proposed by Reinhard Wenskus, the German researcher. My article puts forth the idea whereby it was Walter Schlesinger who had laid the foundations for the theory, whose concept was further developed by Wenskus. My other purpose was to verify the basics of the theory itself, based on relevant empirical material; specifi cally, I mainly deal with original sources reporting on the ethnic composition and history of the Vandal people.

R.M. Reida, O.V. Heiko, S.V. Sapiehin «Funera l Feast» Sets of Jugs in ChernIa khiv Culture Burials Cherniakhiv culture burials from the Forest-steppe Dnipro River left bank region, which included more than one jug, are analysed within... more

R.M. Reida, O.V. Heiko, S.V. Sapiehin
«Funera l Feast» Sets of Jugs in ChernIa khiv Culture Burials
Cherniakhiv culture burials from the Forest-steppe Dnipro River left bank region, which included more than one jug, are
analysed within the context of study of drinking vessels sets used during the afterlife feast. There are 12 such assemblages in
Cherniakhiv culture burials known today. Judging from the dating, sets of jugs in the Dnipro River left bank area appeared
in the first half of the 4th c. and their amount raised in the second half of this century. They are found in the burials both with
the Scythian and Sarmatian, and with German ethnic features. Such burials in the region are peculiar with the presence of a
significant number of vessels (from 8 to 16) within the inventory’s structure. Insufficient anthropological research does not
allow the authors to attribute such assemblages by sex.
In order to conduct the comparative analysis, the Cherniakhiv culture materials were also drawn: Sântana de Mureş
culture from the territory of the Dnipro River right bank area, Moldova and Romania. They presented similar low percentage
of burials with the jugs sets within the burial grounds, at the same time, showing certain regional peculiarities concerning
both the jugs types in such sets, and the territorial closeness to the provinces of Roman Empire.
Ethnic features of certain burials can show that the tradition of placing the jugs sets into the grave goods structure
could have no ethnic «commitments», and perhaps was imported or appeared as a result of internal development. It can
be confirmed by the presence of jugs sets, in fact, at the whole area of culture Cherniakhiv-S ântana de Mureş. At the same
time, the dynamics of this tradition’s spread in time (for the Dnipro River left bank area) allow assuming its appearance
and development since the first half of the 4th c. BC. Quantitative and in some cases qualitative peculiarities of the vessels
assemblages in such burials abandon the authors to the idea of their belonging to the high stratum. It can be indirectly
testified also by relatively insignificant percentage of such burials in general bulk of graves at burial grounds.

Estudio realizado en torno a la construcción de identidades en la Emerita tardoantigua a través de los mitos y milagros de su mártir local, Eulalia. Para ello, estudiaremos las diferentes referencias literarias, prestando una especial... more

Estudio realizado en torno a la construcción de identidades en la Emerita tardoantigua a través de los mitos y milagros de su mártir local, Eulalia. Para ello, estudiaremos las diferentes referencias literarias, prestando una especial atención a la obra de Prudencio y el Pasionario Hispánico. También a las tradiciones posteriores con textos que aluden al siglo VI, a las que sumaremos los análisis del registro arqueológico correspondientes a los siglos IV al VI. Esta combinación de fuentes nos permitirá conocer y contrastar tanto la relevancia que su culto adquirió como su uso en la construcción de identidades comunitarias a nivel local y peninsular.

Paper anti continuista. Polemica e riappriopriazione delle fonti archeologiche da parte degli archeologi

A b s t r a c t: Historians dealing with the period of the early Middle Ages do not hold a high opinion of Gesalic, the king of the Visigoths. Gesalic is blamed for the defeats they suffered in the war against the Franks and the... more

A b s t r a c t: Historians dealing with the period of the early Middle Ages do not hold a high opinion of Gesalic, the king of the Visigoths. Gesalic is blamed for the defeats they suffered in the war against the Franks and the Burgundians in 507/08–11. Modern historians' opinions are based mainly on the work of Isidore of Seville who described Gesalic as a coward and a ruler deprived of luck (felicitas). In this article I argue that to pass an accurate judgment on the king it is necessary to take into account the real politico-military situation of the Visigothic kingdom in the years 508–11. K e y w o r d s: Gesalic, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Franks, Theoderic the Great, felicitas, ignavia.

