Nazi Propaganda Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Karl Kurt Klein (6.5.1897 – 10.01.1971), the only polymath of the Germans of Romania (Siebenbürger Sachsen), had a special relationship to the "Deutsche Burse" in Marburg an der Lahn and its leader Johann Wilhelm Mannhardt (1883-1969). On... more

Karl Kurt Klein (6.5.1897 – 10.01.1971), the only polymath of the Germans of Romania (Siebenbürger Sachsen), had a special relationship to the "Deutsche Burse" in Marburg an der Lahn and its leader Johann Wilhelm Mannhardt (1883-1969). On the basis of their correspondence the essay gives an insight into the populist (völkisch) and ultranationalistic positions adopted by Mannhardt and Klein in the realm of "Volksdeutschtum" and their confrontation with the organization of the SS which started to patronize the whole policy of "Volksadeutsche" starting with 1937..

Neste livro analiso a trajetória do jornal Meio-Dia, um dos poucos órgãos de imprensa no Brasil estadonovista a apoiar a Alemanha e o nazismo na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Trata-se, além disso, de um estudo que abrange as relações entre a... more

Neste livro analiso a trajetória do jornal Meio-Dia, um dos poucos órgãos de imprensa no Brasil estadonovista a apoiar a Alemanha e o nazismo na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Trata-se, além disso, de um estudo que abrange as relações entre a imprensa e o aparato repressivo do Estado Novo de Vargas, bem como com a espionagem no período.

Book review. Monographs "Anthropology and ethnology during World War II. The activities of Sektion Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit in the light of new source materials" edited by Małgorzata Maj. (Full text... more

Book review. Monographs "Anthropology and ethnology during World War II. The activities of Sektion Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit in the light of new source materials" edited by Małgorzata Maj. (Full text of review in Polish).

Introduction to August Adam's classic work of the same title.

This paper explores the rise of the NSDAP in Germany in the 1920s focussing on the decision to pursue power by legal means. Popular theories of the rise of the Nazis rely on class or mass theories. This paper suggests that both theories,... more

This paper explores the rise of the NSDAP in Germany in the 1920s focussing on the decision to pursue power by legal means. Popular theories of the rise of the Nazis rely on class or mass theories. This paper suggests that both theories, and those that rely on Hitler's charisma, are rendered moot if the Nazis had not been able to carve a space for themselves within the crowded German party system. This paper seeks to explore the ways in which the NSDAP was able to exploit the political opportunities that presented themselves in the late 1920s and early 1930s and displace the DNVP as the dominant party of Germany’s political right. It finds that the Nazi embrace of legal political tactics were critical to the party's rise to power.

Triumph of The Will is a documentary film that encapsulates Hitler’s three-day visit to the city of Nuremberg for the commemoration of the 1934 Nazi Party Congress, which rallied over 700,000 devotees. It was commissioned by Hitler and... more

Triumph of The Will is a documentary film that encapsulates Hitler’s three-day visit to the city of Nuremberg for the commemoration of the 1934 Nazi Party Congress, which rallied over 700,000 devotees. It was commissioned by Hitler and was produced, directed and edited by Leni Riefenstahl. The entire feature is roughly an hour and 45 minutes in length, but had been shortened down from over sixty hours of raw footage. The film extends the limits of documentation by skewing the perceptions of the viewer via the use of a masterful range of film techniques and psychological symbolism. This analysis will go about deconstructing the myth, the cinematic techniques and the psychology behind the film, for the sake of discovering the overarching purpose behind this infamous classic masterpiece.

Ohne eine vergleichende Analyse, die mehrere Diskurstraditionen berücksichtigt ist nicht zu bestimmen, ob (Be-)Deutungaspekte von Metaphern universal oder sprachspezifisch sind und inwieweit sie von historischen Faktoren beeinflusst... more

Ohne eine vergleichende Analyse, die mehrere Diskurstraditionen berücksichtigt ist nicht zu bestimmen, ob (Be-)Deutungaspekte von Metaphern universal oder sprachspezifisch sind und inwieweit sie von historischen Faktoren beeinflusst werden. Die hier vorliegende Analyse konzentriert sich auf politische Körpermetaphern in französischen, englischen und deutschen Diskursen. Die untersuchten Präferenzmuster – Wortspiele mit body politic/body natural im Englischen, Nazi-Bezug des Ausdrucks 'Volkskörper' im Deutschen, die ,rousseauistische’ Verknüpfung von Staat und Gesellschaft im französischer Körpermetaphorik – geben erste Hinweise auf weitere Forschungen in diesem Bereich.

