LinkedIn Research Papers - (original) (raw)
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If you still think LinkedIn is just a networking site for jobs and not for marketing, you are wrong. In fact, businesses, both B2B and B2C, have been marketing on LinkedIn for generating leads, building relationships with customers and... more
Why Does Your Business Need LinkedIn? These days in the business world, relationships matter more than ever. People tune out irrelevant or promotional messages. But they do want to engage with companies that focus on sharing useful... more
- by Emre Elbeyoglu
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With social media user numbers reaching billions, firms seek to partake in the benefits of investing into social media activities. Existing literature, however, provides little insight as to whether investment in social media adds value... more
With social media user numbers reaching billions, firms seek to partake in the benefits of investing into social media activities. Existing literature, however, provides little insight as to whether investment in social media adds value for corporations. In particular, it remains difficult to quantify the financial benefits for firms from social media activities. Prior research found uncertainty for small and large firms on whether value is derived from the information present on social media and the access to the large number of users. Based on a sample of 74 listed Australian firms for an observation period of 30 days of June 2016, this study examines the relationship between the firm's social media activities on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and corporate value. The results show that a firm's social media presence on LinkedIn has a significant effect on the share return of firms, while a social media presence on Facebook and Twitter did not provide statistically significant results. Interestingly, the study also found that there is a difference between B2B and B2C firms, confirming a significant impact between for B2C firms on LinkedIn and share returns. The findings are useful for corporate managers and social media activists trying to understand the financial impacts of social media on corporate value.
- by David Herold and +1
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- Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Abstract. In this project we compare the success of startup entrepreneurs and innovators with their social networking behavior. In particular, we analyze the LinkedIn, Facebook, and e-Mail network of swissnex, Switzerland’s science and... more
Abstract. In this project we compare the success of startup entrepreneurs and innovators with their social networking behavior. In particular, we analyze the LinkedIn, Facebook, and e-Mail network of swissnex, Switzerland’s science and technology outpost in Boston connecting Swiss and American entrepreneurs and academics for collaborative work. We invited 500 members of the swissnex community to share their networking data, leading to 72 LinkedIn and 31 Facebook ego networks. We also included one month of all e-mail traffic of swissnex. We find that centrality in the network predicts entrepreneurial and academic success: the more central actors are in the different types of networks, the more successful they are. We also include the metric of “proximity ” to key people, including the swissnex director as well as a longtime Boston entrepreneur and academic. We again find that proximity in the LinkedIn network to these two people correlates with business and academic success of the me...
شبکه¬هاي اجتماعي وب¬ سايت¬¬هايي هستند که به کاربر اجازه مي¬دهند با افرادي که سلیقه¬های مشترک دارند، اطلاعات و دانش خود را به اشتراک بگذارند، و از اطلاعات ديگران هم بهره¬مند شوند، هم¬چنين بحث و گفت¬و¬گو و به اشتراک گذاشتن عکس¬ها امکاناتي... more
شبکه¬هاي اجتماعي وب¬ سايت¬¬هايي هستند که به کاربر اجازه مي¬دهند با افرادي که سلیقه¬های مشترک دارند، اطلاعات و دانش خود را به اشتراک بگذارند، و از اطلاعات ديگران هم بهره¬مند شوند، هم¬چنين بحث و گفت¬و¬گو و به اشتراک گذاشتن عکس¬ها امکاناتي است که اين شبکه¬ها در اختيار کاربرانشان قرار مي¬دهد. شرکت¬ها و بازرگانان اين محيط و تعداد کاربران زياد آن را، به عنوان يک فرصت تلقي کرده¬اند و از این شبکه¬های اجتماعی براي گسترش تجارت، فروش کالا، برند و محصول خود استفاده می¬کنند.
اينستاگرام و لینکدين به عنوان دو ابرقدرت در اين زمينه نقش به سزايي در برخي شرکت¬ها و محصولات جديد را ايفا کرده¬اند؛ در این مسیر علاوه بر به دست آوردن مزیت¬های زیادی مثل تجارت در مقیاس جهانی، کاهش هزینه-های تبلیغاتی و دریافت پیشنهادها و انتقادات مشتریان، ریسک¬های زیادی هم مثل بدنام شدن برند هم متحمل می¬شوند. برای جلوگیری از سقوط در این مسیر، لازم است شرکت¬ها با هوشمندی و علم کافی، پا به این عرصه بگذارند.
