Marine Aquaculture Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Research on sea slugs production has steadily increased in the last decades as a result of their use as model organisms for biomedical studies, bioprospecting for new marine drugs and their growing demand for academic research and the... more

Research on sea slugs production has steadily increased in the last decades as a result of their use as model organisms for biomedical studies, bioprospecting for new marine drugs and their growing demand for academic research and the marine aquarium trade. However, standardized methods for culturing sea slugs are still limited to a reduced number of species. The main bottlenecks impairing sea slugs aquaculture are the lack of knowledge on suitable larval diets and settlement cues that can induce metamorphosis in competent larvae. Additionally, the stenophagous feeding regime displayed by several species requires the collection and/or culture of their prey, which commonly impairs large-scale production. Nevertheless, significant breakthroughs have been achieved in recent years through the development of innovative culture techniques. The present review summarizes the major issues impairing the culture of sea slugs and presents relevant biological and ecological data that can assist on the development of suitable culture protocols. Information on the most suitable husbandry, larviculture and grow-out techniques are critically discussed, with emphasis to their application on some of the most relevant groups of sea slugs from an academic and commercial point of view: sea hares (Aplysia spp.), nudibranchs (e.g., the marine ornamental species Aeolidiella stephanieae) and the "solar powered" sacoglossan (e.g., Elysia spp.).

The experiment was conducted to assess the performance of two commercial feeds oAbstract The experiment was conducted to assess the performance of two commercial feeds on growth of the Dutch strain of African catfish Clarias gariepinus... more

The experiment was conducted to assess the performance of two commercial feeds oAbstract The experiment was conducted to assess the performance of two commercial feeds on growth of the Dutch strain of African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerlings for 56 days under hatchery condition in July and August, 2019 with the aim of comparing the growth response in terms of Specific Growth Rate (SGR), total weight, total length and survival rates. Sixty (60) fingerlings of C. gariepinus with average weight of 1.20±0.00g and two commercial feeds (Coppens and Skretting) with varying crude proteins were used for the study. Some water parameters analyzed indicated Temperature range of 27.35±0.03 and 27.14±0.07 for T1 and T2 respectively, pH of 7.41±0.07 and 7.41±0.03, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) of 65.38±1.07ppm and 73.75±0.45ppm, Electrical Conductivity (EC) of 130.75±2.14µS and 147.50±0.90µS and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) of 4.44±0.04mg/L and 4.51±0.03mg/L respectively. The treatments had no significant difference in terms of Mean Weight, Specific Growth Rate (SGR), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Feed Conversion Efficiency and Survival Rate (P< 0.05). In terms of mean weight, Coppens gave 4.02g while Skretting gave 4.44g. SGR showed in Coppens 2.63 and 2.64 in Skretting. Although fish fed with Coppens and Skretting both demonstrated good growth performance. n growth of the

Urban vegetation, particularly trees provides a wide spectrum of ecosystem services which include upgradation of air quality, stabilizing temperature, reduction in ultraviolet radiation, oxygen generation, carbon sequestration, habitat of... more

Urban vegetation, particularly trees provides a wide spectrum of ecosystem services which include upgradation of air quality, stabilizing
temperature, reduction in ultraviolet radiation, oxygen generation, carbon sequestration, habitat of several flora and fauna (enhancement of
biodiversity) aesthetic beauty etc. Oxygen production is one of the most commonly cited benefits of urban trees. The purpose of this article is
to estimate the oxygen production by the dominant trees in the urban area of Konnagar, compare it with the estimated oxygen consumption by
the population of the area and illustrate why oxygen production by urban trees is an important ecosystem service

Offshore aquaculture industry is considered among the fastest growing industries worldwide. However, further expansion of this industry requires larger breeding installations positioned even further from shore. These installations... more

Offshore aquaculture industry is considered among the fastest growing industries worldwide. However, further expansion of this industry requires larger breeding installations positioned even further from shore. These installations inevitably would require substantial automation powered by appropriate energy sources. Thus, this paper investigates appropriate sustainable renewable energy generation solutions to meet anticipated needs. Firstly, an account of energy requirements of a typical offshore aquaculture installation is presented to realise the scale of energy required. Subsequently, current status of solar, wind, wave and current renewable energy technologies is given and their applicability for Eastern Mediterranean offshore aquaculture is investigated. Finally, further challenges and research milestones to overcome are discussed.

The potential Indonesian marine fisheries resources 52% consisted of small pelagic fish groups. The results of the small pelagic fisheries in the Java Sea with purse seine benchmarks indicate that the estimated potential eternal 132,240... more

