Rio de Janeiro Research Papers (original) (raw)

Catálogo da exposição, Espaço Cultural FGV, 2011.

Teaching collections are of great importance for science instruction at any level. There are several problems linked to the handling and curatorial management of this kind of collection. Among these is the relatively short life-span of... more

Teaching collections are of great importance for science instruction at any level. There are several problems linked to the handling and curatorial management of this kind of collection. Among these is the relatively short life-span of specimens, due to the damage from continuous handling by students. Often the specimens used to replenish the teaching collection come from sampling in field.

Este artigo trata das principais disputas por terra desde as décadas de 1940 e 1950 na região conhecida pelo nome de Sertão Carioca (atual Zona Oeste da cidade) até 2010. Região cuja memória histórica sempre procurou notabilizar figuras... more

Este artigo trata das principais disputas por terra desde as décadas de 1940 e 1950 na região conhecida pelo nome de Sertão Carioca (atual Zona Oeste da cidade) até 2010. Região cuja memória histórica sempre procurou notabilizar figuras de maior relevo social e econômico como antigos barões do café e líderes políticos tradicionais, também foi palco de lutas envolvendo pequenos lavradores e moradores de favelas. É sobre a memória dessas lutas esquecidas que esse artigo se debruça, procurando evidenciar ao longo de sete décadas o fio condutor que liga as lutas do passado com os conflitos do presente.

Serologic data on diseases that are preventable by vaccines are necessary to evaluate the success of immunization programs and to identify susceptible subgroups. In the present study, we determined serum IgG levels against diphtheria... more

Serologic data on diseases that are preventable by vaccines are necessary to evaluate the success of immunization programs and to identify susceptible subgroups. In the present study, we determined serum IgG levels against diphtheria toxin of military and civilian blood donors (N = 75; 69.3% males and 30.7% females) aged 18-64 years, from the Brazilian Army Biology Institute, Rio de Janeiro, using a commercial diphtheria kit (Diphtheria IgG ELISA; IBL, Germany). Most (63%) unprotected military donors were from the older age group of 41 to 64 years. In contrast, the majority (71%) of young military donors (18 to 30 years) were fully protected. About half of the military donors aged 31 to 40 years were protected against diphtheria. Among the civilians, about 50% of persons aged 18 to 30 years and 31 to 40 years had protective antibody levels against diphtheria as also did 64% of individuals aged 41 to 64 years. All civilians had a similar antibody response (geometric mean = 0.55 IU/mL) independent of age group. Military donors aged 18-30 years had higher IgG levels (geometric mean = 0.82 IU/mL) than military donors of 41-64 years (geometric mean = 0.51 IU/mL; P > 0.05). In conclusion, the existence of a considerable proportion of susceptible adults supports the position that reliable data on the immune status of the population should be maintained routinely and emphasizes the importance of adequate immunization during adulthood.

Na entrevista que se segue, ocorrida em 14 de julho de 2020, Thiago relata suas experiências e impressões do combate à Covid-19 na favela Santa Marta. Numa cronologia pessoal que se entrelaça com a história da favela, ele apresenta... more

Na entrevista que se segue, ocorrida em 14 de julho de 2020, Thiago relata suas experiências e impressões do combate à Covid-19 na favela Santa Marta. Numa cronologia pessoal que se entrelaça com a história da favela, ele apresenta reflexões desde os momentos anteriores à chegada da pandemia até suas expectativas para o futuro. Transitando entre o envolvimento em projetos sociais e o trabalho como guia de turismo, ou desde o seu envolvimento na rádio comunitária até a criação do conjunto de grupos de WhatsApp para a comunicação entre os moradores, seus relatos expressam que a constituição e preservação de redes de contatos em sua trajetória foi determinante para a possibilidade de implementar ações rápidas e eficientes no combate às desigualdades expressas pela pandemia.

Resumen- La ciudad de Río de Janeiro está experimentando importantes procesos de reestructuración urbana en respuesta a los megaeven-tos deportivos de los cuales está siendo escenario, la Copa Mundial de Futbol (2014) y los Juegos... more