Ajansların sosyal medya yönetiminde faydalanabileceği bir e-kitap çalışması...
ABSTRAK This paper discusses about creating of an application using the LinkedIn API to get data for an account, login and logout without access LinkedIn homepage. User can view profile include name, address, email and photo. This... more
ABSTRAK This paper discusses about creating of an application using the LinkedIn API to get data for an account, login and logout without access LinkedIn homepage. User can view profile include name, address, email and photo. This application made by using LinkedIn PHP OAuth, PHP and mySQL Database.
Deze studie is een vervolg op de masterscriptie van Naomi Vanhoorenbeeck: “Het gebruik van LinkedIn in het rekrutering- en selectieproces: een studie bij laatstejaarsstudenten aan de Universiteit Antwerpen”. Hierin werd gepeild naar de... more
Deze studie is een vervolg op de masterscriptie van Naomi Vanhoorenbeeck: “Het gebruik van LinkedIn in het rekrutering- en selectieproces: een studie bij laatstejaarsstudenten aan de Universiteit Antwerpen”. Hierin werd gepeild naar de attitude van studenten tegenover LinkedIn als recruitment tool. Deze studie doet hetzelfde maar vergelijkt LinkedIn met twee andere sociale netwerksites, namelijk Facebook en Twitter. De studie bestaat uit twee delen. Het eerste deel houdt de literatuurstudie in. Eerst bespreek ik e-recruitment kort om voldoende achtergrondinformatie over de materie weer te geven. Daarna leg ik vooral de nadruk op e-recruitment 2.0 en de verschillende sociale media die daarbij horen. We beperken ons tot Facebook, Twitter en LinkedIn. Deze sociale netwerksites licht ik elk apart toe. De literatuurstudie is voornamelijk gebaseerd op papers, artikelen, studies en boeken die een werknemersperspectief aannemen.
In het tweede deel komen de resultaten en de onderzoeksmethode aan bod. Via het programma Qualtrics heb ik een survey opgesteld die ik rondstuurde naar alle laatstejaarsstudenten aan de Universiteit Antwerpen. Op die manier probeer ik te achterhalen hoe laatstejaarsstudenten tegenover recruitment 2.0 staan en of LinkedIn een meer effectieve manier biedt om te rekruteren dan andere sociale media zoals Facebook of Twitter. Op basis van de eerste resultaten, heb ik ook nog enkele interviews afgenomen. Op die manier tracht ik dieper in te gaan op de resultaten van de online survey. Ten slotte som ik de belangrijkste bevindingen nog eens op in de conclusie en geef ik de voornaamste beperkingen en aanbevelingen in de discussie.
In the present world, the role of social media, as the important and actual tool of marketing communication is relevant for operation of commercial organizations, since according to various studies, the number of social media users... more
In the present world, the role of social media, as the important and actual tool of marketing communication is relevant for operation of commercial organizations, since according to various studies, the number of social media users amounts ¬¬¬¬to nearly half of the world population; consequently, social network platforms developed into important channel of communication between commercial organizations and their target audiences. The said world trend determines actuality of the theme discussed in the present work.
The present Master’s Thesis: “Social Media Competence and the Importance of Its Position on the Example of Specific Organizations” looks at representation of Georgian commercial organizations on social media platforms; the scope of the paper encompasses studying communication competence of the said commercial organizations and consequent assessment of professional competences of Georgia’s social media professionals.
Taking into account scarcity of literature and relevant Georgian market specific studies on social media marketing, the aim of this study is to motivate next-stage development of this field in Georgia which is a prerequisite for satisfying trends and requirements existing in the contemporary world.
In the framework of this study, the author looked at the potential, platforms and functional specifics of the social media sphere; in the course of the work performed, relevant literature was reviewed, both Georgian and international statistical data on social media was gathered and analyzed, qualitative and quantitative studies were conducted.
In order to meet the aims of the thesis, relevant design was selected for the study to be implemented in the form of a qualitative self-administered questionnaire survey conducted online, encompassing primarily closed and categorical questions, including one open and one multiple-choice question, in total 37 questions.