The potential Indonesian marine fisheries resources 52% consisted of small pelagic fish groups. The results of the small pelagic fisheries in the Java Sea with purse seine benchmarks indicate that the estimated potential eternal 132,240 tons / year. The total catch in 1991 had reached 2.54 million tons / year, which comprised 52% of small pelagic fish, the amount of the 6.16% is fish tembang. This study aims to determine the level of exploitation of fish tembang, knowing reproductive performance and see the relationship between the level of exploitation of the fish tembang reproductive performance. A study was conducted in May until July 2009. Fishing locations on the sample of fish landing sites (TPI), one on the north coast of Java, Mina Fajar Sidik TPI (Subang), one in the waters of the Sunda Strait TPI Labuan (Pandeglang) and one on the south coast of Java Palabuhan Ratu TPI (Sukabumi). Length distribution of fish tembang (Sardinella gibbosa) in the Palabuhan Ratu ranging from 109-193 mm, the Blanakan between 141-191 mm and in the Labuan between 109-169 mm.Tembang fish growth patterns of male and female are isometric (P <0.05). Sex ratio of male-female fish during the observation unbalanced 1:1,7 (Palabuhan Ratu), 1:1,6 (Blanakan and Labuan). Based on the maturity level of the gonad and gonadal maturation index, allegedly began spawn fish in Palabuhan Ratu in the long interval 131-140 mm, in spawn on Blanakan began a long interval 141-150 mm, and Labuan in the interval 111-120 mm long. Tembang fish in Fekunditas ranged from Palabuhan Ratu 10872-123606 eggs, in areas ranging from Blanakan fekunditas eggs 28319-149853, and in areas ranging from Labuan 18552-78754 eggs. Based on the diameter distribution of eggs, fish populations have the type of spawning tembang fish partial spawner. Value of egg protein content overall ranged between 11.43%-32.68%. Seen from trend egg proteins found in the larger Palabuhan Ratu of 24.88% and lower in Labuan which is 20.79%. From the trend rate of exploitation can be seen the rate of exploitation in the three study sites have exceeded 50% with a greater rate seen in the area of Labuan and 63.7% lower rate seen in the area of Palabuhan Ratu namely 53.2%. Affect the rate of exploitation of some reproductive parameters. This can be seen from the trend rate of exploitation in the egg diameter size and protein content, although the difference is not too large. So is the size of the first fish smaller gonads mature at the rate of exploitation of the area which is also greater in areas of Labuan. Abstract Potensi sumberdaya perikanan laut Indonesia 52% terdiri dari kelompok ikan pelagis kecil. Hasil penangkapan ikan pelagis kecil di Laut Jawa dengan tolak ukur purse seine menunjukkan bahwa perkiraan potensi lestarinya 132.240 ton/tahun. Sedangkan total tangkapan pada tahun 1991 sudah mencapai 2,54 juta ton/tahun, yang terdiri dari 52% ikan pelagis kecil, dari besaran tersebut 6,16% adalah ikan tembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat eksploitasi ikan tembang, mengetahui keragaan reproduktif serta melihat keterkaitan antara tingkat eksploitasi dengan keragaan reproduktif ikan tembang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan bulan Juli 2009. Lokasi pengambilan ikan contoh di tempat pendaratan ikan (TPI), satu di pantai utara Jawa yaitu TPI Mina Fajar Sidik (Subang), satu di perairan Selat Sunda yaitu TPI Labuan (Pandeglang) dan satu di pantai selatan Jawa yaitu TPI Palabuhan Ratu (Sukabumi). Sebaran panjang ikan tembang (Sardinella gibbosa) di Palabuhan Ratu berkisar antara 109-193 mm, di Blanakan berkisar antara 141-191 mm dan di daerah Labuan berkisar antara 109-169 mm. Pola pertumbuhan ikan tembang jantan dan betina adalah isometrik (P<0,05). Nisbah kelamin ikan jantan-betina selama pengamatan tidak seimbang 1:1,7 (Palabuhan Ratu), 1:1,6 (Blanakan dan Labuan). Berdasarkan tingkat kematangan gonad dan indeks kematangan gonad, diduga ikan mulai memijah di Palabuhan Ratu pada selang panjang 131-140 mm, di Blanakan mulai memijah pada selang panjang 141-150 mm, dan Labuan pada selang panjang 111-120 mm. Fekunditas ikan tembang di Palabuhan Ratu berkisar antara 10872-123606 butir telur, di daerah Blanakan fekunditas berkisar antara 28319-149853 butir telur, dan di daerah Labuan berkisar antara 18552-78754 butir telur. Berdasarkan sebaran diameter telur, populasi ikan tembang mempunyai tipe pemijahan partial spawner. Nilai kandungan protein telur secara keseluruhan berkisar antara 11,43%-32,68%. Dilihat dari trennya kandungan protein telur lebih besar ditemukan di Palabuhan Ratu yaitu 24,88% dan lebih rendah di Labuan yaitu 20,79%. Dari tren laju eksploitasi dapat dilihat laju eksploitasi di tiga lokasi penelitian sudah melebihi 50% dengan laju lebih besar terlihat pada daerah Labuan yaitu 63,7% dan laju yang lebih rendah terlihat pada daerah Palabuhan Ratu yaitu 53,2%. Laju eksploitasi berpengaruh terhadap sebagian parameter reproduksi. Hal ini terlihat dari tren laju eksploitasi dengan ukuran diameter telur dan kandungan protein, walaupun perbedaannya tidak terlalu besar. Begitu juga dengan ukuran ikan pertama kali matang gonad lebih kecil pada daerah dengan laju eksploitasi yang juga lebih besar yaitu pada daerah Labuan.