Resumen- La ciudad de Río de Janeiro está experimentando importantes procesos de reestructuración urbana en respuesta a los megaeven-tos deportivos de los cuales está siendo escenario, la Copa Mundial de Futbol (2014) y los Juegos Olímpicos (Agosto 2016). Varias de estas intervenciones han sido desarrolladas en áreas de interés social bajo el argumento de la seguridad y la integración urbana, siendo el Complexo do Alemão una de ellas, donde fue aplicado un importante programa público y diseño urbano. Este artículo analiza la estructura de movilidad del teleférico creado en esa zona y los problemas asociados a ella, prin-cipalmente los espacios residuales originados en torno a los pilares que sostienen esta estructura. La metodología utilizada está conformada por una contextualización general y una observación específica a algunos de los espacios mencionados. Este proceso de observación se basó en visitas de registro regulares y entrevistas en terreno. El marco teórico en que el caso se fundamenta responde a la relación entre ciudad formal e informal, en el que la idea de un urbanismo en favelas queda fragilizada ante los intereses de un urbanismo capitalista. De esta forma, planteamientos como los de J. Jacobs, R. Sennett, J. Gehl, E. Kent, entre otros, cobran relevancia al proponer nuevas formas de planificación que valorizan el espacio urbano como un lugar de intercambio y participación colectiva, que pueden dar un nuevo sentido a los espacios residuales en favelas. El trabajo concluye que, a pesar de los conflictos y riesgos asociados a esta intervención, existen también algunas potencialidades positivas, no planificadas y menos visibles asociadas a los espacios residuales que las políticas oficiales deben asumir y comprender como posibilidad de una planificación alternativa, más participativa e inclusiva.
Palabras clave: Complexo do Alemão, espacios residuales, teleférico.
ABSTRACT- The city of Rio de Janeiro is experiencing major urban restructuring processes in order to adapt the city to receive two mega sports events, the Soccer World Cup (in 2014) and the Olympic Games (in August 2106). Several of these interventions have been developed in low-income areas, especially in squatter settlements, on the grounds of safety and urban integration, and the Complexo do Alemão is one of them. A very important urban design and public program happened in the so-called Complexo do Alemão, a set of adjoining favelas. This article analyses the mobility structure of cable cars created in that area and the problems associated with it, particularly the residual spaces originated around the pillars that support the structure. Its organization consists of a general contextualization of the case and a specific observation of some of the mentioned areas. The observation process is based on regular field visits and interviews. The article is based on theories that examine the relationship between the formal and the informal city, where the interests of fractions of capital, especially of infrastructure and real estate, predominate over social concerns. Thus, approaches such as those of J. Jacobs, R. Sennett, J. Gehl, E. Kent, among others, become relevant and should be incorporated in proposals that intend to improve the quality of urban space and turn it into a place of exchange and collective participation. That will give a new meaning to these residual spaces in the favelas. The paper concludes that despite the conflicts and risks associated with this intervention, some positive potentials can also be verified, although unplanned and less visible, related to the residual spaces. It also concludes that government policies should assume and understand the spaces as a possibility for an alternative, more participatory and inclusive planning.

Cities of Brazil manifest distinctive patterns of urban primacy and spatial structure. Historical-geographical analysis of Brazilian urbanization reveals consistent social and morphological characteristics. Portuguese founded early... more

Cities of Brazil manifest distinctive patterns of urban primacy and spatial structure. Historical-geographical analysis of Brazilian urbanization reveals consistent social and morphological characteristics. Portuguese founded early colonial towns primarily as coastal ports; later, mining led to development of inland centers. Though less regular in form than Spanish settlements, Brazilian colonial centers followed coherent spatial principles. The modern metropolis emerged as planners remodeled the central district, developed urban infrastructure, and encouraged speculative building. The Brazilian city continues to show a greater concern for centrality than is generally true in the United States, but urban dispersal now proceeds in historically specific ways.

My wife and I visited Brazil in December and January this past year, spending the Christmas and New Year's holidays there. Since my wife is Brazilian, I have taken an interest in exploring Brazilian culture and history. This interest, and... more

My wife and I visited Brazil in December and January this past year, spending the Christmas and New Year's holidays there. Since my wife is Brazilian, I have taken an interest in exploring Brazilian culture and history. This interest, and the fact that we were in Brazil for a month, prompted me to take a couple of days to visit various libraries and see how things are done there. I visited three basic types of libraries in the capital district of Brasilia. The Universidade de Brasilia, Biblioteca Central (the University of Brasilia Central Library), two different types of public libraries, and the government libraries of the Senado Federal (Senate) and the Camara dos Deputados (House of Deputies). I could not visit the National Library of Brazil, because it remained in Rio de Janeiro when the new capital was built in the 1960s. There has been some discussion of moving it to Brasilia, but to this day, that has not happened. I would still like to visit there anyway, but Rio was covered on our previous trip, and I don't know when I will get there again. My main objective was to visit each of these places, talk with the librarians, and discover what things are the same and what things are different from what we do here in the States. What I discovered is that, although there are many differences, there are also many things that seem very familiar or are just virtually the same as here. While talking with the librarians, through my wife who graciously translated, I asked several questions both out of general interest and in the areas I am most familiar. Of the three types of libraries, those in the government and academic libraries were the most willing to talk with me; whereas, those in the public libraries seemed more interested in getting rid of me. More on that later.

This study compared the centrifuge and pressure plate methods with appropriate run durations. Samples collected in tropical soils located in Brazil along a 10-km local hydrosequence across the Cerrado-Amazonia transition (Set 1) and along... more

This study compared the centrifuge and pressure plate methods with appropriate run durations. Samples collected in tropical soils located in Brazil along a 10-km local hydrosequence across the Cerrado-Amazonia transition (Set 1) and along a 350-km regional toposequence across the Cerrado region (Set 2) were selected to compare and discuss statistically the similarity of the soil water retention recorded by using the pressure plate and centrifuge methods. The results showed good agreement (R 2 = 0.99) for the 1:1 comparison of measured pointwise soil water content values (Set 1) as well as for the fitted soil water content curves by the van Genuchten model using data points obtained with the two methods (Set 2). Thus, the centrifuge method should be considered as an appropriate method for determining soil water retention properties not only because of similar results with the pressure plate method but also because it is much less time consuming.