Sampling, the target population of which were Georgian customers of social media, was conducted in June 2019 (2.06.2019 – 28.06.2019), through non-randomized sampling method. The qualitative study covers responses received from 210 interviewees.
Qualitative study was conducted employing so called content-analysis technique for content-wise and technical audit of representation of three Georgian commercial organizations - “Samoseli Pirveli”, “Alaznistavi” and “Soplidan” - on social media platform “Facebook”. In order to avoid bias in selection, principle of selection of these companies was based on their participation in the competition for nomination - “ Creation of Best Product or Service” and prize for “Digital Strategy and New Website” - both organized by JSC “ TBC BANK” - leading company for social media marketing, generally innovative decision-making and conduct of marketing campaigns.
The results of the study show that unfortunately competence in the field of social media marketing is lacking in Georgia. No implications can be drawn from qualitative and quantitative studies conducted. Notwithstanding the fact, that companies selected for analysis were among those nominated by JSC “ TBC BANK”, respondents participating in quantitative study preceding the conduct of the qualitative study, did not name any of the companies studied by the author for content-analysis in the framework of the qualitative study.
Quantitative study results showed that respondents were actively using social media platforms for communication, information gathering, are subscribers of Georgian websites, yet they are completely disregarding commercial organization blogs and are irresponsive to commercial advertisements (57.3% of respondents). 61.8% of those interviewed say commercial organization pages on all platforms are filled in with similar type of content, which is not as interesting as to motivate subscribers to react. The study showed that majority of organizations are not exploiting social media management tools – monitoring system, artificial intelligence programs, leaving them unable to fully take advantage of social media. The abovementioned attests to low level of digital literacy in the country.
Based on the analysis conducted, it can be said that two pillars viewed by the author as prerequisites for social media management development in Georgia are professional education and awareness raising of the society, in particular raising responsiveness of managers of commercial organizations.
La calidad es un concepto muy ligado a la historia de la humanidad y para conocer sus orígenes tendríamos que remontarnos inclusive hasta épocas primitivas, donde la manufactura de armas y utensilios de uso cotidiano fue a base del... more
La calidad es un concepto muy ligado a la historia de la humanidad y para conocer sus orígenes tendríamos que remontarnos inclusive hasta épocas primitivas, donde la manufactura de armas y utensilios de uso cotidiano fue a base del perfeccionamiento del proceso de elaboración , el hombre siempre ha buscado el depurar y garantizar la efectividad de sus productos y significa un orgullo para el fabricante cuando se logran mayores resultados de las funciones del artefacto esto derivados de la mejora de la calidad. Se conoce que es en la edad media que se empieza a marcar los productos como un distintivo de la persona que lo elaboraba y la responsabilidad sobre la eficacia del trabajo, es con la revolución industrial que los talleres comenzaron a realizar productos en serie masiva donde la especialización del trabajo y la necesidad de las fábricas de mejorar la calidad de los productos por lo que empiezan hacer uso de procedimientospara asegurar la calidad mediante la inspección del producto final. Según los estudios de Frederick W. Taylor y Henry Fayol que datan de finales del siglo XIX y principios de siglo XX le toca a la administración definir la tarea de los operarios y especificarles el procedimiento y la relación que se debe darse entre tiempos y movimientos y la tarea del control de calidad compete a los supervisores. Como observamos el modelo de calidad total surge en Estados Unidos, durante la segunda guerra mundial, pero es abandonado. Durante la década de los 50's, época en que Estados Unidos tenía ocupado Japón, el modelo fue trasplantado a este país oriental, y ahí fue donde se desarrolló, en empresas japonesas con necesidad de incrementar su productividad para competir. Fue debido al éxito japonés que los norteamericanos recuperaron el modelo para implantarlo en sus empresas, buscando salir del bache económico en el que se encontraba su economía, y también tratando de hacer frente al agresivo comercio exterior japonés y europeo que tenía invadido su mercado. La evolución del concepto de calidad en la industria y en los servicios nos muestra que pasamos de una etapa donde la calidad solamente se refería al control final. Para separar los productos malos de los productos buenos, a una etapa de control de calidad en el proceso, con el lema: "La calidad no se controla, se fabrica".Finalmente llegamos a una calidad de diseño que significa no solo corregir o reducir defectos sino prevenir que estos sucedan, como se postula en el enfoque de la calidad total. A partir de 1990, en la Educación, hemos asistido a un intento por trasladar a la Universidad los objetivos, los principios y las herramientas de lo que se conoce como Total Quality Management (TQM). En la Norma ISO 9000, se define Calidad como: " grado en el que un conjunto de características inherentes cumple con los requisitos ". Por otro lado, Armand V. Feigenbaum, lo define como: " Satisfacción de las expectativas del cliente ". Efectivamente, es necesario que hablemos de competencias e innovación si hablamos de calidad; en la mejor de las formas, siendo profesional, aceptando las áreas de oportunidad y viendo hacia la mejora continua.
