Mobile Radio Networks Research Papers (original) (raw)

Le GSM-R (Global System for Mobile communications - Railways) est un standard de communication sans fil qui remplace le système analogique Radio Sol-Train basé sur le GSM, et développé spécifiquement pour les applications et les... more

Le GSM-R (Global System for Mobile communications - Railways) est un standard
de communication sans fil qui remplace le système analogique Radio Sol-Train basé sur
le GSM, et développé spécifiquement pour les applications et les communications
ferroviaires. Il utilise une bande de fréquence 876-880MHZ pour les communications
montante et 921-925MHZ pour les communications descendantes.
L’objectif de notre projet c’est de résoudre les problèmes de système actuel de la
SNCFT qui consiste à réaliser le dimensionnement et la planification du réseau ferroviaire
GSM-R, pour la SNCFT. Ce réseau a pour objectif de maintenir l'exploitation et la sécurité
ferroviaire sur un réseau très étendu malgré les ressources nettement insuffisantes pour la
maintenance (entretien et renouvellement) de l’infrastructure.
Nous avons traité, en particulier le cas de déploiement d’un réseau GSM-R dans la ligne
du « Tunis-Bizerte » comme une première zone d’étude. Nous avons effectué des analyses
différentes et approfondies par l’outil « MentumPlanet » qui prédit plusieurs paramètres de
planification tels que le niveau du signal. Nous avons proposé quelques solutions
d’optimisation afin de garantir une qualité de service qui répond aux exigences des

The NATO research task group IST-118 titled “SOA recommendations for disadvantaged grids in the tactical domain” is addressing the challenge of implementing the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm at the tactical level by... more

The NATO research task group IST-118 titled “SOA recommendations for disadvantaged grids in the tactical domain” is addressing the challenge of implementing the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm at the tactical level by providing guidance and best practices in the form of a Tactical SOA Profile. The group will conduct identification and feasibility assessments of possible improvements of the Tactical SOA Profile, over a series of live and emulated experiments.
In this paper, we describe our first experiments in applying SOA Web services to mobile nodes that are connected using Wireless Broadband Mobile Networks (WBMN) in the tactical domain. The experiments involved components provided by various nations, including radio hardware equipment, the Publish/Subscribe messaging service and NATO Friendly Force Information (NFFI) (as our functional service). We measured the system performance at service and physical (radio) levels in the presence of network disruption. We conclude by presenting the results of the experiments and a view of future work.

Mobile communication networks alone consume 0.5 percent of the global energy today. Rapidly growing demand for capacity will further increase the energy consumption. Thus, improving energy efficiency has recently gained great interest... more

Mobile communication networks alone consume 0.5 percent of the global energy today. Rapidly growing demand for capacity will further increase the energy consumption. Thus, improving energy efficiency has recently gained great interest within the research community not only for environmental awareness but also to lower the operational cost of network operators. Base station deployment strategy is one of the key challenges to be addressed for fulfilling the future capacity demand in an energy efficient manner. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between energy efficiency and densification with regard to network capacity requirement. To this end, we
refine the base station power consumption model such that the parameters are determined by the maximum transmit power and develop a simple analytical framework to derive the optimum transmit power that maximizes energy efficiency for a certain capacity target. Our framework takes into account interference, noise and backhaul power consumption. Numerical results show that deployment of smaller cells significantly reduces the base
station transmit power, and thus shifts the key elements of energy consumption to idling and backhauling power. Network densification can only be justified when capacity expansion is anticipated.

Mobile networks are the largest contributor to the carbon footprint of the telecom sector and their contribution is expected to rapidly increase in the future due to the foreseen traffic growth. Therefore, there is an increasing urgency... more

Mobile networks are the largest contributor
to the carbon footprint of the telecom sector and
their contribution is expected to rapidly increase in
the future due to the foreseen traffic growth. Therefore,
there is an increasing urgency in the definition
of green mobile network deployment strategies. This
paper proposes a four-step design and power assessment
methodology for mobile networks, taking into
consideration both radio and transport segments. A
number of mobile network deployment architectures
for urban residential areas based on different radio
(i.e., macro base station, distributed indoor radio,
femto cell) and transport (i.e., microwave, copper,
optical fiber) technologies are proposed and evaluated
to identify the most energy efficient solution. The
results show that with low traffic the conventional
macro base station deployment with microwave based
backhaul is the best option. However, with higher traf-
fic values heterogeneous networks with macro base
stations and indoor small cells are more energy effi-
cient. The best small cell solution highly depends on
the transport network architecture. In particular, our
results show that a femto cell based deployment with
optical fiber backhaul is the most energy efficient,
even if a distributed indoor radio architecture (DRA)
deployment with fiber fronthaul is also a competitive

"Mobile operators are facing an exponential traffic growth due to the proliferation of portable devices that require a high-capacity connectivity. This, in turn, leads to a tremendous increase of the energy consumption of wireless access... more

"Mobile operators are facing an exponential traffic growth due to the proliferation of portable devices that require a high-capacity connectivity. This, in turn, leads to a tremendous increase of the energy consumption of wireless access networks. A promising solution to this problem is the concept of heterogeneous networks, which is based on the dense deployment of low-cost and low power base stations, in addition to the traditional macro cells. However, in such a scenario the energy consumed by the backhaul, which aggregates the traffic from each base station towards the metro/core segment, becomes significant and may limit the advantages of heterogeneous network deployments. This paper aims at assessing the impact of backhaul on the energy consumption of wireless access networks, taking into consideration different data traffic requirements (i.e., from todays to 2020 traffic levels). Three backhaul architectures combining different technologies (i.e., copper, fiber, and microwave) are
considered. Results show that backhaul can amount to up to 50% of the power consumption of a wireless access network. On the other hand, hybrid backhaul architectures that combines fiber
and microwave performs relatively well in scenarios where the
wireless network is characterized by a high small-base-stations
penetration rate."

