Olympic History Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Kivonat. A szerző a 2012-es londoni olimpiai játékok társadalmi hatásait taglalja, kiemelten a városi térben végbement folyamatokat és a jövőben várható következményeket a városszociológia fo-galomtárát használva. Arra a következtetésre... more

Kivonat. A szerző a 2012-es londoni olimpiai játékok társadalmi hatásait taglalja, kiemelten a városi térben végbement folyamatokat és a jövőben várható következményeket a városszociológia fo-galomtárát használva. Arra a következtetésre jut, hogy a 2012-es kiadású nyári játékok pozitív ha-tásai az előzetes tervezés, valamint a tudatos városépítészeti terveknek köszönhetőek, ugyanakkor valós kockázatokat is jelent Kelet-London szegényebb népessége számára, akik a rehabilitációs pro-jektek nyomán létrejövő ingatlanpiaci változások és dzsentrifikáció miatt nyomás alá kerülhetnek. Abstract. Autorul tratează efectele sociale ale olimpiadei de vară din 2012 găzduite de Londra cu accent pe consecințele din spațiul urban utilizând terminologia specifică sociologiei urbane. Drept concluzie se afirmă următoarele: consecințele pozitive semnificative ale demersului sunt rezultatul unei planificării economice, sociale, teritoriale, dar pot fi trasate și unele efecte negative, în special în cazul populației sărace din East London. Aceste categorii sunt puse sub presiune datorită schim-bării structurii pieței imobiliare din zonă și a procesului de gentrificare. Abstract. What Remains after Olympics? The Social and Spacial Effects of Queen Elisabeth Olympic Park, London The author focuses on the social and spatial effects of the 2012 London Olympics. She argues that the resulting positive effects are the outcome of the planning policy with some possible negative consequences. For example the poor population of East London now become highly exposed to risk due to the structural changes of the real estate market and the rapid gentrification process.

A protokoll, azon belül a sportprotokoll és sportrendezvényszervezés oktatásához készített egyetemi könyv összeállítása jól felépített, egymásra logikusan alapuló részekből tevődik össze, kezdve az ókori pánhellén játékok bemutatásával... more

A protokoll, azon belül a sportprotokoll és sportrendezvényszervezés oktatásához készített egyetemi könyv összeállítása jól felépített, egymásra logikusan alapuló részekből tevődik össze, kezdve az ókori pánhellén játékok bemutatásával az újkori Olimpiák protokoll és rendezvényszervezési szempontú részletes ismertetésén keresztül a hazai rendezésű világversenyek megvalósításásáig vezeti az Olvasót az egyes folyamatok legelemibb lépéseibe és fázisaiba.

The 1964 XVIII Olympiad enabled the Japanese to take a breather from their breakneck economic growth, and reflect on and celebrate in collective joy. Pulling it off was a big test that Japan passed with flying colors thanks to a stunning... more

The 1964 XVIII Olympiad enabled the Japanese to take a breather from their breakneck economic growth, and reflect on and celebrate in collective joy. Pulling it off was a big test that Japan passed with flying colors thanks to a stunning alignment of purpose across government, corporations, educational institutions, and local neighborhoods. In the aftermath, Japan was a nation reborn-young, confident, world-beaters.

The modern Olympic Games started with a modest, but international event in Athens in 1896, the result of a long preparation process launched by Baron De Coubertin. Some ancient elements were included, but as a whole these and subsequent... more

The modern Olympic Games started with a modest, but international event in Athens in 1896, the result of a long preparation process launched by Baron De Coubertin. Some ancient elements were included, but as a whole these and subsequent Olympics were purely modern manifestations. Several classical references in the modern games were only introduced in the 1936 games which took place in a sinister Nazi Berlin. Here the organizers, in the context of a temporarily international and 'open to the world' national socialism, connected classical antiquity to contemporary ideology and instrumentalized ancient body culture as expressions of the ideology of Aryanism and German superiority. These claims of the Nazi games on antiquity form the subject of this contribution.