This is an ethnobotanical study of Atlantic Forest coastal communities located at Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Atlantic Forest remnants are top priority conservation areas, and include native communities that depend on fish... more

This is an ethnobotanical study of Atlantic Forest coastal communities located at Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Atlantic Forest remnants are top priority conservation areas, and include native communities that depend on fish and small-scale agriculture. We conducted fieldwork in the community of Calhaus (Jaguanum Island) from 1989 to 1991, and interviewed adults on their use of plants. We examined the diversity of medicinal plants used among communities of different islands and found results similar to previous research at Gamboa (Itacuruca Island); communities living in smaller islands and on islands further from the coast use a lower diversity of plants. Also, older islanders show a deeper knowledge of medicinal plants than younger islanders.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between seropositivity for the most frequent Leptospira serovars and reproductive losses in sows in Brazil. Serum samples from 351 sows from 18 herds (in the state of Rio de... more

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between seropositivity for the most frequent Leptospira serovars and reproductive losses in sows in Brazil. Serum samples from 351 sows from 18 herds (in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) with low reproductive efficiency were tested (microscopic agglutination) for antibodies against serovars of Leptospira. Antibodies were detected in serum samples of 66.1% of all sows, most frequently serovar icterohaemorrhagiae (43.1%), followed by pomona (18.1%) and tarassovi (9.9%). Seroreactivity to icterohaemorrhagiae and pomona were associated (P < 0.05) with impaired reproductive performance (and substantial economic loss). Seroreactivity for pomona was associated (P < 0.05) with stillborn piglets and mummified fetuses, whereas seroreactivity to icterohaemorrhagiae was associated (P < 0.05) with the number of piglets born dead. #

Este trabalho teve o objetivo analisar as possibilidades da atividade turística no município de Japeri/RJ. Utilizou-se para isso o modelo de Sistema de Turismo (SISTUR) de Beni (2004), o levantamento de dados a partir de plataformas... more

Este trabalho teve o objetivo analisar as possibilidades da atividade turística no município de Japeri/RJ. Utilizou-se para isso o modelo de Sistema de Turismo (SISTUR) de Beni (2004), o levantamento de dados a partir de plataformas digitais e o trabalho de campo, pelo qual foi realizado entrevista junto à responsável pela Secretaria Municipal de Esportes, Turismo e Lazer, além da observação in loco dos elementos que compõem o SISTUR local. Entre os resultados encontrados, percebeu-se que a cidade conta com excepcional potencial turístico, no entanto, ainda não explorado em sua totalidade devido à carência de políticas públicas e ao precário diálogo entre o poder público, iniciativa privada e sociedade civil.

Analisar a arte de rua e os mecanismos que a controlam nos permite entender melhor as cidades contemporâneas. Justamente por ocupar um lugar que é muitas vezes marginal e contestado, os artistas de rua e suas táticas de sobrevivência e... more

Analisar a arte de rua e os mecanismos que a controlam nos permite entender melhor as cidades contemporâneas. Justamente por ocupar um lugar que é muitas vezes marginal e contestado, os artistas de rua e suas táticas de sobrevivência e legitimação expõem dinâmicas de poder, políticas culturais questionáveis, dificuldades de acesso aos espaços públicos, disputa pelo direito à cidade e observância das leis. As tentativas de regular a arte de rua podem nos dizer muito sobre determinados momentos históricos, as disputas da/na/pela cidade e, ainda, como as pessoas vivem juntas em ambientes urbanos complexos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é discutir brevemente como a arte de rua – enquanto prática comunicacional – pode evidenciar as disputas pela cidade. Apresenta-se aqui uma abordagem interdisciplinar, com foco na regulação da arte de rua e dos espaços públicos em que elas acontecem, com base em pesquisa de campo realizada em duas cidades: Rio de Janeiro e Montreal.

Une partie de Rio de Janeiro est reconnue en 2012 comme patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, en tant que paysage culturel. Les résultats d’une ethnographie institutionnelle permettent de saisir les modalités selon lesquelles la dimension... more

Une partie de Rio de Janeiro est reconnue en 2012 comme patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, en tant que paysage culturel. Les résultats d’une ethnographie institutionnelle permettent de saisir les modalités selon lesquelles la dimension patrimoniale d’un paysage peut être mobilisée dans les régimes discursifs des institutions impliquées. Puis, l’analyse de ces énoncés permet d’esquisser les contours de l’imaginaire de ces experts quant à la figure du paysage. L’intérêt porté aux différentes versions de ce « paysage culturel » d’une institution à une autre et aux rapports de force qui leur sont sous-jacents, permet de comprendre quelles sont les diverses acceptions du patrimoine se façonnant sur et par rapport à un territoire en transformation et la plasticité de la notion de patrimoine comme construction sociale circulant à travers différentes aires culturelles.

