Hurricanes Research Papers - (original) (raw)

I revisit Kamau Brathwaite’s concept of “tidalectics” just weeks after the largest triple hurricane system on record has pummeled the Caribbean. It is an awful reminder of the permeability between land and sea, particularly in small... more

I revisit Kamau Brathwaite’s concept of “tidalectics” just weeks after the largest triple hurricane system on record has pummeled the Caribbean. It is an awful reminder of the permeability between land and sea, particularly in small islands. In this unholy trinity of Irma, José, and Maria, these mergers are violent and deadly. United Nations Secretary General António Guterres declared that Barbuda, thought to have been 90% destroyed (like Anguilla) by Hurricane Irma, became a "paradise transformed to hell." The category 5 Hurricane Maria, which destroyed the fresh water supply and infrastructure in Dominica and Puerto Rico, was thought to be the strongest Atlantic storm on record. Hurricane Irma flooded seawater as far as a third of a mile inland in Cuba. Beach sand covered the region’s major arteries, which are still unpassable in many places, weeks after the storm. Twenty-five foot waves pounded the shores, while coastal surges were measured at over six feet in the Dominican Republic and elsewhere. Due to the record-breaking levels of rain, an 11-billion gallon dam in Puerto Rico began to fail. Irma’s winds were so strong they literally pulled water out of the ocean and dried out beaches in the Bahamas and created watery bulges elsewhere. In report after eyewitness report the language to encapsulate these unprecedented violent weather events fails. Instead the language of apocalypse prevails to describe what is “catrastrophic,” “precarious,” “total devastation,” and “hell.”

A common practice uses funny and cute internet memes to describe natural hazards, such as hurricanes, to the general public. Emergency managers create an industry lacking credibility and seriousness when they use unrealistic and comedic... more

A common practice uses funny and cute internet memes to describe natural hazards, such as hurricanes, to the general public. Emergency managers create an industry lacking credibility and seriousness when they use unrealistic and comedic scenarios to describe disasters. If people believe that hurricanes are cute and funny, they will not understand their risk and therefore will not prepare adequately.

The author conducted a ground damage survey after riding out Hurricane Elena in Pensacola, FL. We drove the Mississippi coast just after the storm and documented high wind and storm surge damage. High water marks were obtained using a... more

The author conducted a ground damage survey after riding out Hurricane Elena in Pensacola, FL. We drove the Mississippi coast just after the storm and documented high wind and storm surge damage. High water marks were obtained using a level from known benchmarks. This HAAG ENGINEERING paper summarizes our findings.

An Analytic model which describes properly the energy liberated or dissipated by a hurricane is presented. Nowadays exists some kind of information related to the energy liberated by a hurricane, which we can nd with a non safe source at... more

An Analytic model which describes properly the energy liberated or dissipated by a hurricane is
presented. Nowadays exists some kind of information related to the energy liberated by a hurricane, which
we can nd with a non safe source at all at the internet. This model can give numerical values which
represents the amount of energy liberated per time unit by a hurricane. Also there are presented some
speci c examples of the functioning of this model with the information of a few hurricanes, and a data
base containing the energy values for the energy liberated by the same list of hurricanes calculated with
the model. Mathematically speaking, the model is represented by an integral equation which is ought to be
solved numerically, and it was nd also a way to calculate this energy values thru the integral just solving
this integral rst and then substitute the respective values in this last expression.

1 Laboratorio de Observación e Investigación Espacial, Universidad de Quintana Roo; Avenida Andrés Quintana Roo, S/N, Frente a colonia San Gervasio, Cozumel 77600, Quintana Roo, Mexico 2 Colegio de Geografía, Facultad de Filosofía y... more

1 Laboratorio de Observación e Investigación Espacial, Universidad de Quintana Roo; Avenida Andrés Quintana Roo, S/N, Frente a colonia San Gervasio, Cozumel 77600, Quintana Roo, Mexico 2 Colegio de Geografía, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán 04510, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico 3 Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CIIEMAD-IPN), Departamento de Territorio y Ambiente, 30 de Junio de 1520 s/n, La Laguna Ticomán, Gustavo A. Madero, 07340, Ciudad de México, Mexico 4 Centro de Estudios Meteorológicos de la Costa, Departamento de Ciencias Exactas, Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara, Av. Juárez No. 976, Colonia Centro, Guadalajara 44100, Jalisco, Mexico 5 Red de Desastres Asociados a Fenómenos Hidrometeorológicos y Climáticos (REDESClim), CONACYT, Av. Insurgentes Sur 1582, Col. Crédito Constructor, Alcaldía Benito...