Inscindibile dalle vicende della Germania nazista, la musica scandì l'ascesa e il crollo del regime hitleriano, assumendo un ruolo di preminenza assoluta su tutte le arti. Que-sto libro ne indaga l'intimo intreccio con la politica tedesca... more

Inscindibile dalle vicende della Germania nazista, la musica scandì l'ascesa e il crollo del regime hitleriano, assumendo un ruolo di preminenza assoluta su tutte le arti. Que-sto libro ne indaga l'intimo intreccio con la politica tedesca tra il 1933 e il 1945, analizzandone le tappe principali: i presupposti; l'epurazione di ebrei e oppositori politici; la costruzione del «mito» del Terzo Reich da parte dei musicologi; l'ascesa e la caduta di nuovi e vecchi astri; l'effimero tentativo di colmare il vuoto lasciato dalle epurazioni; in-fine, la sorprendente organizzazione musicale del sistema concentrazionario. Accanto alle vicende dei musicisti ebrei, vittime predestinate e oggetto delle più gravi vessazioni, emerge un groviglio indistricabile di partigianerie e atti di resistenza, fedeltà cieca al regime e op portunismo, invidie e ri-valità tra potenti, sullo sfondo della più spa-ventosa tragedia collettiva del XX secolo.

Over de populariteit van de NSDAP bij de onderklasse van de Weimarrepubliek tussen 1923 en 1933. Dit wordt verklaard door antisemitisme, antimarxisme, het charisma van Hitler en de propaganda over de Volksgemeinschaft. Het sociale beleid... more

Over de populariteit van de NSDAP bij de onderklasse van de Weimarrepubliek tussen 1923 en 1933. Dit wordt verklaard door antisemitisme, antimarxisme, het charisma van Hitler en de propaganda over de Volksgemeinschaft. Het sociale beleid van de partij, de dolkstootlegende en het Verdrag van Versailles speelden een aanzienlijk kleinere rol. De Abel papers zijn gebruikt al primaire bronnen.

The notion of " propaganda " turned up for the first time in Europe in the year of 1622 when the Pope XV. Gregory decided to establish a subsidiary institution to the church called " Sacra Congregatio Christiana Nomini Propaganda " so as... more

The notion of " propaganda " turned up for the first time in Europe in the year of 1622 when the Pope XV. Gregory decided to establish a subsidiary institution to the church called " Sacra Congregatio Christiana Nomini Propaganda " so as to spread the teachings of Catholicism and also struggle against the harmful effects of Protestant church in a more efficient way. Forasmuch as numerous definitions, applications and academic studies have been done in this respect from then on, the framework of the notion have broadened step by step. The most distinguished examples of the concept on the practical level are Lenin's and Hitler's techniques of propaganda. They both made a greater theoretical and practical contribution to the notion than anybody else in history to make it go ahead and also to be more popular and applicable all over the world. Adolf Hitler's techniques of propaganda include some elements from Lenin's way of propaganda since he lived after V. I. Lenin's era. Despite lots of negative meanings have been loaded onto the notion of propaganda from those times, it has always been the most influential means especially in the political arena at the same time.

Einsatzgruppen (German for "task forces", [1] "deployment groups"; [2] singular Einsatzgruppe; official full name Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD) were Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary death squads of Nazi Germany that... more

Einsatzgruppen (German for "task forces", [1] "deployment groups"; [2] singular Einsatzgruppe; official full name Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD) were Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary death squads of Nazi Germany that were responsible for mass killings, primarily by shooting, during World War II. The Einsatzgruppen had a leading role in the implementation of the Final Solution of the Jewish question (Die Endlösung der Judenfrage) in territories conquered by Nazi Germany.

Cet ouvrage raconte l’incroyable histoire du citoyen romain le plus célèbre du Moyen Âge, Cola di Rienzo (1313-1354). Homme instruit et brillant, il subjugue les foules par de beaux discours, rêve de rendre Rome à son antique gloire et... more

Cet ouvrage raconte l’incroyable histoire du citoyen romain le plus célèbre du Moyen Âge, Cola di Rienzo (1313-1354). Homme instruit et brillant, il subjugue les foules par de beaux discours, rêve de rendre Rome à son antique gloire et prend le pouvoir en 1347. Il a alors trente-quatre ans. Visionnaire politique, humaniste ou encore homme de foi attiré par des idéaux de réforme révolutionnaires, il est considéré à l'époque romantique comme un précurseur de l’Unité italienne. Personnalité complexe, ambitieux et plein de contradictions, il n’hésite pas à se mettre en scène dans de superbes cérémonies, s’imaginant déjà empereur. Il connaîtra toutefois une fin tragique.
Cette nouvelle biographie illumine ce personnage hors du commun qui possédait l’art inné d’utiliser les mots pour séduire et convaincre. L'Auteur décrypte les ressorts d’une propagande qui permit à cet homme du peuple d’accéder au pouvoir. Il nous amène ainsi à réfléchir sur le thème toujours d’actualité de la dangereuse puissance de la propagande et des rhétoriques populistes.