América Latina y el Caribe destaca a nivel mundial tanto por los niveles de violencia cuantificables, como por las modalidades que esta comporta. Ante ello, las preocupaciones en torno a la seguridad pública o ciudadana han ofrecido una... more

América Latina y el Caribe destaca a nivel mundial tanto por los niveles de violencia cuantificables, como por las modalidades que esta comporta. Ante ello, las preocupaciones en torno a la seguridad pública o ciudadana han ofrecido una serie de interpretaciones poniendo énfasis en el comportamiento económico del área, los procesos de urbanización o la polarización generada por los índices de criminalidad y las políticas de mano dura vueltas “consenso”. En este caso, se propone abordar la problemática a través de la incorporación de elementos semánticos y operacionales de la estrategia militar, tomando como ejemplo la ciudad de Río de Janeiro con la experiencia de las Unidades de Policía Pacificadora (UPP) y la militarización de la ciudad en el marco de un ciclo de megaeventos de diez años de duración. En base a la consulta de distintas fuentes documentales, entre ellas escritos de militares que participaron en Operaciones de guerra urbana en la ciudad, se corrobora la hipótesis sobre el empleo de estrategias de guerra en contextos urbanos como alternativa disponible para las elites políticas y económicas con objetivos de control social.

A new species ofOryzomysis described for the coastal Atlantic region of Brazil.Oryzomys seuanezisp. nov.was collected in eight localities throughout the Atlantic Forest from the south of the State of Bahia to the State of the Rio de... more

A new species ofOryzomysis described for the coastal Atlantic region of Brazil.Oryzomys seuanezisp. nov.was collected in eight localities throughout the Atlantic Forest from the south of the State of Bahia to the State of the Rio de Janeiro, mostly in lowlands. Belonging to theO. capitospecies group,O. seuanezidiffers from the other species by its karyotype equal 2n=48, FN=60. A morphometric analysis

Several management systems can improve soil productivity. By studying aggregate stability it is possible to quantify whether or not the management is ameliorating the natural soil properties and the land capability for agriculture. The... more

Several management systems can improve soil productivity. By studying aggregate stability it is possible to quantify whether or not the management is ameliorating the natural soil properties and the land capability for agriculture. The effect of three tillage systems on the stability of soil aggregates and soil organic carbon was studied in comparison to reference plots with grass and bare soil. Samples were collected at the Pesagro Experimental Research Station in Paty do Alferes, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from an experiment that has been carried out from 1995 to 2001, on a Dystrophic Red Latosol (Typic Haplorthox). Aggregate size distribution mean weight diameter, geometric mean diameter of the aggregates, and total organic carbon in each aggregate size fraction were determined. The proportion of aggregates with diameter ≥2 mm appeared to be a suitable indicator of the influence of tillage systems on aggregation. At a depth of 0-5 cm, aggregates ≥2 mm were 50% of soil under no-tillage, which was greater than under animal traction (35%) and conventional tillage (30%). Total organic carbon concentration was greater under no-tillage (19 g kg −1 ) than under conventional tillage (11 g kg −1 ) at a depth of 0-5 cm, but not significantly different (average 13 g kg −1 ) at a depth of 5-10 cm. Soil exposure with tillage and lack of residue inputs caused declines in aggregation and organic carbon, both of which make soil susceptible to erosion. Adoption of no-tillage led to a decline in aggregation compared with grass reference, but did significantly alter soil organic concentration, suggesting it was a valuable conservation practice for vegetable production on sloping soils.

This article considers processes of urban development within the context of mega-event preparations in Rio de Janeiro. We begin with a brief overview of these development processes, highlighting their connections to political and economic... more

This article considers processes of urban development within the context of mega-event preparations in Rio de Janeiro. We begin with a brief overview of these development processes, highlighting their connections to political and economic change in recent years. Proponents of these mega-event-led initiatives argue that Rio is undergoing a period of inclusive growth and integration: a perspective we call here a ‘post-Third-World city’ narrative of urban renewal. Critics, however, contend that urban officials are harnessing mega-events (e.g. the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games) to push forward a neoliberal agenda of socially unjust policies benefiting the interests of capital and marginalizing the city’s poor and especially its favelas (i.e. the ‘city-of-exception’ thesis). In this article we explore the insights of these two perspectives and consider why they have grown popular in recent years. Though we side generally with the city-of-exception thesis, we argue that import...

JACOB, J. C. F.; JESUS, V. L. T. de; BARBOSA, H. P.; ZIMMERMAN, M. F.; SILVA, A. G. da; MELO, C. M.; Antimicrobic susceptibility of uterine and clitoral swabs of mares with endometritis. Rev. Univ. Rural, Sér. Ciên. da Vida, V.22 n2, 2002... more

JACOB, J. C. F.; JESUS, V. L. T. de; BARBOSA, H. P.; ZIMMERMAN, M. F.; SILVA, A. G. da; MELO, C. M.; Antimicrobic susceptibility of uterine and clitoral swabs of mares with endometritis. Rev. Univ. Rural, Sér. Ciên. da Vida, V.22 n2, 2002 (Suplemento), p. 109-114. 15 uterine swabs and 15 clitoral fossa swabs were examinated from Mangalarga Marchador mares