El huracán del 59 es una reconstrucción de los daños originados por el meteoro más poderoso que impactó al estado de Colima en el siglo XX. En cuatro capítulo se plantean y contestan, entre otras, las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo fue que... more

El huracán del 59 es una reconstrucción de los daños originados por el meteoro más poderoso que impactó al estado de Colima en el siglo XX. En cuatro capítulo se plantean y contestan, entre otras, las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo fue que se asentaron los pobladores de Minatitlán?, ¿qué características físicas tuvo el huracán del 27 de octubre de 1959 y por qué causó el deslave que mató a más de 200 personas y destruyó dos terceras partes del pueblo?, ¿por qué reconstruyeron las casas sobre la misma destrucción?, ¿de qué manera el huracán y el deslave afectaron psicológica y socialmente a los minatitlenses? y, ¿cuáles fueron los procesos de cambio provocados por este fenómeno?

This is an unpublished essay that I circulated privately in September 2005, several weeks after Hurricane Katrina struck the City of New Orleans. Having lived in the Big Easy while in college and having made it and its culture and its... more

This is an unpublished essay that I circulated privately in September 2005, several weeks after Hurricane Katrina struck the City of New Orleans. Having lived in the Big Easy while in college and having made it and its culture and its people an important part of my life, I was aghast at calls by people unfamiliar with the city to allow for its demise. This was before it became known to the country that the reason that the city was devastated was the failure of its levees to hold and protect the city and not because of many other factors.

Este es un boletín que editamos con motivo del impacto del huracán Patricia en las costas de Colima y Jalisco los días 23 y 24 de octubre del año 2015, como parte de los trabajos colegiados entre integrantes de la REDESClim-Conacyt:... more

Este es un boletín que editamos con motivo del impacto del huracán Patricia en las costas de Colima y Jalisco los días 23 y 24 de octubre del año 2015, como parte de los trabajos colegiados entre integrantes de la REDESClim-Conacyt:

In September 2019, the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama in the Bahamas were simultaneously hit by category 5 Hurricane Dorian and a king tide. The disaster resulted in mass displacement. Minority groups such as the Haitian and LBGTQA+... more

In September 2019, the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama in the Bahamas were simultaneously hit by category 5 Hurricane Dorian and a king tide. The disaster resulted in mass displacement. Minority groups such as the Haitian and LBGTQA+ communities were acutely impacted. Following displacement, this report is based on qualitative fieldwork conducted a month after Hurricane Dorian made landfall.

En este Apunte de Investigación presentamos los hallazgos principales de un análisis geográfico-temporal donde se determinó el cambio en la cobertura de mangle en el sector cercano a La Playuela en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, durante un... more

En este Apunte de Investigación presentamos los hallazgos principales de un análisis geográfico-temporal donde se determinó el cambio en la cobertura de mangle en el sector cercano a La Playuela en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, durante un periodo de 21 años, entre el 1998 y el 2019.

Using a statistical relationship between simulated sea surface temperature and Atlantic hurricane activity, we estimate the skill of a CMIP5 multi-model ensemble at predicting multi-annual level of Atlantic hurricane activity. The series... more

Using a statistical relationship between simulated sea surface temperature and Atlantic hurricane activity, we estimate the skill of a CMIP5 multi-model ensemble at predicting multi-annual level of Atlantic hurricane activity. The series of yearly-initialized hindcasts show positive skill compared to simpler forecasts such as persistence and climatology as well as non-initialized forecasts and return anomaly correlation coefficients of ∼0.6 and ∼0.8 for five and nine year forecasts, respectively. Some skill is shown to remain in the later years and making use of those later years to create a lagged-ensemble yields, for individual models, results that approach that obtained by the multi-model ensemble. Some of the skill is shown to come from persisting rather than predicting the climate shift that occur in 1994–1995. After accounting for that shift, the anomaly correlation coefficient for five-year forecasts is estimated to drop to 0.4, but remains statistically significant up to lead years 3–7. Most of the skill is shown to come from the ability of the forecast systems at capturing change in Atlantic sea surface temperature, although the failure of most systems at reproducing the observed slow down in warming over the tropics in recent years leads to an underestimation of hurricane activity in the later period.

