Maritime History Research Papers - (original) (raw)

From the foundation of the Order of St John in 11th century Syria as a community of lay brethren intent on providing shelter, care and assistance to pilgrims visiting the Holy Land, the destiny of the Hospitaller Knights was irremediably... more

Als Berufsoffizier, der zusätzlich zu seinen dienstlichen Aufgaben 2012 das Diplomstudium der Geschichte absolviert hat, durfte ich im Rahmen des Grundausbildungslehrgangs für MBO1 (GALG) dieses Thema auswählen. Dieses hat auch zu meinem... more

Als Berufsoffizier, der zusätzlich zu seinen dienstlichen Aufgaben 2012 das Diplomstudium der Geschichte absolviert hat, durfte ich im Rahmen des Grundausbildungslehrgangs für MBO1 (GALG) dieses Thema auswählen. Dieses hat auch zu meinem heutigen Wirkungsgebiet als österreichischer Verteidigungsattachè (Land, Luft, Marine) in Kroatien einen besonderen Bezug, da ich einerseits seit etwa 15 Jahren der Obmann der ‚Marinekameradschaft Tegetthoff‘, die bereits selbst wiederum eine etwa 60-jährige Geschichte aufzuweisen hat, bin; und andererseits wurde ich vor etwa vier Jahren zum Vizepräsident in das Präsidium des ‚Österreichischen Marine Verbands‘ gewählt, ein Amt, das ich immer noch inne habe.
Diese Hausarbeit wurde mit sehr zeitintensiver Vor- und Aufbereitung sowie in kritisch freier, aber logischer Art und Weise durchgeführt. Es konnten ausreichend Erfahrungen, Recherchen – persönlich und digital – zu Hilfe genommen werden. Zusätzlich wurden aktuelle Beiträge aus Büchern und Fachzeitschriften in die Bearbeitung miteinbezogen. Es wurde eine Methode gewählt, die eine Erklärung der jeweiligen Dinge, die einer Beurteilung zu unterziehen waren, leicht und verständlich ermöglichte.
Es ist mir eine besondere Freude gewesen diese Hausarbeit zu schreiben und hoffe, dass dadurch ein besserer Zugang zur k.u.k. Kriegsmarine und zur heute gelebten, österreichischen Marinetradition - obwohl es heute gar keine österreichische Marine mehr gibt - zustande kommen wird.

Review of Jerry H. Bentley, Renate Bridenthal, Kären Wigen, eds., Seascapes: Maritime Histories, Littoral Cultures, and Transoceanic Exchanges (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2007). Journal of History and Anthropology 8.1 (2010):... more

Review of Jerry H. Bentley, Renate Bridenthal, Kären Wigen, eds., Seascapes: Maritime Histories, Littoral Cultures, and Transoceanic Exchanges (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2007). Journal of History and Anthropology 8.1 (2010): 183-188.

This article investigates the growth of cross-border movement and migration in the northern portion of the Yellow Sea during the sixteenth century, which generated ongoing interactions and tensions with the coastal governance of Chosŏn... more

This article investigates the growth of cross-border movement and migration in the northern portion of the Yellow Sea during the sixteenth century, which generated ongoing interactions and tensions with the coastal governance of Chosŏn Korea and Ming China. The fluid flow of private seafarers reconnected the northern Yellow Sea and revitalised its maritime economy, making this space an integral part of wider trade networks. Meanwhile, the Chosŏn and Ming authorities also attempted to discern, categorise, and institutionalise this transmarine mobility in their discursive, administrative, and geographic spaces. Instead of considering the two polities as land based and inward looking, this article foregrounds the dynamics of their coastal control mechanisms, while at the same time paying close attention to their constraints on filtering and scrutinising maritime violence.

The Turkish island of Bozcaada, widely known by its ancient Greek name of Tenedos, is located in the northeastern part of the Aegean Sea. Due to military conflicts during World War I and World War II, and because of the startegic... more

The Turkish island of Bozcaada, widely known by its ancient Greek name of Tenedos, is located in the northeastern part of the Aegean Sea. Due to military conflicts during World War I and World War II, and because of the startegic importance of the Daradanelles, this area is full of historical wrecks, many of which remaine undocumented or not located yet. This article deals with some of the World War II wrecks of Tenedos.