Jellyfish blooms are a known threat to coastal industries (e.g. aquaculture on-growing facilities, recreational beaches and power stations), yet our ability to predict or even quantify the threat remains an ongoing challenge (Nickell et... more

Jellyfish blooms are a known threat to coastal industries (e.g. aquaculture on-growing facilities, recreational beaches and power stations), yet our ability to predict or even quantify the threat remains an ongoing challenge (Nickell et al. 2010). To date, many studies of such aggregations have focused on areas dominated by those jellyfish (i.e. Phylum Cnidaria, Class Scyphozoa) with a metagenic life history comprising an alternation of free-swimming and sexually reproducing medusae with asexually budding benthic polyps (Arai 1997). As the polyps can persist over many years (Lucas 2001, Purcell et al. 2009, Lucas et al. 2012), it is logical to suggest some degree of spatial consistency in the resultant jellyfish aggregations from year to year, although long-term data to test this idea are relatively scarce (Colin & Kremer 2002, Condon et al. 2012, 2013). A notable exception to this conjecture is the scyphomedusan Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål 1775), which lacks a near-shore polyp stage and can form large ag gregations in offshore areas (Russell 1967, Purcell 2005, Ferraris et al. 2012). Periodic and highly prob

While marine aquaculture, or mariculture, has been growing rapidly and globally in recent decades, many environmental concerns remain to be fully addressed to achieve its long-term goal of sustainable development. This paper aims to... more

While marine aquaculture, or mariculture, has been growing rapidly and globally in recent decades, many environmental concerns remain to be fully addressed to achieve its long-term goal of sustainable development. This paper aims to provide a synthesized perspective on these issues by reviewing and discussing the characterization, transport, and current modelling and management tools associated with effluents released from mariculture sites. Specifically, we examined the effluent characteristics and behavior from source-to-sink, including the composition and load of effluent discharge, its transport and transformation processes in the water column and at the seabed, and its impacts on the pelagic and benthic environments. We then focused on management-related issues, including the setting of the regulatory mixing zone, the establishment of environmental standards, monitoring measures, and modelling techniques to depict the current state-of-the-art modes in a global context. Our study shows that while substantial progress has been made in understanding the nature of the mariculture effluent, as well as in monitoring and modelling its transport and fate, the regulatory framework still lags behind in many countries where the mariculture industry is relevant. This is particularly evident in the lack of consistent criteria for the definition of regulatory mixing zones and the associated environmental standards for water quality and benthic impacts. Besides, as new predictive models are emerging quickly, their proper evaluation and validation are imperative in view of their increasing application in regulatory practices. This review is intended to provide references for advancing regulatory management of mariculture effluents, as well as for promoting sustainable mariculture development.

Costa-Pierce and Chopin (2021) covered much of the hype in some proposals for aquaculture development today. Many aquaculture veterans chimed in to us after the article was published and said "so what else is new"? There are more... more

Costa-Pierce and Chopin (2021) covered much of the hype in some proposals for aquaculture development today. Many aquaculture veterans chimed in to us after the article was published and said "so what else is new"? There are more important additional orthodoxies that affect aquaculture policies and development options that are uncomfortable truths: 1) Does the world need more food? 2) Does aquaculture contribute in an outsized way to nutritional wellness? and 3) Do the new geographies for aquaculture, such as the USA and the EU, import 90 percent or more of their seafoods? First, world food production has outpaced population growth by a large margin, including for animal proteins (Hazell and Wood 2008, Pingale 2012, FAO 2017). Seafood supply has also outpaced population growth (FAO 2018). The real reason for human suffering is not supply but the dysfunctions in access, distribution networks, income distribution (the yawning gap between rich and poor) and its consequences for increasing poverty, protracted wars and violence and climate-related disasters (FAO et al. 2018). Second, there is evidence from aquaculture scientists that the enhanced protein and micronutrient contributions from seafood to consumers and households in comparisons to intake from lower-cost plants and terrestrial animals has been overstated (Kawarazuka and Bene 2011, Bene et al. 2016). Third, large countries with great potential for aquaculture development advocate the need for it in comparison to other alternatives. The US does not import 90 percent of its seafood. It has long been said that "America exports everything it produces and imports everything it eats." I once ate cod at a restaurant in Gloucester, Massachusetts, next to the fish auction. The fisherman I was out to dinner with pointed to my plate and said, "that fish was caught here, exported to be processed in Thailand, now is on your plate." The US and the EU are among the world's largest seafood exporters. Gephart et al. (2019) estimate that China imports about one-third of US seafood, processes them, then about 57 percent of that is shipped back to the US where it is counted as imports. As a result, they estimate domestic production accounts for 35-38 percent of America's seafood and that 62-65 percent of seafood is imported. Seafood data are poor everywhere for decision-making and are used to make political points to advocate for aquaculture. Aquaculture is political, of course, but doesn't need poor data to justify its solid merits.