O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir para a construção do conhecimento sobre o consumo de crack no Rio de Janeiro e sua região metropolitana. Para isso, parto da seguinte pergunta: “Quem são os cracudos?”. A categoria “cracudo” designa o... more

O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir para a construção do conhecimento sobre o consumo de crack no Rio
de Janeiro e sua região metropolitana. Para isso, parto da seguinte pergunta: “Quem são os cracudos?”. A
categoria “cracudo” designa o integrante da classe de pessoas inicialmente correspondente ao grupo de
consumidores de crack, mas que posteriormente ganhou contornos semânticos mais abrangentes
(eventualmente dirigido, inclusive, a não consumidores desta droga). Neste trabalho, procuro, com ponto
de partida em tais representações, compara-las aos relatos e trajetórias de alguns consumidores de crack
com os quais tive a oportunidade de estabelecer interlocução. Assim fazendo, espero estar contribuindo
para a consolidação de estudos voltados à compreensão aprofundada de consumos e sociabilidades tidas
como um “problema social” nos grandes centros urbanos do Brasil e suas periferias.

Las ciudades poseen una enorme cantidad de características que las definen en su identidad y la música es tal vez una de las más claras expresiones culturales en ese sentido, pues es capaz de identificar una ciudad, nación, región y una... more

Las ciudades poseen una enorme cantidad de características que las definen en su identidad y la música es
tal vez una de las más claras expresiones culturales en ese sentido, pues es capaz de identificar una ciudad, nación,
región y una cultura. Sin embargo, ella no siempre está arraigada a los hábitos cotidianos de la vida urbana. En
general surge de forma excepcional y en determinados momentos de celebración. El caso de la Plaza São Salvador es
uno de los que ejemplos en que la música caracteriza fuertemente la identidad de un lugar, en este caso, el barrio de
Laranjeiras en Río de Janeiro. Esta columna presenta tres expresiones musicales propias de la cultura brasilera que
se manifiestan en la plaza y que funcionan como catalizadores de apropiación y convivencia en este espacio público:
el chorinho, el forró y la samba.
Las características físicas de la Plaza São Salvador hacen de este caso algo especial, pues se trata de un lugar
sencillo, relativamente pequeño, sin mayores pretensiones arquitectónicas, lo que reafirma la impresión de que son
las actividades musicales que en ella ocurren, el motivo principal de esta rica experiencia urbana es que es
reconocida por los habitantes como dimensiones fundamentales en la vida del barrio y de la ciudad.

This work aimed at assessing the spatial distribution of the dengue fever mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti and its association with Strategic Sites (SS). In each of three localities of Rio de Janeiro city, 80 traps were installed (40 for... more

This work aimed at assessing the spatial distribution of the dengue fever mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti and its association with Strategic Sites (SS). In each of three localities of Rio de Janeiro city, 80 traps were installed (40 for adult mosquitos and 40 for immatures) in randomly chosen households. Moreover, two further traps we installed close to each SS. These traps were localized with GPS and visited every week for 11 weeks, in the summer of 2007. Based on these data, mosquito infestation maps were created by applying Gaussian Kernels (ArcGis 9.0) to the weekly data. We also used non-parametric methods to test the hypothesis that traps located closer to the SSs would catch more mosquitos than distant ones. Our results suggest that unusual sites, as those used for recycling and a boat factory, showed significant association with infestation hotspots. As a conclusion, our study point to the importance of not standard types of human activity as potential new categories to be included in the surveillance of SSs.

Fish and environmental variables were sampled in a mangrove area from Sepetiba bay to assess the role of this system in life cycle of the silverside Atherinella brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824). Standardized monthly sampling using... more

Fish and environmental variables were sampled in a mangrove area from Sepetiba bay to assess the role of this system in life cycle of the silverside Atherinella brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824). Standardized monthly sampling using beach seines were conducted at five sites, between August, 2002 and July, 2003 in daily (day/night) basis, with environmental variables being taken at each site. The highest numerical abundance was recorded in the intermediate sample area in the mangrove channel and the lowest in the innermost site. The highest weight occurred in the outermost site near to the sea connection. Numerical abundance was directly correlated with temperature and salinity, and weight with salinity and dissolved oxygen (p < 0.05). Size ranged from 10 to 160 mm TL, with modes of 40-50 mm TL occurring all over the year in all sites. Recruitment occurred all year round but peaks (TL = 30 mm) in October-December, 2002 and July, 2003 were recorded afterwards the records of larger fishes (September, 2002 and June, 2003) mainly in the outermost site. The largest fishes concentrated in the sandy substrate of the outermost sites, areas more suitable for A. brasiliensis spawning, with recruits dispersing all over the mangrove areas, which are used as rearing grounds. The affinity for highly structured habitats in mangrove and the capacity to use efficiently semi-closed systems was confirmed for A. brasiliensis in Guaratiba mangrove.

