East Asia Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

An up-to-date view of the worldwide mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny together with an evaluation of the conservation of each site is a reliable tool for detecting errors in mtDNA studies and assessing the functional importance of... more

An up-to-date view of the worldwide mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny together with an evaluation of the conservation of each site is a reliable tool for detecting errors in mtDNA studies and assessing the functional importance of alleged pathogenic mutations. However, most of the published studies on mitochondrial diseases make very little use of the phylogenetic knowledge that is currently available. This drawback has two inadvertent consequences: first, there is no sufficient a posteriori quality assessment of complete mtDNA sequencing efforts; and second, no feedback is provided for the general mtDNA database when apparently new mtDNA lineages are discovered. We demonstrate, by way of example, these issues by reanalysing three mtDNA sequencing attempts, two from Europe and another one from East Asia. To further validate our phylogenetic deductions, we completely sequenced two mtDNAs from healthy subjects that nearly match the mtDNAs of two patients, whose sequences gave problematic results.

Socioeconomic and political power in the global society today is increasingly defined by control over, access to and use of information. In such a society, 'information' (and products and services related to it) has become a significant... more

Socioeconomic and political power in the global society today is increasingly defined by control over, access to and use of information. In such a society, 'information' (and products and services related to it) has become a significant tradeable and very profitable good, tipping the scales even further against and negatively impacting the traditionally important comparative economic advantage of countries which own natural and agricultural resources. 1 According to Govindan Parayil (quoted in Roy 2003) from the National University of Singapore, although the increasing returns from informational or digital capitalism are not an anomaly, they have created an instability marked by the most unequal distributions of income and wealth in human history. Just as one can be enriched financially or otherwise when one has access to, control of, and ownership over material resources, one can also be enriched by having 'the right information at the right time and at the right place'. Likewise, one can be impoverished without access to, control of and ownership over these resources. But because of the increasing profitability of informational capitalism, this impact -positive or negative -of enrichment or impoverishment is exponential, 2 and this has serious implications for the 'utopic' information society in terms of communication rights 3 and freedom of Adopting an empowerment framework, this paper reviews both available statistical data and a range of case studies in the East Asian context, to illustrate how the empowerment approach is critical for achieving gender equality in the information society in the region. The paper focuses on the use of ICTs and its implications for women in the areas of work and governance, in particular.

This thoroughly updated new edition of an already popular text brings together specially-commissioned chapters by leading authorities, rigorously edited to ensure systematic coverage. It provides students with an accessible and up-to-date... more

This thoroughly updated new edition of an already popular text brings together specially-commissioned chapters by leading authorities, rigorously edited to ensure systematic coverage. It provides students with an accessible and up-to-date thematically-structured comparative introduction to Southeast Asia today.

This book traces the origins and transformations of a people-the Zainichi, migrants from the Korean peninsula to Japan and their descendants. Using a wide range of arguments and evidence-historical and comparative, political and social,... more

This book traces the origins and transformations of a people-the Zainichi, migrants from the Korean peninsula to Japan and their descendants. Using a wide range of arguments and evidence-historical and comparative, political and social, literary and pop-cultural-John Lie reveals the social and historical conditions that gave rise to Zainichi identity, while simultaneously demonstrating its complex, fractured, even ephemeral nature. Key to understanding Zainichi ideology are, for Lie, the nationalist yearnings it expressed from a Frontispiece: Y. David Chung, Satisfaction (detail), 1993, graphite and watercolor. The Global, Area, and International Archive (GAIA) is an initiative of International and Area Studies, University of California, Berkeley, in partnership with the University of California Press, the California Digital Library, and international research programs across the UC system. GAIA volumes, which are published in both print and openaccess digital editions, represent the best traditions of regional studies, reconfigured through fresh global, transnational, and thematic perspectives. University of California Press, one of the most distinguished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported by the UC Press Foundation and by philanthropic contributions from individuals and institutions. For more information, visit www.ucpress.edu.