Abstract Denne opgave indeholder en beskrivelse, komparativ analyse og diskussion af propaganda anvendt i dokumentarfilm. Der tages udgangspunkt i to forekomster af propaganda: nazisternes brug af propaganda før og under 2. Verdenskrig... more

Denne opgave indeholder en beskrivelse, komparativ analyse og diskussion af propaganda anvendt i dokumentarfilm. Der tages udgangspunkt i to forekomster af propaganda: nazisternes brug af propaganda før og under 2. Verdenskrig eksemplificeret i ”Triumph des Willens”(1934) og propaganda omkring den globale opvarmning, med fokus på Al Gores ”An Inconvenient Truth”(2006) og ”Home”(2009).
Vi har brugt disse eksempler til at søge svar på spørgsmålene: Hvad er propaganda? Hvad er ”branding”? Hvordan kan disse to begreber spille sammen?
Med fokus på de nævnte film har vi ud fra en analyse desuden søgt svar på om der kan tales om den samme slags propaganda i begge tilfælde, til trods for at der er tale om to meget forskellige mål disse propagandakampagner?
Hvilke forskelle og ligheder findes der i disse film, betragtet som propaganda? Hvilken forskel gør det at disse er lavet med cirka 70 års mellemrum?
Analysen udføres med udgangspunkt i bl.a. Meyrowitz teorier om kanalisering af information via medier, samt Jørgen Bangs teori om medieret kommunikation. Desuden har vi anvendt en del andre kilder omhandlende de to propagandakampagner som vi fokuserer på her.

The chapter uses the methods of psychobiography and object relations theory to conduct a single-case study of the life and loves of German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003). Leni's childhood home was dominated by her father, who had... more

The chapter uses the methods of psychobiography and object relations theory to conduct a single-case study of the life and loves of German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003). Leni's childhood home was dominated by her father, who had to be cajoled, and sometimes outright deceived, into supporting his daughter's desire to enter a career in the performing arts. Unfortunately, Leni's success was often her worst enemy: Just as she evaded her father Albert's censorious glance, so did she avoid the barbs of German film critics by gaining Adolf Hitler as her patron until the fall of the Nazi regime in 1945. At this time, Leni lost not only her marriage and her film career, but even her sanity, if only for a short time. The chapter shows, through a Fairbairnian analysis, how Leni adapted to the disaster that was her early career by reinventing herself as a photographer of African tribes. Also, in her romantic life, she changed tacks. Compared with her late-in-life companion Horst Kettner, Leni's early romances were relatively shallow either because her counterpart was too involved in promoting her career (Harry Sokal) or too far removed from her working life (Peter Jacob).

Howard Gruber, a founder member of Psychologists for Social Action, reviewed the dissertation. His review, dated May 7, 1978, as Parkovnick (2015) points out, "... is worth quoting in full, as it captures the very essence of the... more

This article looks at one of the most important propaganda poster campaigns in Germany and Britain which was to caution people against the spies and to not let out any secrets. The 'Careless Talk Cost Lives' campaign in Britain and the... more

This article looks at one of the most important propaganda poster campaigns in Germany and Britain which was to caution people against the spies and to not let out any secrets. The 'Careless Talk Cost Lives' campaign in Britain and the 'Shadow Campaign' in Germany catered to this sentiment through a publication of a number of posters during the war. The article through the analysis of anti-spy posters tries to locate the specific target groups of these posters. The various aspects such as 'characterization' as well as the representation of 'the enemy' in these posters have been studied too within the parameters of propaganda devices used to ignite the sensitivities of the audience more than rationale.

Unlike many other publications on Nazi culture, this book is not primarily about what has been called "the Nazification of the arts," based upon state-supported use of the arts for propaganda, a curtailment of freedom in art criticism,... more

Unlike many other publications on Nazi culture, this book is not primarily about what has been called "the Nazification of the arts," based upon state-supported use of the arts for propaganda, a curtailment of freedom in art criticism, and the political and legal Gleichschaltung, "the forcing into conformity" under a hierarchical, dictatorial leadership (Führerprinzip) of all aspects of the various branches of national and local government, the civil service, education, public finance, business, the professions, and the arts. To complement earlier studies of Gleichschaltung, the essays in this anthology explore the underlying beliefs of the Nazi racist state as they were developed and propagated in various fields of artistic activity.

First-year Undergraduate Student research paper - Bachelor of Applied Science in Psychology.