Lung Cancer Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A large variation in prognosis is observed despite the use of clinical prognostic factors in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It is likely that this variation is due to the different biological properties of the... more

A large variation in prognosis is observed despite the use of clinical prognostic factors in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It is likely that this variation is due to the different biological properties of the tumour cells. In this work we aimed to identify gene signature that could predict survival in advanced NSCLC. Total RNA was extracted from five 5 μm-thick sections of the FFPE using the High Pure RNA Paraffin Kit (Roche). RNA amplification was performed using WT-Ovation™ FFPE RNA Amplification System V2 (NuGen). The amplified cDNA was then labelled and hybridised onto Illumina HumanRef-8 v3.0 Expression BeadChips. Microarray data analysis was subsequently performed using Genespring GX version 9.0. Out of 75 FFPE samples, only 32 had sufficient RNA quality and quantity for microarray gene expression analysis. Patients were grouped into long and short survival groups based on the time to cancer-related death. After normalization and filtration, 19,002 genes were selected for differential gene expression analysis. A total of 440 genes differed significantly between the long and short survival groups (ANOVA, p <; 0.05, with Benjamini and Hochberg False Discovery Rate multiple testing correction). Unsupervised Hierarchial Clustering with Pearson correlation and average linkage identified two broad clusters of patients corresponding to the long and short survival. Thirteen genes were selected based on the TTest, 2-fold expression changes, principal components analysis and univariate Cox regression analysis and risk scores were calculated for each patient. These gene signatures were independent predictors of survival. The model was validated with a published microarray data from 130 patients with NSCLC. Using Gene Set Analysis (GSA), we found certain biological processes including metastasis and chemotherapy resistance were up-regulated in the short survival group while TID pathway and MAPKKK cascade were enriched in th- - e long survival group. As the conclusion, there is several distinct gene expression profiles associated with survival of patients with advanced stage NSCLC. Survival outcomes in advanced NSCLC could be predicted based on a 13-gene signature.

Objective: Definitions and measures of significant others' mental health vary, but stress processes have been associated with caregiver outcomes of this kind. Thus, various mental health outcomes probably appear, either as specific... more

Objective: Definitions and measures of significant others' mental health vary, but stress processes have been associated with caregiver outcomes of this kind. Thus, various mental health outcomes probably appear, either as specific responses to particular types of caregiver stressors, or as part of a general response resulting from an accumulation of various stressors. The present study explores the occurrence of symptoms of strain with regard to depression, exhaustion, and emotional well-being in significant others of patients dying from lung cancer, and how these symptoms coexist.Methods: Measures used were the Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, the OLdenburg Burnout Inventory, and the Swedish Health-Related Quality of Life Survey. Data from 84 significant others of patients dying from lung cancer were collected at a time-point during the last 4 months before the patients died and subsequently analysed. The occurrence of symptoms of strain was established by creating cut-off scores from the general population. To explore how the different symptoms coexisted, hierarchical agglomerative cluster analyses were conducted using Ward's method.Results: Approximately 40% of the significant others reported symptoms of strain for each of the three outcomes, and a coexistence was found since the significant others clustered as subgroups, ranging from ‘high on all scales’ to ‘low on all scales’.Conclusion: A considerable proportion of the significant others were thus negatively affected in terms of mental health. We conclude that being a significant other of a person dying from lung cancer most likely results in a general response to this major life event. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a significant cause of mortality in patients with lung cancer. Despite the availability of a wide range of anticoagulants to help prevent thrombosis, thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory patients is a challenge... more

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a significant cause of mortality in patients with lung cancer. Despite the availability of a wide range of anticoagulants to help prevent thrombosis, thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory patients is a challenge due to its associated risk of haemorrhage. As a result, anticoagulation is only recommended in patients with a relatively high risk of VTE. Efforts have been made to develop predictive models for VTE risk assessment in cancer patients, but the availability of a reliable predictive model for ambulate patients with lung cancer is unclear. We have analysed the latest information on this topic, with a focus on the lung cancer-related risk factors for VTE, and risk prediction models developed and validated in this group of patients. The existing risk models, such as the Khorana score, the PROTECHT score and the CONKO score, have shown poor performance in external validations, failing to identify many high-risk individuals. Some of the newly developed an...

Lung cancer or also known as carcinoma of the lung or pulmonary carcinoma, is a malignant lung tumor characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. If left untreated, this growth can spread beyond the lung by process... more

Smoking cigarettes is a dangerous and destructive habit for your complete body, but also for your lungs especially. There is the right news however, quitting cigarette smoking will start the procedure of washing your lungs and returning... more

Smoking cigarettes is a dangerous and destructive habit for your complete body, but also for your lungs especially. There is the right news however, quitting cigarette smoking will start the procedure of washing your lungs and returning them to a far more normal and healthful condition. There is some poor information though with this technique taking up to a decade or more! This is where an extremely helpful guide available will come in online. It is known as the Complete Lung Detoxification Guide and can help you with the trial of providing up smoking cigarettes but to also detox your lungs of the tar and chemical substances from cigarettes in only a few months.