With an objective to examine neem seed cake as bactericide, three treatments-10, 20, and 30 mg L −1 -were applied in outdoor experimental Labeo rohita culture tanks for a period of 120 days. Nitrifying, ammonifying, and denitrifying... more

With an objective to examine neem seed cake as bactericide, three treatments-10, 20, and 30 mg L −1 -were applied in outdoor experimental Labeo rohita culture tanks for a period of 120 days. Nitrifying, ammonifying, and denitrifying bacteria declined directly with increasing dosage. Ammonifying and phosphate solubilizing bacteria recovered within a month, nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria after 45 days. A positive relationship was established between soil available-N and ammonifying, nitrifying, and denitrifying bacteria in 10 mg L −1 (R 2 = 0.68-0.83). Phosphate solubilizing bacteria responded directly with dosage and contributed significantly to the orthophosphate pool (R 2 = 0.66-0.78).

''Red tide'' has become a familiar shorthand for unusual changes in the color of ocean waters. It is intimately related both to blooms of creatures like dinoflagellates and to the devastating effects they pose to coastal fisheries. This... more

''Red tide'' has become a familiar shorthand for unusual changes in the color of ocean waters. It is intimately related both to blooms of creatures like dinoflagellates and to the devastating effects they pose to coastal fisheries. This essay tracks the early twentieth century emergence of discolored water as an aquacultural problem, known in Japan as akashio, and its trans-oceanic transformation into the terms and practices of ''red tide'' in the post-World War II United States. For Japan's ''Pearl King'' Mikimoto Kokichi and his contacts in diverse marine scientific communities, the years-long cycle of guarding and cultivating a pearl oyster went together with the ascription of moral qualities to tiny creatures that posed a threat to farmed bayscapes of pearl monoculture. As akashio, discolored water went from curiosity to marine livestock pest, one that at times left dead pearl oysters in its wake. Red tide arose from the sustained study of the mechanisms by which changes in the biological and chemical composition of seawater might become deadly to exclusively-claimed shellfish along Japanese coastlines, but came to be seen as a way to understand aquatic manifestations of harm in other parts of the littoral world.

We conducted a study on the biology of mantis shrimp Harpiosquilla raphidea collected from a mudflat at the mouth of Tungkal River, Jambi Province, Indonesia. Some biological information is described such as sex ratio, size frequency... more

We conducted a study on the biology of mantis shrimp Harpiosquilla raphidea collected from a mudflat at the mouth of Tungkal River, Jambi Province, Indonesia. Some biological information is described such as sex ratio, size frequency distribution of the population, and gonad maturity stage of females. Gonad development was also observed in a laboratory. The results showed that for the entire population, the sex ratio was female biased. Three stages of gonad maturity occurred in the population indicating continual breeding. Based on the laboratory observation, shrimp collected from the field started to develop gonad within two weeks.

Proximate composition: Because of influence of chemical composition on keeping quality, proximate chemical composition like moisture, lipid, protein and ash contents of fish samples from the time or day of harvest to different storage... more

Proximate composition: Because of influence of chemical composition on keeping quality, proximate chemical composition like moisture, lipid, protein and ash contents of fish samples from the time or day of harvest to different storage periods or conditions are often investigated. Proximate composition may vary with species, sex, season, place of harvest, feeding condition, etc. So, conclusive results are very difficult to obtain.

Resumen.-La contaminación biológica afecta a la acuicultura mundial con importantes impactos de productividad y rentabilidad, especialmente en el cultivo de moluscos, donde tanto la especie de cultivo objetivo como la infraestructura... more

Resumen.-La contaminación biológica afecta a la acuicultura mundial con importantes impactos de productividad y rentabilidad, especialmente en el cultivo de moluscos, donde tanto la especie de cultivo objetivo como la infraestructura están expuestas a una diversidad de organismos contaminantes. En el cultivo de ostras, el impacto clave es la adherencia directa de organismos causando daño físico, interferencia mecánica, competencia biológica y modificación ambiental, mientras que también se efectúa la infraestructura. El presente estudio describe la composición de la bioincrustación en la superficie de la ostra de mangle Crassostrea rhizophorae, cultivada en un estuario Amazónico, ubicado en el estado de Pará, norte de Brasil. En total, 6.124 macroinvertebrados fueron muestreados en julio, agosto, octubre y diciembre de 2013. La epifauna recolectada estuvo representada por 5 grupos principales (Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polychaeta, Crustacea y Anthozoa), 20 familias y 37 especies. Bivalvia fue la clase más abundante, presentando 5.183 mejillones de la especie Mytella charruana. El conocimiento sobre la composición de la incrustación biológica, así como la identificación de las principales especies que causan impactos directos, permite opciones de gestión más personalizadas y estratégicas, minimizando los costos, a menudo significativos, asociados con el control de la bioincrustación (antifouling). Abstract.-Biofouling affects global aquaculture with significant impacts on productivity and profitability, especially in marine shellfish culture, where both the target culture species and/or infrastructure are exposed to a diverse array of fouling organisms. In oyster culture, fouling of stock causes physical damage, mechanical interference, biological competition and environmental modification, with infrastructure also colonized. The present study describes the composition of the biofouling community inhabiting the surface of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae, cultivated in an Amazon estuary, in the state of Pará, northern Brazil. In total, 6,124 macroinvertebrates were collected during July, August, October and December 2013. Collected epifauna was represented by 5 groups (Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polychaeta, Crustacea and Anthozoa), 20 families and 37 species. Bivalvia was the most abundant class, with the mussel Mytella charruana by far the most dominant species with 5,183 individuals. Knowledge about the composition of biofouling as well as identifying the main species that cause direct impacts allows more tailored and strategic management options, minimizing the often-significant costs associated with biofouling control (antifouling).

