Mousterian Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Ce travail de mémoire se propose de définir l’occupation humaine dans la grotte du Baré à partir des vestiges fauniques. Pour cela nous avons entrepris la détermination de l’ensemble des vestiges à l’exception des grands carnivores, afin... more

Ce travail de mémoire se propose de définir l’occupation humaine dans la grotte du Baré à partir des vestiges fauniques. Pour cela nous avons entrepris la détermination de l’ensemble des vestiges à l’exception des grands carnivores, afin de caractériser les populations et ainsi déterminer les différentes phases d’occupation animale de la grotte au cours du temps. Ensuite, nous avons qualifié la phase d’occupation humaine à partir des restes fauniques portant des traces anthropiques laissées sur les os par les Néandertaliens lors des phases d’acquisition et de consommation. Pour finir, la grotte du Baré est placée dans un contexte régional, par comparaison avec les assemblages fauniques et les diverses marqueurs anthropiques avec les grottes et abris voisins.

The existence of a knapped stone industry using several volcanic and metamorphic rocks during the Late Neolithic south of the Upper Rhine plain (first half of the 4th millennium), in particular in Basse Alsace (Michelsberg and Munzingen... more

The existence of a knapped stone industry using several volcanic and metamorphic rocks during the Late Neolithic south of the Upper Rhine plain (first half of the 4th millennium), in particular in Basse Alsace (Michelsberg and Munzingen cultures), has long been emphasized. Particular production was made of artefacts in pale hyperacidic rhyolite found in deposits in the valley of the Nideckbach affluent of the River Bruche in Bas-Rhin. Currently, 47 chronologically certain Neolithic pieces in pale rhyolite have been found on the sites of six settlements in Basse Alsace. Use of this material increased from the mid-to late Michelsberg/Munzingen transition, then fell off at the time of the Munzingen B and C. Production revolved around the extraction of splinters that are clearly longer than they are wide. The supports produced are relatively standardized and display the same simplified and technically sophisticated operating modes. The pieces created seem to have been strongly conditioned by the morphology of the fragments and constraints imposed by the knappability of the rhyolite. Whatever their morphology, the fragments were mostly turned into scrapers. The thinnest may have been sought for their cutting edge. The exploitation of volcanic and metamorphic rocks, associated with a more frequent use of local Muschelkalk flint, may have been the result of a strong reduction in the importation of good quality flint in this region at the start of the Late Neolithic.

Desde el punto de vista de la tecnología el inicio del Paleolítico medio se caracterizó por la aparición del Modo técnico 3. La aparición de este Modo técnico tuvo lugar en Europa hace alrededor de 300 ka. El paso del Modo 2 al Modo 3 fue... more

Desde el punto de vista de la tecnología el inicio del Paleolítico medio se caracterizó por la aparición del Modo técnico 3. La aparición de este Modo técnico tuvo lugar en Europa hace alrededor de 300 ka. El paso del Modo 2 al Modo 3 fue un proceso gradual de cambio tecnológico, de manera que la aparición del Modo 3 no implicó la desaparición del Modo 2. Durante el Pleistoceno medio final coexistieron en Europa grupos que practicaban un Modo 3 inicial y grupos que continuaban utilizando una tecnología de Modo 2. El registro arqueológico de los niveles superiores del yacimiento de Gran Dolina puede contribuir a conocer mejor el proceso de transición entre estos dos Modos técnicos. En otros yacimientos europeos, como Orgnac 3 y La Micoque 3, se observa un fenómeno similar. Para algunos investigadores las semejanzas entre el Modo 2 y el Modo 3 a nivel conceptual son más signficativas que las diferencias, y por lo tanto piensan que no es conveniente marcar límites entre estos dos Modos técnicos. En realidad, el Modo 3 no implicó la aparición de grandes innovaciones técnicas, sino que se caracterizó por la mayor utilización de algunos métodos de talla ya identificados en conjuntos del Modo 2. En este sentido, destaca la progresiva generalización de métodos de producción de Bases Positivas con predeterminación de su morfología final. También hay una tendencia hacia una mayor estandarización en el tamaño y la morfología de los artefactos. La novedad tecnológica más significativa a nivel conceptual fue la aparición de los instrumentos compuestos (artefactos enmangados). No obstante, la tecnología lítica de Modo 3 es solamente un aspecto del Paleolítico medio. La tímida aparición de una serie de elementos como el control del fuego, la utilización de un lenguaje articulado, las manifestaciones simbólicas relacionadas con la muerte, señalan un incremento de la complejidad en el comportamiento humano hace entre 400 y 300 ka. En ese momento se gestó el origen el Paleolítico medio. Uno de esos elementos fue el cambio tecnológico que se manifiestó en la transición del Modo 2 al Modo 3. Por lo tanto, este cambio tecnológico es un aspecto que forma parte de un proceso global de creciente complejidad en el comportamiento humano.