Marine extractive reserves (MER) are being established in coastal areas of Brazil to protect 'traditional' coastal populations and the marine resources upon which their livelihoods depend. This paper examines the challenges Brazil's first... more

Marine extractive reserves (MER) are being established in coastal areas of Brazil to protect 'traditional' coastal populations and the marine resources upon which their livelihoods depend. This paper examines the challenges Brazil's first open-water MER is facing in trying to achieve these goals. Results from a pilot project in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro suggest that significant social barriers to collective action exist and that local resource governing institutions are not robust. Consequently, fishers are not becoming decisive players in the decision-making process. The implications of these conclusions for future maritime conservation policy in Brazil are explored. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

The aim of this work was to assess the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the environment and their sources found in protected regions of southeastern Brazil. Samples of sediments were PAHs found were similar to those in... more

The aim of this work was to assess the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the environment and their sources found in protected regions of southeastern Brazil. Samples of sediments were PAHs found were similar to those in other remote areas around the globe. PNIT exhibited the highest median values of total PAHs in sediment (97 ng·g −1 ), followed by PNJUB (89 ng·g −1 ), PNSO (57 ng·g −1 ) and PNSB (27 ng·g −1 ). The highest levels of total PAHs (576 and 24430 ng·g −1 ) could be associated to a point source contamination where are characterizated for human activities. At PNSB and PNIT the PAH profiles were richer in 2 and 3 ring compounds, whereas at PNSO and PNJUB, the profiles exhibited 3 and 4 ring compounds. The phenanthrene predominance in most samples could indicate the influence of biogenic synthesis. The samples with a petrogenic pattern found in this study might be associated with the vicinity of major urban areas, highway traffic and/or industrial activities close to PNSO and PNIT. At PNIT and PNJUB, forest fires and slash and burn agricultural practices may drive the results towards a pyrolytic pattern.

We succinctly review and document new cases of diseases of the skin and the skeletal system and external traumata in cetaceans from Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and Venezuela. The survey revealed 590 cases... more

We succinctly review and document new cases of diseases of the skin and the skeletal system and external traumata in cetaceans from Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and Venezuela. The survey revealed 590 cases diagnosed with a significant pathology, injury or malformation on a total of 7635 specimens of 12 odontocete species examined or observed in 1984-2007. Tattoo skin disease (TSD), lobomycosis-like disease (LLD) and cutaneous diseases of unknown aetiology seem to be emerging in several populations. TSD was confirmed in eight species from the SE Pacific and SW Atlantic. LLD affected only inshore Tursiops truncatus but was found in four tropical countries, namely Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. Lobomycosis was confirmed by histology in one male from the Tramandaí estuary, southern Brazil. All LLD-affected specimens were encountered in the vicinity of major ports and cities and a possible association with chemical or organic water pollution is suspected. Whitish velvety cutaneous marks associated with scars occurred in inshore T. truncatus, Sotalia guianensis and Pseudorca crassidens. Large, rounded lesions were seen in a Cephalorhynchus eutropia calf and a C. commersonii. Cutaneous wounds and scars as well as body traumata possibly related to net entanglements and boat collisions were observed in 73 delphinids and Phocoena spinipinnis. Traumatic injuries resulted in the partial or complete amputation and other disfiguring scars of appendages in 17 cases. Fractures of the skull, ribs and vertebrae thought to be caused by fisheries-related interactions or boat collisions were seen in single individuals of Delphinus capensis, Lagenorhynchus obscurus, T. truncatus, S. guianensis and Ziphius cavirostris. Prevalence of osteopathology in small cetaceans from Peru, Brazil and Venezuela ranged widely, from 5.4% to 69.1%. In four species from Peru, lytic cranial lesions were the most frequently observed disease (5.4%-42.9%), followed by hyperostosis and ankylosing spondylitis in offshore (31%, n=42) and inshore (15.4%, n=26) T. truncatus. Fractures and other bone traumata were present in 47.2% of 53 axial skeletons of S. guianensis from the northern Rio de Janeiro state (Brazil) in 1987-1998. A high prevalence (48.4%, n=31) of, apparently congenital, malformations of cervical vertebrae, observed in a 2001-2006 sample, may be explained by a hypothetical genetic bottleneck in this population. Malformations with deficient ossification would clearly increase susceptibility for fractures. This study demonstrates the utility of a continent-wide analysis to discern epizootiological trends more readily than any local study could provide. Secondly, it underscores the need for focussed research on the effects of human activities on the spread of diseases in cetaceans, particularly in near-shore populations that utilize highly degraded coastal habitats.

This study describes the morphology of the nematode cysts and larvae found in Achatina fulica (giant African snail) in Brazil. Sixty snails were collected in Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro State. Fourteen of the snails were naturally infected.... more

This study describes the morphology of the nematode cysts and larvae found in Achatina fulica (giant African snail) in Brazil. Sixty snails were collected in Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro State. Fourteen of the snails were naturally infected. The cysts were spherical, pink colored and measured 0.97 to 1.57 mm in diameter. In the majority of cases they had a single larvae involved in amorphous material. A total of 222 encysted larvae were recovered. Of these, 30 were utilized in the morphological study. The length of the larvae varied from 2.57 to 5.8 mm and they were classified as small -up to 3.5 mm; medium -from 3.53 to 4.5 mm; and large -greater than 4.52 mm. The average length of the larvae in the three groups was 2.85, 3.87 and 5.23 mm, respectively. The larval cuticle was white, shiny and transversally striated until the posterior end of the body. At the anterior end there is a mouth with three lips, with amphids and papillae, followed by a muscular esophagus with average length of 0.61 mm, terminating in an esophageal bulb and having a nerve ring in the middle third of the esophagus, and an intestine with an opening near the posterior end. The tail begins from this opening and has two types of ends: short and abrupt or long and gradually tapering. The difference in the tail end can suggest sexual dimorphism, although no primordial reproductive structures were observed. These characteristics were not sufficient to identify the larvae, so there is a need for further study.