Concentrations of a number of heavy metals, including Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in samples of water and muscle tissue of tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) from two farms. One farm was located in Tuaran (farm-A)... more

Concentrations of a number of heavy metals, including Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in samples of water and muscle tissue of tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) from two farms. One farm was located in Tuaran (farm-A) and the other in Likas (farm-B) near Kota Kinabalu. While Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Pb and Zn concentrations were higher in the water from farm-A, other metal concentrations (Cd, Mn and Ni) were higher in farm-B. Tiger prawns raised in farm-A had comparatively higher concentrations of Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb. Those grown in farm-B had higher levels of Cd, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn. No general correlation between metal levels was discernible in the prawn tissue. The data suggested complexities in uptake and retention of metals in tiger prawn. This animal seemed to resist the build-up of certain metals whereas it allowed the entry of others to the extent of exceeding the proportion that occurred in the environment. Some of the controlling factors include the nature of the metals, environmental factors, the body’s reaction, physiological tolerance, tissue thresholds and regulatory mechanisms.

The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is a valuable and commonly exported European decapod crustacean, which experiences stress from point of capture and onward transport. Stressors such as air exposure duration (i.e. emersion period)... more

The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is a valuable and commonly exported European decapod crustacean, which experiences stress from point of capture and onward transport. Stressors such as air exposure duration (i.e. emersion period) and air temperature have been studied previously. We investigated whether mortality could be reduced by decreasing road vibrations during transport, and how physiological stress measurements were influenced in a transport simulation experiment , reflecting a typical short road journey along a supply chain. Baseline haemo-lymph samples were taken from lobsters sampled immediately after commercial capture using static traps (lobster pots). Individuals were emersed for one hour, either immobile or with continuous shaking; the latter to simulate conditions occurring during transport. Both treatments significantly increased Total Haemocyte Counts (THC) and serum glucose, lactate and ammonium concentrations compared to baseline animals. Individuals subjected to continuous shaking showed higher glucose and ammo-nium concentrations compared to individuals maintained immobile. We conclude that shaking appears to influence the physiological responses of N. norvegicus in addition to the effects of emersion alone, and the reduction of road vibrations (e.g. via simple cushioning) can reduce post-transport mortality.

This report presents the results of a study on necessary demands of fishing communities in the territorial waters of Somaliland carried out in Somaliland at the month of November 2018. At 674 km, Somaliland has enough coastline. The... more

This report presents the results of a study on necessary demands of fishing communities in the territorial waters of Somaliland carried out in Somaliland at the month of November 2018. At 674 km, Somaliland has enough coastline. The fisheries law establishes that the territorial sea of Somaliland is 12 nautical miles, the country’s declared 100 m EEZ, The Somaliland Coastline extends from just east of Loyade (at 43° 15’ 45” E) on the Djibouti border to just east of Elayo (at 48° 53’ E) on the border with Somalia (which mostly runs at 49° E). and the main islands off the coast are Mait Island in the east and the Sadadin and Aibat Islands in the west. The relative abundant potential of Somaliland’s EEZ comes with a challenge. It makes patrolling and surveillance for fisheries enforcement difficult. Nevertheless, Somaliland has enormous potential to develop marine fisheries. Given political stability, these resources could have a positive economic impact on the country.

This Memo was prepared on the suggestion of Mr. Abdirahman M. A. Hashi, Minister, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR), Government of Somalia. I was asked to present initial thoughts on how to manage Somalia’s coastal zone... more

This Memo was prepared on the suggestion of Mr. Abdirahman M. A. Hashi, Minister, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR), Government of Somalia. I was asked to present initial thoughts on how to manage Somalia’s coastal zone and marine resources.

Bakteri Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Gambar 1) merupakan bakteri halofilik (hidup dengan kondisi kadar garam tinggi, hingga 30%). Habitat alami bakteri ini adalah di muara dan perairan laut pesisir. Bakteri ini memproduksi toksin hemolisin... more

Bakteri Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Gambar 1) merupakan bakteri halofilik (hidup dengan kondisi kadar garam tinggi, hingga 30%). Habitat alami bakteri ini adalah di muara dan perairan laut pesisir. Bakteri ini memproduksi toksin hemolisin termostabil ekstraseluler yaitu "Thermostable Direct Haemolysin (TDH)" dan "Thermostable Direct Haemolysin-Related Haemolysin (TRH)". Kedua toksin ini masing-masing disandikan oleh gen virulensi tdh dan trh. Adanya gen tdh dan gen trh tersebut menentukan tingkat patogenitas strain V.