The era was, above all, a time of proud achievements for North Korea. Socialist politics are often referred to as substantive economic democracy based on the principle of egalitarian access to and distribution of social goods, in contrast... more

The era was, above all, a time of proud achievements for North Korea. Socialist politics are often referred to as substantive economic democracy based on the principle of egalitarian access to and distribution of social goods, in contrast to the formal democracy of liberal states founded on ideas of universal suffrage and personal liberty to pursue greater access to social goods. In the early postwar years, North Korea achieved great success in building a state and economic system on the model of substantive democracy, rapidly transforming a war-torn, and previously highly stratified, primarily agrarian society into an energetic, industrial society enjoying distributive justice and universal literacy.

This paper attempts to take the first steps toward developing a theory of non-governmental organizations (NGO)-state relations under dictatorship. Drawing on evidence from East Asia, the author argues that dictatorships typically employ... more

This paper attempts to take the first steps toward developing a theory of non-governmental organizations (NGO)-state relations under dictatorship. Drawing on evidence from East Asia, the author argues that dictatorships typically employ one of two strategies in attempting to govern NGOs. First, some dictatorships follow a corporatist strategy, in which business associations, development, and social welfare organizations are co-opted into the state and controlled through a variety of strategies. Second, other dictatorships pursue an exclusionary strategy in which NGOs are marginalized and replaced with state institutions. Variation in the strategy chosen may be explained by differing levels of elite competition and the type of development strategy. Single-party states tend to regulate elite conflicts better and thus often choose corporatist strategies. In personalist regimes dictators tend to fear the organizational and mobilizational potential of NGOs and thus tend to pursue exclusionary strategies. This choice, however, is conditioned by the development strategy employed, as socialist development strategies reduce the incentives to allow NGOs.

As a formerly colonized country, India takes very seriously the defence of its sovereignty and of its independence of action in the external realm as well as its identity as a Third World nation. These reasons contribute to its reluctance... more

As a formerly colonized country, India takes very seriously the defence of its sovereignty and of its independence of action in the external realm as well as its identity as a Third World nation. These reasons contribute to its reluctance to push a democratic agenda in its foreign policy even though it has a democratic political system at home. Another important feature of India’s foreign policy operation is that despite a federal structure, foreign policy remains a highly centralized and executive function. This in turn limits space for creative public diplomacy initiatives especially along India’s international borders, which are often the sites of various kinds of dispute and contestation both at the state-to-state level and at the people-to-people level. Indian elites and the general public are perhaps slowly beginning to realize that dichotomy between the internal and the external in terms of social and political values and engagement do not make for good publicity. In particular, China’s rise is likely to bring the democracy argument with its specific Indian characteristics as opposed to its Western heritage into sharper relief. At the moment though, contradictions in Indian public diplomacy remain writ large.

A comprehensive understanding of species phenological responses to global warming will require observations that are both long-term and spatially extensive. Here we present an analysis of the spring phenological response to climate... more

A comprehensive understanding of species phenological responses to global warming will require observations that are both long-term and spatially extensive. Here we present an analysis of the spring phenological response to climate variation of twelve taxa: six plants, three birds, a frog, and two insects. Phenology was monitored using standardized protocols at 176 meteorological stations in Japan and South Korea from 1953 to 2005, and in some cases even longer. We developed a hierarchical Bayesian model to examine the complex interactions of temperature, site effects, and latitude on phenology. Results show species-specific variation in the magnitude and even in the direction of their responses to increasing temperature, which also differ from site-to-site. At most sites the differences in phenology among species are forecast to become greater with warmer temperatures. Our results challenge the assertion that trends in one geographic region can be extrapolated to others, and emphasize the idiosyncratic nature of the species response to global warming. Field studies are needed to determine how these patterns of variation in species response to climate change affect species interactions and the ability to persist in a changing climate.