The retouching bone tools are characteristic items from european middle Paleolithic assemblages, so are they related with stone knapping. They are present in many sites from France, central-east Europe, and also the Iberian Peninsula.... more

The retouching bone tools are characteristic items from european middle Paleolithic assemblages, so are they related with stone knapping. They are present in many sites from France, central-east Europe, and also the Iberian Peninsula. These tools have a wide chronological spawn, whose examples cover from the oldest european middle Palaeolithic, until the final stages of this period (c. 40.000 BP). The bone tools came from Middle Paleolithic sites, but also are present in recent prehistory ambients. An experimental approach is taken, that includes all the stages of bone processing: obtaining of the bone blanks (from fresh bones and/or old bones), using them, and discarding the tools. We got the archaeological reference of the retouching tools obtained in Axlor site’s modern excavations. This Mousterian site has levels with Quina-type side-scrappers and knapping techniques, and also other levels with really different kinds of stone tools. The site has provided an extensive assemblage of retouching bone tools. This paper describes the main lines of experimental program, and the results of the first phase, the one about blank obtaining.

Las intervenciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo durante los años 2005 y 2006 en el Hospital 12 de Octubre (ampliación de la línea 3 del Metro de Madrid) y en la desembocadura del Arroyo Butarque (proyecto de edificación) en el Sur de la... more

Las intervenciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo durante los años 2005 y 2006 en el Hospital 12 de
Octubre (ampliación de la línea 3 del Metro de Madrid) y en la desembocadura del Arroyo Butarque (proyecto de edificación)
en el Sur de la Ciudad de Madrid, han arrojado nuevos datos geológicos, arqueológicos y faunísticos que permiten
caracterizar la evolución y dinámica del Valle del Río Manzanares durante el tránsito Pleistoceno Medio y
Superior. Ambos yacimientos arqueológicos se encuentran localizados sobre la denominada “Terraza Compleja del
Manzanares” (TCMZ), la cual constituye un nivel anómalamente engrosado (20-15m de potencia) situado a +22-16m
sobre el cauce actual del río. Esta terraza ha sido tradicionalmente considerada de edad Pleistoceno Medio en base a
la industria achelense y complejos faunísticos que comúnmente han librado sus niveles inferiores. Los datos obtenidos
en este estudio indican, sin embargo, que los niveles superiores de esta terraza se encuentran asociados a industria musteriense
perteneciente al Pleistoceno Superior en el sector del 12 de Octubre. Estos mismo datos, también indican que
los tradicionalmente considerados niveles del Pleistoceno Superior (Mx) situados a +12-15m y +9-11m en el Valle
inferior del Manzanares pueden presentar complicados ensamblajes de solapamiento, yuxtaposición y superposición
respecto a la TCMZ en respuesta tanto a procesos de subsidencia kárstica retroalimentada por procesos tectónicos,
como a la presencia de importantes escalones de erosión remontante a lo largo del cauce actual del río. Las determi-