An Inhumation Grave Dated to the Late Roman Period from Lovčice (okr. Hradec Králové / CZ). During the revision of the protohistorical collections in the Městské muzeum in Nový Bydžov the authors discovered a previously unknown set of... more

An Inhumation Grave Dated to the Late Roman Period from Lovčice (okr. Hradec Králové / CZ). During the revision of the protohistorical collections in the Městské muzeum in Nový Bydžov the authors discovered a previously unknown set of grave goods from Lovčice. The grave had already been discovered in 1928-1929. The grave contained a bronze crossbow brooch with a knob on the head (Bügelknopffibel), two bronze arrowheads, a barrel-shaped bead of black glass and a fragment of a conical bowl. From the skeleton only teeth had survived.
Inhumation graves started appearing from phase C2 in the eastern Bohemia region. The graves from Žeretice (okr. Jičín) and Slepotice (okr. Pardubice) are similar to some other graves from different regions of Bohemia. Similar and in some cases even richer examples are known from central Germany. Inhumation burials are common in phase C3 in the eastern Elbe region, as we can see from an example in Lovčice which according to its grave goods (bronze arrowheads, bead type TM 303, fibula) belongs to the Late Elbe-Germanic region. Richer examples are numerous in the early Alamannic period. These findings show the cultural homogeneity
in Eastern Bohemia.

The authors deal with the development of the settlement of the Malá Haná region on the border of historical Moravia during the Late Roman Period (stages C3–D1) and during the Migration Period. After the intense settling of settlements by... more

The authors deal with the development of the settlement of the Malá Haná region on the border of historical Moravia during the Late Roman Period (stages C3–D1) and during the Migration Period. After the intense settling of settlements by the Suebi with the Roman-provincial, Przeworsk culture and Chernyakhov culture contacts, which culminate in stage D1, there are strong ties to South Moravia and the Central Danube region at Malá Haná in stages D2 and D3, or alternatively to the Danube-East Germanic cultural group from the 5th century (finds of fibulas, buckles, ironwork in the style of Untersiebenbrunn, probably a Hun sax, skeletal grave from Knínice). Through Malá Haná we can assume the movement of the Lombards on their way from Bohemia to South Moravia, as evidenced by the unique finds of parts of the belt garnitures from Jevíčko and probably also by unique finds of swords (spathae) from two other sites.

Gegenstand vorliegender Arbeit ist der Versuch, in neuer Weise den Wandel, zu dem es am Ende des 1. vorchristlichen und zu Beginn des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts im uns interessierenden Gebiet kam, zu betrachten und zu... more