Este ensaio visa investigar a relação entre a teoria e a prática educativa nos espaços escolares rurais, analiso o estado da arte dos saberes existentes nas escolas do campo em Paty do Alferes/RJ, a fim de, verificar quais são os... more

Este ensaio visa investigar a relação entre a teoria e a prática educativa nos espaços escolares rurais, analiso o estado da arte dos saberes existentes nas escolas do campo em Paty do Alferes/RJ, a fim de, verificar quais são os elementos da reprodução social e relatar a metodologia pedagógica vigente. De acordo com Faria (2012), a partir dos movimentos sociais do campo se mobiliza uma nova visão de educação que exige reflexão de professores e pesquisadores à medida que se repensa o campo como totalidade, em suas múltiplas e diversas dimensões.

LA NUOVA FASE DELLA GUERRA ALLE DROGHE A RIO DE JANEIRO: POLIZIA E SOGGEZIONE CRIMINALE NELLE FAVELAS PACIFICATE 1. Introduzione. -2. Soggezione criminale e guerra alle droghe. -3. Le Unità di polizia pacificatrice. -3.1. Nuova soggezione... more

LA NUOVA FASE DELLA GUERRA ALLE DROGHE A RIO DE JANEIRO: POLIZIA E SOGGEZIONE CRIMINALE NELLE FAVELAS PACIFICATE 1. Introduzione. -2. Soggezione criminale e guerra alle droghe. -3. Le Unità di polizia pacificatrice. -3.1. Nuova soggezione criminale nelle favelas pacificate. -3.2. Dal sospetto legittimo al solito sospetto. -3.3. Accettazione, resistenza e nuova soggezione criminale. -4. Conclusioni.

Vulnerability is the degree to which a system or unit is likely to expierence harm due to exposure to perturbations or stress. The vulnerability concept emerged from the recognition that a focus on perturbations alone was insufficient for... more

Vulnerability is the degree to which a system or unit is likely to expierence harm due to exposure to perturbations or stress. The vulnerability concept emerged from the recognition that a focus on perturbations alone was insufficient for understanding responses of and impacts on the peoples, ecosystems, and places exposed to such perturbations. With vulnerability, it became clear that the ability of a system to attenuate stresses or cope with consequences constituted an important determinant of system response, and ultimately, of system impact. While vulnerability can expand our ability to understand how harm to people and ecosystems emerges and how it can be reduced, to date vulnerability itself has been conceptually hampered. It tends to address single stresses or perturbations on a system, pays inadequate attention to the full range of conditions that may render the system sensitive to perturbations or permit it to cope, accords short shrift to how exposed systems themselves may act to amplify, attenuate, or even create stresses, and does not emphasize the importance of human-environment interactions when defining the system exposed to stresses. An extended framework for vulnerability designed to meet these needs is emerging from a joint research team at Clark University, the Stockholm Environment Institute, Harvard University, and Stanford University, of which several authors on this paper are part. This paper is a first attempt to explore the utility of this extended vulnerability framework, by conducting a preliminary application of it to three global coastal cities with regard to their vulnerabilities to climate hazards. While this new framework needs further refinement and testing, and some methodological obstacles remain, our research suggests there is benefit from using the extended framework to guide assessments of vulnerability. The framework illuminated further system characteristics that, in unique combinations, create place-based vulnerabilities to climate hazards. The framework's complexity, however, required us to conduct outside the framework several analyses comparing bundles of stresses to which the systems were exposed, and system characteristics that give rise to vulnerabilities, to uncover some of the most insightful results.

Rock outcrop communities usually receive very little attention from scientists and environmentalists. We examined the vegetation occurring in eight gneissgranite rock outcrops at Rio de Janeiro State (Brazilian Atlantic coast) which... more

Rock outcrop communities usually receive very little attention from scientists and environmentalists. We examined the vegetation occurring in eight gneissgranite rock outcrops at Rio de Janeiro State (Brazilian Atlantic coast) which exists in natural associations on soil islands. A total of 86 vascular plant species, belonging to 30 families, was found on 347 soil islands. Bromeliaceae, Asteraceae and Velloziaceae species were the most frequent plants, many of them endemic to these habitats. Ordination and cluster analyses using species frequency on each site made evident some major distinctions related to local influences, most probably the proximity to the sea. Each outcrop presented high values of the Shannon-Wiener index of species diversity. Species richness was very dependent on the total area, and high beta diversity was observed amongst sites. Similarities with the South American and African rock-outcrop communities were found. Despite their uniqueness as habitats, their possession of several endemic species and the fragility of the ecosystem involved, Brazilian rock outcrops are not protected by specific environmental legislation and we propose urgent actions for their protection.