Workshop: 6 Decemeber 2019

This paper examines how South Korean understanding of what it means to be-or to have been-a citizen of the DPRK has evolved during the last decade. How does South Korean popular culture reflect that evolution and, in turn, shape ongoing... more

This paper examines how South Korean understanding of what it means to be-or to have been-a citizen of the DPRK has evolved during the last decade. How does South Korean popular culture reflect that evolution and, in turn, shape ongoing transformations in that understanding? These questions have significant policy implications and take on a heightened salience given the recent deterioration in relations that has taken place under the Lee Myung Bak administration: is the South Korean imagination being enlarged to make room for an inclusive but heterogeneous identity that accepts both parts of the divided nation? Or, conversely, is a hardening of mental boundaries inscribing cultural/social difference in tandem with the previous decade's (anything but linear) progress in political/economic rapprochement? In examining these questions, I sample key discursive sites where the South Korean imaginary expresses itself, including music, advertising, television comedy programs, film and literature. Certainly, as widely noted, policies of engagement have led to noteworthy changes in the South's images of North Korea. Prior to Kim Dae Jung's presidency, South Korean popular representations of the North were onedimensional, depicting it generally as a demonized object of fear or contempt. North Korean characters were almost inevitably presented as spies or terrorists-cardboard caricatures of evil incarnate, or, at best, brainwashed automatons, victims of the state. Recent years have added, if not finely nuanced representations, at least a broader array of hues to the palette from which depictions of the North are drawn. In the discussion I highlight significant but less noted developments. rather simply another country (albeit with a special relationship to South Korea), the South Korean imaginary becomes freer to treat these differences as humorous rather than threatening.

this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the view of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. Policy Research Working Papers are available online at... more

this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the view of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. Policy Research Working Papers are available online at http://econ.worldbank.org. I.

Using a nonlinear flexible regression model for four economies in east Asia, we re-examine two hypotheses in light of the causal relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty. The first, proposed by Friedman . Nobel lecture:... more

Using a nonlinear flexible regression model for four economies in east Asia, we re-examine two hypotheses in light of the causal relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty. The first, proposed by Friedman . Nobel lecture: Inflation and unemployment. Journal of Political Economy, 85,, postulates that increased inflation raises inflation uncertainty. Conversely, the second, put forth by . a theory of ambiguity, credibility, and inflation under discretion and asymmetric information. Econometrica, 54, 1099-1128], propounds that a high level of inflation uncertainty leads to a higher rate of inflation. Here, except for Hong Kong, overwhelming statistical evidence is found in favor of Friedman's hypothesis. The nonlinearity displays a U-shaped pattern, strongly implying that, indeed, a high rate of inflation or deflation results in high inflation uncertainty. At the same time, however, convincing evidence is found for Cukierman-Meltzer's hypothesis in favor of all four economies. Although Taiwan has an inverted U-shape, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea show a positive relation, thus agreeing with Cukierman-Meltzer's hypothesis.

Dysregulation of human epidermal growth factor receptor pathways by over-expression or constitutive activation can promote lung tumor processing including angiogenesis and metastasis and is associated with poor prognosis in non-small cell... more

Dysregulation of human epidermal growth factor receptor pathways by over-expression or constitutive activation can promote lung tumor processing including angiogenesis and metastasis and is associated with poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancers. Ganoderma also known as Lingzhi has been one of the most popular chemoprevention mushrooms in East Asia for centuries. Among many bioactive components identified from Ganoderma, an immunomodulatory protein is the major ingredient for the treatment of lung cancer. Recombinant fungal immunomodulatory protein, GMI, was cloned from Ganoderma microsporum and purified. However, knowledge on the pharmacological and molecular mechanisms in suppressing EGF-mediated tumor invasion and metastasis is poorly understood. The goal of study is investigate in suppressing tumor invasion and metastasis activity of GMI. GMI exhibited an inhibitory effect on EGF-induced migration and invasion. GMI treatment with EGF presented the most potent anti-migration and anti-invasion properties on Boyden chamber assay. GMI inhibited EGF-induced phosphorylation and activation of EGFR and AKT pathway kinases in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, the EGF-induced activation of Cdc42 GTPase was inhibited by GMI, while GMI had little effect on the EGF-induced activation of Rac1 GTPase. GMI also inhibited the EGF-induced microfilament depolymerization. These findings are the first to reveal the novel functions of GMI in tumor anti-metastasis and the molecular basis for its anticancer action.

The human settlement of the Pacific Islands represents one of the most recent major migration events of mankind. Polynesians originated in Asia according to linguistic evidence or in Melanesia according to archaeological evidence. To shed... more

The human settlement of the Pacific Islands represents one of the most recent major migration events of mankind. Polynesians originated in Asia according to linguistic evidence or in Melanesia according to archaeological evidence. To shed light on the genetic origins of Polynesians, we investigated over 400 Polynesians from 8 island groups, in comparison with over 900 individuals from potential parental populations of Melanesia, Southeast and East Asia, and Australia, by means of Y chromosome (NRY) and mitochondrial DNA ( ...