The author conducted aerial and ground damage surveys along the Florida and Alabama coasts after Hurricane Ivan. The purpose of these surveys was to: 1) determine the height of the storm surge, 2) acquire wind velocity data, 3) determine... more

The author conducted aerial and ground damage surveys along the Florida and Alabama coasts after Hurricane Ivan. The purpose of these surveys was to: 1) determine the height of the storm surge, 2) acquire wind velocity data, 3) determine the timing of each, and 4) assess the performance of buildings exposed to wind and water effects. Particular emphasis was placed on delineating wind and water damage.

Wind damage to asphalt shingles is usually obvious. However, there remain a number of issues such as cupping, splitting, and lack of bonding which some people falsely attribute to wind. This paper discusses what wind damage is and is... more

Wind damage to asphalt shingles is usually obvious. However, there remain a number of issues such as cupping, splitting, and lack of bonding which some people falsely attribute to wind. This paper discusses what wind damage is and is not to asphalt shingles. The paper also discusses what intentional damage looks like when persons try to simulate wind damage.

The author had conducted a damage survey along the Gulf Coast from Freeport, Texas to Galveston Island to Baytown, Texas to determine the high water levels and storm surge caused by Hurricane Alicia. The eye of Hurricane Alicia came... more

The author had conducted a damage survey along the Gulf Coast from Freeport, Texas to Galveston Island to Baytown, Texas to determine the high water levels and storm surge caused by Hurricane Alicia. The eye of Hurricane Alicia came ashore near San Luis Pass on the west end of Galveston Island at 12:35 a.m. on August 18, 1983 as documented by Galveston radar. The damage survey was conducted from August 18 through 21, 1983. Water marks and surge data were documented during the period of August 26 through 31, 1983. Attached illustrations will show the general coastal area inspected.

Hurricane Maria has had devastating impacts in Puerto Rico. Yet this catastrophe has not been felt equally by all. The vulnerability to impacts and ability to recover from hurricanes and other disasters are directly shaped by existing... more

Hurricane Maria has had devastating impacts in Puerto Rico. Yet this catastrophe has not been felt equally by all. The vulnerability to impacts and ability to recover from hurricanes and other disasters are directly shaped by existing socioeconomic and racial inequalities. The situation post-Maria in Puerto Rico has been labeled a clear case of environmental injustice. This article documents the hurricane’s nexus with environmental justice (EJ). It discusses EJ impacts related to toxic pollution, water, energy, and food, and connects these impacts intersect with multiple layers of pre-existing injustices. It then discusses how these impacts have been magnified by the national and federal government’s inept and unjust responses, and by histories of unjust planning and colonial–neoliberal institutions. The article concludes with some positive outlooks of how the hurricane has also opened a window to ‘‘rethink’’ Puerto Rico and to self-organized initiatives for enacting a different, more just, and ecological country

The forthcoming case study will detail the October 2012 critical incident response of Hurricane Sandy that made landfall on the 29th of October in the southern portion of New Jersey and directly affected the New Jersey, New York, and... more