The last ten years progresses in characterization and cartography of the Mediterranean northwestern corner lithic resources open new perspectives for the study of the regional Mousterian through the development of techno-economic... more

The last ten years progresses in characterization and cartography of the Mediterranean northwestern corner lithic resources open new perspectives for the study of the regional Mousterian through the development of techno-economic approaches. Proposing a first overview of the procurement strategies, this paper underlines no matter the distance the diverse forms of flint transport especially illustrated by the frequent circulation of cores upon 80 to 100 km. The multiplication of case studies shows a recurrent exploitation of the same materials which, besides the central role played by some of them in the human groups economy, mark out a circulation area between sea and mountains. This territorial homogeneity also confirmed on a technological plan by a massive use of the recurrent Levallois system suggests the existence of Mediterranean area specific cultural characters.

Persistence and change are necessary for the stability and development of both the human individual and the human society, since the beginnings of human history. Man needs a static framework, which, related to his self-awareness, defines... more

Persistence and change are necessary for the stability and development of both the human individual and the human society, since the beginnings of human history. Man needs a static framework, which, related to his self-awareness, defines a topocentric system of perception, evaluation, order, and meaning. He also requires a dynamic impetus, which allows exceeding the limits of special world views, shifting of perspectives and transformations of individual as well as social approaches to life. Travelling especially helped to broaden man’s horizon and mind. Accross cultures voyages guided by the skies are linked with practical concepts of exploring and domesticating time and space, but also figuratively with the life’s journey and with other worlds, being expressed by mythic, ritual and later scientific language.

ROSSONI-NOTTER E., NOTTER O. et SIMONP. « Mousterian in Balzi Rossi (Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy): New insights and old collections », Session A21a-Neanderthals on their own terms: new perspectives for the study of Middle... more

ROSSONI-NOTTER E., NOTTER O. et SIMONP. « Mousterian in Balzi Rossi (Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy): New insights and old collections », Session A21a-Neanderthals on their own terms: new perspectives for the study of Middle Paleolithicbehaviour, UISPP, Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Unión Internacional de Ciencas Prehistoricas y Protohistoricas, 1er au 7 septembre 2014, Burgos (Espagne)

The last decade has seen a significant growth of our knowledge of the Neandertals, a population of Pleistocene hunter-gatherers who lived in (western) Eurasia between ∼400,000 and 40,000 y ago. Starting from a source population deep in... more

The last decade has seen a significant growth of our knowledge of the Neandertals, a population of Pleistocene hunter-gatherers who lived in (western) Eurasia between ∼400,000 and 40,000 y ago. Starting from a source population deep in the Middle Pleistocene, the hundreds of thousands of years of relative separation between African and Eurasian groups led to the emergence of different phenotypes in Late Pleistocene Europe and Africa. Both recently obtained genetic evidence and archeological data show that the biological and cultural gaps between these populations were probably smaller than previously thought. These data, reviewed here, falsify inferences to the effect that, compared with their near-modern contemporaries in Africa, Neandertals were outliers in terms of behavioral complexity. It is only around 40,000 y ago, tens of thousands of years after anatomically modern humans first left Africa and thousands of years after documented interbreeding between modern humans, Neandertals and Denisovans, that we see major changes in the archeological record, from western Eurasia to Southeast Asia, e.g., the emergence of representational imagery and the colonization of arctic areas and of greater Australia (Sahul).

The southwest of France is framed by two important mountains massifs, the Central Massif and the Pyrenees. Its erosion resulted in enormous quantities of rough fraction, easily accessible on the detritic formations and floodplains. These... more

The southwest of France is framed by two important mountains massifs, the Central Massif and the Pyrenees. Its erosion resulted in enormous quantities of rough fraction, easily accessible on the detritic formations and floodplains. These deposits were raw material sources massively exploited by prehistoric craftsmen during Lower and Middle Palaeolithic, mainly searching for quartzite. Within this unique category are included groups of rocks with different petrography’s and mechanic properties. Moreover, beyond the intrinsic characteristics, the same rock can be available in the shape of blocs or pebbles with specific constraints and qualities. Actually, inside an apparent monotony of several lithic assemblages, we can identify a varied raw material economy and circulation, for example, in the Acheulean of the Pyrenees and the Tarn bassin, as well as in the Pyrenees Mousterian. In fact different reduction sequences are adapted to the nature and morphology of the different available or transported blocs of the same raw material.