We use the "flying geese" framework to study the change in the geography of comparative advantages in the electronics sector in East Asia, China and the USA. Doubts have been raised about the capacity of the "flying geese" model to... more

We use the "flying geese" framework to study the change in the geography of comparative advantages in the electronics sector in East Asia, China and the USA. Doubts have been raised about the capacity of the "flying geese" model to interpret the most recent phases of Asian development, in particular as far as progress in the electronics sector is concerned. This paper takes issue against these negative conclusions on both theoretical and empirical grounds. On the theoretical side, the paper takes up the formulation proposed by Kaname Akamatsu, arguing that some of the critical observations raised against the model look to a distorted and simplified version of Akamatsu's original theory. Analyzing the behavior of the "revealed comparative advantage index" per products and area, it is concluded that the "flying geese model" is compatible with manifold industrial development models, increasing interdependence in an integrated area which crucially also includes the US, and that asymmetries and hierarchical order persist across the countries.

In this article, we discuss the complexity of geometric proofs with respect to a theoretical analysis and empirical results from studies in Taiwan and Germany. Based on these findings in both countries, specific teachings experiments with... more

In this article, we discuss the complexity of geometric proofs with respect to a theoretical analysis and empirical results from studies in Taiwan and Germany. Based on these findings in both countries, specific teachings experiments with junior high school students were developed, conducted, and evaluated. According to the different classroom and learning culture in East Asia and Western Europe, the interventions differed in their way of organizing the learning activities during regular mathematics lessons. The statistical analysis of the pre-post-test data indicated that both interventions were successful in fostering students' proof competence.

This paper discusses Chinese think tank following the attention by the Xi Jinping administration since 2012.

Credit market imperfections have been blamed for the depth and persistence of the Great Depression in the USA. Could similar mechanisms have played a role in ending the East Asian miracle? After a brief account of the nature of the recent... more

Credit market imperfections have been blamed for the depth and persistence of the Great Depression in the USA. Could similar mechanisms have played a role in ending the East Asian miracle? After a brief account of the nature of the recent crises, we use a model of highly levered creditconstrained firms due to Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) to explore this question. As applied to land-holding property companies, it predicts greatly amplified responses to financial shocks-like the ending of the land price bubble or the fall of the exchange rate. The initial fall in asset values is followed by the 'knock-on' effects of the scramble for liquidity as companies sell land to satisfy their collateral requirements-causing land prices to fall further. This could lead to financial collapse where-like falling dominoes-prudent firms are brought down by imprudent firms. Key to avoiding collapse is the nature of financial stabilisation policy; in a crisis, temporary financing can prevent illiquidity becoming insolvency and launching 'lifeboats' can do the same. But the vulnerability of financial systems like those in East Asia to short-term foreign currency exposure suggests that preventive measures are also required.

The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more

The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent.

This paper examines Australia's economic links with East Asia and the policy implications of these links. The main issue is whether Australia should join the regional trading arrangements with East Asian countries that have been proposed.... more

This paper examines Australia's economic links with East Asia and the policy implications of these links. The main issue is whether Australia should join the regional trading arrangements with East Asian countries that have been proposed. It examines the factors which determine the share of East Asia in Australian exports. One of these, the country bias factor, is threatened by proposed regional trading arrangements which might exclude Australia. After considering the costs of exclusion, the paper concludes that Australia should consider developing new bilateral or regional trade arrangements with countries in East Asia.