تعدّ الإنترنت في نظر العديد أعظم اختراعٍ مرّ على تاريخ البشرية، إذ إنّ اختراع الإنترنت أتاح للبشر فرصة التواصل مع بعضهم البعض في شتّى أنحاء العالم، وسرعة إيصال المعلومات بينهم، بالإضافة إلى فرصة التحكّم بالأمور عن بعد وتوفير ملايين فرص... more
تعدّ الإنترنت في نظر العديد أعظم اختراعٍ مرّ على تاريخ البشرية، إذ إنّ اختراع الإنترنت أتاح للبشر فرصة التواصل مع بعضهم البعض في شتّى أنحاء العالم، وسرعة إيصال المعلومات بينهم، بالإضافة إلى فرصة التحكّم بالأمور عن بعد وتوفير ملايين فرص العمل الجديدة للبشر، إذ إنّ العالم يتحوّل شيئاً فشيئاً للاعتماد في شتّى الأمور المختلفة على الإنترنت، من التواصل، والحصول على المعلومات، والتحكّم بالآلات المختلفة عن بعد، وحتى في التسوق ودفع الفواتير.ولهذا فإنّ الاستخدام الصحيح للإنترنت يعتبر من الأمور الضروريّة من أجل الاستفادة القصوى من هذا الاختراع العظيم وعدم تحويله إلى أداةٍ لتسميم المجتمعات ودمارها .
With the rapid growth of social networking and media comes their consideration for use in the marketing classroom. Social networking skills are becoming essential for personal branding (eg, networking, self-marketing) and... more
With the rapid growth of social networking and media comes their consideration for use in the marketing classroom. Social networking skills are becoming essential for personal branding (eg, networking, self-marketing) and corporate/product branding (eg, marketing communication). This paper addresses the use of LinkedIn (ie, an online professional social network) in the marketing classroom as a means of developing these important skills, along with other supporting skills such as communication and creativity.
In the last decade there has been an emergence of Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNSs). Each site offers its own combination of tools and capabilities to support research activities, communication, collaboration, and networking. Given... more
In the last decade there has been an emergence of Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNSs). Each site offers its own combination of tools and capabilities to support research activities, communication, collaboration, and networking. Given their variety, it might be challenging for academics to evaluate and use them. We conducted an exploratory inductive comparative study of the services and tools of a select set of ASNSs. We argue that maintaining multiple profiles might be time-consuming and propose starting a discussion about how we can make this process less cumbersome. We expect that our findings will help academics and researchers make informed decisions about their choice of ASNS.
Na Gestão do Conhecimento, prática e teoria andam juntas. Os profissionais que atuam nessa área de estudo não se restringem ao exercício dos processos envolvidos nesse tipo de gestão, buscam em novos estudos e teorias elementos que os... more
Na Gestão do Conhecimento, prática e teoria andam juntas. Os profissionais que atuam nessa área de estudo não se restringem ao exercício dos processos envolvidos nesse tipo de gestão, buscam em novos estudos e teorias elementos que os auxiliem na melhoria desses processos. Este trabalho busca identificar qual o mais influente teórico em gestão de conhecimento, e qual foi sua contribuição para torná-lo tão influente, do ponto de vista desses profissionais. Os resultados foram obtidos a partir de debates no fórum de uma comunidade de prática, formada no site de relacionamento LinkedIn por praticantes de Gestão do Conhecimento. Os resultados foram validados por uma comparação com o índice H, que leva em consideração o número de citações recebidas em artigos de 1996 a 2011, no sistema Scopus de artigos científicos, de cada um dos seus teóricos. Ao todo, 23 praticantes citaram 38 autores. A conclusão é que a percepção dos integrantes da comunidade está correta para os dois cientistas com maior índice H: Davenport e Nonaka.