The forthcoming case study will detail the October 2012 critical incident response of Hurricane Sandy that made landfall on the 29th of October in the southern portion of New Jersey and directly affected the New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut region. The storm also impacted secondary victims of over 20 other states that experienced the remnants from the storms path.
The case study will provide an overview of hurricane Sandy’s track including a timeline of its manifestation and the ramifications it had on the areas in its trajectory. The study will review the Emergency Management Cycle (EMC) of mitigation, preparation, response , and recovery, and overview the community effected by the storm and the responding organizations in regards to the EMC which includes but not limited to infrastructure, coordinated response efforts, public assistance, citizen preparedness, and support functions.
The study will span Incident Management structure and the implementation and set up of the Incident Command System (ICS), given hurricane Sandy was a large area incident. The effectiveness of the ICS command and its operations and personnel will also be explored. The responding entities will be discussed and assessed with a concentrated focus on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the roles of the state, local, and tribal groups, and the vitality of the nongovernmental organizations as well. The National Incident Management (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF) will be included in the examination of the incident management and its effectiveness. The study will also probe the equipment and personnel used to respond to the incident.
The study will analyze the strategies of lessons learned from the storm and what management protocols to consider in future situations which incorporates the EMC and a major emphasis on the recovery element both in the short and long term. The study will address critical incident policies and plans which coincides with lessons learned, as well as examine the financial impact of the incident overall.
In evaluating command and control the study will examine structural conflict and the distinctions between the conflict and crises management. Risk assessment of the operations in the aftermath of the hurricane and how it may have affected the response and what risk were present and what was done to alleviate those risk.

The so-called Medicanes (Mediterranean hurricanes) are mesoscale and warm-core Cyclones that show great similarities with Tropical Cyclones. Due to the difference in sea-state conditions from one region to another during the passage of... more

The so-called Medicanes (Mediterranean hurricanes) are mesoscale and warm-core Cyclones that show great similarities with Tropical Cyclones. Due to the difference in sea-state conditions from one region to another during the passage of any Cyclone, knowing the characteristics of the local waves of a specific region are becoming an important subject, which may lead to some emergency measures such as evacuation of fixed offshore platforms, preventing the movement of ships, closing the ports, ...etc. This paper presents a study on Cyclone of October 2019 and its associated waves, as well as determining its classification. In addition, the most probable maximum wave height (H_max), caused by the Cyclone, was calculated and compared to the H_max used in the design of existing fixed platforms in the study area. The results showed that the H_max due to the cyclone is less than H_max for the existing fixed platforms in this region and it does not need to be evacuated.
The results of the present study will be highly useful to investigate any cyclone that occurs in the Mediterranean basin, which may lead to a change in the design criteria for this region in future.

The exceptional size, power, and duration of Hurricane Mitch dramatically exposed Honduras’ high level of social and environmental vulnerability and also made post-disaster reconstruction efforts particularly challenging. When Hurricane... more

The exceptional size, power, and duration of Hurricane Mitch dramatically exposed Honduras’ high level of social and environmental vulnerability and also made post-disaster reconstruction efforts particularly challenging. When Hurricane Mitch devastated the country, most of the population were already living in chronic poverty and facing severe resource constraints. This chapter addresses the impact of Hurricane Mitch in Honduras, describes the event itself, and examines the devastation left in its wake in light of the highly vulnerable pre-disaster conditions. The interaction between physical and demographic factors and between historical and contemporary political-economic factors are analyzed next. The chapter concludes by examining the responses of the Honduran government and the international community, which were instrumental in assisting the survivors and helping the country start the recover process.

The author conducted ground and aerial surveys of the Louisiana and Mississippi Coasts after Hurricane Katrina. The purpose of the survey was to document the extent of damage to buildings, determine the height of the storm surge, and to... more

The author conducted ground and aerial surveys of the Louisiana and Mississippi Coasts after Hurricane Katrina. The purpose of the survey was to document the extent of damage to buildings, determine the height of the storm surge, and to acquire wind data from various sources.

After riding out the hurricane in Slidell, LA, the author conducted aerial and ground damage surveys along the Mississippi and Alabama coasts after Hurricane Katrina. The purpose of these surveys was to: 1) determine the height of the... more

After riding out the hurricane in Slidell, LA, the author conducted aerial and ground damage surveys along the Mississippi and Alabama coasts after Hurricane Katrina. The purpose of these surveys was to: 1) determine the height of the storm surge, 2) acquire wind velocity data, 3) determine the timing of each, and 4) assess the performance of buildings exposed to wind and water effects. Particular emphasis was placed on delineating wind and water damage. This paper presents the findings to date of our damage survey.