London is 2012 after 1908 and 1948 for the third time the venue of the Olympic Games. The importance of the metropolis for the Olympic Movement does not only derive from the date of their holding but also from their architectonic... more

London is 2012 after 1908 and 1948 for the third time the venue of the Olympic Games. The importance of the metropolis for the Olympic Movement does not only derive from the date of their holding but also from their architectonic herit-age. The White City Stadium as the major venue of 1908 is a milestone of Olympic Architecture. Its design was for the first time assigned to functionality. In the need of the postwar period the 1948 tournament was a masterpiece of organizational skill in the first place. The scale for 2012 is the creation of a leg-acy that includes the architecture and its sustainability.

Throughout the first fifty years of their reign in Greece, the Danish dynasty of Glücksborg struggled to win over their notoriously disinterested subjects. This essay investigates how between 1896 and 1906 Crown Prince Constantine of... more

Throughout the first fifty years of their reign in Greece, the Danish dynasty of Glücksborg struggled to win over their notoriously disinterested subjects. This essay investigates how between 1896 and 1906 Crown Prince Constantine of Greece, the eldest son of King George I, managed to become a popular national figure by choosing the fields of archeology and athleticism as his special areas of engagement. By presiding over the first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896, the Interim Olympic Games in 1906, and the first International Archaeological Congress in 1905, Constantine tapped into the formative myths of Modern Greek national identity. He advertised Greece’s “cultural capital” to the world and thus also represented the country’s aspirations to regional power as well as international recognition.

This article presents biographical overviews and details of the sporting careers of cousins Alfred and Gustav Flatow, one of the greatest gymnasts in the history of modern era German sport, born in Danzig and Berent (nowadays Gdańsk and... more

This article presents biographical overviews and details of the sporting careers of cousins Alfred and Gustav Flatow, one of the greatest gymnasts in the history of modern era German sport, born in Danzig and Berent (nowadays Gdańsk and Kościerzyna). At a young age, the athletes proved that – owing to their determination and hard work – it was possible to qualify for the national team and partake at the Olympic Games, and then show the world their extraordinary skills, thus demonstrating the German gymnastic power. Although they spent the last years of their lives in the Netherlands, where they emigrated, today they are considered to be the undisputed victims of the Nazi genocide among Jewish-German Olympic gymnasts. In recent years, in both Poland and Germany, they have been commemorated in different ways.

Actualmente, el Movimiento Olímpico identifica tres valores fundamentales que definen el Olimpismo: excelencia, amistad y respeto. Muchas investigaciones analizan la inclusión de los valores olímpicos en los textos y conferencias de... more

Actualmente, el Movimiento Olímpico identifica tres valores fundamentales que definen el
Olimpismo: excelencia, amistad y respeto. Muchas investigaciones analizan la inclusión de
los valores olímpicos en los textos y conferencias de Pierre de Coubertin, sin embargo,
poco se ha escrito sobre los valores asociados a la práctica física y competitiva en la Grecia
Clásica y la vinculación de estos con los valores del ideario olímpico moderno. Este
trabajo estudia la pervivencia de aquellos valores clásicos dentro de los que hoy recoge el
Movimiento Olímpico y cómo podemos establecer un paralelismo entre los valores
defendidos por el Olimpismo moderno y el código ético subyacente en la literatura
grecolatina, en cuanto a la actividad física y la celebración de los certámenes atléticos.

Olympiska spelen i Stockholm 1912 skulle inte bara vara atleternas tävling. Pierre de Coubertins dröm var att återuppliva de antika idealen och ge plats för både konst, musik, litteratur och arkitektur. Men tävlingarna fick en undanskymd... more

Olympiska spelen i Stockholm 1912 skulle inte bara vara atleternas
tävling. Pierre de Coubertins dröm var att återuppliva de antika idealen
och ge plats för både konst, musik, litteratur och arkitektur. Men
tävlingarna fick en undanskymd roll och mötte starkt motstånd i Sverige.