The decline of the southern bluefin tuna (SBT) stock since the onset of industrialised fishing has been considerable with estimates of current stock levels being between 5 and 12% of the pre exploitation biomass. If the fishing fleet... more

The decline of the southern bluefin tuna (SBT) stock since the onset of industrialised fishing has been considerable with estimates of current stock levels being between 5 and 12% of the pre exploitation biomass. If the fishing fleet continues to harvest at its current levels there is a real possibility that the stocks may collapse. Quotas have been enforced dictating the amount of fish each of the participating nations can harvest in an effort to halt the decline and promote the recovery of SBT but there is little evidence that this is having an effect. This aim of this investigation was to examine whether the implementation of marine protected area (MPA) networks would be a more effective method of conserving SBT. The implementation and management of both terrestrial and marine protected areas were studied to gain a better understanding of how these measures work. Lessons were learnt from looking at case studies on how and why MPAs have succeeded or failed and the biology and lifecycle of the southern bluefin tuna was researched to better understand how different conservation measures might be effective. It was found that MPAs in and of themselves would only be useful if they were unrealistically large and covered a large majority of the SBT habitat. Further study indicated that in conjunction with fishing quotas and effort limitations a network of MPAs positioned where the fish are most vulnerable to fishing pressure could be a more effective method of conservation. If this strategy was implemented and successful it is likely that it would also prove to be effective in the conservation of other migratory pelagic species like sharks, rays, sailfish and the rest of the tuna family.

Siganus rivulatus is increasing in countries on the Eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. However, information on environmental tolerances and requirements for optimal growth are scarce. In the present work, the temperature... more

Siganus rivulatus is increasing in countries on the Eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. However, information on environmental tolerances and requirements for optimal growth are scarce. In the present work, the temperature requirements for spinefoot rabbit¢sh were investigated in two experiments. In the ¢rst experiment, juvenile rabbit¢sh were distributed into eight 180 L square tanks at 12 ¢sh per tank. The temperature in four tanks was reduced at a rate of 1 1C day À1 and in four tanks was increased by 1 1C day À1 until the ¢sh stopped feeding. Minimum and maximum temperatures for feeding were recorded. In the second experiment, the ¢sh were placed in four temperature treatments (17, 22, 27, 32 1C) at four replicates per treatment for 8 weeks. Survival and growth were evaluated. Fish stopped feeding at 14 and 36 1C. Their maximum growth rate was at 27 1C, and survival was 100% in all treatments. The relationship between speci¢c growth rate and temperature was parabolic, described by the equation: SGR 5 À 0.0014 (T 3 )10.0798 (T 2 ) À 1.3089 (T)16.7342. The results show that S. rivulatus is a eurythermal ¢sh whose optimal temperature for growth is circa 27 1C.

Protocol on Best Practice Guide on Holding and Conditioning Mussels is an overview of the existing knowledge of the trade chains of mussels produced in Scotland, Ireland and Norway and provides a detailed description of best practice for... more

Protocol on Best Practice Guide on Holding and Conditioning
Mussels is an overview of the existing knowledge of the trade chains of mussels produced in Scotland, Ireland and Norway and provides a detailed description of best practice for handling,
conditioning and storing of blue mussels. This protocol was tailored to participating SME AGs and SMEs.

The traditional terminology of 'scythe' or 'sickle' shaped is observed to be flawed as an effective descriptor for pectoral fin shape in pachycormids. The diversity of pachycormid pectoral fin shapes is assessed across the... more

The traditional terminology of 'scythe' or 'sickle' shaped is observed to be flawed as an effective descriptor for pectoral fin shape in pachycormids. The diversity of pachycormid pectoral fin shapes is assessed across the 14 recognised genera that preserve complete pectoral fins, and improved terms are defined to more effectively describe their form, supported by anatomical observation and aspect ratio analysis of individual fins, and corroborated by landmark analysis. Three clear and distinct pectoral fin structural morphotypes emerge (falceform, gladiform, falcataform), reflecting a diversity of pachycormid lifestyles throughout the Mesozoic, from agile pursuit predator to slow-cruising suspension feeder.

The tour of offshore cage farms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Philippines was undertaken in July 2018. The data was collected on the technologies and company structure differences and similarities. The opportunities for offshore... more

The tour of offshore cage farms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Philippines was undertaken in July 2018. The data was collected on the technologies and company structure differences and similarities. The opportunities for offshore cage aquaculture development and constraints for each country were explored based from the viewpoint of the investor, farmer and governance by the Line agencies for aquaculture.
The findings and recommendations was that Indonesia and Philippines have the greatest suitable areas for offshore cage culture development but there are still bottlenecks for development. There is therefore a need for the following activities; Governance - strengthening government planning and management of large scale cage culture · Develop Offshore cage Zone and site selection criteria · Undertake a case study using GIS at provincial scale to identify suitable aquaculture zones for o Small scale fish cage farms o Large scale commercial fish cage farms · Undertake a short training of trainers course (5 days) aimed at proving training to Govt. staff training in carrying capacity model estimation o Box model for zone carrying capacity o Depositional model for farm sizing and zone production optimization Private sector - facilitating investors to develop fish hatchery and nursery production Prepare generic design plans, list of equipment, costs and business plans for • Conversion of shrimp hatcheries to marine fish hatcheries • construction of nursery tank facilities using recirculated water systems to grow fish to 25 - 50g size. • Feasibility study and business plan for 500t and 2,500t fish cage farm that can be adapted for bank or investor funding.