Andrade, J.; Monteiro, J.; Sombini, E. (2013). Porto Maravilha Project. In: Kennedy, L. (coord.) Large-Scale Projects Shaping Urban Futures. A Preliminary Report on Strategies, Governance and Outcomes Based on Eight Case Studies in Four... more

Andrade, J.; Monteiro, J.; Sombini, E. (2013). Porto Maravilha Project. In: Kennedy, L. (coord.) Large-Scale Projects Shaping Urban Futures. A Preliminary Report on Strategies, Governance and Outcomes Based on Eight Case Studies in Four Countries. Bonn, EADI.

RESUMO O artigo analisa a política cultural do carnaval na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, traçando um histórico do século XX e abordando a conjuntura atual de crise neoliberal. A política cultural do carnaval passa pelas seguintes fases:... more

RESUMO O artigo analisa a política cultural do carnaval na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, traçando um histórico do século XX e abordando a conjuntura atual de crise neoliberal. A política cultural do carnaval passa pelas seguintes fases: repressão por parte do Estado; símbolo da identidade nacional; incorporação pela indústria cultural; mercantilização da festa; revés com a crise econômica e política cultural antidemocrática do prefeito Crivella. * A fusão entre samba e carnaval é uma particularidade da cultura brasileira. O samba é uma das muitas expressões culturais formadas a partir da tradição cultural africana, amalgamada às matrizes ameríndia e europeia. Para que continuasse sendo disseminado, o samba carioca resistiu entre apropriações e negociações. Apropriado, coube ao Estado e ao capital massificar seu produto de maior valor: os desfiles de carnaval das escolas de samba. Descendente dos batuques africanos, o samba urbano carioca se consolida juntamente com a transição ao capitalismo no Brasil, especialmente ao longo da Primeira República. Foi neste período, como aponta Moura (1983), que se formou uma cultura negra urbana livre na cidade, predominantemente na região conhecida como "Pequena África": uma triangulação entre a zona portuária, a estação ferroviária Central do Brasil e a Praça Onze.

Since the release of the Brundtlandt Report in 1980 which was then followed by the Summit Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the vision of sustainable development is always being promoted. Unfortunately,... more

Since the release of the Brundtlandt Report in 1980 which was then followed by the Summit Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the vision of sustainable development is always being promoted. Unfortunately, there is only few of us who understand exactly what sustainable development is, even in rich countries. Sustainability communication is one of the proposed concept to answer this challenge. Sustainability communication which was raised in the late of 1990, shifted the terminus of environmental communication. With this concept, it is hoped that people will know and understand more about what is happening around them: what are the problems in environmental, social and economic field which hinder the goal of sustainable development. At this point, sustainability communiation plays a very important role in achieving a sustainable development.

Space is an important dimension of the ecological niche. Differentiation in the use of vertical strata of the forest is related to species body size, and explains in part species coexistence at a local scale. Large neotropical primates... more

Space is an important dimension of the ecological niche. Differentiation in the use of vertical strata of the forest is related to species body size, and explains in part species coexistence at a local scale. Large neotropical primates dwell in the canopy, moving quadrupedally on large branches, whereas smaller species leap between narrow branches in the understory. We tested this general pattern by observing focal individuals of the capuchin monkey (Cebus sp.) and the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), both non-native species, living in a forest fragment within the Rio de Janeiro city. Results were in accordance with the pattern for neotropical primates. Vertical use of the forest seems to be related with ecological interactions, especially for C. jacchus restricted to the lower strata due to aerial predation. Preliminary observations on diet corroborate the omnivory of Cebus and the gum feeding characteristic of C. jacchus. For Cebus sp. the exotic jack-fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) was the most important food item. Predation of both primates on vertebrates, especially by C. jacchus on passerines, could cause an uncommon impact on prey populations. In spite of anthropogenic impact, these non-native primates maintain the general pattern of habitat, support use and diet of the same or similar species in native neotropical communities.

The embryonic development and reproductive strategy of Pseudorchestoidea brasiliensis, a talitrid amphipod of the supra- and midlittoral zones, were investigated by combining collections from June 1993 to May 1995 at Prainha, Rio de... more

The embryonic development and reproductive strategy of Pseudorchestoidea brasiliensis, a talitrid amphipod of the supra- and midlittoral zones, were investigated by combining collections from June 1993 to May 1995 at Prainha, Rio de Janeiro (23°05′S and 43°25′W). The initial stage of embryonic development (I) was most frequent and was seen in about 70% of ovigerous females. Mean embryo volume in the final stage of development was almost twice that in the initial stage. Brood mortality between embryonic Stages I and IV was estimated at 11.42%. Multivoltism, continuous reproduction, low brood mortality (may be caused by better parental care with offspring) and the larger number of females than males in the population were indicated as compensating factors for the low fecundity observed in P. brasiliensis.