The aim of the present article is to characterize a multi-sport event, The Friendship Games were held between 2 July and 16 September 16 1984 in nine states of the former Eastern Bloc. A special regard is given to the social, political,... more

The aim of the present article is to characterize a multi-sport event, The Friendship Games were held between 2 July and 16 September 16 1984 in nine states of the former Eastern Bloc. A special regard is given to the social, political, cultural and legacy aspects of this event. Historical methods, mainly the source analysis with elements of the content analysis, served as research tools. An important aspect of the research was personal and private notes and memorabilia of Jacek Sobkowiak, a silver medallist of the Friendship Games who was a Finn class sailor. The second part of the article is devoted to Friendhip 84’ in the light of dissonant sporting heritage.

In a 1935 radio address, Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic movement, elucidated his concept of the religio athletae when he stated, “the ancient as well as the modern Olympic Games have one most important feature in... more

In a 1935 radio address, Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic movement, elucidated his concept of the religio athletae when he stated, “the ancient as well as the modern Olympic Games have one most important feature in common: they are a religion.” By reconsidering Olympic ceremony as religious ritual, a new avenue of scholarship is opened whereby one may examine the dogma of Olympic performance in context to the history of popular entertainment. My study contrasts and compares the games of St. Louis 1904 and Berlin 1936. While the Berlin games or “Nazi Olympics” have long been remembered for their manipulation of the Thingspiel and nationalistic propaganda to promote white-supremacy, I argue that the often overlooked St. Louis games had a similar agenda, showcased in the performative competitions of “anthropology days” (which exploited “primitives” from around the world to support racial stratification). By engineering the religiosity and charisma of Olympism to support their own hegemonic ideologies, the organizers of the St. Louis and Berlin Games created a racist agenda in the midst of a celebration that was intended to be “a harmonious pursuit of physical, moral, cultural, and artistic excellence.”

Olympia is a major archeological site in Greece, where once the ancient Olympic games were initiated as part of religious festival and prayer for Greek god Zeus and other Gods & Goddesses. Despite its name and carry forward tradition to... more

Olympia is a major archeological site in Greece, where once the ancient Olympic games were initiated as part of religious festival and prayer for Greek god Zeus and other Gods & Goddesses. Despite its name and carry forward tradition to modern Olympic games, the site is no where near Mount Olympus where most Greek gods and goddesses believed to have resided. This short narrative describe history of Olympic tradition and its archeological ruins during my visit to sanctuary.

O presente trabalho visa apontar a deficiência da legislação brasileira no que tange à classificação dos atletas como profissionais e não-profissionais, propondo uma reforma das normas que versam sobre o tema. Para tanto, será estudado o... more

O presente trabalho visa apontar a deficiência da legislação brasileira no que tange à classificação dos atletas como profissionais e não-profissionais, propondo uma reforma das normas que versam sobre o tema. Para tanto, será estudado o histórico da atuação dos amadores e dos profissionais no desporto, regido pela Carta Olímpica, editada pelo Comitê Olímpico Internacional. A partir da conclusão acerca do atual tratamento que a Carta Olímpica confere à elegibilidade dos atletas, serão analisadas as normas emanadas das Federações Internacionais responsáveis pelas modalidades que integram o programa dos Jogos Olímpicos Londres 2012, de modo que se verifique se há algum óbice à integral profissionalização do desporto de rendimento no Brasil.

The Olympic Movement underwent a period of profound change in the interwar years. A generational shift occurred as Pierre de Coubertin’s reign came to an end, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) under the presidency of Comte... more

The Olympic Movement underwent a period of profound change in the interwar years. A generational shift occurred as Pierre de Coubertin’s reign came to an end, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) under the presidency of Comte Henri de Baillet-Latour, embarked on a renewed mission to create a more standardized amateur definition. The IOC also took a tougher stance on the involvement of, and the authority it afforded to, its affiliated international sports federations (ISFs) for Olympic event preparations. Relations between the IOC and the ISFs inevitably grew strained. The case of Olympic lawn tennis presents an interesting lens through which to view shifting organizational relations. Frustrated by the dogmatic approach of Baillet-Latour and the IOC, the International Lawn Tennis Federation (ILTF) sought to reassert its authority over Olympic tennis. In the years leading up to the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam, the ILTF demanded representation on the IOC, and also imposed a definition of an amateur that directly contravened the more stringent amateur standards imposed by Olympic officials in Lausanne. Both sides refused to concede ground, culminating in the eventual removal of lawn tennis from the 1928 Amsterdam Olympic program and thereafter for over sixty years.