Blinkhorn et al. present a reanalysis of fossil and lithic material from Garrod's 1928 excavation at Shukbah Cave, identifying the presence of Nubian Levallois cores and points in direct association with a Neanderthal molar. The authors... more

Blinkhorn et al. present a reanalysis of fossil and lithic material from Garrod's 1928 excavation at Shukbah Cave, identifying the presence of Nubian Levallois cores and points in direct association with a Neanderthal molar. The authors argue that this demonstrates the Nubian reduction strategy forms a part of the wider Middle Palaeolithic lithic repertoire, therefore its role as a cultural marker for Homo sapiens population movements is invalid. We raise the following four major concerns: (1) we question the assumptions made by the authors about the integrity and homogeneity of the Layer D assemblage and (2) the implications of this for the association of the Neanderthal tooth with any specific component of the assemblage, (3) we challenge the authors' attribution of lithic material to Nubian Levallois technology according to its strict definition, and (4) we argue that the comparative data presented derive from a biased sample of sites. These points critically undermine the article's conclusion that Shukbah's Neanderthals made Nubian cores and thus the argument that Neanderthals might have made Nubian technology elsewhere is unsubstantiated.

Having thrived in Eurasia for 350,000 years Neandertals disappeared from the record around 40,000±37,000 years ago, after modern humans entered Europe. It was a complex process of population interactions that included cultural exchanges... more

Having thrived in Eurasia for 350,000 years Neandertals disappeared from the record around 40,000±37,000 years ago, after modern humans entered Europe. It was a complex process of population interactions that included cultural exchanges and admixture between Neandertals and dispersing groups of modern humans. In Europe Neandertals are always associated with the Mousterian while the Aurignacian is associated with modern humans only. The onset of the Aurignacian is preceded by ªtransitionalº industries which show some similarities with the Mousterian but also contain modern tool forms. Information on these industries is often incomplete or disputed and this is true of the Uluzzian. We present the results of taphonomic, typological and technological analyses of two Uluzzian sites, Grotta La Fabbrica (Tuscany) and the newly discovered site of Colle Rotondo (Latium). Comparisons with Castelcivita and Grotta del Cavallo show that the Uluzzian is a coherent cultural unit lasting about five millennia, replaced by the Protoaurignacian before the eruption of the Campanian Ignimbrite. The lack of skeletal remains at our two sites and the controversy surrounding the stratigraphic position of modern human teeth at Cavallo makes it difficult to reach agreement about authorship of the Uluzzian, for which alternative hypotheses have been proposed. Pending the discovery of DNA or further human remains, these hypotheses can only be evaluated by archaeological arguments, i.e. evidence of continuities and discon-tinuities between the Uluzzian and the preceding and succeeding culture units in Italy. However , in the context of ªtransitionalº industries with disputed dates for the arrival of modern humans in Europe, and considering the case of the Cha Ãtelperronian, an Upper Paleolithic industry made by Neandertals, typo-technology used as an indicator of hominin authorship has limited predictive value. We corroborate previous suggestions that the Middle-to-Upper

Na lokalitetu Kručevići u dolini rijeke Neretve, jugoistočno od Čitluka, na prostranim aluvijalnim terasama s kvartarnim sedimentima, u periodu posljednje dvije godine pronađeno je više tisuća komada kamenih alatki, od kojih najveći udio... more