Questo volume nasce con l’intento di offrire una riflessione agile sulla comunicazione della Chiesa nell’ambito dei social network e del Web. Attraverso le riflessioni di docenti ed esperti di comunicazione, si esplorano le dinamiche... more
Questo volume nasce con l’intento di offrire una riflessione agile sulla comunicazione della Chiesa nell’ambito dei social network e del Web. Attraverso le riflessioni di docenti ed esperti di comunicazione, si esplorano le dinamiche della conversazione online per dare spunti a chi si occupa di comunicazione in istituzioni ecclesiali, educative o di servizio sociale. Il testo non è rivolto solo agli addetti ai lavori, ma a chiunque voglia fare della sua presenza online un’occasione per cooperare al bene comune. Oggi, infatti, la comunicazione non è più solo per i professionisti del settore (giornalisti e comunicatori) ma qualcosa a cui ciascuno contribuisce con la sua vita in Rete. Educatori, genitori, artisti, ecclesiastici, religiosi, volontari: tutti sono chiamati a dare il loro apporto alla “missione digitale”, giacché il Web non è solo uno strumento, ma un ambiente da abitare, in cui si possono costruire legami, incontrare persone e arricchire le proprie esperienze.
La expansión de las Redes Sociales ha propiciado que las organizaciones las utilicen no solo como vehículo promocional o para obtener seguidores de marcas en productos de consumo, sino también como herramienta para el reclutamiento de... more
La expansión de las Redes Sociales ha propiciado que las organizaciones las utilicen no solo como vehículo promocional o para obtener seguidores de marcas en productos de consumo, sino también como herramienta para el reclutamiento de personal. Existe poca información de esta nueva tendencia en el área de Recursos Humanos, específicamente si las Redes Sociales están substituyendo la forma tradicional de reclutar al personal de las empresas (mediante anuncios en el periódico, bolsas de trabajo, etc.).
El estudio se llevó a cabo en tres fases: Primero se buscó información secundaria sobre estudios previos que indicaran si las Redes Sociales eran ya una realidad en el mercado laboral. Segundo se hizo un sondeo telefónico de forma cualitativa con 16 gerentes de personal sobre el uso de redes sociales. Tercero, se hizo un sondeo cuantitativo con 110 empresas en la Ciudad de Mexico, donde cuantificamos las preguntas. El levantamiento de campo se realizo entre Febrero y Abril del 2012 lo cual hace que los resultados sean uno de los estudios más recientes sobre este tema .
Palabras Clave: Redes Sociales, Linkedin, Facebook, reclutamiento, personal
LinkedIn se perfila como una de las plataformas sociales con más proyección en la actualidad y se diferencia de las demás por poner en contacto a profesionales, tanto aquellos que ya conocemos como aquellos con los que nos gustaría... more
LinkedIn se perfila como una de las plataformas sociales con más proyección en la actualidad y se diferencia de las demás por poner en contacto a profesionales, tanto aquellos que ya conocemos como aquellos con los que nos gustaría contactar. Es la plataforma de networking por excelencia, ya que permite a las personas colaborar mutuamente con sus conocimientos y experiencias en el ámbito laboral.
- by Robert Mendez
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This research is aimed to provide an insight in what potential applicants consider important in recruitment messages, transferred through social media, or more specifically the social media network LinkedIn, by focusing on message form,... more
This research is aimed to provide an insight in what potential applicants consider important in recruitment messages, transferred through social media, or more specifically the social media network LinkedIn, by focusing on message form, content and function. The goal of this study is to contribute to the existing research on social media and recruitment, which has been criticized for being too theoretical and lacking practical relevance (Saks, 2005; Breaugh, 2008; Ployhart, 2006; Cheikh-Ammar & Barki, 2014), by not only focusing at the theory but also at social media behavior of successful employers in practice.