In this richly illustrated catalogue of the ANS exhibit, "Full Circle: The Olympic Heritage in Coins and Medals," the author examines the role that numismatic material relating to both the ancient and modern Games has played in social and... more

In this richly illustrated catalogue of the ANS exhibit, "Full Circle: The Olympic Heritage in Coins and Medals," the author examines the role that numismatic material relating to both the ancient and modern Games has played in social and political contexts. In addition to the introductory essay, the catalogue provides a brief overview of the history of the Games and discusses over 130 objects, including ancient Greek coins, vases and sporting equipment, as well as modern medals, coins, and Olympic ephemera.

This work is the translation and enrichment of an Italian text of 2010. It is a reconstruction of the 1936 expedition to Berlin by a demonstration team from Wushu that relies mainly on Chinese sources, reported in written articles... more

This work is the translation and enrichment of an Italian text of 2010. It is a reconstruction of the 1936 expedition to Berlin by a demonstration team from Wushu that relies mainly on Chinese sources, reported in written articles awaiting the 2009 Beijing Olympics. For this reason the tones are often hagiographic and celebratory. The interesting description of the techniques is expressed in a poetic and grandiose way, but also quite precise and recognizable. The report of the German Olympic Committee (1937) would seem to confirm this narrative and the fact that the Chinese demonstration was truly special.
The debacle of the sports delegation once again leads to a humiliation of the Chinese people (sick man of Asia), avenged through the strength and mastery of the athletes of Guoshu. There’s no shortage of mysteries, like the ninth man on the team.

IN 1989, I visited the Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow to study the training of Russian athletes. It's always been a mystery to much of the Western Hemisphere how Russian athletes would dominate the sport of Olympic Weightlifting.... more

IN 1989, I visited the Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow to study the training of Russian athletes. It's always been a mystery to much of the Western Hemisphere how Russian athletes would dominate the sport of Olympic Weightlifting. My focus for this trip was to gather information concerning the secrets of the Soviet strength culture. I conducted many interviews (interpreter-aided) and videotaped the training sessions and exhibitions for a television series I was producing. Aside from the types of exercises, volume of training loads, and workout duration and frequency, I was eager to learn about the ergogenic and/or enhancement-substances the Russians were using to augment athletic performance and strength, including their use of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances and treatments. The answers to many of my questions were most effectively addressed by Victor Sheynkin. Sheynkin, a former Soviet national champion Weightlifter himself had now become a Soviet Olympic Weightlifting Coach and the Chief Secretary of Strongman Events which included Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, Arm Wrestling and Olympic Weightlifting. Here's some excerpts from those interviews which (again) took place in 1989...

In this article, we conducted a historiographical study on the phenomenon of Olympism centered on the historical period that covers from the theoretical disappearance the Olympic Games of Antiquity (392) to the celebration of the first... more

In this article, we conducted a historiographical study on the phenomenon of Olympism centered on the historical period that covers from the theoretical disappearance the Olympic Games of Antiquity (392) to the celebration of the first Olympic Games of the Modern Era (1896). In the first place, we analyze the historical fact that supposedly meant the decline of the Olympic Games, with the Edict of Theodosius, and the main causes of its disappearance.
Then, with the suspicion that Olympism did not die then, we make a historical tour through the various attempts to restore the Olympic Games, located spatially and temporally in its historical referent. Finally, after the historical analysis carried out, we concluded that the Olympic Games of antiquity did not cease with the Edict of Theodosius I, and that they remained very alive in different versions, making possible, from a historiographical point of view, that the legacy of classical Greek Olympism Do not fade, to revive which Ave Phoenix and end up shaping the greatest show in the world.