The energy efficiency of wireless access networks has attracted significant interest, due to escalating energy cost and environmental concerns. How energy efficiency should be measured is, however, still disputed in the literature. In... more

The energy efficiency of wireless access networks has attracted significant interest, due to escalating energy cost and environmental concerns. How energy efficiency should be measured is, however, still disputed in the literature. In this letter, we discuss the impact of performance metrics and energy consumption models in network dimensioning. We argue that using a popular metric, the number of bits/Joule, may give misleading results, unless the capacity and coverage requirements of the system are carefully defined. We also claim that the energy consumption in the backhaul and the idle power of the base stations have to be taken into account. To support our claims, we demonstrate in a simple example how misleading results can be obtained by using flawed performance metrics.

— Matched filter is a linear filter which is designed to provide the maximum signal to noise power ratio at its output for a given transmitted symbol waveform. When the ISI is not present in the received signal, the detection based on the... more

— Matched filter is a linear filter which is designed to provide the maximum signal to noise power ratio at its output for a given transmitted symbol waveform. When the ISI is not present in the received signal, the detection based on the matched filter is an optimum detection process in the sense that it minimizes the probability of error at the front end of the receiver. This paper deals with the high speed data transmission techniques for new wireless and mobile systems. In particular, it looks at some of the signal processing techniques that are to be carried out in the receiver of such systems, because the mobile radio channels are characterized by frequency selective fast fading. Thus, the signal transmission performance is severely degraded because of such factors. Specifically, this paper deals with the detection using a matched filter followed by near maximum likelihood detector (NMLD) for the application of mobile radio environments. NMLD and its complexity depend on lengt...

International Journal of Mobile ad hoc and sensor networks(IJMSN) is a open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal focuses on all technical and... more

International Journal of Mobile ad hoc and sensor networks(IJMSN) is a open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Networks & data Communications. Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the Computer Networks & Communications.

”More than 50 billion devices will be connected in 2020” claims Ericsson. Considering the fact that billions of users are already online, next step is to connect the ”things”. Meeting this demand will require ultra-dense network... more

”More than 50 billion devices will be connected in 2020” claims Ericsson. Considering the fact that billions of users are already online, next step is to connect the ”things”. Meeting this demand will require ultra-dense network deployments, which as a result, increase the energy consumption. We believe that incremental improvements in equipment won’t be enough to overcome exponential increase of energy consumption. We need a paradigm shift in the way we design the networks and a new clean-slate approach shift the future network design from always on to always available.

• Distributed algorithms of mobile computing • OS and middleware support for mobile computing and networking • Routing, and communication primitives in ad-hoc and sensor networks • Synchronization and scheduling issues in mobile and ad... more

• Distributed algorithms of mobile computing • OS and middleware support for mobile computing and networking • Routing, and communication primitives in ad-hoc and sensor networks • Synchronization and scheduling issues in mobile and ad hoc networks • Resource management in mobile, wireless and ad-hoc networks • Data management on mobile and wireless computing • Integration of wired and wireless networks • Broadband access networks • Energy saving protocols for ad hoc and sensor networks • Complexity analysis of algorithms for mobile environments • Information access in wireless networks • Algorithms and modeling for tracking and locating mobile users • Satellite communications

Dönüşüm kavramı olduğundan başka bir biçime girme, şekil değiştirme olarak tanım bulmaktadır. Bazen değişim kavramı ile eşdeğer görülen dönüşüm kavramı değişimden farklı olarak bir geri dönülemezliği ifade etmektedir. Elektronikleşmenin... more

Dönüşüm kavramı olduğundan başka bir biçime girme, şekil değiştirme olarak tanım bulmaktadır. Bazen değişim kavramı ile eşdeğer görülen dönüşüm kavramı değişimden farklı olarak bir geri dönülemezliği ifade etmektedir. Elektronikleşmenin de etkisiyle hayatın her alanında yaşanan dönüşüm şüphesiz ki iletişim alanında da yaşanmış ve ortamlar elektroniğin kendisine sunmuş olduğu nimetlerden belki de en fazla yararlanan sektörler haline gelmiştir. Pek çok iletişim teorisinde yer bulan etkileşim boyutu yeni iletişim boyutunda diğer iletişim ortamları ile karşılaştırıldığında deyim yerindeyse hak ettiği yeri bulmuş ve uzakları yakın ederek kullanıcıları etkileşimli ortamlarda iletişim kurmalarına zemin hazırlamıştır. Bununla birlikte bir yandan teknolojinin giderek küçülerek taşınabilir boyutlara helmesi, diğer yandan teknolojinin ulaşılabilir rakamlarla kullanıcıyla buluşması beraberinde " mobilleşmeyi " ve bu ortamlara yönelik uygulamaların gelişmesine zemin hazırlamıştır. Mobil radyolar bu uygulamaların arasında yer almaktadır ve ihtiyaç-maliyet performansı açısından kullanıcılar tarafından tercih edilen uygulamaların başında gelmektedir. Ulusal yayın yapan radyoların mobil versiyonlarının yanısıra sadece internet üzerinden yayın yapan radyoların yüzlerce mobil uygulaması mobil mağazaların vitrinlerini süslemektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışma kapsamında öncelikle yen iletişim ortamları etkileşim boyutuyla incelendikten sonra, mobil radyoların etkileşim manasında yeni ortamların sunmuş olduğu imkanları ne oranda kullandıkları İstanbul sınırlarında yayın yapan radyoların mobil uygulamaları üzerinden incelenmeye çalışılacaktır.