Le développement fulgurant du web et l'avènement des réseaux sociaux ont profondément transformé les pratiques des consommateurs. Ces changements rapides ont poussé les entreprises à réagir et adapter leur stratégie marketing. L'objectif... more
Le développement fulgurant du web et l'avènement des réseaux sociaux ont profondément transformé les pratiques des consommateurs. Ces changements rapides ont poussé les entreprises à réagir et adapter leur stratégie marketing. L'objectif de cette recherche et d'explorer l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux dans la stratégie marketing des PME afin de déterminer l'opportunité et/ou les risques qu'elle présente. Pour répondre à cette question de recherche, nous avons déployé une méthodologie en trois étapes. Premièrement, sept entretiens semi-directifs avec des consultants en communication et en web marketing ont été réalisés comme première étape exploratoire. Puis une enquête en ligne a été effectuée auprès de 104 dirigeants de PME. Enfin, pour exploiter les données secondaires, nous avons réalisé une étude netnographique visant à analyser les pratiques des 104 PME concernées sur les médias sociaux. Les résultats montrent que face au manque structurel de moyens des PME, l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux offre un grand nombre d'opportunités en permettant une optimisation de ressources limitées. Toutefois, ceux-ci engendrent également des risques que les dirigeants doivent appréhender. Le risque de l'e-réputation est particulièrement analysé. Les résultats soulignent également la sous-utilisation des réseaux sociaux dans les PME malgré le potentiel de ces outils.
ان المعارف لامعنى لها اذا لم تصل الى الاخرين و الأبحاث لا قيمة لها اذا بقيت في ذهن الباحث او حبيسة مكتبه , فبدون تبادل منظم للآراء ودون وجود استفادة من النظريات لا يمكن ان يحصل نمو للبحث العلمي وهذا ما يعرف بالاتصال العلمي ذلك ان... more
ان المعارف لامعنى لها اذا لم تصل الى الاخرين و الأبحاث لا قيمة لها اذا بقيت في ذهن الباحث او حبيسة مكتبه , فبدون
تبادل منظم للآراء ودون وجود استفادة من النظريات لا يمكن ان يحصل نمو للبحث العلمي وهذا ما يعرف بالاتصال
العلمي ذلك ان الباحث لا يعمل على معزله عن زملائه بل يقضي جل و قتة في اتصال دائم وبتالي تبادل المعلومات
العلمية والتقنية فهو يعتبر أحد الجوانب المهمة للبحث العلمي و تناقل المعلومات العلمية و التقنية ، ولكن عدم قدرته على
مواكبة النمو اللا محدود للمعلومات العلمية و التقنية وتامين نقلها للباحثين في البيئة التقليدية تدخلت تكنولوجيا
المعلومات في حلقات الاتصال العلمي في فترة تعثرت فيها القنوات التقليدية في أداء مهمة تبادل المعلومات العلمية و
التقنية فبرز التوجه الالكتروني للاتصال العلمي
La cortesía nos rodea en las situaciones más comunes de nuestro día a día. Este concepto es transversal y no resulta fácil de definir, pero Georgia Green lo identifica dentro de los estudios de pragmática como «estrategias para... more
La cortesía nos rodea en las situaciones más comunes de nuestro día a día. Este concepto es transversal y no resulta fácil de definir, pero Georgia Green lo identifica dentro de los estudios de pragmática como «estrategias para mantener o cambiar las relaciones interpersonales». El fenómeno ha sido estudiado desde una amplia variedad de puntos de vista, que van desde la sociolingüística hasta el análisis del discurso. Salir a comer a un restaurante, ir de compras, coger el metro o tener una reunión con nuestro jefe son escenarios que exigen, de un modo u otro, la aplicación de determinadas normas de cortesía, al igual que enviar o aceptar una solicitud de contacto en LinkedIn, escribir un tuit en Twitter o aceptar a un amigo en Facebook. En este trabajo vamos a tratar de arrojar algo de luz sobre cómo interactúan los usuarios de internet y qué estrategias de cortesía empleamos en las redes sociales.
The use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) is increasing on a daily basis. They provide a virtual platform for the users to disclose their personal information such as their names, pictures, status etc., a phenomena called Self-Disclosure.... more
The use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) is increasing on a daily basis. They provide a virtual platform for the users to disclose their personal information such as their names, pictures, status etc., a phenomena called Self-Disclosure. However, before the user decides to put their information online, there are some factors that come into play and affect the amount of information that will be shared by the user. Even though there is a lot of Self-Disclosure occurring on SNS, the factors behind remain little understood. This research aimed to find out the factors that can affect a user’s Self-Disclosure in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In addition to that, the research also aimed at finding out the usage of SNS by the users residing in the Kingdom before investigating the factors.