Na lokalitetu Kručevići u dolini rijeke Neretve, jugoistočno od Čitluka, na prostranim aluvijalnim terasama s kvartarnim sedimentima, u periodu posljednje dvije godine pronađeno je više tisuća komada kamenih alatki, od kojih najveći udio pokazuje jasne tipološke osobine tipične za srednji paleolitik ili musterijen. Osim izuzetno brojnih pronađenih kamenih alatki, na prisustvo popularnog neandertalskog čovjeka – neandertalca na ovom području, upućuju mnogobrojne špiljske reljefne forme unutar doline i kanjona Neretve južno od Mostara pa do Čapljine. Iako je ovo otkriće od velikog značaja s obzirom na ogroman broj i karakter pronađenog kamenog oruđa paleolitske starosti, ovo je tek malo zagrebavanje po površini cjelokupnog, a još uvijek neistraženog, paleontološkog, paleoantropološkog te arheološkog bogatstva ovog dijela doline Neretve i regije. --
At Kručevići site in the Neretva River valley, southeast of Čitluk, on extensive alluvial terraces filled with Quaternary sediments, during last two years, thousands of stone tools have been discovered most of which show clear typological features typical for the Middle Paleolithic age or Mousterian. Apart from the extremely numerous stone tools found here, the presence of the popular Neanderthal man in this area is indicated by numerous cave relief forms within the Neretva valley and Neretva canyon south of Mostar towards Čapljina. Although this discovery is of great importance because of the huge number and specific character of discovered Paleolithic stone tools, this is only a small surface scratching of the entire, and still unexplored, paleontological, paleoanthropological and archaeological treasure of this part of the Neretva Valley and region.

Η μελέτη αυτή επικεντρώνεται στην αρχαιολογική μαρτυρία της Κρήτης κατά την Παλαιολιθική εποχή, εξετάζοντας τα ευρήματα από την Νότια Κρήτη και την Γαύδο. Ασχολείται με την υπόθεση για μετακινήσεις μέσω θαλάσσης κατά το Πλειστόκαινο στο... more