Sabah has the highest annual white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture production in Malaysia. However, disease infection is one of the big problems to white leg shrimp aquaculture. One of the promising control strategies is the... more

Sabah has the highest annual white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture production in Malaysia. However, disease infection is one of the big problems to white leg shrimp aquaculture. One of the promising control strategies is the using of probiotics. Currently, the study on probiotic in Sabah is very limited. Therefore, this study aimed to isolate, characterize and identify potential probiotic bacteria from the gut of pond-cultured white leg shrimp in Tuaran, Sabah. Eight out of a total of twenty one isolates from TSA, Rogosa and MRS agar were screened out and designated as GS4, GS11, GS12, GS14, GS15, WS1, WS3 and WS5. However, four isolates (GS11, GS12, GS15 and WS5) had probiotic potential for shrimp culture. They are identified as Shewanella sp. (WS5), Bacillus thuringiensis (GS11), Lactobacillus plantarum (GS12), and B. cereus (GS15). Among the four selected isolates, GS15 has the highest probiotic potential due to positive antagonistic activity against pathogenic V. harveyi. Further research such as in vivo assay still needs to be conducted to test the probiotic potential of the four selected isolates from the gut of collected L. vannamei samples. Besides being used to support disease management of L. vannamei aquaculture in Sabah, all four isolates might help aquaculture of other penaeid shrimp or non-penaeid shrimp species.

Molokaʻi Fishpond Master CDUA Project. 1993. Joe Farber, Heather Keevill, Marie Lafaele, Lixia Qu, David Takeyama, Jon Valera, and Jon Wallenstrom. Luciano Minerbi, faculty participant, co-editor, and PI. Department of Urban and... more

Daya dukung lingkungan di perairan laut pulau Pongok masih sesuai berdasarkan stan dar kualitas air menu rut baku mutu KepMenLH No 51 tahun 2004. Kawasan yang memiliki tingkat kesesuaian yang baik untuk budidaya keramba jaring apung (KJA)... more

Daya dukung lingkungan di perairan laut pulau Pongok masih sesuai berdasarkan stan dar kualitas air menu rut baku mutu KepMenLH No 51 tahun 2004. Kawasan yang memiliki tingkat kesesuaian yang baik untuk budidaya keramba jaring apung (KJA) ikan kcrapu (Famili Serranidae) di pcrairan Pulau Pongok adalah 3,474.66 ha. Daya dukung lingkungan di perairan laut pulau Pongok yang sesuai untuk budidaya ikan kerapu dengan sislem KJA dengan luas 3,474.66 ha adalah sebanyak 1.670 kelompok masyarakat dari KJA, setara dengan 16.700 unit KJA atau dapat mendukung sebanyak 16.700 kepala keluarga atau selara dengan 66.800 petak KJA. Usaha budidaya kerapu dengan sistem KJA dapat direkomendasikan, dan memerlukan stratcgi pcngelolaan untuk tahap implementasi dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan.

Mud crab fishery is an important livelihood that provids number of employment in Mannar not yet studied. Capture species, carapace width, weight of the crabs, capture method, mangrove density and number of fisherman engage in mudcrab... more

Mud crab fishery is an important livelihood that provids number of employment in Mannar
not yet studied. Capture species, carapace width, weight of the crabs, capture method,
mangrove density and number of fisherman engage in mudcrab fishing were recorded in
order to find out the size distribution, and the existing capture method. S.serrata and
S.olivacea are the two mud crab species harvested in Mannar while S.serrata influence the
harvest with the carapace size of 13 cm to16 cm and with the mean weight of 600.89 g.
Baited trap, nets, manually with wooden stick are the three conventional crab fishing methods
used in harvest thus baited traps are preferred as its give the highest harvest. The ignorance of
biology and development planning of crab fishery and culture is a surging issue that leads a
steady loss of wild stock. It predicts, in a short periods of time there will be possible
depletion in mud crab stock.

The Deliverable 3 .1 Protocol on Best Practice Guide on Holding and Conditioning Mussels is an overview of the existing knowledge of the trade chains of mussels produced in Scotland, Ireland and Norway and provides a detailed... more

The Deliverable 3 .1 Protocol on Best Practice Guide on
Holding and Conditioning Mussels is an overview of the
existing knowledge of the trade chains of mussels
produced in Scotland, Ireland and Norway and provides
a detailed description of best practice for handling,
conditioning and storing of blue mussels. This protocol
was tailored to participating SME AGs and SMEs. The methodology used to collect the information for this report was based on available literature, data collected from WP1 and also from personal interviews to the most relevant traders of mussels in Scotland, Ireland and Norway.