In the study, we developed a model and identified some factors that affect Self-Disclosure. This model was tested with 607 SNS users and it was revealed that risks, benefits and social influence have a significant relationship with Self-Disclosure whereas that trust does not have a strong impact on Self-Disclosure. We confirm that risk is determined by the perception of privacy and security and that enjoyment and relationship building opportunities determine perceived benefits. Our results also showed that citizens of Bahrain use SNS a lot, on a daily basis and Facebook is the most widely used SNS.
Based on these findings, we formulate important implications that can provide further researchers, Social Media Marketers and OSN policy makers with the insight of the SelfDisclosure behavior in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Keywords: Social Media, Social Networking Sites, Self-Disclosure.
The researcher in this consultancy report has assessed the digital footprint and suggested a social media marketing plan for Educational Institutions. The researcher has also presented an extensive literature review based on previous... more
The researcher in this consultancy report has assessed the digital footprint and suggested a social media marketing plan for Educational Institutions. The researcher has also presented an extensive literature review based on previous studies where colleges were successful with the help of social media and digital marketing. The researcher through various research methods such as observational, case study has analysed and collected responses through a questionnaire. The 150 responses were examined through a detailed analysis and interpretation. The researcher has also given various recommendations to Educational Institutions based on the findings.
The Mass Media are often referred to as the fourth branch of a government plays an important role in the formation of public awareness providing news and views on public issues of a government. The nature of the media is to report things... more
The Mass Media are often referred to as the fourth branch of a government plays an important role in the formation of public awareness providing news and views on public issues of a government. The nature of the media is to report things to the public. Daily reporting (hard news) helps to bring into light different social problems or issues to the public eye. Reporters tend to report to the public all the happenings in the community, in this way the media will be doing problem identification. Media daily or weekly reportage is crucial because when the media begins reporting on the issues of importance to the public the policy makers tend to start listening. Thus, the media provide more information to the public to acquire knowledge on different socio-economic and political problems. For this through the acquiring knowledge, people can be aware of the right and wrong and can avoid the wrong things. So media has a great role in the rising of awareness among the people on different socio-economic problem and this study wants to clarify how the media plays such role in the raising of public awareness.
- by Ashraful Alam
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- Facebook, Twitter, Scribd,
Social media helps corporate communication professionals to build and maintain relationships with all the publics. Nowadays a company's reputation also depends on the image built by the company in social media. This study aims to examine;... more
Social media helps corporate communication professionals to build and maintain relationships with all the publics. Nowadays a company's reputation also depends on the image built by the company in social media. This study aims to examine; on how corporate communication professionals use social media for corporate communications. The data for the study was collected from 125 corporate communication professionals across Bengaluru city through a scientific survey method and sampling procedures. The research study found that Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn were extensively used for corporate communication. The most popular uses of social media for corporate communications were employee communication, customer/consumer relations, relationship with general public and media relations. Majority of the messages shared on social media were pertaining to events organised by the company, achievements, news, promotional messages and corporate social responsibility. Social media is the future; hence, corporate communication and PR professionals should exploit this media for all their corporate communication uses, needs and campaigns.
Lusophone African (LA) multinational enterprises (MNEs) are becoming a significant pan-African and global economic force regarding their international presence and influence. However, given the extreme poverty and lack of development in... more
Lusophone African (LA) multinational enterprises (MNEs) are becoming a significant pan-African and global economic force regarding their international presence and influence. However, given the extreme poverty and lack of development in their home markets, many LA enterprises seeking to internationalize lack resources and legitimacy in international markets. Compared to higher income emerging markets, Lusophone enterprises in Africa face more significant challenges in their internationalization efforts. Concomitantly, conducting significant international business (IB) research in these markets to understand these MNEs internationalization strategies can be a very daunting task. The fast-growing rise of social media on the Internet, however, provides an opportunity for IB researchers to examine new phenomena in these markets in innovative ways. Unfortunately, for several reasons, qualitative researchers in IB have not fully embraced this opportunity. This article studies the use of social media in qualitative research in the field of IB. It offers an illustrative case based on qualitative research on internationalization modes of LAMNEs conducted by the authors in Angola and Mozambique using social media to identify and qualify the population sample, as well as interact with subjects and collect data. It discusses some of the challenges of using social media in those regions of Africa and suggests how scholars can design their studies to capitalize on social media and corresponding data as a tool for qualitative research. This article underscores the potential opportunities and challenges inherent in the use of social media in IB-oriented qualitative research, providing recommendations on how qualitative IB researchers can design their studies to capitalize on data generated by social media.