In a newly established venture to support librarians who are working to build collections to better serve their East Asian user communities, the American Librarian Association (ALA) and the Hong Kong Book Fair (HKBF) provided funding for... more

In a newly established venture to support librarians who are working to build collections to better serve their East Asian user communities, the American Librarian Association (ALA) and the Hong Kong Book Fair (HKBF) provided funding for a group of ten U.S. academic and public librarians responsible for selecting Chinese language materials to attend the July 2001 HKBF, which in

The risk perceived by investors is crucial in the decision to invest, in particular when it concerns a foreign country. The risk associated to any (foreign) investment is a multi-faceted element given that it reflects many aspects that... more

The risk perceived by investors is crucial in the decision to invest, in particular when it concerns a foreign country. The risk associated to any (foreign) investment is a multi-faceted element given that it reflects many aspects that are relevant to (foreign) investors, such as the level of transparency, corruption, rule of law, governance, etc. In this paper we consider the level of economic freedom, as provided by the “Heritage Foundation”, for the most recent years, in order to analyse how is this measure of risk related to the inward foreign direct investment performance index, as provided by the UNCTAD. Given the subjectivity of risk an appropriate methodology consists on using fuzzy logic clustering, which is applied in the paper in order to verify how different the MENA region is from the set of EU-member states. The results show that economic freedom and inward FDI are positively associated, in particular in the cluster of countries that present a higher economic freedom. ...

Article abstract-Objective: To determine overall and age-specific incidence rates of AD in a rural, population-based cohort in Ballabgarh, India, and to compare them with those of a reference US population in the Monongahela Valley of... more

Article abstract-Objective: To determine overall and age-specific incidence rates of AD in a rural, population-based cohort in Ballabgarh, India, and to compare them with those of a reference US population in the Monongahela Valley of Pennsylvania. Methods: A 2-year, prospective, epidemiologic study of subjects aged Ն55 years utilizing repeated cognitive and functional ability screening, followed by standardized clinical evaluation using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, and the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association criteria for the diagnosis, and the Clinical Dementia Rating scale for the staging, of dementia and AD. Results: Incidence rates per 1000 person-years for AD with CDR Ն0.5 were 3.24 (95% CI: 1.48 -6.14) for those aged Ն65 years and 1.74 (95% CI: 0.84 -3.20) for those aged Ն55 years. Standardized against the age distribution of the 1990 US Census, the overall incidence rate in those aged Ն65 years was 4.7 per 1000 person-years, substantially lower than the corresponding rate of 17.5 per 1000 person-years in the Monongahela Valley. Conclusion: These are the first AD incidence rates to be reported from the Indian subcontinent, and they appear to be among the lowest ever reported. However, the relatively short duration of follow-up, cultural factors, and other potential confounders suggest caution in interpreting this finding.

Corruption remains one of the key obstacles to emocratization and good governance. Given the nature of the subject, corruption is notoriously difficult to study. International comparisons and rankings of good governance such as the World... more

Corruption remains one of the key obstacles to emocratization and good governance. Given the nature of the subject, corruption is notoriously difficult to study. International comparisons and rankings of good governance such as the World Bank World Governance Indicators, the Bertelsmann Sustainable Governance Index, or Transparency International’s Global Corruption Index are very useful for providing the big picture on corruption. To understand trends and mechanisms of corruption, however, it is necessary to conduct case studies on both successful and failed cases of anti-corruption policies. This paper investigates the successes and challenges of the
fight against corruption in South Korea since the beginning of democratization in 1987. The investigation shows that Korea has generally been successful in controlling corruption. The paper argues that the remaining problems can be largely explained by the legacy of authoritarian rule and the undermining of state autonomy through the concentration of economic power.

“亚东” 不同于“东亚”。从“亚东”... more

“亚东” 不同于“东亚”。从“亚东” 一词在第二次世界大战之后台湾政治历史中的消逝,可以看出冷战期间台湾解殖渐行渐弱的过程。当前去殖民学术中流行一种为了解殖而实行的“策略性本质主义”,鼓励底层刻意采纳某一种具有本质性的身分,作为动员抵抗的话语策略,然而这反而会巩固殖民与被殖民的二分视角,进而迫使底层依赖被殖民意识来维系自我认识。我们主张必须对解殖进行再理论化,将解殖话语及其实践视为一项关系性的建构,以化解本质性的二分及所导致的对被殖民身分的反复强调。因而,透过亚东话语在台湾的消逝,可以证实冷战造成的地缘安全话语已经取代解殖。亚东话语之失落,间接揭露了台湾解殖难以为继的困境。冷战的进行关乎美国透过围堵政策划分世界之知识建构,相当程度上造成了东亚话语对亚东话语的替代。亚东话语所投射的,是一种地缘文化的视角,而东亚话语则意谓着地缘战略意图。后者承继“大东亚共荣圈”,恰恰是日本在二战前及战时用来支持殖民主义与军事扩张的话语。