The relationships between energy use in food systems, food system productivity, and energy resource constraints are complex. Moreover, ongoing changes in food production and consumption norms concurrent with urbanization, globalization,... more

The relationships between energy use in food systems, food system productivity, and energy resource constraints are complex. Moreover, ongoing changes in food production and consumption norms concurrent with urbanization, globalization, and demographic changes underscore the importance of energy use in food systems as a food security concern. Here, we review the current state of knowledge with respect to the energy intensity of agriculture and food systems. We highlight key drivers and trends in food system energy use along with opportunities for and constraints on improved efficiencies. In particular, we point toward a current dearth of research with respect to the energy performance of food systems in developing countries and provide a cautionary note visa-vis increasing food system energy dependencies in the light of energy price volatility and concerns as to long-term fossil energy availabilities.

Choosing Khniss Lagoon and Kuriat Archipelago as study zones allowed us to clarify the main impacts that could be induced by the implementation of off-shore piscicultural farms close to these sites qualified respectively as moderately and... more

Choosing Khniss Lagoon and Kuriat Archipelago as study zones allowed us to clarify the main impacts that could be induced by the implementation of off-shore piscicultural farms close to these sites qualified respectively as moderately and strongly sensitive.
We started with the use and the management of some data concerning general information about the chosen places. In addition to that, to establish maps of piscicultural farms emplacement, we had recourse to Geographical Information System. Moreover, we tried to interpret maps of the geographical distribution concerning some physical parameters of this study region. Furthermore, basic chemical criteria measurements’ data helped us to outline histograms showing their variation with measurements stations.
Results show that piscicultural farms’ implementation nearby sensitive coastal sites having specific internal qualities, is considered as an obstacle facing the natural balance in a local and global scale.
Finally, a dynamic model establishment would make us able to follow and control regularly consequences of piscicultural activity in the opening sea, in order to afford a good functioning of the coastal ecosystem without preventing economic development and output improvement.

Unregulated harvesting and habitat degradation of marine gastropods are major anthropogenic activities done by the local people in Barangay Day-asan, Surigao City, Philippines. This study was undertaken to determine the diversity of... more

Unregulated harvesting and habitat degradation of marine gastropods are major anthropogenic activities done by the local people in Barangay Day-asan, Surigao City, Philippines. This study was undertaken to determine the diversity of marine gastropods found in the intertidal of Dapya Island. Collection of specimens was done through hand picking and beach-combing methods in the three established study stations. Data revealed a total of 184 individuals belonging to 37 species in 5 orders, 15 families and 25 genera. The order Neogastropoda obtained the highest number of species with 15 species, followed by order Mesogastropoda with 10 species, order Archaeogastropoda with 7 species, order Neritopsina with 4 species and order Caenogastropoda with one species. Among the 37 species, Nerita undata was the most abundant. Shannon-Weiner diversity index revealed that station 2 (H=1.193) obtained the highest species diversity, followed by station 3 (H= 1.103) and station 1 (H=1.063). The Bray-Curtis analysis of species composition showed two different clusters of habitat. Cluster 1 is composed of two related habitats joined by Stations 1 and 2 with S i = 54.26% and cluster 2 composed of Stations 3 and 1 with S i = 40.65%. Furthermore, among the 37 species, six of which were concordant in all study stations viz., Angaria delphinus, Astralium calcar, Conus miles, Lambis lambis, Euprotomus bulla and Canarium labiatum. The results of the study showed a low diversity of intertidal gastropods in Barangay Day-asan. The area is known to be the most gleaned by locals and it is been already disturbed due to over-harvesting of gastropod species.

A monitoring programme was established in order to support community-based seaweed farming in south-west Madagascar by providing scientific information on the effects of physico-chemical and health factors influencing the growth of... more

A monitoring programme was established in order
to support community-based seaweed farming in south-west
Madagascar by providing scientific information on the effects
of physico-chemical and health factors influencing the growth
of Kappaphycus alvarezii (cottonii). Six aquaculture site configurations
were studied. These consisted of high and low
flow locations, off-bottom and long-line farming techniques
and different benthic/substrate types. At each site, a number of
growth and health variables were monitored monthly between
January 2012 and March 2013 on 30 randomly selected thalli.
Variables included thallus-level growth, intensity of epiphyte
and disease infection, intensity of fish and sea urchin grazing
and cover of pest seaweed and sediment. The following key
environmental variables were also monitored at the site level:
water temperature, irradiance, salinity, water depth, wave
action, pH and oxygen content. Overall average relative
growth rate of K. alvarezii in the region was 4.5±0.06 %
day−1 and varied by site and season. Generally, growth rate
was higher during the winter season (April–August, 5.04±
0.31 % day−1) than in the summer (3.90±0.28 % day−1). The
long-line farming technique provided higher growth (5.46±
0.09 % day−1) than the off-bottom technique (3.99±0.07 %
day−1). Thallus-level analysis showed that fish grazing, epiphyte
cover, sediment cover and disease had significant negative
correlations with growth, and the four variables were
positively correlated. Site-level analysis on the effects of
physico-chemical and health factors showed that sedimentation,
daily maximum of water temperature and variability, and
interactions between these factors were the main determinants
of growth. Growth was lower at high sedimentation levels and
higher values of maximum temperature and temperature variation.
Our findings highlight that farming should focus mainly
in the cold season and long-line technique in order to limit
the major ecological constraints encountered and maintain
growth and production at sustainable levels.