Natal Astrology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Cyclone Burevi was media hyped to reach India as a cyclonic storm and cross the southern districts of Tamilnadu and Kerala and move into the Arabian sea on 3rd,4th of December as per earlier weather forecasts.But suddenly on 3rd... more

Cyclone Burevi was media hyped to reach India as a cyclonic storm and cross the southern districts of Tamilnadu and Kerala and move into the Arabian sea on 3rd,4th of December as per earlier weather forecasts.But suddenly on 3rd December evening the cyclone weakened into a deep depression and lay in the Gulf of Mannar , baffling weather forecast experts and making forecasts of its advance go haywire. This calls for strengthening of the weather/cyclone prediction models with additional right data inputs as explained in this article.

In one of the largest investigations into astrology, Dr Geoffrey Dean collected the birth details of 1,198 people together with their results on the Eysenck Personality Index (EPI). Using smaller samples of this data he conducted two... more

In one of the largest investigations into astrology, Dr Geoffrey Dean collected the birth details of 1,198 people together with their results on the Eysenck Personality Index (EPI). Using smaller samples of this data he conducted two experiments. In the second, Dean rated the performance of 45 astrologers in predicting Extraversion [E] & Neuroticism [N] from birth charts as no better than chance. This blind matching test is analysed in a forthcoming paper (Currey 2017). For Dean's first experiment, he selected 288 participants from the sample. These were chosen for having the most extreme scores on the EPI for Extraversion [E] and Neuroticism [N]. This smaller sample was divided into eight equal groups (n = 36) based on their scores for E&N. Dean concluded " exhaustive computer analyses … failed to find any evidence that E and N can be predicted by astrological factors. " This paper presents an enhanced analysis of the data (n = 288) kindly provided by Dr Dean. This alternative hypothesis in this present study is tested in two ways. The first experiment is designed to test a different approach to Dean and his associates' mainly single factor techniques with small subsets. The Sign position for the Sun, Moon and Ascendant are combined and tested in a multi-factor approach. A second experiment simulates the approach of a consultant astrologer using six planets. The original 8 samples of psychological types are compared by element to provide insight to astrologers, to test the consistency of the results and to explore the possibility of patterns. To test the hypotheses, I carried out a series of Chi-Squared tests of independence. In line with astrological predictions, a strong correlation (p = .004) is found between a high frequency of planets in Fire Signs and Extraversion [E+] and Earth Signs and Introversion [E-] and a low frequency in the equivalent opposite dimension: Fire low E-and Earth low E+. A similar pattern is found on the N scale with Air [N-] and Earth [N+]-(p = .007). All eight possible results were as anticipated, though the significant high N+ outcome for Earth signs was higher than expected. Planets in Water Signs were close to the mean for both Extraversion and Neuroticism, as anticipated, though slightly in the direction of N+E-in the first experiment and N+E+ in the second. In addition, to test the correlation between the frequency of planets in each element and the count of EPI personality traits a scatter diagram with regression lines is plotted. Pearson's correlation coefficient on the E scale (r = .98) and on the N scale (r = .76) (both scales combined p = .008) are consistent with astrology functioning within the framework of the EPI. Various non-astrological explanations for this correlation between astrological elements and personality dimensions, including self-attribution are considered and rejected in this study.

"Thema Mundi, Horóscopo do Mundo", horóscopo metafórico que circulou no mundo antigo desde o período Helénico ao Medieval foi usado pelos mestres astrólogos como uma ferramenta de ensino. Este mapa mostra-nos a suposta posição dos sete... more

"Thema Mundi, Horóscopo do Mundo", horóscopo metafórico que circulou no mundo antigo desde o período Helénico ao Medieval foi usado pelos mestres astrólogos como uma ferramenta de ensino.
Este mapa mostra-nos a suposta posição dos sete planetas clássicos aquando da criação do Mundo e através dele temos a chave para desvendar a elaborada lógica por detrás do sistema Tradicional de Regências e Exaltações Planetárias – trata também do Princípio dos Aspectos; estes conhecimentos basilares são essenciais e necessários ao conhecimento da astrologia.

Este artículo pretende demostrar que Augusto nació en el mes de diciembre astronómico, bajo el signo de Capricornio, en una fecha que se correspondía con el septiembre calendárico debido a las viejas discrepancias del calendario... more

Este artículo pretende demostrar que Augusto nació en el mes de diciembre astronómico, bajo el signo de Capricornio, en una fecha que se correspondía con el septiembre calendárico debido a las viejas discrepancias del calendario tradicional romano con respecto a la realidad astronómica, así como señalar la endeblez de las demás teorías propuestas acerca de esta cuestión.