New evidence is presented on environmental innovation and diffusion over the 1970s and 1980s. At a global level, a substantial amount of innovations occurred. In the United States, Japan, and Germany, the share of environmental patents in... more

New evidence is presented on environmental innovation and diffusion over the 1970s and 1980s. At a global level, a substantial amount of innovations occurred. In the United States, Japan, and Germany, the share of environmental patents in all patents varied between 0.6 and 3%, and as such was higher than the corresponding share of pollution abatement expenditure in GDP. Japanese environmental innovation rates were consistently high. Certain plausible connections between environmental regulation and innovation also emerge. Across these three countries and over time, innovation responded to pollution abatement expenditure, an indicator of the severity of environmental regulations. Environmental patenting rates in developing countries were also high, reaching 2% in many years in Brazil. Developing country innovators obtained a non-trivial number of patents, most of which appear geared towards adapting imported technologies to local conditions. However, domestic innovation was only one path to new technologies. 'Imports' of disembodied environmental technologies (foreign patents registered in developing countries) were substantial. Foreign patents were typically 'important' or generic patents; evidence also suggests that such patents protected intellectual property in equipment exported. Developing countries, especially in East Asia, often chose to obtain technologies embodied in pollution abatement equipment.

Although distrust has often been cited as a major reason for growing tensions in East Asia, few studies have systematically explored exactly how trust, or the lack of it, influences international cooperation in the region. In this study,... more

Although distrust has often been cited as a major reason for growing tensions in East Asia, few studies have systematically explored exactly how trust, or the lack of it, influences international cooperation in the region. In this study, we examine the sources and consequences of international trust in East Asia by analyzing an original survey of Chinese urban residents’ attitudes toward Japan and South Korea. We find that generalized trust, the belief that other nations have benign intentions, is the most crucial driving force of trust toward Japan and South Korea, which in turn has a positive effect on preferences for interstate cooperation. We also find that, contrary to conventional wisdom, nationalism and historical memory have little or no effect on international trust. These results enhance our understanding of international trust in general and its dynamics in East Asia in particular, and lead us to offer some important policy implications for Sino-Japanese relations and Chinese foreign policy.

Thousands of academical works are devoted to the theory of modernization. In general under modernization we can understand the processes where rural, traditional societies are transformed into industrialized and modern. This encompasses... more

Thousands of academical works are devoted to the theory of modernization. In general under modernization we can understand the processes where rural, traditional societies are transformed into industrialized and modern. This encompasses not only economical modernization and development of market infrastructure and technology, but also political modernization and the developed system of interest representation. However the process of modernization is believed to have its own impact on every aspect of political, economical, social and cultural life of the state. In this context East Asian historiography seems to be one of the best samples.

This succinct review returns to the debate on political-culture and Singaporean social policy nexus that has been abandoned since 2000. They put the spotlight on the social policy through the Confucian lens, examining to what extent... more

This succinct review returns to the debate on political-culture and Singaporean social policy nexus that has been abandoned since 2000. They put the spotlight on the social policy through the Confucian lens, examining to what extent Confucianism teaching was conditioned in formal welfare provisions. Yet, they are too focused on the common idea of Confucianism while overlooking the original idea of Singaporean value promoted by Lee Kuan Yew. Hence, this article raises the discussion of the links of Singaporean values and the Central Provident Found (CPF) which have barely been highlighted in the literature. Singaporean values are hybrid between Confucianism and Western values. This article argues that although the CPF has expanded in terms of features and benefits, it has not crossed the line that separates Singapore from Western models. Because of its Singaporean values, the country does not follow the typical European model, which is being adopted by other East Asian countries. This article concludes the CPF not only reflects its centrality to Singaporean values but also as a value stabilizer that has long history in contributing to Singaporean nation-building.