This article is intended for those needing an introduction to the climate of The Bahamas. Very little of the underlying meteorology is included. Additional statistics, mainly of rainfall, can be found in the Islands of The Bahamas... more

This article is intended for those needing an introduction to the climate of The Bahamas. Very little of the underlying meteorology is included. Additional statistics, mainly of rainfall, can be found in the Islands of The Bahamas Rainfall Data 1973-1990, a paper also posted on The Weather Underground website also has a wealth of additional statistics (

Hurricane Harvey prompted the generation of hundreds of Internet memes. This study draws from visual framing theory to conduct a content analysis of these memes. The purpose is to identify thematic markers that typify Hurricane Harvey... more

Hurricane Harvey prompted the generation of hundreds of Internet memes. This study draws from visual framing theory to conduct a content analysis of these memes. The purpose is to identify thematic markers that typify Hurricane Harvey memes and to investigate how social media users approach these topics. Through qualitative analysis of user-generated content in Hurricane Harvey memes, this study aims add to the discussion about how people cope with natural disasters in a participatory context on social media. Initial results suggest that social media users focus on relief efforts, devastation, and government response, but there are some surprising results that are centered around sexism and religion.

Coastal human settlements are becoming increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters such as tsunamis and cyclones. Recent events, including the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 and Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, have brought the issue of coastal... more

Coastal human settlements are becoming increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters such as tsunamis and cyclones. Recent events, including the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 and Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, have brought the issue of coastal protection to the forefront in many countries across the globe. We conducted a review of recent research regarding the extent of coastal protection provided by mangroves that includes observational studies, numerical modeling, and laboratory
experiments. We described our findings in a unique outline based on the methodology and event type and concluded that
observational studies have not provided conclusive results on the extent of coastal protection provided by mangroves from
extreme natural disasters. However, results from several recent numerical and physical models support the mitigating capabilities of mangroves for cyclone storm surges and small tsunamis. Studies on the economic valuation of mangroves
have estimated coastal protection to be a major portion of their total value. Further research utilizing robust datasets for
multivariate statistical analyses and validation of numerical models is still needed to provide a better assessment of the
feasibility of incorporating mangroves into coastal protection plans.

El Caribe Mexicano está conformado por ecorregiones que poseen características ambientales y ecológicas peculiares, no sólo por la diversidad de elementos naturales que las conforman, sino por los procesos ecológicos y eventos biológicos... more

El Caribe Mexicano está conformado por ecorregiones que poseen características ambientales y ecológicas peculiares, no sólo por la diversidad de elementos naturales que las conforman, sino por los procesos ecológicos y eventos biológicos que se desarrollan y que han coadyuvado a la existencia de diversas especies vegetales y animales, esto en asociación con los fenómenos hidrometeorológicos que ocurren con frecuencia.En los ambientes terrestres y marinos de las regiones que conforman el Caribe Mexicano ocurren fenómenos naturales que de manera directa e indirecta influyen en las condiciones de vida de la población humana, ya que éstos condicionan, favorecen, limitan o interrumpen la continuidad o permanencia de las actividades humanas (turismo, pesca, agricultura, comercio, manejo de recursos naturales). La Universidad de Quintana Roo, México realizaron el proyecto de investigación “Resiliencia en ciudades costeras del Caribe Mexicano ante desastres por huracanes: Chetumal, Tulum y Playa del Carmen”, el cual fue financiado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) y de donde se deriva este capítulo

Bibliographic essay on disasters in Colonial or Early Modern Latin America and the Caribbean

This essay serves as an introduction to the special section “States of Crisis.” Principally a meditation on political and ecological crisis in the Caribbean, this introduction revisits two concurrent events—the devastation of The Bahamas... more

This essay serves as an introduction to the special section “States of Crisis.” Principally a meditation on political and ecological crisis in the Caribbean, this introduction revisits two concurrent events—the devastation of The Bahamas by Hurricane Dorian, and the arrival of the first oil production vessel in Guyanese territorial waters—and probes the contradictions between the extractive imperative of economic nationalism and the existential threat of Caribbean extinction. Engaging “flags of convenience” as a practice of merchant ship registration and a metaphor for the ideal of postcolonial sovereignty, this essay considers how climate crisis demands a refusal of the state form as the limit to a regional political horizon and a rejection of nationalist historiography as a basis for the project of Caribbean criticism.