In this research, we discuss women's struggle for their right to be part of sport as a human achievement with values and morals. The methodology used in this study is an analytical approach, mainly focused on the historical and cultural... more

In this research, we discuss women's struggle for their right to be part of sport as a human achievement with values and morals. The methodology used in this study is an analytical approach, mainly focused on the historical and cultural dimensions through analyzing situations and events women faced in general, particularly Arab women. With consideration of the involvement of official bodies across supporting projects and laws issued by parliament and the commitment of supervising ministries and institutions in its application on one hand, and highlighting efforts and struggle of non-governmental organizations on the other hand, working on the international, and national level, such as: the International Olympic Committee and its national branches with the UNESCO, and the Arab League. In this study, we trace the events from the ancient Olympic Games of the Greek era, in which women were banned from participating, for explicit ideological and religious reasons until, the re-establishment of Olympic Games. In 1894, the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin established the International Olympic Committee; which in turn prevented women from participating fully in Olympics until 1928, followed by the struggle of Arab women in order to gain their right to participate in sports. We concluded the article with the following: the path to women's participation in sport has taken an upward trend, with consideration of the influence of economic, cultural, political and social changes that have affected the modern Arab society.

Río de Janeiro, agosto de 2016, albergue de la primera cita en Sudamérica en 120 años de Juegos Olímpicos de verano en su edición XXXI. La historia de los Juegos modernos se asocia, invariablemente, con la transición entre el siglo XIX y... more

Río de Janeiro, agosto de 2016, albergue de la primera cita en Sudamérica en 120 años de Juegos Olímpicos de verano en su edición XXXI. La historia de los Juegos modernos se asocia, invariablemente, con la transición entre el siglo XIX y el XX como lo mostrará el historiador Jean Saint-Martin, el recorrido del siglo XX y las primeras décadas del actual milenio tal como lo plasmarán los autores de este número. Pasadas las ediciones de Atenas 2004, Pekín 2008 y Londres 2012, la expectativa por los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro 2016 aparece en escena, en un contexto donde vale la pena detenerse para apuntar algunas cuestiones que formarán parte de la historia que se escribirá en el futuro.

The contemporary Asia is not only in the process of making industrialization and democratization, but also establishing Asian homogeneity and intercommunity through universal cultural phenomenon of sports originated from the West. This... more

The contemporary Asia is not only in the process of making industrialization and democratization, but also establishing Asian homogeneity and intercommunity through universal cultural phenomenon of sports originated from the West. This paper is a personal article to observe the future of Asian traditional martial arts through Allen Guttmann's seven characteristics of modern sport. Future Asia, especially Northeast Asia; South Korea, China, and Japan are likely to become the world leading powerhouses based on their infinite potentialities in human, material, and ideological resources. The Olympics will be hosted by the three Asian countries in 4 years: 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics in South Korea, 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics in Japan, and 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in China respectively. I had examined which types of efforts like as globalization, study, legislation have been put into traditional Asian martial arts after the modernization in Asia. Moreover, discussions regarding impediments to the efforts and measures for improvement are provided. Asian martial arts have been transformed in forms and contents at last will be change the notion of characteristics of modern sports Guttmann proposes is prominent.

This paper is analyzing the revival of the Olympic Games and their celebration in Athens (1896) not within the context of a continuity from ancient times to the nineteenth century, but, on the contrary, within the framework of the great... more

This paper is analyzing the revival of the Olympic Games and their celebration in Athens (1896) not within the context of a continuity from ancient times to the nineteenth century, but, on the contrary, within the framework of the great changes – economic, social, ideological, cultural – which took place in Western societies from the eighteenth century on. I will try to show why Olympism was successful both in Europe and in Greece in late 19 th century and to interpret the revival of an ancient institution and the first Olympic Games in the light of concurrence of internationalism and nationalism.