The Royal manor Avaldsnes in southwest Norway holds a rich history testified by 13th century sagas and exceptional graves from the first millennium AD. In 2011–12 the settlement was excavated. In this first book from the project crucial... more

The Royal manor Avaldsnes in southwest Norway holds a rich history testified by 13th century sagas and exceptional graves from the first millennium AD. In 2011–12 the settlement was excavated. In this first book from the project crucial results from an international team of 23 scholars are published. The chapters cover a wide array of topics ranging from building-remains and scientific analyses of finds to landownership and ritual manifestations. It is suggested that Avaldsnes was a prominent base for sea kings that operated along the West-Scandinavian coast in the first millennium AD. The martial competence developed through the centuries in the sea-king environment was the basis of the Vikings' military success in the 9th–10th centuries.

An anthropological approach to a culture extrapolates social structures, traditions, and general organizing principles of that culture from the careful observation of patterns of behaviour as described in case studies. In the absence of... more

An anthropological approach to a culture extrapolates social structures, traditions, and general organizing principles of that culture from the careful observation of patterns of behaviour as described in case studies. In the absence of a living culture to record, archaeologists extrapolate this information from behaviour reconstructed from spatially determined patterns in the deposition of material remains and from patterns found in the general organizing principles of historically documented cultures, using arguments based on analogy. This contribution builds on our previous research on the “Sea Peoples” as a piratical culture in order to apply an anthropological approach to understanding the cultural identities of the various tribal groups involved in maritime activities at the end of the Bronze Age who are popularly known as the “Sea Peoples”, and place this within the broader context of the current discussions on the transition between the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the Mediterranean.

Cette communication a eu lieu le 31 mars 2017, dans le cadre du séminaire doctoral d'Alexandre Gady. Elle fut l'occasion de révéler une documentation inédite permettant de porter un nouveau regard sur le projet de place Louis XVI destiné... more

Cette communication a eu lieu le 31 mars 2017, dans le cadre du séminaire doctoral d'Alexandre Gady. Elle fut l'occasion de révéler une documentation inédite permettant de porter un nouveau regard sur le projet de place Louis XVI destiné à la cité du Ponant en 1786.

Análise do contributo das instituições e dos historiadores da Marinha para a História Marítima em Portugal ao longo dos últimos dois séculos, quer numa perspectiva integrada, quer na óptica individualizada dos vários intervenientes. ***... more

Análise do contributo das instituições e dos historiadores da Marinha para a História Marítima em Portugal ao longo dos últimos dois séculos, quer numa perspectiva integrada, quer na óptica individualizada dos vários intervenientes.
An overview on the contribution of the naval institutions and naval historians to Portuguese Maritime History in the last two centuries, under both an integrated view and an individualized perspective of the several actors involved.

The maritime interstate trade in bondspersons illustrates the contours of United States capitalism of the early nineteenth century as it developed between 1807 and midcentury. The saltwater trade between the Chesapeake and New Orleans... more

The maritime interstate trade in bondspersons illustrates the contours of United States capitalism of the early nineteenth century as it developed between 1807 and midcentury. The saltwater trade between the Chesapeake and New Orleans comprised four stages corresponding to larger economic developments. An incidental slave trade rose in the context of the US ban on imported slaves, embargoes, and the growth of domestic commerce. An essential trade followed, growing in the post-War of 1812 transatlantic market for agricultural staples. It was carried on aboard vessels plying the so-called cotton triangle and also ships carrying regionally-specific
goods and commodities between domestic ports. The 1830s witnessed a vertical trade exemplified by one slaving firm that responded to the swift expansion of credit and surging demand. Following the panic of 1837, market fragmentation led to a mechanical trade, which was also dependent on robust exports of slave-produced crops. Financial technologies propelled that development, and the maritime slave trade was nearly seamlessly integrated into the broader coastal trade.