La regione del Belūcistān è, dopo anni di dominazioni straniere, suddivisa all’interno di tre Stati: Iran, Afghanistan e Pakistan. La sua posizione è notevolmente strategica in quanto situata sul lato occidentale del Medio Oriente,... more

La regione del Belūcistān è, dopo anni di dominazioni straniere, suddivisa all’interno di tre Stati: Iran, Afghanistan e Pakistan. La sua posizione è notevolmente strategica in quanto situata sul lato occidentale del Medio Oriente, possibile punto di sbocco sul mare Arabico e sull’Oceano Indiano per gli stati dell'Asia Centrale e Orientale, area di mare cardine delle tratte delle petroliere che dal Golfo Persico si dirigono verso est. Le popolazioni presenti nella regione subiscono costantemente, da parte dei governi centrali, le violazioni dei propri diritti umani, economici e culturali subendo continue discriminazioni, particolarmente per ciò che concerne la partecipazione alla vita politica e al mercato del lavoro. Tensioni, scontri e guerre, che proseguono a fasi alterne da anni, sono legate principalmente alle richieste, di partiti e movimenti del Belūcistān spesso non uniti e rivali tra loro, di maggiore autonomia economica e politica. La regione, ricca di gas, petrolio e minerali, è da alcuni anni al centro di interessi geostrategici ed economici. Di particolare importanza gli accordi sino-pakistani per la costruzione del megaporto di Gwadar e del China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), che ha acutizzato le proteste e le rivolte delle popolazioni locali, accrescendo l’aspirazione indipendentista.

In moving towards becoming a market economy, China has made dramatic strides since embarking on reforms in 1978, but liberalizations have been accompanied by inflationary booms followed by bouts of social instability. These last account... more

In moving towards becoming a market economy, China has made dramatic strides since embarking on reforms in 1978, but liberalizations have been accompanied by inflationary booms followed by bouts of social instability. These last account for much of the caution in China’s approach to joining the World Trade Organization, which is seen as critical to securing further foreign direct investment, foreign technology and access to foreign markets—all necessary to economic growth and development. There is a reluctance to make firm commitments to abide by WTO rules on a schedule faster than that expected of developing countries. Perhaps the commitments required could be undertaken in confidence-building stages.

L’histoire de la monnaie en Asie orientale est intimement liée à celle de la Chine. En effet, le modèle monétaire chinois a inspiré ceux des voisins immédiats. Dès le viie siècle avant notre ère, sont utilisés en Chine divers signes... more

L’histoire de la monnaie en Asie orientale est intimement liée à celle de la Chine. En effet, le modèle monétaire chinois a inspiré ceux des voisins immédiats. Dès le viie siècle avant notre ère, sont utilisés en Chine divers signes monétaires manufacturés en bronze dont la valeur d’échange excède la valeur métallique. La Chine invente donc très tôt le principe d’une monnaie fiduciaire faite pour circuler et non pour être thésaurisée. Du premier au dernier empereur, la monnaie garde le même aspect, à savoir une pièce ronde trouée en son centre. Cette monnaie, appelée sapèque en français, se répand grâce au commerce dans toute l’Asie orientale. Le Japon, puis le Vietnam et enfin la Corée l’imitent pour produire leur propre monnayage.
East Asian monetary history is closely linked to that of China. The Chinese monetary system was used as a model by neighbouring countries. Starting from the 7th century before the Common Era, China used various coinages made out of bronze. Because their exchange value exceeded the metallic value, this was an early invention of a fiduciary coinage made for circulation and not for hoarding. From the first to the last emperor, Chinese coins shared the same shape. They are round coins with a hole in the centre. These cash coins circulated among traders throughout East Asia. First Japan, then Vietnam and finally Korea imitated them to produce their own coinage.
中国的货币形制启发了周围邻国。中国很早就创造了用于流通而不是储藏的法定货币。从公元前七世纪起,中国就拥有了青铜制的布币及刀币。这些货币的交换价值超过其金属价值。中国因此很早就创造了货币用于流通而不是储藏的原则。从秦始皇帝开始一直到清朝末代皇帝溥仪,中国钱一直是圆形中部为方孔的。这种钱币英文叫 cash coin, 法文叫 sapèque。宋朝时中国钱币通过贸易传遍全东亚。从日本到越南、韩国都相继模仿中国钱币而铸成了自己的货币。