Many of today's sports were practiced by ancient Egyptians, as described by many paintings and relief scenes depicted on the walls of ancient temples and tombs all over Egypt. Thousands of years ago, Ancient Egyptians laid down the basic... more

Many of today's sports were practiced by ancient Egyptians, as described by many paintings and relief scenes depicted on the walls of ancient temples and tombs all over Egypt.
Thousands of years ago, Ancient Egyptians laid down the basic rules for competitive games. They chose neutral referees, uniforms for each team in multiplayer games, and celebrated winners by dressing them with different necklaces.
Ancient Egyptians even held many local and international sports competitions and festivals where the best athletes from other countries participated. Prizes were given to the winners to encourage them. These competitions were ruled by judges from Mittani Empire (between northern of Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq) and Canaanites cities (Palestine, Lebanon and Syria) and Nubia cities (Southern of Egypt and Sudan). Ancient Egyptian kings, princes, and statesmen were keen on attending sports competitions, which they encouraged and provided with the necessary equipment.
Popular individual sports such as hunting, fishing, boxing, javelin throwing, wrestling, gymnastics, weightlifting, and rowing and the ancient Egyptian version of hockey were the most popular team sports, and a form tug-of-war. Archery was popular as well, but primarily limited to the royalty and nobility.
Sporting events in ancient Egypt were part of the religious rituals and festivals honoring the gods. Participants often staged simulated battles between Horus and Set's followers to celebrate Horus' victory and celebrate the harmony and balance over the forces of chaos.
This essay focuses on four aspects of sports in Ancient Egypt: the role of sports in society, sports of the nobility, ancient Egyptian sports that later became Olympic sports, and the invention of the Jubilee and its celebration.

The British colony of Southern Rhodesia, later governed by a white settler minority as unilaterally-independent Rhodesia, practiced racial segregation in many spheres, including education, health care access, and political participation.... more

The British colony of Southern Rhodesia, later governed by a white settler minority as unilaterally-independent Rhodesia, practiced racial segregation in many spheres, including education, health care access, and political participation. Though racial segregation tended to exist on a less formal level than in Rhodesia's neighbor, apartheid South Africa, segregationist policies were nonetheless invasive and virtually complete in some areas. Sport was a heavily contested sphere, in which pockets of black African autonomy and advancement existed alongside near-complete white domination, largely, but not entirely, free of government intrusion. This article is an attempt to develop a working hypothesis of racial discrimination in Rhodesian sport, discrimination that was never as formal or as complete as in South Africa, but which nonetheless provided a firm foundation for Rhodesia's exclusion from international sporting competition in the 1970s.

This article discusses the aesthetic heritage of gymnastics in Olympic competition. It will identify some of the aesthetic features emerging from cultural exercise and cultural sport generally, which in turn may constitute a concept of... more

This article discusses the aesthetic heritage of gymnastics in Olympic competition. It will identify some of the aesthetic features emerging from cultural exercise and cultural sport generally, which in turn may constitute a concept of “gymnastics”. The article highlights the political, social and religious pressures on the use of sport and exercise through time which has seemingly contributed to the notion of aesthetic evaluation in gymnastics. Aesthetic features of Men’s Artistic Gymnastics in the Modern Olympic Games are identifiable, seemingly stemming directly from its historical descendants at the Ancient Olympics. There are also major aesthetic milestones in the history of gymnastics, post the Games of Antiquity, which may guide us towards an aesthetic evaluation within the modern day sport. A culture’s history informs its stock of knowledge to evaluate quality in its sporting products. When this history is so diverse and clouded with political and social compromise how might a shared notion of quality emerge from judges and the viewing public as to who is the best gymnast at a given Olympic competition? This paper strives to shed some light upon the aesthetic heritage of gymnastics in order that we might understand, appreciate and evaluate gymnastic products at the Olympics as distinctive and valuable, and culturally-bound contributions to international sport.