Optical fiber Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Passive optical network (PON) is one of the most successful broadband access architectures being deployed worldwide. PONs provide high capacity, increased reach, and low-power consumption at a very reasonable cost, on par with the cost of... more

Passive optical network (PON) is one of the most successful broadband access architectures being deployed worldwide. PONs provide high capacity, increased reach, and low-power consumption at a very reasonable cost, on par with the cost of DSL deployments today. This paper provides an overview of present and emerging PON technologies, and discusses PON's important role in the evolution of optical access from the architectural perspective. While describing the evolution of optical access architecture, we present two important integration options: optical+wireless access integration and metro+access integration. Potential PON capacity upgrades are discussed with special emphasis on achieving a seamless upgrade. We evaluate different PON evolution strategies in the context of next-generation PON, where gradual, demand-based migration demonstrates a number of significant benefits.

Nanoparticle-doped optical fibers are causing significant scientific interest in different application fields. Nanoparticle-doping of silica glass layers during optical fiber preform fabrication was so far reported by sol-gel and solution... more

Nanoparticle-doped optical fibers are causing significant scientific interest in different application fields. Nanoparticle-doping of silica glass layers during optical fiber preform fabrication was so far reported by sol-gel and solution doping processes, by flame hydrolysis spraying and by pulling hollow cylinders from nanoparticle suspensions. A new method for fabrication of high quality nanoparticle-doped fibers is suggested. Proposed method is based on "flash vaporization" deposition process, previously reported as method to fabricate rare earth- and metal ion-doped specialty optical fibers. Experiments were made where SiO2 layers were deposited using "flash vaporization"-equipped MCVD system, adding vapors carrying metal or oxide nanoparticles into deposition zone. Analysis of produced preforms confirms presence of nanoparticles in deposited layers, albeit with low deposition rate due to weak thermophoretic forces acting on very small particles or agglomerations. Based on results, a number of improvements were suggested and implemented in fabrication process, device design and choice of precursor materials. "Flash vaporization" method was demonstrated as suitable method for deposition of nanoparticles in silica layers, permitting in-situ fabrication of complete preforms, providing easy upgrade path for existing MCVD and OVD deposition systems and allowing simultaneous co-doping by a wide range of other co-dopants.

Keratometry is currently achieved by projecting a circular mire onto the patient's cornea and analyzing the size and shape of its reflected image. The projection mires are decisive for the precision of the measurement. We have... more

Keratometry is currently achieved by projecting a circular mire onto the patient's cornea and analyzing the size and shape of its reflected image. The projection mires are decisive for the precision of the measurement. We have previously developed a keratometric module for slit lamps, and the development of four projection mires are presented. Mire 1 is composed of optical fibers and electrical cables; Mire 2, 48 LEDs; Mire 3, optical fibers and no electrical cables; and Mire 4, mechanical parts--cable free. Mires 2-4 provide accurate keratometry measurements at slit lamps. Mire 4 is the most adequate for the clinical environment.

Advanced modulation formats can enable >40 Gb/s data rates in waveguide-based optical interconnects without the need for high-specification optoelectronic components. Record 56Gb/s PAM-4 data transmission is demonstrated over a 1 m-long... more

Advanced modulation formats can enable >40 Gb/s data rates in waveguide-based optical interconnects without the need for high-specification optoelectronic components. Record 56Gb/s PAM-4 data transmission is demonstrated over a 1 m-long multimode polymer waveguide.

An optical biosensor based on vegetal cells entrapped in an inorganic translucent matrix and fluorescence detection has been developed. The biosensor uses Chlorella vulgaris immobilized in a translucent support produced from sol–gel... more

An optical biosensor based on vegetal cells entrapped in an inorganic translucent matrix and fluorescence detection has been developed. The biosensor uses Chlorella vulgaris immobilized in a translucent support produced from sol–gel technology. The translucence of the structure enables the algal active layer to be placed directly in contact with the optical fibers for fluorescence detection. This configuration has many advantages over the use of an opaque support because no space between the optical fibers and the active layer is required to collect fluorescence. This reagentless biosensor allows determination of diuron as an anti-PSII herbicide and its long term activity is assessed.