Η μελέτη αυτή επικεντρώνεται στην αρχαιολογική μαρτυρία της Κρήτης κατά την Παλαιολιθική εποχή, εξετάζοντας τα ευρήματα από την Νότια Κρήτη και την Γαύδο. Ασχολείται με την υπόθεση για μετακινήσεις μέσω θαλάσσης κατά το Πλειστόκαινο στο Αιγαίο ή την Μεσόγειο με κριτική ματιά επιχειρώντας την αξιοποίηση των αρχαιολογικών, παλαιοανθρωπολογικών και παλαιογεωγραφικών δεδομένων. Συγκεκριμένα, γίνεται σύγκριση των παλαιολιθικών ευρημάτων από την Κρήτη με θέσεις της Μέσης Εποχής του Λίθου από τη Βόρεια Αφρική, και της Κατώτερης και Μέσης Παλαιολιθικής από την Δυτική Ασία και το Αιγαίο. Η προσέγγιση του θέματος γίνεται μέσω αφενός της ενδελεχούς βιβλιογραφικής επισκόπησης της ‘σύγχρονης συμπεριφοράς’ και αφετέρου της αναλυτικής παρουσίασης της τυπολογίας αλλά και της πρώτης ύλης των λίθινων ευρημάτων. Συγκεκριμένα, καταγράφονται οι διαφορετικές τάσεις της σύγχρονης έρευνας για τον ορισμό της ‘σύγχρονης συμπεριφοράς’, όπως ορίζεται το σύνολο των δεξιοτήτων τις οποίες έχει αποκτήσει το είδος μας. Η εκτενής παρουσίαση των λιθοτεχνιών από τις σχετικές δημοσιεύσεις δεν περιορίζεται στην καταγραφή των ευρημάτων αλλά προχωρά σε μία σύγκριση και αντιπαραβολή της τυπολογίας τους με αντίστοιχα από παλαιολιθικές θέσεις της Μεσογείου καθώς και μια καταγραφή των θεωρητικών τάσεων για την Αχελαία τεχνοπολιτισμική παράδοση. Επίσης, εξετάζει τις ιδιαιτερότητες της πρώτης ύλης των λίθινων ευρημάτων, αξιοποιώντας την σχετική βιβλιογραφία της πειραματικής αρχαιολογίας για τις ιδιότητες λάξευσης του χαλαζία. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο στέκεται κριτικά απέναντι στην πρόταση σχετικής χρονολόγησης των ευρημάτων μέσω της τυπολογίας, την χρήση όρων όπως ‘ατυπική’ και ‘οπορτουνιστική’ για την γενική περιγραφή της λιθοτεχνίας της Παλαιολιθικής Κρήτης και προχωράει σε μια νέα διατύπωση για την ταυτότητά της. Τέλος, αξιοποιώντας όλα τα παραπάνω, επαναδιαπραγματεύεται την υπόθεση για πιθανή μετακίνηση μέσω θαλάσσης προς την Κρήτη κατά το Πλειστόκαινο ειδικά σε ό,τι αφορά την ικανότητα ειδών Homo αρχαιότερων του sapiens να πραγματοποιήσουν τέτοιου είδους μετακινήσεις. This study focuses on the archaeological record of Crete during the Palaeolithic era, examining the finds from South Crete and Gavdos. It is an overview of the archaeological, paleoanthropological and paleogeographical bibliography on the possible Pleistocene marine dispersals in the Aegean and the Mediterranean. In particular, the Palaeolithic finds from Crete are compared with the Middle Stone Age sites from North Africa, and the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic from Western Asia and the Aegean. The bibliographic review of 'modern behaviour and the typology and raw material of stone finds are utilized to address the question of the identity of the initial human presence on the islands of Crete and Gavdos. In particular, the different trends of modern research on the definition of ‘modern behaviour’ are presented, as defined by the set of behavioural and cognitive skills acquired by our species. The lithic assemblages from the relevant publications are compared in terms of typology with similar finds from Palaeolithic sites of the Mediterranean. It also examines the specifics of the raw material of the lithic finds from southern Crete, utilizing the relevant literature of experimental archaeology for quartz knapping properties. In this way, typology is used to suggest an alternative chronology for the finds, while addressing the problematic use of terms such as 'atypical' and 'opportunistic' for the general description of the assemblage of Palaeolithic Crete. Finally, taking under consideration all of the above, the case for possible Pleistocene seaward dispersals to Crete and Gavdos is re-iterated especially in terms of the ability of hominin species other than Homo sapiens to successfully carry out such movements.

Le massif de l’Estérel est marqué par de nombreuses occupations du Paléolithique moyen. Pourtant la ressource locale, la rhyolite, est remarquablement mal connue : autant dans les aspects de caractérisation que dans les processus de... more

Le massif de l’Estérel est marqué par de nombreuses occupations du Paléolithique moyen. Pourtant la ressource locale, la rhyolite, est remarquablement mal connue : autant dans les aspects de caractérisation que dans les processus de diffusion au cours de la Préhistoire. Ce travail s’intéresse à la composante en rhyolite des industries lithiques moustériennes de l’arc Liguro-Provençal dans une perspective techno-économique.

Despite its long research history and particular palaeogeographic context, the British Late Middle Palaeolithic (LMP) of Marine Isotope Stage 4 and 3 has not been fully integrated in broader discussions of Neanderthal behavioural... more