Las acciones humanitarias llevadas a cabo por el Capitán de Navío Miguel Grau Seminario se adelantaron a la codificación de las mismas por parte del derecho internacional. Si bien no fueron una exclusividad en la historia naval del mundo,... more

This article uses prize to examine the end of war in the twentieth century. By enshrining the victor’s right to seize enemy merchant ships after the cessation of military hostilities, the 1918 Armistice changed how war ended. This... more

This article uses prize to examine the end of war in the twentieth century. By enshrining the victor’s right to seize enemy merchant ships after the cessation of military hostilities, the 1918 Armistice changed how war ended. This disconnection turned prize into a strategic tool for victors to use over belligerents. This appeared again in World War II, when prize courts condoned the taking of prize after Germany’s surrender. Egypt then used prize as a strategic tool in their opposition to Israel. The article concludes prize was not just a historical curiosity, but also a strategic imperative for victors.

This is a poignant moment to contemplate the sea, and mankind's relationship to it. The pressures of climate change and human activity—from large-­scale aquaculture to container shipping, from mineral extraction to deep-­sea... more

This is a poignant moment to contemplate the sea, and mankind's relationship to it. The pressures of climate change and human activity—from large-­scale aquaculture to container shipping, from mineral extraction to deep-­sea exploration—have affected the oceans and the marine life on which we depend, usually not for the better. As Lincoln Paine conclusively demonstrates in this magisterial work, the seas are also a crucial, perhaps even central, point of focus in the story of human civilization. Paine opens the book by declaring that he wants to change the way we see the world--by re-orienting our attention to the three-quarters of the planet that is blue, and composing a longue durée history that places water, not land, at the center of global development and transformation. ...

This paper reviews the earliest empirical evidence for seafaring, leading to the exploits of Homo erectus in two world regions. This leads to the explanation of the rationale of replication experiments intended to establish the minimum... more

This paper reviews the earliest empirical evidence for seafaring, leading to the exploits of Homo erectus in two world regions. This leads to the explanation of the rationale of replication experiments intended to establish the minimum conditions under which demonstrated maritime colonisations in the Lower Palaeolithic could have succeeded.

"Few landscapes change more rapid than the marine. Sandbanks, channels and even complete coastlines can change dramatically overnight. This is a threat not only for modern mariners, our seafaring forefathers knew this problem also all too... more

"Few landscapes change more rapid than the marine. Sandbanks, channels and even complete coastlines can change dramatically overnight. This is a threat not only for modern mariners, our seafaring forefathers knew this problem also all too well. With modern techniques we can monitor these changes and adapt our maps on a regular basis. These techniques not only provide saver shipping, they can also be used to find the wreck of unfortunate former mariners. How can this method be used to predict where wrecks can be found. And, if a wreck is found, is it possible to preserve it?
In order to get a full picture of possible wreck sites, we need to know what the underwater landscape was in various periods, and how it has changed over time.
Historic Cartographical analysis can give and insight in the use and sometimes in the morphology of former landscapes. The problem with this is that it only provides qualitative information; i.e. descriptive data (map legends, interpretations, names or remarks). Modern remote-sensing devices give purely quantitative data. In order to model changes in landscape overtime, the historical qualitative data should be in some way ‘quantified’ to make calculations possible. If the historical records provide quantitative data as well, they should somehow be extrapolated to be comparable with modern high resolution data. This ‘quantifying’ of data can also be used for modern qualitative maps, such as soil type maps or land use maps.
This way historical data can be integrated with modern remote-sensing and survey techniques."

Japanese whaling regularly appears in the news today, but there has been surprisingly little written in English about the subject from a historical perspective. Jakobina Arch's Bringing Whales Ashore takes a giant stride toward remedying... more

Japanese whaling regularly appears in the news today, but there has been surprisingly little written in English about the subject from a historical perspective. Jakobina Arch's Bringing Whales Ashore takes a giant stride toward remedying that gap. Perhaps even more importantly from an environmental history standpoint, she sets out a template for reconceptualizing the history of Tokugawa Japan (1603-1868) through the lens of the

A partial analysis of Dr. James T. White's 1901 ethnographic survey about Alaska Natives living along the Yukon River and the missionary responses to that survey. Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Western History Association,... more

A partial analysis of Dr. James T. White's 1901 ethnographic survey about Alaska Natives living along the Yukon River and the missionary responses to that survey. Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Western History Association, October 17, 2020.