Summary form only given. Telecommunications has continued to push optical fibers towards ever-more demanding applications-such as high bit rates, dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM), and long distances-and in response there has... more

Summary form only given. Telecommunications has continued to push optical fibers towards ever-more demanding applications-such as high bit rates, dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM), and long distances-and in response there has been renewed interest in alternative fiber designs to lift fundamental limitations of silica fibers. A particularly exciting departure from traditional fibers are fibers based on photonic band gaps, forbidden frequency

Artur Dybko, Światłowodowy czujnik do pomiaru stężenia jonów hydroniowych, Praca dyplomowa magisterska, Instytut Podstaw Elektroniki, Politechnika Warszawska, 1990 (okładka, spis treści, dedykacja) Wstęp, Przegląd konstrukcji... more

Artur Dybko, Światłowodowy czujnik do pomiaru stężenia jonów hydroniowych, Praca dyplomowa magisterska, Instytut Podstaw Elektroniki, Politechnika Warszawska, 1990 (okładka, spis treści, dedykacja)
Przegląd konstrukcji pH-metrów światłowodowych,
Wybór metody pomiarowyej,
Wyniki prac doświadczalnych,
Sugestie dalszych prac,
Dodatek chemiczny

The study of new nanostructured transparent materials in order to control the permeability properties of the objects is a very interesting field of research due to its enormous applications in optical and electronics among others. With... more

The study of new nanostructured transparent materials in order to control the permeability properties of the objects is a very interesting field of research due to its enormous applications in optical and electronics among others. With the aim of achieving superhydrophilic coatings it is very important to control some coating parameters such as the water affinity of the coating materials and the overall thickness and roughness at the nanometer scale. In this work transparent superhydrophilic ultra-thin coatings have been fabricated with the Layer-by-Layer (LbL) technique using different diameter SiO2 nanoparticles. These coatings were characterized to optimize their behavior and were applied to optical fiber substrates in order to create superhydrophilic optical interferometric cavities. These cavities show an optical response to Relative Humidity (RH) variations that are suitable for high performance sensing applications such as human-breathing monitoring.

Optical fibers are utilized widely for data transmission systems because of their capacity to carry extensive information and dielectric nature. Network architectures utilizing multiple wavelengths per optical fiber are used in central,... more

Optical fibers are utilized widely for data transmission systems because of their capacity to carry extensive information and dielectric nature. Network architectures utilizing multiple wavelengths per optical fiber are used in central, metropolitan, or broad‐area applications to link thousands of users with a vast range of transmission speeds and capacities. A powerful feature of an optical communication link is sending several wavelengths through the 1300‐to‐1600‐ nm range of a fibre simultaneously. The technology of integrating several wavelengths onto a similar fiber is called wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The principle of WDM utilized in concurrence with optical amplifiers has an outcome in communication links that permit rapid communications among users in the world's countries. This paper presents an overview of the challenges of fibre optic communication. This paper offers an outline of the areas to be the most relevant for the future advancement of optical com...

We present simulation results for 192 Gb/s (16 ×12) OTDM transmission with different time delays over standard fiber G.652. The optical 192 Gb/s to 12 Gb/s demultiplexing (OTDM) is used and the results compared with 160 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s... more

We present simulation results for 192 Gb/s (16 ×12) OTDM transmission with different time delays over standard fiber G.652. The optical 192 Gb/s to 12 Gb/s demultiplexing (OTDM) is used and the results compared with 160 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s OTDM demultiplexing. The observations show the feasibility of an error free 192 Gb/s OTDM transmission with a minimum time delay of 1 ps which yields BER as low as 3.38E-89 while the minimum BER obtained at 1 ps time delay for 160 Gb/s OTDM is 1.21E-244, which is practically error free.

The electrostriction contribution to the nonlinear refractive index in optical fiber was theoretically calculated and measured. Nonlinearity was induced directly by insertion of the optical fiber into an intense external electric field.... more

The electrostriction contribution to the nonlinear refractive index in optical fiber was theoretically calculated and measured. Nonlinearity was induced directly by insertion of the optical fiber into an intense external electric field. With this technique both the Kerr and the electrostrictive contributions to the intensity dependence of the nonlinear refractive index in a step-index fiber were measured. Good agreement between

Continuous flow generation of Br 2 , Cl 2 and H 2 S coupled to a low-power 2.45 GHz microwave microstrip He plasma exiting from a capillary gas channel in a micro-fabricated sapphire wafer with microstrip lines has been used for the... more

Continuous flow generation of Br 2 , Cl 2 and H 2 S coupled to a low-power 2.45 GHz microwave microstrip He plasma exiting from a capillary gas channel in a micro-fabricated sapphire wafer with microstrip lines has been used for the optical emission spectrometric determination ...