Despite its long research history and particular palaeogeographic context, the British Late Middle Palaeolithic (LMP) of Marine Isotope Stage 4 and 3 has not been fully integrated in broader discussions of Neanderthal behavioural adaptations. This is due not only to the lack of a comprehensive account of the archaeological record, but also to perceptions that the numerically small character of the record itself, and its position at the margins of the Neanderthal world, are unpromising research contexts. This paper addresses the first problem by reporting results from a study of the British LMP lithic assemblages most securely assigned to late MIS-4 and MIS-3, using a technologically-focused approach designed to derive the maximum information from the available material. The results suggest a coherent and broadly uniform techno-economic system characterised by clear raw material selectivity and high levels of mobility. Bifaces and scrapers are common and show strong evidence for curation, transportation and maintenance. Discoid, centripetal and alternate core reduction methods occur alongside more informal approaches, with virtually no evidence for Levallois. This new data equally demonstrates the relevance of the British LMP to current questions about the diversity of later Neanderthal techno-economic organisation. Additionally, as this record is the only clearly defined example of a Middle Palaeolithic colonisation in Europe, this study provides an opportunity to examine associated behavioural adaptations within the mammoth steppe ecosystem of MIS-3.

Recent broad-scale comparative studies of Neanderthal lithic assemblages have contrasted previous views of the Middle Palaeolithic as a period of stasis. Throughout the Middle Palaeolithic, ca. 300,000–35,000 years ago, typo-technological... more

Recent broad-scale comparative studies of Neanderthal lithic assemblages have contrasted previous views of the Middle Palaeolithic as a period of stasis. Throughout the Middle Palaeolithic, ca. 300,000–35,000 years ago, typo-technological changes can be observed in the Neanderthal behavioural repertoire, including trends that are restricted in time and/or space. Such spatio-temporal diversity seems especially apparent in the late Middle Palaeolithic (MIS 5e–3; ca. 125–35 ka BP) and is widely, though not exclusively, expressed through differing bifacial tool types. An often-quoted example is the restricted distribution of bout coupé or flat-butted cordate handaxes in MIS-3 Britain. This paper provides a broader contextualisation of this bout coupé phenomenon; first, in relation to the general reoccurrence of handaxes in late Middle Palaeolithic Western Europe, including comparisons with the Mousterian of Acheulean Tradition (MTA); and second, as a case study to explore behavioural implications of such spatio-temporal variation. Different explanatory factors for the observed patterns are investigated together with potential links to Neanderthal population dynamics. It is concluded that bout coupés represent a genuinely distinct biface form, which was sometimes maintained through the stages of use, and is most parsimoniously explained by regionalised socio-cultural behaviour, implying specific lines of cultural transmission among late Neanderthal groups.

Abstract The Iberian Peninsula is key for the study of the transition from the Middle to the Upper Palaeolithic in Europe, as well as for the replacement of Neanderthals by anatomically modern humans (AMH). On this subject, the most... more

Abstract The Iberian Peninsula is key for the study of the
transition from the Middle to the Upper Palaeolithic in
Europe, as well as for the replacement of Neanderthals by anatomically
modern humans (AMH). On this subject, the most
widespread misconception assumed that both human species
coexisted during a certain period of time, after which Homo
sapiens imposed on Neanderthals who finally got extinct.
However, recent proposals based on improved dating methods,
discuss this possibility, arguing that the arrival of AMH was
marked by the complete absence of Homo neanderthalensis in
this territory. In that way, new theories deny the possibility of
coexistence and the disappearance of Neanderthals by cultural
displacement. Covalejos Cave (Velo, Pielagos, Cantabria), one
of the few settlements in the northern Peninsula with Final
Mousterian and Early Aurignacian levels, supports this hypothesis.
Nevertheless, in this paper, we try to avoid a direct discussion
about this question in order to centre our analysis on identifying
possible different subsistence strategies between
H. neanderthalensis and anatomically modern humans in the
north of the Iberian Peninsula. Our zooarchaeological and taphonomic
studies reflect that Neanderthals and anatomically modern
humans exploited the same faunal species, pointing out that
there does not seem to be significant differences in their behaviour
in Covalejos Cave.
Keywords Homo neanderthalensis . Anatomically modern
humans .Mousterian .Aurignacian .Subsistence .Cantabrian
region . Northern Iberian Peninsula