This paper aims to understand how social networking sites affordances lead the identity management on Facebook and LinkedIn simultaneously. In a context in which the personal and professional interactions also occur online, there are... more
This paper aims to understand how social networking sites affordances lead the identity management on Facebook and LinkedIn simultaneously. In a context in which the personal and professional interactions also occur online, there are motivations and strategies for social presentation in these spaces. So, this work presents a theoretical review of concepts such as social networking sites, affordances, social presentation and identity management. In addition, it also reveals affordances from Facebook and LinkedIn to stimulate performance of users. In the case study, it was used research techniques such as non-participant observation, content analysis and in-depth interviews in order to identify strategies of self-presentation and how the affordances of the sites encourage these behaviours. Besides, this research analyse posts and profiles of 10 Information Technology (IT) professional on Facebook and LinkedIn, for a period of two typical months. From this data collection, identity management on social networking sites is recognizable in at least 15 conscious strategies, guided by sites affordances: creating profiles on social networking sites; seeking a self-presentation strategy for each site; choosing a picture for each site; maintaining a different position in each site; forming distinct networks; establish self-censorship about posted contents; mincing words before publishing a post; assuming what the audience will think about the posts; exposing about personal life or not; understanding sites as exhibition spaces; keeping an expectation about the interactions in the posts; tracking time on social networks; updating or not the profiles; consciously dealing with the identity multiplicities; and justifying their stance by the aims of the sites.
Introduction to Computers, Its types, classes, parts etc.
- by Spark Ovadje
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- Facebook, Bible, Mobile Computing, Google
- by Raul Freire
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- Marketing, LinkedIn
Dengan menjadi Follower, maka Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk menyalin transaksi yang dilakukan oleh trader professional yang telah anda pilih sendiri. Daftar tradernya bisa anda temukan di menu monitoring system copy trader.Setelah... more
Dengan menjadi Follower, maka Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk menyalin transaksi yang dilakukan oleh trader professional yang telah anda pilih sendiri. Daftar tradernya bisa anda temukan di menu monitoring system copy trader.Setelah menemukan pilihannya silahkan setting rasio besaran lot trasnsksi dan juga pair mata uang yang ingin anda ikuti dari trader tersebut. Meskipun begitu, follower masih bisa melakukan transaksi manual sendiri atau melakukan intervensi pada transaksi yang dilakukan oleh tradernya. Sebagai follower, anda akan dikenakan fee yang besarnya berbeda-beda tiap tradernya, rata-rata nilai sharing profitnya berkisar antara 10%-30% dari profit yang dihasilkan BERIKUT CARA MENDAFTAR / MASUK SYSTEM FOREXCOPY Sebelum anda mendaftar pastikan anda memiliki deposit minimal $100 di akun anda. Jika anda belum mengisi akun trading anda sebaiknya hubungi broker yang anda percaya untuk mengisi akun trading anda, atau anda dapat menghubungi kami,
The possibilities for companies to reach out more people to get in-depth understanding about brand, products, and services is through social media pages. We examined effects of social media on performance and customer relations of... more
The possibilities for companies to reach out more people to get in-depth understanding about brand, products, and services is through social media pages. We examined effects of social media on performance and customer relations of companies in Ghana. We obtained data from 390 respondents through structured questionnaires, and was analyzed with statistical package 102 for social science (SPSS). The findings indicate increased awareness and usage of social media by companies in Ghana. However, customer's desire for a products could be influence by company's advertisement through social media post. We established that, managers are expectant with the use of social media enhancing customer's relationship. Therefore, managers should modify their website to complement the social media strategies, identify the actions, wants and demands of customers to improve performance. We discussed several managerial recommendations.