Carl Jung describes how the human unconscious is the hidden cosmological archetypal dimension of our being in the world. There is the personal unconscious that reflects personal history and experience either forgotten or foreclosed. There... more

Carl Jung describes how the human unconscious is the hidden cosmological archetypal dimension of our being in the world. There is the personal unconscious that reflects personal history and experience either forgotten or foreclosed. There is another unconscious that is more primary, pre-reflective and cosmological in origin. In the language of the ancient Phenomenological Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, this existential dimension of archetypal manifestation is called the Sambogakaya realm of experience. This is the subtle realm of lucid forms of light and energy and vortices. These forms of light and energy field configurations become everything and anything. The Sambogakaya dimension manifests the Nirmanakaya dimension. The Nirmanakaya dimension is the actual experience of our self in contextual situations, unfolding through time and space as well as our unfolding of our personal psychological experience. Nirmanakaya is the dimension of our ordinary life world. Nirmanakaya is our being in the world. There is one more dimension. This dimension is the primordial foundational ground of everything and anything. In the ancient tradition of Dzogchen this is named as the Dharmakaya. Dharmakaya is the existential dimension of pure potentiality, pure creativity from which everything and anything manifests. Dharmakaya manifests the Sambogakaya. Dharmakaya is ground awareness, the ground of being. Dharmakaya is Being. Being is not a being but Being manifesting being as infinite numbers of numerous beings. All beings are the manifestation of Being. Dharmakaya is not an entity but manifests infinite numbers of entities.

Wine metaphysics. // Метафизика Вина.

The article considers questions of trans-ideological and civilization interaction of ethnocultural areas of ancient Persia, India, and Tibet within the Central Asia region. Works of Soviet tibetologist B. I. Kuznetsoff are taken as the... more

The article considers questions of trans-ideological and civilization interaction of ethnocultural areas
of ancient Persia, India, and Tibet within the Central Asia region. Works of Soviet tibetologist B. I. Kuznetsoff
are taken as the object of the proposed cultural analysis. The authors believe that his written heritage is
estimated insufficiently, which induced them to write down this study.
The basis of the observations is B. Kuznetsoff’s identification of mysterious Shambhala /Olmo with the
Elam-Persian Achaemenid Empire, as well as his identification of the legendary prophet Shenrab Mivo
(who brought knowledge of Bon to Tibet) with Mathura / Mithras [Mithriush?] of Persia, Zarathustra’s
contemporary, who allegedly offered Cyrus the Great the alternative state religion.
Deep philological knowledge of the scientist does not allow being excessively skeptical about his
reconstructions. The authors of the article offer their own cultural vision of the issue: they correlate the
initial version of Bon (=Mithraism) to the “Axial Age” proposed by Karl Jaspers (“axiality” aspect).
Besides, it is possible to see a special role of Bactria in many texts of Tibet.
In addition, after B. I. Kuznetsoff, the authors attentively consider axial sources of the classical East
astrology which can be considered as a fruit of Babylon-Chaldean art of horoscopes, in combination with
the Zoroastrian calendar and Hellenic figurativeness. Such a synthetic astrosophy gets to Mauryan India,
becoming a basis of the Hindu Jyotisha system. At the same time, the Iranian and Indian vision of universal
processes disperse radically, and this opposition can be observed within the Tibetan tradition, which
organically perceived the impulses from both cultural regions.
All the three ethnocultural regions influenced directly on the art and the soteriological religious systems
ideology of one another, according to Bronislav Kuznetsoff.

Astrologers from ancient times believed that human behaviour and events of life are influenced by the planets,which are the symbolic focal points of space, time, energy and gravity of the solar system and the universe.They consider some... more

Astrologers from ancient times believed that human behaviour and events of life are influenced by the planets,which are the symbolic focal points of space, time, energy and gravity of the solar system and the universe.They consider some of the planets as benefics and some as malefics. Those persons, houses, places and nations influenced by favourable positions of benefics enjoy a happy and prosperous life whereas those influenced by unfavourable positions of malefics experience trials and tribulations. South India,especially Chennai and Puducherry faced a severe cyclonic storm named Nivar.In about a week after Nivar,Cyclone Burevi struck Tamilnadu and Kerala.
Due to La Nina effect,the Northeast Monsoon brought in deficit rainfall for South India.
Let us consider the present global atmosphere with the pandemic Covid-19,the volatile mass religious sentiments,the tensions at the Sino-India border,the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan , the earth quakes in China and Turkey ,the US elections, etc.At first sight these may be seen as isolated events.But when we observe through the eye of an astrologer we can see very interesting planetary energy levels serving as connecting links fabricating these happenings.
Do extra terrestrial forces induce earthquakes and cyclones, cause pandemics and affect the Monsoon rains?
This study explored the cause of earth quakes , tsunamis, cyclones and phenomena like El Nino and La Nina in the light of the astronomy and astrology of the Vedic Bharats and opened up a window for scientists to explore in depth the field of this wonderful art of predictive occult science !