In this dissertation, I consider the rhetorical ecology of architectural ruins, specifically those of natural disaster, as actors in a system of human and nonhuman intra-action that has rhetorical potential for material intimacy. I argue... more

In this dissertation, I consider the rhetorical ecology of architectural ruins, specifically those of natural disaster, as actors in a system of human and nonhuman intra-action that has rhetorical potential for material intimacy. I argue that ruins address the human in ways that elicit a response. The human response enacts a paratactic praxis, which I explore in my first chapter as a practice that creates series or lists that call on the reader or the listener to fill the gaps between entities and make meaning out of the resulting juxtaposition of words, phrases, or collections. In the second, third, and fourth chapters, I locate paratactic praxis in accounts of ruins following natural disasters by drawing on a new materialist rhetorical methodology via three specific moves toward material intimacy: witnessing, listening, and wandering. I have chosen ruins as a focus of study precisely because of the need in our digital age to become more intimate with the spaces that we create, protect, and destroy as a means of understanding humanity’s place in the world. The language we use to describe ruins and the effects they have on us contain keys to uncovering the hidden rhetoricity of ruins. I use a combination of new materialist developments in rhetorical theory based on a phenomenological foundation to explore the human experience of
ruin and ruins as material bodies engaged in that experience.

A metáfora da metamorfose tem de certo modo um já longo percurso nas ciências sociais. Recordemos que Karl Marx (2017 [1863]) recorre a esta para se referir à transfiguração do capital circulante numa economia capitalista. Mais... more

A metáfora da metamorfose tem de certo modo um já longo percurso nas ciências sociais. Recordemos que Karl Marx (2017 [1863]) recorre a esta para se referir à transfiguração do capital circulante numa economia capitalista. Mais recentemente, no início do século xx, Franz Kafka (2017 [1912]) utilizou-a para satirizar o crescente individualismo das sociedades em rápida urbanização.

The pieces in this special issue evidence the making of not-so-natural disasters in the Caribbean and propose alternative scenarios for resilient recovery. Alternative community organisations and grassroots movements demonstrated to be... more

The pieces in this special issue evidence the making of not-so-natural disasters in the Caribbean and propose alternative scenarios for resilient recovery. Alternative community organisations and grassroots movements demonstrated to be complementary actors to the limited and slow state- of market-relief response. The historical prioritization of Caribbean government towards perpetual economic growth in their development agendas, evidence the marginalization of space in the region. A space that could be used to grow subsistence crops, which is not only essential to mitigate starvation after a natural disaster but reduces the dependency on food imports. The hurricanes also demonstrated to be an opportunity for implementing neoliberal policies that previous governments were not able to be put in place due to internal resistance from interest groups or the general population. The Caribbean will continue to be a hurricane-receiving area because of its geographical situation, but as these articles argue, political, economic and social reforms can reduce the human suffering caused by the natural and not-so-natural disasters.

Este libro presenta una perspectiva científica sobre el estado del arte del conocimiento de varios peligros naturales estratégicos - ciclones tropicales, inundaciones, heladas, sequías e incendios forestales - que año tras año se... more