Gegenstand vorliegender Arbeit ist der Versuch, in neuer Weise den Wandel, zu dem es am Ende des 1. vorchristlichen und zu Beginn des 1. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts im uns interessierenden Gebiet kam, zu betrachten und zu interpretieren. Es handelt sich folglich um einen breiteren Horizont als nur die Phase, während der das Marbod-Reich bestand. Eine sehr wichtige Rolle spielen dabei Funde aus dem Gebiet an der Nida, vor allem von den durch den Verfasser geführten Grabungen bei Pełczyska. Hier befindet sich ein großes und reiches Siedlungsensemble, welches Fundplätze vom Neolithikum bis zum Frühmittelalter umfasst. Zur riesigen Fundmasse als Zeugnis außergewöhnlicher vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Siedlungsaktivität gehört auch eine umfangreiche Artefaktsammlung aus der uns interessierenden Phase. Dieses Material spiegelt hervorragend die komplizierten Besied- lungs- und Kulturveränderungen wider, welche in Kleinpolen zu jener Zeit vonstatten gingen, füllt in bedeutender Weise Wissenslücken und wirft neues Licht auf eine Reihe von Problemen. Die Funde von Pełczyska demonstrieren, wie unzureichend unsere Quellenbasis ist, auf der wir die komplizierte Thematik angehen. Hier werden nämlich die Probleme von Migrationen, von kulturellen und ethni- schen Differenzierungen sowie vielschichtige Fragen überregionaler Bedeutung berührt, alles von dynamischen, kurzfristig ablaufenden Umgestaltungen betroffen. Doch sind die Quellengrundla- gen dazu sehr bescheiden. Dies betrifft unter anderem das wenig umfangreiche Metallmaterial vonSiedlungen, was – nach Meinung des Verfassers – vor allem auf die hauptsächlich in den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren, zum Teil auch noch später, angewandte Grabungsmethodik zurückzuführen ist. Dies betrifft nicht nur Kleinpolen, aber Symbol dessen wurde das vor kurzem entdeckte, keltische, überregional bedeutsame Handwerks- und Handelszentrum vom Typ Roseldorf-Němčice auf dem Gelände einer in dieser Zeit untersuchten Siedlung bei Nowa Cerekwia, pow. Głubczyce, woj. opolskie. Ein weiteres Problem ist das Fehlen von Gräberfeldern der vorrömischen Eisenzeit, erklärbar nur mit spezifischen Bestattungssitten der Kelten seit der jüngeren Phase der Mittellatènezeit. Das nahezu völlige Fehlen auch von Gräberfeldern der Träger der Przeworsk-Kultur wird traditionell mit der Übernahme keltischer Sitten erklärt. Neue Funde, darunter von Pełczyska, scheinen anzudeuten, dass diese Deutung in Gänze oder zu großen Teilen falsch ist. Die Gründe für das genannte Phänomen sind offenbar viel prosaischer. Aus ökologischer Sicht gehört das uns interessierende Gebiet zu den degradiertesten ganz Polens. Durch Charakter und Umfang negativer Umformungen führte die Anthropopression die Landschaft in einen katastrophalen Zustand. In Konsequenz dessen wurden archäologische Fundplätze in unvorstellbarer Weise gestört. Die Entdeckungen auf den Fundplätzen bei Pełczyska, besonders den sepulkralen, waren durch glücklichen Zufall und dank der angewandten Untersuchungsmethoden möglich. Dadurch verdop- pelte sich innerhalb weniger Jahre die Zahl donauländischer Importe der Phasen LT D2 – B1a. Von weitreichenden, vorher unbekannten Kontakten der ansässigen Bevölkerung zeugt eine Reihe von Neufunden. Dieses Beispiel zeigt eine einsetzende, weitreichende Neubewertung des Charakters und der Rolle Kleinpolens bei den breit verstandenen Kontakten zwischen Caput Adriae und den Gebieten an der Ostsee an der Wende von der vorrömischen Eisen- zur römischen Kaiserzeit. Dies betrifft auch die Frage seines Verhältnisses zum Marbod-Reich, die in der Fachliteratur im Grunde noch überhaupt nicht gestellt worden ist.

This article presents a notional analysis of the term ‘barbarian’, as employed by the Romans from the moment it was borrowed from Greek until Late Antiquity. It finds that the Romans used this term in a much different manner than the... more

This article presents a notional analysis of the term ‘barbarian’, as employed by the Romans from the moment it was borrowed from Greek until Late Antiquity. It finds that the Romans used this term in a much different manner than the moderns, thus dismissing the classical dichotomy associated with it. The term’s shifting semantics always crossed beyond the basic civilisational pigeonholing we employ today, and was contingent on factors as varied as psychological (including Roman selfconsciousness), political and juridical status, ideological aims, and geographical needs

The label ‘Illyrians’ was used in different contexts, probably developing as an ethnographic generalisation of foreigners related to similar indigenous language(s). In all certainty it developed in the sixth century BC but the evidence we... more

The label ‘Illyrians’ was used in different contexts, probably developing as an ethnographic generalisation of foreigners related to similar indigenous language(s). In all certainty it developed in the sixth century BC but the evidence we have appears only in the fifth century. Later perceptions of ‘Illyrians’ are related to political and territorial contexts, first to the political alliance of the Hellenistic-era Illyrian kingdom, and after that to the Roman use of this term in the context of early imperial expansion.

