Naval Logistics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Aiming at an approach to royal policies on naval logistics in a key period for the Portuguese maritime expansion (1481 - 1640), corresponding to the reigns of King John II to Philip III of Portugal, the work seeks at presenting a... more

Aiming at an approach to royal policies on naval logistics in a key period for the Portuguese maritime expansion (1481 - 1640), corresponding to the reigns of King John II to Philip III of Portugal, the work seeks at presenting a statistical approach to the type and number of measures taken by the central government on key areas of the naval logistics, namely, shipbuilding; organization of navigation; naval defense and seafarers – all crucial elements to the levels of (un) success of the Portuguese overseas expansion. This dissertation intends to provide an approach to the following research questions: did it exist (or not) royal concerted policies on the various sectors involved on the naval logistics; which lines of evolution of these policies are identified, in correlation with contextual challenges; which levels of coordination and control of naval activities are performed by the crown, in order to assess the space left to individual initiative.
As a working methodology, and in the absence of a systematic survey on these issues, it was decided to carry out a survey of orientations taken by the Portuguese crown through a comprehensive analysis of archival holdings identified in a huge range of inventories and published collections of laws; a rating of the legal typology, areas and focus of such crown intervention, based on a taxonomy developed for this purpose; a statistical analysis to determine cyclical trends within the periods under analysis; a content analysis of some structural documentation.
Results seem to stress a crown interventionism through privileges and rules, which increase in contexts of challenges to the Portuguese sea power.
This work is assumed as a first step, essential to the pursuit of future research, more limited, both chronological and thematically, able to analyze and check in more detail the trends identified.

Aiming at an approach to royal policies on naval logistics in a key period for the Portuguese maritime expansion (1481 - 1640), corresponding to the reigns of King John II to Philip III of Portugal, the work seeks at presenting a... more

Aiming at an approach to royal policies on naval logistics in a key period for the Portuguese maritime expansion (1481 - 1640), corresponding to the reigns of King John II to Philip III of Portugal, the work seeks at presenting a statistical approach to the type and number of measures taken by the central government on key areas of the naval logistics, namely, shipbuilding; organization of navigation; naval defense and seafarers – all crucial elements to the levels of (un) success of the Portuguese overseas expansion. This dissertation intends to provide an approach to the following research questions: did it exist (or not) royal concerted policies on the various sectors involved on the naval logistics; which lines of evolution of these policies are identified, in correlation with contextual challenges; which levels of coordination and control of naval activities are performed by the crown, in order to assess the space left to individual initiative.
As a working methodology, and in the absence of a systematic survey on these issues, it was decided to carry out a survey of orientations taken by the Portuguese crown through a comprehensive analysis of archival holdings identified in a huge range of inventories and published collections of laws; a rating of the legal typology, areas and focus of such crown intervention, based on a taxonomy developed for this purpose; a statistical analysis to determine cyclical trends within the periods under analysis; a content analysis of some structural documentation.
Results seem to stress a crown interventionism through privileges and rules, which increase in contexts of challenges to the Portuguese sea power.
This work is assumed as a first step, essential to the pursuit of future research, more limited, both chronological and thematically, able to analyze and check in more detail the trends identified.

Este documento establece la vigencia e importancia que reviste la Logística en el ámbito militar y naval específicamente; su aplicación y práctica se evidencia en la logística operativa que vincula a la logística estratégica con la... more

Este documento establece la vigencia e importancia que reviste la Logística en el ámbito militar y naval específicamente; su aplicación y práctica se evidencia en la logística operativa que vincula a la logística estratégica con la táctica en un teatro de operaciones, la debida aplicación de la logística parte de los aspectos doctrinarios y teóricos que se fundamentan en la logística pura y que sin estos cimientos sería inadecuada su accionar. La logística naval operativa parte de su taxonomía, está caracterizada por la influencia del medio acuífero, adverso e improductivo; proporciona y mantiene la capacidad operativa naval y fluvial, suministrado el apoyo necesario en el lugar y momento adecuado, fundamentado en una combinación de principios y funciones cuya acción transforma las necesidades en apoyo real operativo a las unidades a flote.