Ca↵eic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is a key bioactive ingredient of honeybee propolis and is claimed to have anticancer activity. Since mortalin, a hsp70 chaperone, is enriched in a cancerous cell surface, we recruited a unique cell... more

Ca↵eic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is a key bioactive ingredient of honeybee propolis and is claimed to have anticancer activity. Since mortalin, a hsp70 chaperone, is enriched in a cancerous cell surface, we recruited a unique cell internalizing anti-mortalin antibody (MotAb) to generate mortalin-targeting CAPE nanoparticles (CAPE-MotAb). Biophysical and biomolecular analyses revealed enhanced anticancer activity of CAPE-MotAb both in in vitro and in vivo assays. We demonstrate that CAPE-MotAb cause a stronger dose-dependent growth arrest/apoptosis of cancer cells through the downregulation of Cyclin D1-CDK4, phospho-Rb, PARP-1, and anti-apoptotic protein Bcl2. Concomitantly, a significant increase in the expression of p53, p21 WAF1 , and caspase cleavage was obtained only in CAPE-MotAb treated cells. We also demonstrate that CAPE-MotAb caused a remarkably enhanced downregulation of proteins critically involved in cell migration. In vivo tumor growth assays for subcutaneous xenografts in nude mice also revealed a significantly enhanced suppression of tumor growth in the treated group suggesting that these novel CAPE-MotAb nanoparticles may serve as a potent anticancer nanomedicine.

1. Among end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients on hemodialysis, death from withdrawal from life-sustaining dialysis is increasingly common. The present study's objective was to examine depression as a potential risk factor for... more

1. Among end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients on hemodialysis, death from withdrawal from life-sustaining dialysis is increasingly common. The present study's objective was to examine depression as a potential risk factor for hemodialysis withdrawal. Two hundred forty ESRD hemodialysis (133 male and 107 female) patients were followed for an average of 4 years after depression symptom assessment. Of these, 18% withdrew from dialysis. Using multivariate survival analysis and after controlling for the effects of age ...

Radioactive radon gas inhalation is a major cause of lung cancer worldwide and is a consequence of the built environment. The average radon level of properties built in a given period (their 'innate radon risk') varies over time and by... more

Radioactive radon gas inhalation is a major cause of lung cancer worldwide and is a consequence of the built environment. The average radon level of properties built in a given period (their 'innate radon risk') varies over time and by region, although the underlying reasons for these differences are unclear. To investigate this, we analyzed long term radon tests and buildings from 25,489 Canadian to 38,596 Swedish residential properties constructed after 1945. While Canadian and Swedish properties built from 1970 to 1980s are comparable (96-103 Bq/m 3), innate radon risks subsequently diverge, rising in Canada and falling in Sweden such that Canadian houses built in the 2010-2020s have 467% greater radon (131 Bq/m 3) versus Swedish equivalents (28 Bq/m 3). These trends are consistent across distinct building types, and regional subdivisions. The introduction of energy efficiency measures (such as heat recovery ventilation) within each nation's build codes are independent of radon fluctuations over time. Deep learning-based models forecast that (without intervention) the average Canadian residential radon level will increase to 176 Bq/m 3 by 2050. Provisions in the 2010 Canada Build Code have not significantly reduced innate radon risks, highlighting the urgency of novel code interventions to achieve systemic radon reduction and cancer prevention in Canada.

Mutated or rearranged driver kinases in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells are clinically amenable to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) resulting in prolonged survival and significant benefit compared to cytotoxic... more

Mutated or rearranged driver kinases in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells are clinically amenable to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) resulting in prolonged survival and significant benefit compared to cytotoxic chemotherapy. The most frequent genomic alterations are observed for epidermal growth factor receptor and anaplastic lymphoma kinase, which can be blocked by a range of specific TKIs in sequence. In clinics, resistance to TKIs emerges after approximately one year and comprises secondary mutations of the kinases (on-target) or alternative pathways circumventing the original kinase (off-target) alterations. A special feature of NSCLC is the occurrence of histological transformation to small cell lung cancer (SCLC) in up to 14% of cases, which, in general, is accompanied by resistance to the original TKIs. SCLC transformed tumors may be treated with the classical platinum/etoposide regimen but thus far there are no definitive guidelines. Four transformed pleural SCLC lines in our lab indicate the presence of a gradual NSCLC-SCLC shift with overlapping drug sensitivities. In conclusion, the treatment of NSCLC-SCLC transformed cancer cells would need a better chemosensitivity assessment using functional genomics to guide further therapy.

In this study, we present our technique for performing video-assisted lobectomy. This is presented in clear, easy-to-follow, sequential steps, noting variations on the most established technique and the rationale for this divergence. We... more

In this study, we present our technique for performing video-assisted lobectomy. This is presented in clear, easy-to-follow, sequential steps, noting variations on the most established technique and the rationale for this divergence. We also provide an instrument preference card, some operative tips and high-quality videos.