Este libro presenta una perspectiva científica
sobre el estado del arte del conocimiento de varios
peligros naturales estratégicos - ciclones tropicales,
inundaciones, heladas, sequías e incendios forestales -
que año tras año se asocian con desastres en México. Se
describen las causas físicas y sociales de tales eventos y
se proponen estrategias de prevención, gestión y
adaptación para reducir la vulnerabilidad y el riesgo
de desastre de la población y los ecosistemas.
En el Capítulo 1: Amenazas naturales, sociedad y
desastres, Sánchez Rodríguez y Cavazos presentan una
perspectiva global y nacional de los desastres de origen
natural. Explican la tendencia positiva observada en la
frecuencia de los desastres asociados a fenómenos
HMyC en México y en el mundo y discuten, en forma
general, los impactos de los desastres y algunas causas
físicas y sociales que han generado dicha tendencia en
las últimas tres décadas. Dan un panorama general del
Sistema de Protección Civil de México y las necesidades
prioritarias en materia de desastres de acuerdo a la Ley
General de Protección Civil. Destacan la importancia de
estudiar la vulnerabilidad y de fomentar una cultura de
resiliencia a los desastres mediante el desarrollo de
programas multidisciplinarios y multiinstitucionales
con una visión preventiva y de adaptación a largo plazo.
En el Capítulo 2: Ciclones tropicales y su influencia en México, Farfán, Prieto, Martínez-Sánchez y Padilla muestran las trayectorias, frecuencia, variabilidad e impactos de los ciclones tropicales del Atlántico Norte y el Pacífico Oriental Tropical que han afectado a México durante el periodo 1970-2010 e
identifican las regiones vulnerables en las costas
mexicanas. Los autores discuten la variabilidad natural
y las teleconexiones de gran escala asociadas a los
cambios en la frecuencia e intensidad de los ciclones y
de los periodos decenales activos e inactivos en el
Pacífico Oriental y en el Atlántico Norte. Explican que la
variación en la frecuencia de estos sistemas depende de
fenómenos naturales que ocurren en diferentes escalas
temporales - como El Niño Oscilación del Sur a escala
interanual y oscilaciones decenales como las del
Atlántico y el Pacífico. Los autores muestran que
cuando hay un periodo decenal activo de ciclones
tropicales en el Pacifico, hay uno inactivo en el Atlántico
y viceversa, y que el calentamiento global podría
aumentar la frecuencia de huracanes intensos. Sin
embargo, los ciclones tropicales dependen de diversos
factores que los modelos globales aún no simulan
adecuadamente, por lo que sugieren estudiar los
cambios futuros usando reescalamiento (downscaling)
dinámico. También describen algunos métodos de
predicción de la trayectoria de ciclones tropicales con
modelos dinámicos de mesoescala y resaltan la
importancia de las alertas tempranas y la difusión de la
En el Capítulo 3: Inundaciones, heladas e incendios forestales, Brito-Castillo y Pedrozo-Acuña analizan los riesgos asociados a estos tres tipos de eventos. Ellos documentan los daños económicos asociados a los fenómenos HMyC registrados por el CENAPRED desde 1980 y muestran que una tercera
parte de las declaratorias de desastres en México entre
1980-1999 fueron por inundaciones. Entre 2000 y 2012 el
mayor número de declaratorias de desastres fue por
lluvias, ciclones tropicales y sequías. Los autores
VIII también presentan un estudio de la frecuencia de
incendios forestales en México entre 1980 y 2010 y
encuentran tendencias positivas y significativas a nivel
nacional. Además, discuten algunos métodos de
predicción de inundaciones, heladas e incendios, así
como la problemática y relevancia de la incertidumbre
de los pronósticos en la prevención y toma de
El último capítulo del libro, el Capítulo 4: Plan
estratégico nacional para la prevención y la reducción
del riesgo a desastres asociados a eventos
hidrometeorológicos y climáticos en México de
Sánchez Rodríguez, Cavazos y Morales Santos, es el
resultado de una amplia discusión con 65 miembros de
REDESClim e invitados de diferentes instituciones que
participaron en la Segunda Reunión Estratégica de
REDESClim en agosto de 2013 en la Ciudad de México.
Este Plan Estratégico Nacional toma en cuenta acciones
propuestas por el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2013-
2018, la Ley General de Protección Civil, la Ley General
de Cambio Climático y la Estrategia Nacional de
Cambio Climático 2013 con una visión hacia la
prevención y la reducción del riesgo de desastres en
México. Representa un gran reto porque propone
acciones conjuntas de la sociedad por medio de una
mayor coordinación entre los tres órdenes de gobierno y
entre el sector público, social, privado y académico. En resumen se plantean acciones para (1) mejorar la
capacidad de seguimiento, monitoreo y disponibilidad
de datos de eventos HMyC y de desastres, (2) fortalecer
el desarrollo de pronósticos y reducir su incertidumbre,
(3) fortalecer la prevención y mejorar la comunicación
de las alertas tempranas a través de tecnologías de la
información, (4) expandir y mejorar el conocimiento de
las causas físicas y sociales que generan desastres, (5)
fortalecer la capacidad local, estatal y nacional para
disminuir el número de afectados y reducir el riesgo de
desastres, y (6) apoyar la adaptación al cambio climático.