ABSTRACT We address the problem of generating a joint flight and maintenance plan for a unit of mission aircraft. The objective is to establish a balanced allocation of the flight load and the maintenance capacity to the individual... more

ABSTRACT We address the problem of generating a joint flight and maintenance plan for a unit of mission aircraft. The objective is to establish a balanced allocation of the flight load and the maintenance capacity to the individual aircraft of the unit, so that its long-term availability is kept at a high and steady level. We propose a mixed integer nonlinear model to formulate the problem, the objective function of which minimizes a least squares index expressing the total deviation of the individual aircraft flight and maintenance times from their corresponding target values. Using the model's special structure and properties, we develop an exact search algorithm for its solution. We analyze the computational complexity of this algorithm, and we present computational results comparing its performance against that of a commercial optimization package. Besides demonstrating the superiority of the proposed algorithm, these results reveal that the total computational effort required for the solution of the problem depends mainly on two crucial parameters: the size of the unit (i.e., the number of aircraft that comprise it) and the space capacity of the maintenance station. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012

We consider design of control charts in the presence of machine stoppages that are exogenously imposed (as under jidoka practices). Each stoppage creates an opportunity for inspection/repair at reduced cost. We first model a single... more

We consider design of control charts in the presence of machine stoppages that are exogenously imposed (as under jidoka practices). Each stoppage creates an opportunity for inspection/repair at reduced cost. We first model a single machine facing opportunities arriving according to a Poisson process, develop the expressions for its operating characteristics and construct the optimization problem for economic design of a control chart. We, then, consider the multiple machine setting where individual machine stoppages may create inspection/repair opportunities for other machines. We develop exact expressions for the cases when all machines are either opportunity-takers or not. On the basis of an approximation for the all-taker case, we then propose an approximate model for the mixed case. In a numerical study, we examine the opportunity taking behavior of machines in both single and multiple machine settings and the impact of such practices on the design of an X – Q C chart. Our findings indicate that incorporating inspection/repair opportunities into QC chart design may provide considerable cost savings. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009

De carácter ambicioso e inovador nas linhas de pesquisa a que chega, a investigação realizada, e agora em livro, é uma aproximação às políticas régias sobre logística naval num período fulcral para o expansionismo marítimo português (1481... more

De carácter ambicioso e inovador nas linhas de pesquisa a que chega, a investigação realizada, e agora em livro, é uma aproximação às políticas régias sobre logística naval num período fulcral para o expansionismo marítimo português (1481 – 1640). Procura-se apresentar uma abordagem estatística ao tipo e número de medidas tomadas pelo poder central sobre áreas–chave da logística naval, a saber: construção naval; organização da navegação; defesa naval e formação e creditação de homens do mar – todas peças determinantes nos níveis de (in)sucesso da Expansão Portuguesa. A par de uma reflexão sobre as tendências de gestão apuradas, que compõe um segundo momento desta investigação, desenvolve-se um processo metodológico que passa pelo recenseamento de medidas tomadas pela Coroa Portuguesa, na ausência de um levantamento sistemático sobre essas matérias.

Page 1. A Facility Reliability Problem: Formulation, Properties, and Algorithm Michael Lim,1 Mark S. Daskin,2,3 Achal Bassamboo,3 Sunil Chopra3,2 1 Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign,... more

Page 1. A Facility Reliability Problem: Formulation, Properties, and Algorithm Michael Lim,1 Mark S. Daskin,2,3 Achal Bassamboo,3 Sunil Chopra3,2 1 Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, Illinois 61820 ...

In this article, we introduce the capacitated warehouse location model with risk pooling (CLMRP), which captures the interdependence between capacity issues and the inventory management at the warehouses. The CLMRP models a logistics... more

In this article, we introduce the capacitated warehouse location model with risk pooling (CLMRP), which captures the interdependence between capacity issues and the inventory management at the warehouses. The CLMRP models a logistics system in which a single plant ships one type of product to a set of retailers, each with an uncertain demand. Warehouses serve as the direct intermediary between the plant and the retailers for the shipment of the product and also retain safety stock to provide appropriate service levels to the retailers. The CLMRP minimizes the sum of the fixed facility location, transportation, and inventory carrying costs. The model simultaneously determines warehouse locations, shipment sizes from the plant to the warehouses, the working inventory, and safety stock levels at the warehouses and the assignment of retailers to the warehouses. The costs at each warehouse exhibit initially economies of scale and then an exponential increase due to the capacity limitations. We show that this problem can be formulated as a nonlinear integer program in which the objective function is neither concave nor convex. A Lagrangian relaxation solution algorithm is proposed. The Lagrangian subproblem is also a nonlinear integer program. An efficient algorithm is developed for the linear relaxation of this subproblem. The Lagrangian relaxation algorithm provides near-optimal solutions with reasonable computational requirements for large problem instances. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008