Appian's Illyrian book (Illyrike) was originally intended to be just an appendix to his Macedonian book and today remains the only extant ancient work dealing with the early history of Illyricum which is preserved in its entirety. In this... more

Appian's Illyrian book (Illyrike) was originally intended to be just an appendix to his Macedonian book and today remains the only extant ancient work dealing with the early history of Illyricum which is preserved in its entirety. In this short work Appian puts together different local and regional histories in order to create a unified historical narrative and determines the historical and mythological coordinates of Illyricum inside the ancient world. This paper will discuss Illyrike in the context of the Roman construction of Illyricum as a provincial space, similar to some other regions in continental Europe such as, for example, Gaul or Britain. They were all firstly created through the needs of Roman political geography and later written into literary knowledge through the works of ancient history and ethnography. This paper will argue that Appian's Illyrike represented the final stage of the Roman construction of Illyricum from an imaginary to a provincial space, which was the point of its full coming of age as an integral part of the ancient world and the Roman Empire.

It is widely accepted that the Liburni, at some point in the Iron Age, ruled over much of the Adriatic. Professor Slobodan Čače was the first scholar to truly challenge these narratives through a critique of the written sources. The... more

It is widely accepted that the Liburni, at some point in the Iron Age, ruled over much of the Adriatic. Professor Slobodan Čače was the first scholar to truly challenge these narratives through a critique of the written sources. The aim of this paper is to build upon the work of Čače in seeking to rethink identities in pre-Roman Liburnia through analysis of ancient literary sources. It also takes a multidisciplinary approach, and seeks to address ideas about identity and cultural change through material culture. A re- examination is undertaken into Liburnian identity through archaeological evidence, and the transformations it apparently went through during the Iron Age, focusing on ideas about ethno-cultural identities and ‘Hellenization’ in interpretations of developments in Liburnia during the last 4 centuries BCE.

The subject of the present analysis are bronze rings (bracelets/armlets?) decorated with a cord ornament, known in archaeological literature as type Șimleul Silvaniei and Rustoiu 3. The paper starts out with an overview of past research... more

The subject of the present analysis are bronze rings (bracelets/armlets?) decorated with a cord ornament, known in archaeological literature as type Șimleul Silvaniei and Rustoiu 3. The paper starts out with an overview of past research on the impact from the Dacian territory on Iron Age inhabitants of Poland since type Șimleul Silvaniei bracelets are an element of this phenomenon. It follows with an analysis of the context of discovery of these ornaments in the area to the north of the Carpathians and the Sudety. Next, insights obtained from this analysis are used as a point of departure to examine the chronology, origin and distribution of type Șimleul Silvaniei in reference to the conclusions of Romanian researchers Aurel Rustoiu and Cristinel C. Plantos.

In this article, an assumption has been made that in power centres, settlement concentrationwas accompanied by accumulation of goods, capital and weapons. Within the Przeworsk culture, the areain question encompassed the basins of the... more

In this article, an assumption has been made that in power centres, settlement concentrationwas accompanied by accumulation of goods, capital and weapons. Within the Przeworsk culture, the areain question encompassed the basins of the Prosna and the Warta. It remains uncertain if the area can beassociated with the so-called Lugii Grove, a centre of political and religious power described by Tacitus.

Writing the Barbarian Past examines the presentation of the non-Roman, pre-Christian past in Latin and vernacular historical narratives composed between c.550 and c.1000: the Gothic histories of Jordanes and Isidore of Seville, the... more

Writing the Barbarian Past examines the presentation of the non-Roman, pre-Christian past in Latin and vernacular historical narratives composed between c.550 and c.1000: the Gothic histories of Jordanes and Isidore of Seville, the Fredegar chronicle, the Liber Historiae Francorum, Paul the Deacon’s Historia Langobardorum, Waltharius, and Beowulf; it also examines the evidence for an oral vernacular tradition of historical narrative in this period.
In this book, Shami Ghosh analyses the relative significance granted to the Roman and non-Roman inheritances in narratives of the distant past, and what the use of this past reveals about the historical consciousness of early medieval elites, and demonstrates that for them, cultural identity was conceived of in less binary terms than in most modern scholarship.