Bu çalışmada, Osmanlı dönemi İstanbul'unda meydana gelen deprem, yangın, sel, kasırga, salgın hastalıklar ve benzeri tabiî âfetlerle ilgili kısaca bilgi verildik-ten sonra, bu tür felaketler üzerine yapılmış çalışmalar ve kaynaklar... more

Bu çalışmada, Osmanlı dönemi İstanbul'unda meydana gelen deprem, yangın, sel, kasırga, salgın hastalıklar ve benzeri tabiî âfetlerle ilgili kısaca bilgi verildik-ten sonra, bu tür felaketler üzerine yapılmış çalışmalar ve kaynaklar hakkında derli toplu kaynakça sunulacaktır. Bulunduğu coğrafi konum açısından son derece önemli bir noktada bulunmasının yanı sıra iktisadi, ticari, sınai, tarihî ve kültürel bakımdan Türkiye'nin en önemli merkezlerinden olan İstanbul, tarih boyunca gerçekten yıkıcı çeşitli âfetlerle karşılaşmış ve ciddi tahribat gör-müştür. Aşağıda, tahribat güçleri ve neticeleri açısından ortaya çıkan tabloyu göz önünde tutarak, söz konusu âfetleri ayrı başlıklar altında kısaca inceledik-ten sonra, konuyla ilgili derli toplu bir literatür sunmaya çalışacağız. 1. Depremler Tarih boyunca İstanbul'da birçok büyük deprem meydana geldiğini bili-yoruz. Biz, daha ziyade Osmanlı dönemi İstanbul'unda yaşanan depremler üzerinde durmak istiyoruz. Söz konusu büyük depremlerde sadece konut ve işyerleri değil, saraylar, camiler ve diğer büyük yapılar da çok ciddi zararlar görmüştür. Ayrıca depremler insanlar açısından, demografik, sosyal, ekono-mik vb. çok yönlü sonuçlar ve zararlar da doğururlar. Bunlar da en az depre-min yıkıcı etkisi kadar tesirli olabilmekte, hatta bazen daha büyük boyutlara ulaşabilmektedir. Mesela depremlerden sonra çıkan bazı yangınlar çok sayıda can ve mal kaybına sebep olmaktadır. Yine içme suyunun kirlenmesi ve çevre sağlığı problemleri, ayrıca sağlıksız şartlarda barınmaya çalışan evsiz barksız insanlar arasında salgın hastalıklar baş göstermektedir.

This article argues that the disaster relief efforts following hurricanes in Puerto Rico in 1899 and Galveston, Texas, in 1900 represent a watershed in American military history. These two cases highlight a critical juncture where the... more

This article argues that the disaster relief efforts following hurricanes
in Puerto Rico in 1899 and Galveston, Texas, in 1900 represent a watershed in American military history. These two cases highlight a critical juncture where the U.S. Army became the lead federal agency in imperial and domestic disaster relief and established a precedent that lasted well into the twentieth century. By declaring martial law, directly overseeing relief efforts, and plugging into existing social hierarchies, the Army and local elites completely reconstructed the political, economic, and social order of both locales. As this was a relatively new role for the Army, they relied on the local social hierarchy as a matter of expediency because of the absence of any existing doctrine to guide their disaster relief efforts. These Army relief efforts culminated in fostering two antidemocratic governments: a colonial regime in Puerto Rico and the first commission-style government in Galveston that upheld Jim Crow policies that were eventually replicated throughout the United States.

The authors have developed a procedure for assessing wind damage to wood-framed residences. This procedure has been utilized by the authors for the past twenty years when determining the extent of damage to buildings from tornadoes,... more

The authors have developed a procedure for assessing wind damage to wood-framed residences. This procedure has been utilized by the authors for the past twenty years when determining the extent of damage to buildings from tornadoes, hurricanes, and straight-lined winds. In order to develop the procedure, the authors have compiled information on various building construction techniques as well as analyzed how wind forces interact with buildings and their environments.